Dream Team 1 SB

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Student's Book


N O R M A H WH i

Student's Book

CONTENTS Let's remember! Grammar be: present simple Present simple Possessive adjectives have got this, that these, and those

Plurals (regular and irregular nouns) Countable and uncountable nouns a/an and some some and any Is there a/an... ?/Are there any... ?

Vocabulary Members of the family Hobbies and interests Jobs

Sport Food and drink Parts of the body


Communication Pronunciation


Study skills

He's playing his guitar

Abilities: Can you ...? Talking about present actions

Present continuous (affirmative, negative, spelling) can (permission and ability)

Noting new vocabulary

Present continuous (interrogative) Present simple and present continuous Adverbs of frequency Question words

Revising vocabul

/D/ and ly.l

Is Paul buying the tickets?

Frequency: How often ...? Asking and answering about present actions /e/and/a:/

Revision: Units 1 and 2 I'm having a party tomorrow!

Invitations Talking about future arrangements /h/and silent'h'

I'm going to be a millionaire

Obligation (must) and prohibition (mustn't) Plans and intentions: (going to)

Present continuous (present Correcting spelli and future meanings) mistakes Prepositions of time: at, on, in Word order going to (future plans and intentions; predictions) Personal pronouns must and mustn't

Correcting gram mistakes

Final consonants Revision: Units 3 and 4 I was terrible!

Quantity; How much ...? How many...? Asking about the past: be Sentence stress: making contrasts

Did you really love me?

Congratulations! Talking about the past Intonation: rising Âť>andfalling^

be; past simple (affirmative Understanding r and negative; interrogative words and phrÂŤ and short answers) Countable and uncountable nouns How much ...? How many...? Regular verbs: past simple (affirmative; spelling; negative; interrogative and short answers)

Holiday English

Revision: Units 5 and 6



Bonus unit 1 Welcome to the UK! Irregular verbs: past simple (affirmative) Prepositions of place Comparative adjectives Projects 1 Our clothes (p72)



p84 p89 p90

Grammar help Pronunciation help Word list

2 Our town (p73)

2 Welcome to the USA! Irregular verbs: past simple (negative; interrogative and short ansv Gerunds Superlative adjectives

3 Holiday fun (p74)

The ghost of Lunarville (p78) Terrible twins (p81)

4 A room in our school (p75)

Skills work Personal profiles

Puzzles! The alphabet The seven days of the week The twelve months of the year Numbers


Cultural studies/ English across the curriculum

Skills work

Song Progress review


Cultural studies: Cool Britannia ! Modern Britain

Favourite clothes _^ l_ — ^ ***-{&

Sittin' in the back seat

English across the curriculum Geography: Describing a city

Famous places

I'm walkin*

Cultural studies: Houses and homes around the world

Unusual homes!

English across the curriculum Computer studies: teenagers and computers

Pen-friends on the Internet!

Cultural studies: The history of rock music

A school concert!

The weather

Houses and homes

My room

Musical instruments

Progress review 1

Progress review 2

Living right next door to an angel Progress review 3

Here in the Net! Progress review 4

Happy Birthday sweet sixteen Progress review 5



English across the curriculum Media studies: cartoons and film animation

UK quiz! USA quiz! Revision

5 Our supergroup (p76)

6 Fantasy films (p77)

My favourite film

I only wanna be with you Progress review 6

Let's remember! Grammar Affirmative ull forms


short forms

ull forms


short forms




you ...?



he...? she...? it...?



we . . . ? you ...? they ...?






am not


'm not






are not




he she it


he she

is not

he she it


we you they

are not

we you they

he she it we you they


'I we you they

be: present simple Write true sentences. Use the affirmative (full forms) and negative (short forms) of be.

Complete the questions. Use the interrogative of be. Then give true short answers. ...... your parents from England?

London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

0 Are your parents from England? A Yes, they are. f No, they aren't. your friend in the football team? 0 Is your friend In the football team? A Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn't

1 Eleven and fourteen ...... twenty-three.

1 2

your teacher from Argentina? ...... you a teenager?


your parents Polish?

2 The capital of Italy


football your favourite sport?

.. Warsaw!


you and your friend at school now?

3 Yes, I from Scotland.

4 Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro .... in Europe!

First, study the answers. Then write the questions!

Duncan Macdonald. ]

1 ......? I'm 15. 5 No, I

a student.

6 New York in the United States of America.



? I'm from Scotland.


? My favourite? Football.


? My favourite is green.


? Hamburgers and chips!

6 /.

? Singer? Celine Dion.



Affirmative full forms live

I you


he she it

we you they

do not


he she it


we you do not they

does not

Interrogative short forms


I you



he she it



we you they


Present simple




he she it




we you they


Complete the table. Personal pronoun

My sister...... in England, (live) My sister lives in England.

Possessive adjective

They tennis at the weekend, (play) They play tennis at the weekend.

I you

I fÂŁoJpfootball at school, (play) Her brother in Poland, (live) He chocolate, (like) Our uncle the guitar, (play) We in Argentina, (live) Their grandparents rock music! (like)

he she it

(2) '„.;.,.

we vou / they

(4) ...... (5) (6) &W

Complete the sentences. Use the negative (short forms). They sport on TV. (not watch) They don't watch sport on TV. My dad to school, (not go) My dad doesn't go to school. . 1 2 3 4

I tennis, (not play) My brother fish, (not like) She in London, (not live) His dad his car on Sundays, (not wash) 5 We Chinese, (not study) 6 You in Australia! (not live)

, *

A - ' v,i ,



Possessive adjectives

Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative form.

1 2 3 4 5 6




(3) hey. fq


Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective. We like


We like our teacher. 1 2 3 4 5 6

She phones friends every day. He plays ...... CDs all the time. They love computers! It likes food a lot. I'm hungry! I want breakfast! Do you want to phone mum?

Grammar Negative

Affirmative full forms I you

short forms

have got

he she it

has got


I you

he she it

've got



you they

have got

you they

've got


full forms

short forms

I have not got you

I haven't got you

he she has not got it

he she hasn't got it



you have not got they

you haven't got they

have got


is a ruler.


.... are desks.

a young brother.

3 We ...... three uncles. 4 They 5


Have you got...? they

Complete the sentences.

My mum ...... three sisters. a lot of cousins!

two grandparents. two cousins.

6 Her dad ...... five sisters! Change the sentences in Exercise 1 to the correct negative (short form) of have got. My mum hasn't got three sisters. Write the questions, and true answers. your mum / a motorbike? Has your mum got a motorbike? A/o, she hasn't,


are pencils

1 you / a bike? 2 your friend (name) / a calculator? 3 your friends (name) and (name) / computers? 4 your teacher / a car? 5 you and your friend / dictionaries? 6 you / a lot of homework tonight?



he she got...? it


My mum's got three sisters. 2 Sarah


this, that, these, and those

i Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative (short forms) of have got.

1 You

Have I got...? you

's a chair.

Plurals (regular and irregular nouns)

some and any

•dp Match the singular nouns with their plurals.

^^p Complete the sentences with some or any. Countable -i- There are some apples. - There aren't any apples. ? Are there any apples? Is there

Uncountable There's some sugar. There isn't any sugar. is there any sugar?

coffee, please?

Is there any coffee, please? 1 2 3 4 5 6

No, there aren't bananas! There's...... milk. Are there biscuits? Yes, there are oranges. Isthere salt? Oh, there isn't water.

Is there a/an, any... ? / Are there any...? Countable and uncountable nouns Complete the chart with four countable and four uncountable nouns. Use: book, coffee, lemons, milk, onions, sandwiches, sugar, water. Countable


singular and piura!

singular only

What's in the boy's bag? Listen and repeat, f ^

(2) coffee lemons

Is there an apple in your bag? I

a/an and some Complete the sentences with a/an or some. Countable singular and plural a book some books an apple some apples There are

• '"'• Are there any bananas?

Yes, there is.

I Yes, there areV-.

Uncountable singular only some tea some coffee

Is there any sugar?

No, there isn't


There are some apples. 1 2 3 4

There's water. There's...... orange. There are hamburgers. There's butter.

5 There are sandwiches. 6 There's.. ... onion!

Prepare a bag with six food and drink words in it - or use real food and drink! Ask your partner six questions about his/her bag.

Vocabulary Members of the family

Hobbies and interests Name the hobbies and interests.

Look at Ann's family tree and complete the sentences below. Use the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers. aunt brother cousin father grandad grandma mother sister uncle

denraig reading

1 nylgapi



2 grawndi



4 cinthawg VT Julie is Ann's sister. 1 2 3 4

Patrick is Ann's Kevin is Ann's Clare is Ann's Peter is Ann's

5 Liz is Ann's 6 Andrew is Ann's ... 7 David is Ann's...... 8 Kate is Ann's..


Write a dialogue between you and Ann. Then act the dialogue with a partner. You Ann You

How many aunts have you got? Two! How many aunts have you got? How many .?

5 snilgenit ot opp sumci

Jobs Match the jobs (1-6) with the pictures (a-f). 1 doctor f 2 chef

3 hairdresser 5 vet 4 mechanic 6 wrestler


Parts of the body

Write the names of the sports. Add the missing v o w e l s a e i o u .

Label the parts of Martia's body. Use the words in the box. arm ear eye finger foot hair hand leg nose toe tongue tooth 1 eyes




b_s_b_l I

gym n_st_cs



_c_ sk_t_ng

People from Mars are very

Food and drink Label the food and drink. Add the consonants.

























oco e











HW Listen and repeat the description of " Martia. * * WORD LIST!

pages 90-91

Ski, Is work ^^^MM

A fl fl

Personal profiles

Reading and listening Mike and his classmates are writing personal profiles. Read and listen to Mike's personal profile. Then answer the questions (1-3). j£3j What do you think? 1 Is Mike interesting, or boring! Why? 2 Is he a friendly person, or an unfriendly person? Why? 3 Is he a nice person, or not a nice person? Why?

Answer the questions about Mike, in note form.

Personal Profile


j[A Persona! details

What is Mike's family name? Harrison j When is his birthday? March 14th B Nationality and home 1 What nationality is he? 2 Which city does he live in? 3 Who does he live with? 4 How many sisters has he got? ;; C Physical appearance 5 How old is he?

6 How tall is he? 7 What colour is his hair?

8 What colour are his eyes? ^ jlPt


iwrwmm J

: t D School 'm American. 1 live in the city or BOSTXMI, ivm»Uw.. . I live with my mom. I've got two sisters. But they don't live with us. They live with my dad in New York. I'm thirteen years old. I'm 1,42 m tall. My hair is short and dark brown, and I've got brown eyes. I go to George Washington High School. I've got a lot of k friends there! In my class, we study seven subjects. 1 like English and History, but 1 don't like Science. My main hobby is sport. My favorite sports are soccer, and American football. 1 don't like baseball, because it's boring! American TOUIUCUI. i ^^,,...,_. -u..— nre anrj frpnc^ I like fruit. But my favorite food is hamburgers and french fries. And my favorite drink is Pepsi. Vegetables are OK. But don't like fish! Yuk!

9 What's the name of his school? 10 How many subjects does he study? 11 Which subjects does he like? 12 Which subject doesn't he like? B Hobbies and interests 13 What's his main hobby? 14 What are his favourite sports? 15 Which sport doesn't he like? 16 Why not? P Food and drink


17 Which food does he like? USA

18 Which food doesn't he like? 19 What's his favourite food? 20 What's his favourite drink?

favourite mum dates: 31-8-92


favorite mom fries dates: 8-31-92

Pu Writing Use the writing guide to make notes about your personal profile.

The alphabet •• Find the five missing letters.

Personal Profile Personal details first name surname/family name birthday Nationality and home

The seven days of the week Continue the list.

1 nationality 2 your town/city 3 you live with 4 brothers and sisters Physical appearance 5 age

6 height 7 hair colour 8 eyes

The twelve months of the year Continue the list.

School 9 name 10 how many subjects? 11 you like 12 you don't like [

Hobbies and interests 13 main hobby 14 favourite sports


15 sports you don't like

raw Complete the puzzle.

16 why not? ?

Food and drink 17 you like 17 you don't like 19 favourite food 20 favourite drink

• You must use numbers 1 2 3 j?jtfj&7 8 9 • The three numbers in each row (horizontal —, vertical I , diagonal ^) must add up to 15! top left

top middle




middle left


middle right

top right

Personal profile

My first name is ., My surname is My date of birth is ..,,.,

Use your notes in Exercise 3 to write your personal profile. Include your photo! Use Mike's profile in Exercise 1 to help you.


bottom left


5 bottom middle



bottom right



He's playing his guitar

It's Tuesday evening, Max goes to Paul and Ellen's house. Ellen Oh, it's you Max! What a nice surprise. Come in! Max Thanks Ellen. What's Paul doing atthe moment? Ellen Sorry, i can't hear you. Let's go to the kitchen. It's quiet there. I'm revising for a Spanish test.

Ellen That's better! Do you wantto see Paul? Max Yeah. I'm having problems with my Maths homework. I hope Paul can help me. Ellen Mm, Paul isn't doing homework! He's playing his guitar. He's upstairs, with a friend from Epic. They're practising some new songs. They're terrible! Listen! Fashion King, that's my name Cool clothes, what's your name? Max I agree. Terrible! Can I go up and see him? Ellen Sure, See you later.

Paul Oh hi Max. Hey man, greatto see you! Cool! Max Hey! Paul What are you doing here? Are you seeing Ellen? Max No, not really. It's about our Maths homework...

Oh right! I'm glad you're here. Huh? Why? Because I can't do the Maths homework. It's really difficult, man. i hope you can help me Max. Oh no! Max? Max? What's the problem?

Talking about present actions


Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner. f3

Who do the pronouns refer to? 1 2 3 4 5 6

He goes to Paul and Ellen's house. Max She opens the door. They go to the kitchen. She's revising for a Spanish test. He isn't doing his homework. They're practising some new songs. They can't do their Maths homework.

What's he doing?


What's she doing?

He's dancing.

She's playing football

Who says these expressions? \. i

Come in! Ellen 1 I agree. 2 Sure. See you later. 3 Cool!


playing football

eating an ice-cream




How do you say these expressions in your language?

Communication Abilities: Can you...? Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner. Can you play the plan

Yes, I can.

Can you ride a bike?

No, I can't,


Pronunciation The sounds /D/ and /o:/ play the guitar

Listen and repeat,



4-1*" ?/s


say the English alphabet backwards You choose.

short /D/

long /o:/

got hot what

call four, door

Listen and repeat. Is each sound short or long? 1 lot 3 tall 2 more 4 not Tongue twister! Your Paul's got four more calls!

Present continuous (negative)

Grammar Present continuous (affirmative)

Copy and complete the table. Then complete the rule below.

Copy and complete the table. Then complete the rule below.

