Interaction Design for sexual well being by Tanishqa Bobde
Let’s talk about taboos. Let’s talk about sexual health & contraceptives. Let’s talk about designing for taboos like sexual health & contraceptives.
The field that I’m interested in working on is service/user experience design. I decided to focus mainly the UN Sustainable development goal of good health & well being. Under that, the problem area selected was the lack of healthy interaction & engagement between contraceptives & educated urban adults (mainly between the ages of 18-23). Young adults in Indian urban society rarely practice protected sex despite being educated about the same. This leads to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, sexually transmitted diseases - circumstances that harm the well being of those suffering Despite availability & easy access to contraceptives, the target audience a lot of times doesn’t engage with the same, due to various reasons of taboo, lack of knowledge, laziness, lack of saliency & more. I also want to connect HPV (that causes cervical cancer) of which 1/3rd of the global victims are Indian women, to this project. This virus is preventible, however urban youth doesn’t know of its implications. It can be prevented through vaccinations & use of contraceptives (specifically, condoms). In rural areas, various initiatives are being taken to make people aware about contraception & STD’s. For urban areas we assume people are educated so initiatives don’t need to be taken. But they do.
In terms of males & females who engage in sexual activities, males tend to have a lack of knowledge of the harm that hormonal contraceptives like pills have on the female body. Constant indulgence into the pill can have serious ill effects on the female body, yet a lot of urban Indians practice pill use, sometimes even preferred over use of the simplest, safest & most easily available contraceptive, i.e. condoms. Apart from behaving as an effective method of birth control, condoms also prevent direct exchange of bodily fluids & STD’s (HPV too) which other forms of contraceptives do not. This topic is a taboo but a necessity, and I want to use the boon of design to tackle this problem. To connect this topic to the subject of interface design, I want to come up with some kind of interface that’ll enable frequent, reliable & salient interactions between urban young adults & protected sex (contraceptives + HPV awareness). Not just related to access, but action as well. This has various opportunities since interventions have not been created as such in this context for this topic. Also, there are various online interfaces - sources & stores but they come with implications again of time, availability, reach & access (phone & internet - in emergencies, especially).
Preliminary Opportunity Statement
“How might we enable frequent, reliable & salient interactions between urban youth “ (18-23 years age) & contraception in order to promote sexual health & well being?”
Primary Research Aim
To identify problems associated with purchase of contraception. Secondary Research Aim
To identify behaviours associated with sexual health & contraception.
Research objectives 1) To identify the target users 2) To find out what contraception they’re familiar with 3) To identify their purchasing habit with contraception 4) Understand their awareness of STDs and contraception 5) Identify the behavioural biases associated with contraception purchase 6) Understand the environment they’ll be the most comfortable in to interact with contraception 7) Find out why they are behaving that way towards contraception?
Define Research process
Identifying target users
Background research to identify types of contraception & context Carrying out unstructured interviews with the users
Creating personas Creating task analysis for each user
Synthesising data & creating actionable problem statement
Develop Deliver Final problem statement
Background research
Bengaluru urban recorded 8,099 teenage pregnancies in 10 months (Apr 2016-Jan 2017).
Background research
Commonly known to the target group.
Background research
600 of these condom vending machines were installed in Delhi. The ones in public areas failed due to vandalism & thieves trying to break in for money. The ones in college campuses & government offices still exist, but students & workers don’t know where to locate them.
Unstructured Interview questions Samples : 11 1) Define your age, hobbies & background. 2) What comes to your mind when you think of the term ‘sexual health’? 2) What kind of contraception are you familiar with? 3) Which method do you use the most? 4) From where do you purchase this contraceptive? 5) How much do you purchase at one time? 5) Could you describe to me from start to end how you go about purchasing this contraceptive? 6) What are the factors that matter most to you while you’re purchasing contraception? 7) Do you know any unique methods of contraception dispensing? 8) How do you store contraception? Describe the context? 9) Have you ever visited a gynecologist? 10) If no, why? 11) Do you have any knowledge about STD’s? 12) Have you ever gotten an STD checkup? 13) Have you ever had a bad experience with any contraceptive? 14) What would be your dream environment & method of purchasing contraception? (Think crazy, no constraints!)
Personas Cautious Kamini From Satara, Maharashtra . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Apprehensive towards the idea of open sexual discussions & feels extremely embarassed purchasing contraceptives in public.
