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President’s Message
featuring berlin writing award essay: “don’t shoot the messenger” by sarah danforth
In this edition of Worcester Medicine, Dr. David Hatem has beautifully curated and edited a paean to Humanities in Medicine. It reminds us that while there has been an explosion in our understanding of the molecular, biochemical, and epidemiological basis of disease and how our bodies work mechanically along with computer aided ability to analyze almost incomprehensible amounts of data, all physicians remain part of a human experience –shared not only with each other and our patients, but also with everyone who has spent time on our planet. We are fortunate that even ancient experience is accessible to us through art, music, and literature. It can sustain and nurture the nobler aspect of being a person and a doctor, and certainly can help teach us important things about the practice of medicine – which is in the end one of the most privileged of human endeavors.
Enjoy how the articles in this edition show practical ways to incorporate the humanities into medicine and medical education and how these new voices can contribute to both our medical and human story. I’d also like to bring your attention to this year’s Berlin Writing Award The Gerald F. Berlin Creative Writing Award at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School honors the poetry, fiction and essays of medical students, physicians, in training (interns, residents and fellows), graduate students and nursing students from the medical school. The award was established to encourage creative writing by health professionals-in-training and to honor the father of Richard M. Berlin, MD, who sponsors the award. Congratulations to Sarah Danforth, the 19th annual Berlin Writing Award winner. Go to https:// tinyurl.com/BerlinAward to read it.
We recently held our Annual Business Meeting (https:// tinyurl.com/summersocietysnippets), are currently developing our 2023-2024 Calendar of Events and very much look forward to resuming all of our programs, in person. And finally, we are in the process of updating our 20232024 Committee Roster (https://tinyurl.com/20222023Roster), so please consider volunteering or nominating a colleague. This appeal now includes suggestions for our annual Cottle Lecture (October) and Oration (February).
As our membership continues to grow, we welcome suggestions from all and look forward to seeing you all at next year’s events.
Have a healthy, safe and fun-filled summer! +
Giles Whalen, MD, President