Negative full forms I am networking

short forms I'm networking

you are networking he is networking she is not working it is networking we are not working you are networking they are not working

he isn't working

you aren't working

The present continuous (negative) = the negative form of ..,...+ verb + -ing

Complete the sentences. Use short forms Affirmative full forms

short forms

I am working you are working he is working she is working it is working we are working you are working they are working

Liam (not do) his homework. Liam isn't doing his homework. The present continuous (affirmative) the affirmative form of be + verb*.. Complete the sentences. Use short forms. She (do) her homework. She's doing her homework. 1 2 3 4 5 6

He (wait) for a bus. They (watch) TV now. You (learn) a lot of new words! I (buy) a new football shirt. We (talk) about you. Oh no! It (rain)!

1 2 3 4 5 6

Amy (not sleep). We (not look) for Emily. I (not listen) to the radio at the moment, They (not visit) their friends now. You (not eat) your hamburger. Harry (not drink) his milkshake.

We use the present continuous for actions happening now/at the moment. Emily is doing her homework. Liam isn't doing his homework.

Present continuous (spelling)


m^m Study the spelling rules. most verbs read ^ reading Rule: + -ing verbs ending in e dance ^- dancing Rule: ~ / + ~ some verbs ending in one vowel and one consonant shop ^ shopping Rule: double consonant, + -ing

can (permission and ability) ^^ Which two sentences are about permission? Which two sentences are about ability? 1 At school, we can talk in English lessons.

2 I can whistle!

3 I can't sing! Correct these false sentences. Use the verbs in the box. Pay attention to spelling!

At school, we can't talk in the library.


dance sleep

eat read run travel swim write

The girls are eating, The girls aren't eating. They're dancing.


Study skills Noting new vocabulary

1 The man is writing.

2 The woman is reading.

3 The boys are travelling.

4 The dog is swimming,

Camila Rodriguez is from Argentina. Look at her vocabulary notebook and answer the questions.

guitar /9Âť* noun = la guitarra

1 2 3 4 5

Does Camila draw pictures? Does she write the pronunciation? Does she give the parts of speech? Does she include a translation? Does she use new words in sentences?

Improve your study skills! Practise noting new vocabulary. Experiment with different methods. Use the best method for you!

Vocabulary Clothes Look at the photo of Nina Clark, her parents, and her friend Tariq. Listen and repeat. * -•

Mr Clark f| tie' @ trousers @ shoes

ff hat & sweatshirt (D trainers

Mrs Clark 0 coat @ blouse skirt

Tariq (2) jacket HI gloves -..2 jeans


Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer about other clothes in the picture. • • What colour is Mrs Clark's blouse?

What colour are Tariq's jeans?

Correct the false statements. Mr Clark is wearing a purple tie. Mr Clark isn't wearing a purple tie. He's wearing a red tie. 1 Nina is wearing an orange sweatshirt. 2 Nina and Tariq are wearing black trainers. 3 Mrs Clark is wearing a dark red skirt. 4 Mr and Mrs Clark are wearing brown shoes. Describe what a student in your class is wearing. Can your friends guess his/her name? She's wearing light blue jeans, a white jacket, and brown shoes. She's also wearing...


Cultural studies

Cool Britannia! Modern Britain

Reading Read and listen to the text. Match the three topics with the paragraphs A B C .

Match the definitions with a word from the text.

Modern Britain

Paragraph A

British clothes, films, and music!

1 they are not from your country foreigners 2 the opposite of modern 3 food from the sea

Traditional Britain

Paragraph B This bus is taking tourists around London. Most tourists, especially foreigners, want to see traditional Britain. This man is eating a traditional British meal offish and chips!

4 It means many 5 you can eat food here 6 large shops Paragraph C 7 young people from 13-19 8 the adjective form of pride 9 clothes Listen to the four young tourists in London. What do they like? What don't they like? Choose from: s the the the the

shops food hotels museums

Tourist 1 Tourist 2 Tourist 3 Tourist 4 But modern Britain is very different from traditional Britain. Today, Britain is a multi-racial and multicultural country. For example, Indian restaurants are very popular in Britain. In British supermarkets, you can buy food and drink from all over the world.

Of course, British people are very interested in their traditions and their history. But today, many British people especially teenagers are also proud of modern Britain. In fact, all over the world, people are now wearing modern British fashions, and watching new British films. And young people everywhere are listening to modern Britain's very successful export-Britpop!

the the the the

people prices restaurants royal palaces



the museums

the hotels

I Skills work

Favourite clothes



Complete the paragraphs about Martin. Use the words in the box. jacket jeans shirts trainers trousers

Ask and answer about clothes and colours.


In the first photo I'm wearing my school uniform. They'ac/cet is dark green. I think it's horrible. And I really hate the black and white (1) Also, I don't like the (2) They're grey.

In the second photo I'm wearing my favourite clothes. I like baseball caps, football (3) , and blue (4) I don't like shoes. I wear (5) And I love dark glasses!

Listening Listen to Julie. Choose the correct answers. * * 1 Julie likes ... a) baseball caps b) hats 2 She doesn't like ... a) blouses b) sweatshirts 3 She loves... a) skirts b) jeans 4 She hates... a) trainers b) shoes 5 Her favourite colours are a) brown and green b) orange and blue

°"«°™;;K, You shoose!

Writing Write three paragraphs about your partner and clothes. Follow the writing guide.

Title Eva and clothes Paragraph 1 Eva likes ...... She doesn't like She loves , but she hates Her favourite colours are ...... Paragraph 2 Eva often wears She sometimes wears She doesn't wear ...... faragraph 3 At the moment, Eva is wearing ...... and ...... Also, she's wearing ......

Sittin' in the back seat Listen and complete the song. Use the words in the box. • havm' huggm' kissin'



ridin' sittin' talkin'

Sittin'in the back seat! Seven little girls are sittin'in my backseat They're (1) and (2) with Fred I say "Come to the front seat! Come and sit beside me!" But this is what the seven girls say! All together now, one, two, three Keep your head on your drivin' Keep your hands on the wheel. Keep both your eyes on the road ahead We're (3) fun We're (4) in the back seat We're (5) and we're (6).... .... with Fred!

What do you think? Was this song a hit in •» The language of songs. the 1940s, 1950s, or 1960s? How is pop Which letter is missing from words like music today different from this type of song? sittin', talkin', laughin'l

PROGRESS REVIEW: UNIT 1 1.1 Communication I can talk about



Can you sing? Yes, / can. / No, I can't



present actions

He's dancing.



n n

a -n n n



1.2 Grammar f can use present continuous

I'm working./He isn't working.

present continuous (spelling) reading, dancing, shopping can: permission / ability

We can go now. / He can't whistle.

13 Vocabulary I know some words about ciothes

jacket jeans, shirt, trainers


Is Paul buying the tickets? Ellen Oh Max! Is Paul buying the tickets? Max

Er, yes he is. He's buying one for me, and one for him.

Ellen Hmph. He never buys a ticket for me


it's Friday evening, outside the Tenpin Bowl. Ellen Hello. Are you the new girl at school? Hotly Yes, I am. My name's Holly. Ellen Hello Holly. I'm Ellen, and this is Max. Holly Hi Max! This place is great How often do you come here? Max Often, especially on Fridays. Ellen Paul, this is Holly, She goes to our school. Paul Hello. Eilen Holly piays the guitar, and she sings too. Max Wow! Cool! Holly Well, I play and sing sometimes. But I'm not very good.

Holly has a question for Ellen ... Holly Who's Paul, Elfen? Ellen Paul? He's my brother. Holly He's very good-looking. Ellen Do you think so? He plays the guitar, and he writes songs. Holly Great! I play the guitar. And I sing too. Ellen Really? That's fantastic!

Asking and answering about present actions

Comprehension Are the statements true or false?

Holly is the new girl at school. True. 1 Max never comes to the Tenpin Bowl on Fridays. 2 Paul is buying two tickets. 3 Paul always buys a ticket for Ellen. 4 Ellen is Paul's sister. 5 Paul writes songs. 6 Holly doesn't play the guitar.

Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner. ÂŁj| Yes, she is.

Is he playing football?

Who says these expressions?

He's very good-looking. Holly 1 Do you think so? 2 Really? That's fantastic! 3 But I'm not very good.

drinking tea


studying English

playing basketball

How do you say these expressions in your language?

Communication Frequency: How often...? Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner.


How often do you play footbaJI?


You choose!

Pronunciation The sounds /e/ and /s:/

,.w often do you watch TV after midnight?^

Listen and repeat. How often do you listen to classical music?

short /e/


yes get then

work girl world

Listen and repeat. Is each sound short or longl

1 word

2 ten

Tongue twister! listen to pop music

drink Coca-Cola

read horror comics

use a computer You choose!

3 third 4 again

2.2 Grammar

mime game. Mime some actions. Answer your partner's questions.

Present continuous (interrogative)

Yes, I am.

Study the examples. How do we form the present continuous (interrogative)? Check your answer with the table on page 85.

Are you

? No, I'm not! ,

Affirmative Harry is eating an ice-cream. Harry and Amy are drinking milkshakes.

Interrogative Is Harry eating an ice-cream? Yes, he is!

Are Harry and Amy drinking cola? No, they aren't.

Write questions and answers about what the people are doing.


writing a letter

Present simple and present continuous Study the information. Then complete the sentences below with the correct tense.


girl (read) a book? Is the girl reading a book? Yes, she is. cat and dog (watch) TV? Are the cat and the dog watching TV? No, they aren't. the the the the the

boy (eat) a sandwich? women (read) a magazine? baby girl (sleep)? cat (drink) milk? boy and girl (dance)?

We use the present simple for habits and for permanent, true statements. We always go to school on Monday. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. We use the present continuous for actions happening now. He is playing football at the moment. They are sleeping now.

1 She always (eat) her lunch at one o'clock. 2 3 4 5 6

They (do) their homework now. I (watch) TV at the moment. The capital of Poland (be) Warsaw, He never (go) to school on Sunday. Look! Your dog (eat) my sandwich!

Adverbs of frequency

Question words

Copy the table into your notebook. How do you say these words in your language?


Match the questions (1-7) with the answers (a-g) in the box below. 1 Which city is the capital of Argentina? d) Buenos Aires. 2 When's his birthday?

yt always


S] usually

3 What are they doing at the moment? 4 Who's her favourite film star? 5 Where does their mum come from?

ft often

6 How old is his brother?



7 How often does she have English lessons?



Complete the sentences below with true information about you, your family, and friends.

a) The United States b) In March c) Fifteen d) Buenos Aires e) Three times a week f) Writing a letter g) Leonardo DiCaprio


Study skills Revising vocabulary Read what Marek from Poland says about revising vocabulary. Then answer the questions below.

We sometimes sing songs in our English lessons.

"I revise my English vocabulary every month. I use the word lists on pages 90-95 in this book, and the word lists in my vocabulary notebook. I always revise before tests and exams!"

I usually go to bed at midnight. 1 I often 2 My friends sometimes 3 My mum/dad always

1 How often does Marek revise?

4 In our family, we never..

2 Which word lists does he use?

5 My brother/sister usually

3 When does he always revise? improve your atudy Škills! Answer the questions in Exercise 8 for you. Is your method helpful?

Listen to the world weather report. Copy and complete the table. * *

Vocabulary The weather

Athens Buenos Aires London Warsaw

Look at the pictures of the weather. Listen and repeat. • *

3 It's raining.

Temperature chart fde0rees Celsius)


very hot




(2) ......



fifteen ten


6 It's snowing.

Complete the temperature chart. Use co/d, hot, very cold, very warm and warm.

#7" •// Jy

cloudy windy

First, listen and repeat. Then use the table below to ask and answer about the other cities. * -



What's the weathe ither like in Ankar

It's raining. It's cool. It's eleven degrees . J

What's the *% temperature there? ,


f Today's weather around the world


(4) (5) freezing

Q = raining EJ] = windy

= cloudy =sunny Ankara


coo! 11°





c co!d

freezing WORD LIST!


English across the curriculum Geography: describing a city Reading Read and listen to a student project about Edinburgh. •3i

Are these sentences about Edinburgh true or false? Edinburgh is in the north of Scotland, False Edinburgh has got two famous universities. A lot of tourists visit Edinburgh. The weather is very good. Complete the notes about the Edinburgh project.

• location • size • population

(1) eouth of Scotland (2) medium-sized

(3) .

A famous city

I t -s It.s



famous for




am also famous for its

main industry (7) • tourists love they buy

(8) (9)

The weather summer




/ff^Vs y \



The main industry is tourism. Tourists love traditional Scottish clothes, especially the kilt. They also like Scottish music and dancing. Arid they buy a lot of Scotch whisky]


* winter


« rain?


Write three questions about Edinburgh. Can your partner answer your questions? Can you answer his/her questions?

What's the po of Edinburgh? a million People.

The ^^To^lSn^T But the weather isn't very goodl It s warm in surrmer, but very cold iA winter. It rains a lot 1

z, ^^^ Skills work

Famous places

Reading Read the postcard from a famous place, and answer the questions.


Which famous city is the postcard from? Orlando, in Florida, in the USA.


1 What's the population? 2 What's it famous for? 3 What are the main industries? 4 What's the weather like?

Listening Listen to Jason. Choose the correct answers. * @

Jason lives in ... a) Manchester b) London It's... a) a large town b) a large city The population is ... a) one million b) two million It's famous for... a) its football team b) its history The main industry is, a) manufacturing b) tourism The weather there is a) good b) terrible

Writing First, make notes about a famous place in your country. Then write two paragraphs. Add pictures and photos of your famous place. Paragraph 1 Name of place

My famous place is

Country Size: big or small?

It's in It's

How many people?

The population is ...

Paragraph 2 Famous: why?

It Is famous because ...


The main industries are


The weather there is ..

I'm walkin' Listen to the song. Put the lines (a-f and g-I) in the correct order (1-6 and 7-12). * *

m walkin' a) 'Bout you and me. b)Andl'mtalkin', c) I'm walkin1, d) You come back to me! e) I'm wishin', f) Yes indeed! What are you doin'? Don*t make me cry! Where are you runnin'? Don't try to hide! Why are you leavin'? Oh why, why, why? Where are you goin'? Donft say goodbye! g) Please come back to me! h) As I can be.

i) For your company. j)rmhopin', k) I'm lonely, I) I'm waitin1.

How many examples of the present continuous a) affirmative and b) interrogative are there in the song?

The language of songs. How do we write 'Bout in formal English?

PROGRESS REVIEW: UNIT 2 2.1 Communication I can talk about frequency

How often...?

present actions

fsshe watching TV?

n a

a n

n a a

a a

2.2 Grammar I can use present continuous (interrogative)

Is Harry eating an ice-cream? Are Harry and Amy drinking cola ?

adverbs of frequency

always, usually, often, sometimes, never

question words

What? When? Why? Who?...

2.3 Vocabulary I know some words about the weather

sunny, cloudy, raining, windy


I'm having a party tomorrow!

It's Friday, after school. Ellen Do you like those bags Holly? Holly Yes, butthey're really expensive. Ellen Ouch! That hurts! What are you doing Paul? Max He's pulling your hair, Ellen. Paul No I'm not. Honest! Max is telling lies. Ellen Stop it, Paul! Don't be silly. Holly What are you doing at the weekend? Ellen I'm finishing my Geography project Ugh! Max I'm probably watching the football on TV. Why? Holly I'm having a party tomorrow. Would you both like to come? Ellen Great! Yes please. Max Me too. Thanks Holly.