About Kamini Kamini is not very sexually active and when she is, she depends on her partner to procure & have the condom, since she feels embarassed purchasing contraception. If she has to purchase it, she does so online - but tries to avoid that as well, since online condom delivery involves bulk condoms and storing & concealing them from her family and friends is a hassle. The place she comes from has tabooed the whole idea of sex & contraception. However, she’s quite finicky & curious and has done research on contraception and is aware of IUD’s, patches etc. She doesn’t engage with these contraceptives due to embarassment & apprehension towards face to face interactions about sex with gynaecologists & hospital workers - she feels a lack of motivation & trust. She refrains from using the pill due to its adverse effects on the body & always makes sure to check the expiration date on the condoms that her partner has procured before indulging in sexual intercourse. She would feel more comfortable having telephonic conversations with sexual health professionals as compared to face to face interactions
Behaviours relating to contraception & WCs She prefers discreet terms & passive interactions when it comes to contraception. A WC is a safe space for interaction between her & contraception, however she would want the interface to be discreet & not ‘graphic’ in order to prevent offending certain classes. When her mother visits in college, she sometimes enters the loo & Kamini wouldn’t want the awkwardness of her mother thinking “my daughter just used the bathroom with the condom vending machine”.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable using ‘that bathroom with the condom vending machine’.
What motivates Kamini? 1) Scientific data 2) Discreet access 3) Positive feedback 4) Social proof 5) Simple & easy to learn interactions 6) Transparency in systems What puts Kamini off? 1) Human - human interactions around contraception 2) Expired contraception 3) People seeing me interact anything related to sex 4) Too much ‘English’ & Westernization
What can we do for Kamini? 1) Reduce maximum steps in the interaction 2) Keep it language flexible 3) Blend the product in with the environment of the WC (concealed condoms, unlike generic vending machines) 4) Keep the interaction as discreet as possible 5) Use proven factual data to prove info. related to sexual health Active knowledge of -
Personas Cautious Kamini From Satara, Maharashtra . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Apprehensive towards the idea of open sexual discussions & feels extremely embarassed purchasing contraceptives in public.
Use case Kamini wants to buy condoms discreetly, online
Scenario Kamini is living with her family & she orders condoms online. While entering her address, she enters her friends’ address sometimes, since her parents could recieve the packet if she orders it online. If they see the packet and open it, they would chide her. She doesn’t want the order history to be visible in her bank account for payment has to hide the reciept carefully. After recieving the online ordered condoms, she has to make sure she stores them carefully & hidden, in a discreet bag so that nobody finds them. She has to clear her search history & uses incognito mode while purchasing condoms.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable using ‘that bathroom with the condom vending machine’.
What motivates Kamini? 1) Scientific data 2) Discreet access 3) Positive feedback 4) Social proof 5) Simple & easy to learn interactions 6) Transparency in systems What puts Kamini off? 1) Human - human interactions around contraception 2) Expired contraception 3) People seeing me interact anything related to sex 4) Too much ‘English’ & Westernization
What can we do for Kamini? 1) Reduce maximum steps in the interaction 2) Keep it language flexible 3) Blend the product in with the environment of the WC (concealed condoms, unlike generic vending machines) 4) Keep the interaction as discreet as possible 5) Use proven factual data to prove info. related to sexual health Active knowledge of -
Personas To-the-point Tarun From Bangalore, India . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Sexually active & is involved with contraception only for the sake of it. Isn’t motivated to actively engage & aquire information about sexual health related subjects & other types of contraception.
When I think sex, I don’t think protection.
About Tarun Tarun procures condoms himself & only buys & keeps 1 or 2 with him at any time to avoid being caught with a lot of condoms by his family. He generally buys condoms from the chemist who is farther away from his house since online shopping involves bulk delivery. Even when he go to the chemist, he feesl awkward conversing openly with other ‘judgemental’ customers around.
What motivates Tarun? 1) Discreet access 2) Sticking to the status quo 3) Surprising ‘did you know’ facts 4) The word ‘Sex’.
He has a set brand & type of condom he uses (Kamasutra Chill Thrill) & doesn’t like to experiment. He always uses digital payment methods of PayTM & Tez since carrying cash around is too much of a hassle. He doesn’t visit the gyaencologist since he thinks girls need them, not guys. He has multiple sexual partners & doesn’t usually have conversations with them about contraception & sexual health, since that isn’t top of the mind for him while indulging in sexual intercourse.
