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Houses at Tanglin
The House system is a Tanglin tradition that quite literally colours campus life – many Alumni report their fondest moments at the school are of taking part in House Days while dressed in their brightly-coloured kits. It is an integral aspect of a Tanglin education that is synonymous with fun, friendship and a feeling of belonging.
Spanning from the Nursery up to Year 13, our unified House system gives all children at Tanglin a “home” that will remain theirs as they journey through the school, a home they can share with any siblings who may later join them. Named for areas of significance in the school’s rich heritage, the eight Houses are led by Year 12 House Captains and represent the diverse nationalities, cultures, beliefs, backgrounds, interests, talents, and abilities that typify the Tanglin community. The House Calendar of events features a wide range of activities and competitions, from sporting events to musical performances, debating competitions and charity drives, and – of course – the much-beloved House Days, ensuring every child can contribute with pride.
L to R: Miriam, Merawana, Allanah, Avani, Lizzy, Thilak, Emma, Jia Hui