Ellen and Max are right Holly's very good. Holly What about you Paul? Would you like to come to my party? Paul Er, no thanks Holly. I'm practising with myband, Ep/'c, tomorrow. Holly I've got a great idea. Would you like to sing and play at the party? Paul Mm. Perhaps. I don't know.

It's late on Saturday evening arriving at Holly's party. a great party. The music's terrific. Ellen And Holly's a really good singer! Max Yeah. She's brilliant!


Max Paull What's wrong? Are you OK? Paul Er, I've got a headache. I'm going home.

Talking about future arrangements


Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner.

Put the events in the story (a-f) in the correct order (1-6). 1c f 2 . a) Holly invites Paul to the party. b) Ellen says: 'Stop it!' c) Paul is pulling Ellen's hair.

What are you loing on Saturday evening?

I'm going to a disco.

What are you doing on Sunday morning?

I'm playing basketball.

d) Paul leaves Holly's party. e) Max says: This is a great party/ f) Holly invites Ellen and Max to the party. Who says (or thinks!) these expressions? Ouch! That hurts! Ellen 1 Honest! 2 Don't be silly. 3 Ellen and Max are right.

washing my mum's car

cleaning my bike

staying in bed

doing my homework

How do you say these expressions in your language?

Communication Invitations Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner. Would you like to go to the cinem you like to go P toWould the disco with me"


Yesr please.

No, thanks. I


IP The sound /h/ and silent 'h' Listen and repeat.

play this computer game

come to the picnic


silent 'h'

headache hotel

honest honour

Listen and repeat. Write • when you hear /h/. Write X when you don't. 1 home 2 hour 3 hand 4 horrible Tongue twister! In a horrible hotel for hours and hours...

go swimming

have a holiday in Florida with me

Grammar Present continuous (present and future meanings)

Look at Amy's diary for next week. Write questions and answers about her future actions. For the answers use: Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isn't. Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

Study the sentences. Which sentence refers to the present? Which sentence refers to the future?

1 Amy is playing with her computer at the moment. 2 Amy and Emily are going to the beach tomorrow.


Look at the picture. Write sentences (affirmative or negative) about present actions.

Amy / visit her Uncle Joe / Friday? Is Amy visiting her Uncle Joe on Friday? Yes, she is.

The boys (swim) at the moment. The boys aren't swimming at the moment. 1 The girl (eat) a hamburger. 2 The boys (listen) to music at the moment. 3 The dog (sleep) now. 4 The girl (drink) a cola. 5 The boys (play) volleyball at the moment. 6 The dog (watch) TV.

1 Amy / do her homework / Friday? 2 Amy and Emily / go to the cinema / Monday? 3 Amy and Harry / have a party / Saturday? 4 Amy / revise for a test / Sunday? Amy and Harry / play basketball / Wednesday? 6 Amy / go to the cinema / Thursday? 7 Amy and Emily / watch TV / Monday? 8 Amy / wash her hair / Friday?

We use the present continuous: for actions happening now We are studying English (now/at the moment). and for actions happening in the future We're having an English test next week.

3.2 Prepositions of time: at, on, in

Word order Rearrange the words and phrases to make sentences.

LEARIUTHIS! Prepositions of time

is/ England. /Yes, / s h e / f r o m

at two o'clock at half past nine at the weekend

in the morning in the evening

on Tuesday on my birthday on 1st April

in the summer in the winter

'the first of April'

in July in August

in 2005 'two thousand and five'

Copy and complete the text about Sheila. Use at, on, in.

illllllllllll November

Yes, she is from England. 1 English / every day. / studies / She 2 from Hungary. / aren't / Those men 3

late / am / for / my English classes. / I / always

4 now. / basketball / playing / The girls / are 5 watching / at the moment. / TV / He / isn't 6 to the cinema / often / go / They / at the weekend. 7 visiting / We / on Saturday. / are / our aunt 8 at eight o'clock. / On Monday / I / to school /go GRAMMAR HELP!

Study skills Correcting spelling mistakes â‚ŹP Correct the students' spelling mistakes.

x I like swiming.

• / like swimming.

X _ IMikeswiming.

^ I like swimming.

2 My frend has blue eyes. 3 Dos your mum speak English? 4 She is a nice women. A Sheila is fifteen. She wants to swim in the Olympic Games. B Sheila gets up at half past six every day, even (1)...... the weekend, (2) Saturday and Sunday! From Monday to Friday, Sheila goes swimming (3)...... the mornings, before school. Her lessons start (4) nine o'clock, and they finish (5) half past three (6) the afternoon. C After school (7) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Sheila practises in the pool for about three hours. (8) the summer, she is having lessons with Duncan Goodhew. He was an Olympic champion (9) 1980.

5 This buk is reaiiy interesting. 6 Marta likes danceing. 7 M fa

y *herwashs our car on Saturday.

^ His dad flys to New York every month! 9 Were do you live? 1O Her brather is eighteen.

Improve your study skills! Always make a note of your spelling mistakes - and corrections!

Vocabulary Houses and homes Look at the picture of Sir Edward's house. Listen and repeat.

Listen. Where are the policeman and the thief? * • They're in the bedroom.

Ask and answer with a partner. Where's Sir *" _,. _n Edward? 1

He's in the


1 They're 2 They're

the thief?


the po!iceman?j

3 They're ...... 4 They're

the dog?

the piano?


J choose!

unit 3


pages 92-93

Cultural studies First, look at the traditional and modern houses and homes (1-7). Then listen and repeat their names. >3

Houses and homes around the world Reading Read about three young people. Then answer the questions below.

Hi! My name is Eric, and I come from Canada. I live with my parents and my two sisters. We live on a farm in the country. There are seven rooms in our farmhouse, i love it.

Hello. I'm Betty. I live in Australia. I live with my dad, near the beach. It's great! We live in a flat. It's only got three rooms, but we love it.

Hello. I live in a village, in Mexico. I live with my brother and my twin sisters, oh and yes, my mum and dad, and grandad. We live in a house with six rooms. It's an old house, and very beautiful. 1 Who lives in a village? 2 Who lives in the country? 3 Who lives near the beach? First study the chart about Eric. Then write charts about Betty, Pablo, and you. Eric Country Type of house Number of rooms Family

Canada farmhouse 7

lives with his family

Skills work Speaking


Imagine you are staying in one of these unusual houses. Answer your partner's questions.

Read and listen to Ted's letter to his mum. |J3

•-Dear Mum, I'm staying with my friend Rosie. She's got a very unusual home - it's a houseboat! It's on the river, near Oxford, about 8>0

km from London. The houseboat is calied 'Rose', like the flower! It's got five rooms. There's a kitchen (with a TV!), a living-room, two small bedrooms, and a very smali bathroom. 1 like it very much, because life on the river is very c^uiet and peaceful. It's Thursday today. At the moment, we're taking the houseboat on the canai from Oxford to Birmingham. 'Rose' is slow (maximum

Which house are you staying in? Where is it? How many rooms has it got? What are they? Who usually lives there? Why do you like the house? What are you doing there at the moment?

s^eed 15 km per hour!). But it's a great way to see the countryside\ Tomorrow we're visiting Rosie's brother. He lives in a village near Birmingham.'And on Saturday we're going to Stratford-uponAvon. Love,




Writing Write a letter about the unusual house in Exercise 3,

Answer the questions. What kind of home has Rosie got?

. Pear

A houseboat.

Pm staying in

1 Where is her home? 2 What's the name of Rosie's home? 3

How many rooms has it got?

4 Where's the TV? 5 Where are Ted and Rosie taking the houseboat at the moment? 6 What's the maximum speed of the houseboat? 7 What are they doing tomorrow? 8 When are they going to Stratford-upon-Avon?

, it's in .......

It's got...... rooms. They are usually lives here. I like the house because At the moment, I'm Best wishes,

Living right next door to an angel Listen and complete the song. Use the words in the box. F^ away








Living right next door to an angel I'm living right next door to an angel She's sitting in her house today I'm living right next door to an angel Yes she's living just a house (1) She isn't now just a silly little (2) 'Cos all of a sudden she's out of this (3)... I'm living right next door to an angel And I'm meeting her, yes, tonight. She's walking now down Main Street And I can't believe my (4) It's just an ordinary Main Street But now it's (5) ..! I'm feeling happy, I'm feeling (6) I'm the lucky lucky guy in the (7) I'm living right next door to an angel And she's meeting me, yes, tonight!

Why is the boy happy?

The language of songs. How do we write 'Cos in formal English?

PROGRESS REVIEW: UNIT 3 3.1 Communication I can talk about invitations

Would you like to go to the cinema?

future arrangements

What are you doing on Saturday evening?

n n

Q n

n n

3,2 Grammar I can use


present continuous (present and future meanings)

Amy is playing with her computer at the moment. Is Amy visiting her uncle on Friday?

prepositions of time

at, on, in .

word order

Yes, she is from England.

n n


Vocabulary I know some words about houses and homes

/g/oo, tent, block of flats, house bedroom, bathroom, kitchen



I'm going to be a millionaire :

Later that evening...

It's six o'clock at Paul and Ellen's house...

Ellen It's Max. Paul Brilliant! He's going to listen to my new songs. Ellen And Holly's with him. She's going to help me revise.

Dad EIIen!TurntheTVoff!You must revise for your Maths test tomorrow. Ellen But, Dad. It's the Music Show. It's great, and...

Dad No, Ellen! And Paul, you mustn't interrupt your sister. You must do your homework.

Max and Holly? Together?

Oh, Dad. But... No! No TV this evening. Oh, OK.

\ 111111 Holly Oh, I'm nervous about the test tomorrow. Ellen Nervous? Why? You're really good at Maths, Holly. Hmph! I don't care aboutthe test. Holly Why not? Ellen Because when I leave school, I'm going to be a famous model. Models don't need Maths! Max When I leave school, I'm going to be a millionaire!

Holly What are you going to be, Paul? Max He's going to be a ... Ellen -a world famous pop star! Paul Ha ha. Very funny. Dad Paul! Ellen! It's nearly midnight. Your friends must go home now.

4.1 Comprehension

Plans and intentions (going to) Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner.

Answer the 'Who ...?' questions.

Who must revise for her Maths test? Ellen 1 Who mustn't interrupt Ellen? 2 Who's going to listen to Paul's new songs? 3 Who's going to help Ellen revise? 4 Who's nervous about the test tomorrow? 5 Who doesn't care about the test - and why? 6 Who's going to be a millionaire?

What's he going to b


He's going to be a boxer!

What's she going to be?

She's going to be a ballet dancer,

Who says these expressions?

Turn the TV off! Dad 1 Brilliant! 2 I don't care about the test. 3 Ha ha. Very funny. How do you say these expressions in your language?

Communication Obligation (must) and prohibition (mustn't) Listen and repeat. Then practise the conversations with a partner. ÂŤ >

Boy This is horrible! Mother You must eat it! Girl This is beautiful! Father You mustn't touch it! terrible/must take it

boring/must learn it

Pronunciation Final consonants Listen and repeat.

/p/ pop /t/ it /k/sick /nk/ pink

/b/ rob /d/ need /g/big /rj/ king

First, learn the meanings. Then listen and repeat. Tick [•] the word you hear.

1 pick pig 2 bat bad 3 rope robe

5 write ride 6 think thing 7 back bag

4 sink

S cup



Tongue twister!

What do you think about this thing? heavy / mustn't drop it

great / mustn't lose it



Grammar going to (future plans and intentions) Look at the pictures and choose the correct answers. 1 Is Amy going to watch Pop Twenty on Channel 5? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. 2 Are Harry and Liam going to cycle to the top of the hill? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

Write questions for your partner. you / watch TV / tonight? Are you going to watch TV tonight? /1 you / phone me /this evening? 2 our English teacher / give us a test / tomorrow? 3 our teacher / travel to England / soon? 4 your parents/ watch a football match/ on Saturday? 5 you / go to a party / at the weekend? Now ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2. For the answers, use:

Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isn't. Yes, they are. No, they aren't. I don't know!

going to (predictions) Complete the predictions.

1 Oh no! Look at those clouds

2 Be careful. Grandma! sandwiches.

3 Hurry up!


sit on the

miss our plane.

USING TENSES! We use going to: for plans and intentions We're going to have a holiday in London next summer. and for predictions We're late. We're going to miss the train!

must and mustn't

Personal pronouns Complete the table. Use her, him, it, them, us, you, you.


Personal pronouns subject



you he she it we



I must go.

We must study.

He mustn't talk.

They mustn't play.

Complete the sentences. Use must or mustn't.

you they 1 He eat all the chocolates. 2 He ...... go to the doctor.

Complete Tim's fax. Use the correct personal pronouns (object).

Fax From: Tim in Sydney, Australia To: Alice in London, England Date: 18 June ~Hi, Alice! When you arrive, I'm going to meet you at the airport, at 8 pm. Mum and Dad can't come with (1) ...... to the airport; two of Mum's friends are here from New Zealand. Mum and Dad are taking (2) to the Opera House that evening. But Barbara can come to the airport with (3) I'm meeting (4) after a swimming lesson at five o'clock.

3 We ...... talk in the library. 4 We be quiet. GRAMMAR HELP!

Study skills Correcting grammar mistakes * Correct the students' grammar mistakes.

We're going to the airport early. Mum and Dad don't want (5) ...... to be late! We're going in my new car! It's a blue Mercedes. I love (6)...... .


How's 'big brother'? Give (7)


Tim PS. I'm faxing (8) Do (9) like it?

my best wishes.


a picture of my new car.

X 1 I like watch TV

/ like watching TV.

2 She watching afifmnow. 3 Do he likes Maths? 4 English people is very nice. 5 Where you live? 6 Our teacher she is very good! 7 Do you watching the video now? & My uncle is doctor. 9 My friend not likes Physics. 1# I am go to school now.

Improve your study skills! Always make a note of your grammar mistakes - and corrections!

and repeat.

My room I've got a single bed, with a bedside table, a pink lamp, and an alarm clock. I've got a white desk, with a red chair. That's where I do my homework. There's a hook on the door, for my school bag. I've got a brown chest of drawers, and a tali wardrobe, for my clothes. I've got two bookshelves, for my CD player, my magazines, and my school books. The window is small, the curtains are green, and the carpet is blue - and very old. On the walls there are a lot of posters of my favourite sports people, film stars and musicals. 1 can look at the ceiling and see my favourite singer, Ricky Martin! At the moment, the floor is very untidy! because I'm opening this box! It's got a new computer inside!

O Read Melanie's description of her room. O Imagine you are a millionaire! Draw a

English across the Computer studies: teenagers and computers Reading First complete the texts. Use the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers. Âť5

computer programs




Hello. I'm Natalia from Argentina. I haven't got a ?r at home, so I use one at my school. Today, I'm going to search the (1), for information for a school project.

Hi! I'm Linda, from England. I use my dad's computer. It's five years old, and it hasn't got any good (2) So I only use it for typing my homework and for letters. But I'm very happy, because my dad's going to buy a new computer next month!

Hi! I'm Miguel from Portugal. I play a lot of (3) on my computer. My mum says to me: 'You're always playing on your computer! You mustn't forget your homework!'

