General Reports Of The Xviiith Congress Of Th

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General Reports Of The Xviiith Congress Of The International Academy Of Comparative Law/rapports G©n©raux Du Xviii¨me Congr¨s De Lacad©mie Internationale De Droit Compar© DOWNLOAD HERE

From the contents: List of Contributors.- Foreword/Preface.- Legal Culture and Legal Transplants.Religion and The Secular State.- Complexity of Transnational Sources.- Catastrophic Damages-Liability and Insurance.- Surrogate Motherhood.- Same-Sex Marriage.- Consumer Protection in International Transactions.- Recent Private International Law Codifications.- Cost and Fee Allocation Rules.- Collective Actions.- Climate Change and the Law.- The regulation of Private Equity, Hedge Funds and State Funds.Financial Leasing and its Unification by UNIDROIT.- Corporate Governance.- The Balance of Copyright in Comparative Perspective.- Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Intellectual Property.- The Prohibition of Discrimination in Labour Relations (Age Discrimination) .- The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone.- The Protection of Foreign Investment.- International Law in Domestic Systems: a Comparative Approach.- Foreign Voters.- Constitutional Courts as Positive Legislators .- Plurality of Political Opinions and the Concentration of Media.- Are Human Rights Universal and Binding? Limits of Universalism.- Public Private Partnerships.- Comparative Regulation of Corporate Tax Evasion.- Corporate Criminal Liability.- The Exclusionary Rule.- Internet Crimes.- The Role of Practice in Legal Education.- Insurance Contract Law Between Business Law and Consumer Protection. EAN/ISBN : 9789400723542 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Internationales Recht, Rechtsvergleich Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Brown, Karen B.


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