6 minute read
Threshold Concepts
Investigate and Interpret the Past Enquiry Questions; Sources of Evidence; Interpretation
Similarity and Difference Settlements; Society; Religion and Beliefs; Cultures and Pastimes Understanding Chronology Dates and Timelines; Continuity and Change; Causes and Consequences; Significant Events and Individuals Communicating Historically Vocabulary; Organising and Presenting
Knowledge Categories
Milestone 1 [Nursery; Reception; Year 1]
Investigate and Interpret the Past Enquiry Questions Ask questions such as: What was it like for people? What happened? How long ago? Sources of Evidence Observe or handle evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past. Know that a piece of historical evidence is called a source. Use artefacts, pictures, stories and online sources to find out about the past. Interpretation Identify some of the different ways the past has been represented. Similarity and Difference Society Recount changes that have occurred in their own lives. Know about things that have happened to them in the past. Know some things that happened to other people in the past
Cultures and Pastimes Describe festivals and appreciate reasons for them.
Understanding Chronology Dates and Timelines Place events and artefacts on order on a simple timeline. Label timelines with words or phrases, such as: past, present, older and newer. Use dates where appropriate.
Continuity and Change Significant Events and Individuals Recount changes that have occurred in their own lives.
Describe historical events and significant people from own experience.
Communicating Historically Vocabulary Use words and phrases such as: a long time ago, recently, when my parents/carers were children, years, decades and centuries to describe the passing of time.
Organising and Presenting Organise and present historically accurate facts and statements.
Milestone 2 [Year 2; Year 3]
Investigate and Interpret the Past Enquiry Questions Use evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past. Sources of Evidence Suggest suitable sources of evidence for historical enquiries. Know that historical sources can either be primary or secondary. Use more than one source of evidence for an historical enquiry in order to gain a more accurate understanding of history.
Similarity and Difference Settlements Describe changes that have happened in Singapore. Society Give a broad overview of a past society in Britain, noting how it is different to the present day. Religion and Beliefs Know that societies had different religious beliefs and many worshiped many Gods (Vikings).
Cultures and Pastimes Describe the social, ethnic, cultural or religious diversity of past society.
Understanding Chronology Dates and Timelines Place events, artefacts and historical figures on a timeline using dates. Use dates and terms to describe events.
Causes and Consequences Significant Events and Individuals Recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted the way they did.
Describe historical events and significant people from the past.
Communicating Historically Vocabulary Use appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate, including dates, time period, era, change, chronology.
Organising and Presenting Make simple historical claims using evidence. Use literacy, numeracy and computing skills in order to communicate information about the past.
Milestone 3 [Year 4; Year 5]
Investigate and Interpret the Past Enquiry Questions Choose and consider questions about the past. Sources of Evidence Select suitable sources of evidence, giving reasons for choices. Clearly differentiate between primary and secondary sources of evidence. Interpretation Use sources of evidence to deduce information about the past. Describe different accounts of an historical event, explaining some of the reasons why the accounts may differ. Similarity and Difference Settlements Identify continuity and change in the history of the locality of the school. Society Compare some of the times studied with another area of interest around the world such as the UK. Compare and contrast major ancient civilisations noting key similarities and differences. Religion and Beliefs Know that societies had different religious beliefs and many worshiped many Gods (China, ancient Greece).
Cultures and Pastimes Describe the characteristic features of the past, including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiences of men, women and children.
Understanding Chronology Dates and Timelines Understand the concept of change over time, representing this, along with evidence, on a timeline Use dates and terms accurately in describing events.
Causes and Consequences Suggest causes and consequences of some significant events and changes in history. Describe the main changes in a period of history (using terms such as: social, religious, political, technological and cultural).
Significant Events and Individuals Describe individuals and events from the past and consider their significance.
Communicating Historically Vocabulary Show an understanding of concepts such as: nation and a nation's history, civilisation, monarchy, parliament, democracy, war and peace. Use appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate, including: dates, time periods, era, chronology, continuity, change, century, decade, legacy.
Organising and Presenting Respond to and answer historical questions using evidence.
Milestone 4 [Year 6 to Year 7]
Investigate and Interpret the Past Enquiry Questions Ask valid questions about the past. Sources of Evidence Analyse a wide range of evidence in order to justify claims about the past. With support, recognise that sources have differing levels of utility and reliability based on their nature, origin and purpose. Interpretation With support, recognise that different interpretations of the past exist (i.e. that historians can have different views of the same individual or event) Similarity and Difference Society Can identify areas of similarity and difference within and between time periods, making clear comparisons. Understanding Chronology Dates and Timelines Demonstrate a good grasp of chronology, understanding where events are situated in time. Use dates accurately when describing events
Continuity and Change Causes and Consequences Identify change and continuity within and across time periods.
Identify causes and consequences and select which are most important.
Significant Events and Individuals
Identify reasons why certain events and individuals are considered historically significant. Communicating Historically Vocabulary Use a mixture of first-order vocabulary (e.g. hierarchy, empire) as well as topic specific terms (e.g. insulae, shrine, feudal system, baron) when speaking or writing about the past.
Organising and Presenting With support, construct explanatory paragraphs including a point, evidence, and explanation in response to a question, argument, or claim.
Milestone 5 [Year 8 to Year 9]
Investigate and Interpret the Past Enquiry Questions Ask valid questions about the past and conduct their own historical enquiry. Sources of Evidence Seek out and analyse a wide range of evidence in order to justify claims about the past. Explain that sources have differing levels of utility and reliability based on their nature, origin and purpose. Begin to question the validity of sources when researching. Interpretation Recognise different interpretations of the past and suggest reasons for these differences (i.e. why historians can have different views of the same individual or event). Similarity and Difference Society Explain areas of similarity and difference within and between time periods, making clear comparisons. Understanding Chronology Dates and Timelines Demonstrate a clear grasp of chronology, understanding where events are situated in time and in relation to each other. Uses dates accurately when describing and analysing events.
Continuity and Change Identify change and continuity within and across time periods, with some explanation of why this occurred.
Causes and Consequences Explain causes and consequences of events, and make judgements about relative importance
Significant Events and Individuals
Explain the historical significance of events and individuals, demonstrating some awareness of criteria used to make these judgements Communicating Historically Vocabulary Use an increasingly complex mixture of first-order vocabulary (e.g. militarism, nationalism, imperialism), second-order vocabulary (e.g. causation, long-term, short-term, trigger, underlying) and topic specific terms (e.g. Triple Alliance, dreadnought, Schlieffen Plan) when speaking or writing about the past.
Organising and Presenting Construct explanatory paragraphs including a point, evidence, and explanation in response to a question, argument, or claim. Include several examples of evidence in explanations. Begin to present an overall argument and make links across factors.