Hello. I'm Adam from Poland. I love using my computer. I use it every evening. This evening, i'm going to send an (4) to my pen-friend in Chile.

Answer the questions. Who uses a computer for playing games? Miguel 1 2 3 4

Who uses a computer at school? Who's going to send an e-mail? Who uses her dad's computer? Who's going to search the Internet?

5 Who uses a computer every evening? 6 Who mustn't forget his homework? 7 Who loves using his computer? 8 Who's going to buy a new computer next month?

Skills work

Pen-friends on the Internet!



Read Adam's e-mail message to his new friend Sofia. Then complete the paragraph below.

Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2. How old is Sofia?

D To:

Sofia Estrella



My e-mail address


Helio Sofia! My name is Adam. I'm 14 years old, and I'm Polish. I come from Krakow, in the south of Poland. I attach a picture of it. It's a very old city, and very beautiful.

Writing KB Imagine you are a famous person! Send an e-mail to a new friend in a foreign country. Use Adam's e-mail in Exercise 1 to help you. Paragraph 1

My hobby is collecting magazines about motorbikes. I've got about 500 of them! My favourite sport is cycling. My favourite food is hamburger and french fries.

My name is ......

What are your favourite things?

I live in ,.*;..

Write to me soon!


I'm —.-. years old

Paragraph 2 My favourite hobby \&{, \ also like/love T, Paragraph 3

Adam's e-mail address is adam.tomasik Šworldwide.pi, He is(1)...... years old. He comes from the city of (2) in the (3) of Poland. His hobby is (4), His favourite sport is (5) And his favourite food is (6)

Listening Sofia is writing her e-mail reply to Adam. Listen and answer the questions. What is Sofia's e-mail address? sofia.estreHa@giobalnet.ch 1 2 3 4 5 6

How old is Sofia? Which city does she come from? Which part of which country is the city in? What is Sofia's hobby? What is her favourite sport? What is her favourite food?

Write to me at


Here in the Net! Listen to the song. Put the lines (a-h) in the correct order (1-8).

Hwt HI theNet! I'm gonna send a message to his screen My words to him are gonna race I'm gonna talk to that boy, somewhere between Reality and Cyberspace a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Answer my call, Show me your face! Out in time and space I must feel your touch. I'm not asking much Here in the Wet, Send me a message, Can't you see?

But I'm losing power And I'm fading away in a world that he can't see I'm searching searching every day Don't leave me here: please help me -

What is the Net? Why is the girl using it?

The language of songs. How do we write gonna in formal English?

PROGRESS REVIEW: UNIT 4 4.1 Communication lean talk about


obligation / prohibition

You must eat it / You mustn't touch it

plans and intentions

He's going to be a boxer.

n n

n n

Grammar I can use going to: future plans and intentions

Are you going to watch TV tonight?

pronouns (subject/object)

I / me, you /you, he / him

must /mustn't

I must go. / They mustn't eat the cake.

n n

4.3 Vocabulary I know some words about my room

lamp, wardrobe, curtains, floor



n n

REVISION Units 3 and 4 Grammar Present continuous (present and future meanings) Read the conversation between Amy and her dad. Find ten examples of the present continuous. Which four examples refer to the present; and which six examples refer to the future? 1 Are you revising? = the present

going to (future plans and intentions) Study Emily's and Harry's plans for next week. Are the sentences below true or false?

Emily AON

play tennis write to Grandad revise for History test




watch TV go to Boyzone concert plan the school disco

Dad (1) Are you revising, Amy? Amy Er, not at the moment, Dad. I'm watching TV.. Dad Amy! You're taking a Geography test tomorrow, remember. So you must revise - now! Amy But I'm waiting for Liam, Dad. Dad Liam? Are you seeing him this evening? Amy Yes! At ten o'clock, he's helping me with my revision. He's finishing his Maths revision at the moment. Then he's coming here. Dad Oh no! Liam isn't seeing you at ten o'clock! Amy Oh Dad. But why not? Dad Because you're having a bath at ten. And then it's your bed time! Write five sentences about the present, and five sentences about the future. Use the present continuous. The present 1 My teacher is heiping students at the moment. The future 2 My friend is having a party at the weekend.

Emily \s going to write to her uncle on Tuesday. False. 1 Emily is going to plan the school disco on Saturday. 2 Harry is going to visit his grandad on Saturday. 3 Emily isn't going to play tennis on Monday. 4 Harry isn't going to play basketball, on Tuesday. 5 Emily and Harry are going to watch TV on Thursday. 6 Harry and Emily are going to revise for a History test on Wednesday. Write questions about Emily and Harry. Then ask your partner the questions. Is Emily going to ...... on Saturday? i

Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. Are Emily and Harry going to on Monday? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

going to (predictions)


What's going to happen? What do you think? Write four sentences.

Houses and homes •• Complete the puzzle. Who lives in the house?

1 2 3 4 5 6

The gorilla is going to find their tea. 1 2 3 4

The gorilla The snake The tarantula ...... The man and woman ......

I eat here. It's on the top of my house! I wash here. I sleep here. I've got my car here. I cook here.

My room Describe the room. Choose the correct answers.

Prepositions of time: at in, on «• Complete the secret love letter with the correct prepositions at, in, on.

My darting MuMu I can't see you on Tuesday or (1) ...... the Weekend. And tie can't meet (2) ...... my birthday. And (3) ...... june }>m ^ on holiday - tilth my (amity! l'*n returning from my holidays (b) ...... lst July. Meet me In the park then! I'm qoinq to be there (5).

half past ten (6) ...... 1 The (carper)/ ceiling is green. 2 The bookshelves I curtains are blue.

Please be patient my darting I'myoiny to be

3 The wardrobe I chest of drawers is white.

rtith you (7) ...... the autumn, (8) ...... September and (9)

4 The chair / desk is brown.

October. We're

5 The alarm clock I lamp is red.

yoiny to be happy (10) ...... the future, Write more sentences describing the room.

and forever and etfer! TuTu

I ssgfwtspsa^^".^*,^.,-,..,-—,.,..,.. ^ ..


_ ~^__8^,HL_^S||

1 The ceiling \& white.

I was terrible! After the band practice ...

Holly You and the band need to practise, that's all.

Paul Were the songs OK, Holly?

Paul But we haven't gottime to practise. The concert's next Friday.

Holly Yes, they were great!

Holly Paul! Be careful! The steps! Paul Oh, the pain! My arm really hurts.

Paul Hmph, But I was terrible,

Holly Phone for a taxi! I'm going to take Paul to the hospital.

Holly No, you weren't, Paul.

You were really good. And the band was good too, Paul No, it wasn't, Holly, The band was terrible too. We were all terrible!

Paul is home from the hospital. Max You can't play the guitar now, Paul! What are you going to do about the concert? Paul I don't know. Have you got any suggestions? Max Well, er, perhaps, er. Holly... Ellen Yes, Holly! What a brilliant idea!

Ellen How much time have we got? Max Not much! Only a week. Paul How many of my songs do you know, Holly? Holly I know all of them, Paul. Paul Oh, do you? Great! Let's phone the band. Let's tell them the good news!

Comprehension Answer the questions. Who says the songs were great? Holly 1 2 3 4 5 6

Who needs to practise? When is the concert? How does Paul hurt his arm? Where is Holly going to take Paul? Who has a brilliant idea? How many of Paul's songs does Holly know?

Asking about the past: be Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner. 13 Was the female singer good?

ij^r Yes, she was!

female singer Were the guitar players good?

Who says these expressions? We were all terrible! Paul guitar players X

1 Be careful! 2 My arm really hurts, 3 What a brilliant idea! How do you say these expressions in your language?

saxophone players โ ข

Communication Quantity: How much ...? How many...? Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner. Cยง Boy How much flour have we got? . Girl Not much! Only fifty grams. Girl How many bananas have we got? Boy Not many! Only two. sugar/only 100 grams

butter/only forty grams

biscuits/only three

sandwiches/only one You choose!


Pronunciation Sentence stress: making contrasts Listen and repeat. 1 a) His English is very good! b) Her English is terrible! 2 a) History is interesting! b) But Geography is boring! Listen and repeat. Circle the contrasting words. 3 a) My watch was cheap! b) Your watch was expensive! 4 a) Poland is big! b) But Argentina is enormous! Tongue twister! I was right, and you were wrong He is weak, but she is strong! They are French, you are Greek We don't listen, you don't speak.


be: past simple (interrogative and short answers)

Grammar be: past simple (affirmative and negative) Complete the tables. Use wasn't (x2), was, were not (x2), and were.


you she he it

full forms

short forms


I was not

I (5)


you (3)

you weren't


she he was not


he she (6) it

we you (4) they

we you weren't they


you they



Complete the table, be: past simple affirmative


short answers

1 was


Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.

you were



he/she/it was


(5) ....../

we/you/ they were


Yes, we were./ No, we weren't


First, read about Steve and Jane's travels last year. Then practise the conversation with a partner.

Complete the sentences. Use was (singular) or were (plural).

Poland Argentina Turkey


On Friday Amy was at home. Harry and Emily were at school. 1 Harry and Liam at the football match on Saturday. 2 Amy at the disco on Saturday. 3 Liam ...... at the cinema on Sunday. 4 Amy and Emily ...... at the sports centre on Sunday. I Complete the sentences. Use wasn't (singular) or weren't (plural). On Friday Amy wasn't at school. Harry, Emily, and Liam weren't at home. 1 Emily at the disco on Saturday. 2 Harry and Liam at the sports centre on Saturday. 3 Amy and Emily at the football' match on Saturday. 4 Liam at home on Sunday.

Was Steve in Japan last August?

P1 Were Steve and Jane in Greece last June?

5.Z Countable and uncountable nouns Complete the chart with the nouns below (six countable, six uncountable). Can you add other nouns to the chart? Countable


singular and plural banana + bananas concert + .,

ÂŁingu! fruit

Study skills Understanding new words and phrases Read the paragraph from the magazine. Why is the student circling some words? he(majority )f teenagers in the world (about 90%) prefer rock music to classical music. But in some countries classical music is very popular(too)ln Japan for example/ there are young geniuses-only seven or eight years old-who can

How much ...? How many ...? First, study the examples and complete the rules. Then complete the questions below. Use How much ..,? How many ... ?

play music by ^omposers)^uch as Beethoven and Mozart!

How much milk do you drink every day?

How many hours are there in a week?

First read the paragraph in Exercise 8 again. Then answer questions 1-5 about the student's first new word. 1 What part of speech is the new word? majority = noun

We use with uncountable nouns. We use „ ,, with countable nouns.


Do I recognize any part of it?

3 What's the main topic of the sentence and paragraph? 4 Can I guess the meaning or translation!


students are there in your class?



bread do you eat in a day?


...... teeth have you got?


days are there in a year?


coffee do you drink every day?

6 ...... time do you spend on homework every week? Now answer the questions! GRAMMAR HELP!

5 Finally, what does my dictionary say? Now answer questions 1-5 about another word or phrase in the paragraph.

Improve your study skiils! When you don't understand a new word, don't panic! And don't stop reading! First, use questions (1-5) above. Then ask your friend or teacher.

.3 Vocabulary

Listen and repeat the names of the instruments. e •

Musical instruments First complete the magazine article. Use the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers. cello

bass guitar drums lead guitar harmonica keyboard saxophone


new pop band



Listen and match the instruments in Exercise 2 with the pieces of music. 1 piano

2 ... Practise the dialogues. Then ask and answer with a partner.

Amy and Tom are the singers. Amy also plays the base'guitar, and

Do you play a musical instrument?

Tom plays (1) . .Jane plays the ? (2) ...... .Max plays the (3) ...... . Millie plays the (4) Finally, Zak is the (5) player.

What's your favourite musical Instrument?

Yes, the piano. / No, I don't.

The clarinet.


pages 94-95


Cultural studies

ck music

Reading First read and listen to the text. Then choose the best title for it. Choose from:


Rock: two musical traditions Elvis Presley: the King of rock music Rock music: the early years Rock'n'roll: the first two decades

mck'n'roll It was born in the 1950s, The first type of rock music as ro« ^ ^.^ traditions r £fro.American mus.c, in the USA. At that t.me ther > «* « ™ first tradition wasPo ,arWlth


was like the voice of an Atro^^ ^ ^ rf rock muS(C scially the music ft 'm the 1960s, psychede//c rode was very popu^r, ular type of rock » of the Beatles, a white Bntih group Jh^ ^ ^ Motown sound. Motown singers was Diana Ross.

Answer the questions. When was rock'n'roll born? In the 1950s. 1 Which country does rock'n'roll come from? 2 Which type of music was popular with Afro-Americans? 3 Who liked country-and-western music? 4 Who was the first rock music superstar? 5 When did he die? 6 What do some people still call him? 7 When was psychedelic rock popular? 8 Which country were the Beatles from? 9 Where was the Motown sound from?

.; • ,

Listen to Madeleine and her brother Patrick. Complete the table with these types of rock music. €3} disco heavy metal reggae soul

The 1970s (1) soul

(2) (3).


The 1930s (4) (5) The 1990s



The Beatles

Skills work

A school concert!



Read Gary's letter to his Aunt Sally. Then complete the poster below.

Dear Aunt Sally Can you come to our school concert? It's on Friday, 3rd May. It starts at half past seven. In part one, there's the school chair, with 'Songs from around the world'. Then there's an interval The second part starts with the school orchestra and 'Your classical favourites'. The concert -finishes with the Camden School Rockers and our 'Rock 'n* roll -finale9. I'm the singer, and I play the bass guitarl I hope you can come. The tickets

are £5. Love, Gary

Listen to Zoe talking to her cousin Nick about her school concert. Choose the correct answers. - •

1 The date of the concert is... a) Thursday 4th April b) Saturday 14th April 2 The concert starts at... a) 7.00 b) 7.30 3 Part one of the programme is... a) the school choir b) the school orchestra 4 Part two of the concert starts with a) the teachers' choir b) the teachers' orchestra 5 The concert finishes with ... a) The London Rockers b) The London Singers 6 The tickets are a) £3 each b) £4 each


4$ Part one The school choir: (3) «g| Interval ^ ^ Parttwo fr :Your classical favourites (5)...../. Rock V roll finale

Write a letter about a school concert. Use the letter in Exercise 1 as a model. Include information about: • the date • part two • when the concert starts • the tickets • part one

Speaking Ask and answer about your concerts. What's the date of your concert? | What time does ft start? __,__—™__.™_T_^W.,^ What's in part one?

Tickets: (6) What's in part two? How much are the tickets?

5.4 Happy Birthday, sweet sixteen •B Listen and complete the song. The missing words are all numbers.

Happy Birthday, swttts/xteen Tonight's the night I'm waiting for Because you're not the baby You were before You're now a beautiful girl A lovely teenage dream Happy Birthday sweet (1) When you were only (2) Always with your mother But when you were (3) I was your big brother When you were (4) You were my lovely Valentine But now you're (5) You're my teen dream From now on you're gonna be mine How many examples of be (past simple) are there in the song?

K0 The language of songs. Which words in the song rhyme with the words in the box?