What puts Tarun off?
If he doesn’t have condoms, he usually still has sex with his partner & they decide that she would simply take the morning-after pill the next day. He’s not really aware of any of its side effects as such and has resorted to it as a backup several times. When he thinks sex, he doesn’t think protection. He hasn’t gotten anyone pregnant & he doesn’t have any STD, so he doesn’t feel motivated to engage in sexual health ‘seminars’ as such.
Behaviours relating to contraception & WCs While in public washrooms, he usually pees in the urinal and doesn’t really have any attention resource while doing so except the wall in front of him. After that, he may or may not wash his hands. When he uses the WC, he doesn’t have any attention resource except his phone & usually, if there’s any unique interface or info. in the WC, he loves to read it. He’s not involved in any active task while using the WC and believes it’s a great and discreet place to introduce an interaction around contraception.
1) Getting caught with condoms 2) Lectures about sexual health 3) People around him when he’s purchasing condoms 4) Expensive condoms
What can we do for Tarun? 1) Keep limited supply of condoms 2) Introduce simple interactions at urinals 3) Use quirky one liners and not ‘data’ based info. for awareness 4) Use digital payment methods & price variety in condoms 5) Inform him about STD’s and the side effects of pills in story-like format to create empathy Active knowledge of -
Personas To-the-point Tarun From Bangalore, India . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Sexually active & is involved with contraception only for the sake of it. Isn’t motivated to actively engage & aquire information about sexual health related subjects & other types of contraception.
Use case Purchase condoms from a well known chemist discreetly
Scenario Tarun, when at home, goes to the chemist shop farthest from his house. There are too many customers in the store, so he waits for some time, then signals to his ‘daily chemist’, who knows which condom Tarun always buys. The chemist gives Tarun the condom. Tarun immediately leaves the store. While returning, if the condom is a bland colour like grey, it blends into the environment & he might forget it in his car/taxi. If it has some bright demaraction, he tends to remember the same. However, the bright demarcation doesn’t serve well in concealing the condom.
When I think sex, I don’t think protection.
What motivates Tarun? 1) Discreet access 2) Sticking to the status quo 3) Surprising ‘did you know’ facts 4) The word ‘Sex’. What puts Tarun off? 1) Getting caught with condoms 2) Lectures about sexual health 3) People around him when he’s purchasing condoms 4) Expensive condoms
What can we do for Tarun? 1) Keep limited supply of condoms 2) Introduce simple interactions at urinals 3) Use quirky one liners and not ‘data’ based info. for awareness 4) Use digital payment methods & price variety in condoms 5) Inform him about STD’s and the side effects of pills in story-like format to create empathy Active knowledge of -
Personas Frank Freya From Mumbai, India . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Very knowledgable about contraception & sexual health. Is very frank & straightforward about sex and likes to fight against the taboo associated with the same.
About Freya Freya buys condoms herself and doesn’t feel any shame in human-human interaction for the same. She gets frustrated when discreetness is associated with sexual references or sexrelated products of any kind, but she has gotten used to simply dealing with it due to the taboo largely rooted in Indian culture. She likes to experiment with condoms based on flavours, textures, latex/non latex etc. She also likes to experiment between brands, but usually prefers the trusted brands of Durex, Manforce & Kamasutra. Even though she knows a lot about contraception & sexual health, she doesn’t engage in the complex forms of contraceptions like IUD’s because of lack of trust, and too many other “more important” things on her mind. She sticks to condoms, because they solve 99% of the problems. She uses digital payment systems & also actively uses online platforms for purchasing condoms. If she’s provided with some kind of trigger or motivation, she would definitely perform acts to encourage sexual health for herself & others. She has a long term partner, hence STD’s aren’t an issue. She doesn’t HAVE to use condoms, but she still does, however she might convert to IUD soon, when she finds a good hospital. She visits the gynecologist & gets pap smears done for HPV.
Behaviours relating to contraception & WCs She usually uses her phone when she’s inside the WC & browses through some kind of social media or plays games. Other than that, she doesn’t have an attention resource & usually, if there’s any unique interface or info. in the WC, she loves to read it. She’s not involved in any active task while using the WC and believes it’s a great and discreet place to introduce an interaction around contraception. If there is some kind of interaction in the WC, she wants it to be as fast as possible since waiting inside the WC for longer is unhygenic.
