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Throughout their Tanglin journey, children are empowered to explore an extensive range of subjects taught by specialists in the Infant, Junior and Senior schools. Our bespoke 3-14 Curriculum, spanning from the Nursery to Year 9, enables children to make connections with their prior knowledge and helps deepen their understanding of different subjects, with trackable Milestones that bridge the three schools and ensure continuity of learning. Our approach to learning is grounded in the broad, balanced, and rigorous tradition of British schools, and tailored to reflect our international setting and diverse community. From Year 10, in the Upper School, students can customise their own curriculum while, in the Sixth Form, our dual pathway gives students the option of taking either A Levels or the International Baccalaureate – a unique proposition in Singapore. With consistently outstanding exam results in both pathways, our students go on to study at some of the best universities in the world, including Oxbridge (UK) and Ivy league institutions (USA).
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