PROGRESS REVIEW: UNIT 5 5-1 Communication I can talk about



How much flour/ How many bananas?

the past: be

Was the singer good?



a a


Grammar I can use be: past simple

Amy was at home on Friday. r/c/ay.


home on Sa turday. Harry and Liam weren't'tat at h


Was Steve in Japan last March ?

How much*,..? How many ...7

How much milk do you drink? How many hours are there in a week?



5.3 Vocabulary I know some words about musical instruments bass guitar, drums, cello


a* a

'Did you really love me?' Audience

We want more! We want more! Hooray! Hooray!

It's Friday evening, at the concert... Holly

Holly and the audience

Did you really love me ? Did you really care ? Did you even like me ? Oh where are you oh where?

Yesterday I loved your But you were so untrue! No, you didn't love me, So now I'm sad and blue Blue, blue, blue!

Holly Paul Holly Max Ellen Paul

The new name was my idea, But, Paul, it isn't my band. It's your band. No, Holly! It's ot/rband now. Our band? I don't understand. What do you mean, Paul? This is my new name. I'm now Mr Paul Prince, manager of our new supergroup. Holly and the Heroes!

HOLLY ANT THE HERO After the concert...

Holly Paul Holly Ellen Max

Did you like it, Paul? Yes, I did. You were great. Did you feel nervous? No, I didn't! Not at all! The audieace loved it! They cheered and clapped. &째nflW&oWl^^ Look! Epic's got a new name.

6.1 Talking about the past


Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer with a partner. "• •

Answer the questions. Did the audience like the concert? Yes, they did. 1 2 3 4 5

Did he like the concert?

What was the final song? Who was the singer? Was she nervous? What's the group's new name? Who's their manager?


Yes, he did.

the concert

n -,

Who says these expressions?

like the film?


No, they didn't.

We want more! We want more! The audience!

the film*

1 Not at all! 2 They cheered and clapped. 3 Congratulations, Holly.

How do you say these expressions in your language?

the book X

the CD /

Communication Congratulations! the holiday in Mexico Listen and repeat. Then practise the conversations with a partner.


It's my birthday! |jj

Intonation Congratulations, Carlos.

Listen and repeat.

It's our wedding anniversary!


-.....".....--......... - "

Rising -> = doubt, surprise Really?->



Congratulations, r and Mrs Frost!

Falling ^ = certainty Really! "\ Yes!^,

Listen and repeat. Does the intonation rise .> or fall "^? 1 Is it today? 2 No, it's tomorrow! 3 You're eighteen? 4 Yes, I am! 5 No? 6 No!


Ruth I passed my exam!

Tongue twister - try this with a partner!

Olga and Victor It's a girl!


Regular verbs: past simple (negative)


Study the sentences and complete the rule.

Regular verbs: past simple (affirmative) Read paragraphs A and B. Identify the two verbs in each paragraph. Is each verb present simple or past simple?

I didn't finish my homework last night! A Amy usually starts her homework at seven o'clock. But last night she started her homework at eight o'clock.

B Last Saturday Emily and Harry danced for three hours! They always dance together at parties and discos.

We didn't invite her to our party. The past simple (negative) = subject + + base form of the verb.

foragraph A starts = present simple -

Regular verbs: past simple (spelling) Look again at the past simple forms in Exercise 1. Write the verbs (1-4).

Write sentences about last weekend. Use the past simple (affirmative or negative).

Activity Spelling

base form past simple

most verbs

start look want Rule = verb 4-ed

started (1) (2) .

verbs with 'e' dance like arrive Rule = verb + d

danced (3).. (4)..

visit grandparents watch a video

cook eupper phone Amy

play tennis fe*-^^^_

1 2 3 4

They (arrive) home at ten o'clock. She (ask) me my name. We (walk) to school yesterday. I (invite) her to the cinema on Saturday.


• X

• •


• X . -

X ^_*eSSS^Wis^SS^fe6

Emily (visit) her grandparents. Emily visited her grandparents.

Complete the sentences. Use the past simple. And use the spelling rules in Exercise 2! I (answer) all the questions, answered

_ ^^.^-^sgPPl^

Emily Harry

Emily and Harry (play) tennis. Emily and Harry didn't play tennis. 1 2 3 4 5

Harry (phone) Amy, Emily and Harry (cook) supper. Harry (visit) his grandparents. Harry (watch) a video. Emily (watch) a video.

6.2 Regular verbs: past simple (interrogative and short answers) Study the questions and answers. Then complete the rule below. Did Emily watch a video on Tuesd

Study skills Holiday English! Look at the photos (a-e). Then answer questions (1-5) below.

Did Harry and Emily cook supper on Wednesday? I'm going to California!

The interrogative of the past simple = + subject* base form of the verb.


I'm going to read some stones in English!

Write questions about last weekend for your partner. Then answer your partner's questions. Did you play tennis on Saturday? Yes, I did. /No, I didn't

I'm going talk to my friend in English for ten minutes every day.

play tennis visit grandparents I'm going to learn some English songs.

phone your f raen cook supper watch a video You cbooss! LEARN THIS! The forms of the past simple are the same for every person /, you, he, ehe, it, we, you, they. \ liked the film. affirmative They liked the film. He didn't like the film. negative We didn't like the film. Interrogative Did she like the film? Did they like the film? GRAMMAR HELP!

Who's going to practise English conversation d) Eleni, from Greece Who's going to study English in the USA? Who's going to read some stories? Who's going to revise his/her English? Who's going to listen to music, and why? Improve your study skills! In the holidays, you can improve English! * Revise your grammar and vocabulary • Read some stories and magazines * Learn some songs • Practise conversation with a friend

Vocabulary Films i First, match the types of film (1-9) with the videos (a-i). Then listen and check your answers. * 8 7/7 (Lost Treasure) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

an adventure film a romantic film a science fiction film a war film a horror film a comedy film a cowboy film a historical film a cartoon film

Penny saw six films last week. What was her opinion of them? Read, listen, and repeat.

1 It was very interesting.

4 It was frightening. Ask and answer about films. Yes, I do. They're interesting.

Do you like adventure films?

2 It was boring.

jp No, I don't ^They're reaiiy boring.

5 It was exciting.

Yes , 1 did. It was reaiiy :itinq.

Did you like Titanic? No, I didn't, ft was really frightening.

3 It was funny,

6 It was really sad. WORD LIST!


the Media studies: cartoons and film animation Reading Read Lucy's interview with Buzz, a cartoon animator. Match Lucy's questions (1-5) with the parts of the interview (A-E). Then listen and check. • 1 2 3 4 5

Are computer animations popular? Do you use computers in your work? How do you make cartoons? What is animation ? When did "cartoons' first appear?

Buzz Animation is an illusion! With animation, people can walk on air, and they can fly in the sky. Animals can kill each other but then come alive again. And objects can change their colour and shape, Lucy ...... Buzz The first cartoon film appeared in 1906. It was called Funny Faces. But the first really popular cartoon character was Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse. His first appearance was in a cartoon called Steamboat Willie in 1928. And, in 1937, Walt Disney created the first full-length cartoon film. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Lucy Buzz In the early days, they drew thousands of individual 'cartoons'. For example, here are some drawings of a cat. He's chasing a bird. Then they photographed each drawing, on separate 'frames'. When you see all the frames on film, you get the illusion of movement. Lucy , Buzz Yes, we do! These days, we don't draw thousands of cartoons. We draw only a small number of pictures. Our computers do all the others! Lucy Buzz Yes, they are. The first successful computer animations were the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park in 1992.

Complete the chart with information from Exercise 1.


1 1906



Funny Faces

the first cartoon film

2 1928

3 1937 4


Use your answers to Exercise 2 to write a paragraph about the history of cartoons and animation.

The history of cartoons and animation The first cartoon film was called 'Funny Faces*. It appeared in 1906. The first..

Ii Skills work

My favourite film



Read Sarah's composition about her favourite film. Then match her paragraphs (A-D) with these topics: Main characters and the story Why it is my favourite film

Name and type of film What the film is about

Answer your partner's questions about your favourite film. What's your favourite film? -

What type of film is it?

What's the film about? Who are the main characters in the story? is the story exciting / funny / romantic ? Myy favourite film My The film is a love story, and a historical film. iviy favourite ictYL/ui iI-H film i > u . . is .— Titanic. . -


Why is it your favourite film?


The film is l ne Turn it? about ^L/UU^ the ^»^ first ... -« voyage . _ ^ _ . u _ of . a real ship, the Titanic, in the year 1912. The Titanic sailed from England. Its destination was New York, across the Atlantic Ocean. The characters story are a young man and woman. He i nc two uwu main iiKsun ^ l i . - . . — ^ — . _in . . . the 4..,.


is poor, but she is rich. They fall in love. The story is very romantic. But it IS pL/Ul, l/u hr ^M iv iv ...... . - . _ w

-- J -:.-!,- :„ -t-Uo

is also very sad, because hits an iceberg, and sinks in the IS ai£?O v&iy &&(A, V^,VLA^~,^ the Titanic , • •

Writing Write a composition about your favourite film. Use the exercises on this page to help you.

' ----- -ri. „

Atlantic Ocean. Hundreds of passengers on the ship drown. The young woman survives, but the young man dies in the cold sea.

My favourite film!

Titanic is my favourite film for three reasons. First, I really liked the

My favourite film is ......

acting, especially Leonardo DiCaprio. He played the part of the poor man


Second, the special effects were amazing. They were realistic, and very

The film is about

frightening! Finally, 1 loved the music. I have the CD of the music from • -.. ji. ,1 Titanic. When 1 feel sad, I go to my room and play it very loudly!

The main characters in the story are The story is

Listening Listen to John. Why is Star Wars: The Phantom Menace his favourite film? Choose four reasons from the list below. Because it was ... (a) exciting (b) funny (c) sad And because ... (d)the story was interesting (e)the costumes were great (f) the special effects were fabulous

It is my favourite film for ...... reasons. First, Finally,



I only wanna be with you Listen and complete the song. Use the words in the box. • * asked








ly wanna be


I don't know why it is I really love you so I only know I never wanna see you go! 'Cos you started something Oh can't you see? Oh when I (1) you

You (2)

and (3)

at me.

It's crazy but it's true, I only wanna be with you

You (4) and (5) at me And (6) me "Do you wanna dance?1 I (7) into your lovin' arms And soon you were my true romance! Now listen to me I just wanna be near you all the time We must be together honey You are mine

How do you say these expressions in your language? I really love you so

Can't you see?

It's crazy

my true romance

The language of songs. How do we write wanna and lovin m formal English?

PROGRESS REVIEW: UNIT 6 6.1 Communication

I can talk about


Congratulations, Carlos!

the past

Did he like the concert? Yes, he did. I A/o, he didn't

6.2 Grammar


/ didn't finish my homework last night


Did Emily watch a video on Tuesday?








I can use

regular verbs: past simple (affirmative) Amy started her homework at eight o'clock.

6.3 Vocabulary



I know some words about adventure, comedy, cartoon, exciting, funny


REVISION Units 5 and 6 Regular verbs: past simple (affirmative and negative)

GRAMMAR be: past simple (affirmative and negative) Emily, Amy, Liam and Harry were all in London last week. Study the pictures, and complete the sentences with was, were, wasn't, weren't.

Write sentences (affirmative or negative). Amy and Liam (not watch) television on Saturday. Amy and Liam didn't watch television on Saturday. 1 Liam (answer) all the questions in the exam. 2 Amy: "I (visit) my grandparents on Monday." 3 Emily (not walk) to school yesterday. 4 Harry and Amy: "We (not play) tennis on Monday", 5 Harry (phone) Amy on Tuesday. 6 Emily: "Liam! Hmph! You (not invite) me to your party on Saturday!"

Regular verbs: past simple (interrogative and short answers)

Pizza Pizza

Practise the examples. Then write six questions for your partner, and his/her friends, and family. Did you go to a party last Saturday? No, I didn't

At ten o'clock Emily and Harry were at The Tower of London. But Amy and Liam (1)...... with them. Amy (2) at Buckingham Palace. Liam (3)...... at the Palace. He (4) at The British Museum. At 1pm, Emily, Amy and Liam (5) in the Pizza Place. Harry (6) there, because he (7) ...... hungry. He (8) in a boat on the River Thames! The weather (9) very hot!

be: past simple (interrogative and short answers)

Did your parents watch a video at the weekend? Yes, they did.


go to a party?

visit grandparents?

walk to school?


play tennis?


Write four questions about Emily, Amy, Liam, and Harry. Then ask and answer the questions with your partner. Was Amy at Buckingham Palace at ten o'clock?


VOCABULARY Musical instruments Write the names of the instruments (1-9) in the puzzle. Find the name of the band.

Films Name the different types of films. 7 adventure 1 revutande

2 toracon

3 dymoce

4 wocoyb

5 solathrici

6 rorhor

7 tamcorin

8 ceni sec noti fie

Musical instruments and films! In each 'word', find a musical instrument and a type of film!

hcoerlrloorf "/7orror"and "ce//o"


tcrdufnmepdeyt' acdlvaernitnuerte |h|;a:s r t m o o r n J i "frc


Bonus unit: part one Welcome to Hie UK! Duane, an American teenager, is on a school visit to the UK. Read his letter to his cousin. Pay special attention to the past simple forms of the irregular verbs.

,.- mmzzfa

Hi ÂŁu.e-E//en! Our sc/ioo/ vacation In t/ie UK began ttoo toeefcs ago. First, tue toent to London. I /jad a great time, there I I saw a /ot o-f -famOas p/aces. I ment to t/ie Totoer o-f London. ti)e ate traditiona/ Eriti.5/1 -fi^/i and c/ilp^s, and toe dranjc tupica/ Eng/i5/i tea tug/i i). I boag/it a /ot o-f souvenirs! A^ter Londont oar MatM teac/ier, Mr Jame^, drove- tus in a miniba.sS to Edinbarg/i.T/ie scenery in Scot/and \3 better than in Eng/and. It'5 more spectaca/ar. I ujrote a /ot o-f postcards to my -fami/tj and -friends.

Irregular verbs: past simple (affirmative) ^9 Match the base forms in the Bonus Point with the past simple forms in Duane's letter.


t^)e f/e_iO to Cardi-f-f Cin U)a/es)

base form

Ljesterdat). T/ie toeat/ier toas -fine to/ien toe came to t/ie aK, but t/ien it became co/d and wet.Tihe toeat/ier /iere is co/der and toetter t/ian t/ie toeat/ier in

become begin buy

come drink drive

past simple

eat fly go


have see write

Prepositions of place

Comparative adjectives

Study the words. Where's the policeman?

BONUS POINT! Regular adjectives: short base form


Short adjectives small




Rule 1 = adjective + er nice large

behind the thief

under the table

nicer larger

Rule 2 = adjective + r bigger hotter hot Rule 5 = adjective + double letter + er dry funny

drier funnier

Rule 4 = adjective \+ ler Regular adjectives: long

above the thief

below the thief

base form


spectacular expensive beautiful

more spectacular more expensive more beautiful

Rule 5 = more + adjective Irregular adjectives

on the left of

on the right of

the thief

the thief

base form


good bad

better worse

Complete the sentences with comparative adjectives from the Bonus Point above. Scotland is small, but Wales is smaller. 1 England is cold, but the Antarctic is ..... 2 Chocolate is nice, but ice-cream is ...... 3 Texas is hot, but Saudi Arabia is ...... 4 Texas is dry, but the Sahara desert is .... 5 Edinburgh is expensive, but London is ...... 6 Maths is good, but Geography is ......

between the thief and the door In your classroom! Write six true sentences about your classroom. Use words from Exercise 3. The teacher's chair is behind her desk. There's a clock between the door and the window.