I stick to condoms since, well, they solve 99% of the problems!
What motivates Freya? 1) Straightforward info. & interactions about sex 2) Variety in condoms 3) Transparency 4) Attention resources in the WC What puts Freya off? 1) Discreetness and taboo about sex & contraception 2) Lesser known condom brands displayed in majority 3) People telling her what to do
What can we do for Freya? 1) Offer a variety of condom brands & other options 2) Provide “optional” discreetness 3) Provide short, to the point, factual information about other contraception, sex awareness drives etc. along with the condoms (in form of pamphlet etc.) 4) Use digital payment methods 5) Provide quick interaction process Active knowledge of -
Personas Frank Freya From Mumbai, India . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Very knowledgable about contraception & sexual health. Is very frank & straightforward about sex and likes to fight against the taboo associated with the same.
Use case Purchase condoms from a department store
Scenario Freya goes to the store & asks the workers where the condoms are. The workers give her a judgemental stare, one that she hates, but has angrily accepted the same. She goes to the condom section & gets some judgemental stares from other people too, which she chooses to ignore. However, she doesn’t like being judged, AT ALL. It ruins her entire experience. Many a times, she has had a fit and started a fight with some judgemental people. She doesn’t conceal the word condom while checking out of the store & doesn’t like it when the checkout boy conceals the packet by default. She understands that it’s a huge taboo in India but thinks a customer should be asked for personal preferance before concealing it directly.
I stick to condoms since, well, they solve 99% of the problems!
What motivates Freya? 1) Straightforward info. & interactions about sex 2) Variety in condoms 3) Transparency 4) Attention resources in the WC What puts Freya off? 1) Discreetness and taboo about sex & contraception 2) Lesser known condom brands displayed in majority 3) People telling her what to do
What can we do for Freya? 1) Offer a variety of condom brands & other options 2) Provide “optional” discreetness 3) Provide short, to the point, factual information about other contraception, sex awareness drives etc. along with the condoms (in form of pamphlet etc.) 4) Use digital payment methods 5) Provide quick interaction process Active knowledge of -
Personas Pretentious Pranav From Allahabad, India . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Tries to fit into the status quo by saying he has lots of condoms & experience with the same, but practically is not well versed towards how to use condoms or purchase them.
I don’t like long, preachy, boring information about sexual health.
About Pranav Pranav states that he buys condoms himself & in bulk & is very forward about sex, but he has no experience with the same. He tries to fit into the status quo in public, but when he is alone, he tries to understand the correct methods of interaction around sex but cannot find any trustable or ‘discreet enough’ portal for the same.
What motivates Pranav? 1) Straightforward info. & interactions about sex 2) Variety in condoms 3) To the point & quick interactions 4) Attention resources in the WC
He does not know the correct method of using a condom or any other contraception with his partner, due to lack of practical experience of the same. He doesn‘t want his identity to be revealed when he tries to learn about them. Pranav doesn’t visit the gynecologist or try to seek any ‘help’ related to sex.
What puts Pranav off?
He does not know about STD‘s and overlooks the importance of using condoms. If in the situation, he might even not use the condom without hesitation. Pranav has to be very careful at his house about storage of condoms, since he comes from a family that considers the topic of sex very taboo. Pranav is discreet around his family, but not around his social circle. He is clueless about any other forms of contraception. He isn’t very well versed with technology & doesn’t do active research on the same, neither does he plan to.
Behaviours relating to contraception & WCs While in public washrooms, I usually pee in the urinal and don’t really have any attention resource while doing so except the wall in front of me. After that, I may or may not wash my hands. When I use the WC, I don’t have any attention resource except my phone & usually, if there’s any unique interface or info. in the WC, I love to read it, however only if it is as quick & short as possible. I’m not involved in any active task while using the WC and believe it’s a great and discreet place to introduce an interaction around contraception.
1) Preachy information about sexual health 2) Too much “English” 3) People knowing he’s trying to learn about sex 4) Complex technology
What can we do for Pranav? 1) Offer language options 2) Provide “optional” discreetness 3) Provide optional short, to the point, factual information about how to use contraception & STDS’s as an optional add on with the condoms. 4) Provide extremely simple & quick interaction process. Active knowledge of -
Personas Pretentious Pranav From Allahabad, India . Studies at IIITDM Jabalpur Tries to fit into the status quo by saying he has lots of condoms & experience with the same, but practically is not well versed towards how to use condoms or purchase them.
Use case Purchase condoms from a chemist (to learn how to put them on)
Scenario 1 Pranav goes with his friends. He doesn’t know the exact terminology while purchasing contraception, so if he does, he feels quite awkward while going to the chemist. He’s gone with his friends & avoids speaking much for fear of saying something incorrect & making a fool out of himself. This ruins his experience & makes him feel uncomofortable.
Scenario 2 Pranav goes alone & messes up while enquiring about condoms. The chemist judges him & laughs, then gives him the condom anyway. Pranav’s experience gets ruined & he wishes he had some sort of method or purchasing condoms which didn’t require human-human interaction. After returning to his room, he wants to learn how to put it on. Due to poor lighting, he has a hard time reading the instructions on the condom. He tries to search online, how to put it on but struggles a bit since he isn’t very tech-forward.
I don’t like long, preachy, boring information about sexual health.
What motivates Pranav? 1) Straightforward info. & interactions about sex 2) Variety in condoms 3) To the point & quick interactions 4) Attention resources in the WC What puts Pranav off? 1) Preachy information about sexual health 2) Too much “English” 3) People knowing he’s trying to learn about sex 4) Complex technology
What can we do for Pranav? 1) Offer language options 2) Provide “optional” discreetness 3) Provide optional short, to the point, factual information about how to use contraception & STDS’s as an optional add on with the condoms. 4) Provide extremely simple & quick interaction process. Active knowledge of -
Kamini’s Task Flow while purchasing condoms online
Decide to purchase condoms (active trigger or planning to have sex)
Search for condoms on the website
Pay via digital cash/net banking/card/cash on delivery
Browse through the condoms
Enter delivery address
Select some type of condom based onbrand, cost, flavour, texture, size, non latex.
Select discreet packaging option
Choose quantity (packets consiting of several condoms or singular condoms)
Add to cart
Tarun’s Task Flow while purchasing condoms from a chemist
Decides to purchase condoms (active trigger or planning to have sex)
Travels to the store farthest from home
If yes, chemist packs it discreetly Leaves If no, customer takes the condom as it is
Enters chemist shop
Chemist asks whether customer wants it concealed in a bag or not
Ensures that other customers aren’t listening
Asks the chemist for a specific condom
Pays chemist with digital cash
Briefly reads front & back info. given on condom & checks expiry date of condom
Chemist gives condom
Enjoys touch & feel of the packaging
Freya’s Task Flow while purchasing condoms from a department store
Decides to purchase condoms (active trigger or planning to have sex)
Travels to the store closest to home & enter store
Put condom in bag
Search for condom area or ask worker where it is (if no demarcation)
Recieve bill
Browse through types of condoms
Enjoys touch & feel of the packaging
Pay via digital cash
Price gets displayed on the screen
Briefly reads front & back info. given on condom
Checkout boy bills the products
Select some type of condom based onbrand, cost, flavour, texture, size, non latex.
Stand in line
Checks expiry date of the condom
Go to the checkout counter
Existing Task Flow while using a generic vending machine
Walk to the vending machine
Look at the products & the product numbers
Checks expiry date
Decide which product to buy
Enter alphanumeric code of product (A7) into the keypad
User collects product
If cash payment done, change gets dispensed & user collects it
Click confirm
Briefly reads front & back info. given on condom & checks expiry date of condom
If card payment, swipe card & enter PIN
If cash payment, put notes in specified area & coins in specified area
Problems in the existing Task Flow while using a generic vending machine
Visibility of numbers, memorability & relatability between the products & numbers
Walk to the vending machine
Post experience ‘thank you’ feedback? Especially if purchase was done using a credit card. Proof that transaction is cleared?
Whom to contact if the vending machine isn’t working?
Look at the products & the product numbers
1) No method of cancelling purchase 2) If expired, cannot undo 3) If bad experience, no method of giving feedback
Checks expiry date
1) No option to choose more than one, creation of more steps & complexity in the interaction. 2) Lack of basic info. about some products if user wants something new
Decide which product to buy
1) No option to undo or backspace 2) Keypad requires timely maintenance due to quality reduction from constant pressing 3) Feedback?