BONUS POINT! The Antarctic is colder than England. London ie> more expensive than Edinburgh. Geography is better than Maths.

Now turn to page 70 for a UK quiz!


Bonus unit: part two Welcome to the USA! Candy from the USA and Ricardo from Argentina are chatting on their computers. How many questions does Ricardo ask?

O <C> Hi, Ricardo I'm back home now, <R> Did you have a good vacation? <C> Yes, I did. I went across the USA, with my parents. <R> Did you drive all the way? <C> No, we didn't. Driving across the USA is hard work! So on some days, we flew. <R> Did your sister go with you? <C> No, she didn't. She went to Europe. <R> Where did you begin your journey? <C> In New York. <R> What was the best place? <C> The Grand Canyon was the prettiest, and the most spectacular place we saw. <R> Did you see any tornados? <C> No, we didn't. <R> Did you write a lot of postcards? <C> No, I didn't. I only wrote one card. For you!

Irregular verbs: past simple (negative)

Change the false affirmative sentences into true negative sentences. Candy had a boring vacation! Candy didn't have a boring vacation!

BONUS POINT! affirmative Candy went across the States. On some days, Candy flew.


negative She didn't go to Europe. She^Wn'tflyall the way.

1 Candy's sister went to California this year. 2 Candy began the journey in Chicago. 3 Candy's parents drove all the way. 4 Candy and her parents flew every day. 5 Candy saw some tornadoes. 6 Candy wrote a lot of postcards.

Irregular verbs: past simple (interrogative and short answers)

Did you go across the States? Old your parents drive all the way?



BONUS POINT! interrogative

Superlative adjectives

Regular adjectives: short short answers

base form small cold


the smallest the coldest Rule 1 = the adjective + est

Yes, I did. No, they didn't.

nice the nicest large the largest Rule 2 = the adjective + &t

> Imagine you are talking to Candy. Write questions and answers. with / Did / go / you? / your sister Did your sister go with you? No, she didn't

big hot

the biggest the hottest Rule 3 = the adjective + double letter + e&t

1 the journey / Did / begin / you / in New York?

dry the driest pretty the prettiest Rule 4 ~ the adjective\+ lest

all the way? / you / drive / Did you / The Grand Canyon? / see / Did fly / every day? / Did / you and your parents

Regular adjectives: long

5 any tornadoes? / you / Did / see

base form

6 write / Did / you / a postcard?

spectacular the most spectacular Interesting the most Interesting Rule 5 = the most + adjective


irregular adjectives

BONUS POINT! Driving across the USA Is hard work! = the gerund Is the subject of the sentence, My dad doesn't like driving. = the gerund Is the object of the sentence.


base form


good bad

the best the worst

Complete the sentences with superlative adjectives from the Bonus Point above, (small) state in the USA is Rhode Island. The smallest state in the USA is Rhode Island. Alaska is (cold) state in the USA. It was (nice) day of the vacation. China is (big) country in the world. 4

(dry) place in the world is the Atacama Desert in Chile.

5 The Grand Canyon is (spectacular) place in the USA. 6 I think (good) place in the USA is New York City.

The Grand Canyon

Now turn to page 71 for a USA quiz!

Bonus unit: part three UK quiz! First study the map of the United Kingdom. Now circle the correct information in each sentence. 1 2 3 4


There are (four)/ five countries in the UK. The patron saint of Wales is St Patrick I St David. The English national flag is a blue cross I red cross. Scotland is bigger than / smaller than Northern Ireland. The population of Scotland is smaller than I bigger than the population of England. Belfast is the capital of Wales I Northern Ireland. b*Nc

USA quiz! First study the information about the United States of America.

REGIONS = Mid-Atlantic States

Fact file US A


Number of states 50 Washington, PC Capital city (District of Columbia) 5ize population National flag

9,363,00 km2 22S,000,000

Now circle the correct information in each sentence. There are(ftfty)/ fifty-one States in the United States. 1 The national flag of the USA is called The Stripes and Stars' / The Stars and Stripes'. 2 Florida is smaller than I bigger than California. 3 Texas is the biggest I the smallest state. 4 Colorado is north of/ south of New Mexico. 5 New York City I Washington DC is the capital of the USA.

Our clothes

Study the photos and the descriptions, and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4

What colour is Will's school jacket? What colour are Elena's trainers? When does Will wear his football clothes? When does Elena wear her dress?

Hello. My name is Will. I usually wear my school uniform. In the photo you can see my long grey trousers, and black shoes and socks. I usually wear a white shirt and a school tie. It's red. The jacket is grey. The cap is horrible. It's red and grey. I hate it! These are my football clothes! I wear them on Wednesday afternoons (for sport at school), and at weekends. In the photo I'm wearing trainers and green socks. I'm also wearing white shorts, and a green soccer shirt, like my favourite team!

Work in groups. Choose two photos or draw two pictures of yourself: the first with clothes you usually wear, the second with clothes for special occasions, eg playing sport, parties, or weddings. Describe your clothes, like Will and Elena. Use your photos and descriptions to make a poster for your group. Display your poster in the classroom.

PROJECT Our town Read the project about Belfast. Match the titles below with the paragraphs A, B, C. The weather Introduction A famous city

|BBMMBHPI^^B"B«i|"1"1111 «™™™—•

Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It's near the sea. It's a medium-sized city. The population is approximately 300,000 people. Belfast is famous for its history. Belfast Castle is in the Belfast Hills, near the city. The castle has got beautiful gardens and also a museum. Northern Ireland is warm and sunny in the summer. It rains quite a lot, too. That's why the countryside is always green and beautiful!

Work in groups. Write three or four paragraphs about your town or city. Give each paragraph a title. Find or draw pictures for your paragraphs. Make a poster for your group. Display your poster in the classroom.

PROJECT 5 Our supergroup

Study the poster. What is the name of this supergroup? Do you recognize the musicians?

The lead guitarist is Noel Gallagher. He's the guitarist in the British band, Oasis.

The pianist is Elton [John. He writes the songs too!

Work in groups. Create your own supergroup from your favourite musicians and singers, and find pictures of them. Write descriptions of the singers and musicians in your supergroup. Make a poster. Display your poster in the classroom.

The lead singer is Janet Jackson. She's a great dancer, tool

PROJECT 6 Fantasy films

Study the poster about an imaginary film. What type of film is it? Choose the best answer. a) a horror film b) a cowboy film c) a science fiction film

Ite spaceship ' ' exploring a small pla

ina distant aatexH-B the captain oF the Adventure,

Captain Brada (Kate Winslefl disappears. Her assistant, flfte Bouts (LeonardoBi

searches for her^th l of craw scientist Max Paxo (EddieMuKphuXThis is an exciting science fiction f and it?s very too.


Work in groups. Create your own film with your favourite actors. Think of a simple story for the film. Write a description of the film, and find or draw pictures. Make a poster. Display your poster in the classroom.

THE GHOST OF LUNARVILLE 16th May 2079. This is Lunarville an international city on the Moon

Astra Blake and her parents live in Lunarville. What are you doing, Astra? I m making a video of our new house. I'm going to send it to Grandma. It's her birthday present.


Astra is ready to film her next scene.

Well, Grandma, I m in the living room now. It's between the kitchen and the dining-room. It's got a big balcony and there are three sofas!

Yes, please. Let's film the living-room next.

This is my bedroom. Look! - I've got a lot of new clothes ... a green jacket, this red sweatshirt, a baseball cap and two new pairs of jeans. __/ Two days later, on Earth.

f This is / for you. It's I from the \ Moon.

The weather here is fantastic! It's always sunny and it never rains during the day. The temperature today is

I'm walking upstairs now,

23 degrees.

Ooh, a video from Astra

Oh! Astra! This is a wonderful present! What's that?

The little white man. There! On the video. Where? I can't see a little white man. Sssh. He s speaking

Astra's in danger! May 18th is today, and it's 11.25. Quick Call her. She must be caref ulf Call her now!

Your time is near. Be ready on May 18th at 11.30. Be ready to become one of us.

Hello, Karen. It's your father. Is Astro there?

Er, well, can yoL call the school?

f Four minutes later ... 1

Call the school? Why? Is there a problem? )

Hi, Dad. No, she isn't, she's at school.

/ c r , no, no, there isn't a problem. But please call the school and ask Astra to phone us.

Astra! Are you OK?

Grandad? Grandad!! What is it?

C Yes, I'm fine. Why?

Oh, it's Grandma she thinks ...


What happens next... ?


Comprehension Do these exercises about The ghost of Lunarville. Match the pictures (a-h) with the people and places (1-8). Id

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Astra Blake Astra's grandad Astra's grandma The ghost of Lunarville Astra's dad Astra's mum The Blake's living-room The grandparents' living-room

Put the events in the story (a-g) in the correct order (1-7). 1d 2... a b c d e f g

Astra sends a video to her grandma. Astra's grandma sees a ghost. Astra's grandad speaks to his daughter. Astra makes a video of her new home. Astra's grandparents watch the video. Grandma disappears. Astra calls her grandad.

Give short answers to these questions. 1 Where does Astra Blake live? In Lunarville, on the Moon. 2 Why does Astra send her grandma a video? 3 When does the video arrive? 4 Who does Grandma see on the video? 5 What does Grandma ask Grandad to do? 6 Where is Astra when Grandad calls Lunarville? 7 When exactly does Astra call her Grandad? 8 What happens to Grandma at the end of the story? Use your answers to Exercise 3 to write a paragraph and tell the story of The ghost of Lunarville. Add extra information where necessary. Astra Blake lives... What do you think? First, write short answers to the questions below. Then read your answers to your friends and discuss them.

1 Who or what is the ghost of Lunarville?

What happens to Astra's grandma after the end of the story?

ERRIBLI TWINS Meet the Richmond twins, Reuben and Rita. They live in New York, with their mother, Rebecca. Reuben and Rita love computer games.

I'm going to enter the competition.

What am I going to do? Last week it was the microwave, yesterday it was the TY and now it's the washing machine!

Reuben, Rita. These clothes are wet. Can you take them to the laundry?

But these clothes! They're wet! What am 1 going to do?

No! Science-fiction | games are boring} \

Oh Rita! Reuben! Stop it! Stop arguing.

Ten thousand dollars!

m not stupid. You're stupid!

But 1 don t understand. There must be a mistake! It's for Mrs R Richmond, not Mr or Miss Richmond.

With her $10,000, Mrs Richmond replaces her TY washing machine, and microwave. Then she plans a holiday, without the twins.

It says "Dear Mrs Rebecca Richmond, Congratulations! We loved your idea for a computer game called Terrible Twins'. It was exciting, funny, and very, very, frightening.'

You re so stupid Rita! You showed Mom the

No i didn't, didn't! I didn't!


Answer these questions about the story.

Do these exercises about Terrible twins*. Match the pictures (a-c) with the people 1-3. 1 Rita Richmond 2 Rebecca Richmond 3 Reuben Richmond

1 Where do Rita, Reuben and their mother live? In New York. 2 What's the first prize in Computer World's competition? 3 When must Computer World receive the games for the competition? 4 Mrs Richmond has problems with three machines. What are they? 5 Rita and Reuben don't go to the laundry. Why not? 6 What does Mrs Richmond call her computer game? Which holiday do you think Mrs Richmond chooses? Why?

Holiday a) Walking in the mountains, with a guide ...

Holiday b) At the seaside, with the family ...

Holiday c) Relaxing in a luxury hotel ...

Who says these sentences? a Action-adventure's stupid!


b Look! There's a competition in this magazine. c

Oh no! The washing machine!

Write an e-mail message to a friend. Imagine you are Rita or Reuben. Tell the story of Terrible Twins from your point of view. Dear ... I've got an amazing story! Last Saturday Mum...

d We loved your idea for a computer game called Terrible Twins'.

What do you think? Discuss your answers with your friends.

e I'm going to enter the competition.

1 Are Rita and Reuben terrible or not? Why? Why not?


What's in the letter?

g You showed Mom the competition! Put the sentences (a-g) in Exercise 2 in the correct order (1-7).



2 Is Mrs Richmond right to spend the $10,000 all on herself? Why? Why not?

Grammar help Unltl Present continuous (affirmative, negative) Affirmative full forms

Negative short forms

full forms

short forms

am reading


'm reading


am not reading


'm not reading


are reading


're reading


are not reading


aren't reading

he she it

is reading

he she it

's reading

he she it

is not reading

he she it

isn't reading

Ye reading

we you are not reading they

we you they

are reading

we you they 1 •

we you aren't reading they ^1

Amy, Liam and Emily are looking for Harry. He's buying a football shirt.

Liam isn't doing his homework. They aren't visiting their uncle.

Present continuous (spelling) Harry is reading. Amy is dancing. Emily is shopping. 1 Most verbs: add ing. read -> reading 2

Verbs ending in e: take away e and add ing. dance -> dancing

3 Some verbs ending in a vowel and a consonant: double the consonant and add ing. shop -»shopping

can (permission and ability) I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they

can can't cannot

go to the to the football match, (permission) swim, (ability)


I / yy o u / h e / s h e / i t / w e / y o u / t h e y 3 y

talk in the library? (permission) • ^ -> / . -r. \ speak German? (ability)

Yes, No,

I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they

can. can't.

We usually use contracted forms for negative short answers.

Unit 2 Present continuous (interrogative) Short answers

Interrogative Am







he she it


we Are

you they




'm not,








No, you



he she it


he No, she it




we Yes,

'Am I writing a letter?' 'Is Emily eating an ice-cream?' 'Are we speaking French?'

you are. they

No, you aren't, they

'No, you aren't.' 'Yes, she is/ 'No, we aren't.'

We always use full forms for affirmative short answers. We usually use contracted forms for negative short answers.

Present simple and present continuous They go on holiday in July every year. Paris is the capital of France. We use the present simple for habits and for permanent true statements. We are learning English at the moment. The sun is shining now. We use the present continuous for actions happening now.

Adverbs of frequency always usually often sometimes never

*••• • ••O • •OO

• ooo oooo

I always go to bed at ten o'clock. We often visit my uncle at the weekend. He never eats meat.

Question words 'Which country are you from?' 'What's your favourite colour?' 'When'syour birthday?' 'Who's your favourite actor?' 'Where's Liam?' 'How old are you?' 'How often do you go swimming?'

'France.' 'Red.' 'In May/ 'Leonardo DiCaprio/ 'He's at school/

Twelve/ 'Once a week/

Units Present continuous (present and future meanings) We are reading at the moment, (happening now) We are going to New York in the summer, (happening in the future) We use the present continuous: for actions happening now and for actions happening in the future.