Enter alphanumeric code of product (A7) into the keypad
No way to undo action or get touch & feel of product before purcasing it
User collects product
Which method of payment? No PayTM, Tez available
Click confirm
How much change has been dispensed?
Product gets dispensed
If cash payment done, change gets dispensed & user collects change
1) Where is the card slot? 2) Security measures for PIN
If card payment, swipe card & enter PIN
1) Worry whether change will get dispensed 2) Feedback after putting in cash
If cash payment, put notes in specified area & coins in specified area
Insights & problems identified
! Bright packaging is a major issue for storage
Lack of connection of condoms with other forms of contraception
Don’t like people watching them while purchasing condoms
Lack of language flexibility creates barriers & ruins experience of purchase for users
Complex technology should be avoided
Look for variety in cost, brand, flavour, texture. Mainly brand & cost.
Digital payment methods not available everywhere
No factual, fun data to inform users of information about sexual health
Human-human interaction is uncomfortable
Default discreet packaging frustrates certain personas
Order history & credentials of user associated with condom purchase is a problem
Non verbal cues are used a lot while purchasing condoms
Instructions of use of condoms not associated clearly with the condoms
Complex & long interactions in the bathroom would fail
Users like to read the front & back of condoms & enjoy touch & feel of the same
Blending in & discreetness is essential
Expiry date is very essential during condom purchase
Hard to conceal bulk condoms
Graphic images of sex trigger users & make them uncomfortable
Final Opportunity Statement
“How might we enable dispensing of condoms discreetly & quickly, eliminating human-human interaction for urban youth (18-23 year olds) in college bathrooms?�
Design phase
What features would the machine provide?
Basic info. & expiry date of condom that’s been selected
Singular packet condom dispensing
Optional concealing of condoms
Multilingual ( English & Hindi choice)
Brand based options of condoms Digital cash payments (PayTM/Tez) Durex
Cost based options of condoms
10 Rupees
30 Rupees
Surprise Me!
Dispensing of small, fun, factual information sheet about sexual health
Use cases for the features Use case 1 Kamini comes to use the WC
Use cases for the features Use case 2 Kamini wants to check the expiry date of a condom
Go back
Kamini is very meticiulous about checking the expiry date on condoms before purchase. This feature enables her to check it + read about the condom and the ability to cancel a purchase if it doesn’t seem interesting.
Technically, expiry date of each condom would be fed into the machine & it would be the machine’s responsibility to filter out the expired condoms. The expiry date viewing option is only for the mental relief of the customers.
Use cases for the features Use case 3 Kamini has dispensed condom & wants to leave the WC and go out
p, m is ndo pped u o c s a i r th w y Yay, lready to worr a e! d d e ing m ense ’t ne disp w I don ne judg no t anyo u abo
Kamini doesn’t want to go out with the condom in her hand.
Use cases for the features Use case 4 Pranav comes in to dispense condoms, but he doesn’t know English
’t s isn i h t pe sh , I ho se Engli d o G o of th one ines! h mac
2. English
Pranav feels intimidated by machines that are in the English language only.
The moment he enters the bathroom, it lights up and the first thing he sees is everything written in English & Hindi which signifies to him that he is capable of using the machine as well! Pranav’s face lights up.
Use cases for the features Use case 5 Tarun comes to the WC & sees the machine.
ly obab ave r p a s Thi en h ’s give it v e t ’ won ... but let x Dure !! shot
2. Durex
Tarun assumes that the machine doesn’t have any Durex condoms within his price limit.
Man force
Kama sutra
However, he notices that Durex, his brand of choice is available!
Use cases for the features Use case 6 Freya’s condom is being dispensed by the machine
thi s ’ t a , wh
!HPV! Gynaecologist’s number Fun fact Comic
Discount code
Freya get’s surpised when a colourful sheet gets dispensed along with the condom
This sheet has a balance of factual, yet fun information.
Being the person she is, Freya gets motivated by the sheet and visit’s the gynaecologist.
Basic info. & expiry date of condom that’s been selected
Singular packet condom dispensing
Optional concealing of condoms
Multilingual ( English & Hindi ) - make clear
at first touchpoint & why give language choice if there is such less text? make it easier for the user.
Brand based options of condoms - make brand avilability clear at first touchpoint Digital cash payments (PayTM/Tez) Durex
Cost based options of condoms
10 Rupees
30 Rupees
Surprise Me!