Prepositions of time: at, on, in at one o'clock at half past seven at the weekend We use at with dock times and with periods of two or three days. on Thursday on his birthday on 14th April We use on with a day and with a date. in the afternoon in the evening in June in September in the spring in the autumn in 2010

We use in with a part of the dayf with a month, with a season and with a year.

Unit 4 going to (future plans and intentions; predictions) Affirmative full forms I

am going to ...


short forms I

full forms

'm going to ..


short forms

am not going to ...


'm not going to ...

you are going to ...

you 're going to .

you are not going to ...

you aren't going to ...

he she it

he she it

he she it


is going to ...

we you are going to ... they

's going to ...

we you 7re going to ... they

I'm going to visit my friends next week, (future plan/intention) Be careful! You're going to fall off that ladder! (prediction)

is not going to ...

she it

we you are not going to ... they

isn't going to ...

we you aren't going to ... they

They aren't going to go abroad for their holidays this year, (future plan/intention) It isn't going to rain tomorrow, (prediction)

Personal pronouns

We use going to for future plans and intentions and for predictions.

Personal pronouns Interrogative Am I

going to ...?

Short answers iSBBHSHHEiSaffi^BHS^^SSsS affirmative


Are you going to ...?



he she going to ...? it




No, you aren't.


he she it


he No, she isn't, it


we you are. they


we Are you going to ...? they


No, 1

'm not.

we No, you aren't, they

'Are you going to see the film next week?' 'Yes, I am.' (future plan/intention) 'Is it going to be sunny tomorrow?' 'No, it isn't/ (prediction) We always use full forms for affirmative short answers. We usually use contracted forms for negative short answers.



1 you he she it we you they

me you him her it us you them

must and mustn't I you he she it we you they


goto school.

mustn't eat all the chocolate.

Units be: past simple (affirmative, negative) Affirmative 1





he she it


full forms


you they

How much ... / How many:..?



was not




were not



he she it

was not

he she it


we you

:eve was in London in March. We were at the football match yesterday.

short forms

we you

were not




Jane wasn't in Oxford in May. They weren't at home yesterday.

be: past simple (interrogative and short answers) Interrogative Was







he she it


we you they

Short answers affirmative


Yes, I

was. No, I

Yes, you


he Yes, she it

he was. No, she wasn't. it

we Yes, you were. they

'Was Steve in Paris in April?' 'Were you at home yesterday?'


No, you weren't.

we No, you weren't, they

'Yes, he was.' 'No, we weren't.'

We usually use contracted forms for negative short answers. Countable and uncountable nouns Countable singular and plural banana bananas apple apples

Uncountable singular only milk food water

Countable nouns are singular and plural. Uncountable nouns are singular only.

How much bread do you eat? How many bananas are there? We use How much with uncountable nouns. We use How many with countable nouns (plural).

Pronunciation help * Units


Regular verbs: past simple (affirmative)

ill I'd

it /it/ he /hi:/

/ae/ /a:/

cat /kast/ Art /art/


girl /gs:l/

/D/ h\l

not /not/ four /fb:(r)/

/u/ /u:/

look /luk/ you /ju:/

/3/ /A/

sugar /'Jugs/ mum /mAm/

/ei/ /ai/

day /dei/ why /wai/ b 째Y /boi/ how /hau/ go /qso/

I/ you /he /she /it /we /you /they


Regular verbs: past simple (spelling) 1 Most verbs; base form + ed. start ^started 2

Verbs with e: base form + d. change -> changed

3 Some verbs with one vowel and one consonant: base form, double the consonant + ed. stop estopped 4 Verbs with y: base form without y + led. marry -> married


Regular verbs: past simple (negative) Negative , ' , . , 1 / you /( lhe / she / it / / , we / you / they

, didn t

, ii i. .-M play volleyball. cook supper.

Regular verbs: past simple (interrogative and short answers) l/you/he/she/it/ we /you /they

Yes, No,

1 / you / he / she / it / we / you / they 1 / you / he / she / it / we / you / they

'Did you walk to school?' 'Did they like the film?'

, . walk to school ? j. ,| aid. didn't.

'No, I didn't.' 'Yes, they did.'

We usually use contracted forms for neg atjve short answers.


ear /I9(r)/




/we9(r)/ tourist /'tusnst/


1 didn't play volleyball yesterday. They didn't cook supper last night.


/au/ /9u/

/p/ /b/

pen /pen/ big /big/


two /tir/


dog /dog/

/k/ /g/

can /kaen/ good /god/

/tf/ .,, /C5/

cheap /tji:p/ . , ,, ., joke /qpuk/

/f/ /v/ /6/ /6/ /s/ /z/ /I/ /3/

food /fu:d/ very /'veri/ think /6igk/ then /6en/ speak /spi:k/ his /hiz/ she /Ji:/ television /'teliYijn/


hat /haet/

/m/ /n/ /rj/

meat /mi:t/ now /nau/ swimming /'swimir)/

/!/ /r/ /j/ /w/

late /leit/ red /red/ yes /jes/ we /wi:/

Word list Let's remember • Members of the family aunt/a:nt/ brother/'brAdsfr)/ cousin /'kAzn/ father/'fa:d3(r)/ grandparents /'granpesrsnts/ mother/'mA93(r)/ mum /mAm/ parents/'pesrsnts/ sister /'siste(r)/ uncle/'Ankl/ • Hobbies and interests drawing /'dnxin/ listening to pop music /lisnirj to 'pop mju:zik/ playing computer games /pleijig k3m'pju:t3 geimz/ reading /'riidirj/ shopping /'Jopig/ watching TV/'wntjirj ti:'vi:/ • Jobs

doctor /'dokt3(r)/ chef/Jef/ hairdresser /'he3dres3(r)/ mechanic /ms'ksemk/ vet /vet/ wrestler /'resb(r)/ • Sports American football

'futbo:!/ baseball/'beisbo:!/ basketball/'ba:skitbo:l/ boxing /'boksirj/ cycling/'saiklig/ football/'futbo:!/ gymnastics /d3im'n£estiks/ ice skating /'ais skeitig/ judo /'d3u:d3u/ soccer /'sDkg(r)/ swimming /'swimirj/ tennis /'terns/ » Food and drink apple /'aepl/ banana/bg'nains/ biscuit/'biskit/ butter/'bAt3(r)/ chips/tjips/ chocolate/'tjokbt/ coffee /'kofi/ egg /eg/

fish/fij/ french fries /frentj fraiz/ fruit /fru:t/ hamburger /'hasmb3:g3(r)/ lemon /'leman/ milk /milk/ onion

orange Pepsi /'pepsi/ potato /ps' salt/solt/ sandwich /'saenwitj/ sugar /'Jug3(r)/ tea /ti:/ vegetable /'vedstsbl/ water /'wo:t9(r)/ • Parts of the body arm /a:m/ ear/is/ eye /ai/ foot/fot/ finger /'fir)g9(r)/ hair/he3(r)/ hand /hsen/ leg /leg/ nose /nsuz/ tooth /tu:G/ toe /tau/ tongue /Urj/ • Countries Argentina /a:d33n'ti:n3/ Australia /os'treilis/ England /'ingbnd/ Italy /'rtali/ Poland /'psoland/ Scotland /'skotbnd/ United Kingdom (UK)/ju:'naitid 'kirjdsm (ju: 'kei)/ United States of America (USA) / ju:'naitid steits 3v 3'menk3 (ju: es 'ei)/ • Nationalities American /a'menkan/ Chinese /tjai'ni:z/ Polish/'psuhJ/ Cities Boston /'bostsn/ Buenos Aires /bu'emss 'airiz/ London /'Undsn/ New York /nju: 'jo:k/ Rio de Janeiro /'nso ds d3 Warsaw /'WD:SO:/

School subjects English /'mglij/ History /'histari/ Science /'saijsns/

• Colours brown /braun/ green /gri:n/ red /red/ • Days of the week Monday /"mAndei/ Tuesday /'tju:zdei/ Wednesday /'wenzdei/ Thursday /'03:zder/ Friday /'fraidei/ Saturday /'sastsdei/ Sunday /'sAndei/ • Months of the year January /'dsaenjori/ February /'febrsri/ March /ma:tj/ April /'eipral/ May ,/mei/ June/d3u:n/ July/d33'lai/ August /'oigsst/ September /sep'tem b3(r)/ October /ok'tgobsCr)/ November /n3u'vemb3(r)/ December /di'semb3(r)/ • Numbers 1-20 one

two /tu:/ three /9ri:/ four/fo:(r)/ five /faiv/ six /siks/ seven / sevn/ eight /eit/ nine/nam/ ten /ten/ eleven /i'levn/ twelve /twelv/ thirteen /03:'ti:n/ fourteen /fo:'ti:n/ fifteen /fif ti:n/ sixteen /siks'ti:n/ seventeen /sevn'ti:n/ eighteen /ei'ti:n/ nineteen /nam'ti:n/ twenty /'twenti/ Other nouns alphabet /'aelfsbet/ book /buk/ boy /boi/ breakfast /'brekfsst/

calculator /'kselkjuleit9(r)/ capital /'ksepitl/ car/ka:(r)/ CD /si: 'di:/ chair /tjeo(r)/ child /tjaild/ class /kla:s/ computer /k9m'pju:t3(r)/ country /'kAntri/ desk /desk/ dictionary /'dikfsnri/ football team /'futbo:! ti:m/ friend /frend/ house /haus/ knife /naif/ man

motorbike /' music /'mju:zik/ pencil /'penssl/ person /'ps:sn/ ruler /'ru:b(r)/ school /sku:l/ sheep /Ji:p/ singer /'snj3(r)/ story /'sto:ri/ student /'stju:d3nt/ teacher /'ti:tfo(r)/ teenager /Iti:neid33(r)/ tonight /ts'nait/ watch /wotj/ woman /'woman/'

Adjectives favourite /"feivrst/ hungry /'hArjgri/ young /JArj/

Clothes baseball cap/'beisbo:l ksep/ blouse /blaoz/ coat /ksot/ dark glasses/da:k 'gla:siz/ gloves /glAvz/ hat/beet/ jacket/'d3aekit/ jeans /d3i:nz/ shoes/Ju:z/ skirt/sks:t/ sweatshirt /'swetfsit/

tie /tai/ trainers/'tremsz/ trousers/'trauzsz/ uniform /'ju:mfo:m/

Other nouns bike /baik/ call /ko:l/ evening/'i:vmrj/ export/'ekspD:t/ fashion /'faejn/ film/film/ guitar/gi'ta:/ homework /'hsumwsik/ hotel /hoo'tel/ ice-cream /ais 'kri:m/ kitchen /'kitjm/ library/'laibrsri/ meal /mi:l/ milkshake /'milkjeik/ museum /mjui'zismV notebook /'nsutbuk/ palace /'paebs/ part of speech /pa:t av 'spi:tj/ picture /'piktfa/ price /prais/ pride/praid/ problem /'probbm/ pronunciation /prsnAnsi'eiJn/ resta u ra nt /' res tront/ road /rood/ seat/si:t/ sentence/'sentans/ shop /fop/ song /sorj/ supermarket/'su:p9ma:kit/ surprise/ss'praiz/ test /test/ tod ay/ta'dei/ tour/tag/ tradition /trs'dijn/ translation /trfenzlleij"n/ wheel /wi:l/ word /ws:d/ world /ws:ld/

Verbs agree /a'gri:/ buy /bai/ can /keen/ come in/kAm 'm/ dance /da:ns/ drink /drink/ eat/i:t/ goto/gsu ta/ go up/gsu !Ap/ hate /heit/ have fun /hasv '

have problems /h^ev 'probbmz/ hear /his/ (be) interested in /bi:'mtr3stid in/ keep /ki:p/ kiss/kis/

laugh /la:f/ learn /ls:n/ listen (to) /'hsn ta/ look/luk/ play /plei/ practise /'prasktis/ rain /rein/ read /ri:d/ revise /n'vaiz/ ride /raid/

say /sei/ see (visit) /si:/ shop /fop/ sing /sirj/ sit /sit/ sleep /sli:p/ study /'stAdi/ swim /swim/ talk/to:k/ travel /'traevl/ use /ju:z/ visit /'vizit/ wait /weit/ want /wont/ wear/wes(r)/ whistle /'wisl/ work /wa:k/ write /rait/ Adjectives back /baek/ better /'bet3(r)/ black /blaek/ blue/blu:/ dark/da:k/ different /'difrsnt/ famous /'feimss/ foreign front /frAnt/ glad/glaed/ grey /grei/

horrible /'honbl/ Indian /'rndisn/ light/lait/ modern /'modaii/ mufti-cultural/'mAlti multi-racial /'mAlti 'reijl/ orange /'ormds/ popular /'pDpjob(r)/ prouof/pratKf/ purple/'ps.-pl/ qu let/k waist/ royal/'roijsl/ successful /ssk'sesful/ terrible/'tenbl/ traditional /tre'difnl/ white/wait/ yellow/'jeldu/ Adverbs ahead/o'hed/ backwards /"baekwsdz/ upstairs/Ap'stesz/ Prepositions about/9'baut/ beside/bi'said/ Expressions all over the world/o:l 9OV9 69

'w3:ld/ all together /o:l t3'ge5a(r)/ at the moment /at. 5s 'msumgnt/ Come in! /kAm 'in/ Cool!/ku:l/ fish and chips/fij an 'tfips/ for example /fs(r) ik'za:mpl/ Great to see you. /greit to 'si: ju:/ Hey! /hei/ I agree, /ai a'gri:/ in fact/in 'faekt/ It's you! /its 'ju:/ Not really./not 'noli/ of course/9v 'ko:s/ Oh, right, /9u rait/ See you later./si: ju: 'leito/ Sure! /Jus/ Terrible! /'tenbl/ That's better! /ctets 'beto(r)/ What a nice surprise! /wot 9 'nais sa'praiz/ What's the problem? /'wots 69 'problsm/

Weather cloudy /'klaudi/ cold /k9uld/ cool /ku:l/ degrees /di'grirz/ freezing /'fri:zin/ hot /hot/ icy /'am/ raining /'remirj/ snow/snsu/ snowing /'snouirj/ summer /'sAmo/ sunny /'sAni/ temperature /'tempratja/ warm /wo:m/ weather report /'weda n'po:t/ windy /'wmdi/ winter /'wmts/ Describing cities age

approximately /9'proksini9tli/ art gallery 'a:t gcelsri/ beautiful /"bju:tifbl/ building /'bildin/ castle /"ka:sl/ church /tjs:tj/ city/'siti/ industry /'mdsstri/ location /bu'keijn/ main industry /mem 'mdastri/ manufacturing /msenju'faektJ'sriT)/ medium-sized /"mi:digm saizd/ million /'miljgn/ north /no:0/ population /popju'leijn/ size /saiz/ south /saoG/ thousand "Gaozand/ tourism /'tusrizm/ tourist /'tognst/ town /taun/ university /ju:m'v3:siti/ Places Edinburgh /"edinbra/ Florida /'florids/ Manchester Orlando /o:'lsend9u/ Other nouns comic /'komik/ company /'kAmponi/ film star /'film sta:(r)/ kilt /kilt/ magazine /masg9'zi:n/

midnight /'midnait/ page /peid3/ place /pleis/ postcard /'p9ustka:d/ ticket/'tikit/ vocabulary /vgu' whisky/'wiski/ word list/'ws:d list/ • Verbs come back /kAm cry /krai/ hope /hgup/ leave /li:W mi me/maim/ wish /wij/ • Adjectives classical /'kltesikl/ good-looking/gud 'lokirj/ horror /'hora/ lonely/'bonli/ • Adverbs of frequency always/'o:lweiz/ never /'nev9(r)/ often /'ofn/ sometimes /'sAmtaimz/ usually/'ju:3sli/ • Adverbs especially /is'pej^li/ indeed An'di:d/ too [= as well] /tu:/ • Expressions Do you think so?/do jg 'Gink sso/ Really?/'risli/ That's fantastic! /Sasts fen'tasstik/ What's the weather like? /wots 69 'we59 laik/