Dispensing of small, fun, factual information sheet about sexual health
Details & expiry date of condom/s gets displayed to user
Task Analysis (high cost machine)
Photo & brand Durex Air 2 condoms
Enter WC
Short Writeup Expiry : 20/11/2019 Total : Rs.20 Go back
Use toilet
User reads & then pays by scanning via PayTM/Tez/Bhim
Notice machine (green light, avilability shown under brand of each condom)
Man force
Condom/s & fun fact sheet gets dispensed & user collects them gets dispensed
Kama sutra
Condom is already wrapped in fun fact sheet by machine
Select condom brand, choice & quantity
Brand? Man force
Options to select here
Kama sutra
Surprise Me!
Cost per piece?
Total cost Rs. 10
Feedback screen
Machine thanks user, then goes back to the previous screen
(as user selects)
Rs. 30 Rs. 20
User leaves
Task Analysis (low cost machine)
Some features have been removed since they weren’t feasible while making a machine that’s low cost & uses minimum technology.
Scan QR codes with phone to pay
Enter WC
Confirmation beep & condom dispensing sound
Use toilet
Will be shown as a note
Will be shown as a note
Expiry date of all the condoms is regulated. Don’t worry!
If user wants to make another choice, he can make another selection and the previous button will pop back up
Notice machine (green light, avilability shown under brand of each condom)
Transparent to show availability Buttons with brand stickers on them
Kama sutra
Man force
Radio buttons (toggle)
Surprise Me!
Select condom brand & cost Select cost per piece by pressing button
Condom is already wrapped in fun fact sheet by machine
User collects condom wrapped in fact sheet
After condom gets dispensed, all buttons get back to the unpressed position
User leaves Digital payment QR codes
Condom is wrapped in the fun fact sheet in a way that it looks like a normal tissue from the outside, but on the inner side it has info. about sexual health
Green light to show that the machine is working
Step by step instructions to guide user in Hindi & English
कंडोम वेंडिंग मशीन
To change any choice, click desired choice
किसी भी विकल्प को बदलने के लिए, वांछित बटन पर क्लिक करें Expiry date of all condoms has been checked
1. Select brand
सभी कंडोम की एक्सपायरी डेट जाँच ली गई है
ब्रांड चुनें
Basic UI of the machine (LOW COST MACHINE)
Transparent to show available condoms
Red to signify emergency helpline number, in case any issues related to the payment etc..
Stores 30 condoms of each brand at a time, Length of designated part : approx. 300 mm
? Surprise Me!
Buttons with condom brands to show brands All buttons are like physical radio buttons (when you click one of same category, the other pops up & gets deselected).
Instructions about undo-ing an action & to provide reassurance about expiry. (since machine is low cost & lesser technology.
If user wants an element of fun & doesn’t know about brands or which one to choose (to aid decision making).
2. Select price
3. Pay
कीमत चुनें
Need help?
कोई समस्या?
Collect condom
कंडोम इकट्ठा करो
Sticker QR codes of PayTM/Tez/Bhim. Since it’ll be placed in bathrooms, it won’t have any complex payment methods since users bring phone into bathroom & as per research, largest payment method used by target users is digital wallet based. Blue colour used to signify health, cleanliness & purity Instructions & icons to guide user
Condom gets dispensed here
कंडोम वेंडिंग मशीन
To change any choice, click desired choice
किसी भी विकल्प को बदलने के लिए, वांछित बटन पर क्लिक करें Expiry date of all condoms has been checked
1. Select brand
सभी कंडोम की एक्सपायरी डेट जाँच ली गई है
ब्रांड चुनें
? Surprise Me! 2.
Placement within the context of WC
Select price
3. Pay
कीमत चुनें
Need help?
कोई समस्या? +91 7024118023 Collect condom
कंडोम इकट्ठा करो
Logo & name
C n D. Con D. stands for condom dispensing. It has been shortened and has the word ‘con’ in it to add a spy-like & secretive feeling, since it’s providing students with condoms despite the whole taboo around them. The icon of a condom has been used in place of an “O” to create relevance & the font is cur vy and italic to show motion & a quick, fast feeling - since the whole interaction is quick. The colour is blue to show a feeling of health care & purity, but it’s not pure blue, but a pastel blue to give the feeling of youth to the machine. Font used isClementeRegularItalic.
“People ignore design that ignores people.� Thank you.