Units Countryside beach /bi:tj/ canal /ka'nael/ country/'kAntri/ countryside /'kAntnsaid/ f lower/'flau9(r)/ peaceful /'pirsful/ river/'nv9(r)/ sea /si:/

• Houses and homes balcony /'

basement /'beismsnt/ bathroom /'ba:0rum/ bedroom /'bedrum/ block of flats /blok av 'fists/ bungalow /'bArjgslsu/ dining-room /'daimrj rum/ farmhouse /'fa:mhaos/ garage /'g£end3/ garden /'ga:dn/ hall/ho:l/ home /haum/ house /haus/ houseboat /'hausbsut/ hut /hAt/ igloo /'iglu:/ kitchen /'kitjm/ living-room /'livirj rum/ loo /lu:/ roof /ru:f/ shower /'Jau3(r)/ stairs /steaz/ tent /tent/ toilet /'toibt/

Verbs arrive /a 1 raw/ believe/bi'li:v/ get up/get 'Ap/ hurt /ha:t/ invite /m'vait/ live/liv/ meet /mi:t/ pull /pul/ tell /tel/ Adjectives away /a'wei/ brilliant /'brilisnt/ good /gud/ grand /grsend/ expensive /ik'spensrv/ honest/'onist/ late /leit/ lucky/Uki/ ordinary/'o:dmri/ silly /'sili/ slow /sbu/ sudden/'sAdn/ terrific/ts'nfik/ unusual /An'juijsl/

Other nouns angel champion cinema dog dog/ disco

Adverbs perhaps/ps'hasps/ probably 'probsbli/ right /rait/

future 'fju:tf3(r)/ headache /'hedeik/ honour idea/ai'dis/ lesson /'lesn/ maximum 'spi:d/ neighbourhood neibshud/ Olympic Games s'limpik 'geimz/ Paradise -'pasrsdais/ party /'pa:ti/ piano /pi'aensu/ picnic /'pikmk/ policeman / pool /pu:l/ project /' thief /0i:f/ tomorrow /ts' twin /twin/ volleyball /'volibo:!/

Prepositions of time at /get/ in /in/ on /on/

Places Canada /'kasnads/ Stratford-upon-Avon /'strsetfsd gpon


(right) next door/rait neks 'do:(r)/ 15 km per hour /fifti:n ki'lomitsz pg(r) 'au3(r)/ at the weekend /aet 5s 'wi:kend/ at two o'clock /ast tu: a'klok/ Don't be silly, /'daunt bi: 'sili/ Honest! /'omst/ I don't know, /ai daunt 'nsu/ in 2005/in 'tu: Gauznd and 'faiv/ in July /in d3u'lai/ in the morning /in 83 'mo:mn/ in the summer/in 5s 'sAmsfr)/ Me too./mi: 'tu:/ on 1st April (The first of April)/on 80 'fs:st av 'eiprsl/ on Tuesday/on 'tju:zdei/ Ouch! That hurts! /'autj 5set 'hs:ts/ out of this world /aut sv 5is 'ws:ld/ Stop it! /'stop it/ tell lies/tel 'laiz/ What's wrong? /wots 'ron/

Unit 4 • Computers attach /3'tatff/ computer /k3m'pju:t3(r)/ Cyberspace /'saibsspeis/ e-mail/'i:meil/ game/geim/ Internet/'mtsnet/ message/'mesids/ program /'praograsm/ screen /skri:n/ search (for) /ss:tj (fo:)/ • My room alarm clock/3'la:m klok/ bed /bed/ bedside table /bedsaid 'teibl/ bookshelves /'bukjelvz/ carpet/'ka:pit/ CD player/si:'di: plei9(r)/ ceiling/'si:lir)/ chest of drawers /tfest sv 'dro:z/ curtain/'ka:t3n/

desk/desk/ floor /fb:(r)/ hook /huk/ lamp /laemp/ wall /wo:l/ wardrobe ,"wo:dr3ub/ • Other nouns address /s'dres/ airport/'e3po:t/ athlete/'ae61i:t/ atlas /'setbs/ bag /baeg/ ballet dancer /'bselei da:nss/ bat /baet/ box /boks/ boxer /'boks3(r)/ channel/'tjsnsl/ cloud /klaud/ cub/kAb/ cup/kAp/ fax /fceks/ hill/hil/ hobby /'hobi/ king /kir)/ millionaire /milis'nes/ model /'modsl/ musical/'mju:zikl/ Opera House/'oprs haus/ pig /pig/ plane/plem/ pop star /'pop sto:(r)/ poster/'p3usts(r)/

power/'paua(r)/ reality/n'asliti/ robe /raub/ rope /raop/ schoolbook /'sku:lbuk/ scientist /'saiantist/ space /speis/ star/sta:(r)/ thing /0m/ touch /tAtjY • Verbs answer/'a:nsa(r)/ care /kea(r)/ cycle /'saikl/ drop /drop/ fade away /feid a'wei/ interrupt Anta'rApt/ help/help/ go home /gsu 'haum/

lie/lai/ lose /lu:z/ miss /mis/ must /mAst/ need /ni:d/ phone /faun/ pick /pik/ race /reis/ send /send/ show /fau/ sink/sink/ think/Gink/ touch /tAtj/ turn off /ts:n 'of/ type /taip/

Units • Musical instruments bass guitar /'beis gi'ta:(r)/ cello /'tjelau/ clarinet /klsn'net/ drums/drAmz/ harmonica /ha:'mt>mk3/ keyboard /'ki:bo:d/ lead guitar /'li:d gi'ta:(r)/ musical instrument 'mju:zikl 'mstramsnt/ piano / saxophone trumpet /"trAmpit/ xylophone /' • Music Afro-American /aefrou s'menksn/ blues /blu:z/ country and western /kAntri and

• Adverb nearly -/'mali/

• Expressions Brilliant! /'bnliant/ be good at /bi: 'god at/ Ha ha. Very funny, /ha: ha: veri 'fAni/ I don't care ... /ai daont 'kea(r)/ Turn the TV off! /'ts:n 6s ti:'vi: of/

Verbs be born /bi: 'bo:n/ be right/bi: rait/ be wrong /bi: rorj/ die /dai/ Let's /lets/ listen/hsn/ panic /'pasmk/ prefer /pn'f3:(r)/ recognize /'rekagnaiz/ speak/spi:k/ take /teik/

Adjectives disco /'

heavy metal /hevi 'metal/ psychedelic rock /saiksdehk 'rok/ punk /pAnk/ rap /raep/ reggae /'regei/ rock'n'roll /'rokn'raul/ soul /saul/ Countries China /'tjama/ Egypt /'i:d3ipt/ Greece /gri:s/

• Adjectives bad /basd/ boring /'bo:nrj/ funny/'fAni/ great/greit/ heavy/'hevi/ nervous /'ns:vas/ pink /pink/ pretty /'pnti/ sick ,/sik/ tall/to:!/ untidy/An'taidi/

step /step/ suggestions / superstar /'su:pasta:(r)/ taxi /'taeksi:/ * topic /'topik/ truth /tru:6/ Valentine /'vselantam/ watch /wotj/

Other nouns band /baend/ choir ,/kwai9(r)/ composer /k9m'p9uzo(r)/ concert /'konsat/ date /deit/ decade /de'keid/ dream /dri:m/ finale /fi'na:lei/ genius /!d3i:ni9S/ hospital /'hospital/ idea/ai'dis/ interval /'mtavol/ majority /ma'dsonti/ news /nju:z/ orchestra /'o:kistra/ pain /pern/ paragraph /'p£eragra:f/ part/pa:t/ programme /'praugrasm/ sports centre /'spoils senta(r)/

cheap/tji:p/ enormous /i'no:mas/ lovely /'lAvli/ male /meil/ musical/'mju:zikl/ separate/'seprat/ strong /strorj/ sweet /swi:t/ Expressions Be careful! /bi: 'keaful/ My arm really hurts, /mai a:m 'nali 'hs:ts/ We were all terrible! /wi: wa(r) al 'tenbl/ What a brilliant idea! /'wot a 'bnliant ai'dia/

Unite • Cartoons and film animation animation /asm'meiJW cartoon animator /ko:'tu:n aenimeit3(r)/ computer animations

/k3m'pju:t3(r)ceni'meijnz/ drawing Mroiwig/ frame/freim/ illusion /i'lu:3n/ movement "mu.'vmant/ photograph T3ot3gra:f/ separate 'seporeit/ • Films acting /' adventure cartoon /ka:'tu:n/ ch a ra cte r k cerikta(r)/ comedy /'komadi cowboy /'kauboi/ historical his'tonkl horror horrn i love story IAV stDiri/ play the part pier 6s 'part/ realistic ris'listik romantic /rau'maentik/ science fiction saijsns 'fikfn/ special effects spejl I'fekts/ story /'strxri/ war/wa:(r)/ • Nouns appearance Atlantic Ocean st'lsentik audience 'o:di3ns/ cat /kast/ certainty 'ssitanti/ costume 'kostjuim/ destination ,'desti'neijn/ dinosaur /'dam3so:(r)/ doubt /daut/ hero /'hisrsu/ honey /'hAni/ history /'histari/ iceberg /'aisbsig/ interview /'mtsvju:/ manager /'mffimd33(r)/ mouse /maos/ object /'obdsekt/ opinion /s'pinjsn/ passenger /'pssindsa/ reason /'ri:zn/ romance /rao'maens/ sea /si:/ ship /Jip/ supergroup /'su:p9gru:p/ supper /'sAp9(r)/ type /taip/

video /'vidiau/ voyage /void^/ wedding anniversary /'wedig Verbs appear /

ask/a:sk/ change shape /tjemds 'Jeip/ chase /tjeis/ cheer /tji3(r)/ clap /klasp/ come alive /kAm s'larv/ concentrate /'konssntreit/ cook /kok/ create /kn'eit/ drown /draun/ fall in love/fo:l in '!AV/ kill/kil/ like/laik/ love /IAV/ pass /pars/ play tennis /plei 'tenis/ prepare /pn'pe9(r)/ sail /seil/ smile /smail/ start /sto:t/ stop /stop/

survive /ss'varv/ turn /ts:n/ understand /Ands'stfend/ walk/wo:k/ Adjectives amazing /s'meizir)/ blue (ie unhappy) /blu:/ crazy /'kreizi/ early /'3:li/ exciting Ak'saitig/ fabulous /'faebjubs/ final /'famal/ first /fa:st/ frightening /'fraitmr)/ full-length /'fuller)0/ funny /'fAni/ interesting /'mtrostir)/ main /mem/ poor /pos(r)/ rich /ntj/ sad /ssed/ second /'sekgnd/ true /tru:/ untrue /An'tru:/ Adverbs even /'i:vn/ finally /'famali/ loudly /'laudli/ more /mo:(r)/ near /ni3(r)/ really /'noli/

Expressions Congratulations, Holly!

/ksn'gra^tfu'leifnz 'holi/ Hooray! Hooray! /ho'rei hu'rei/ It's a girl!/its a 'gs:!/ Not at all./not st 'oil/ They cheered and clapped! /6ei 'tjiad and 'klspt/ We want more! /wi; wont 'mo:(r)/ What's it about? /'wots it s'baot/



Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP

The author would like to thank Jill Florent for her contribution to the book as freelance Project Manager. The author would also like to thank Paul Davies for the projects on pages 73, 74, 76 and 77, Stephen Rabley for the picture stories and Vince Cross for the music.

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The publishers and author would like^to thank all the teachers around the world who contributed to the development of this course. Illustrations by: Stephan Chubluk p9; Mark Draisey (cartoons), pp61, 67; Bill Greenhead pp!3,22,31,32,39,42,47,49,50, 60; Frances Jordan pp6,8,9; Connie Jude p29; Tim Kahane (grammar characters) pplO, 47; David le Jars p8; Beverley Levy pp!9,27,37,45,55, 63; Claire Littlejohn pp23,24,29, 36, 70, 71; Mac Mclntosh pp7,11,18, 29,46, 65; Lisa McCormick pp15, 73, 74, 77; Andy Parker p60; John Richardson p 52; Gavin Reece p9; Keith Shaw (facsimiles); Martin Shovel p24; Antony Williams pp42, 65, 78-83. Commissioned location photography by: Steve Betts p!6; Julie Fisher photostories and pp!8,25,26, 33, 35,51, 72; Sandie Friend p36; Mark Mason studios pp25, 66. With additional thanks to: Beat About The Bush (Band instruments); The Godolphin And Latymer School, London; Rowan's Leisure Bowling Alley, London We would also like to thank the following for permission to reproduce photographs: Action-Plus p44; The Anthony Blake Photo Library p!7; Bubbles Photo Library pp8,35,43,59; Dorling Kindersley Picture Library p52; The Ronald Grant Archive pp65 (TM & © 1998 Dreamworks LLC/cartoon), 77 (Winslett/© 1994 Miramax Buena Vista); Robert Harding Picture Library pp26,54, 73; The Image Bank pp43,44, 75; Impact Photos p35; The Kobal Collection pp 44,61 (© 1997 TM & Universal Studios Inc and Amberlin Entertainement Inc), 62, (K.Hamshere © Lucasfilms & TM All Rights Reserved / Phantom Menace), 77 (DiCaprio/ 1995 © Tristar Pictures Inc), (Murphy/© 1989 Paramount); Courtesy of Mercedes-Benz p41; Pictorial Press pp!7,44, 53; Pictures Colour Library pp35,44, 73; Courtesy of Premier Percussion p52; Redferns p76; Rex Features pp!7, 76; Science Photo Library pp36, 74; Tony Stone Images pp8,15,17, 25,35,36,59,64,66, 69; Telegraph Colour Library pplO, 17, 68, 74; John Walmsley pp4, 8, 23,59, 68,75. The authors and publisher are grateful to those who have given permission to reproduce the following extracts and adaptations of copyright material: p!9 Seven Little Girls (Sitting In The Back Seat) Words by Bob Milliard. Music by Lee Pockriss © Copyright 1959 Emily Music Corporation, USA/EMI Catalogue Partnership, USA/EMI Catalogue Inc. 50% Worldwide Print Rights controlled by Warner Bros Publications / IMP Ltd. Reproduced by permission of IMP Ltd. 50% controlled by Campbell Connelly & Company Limited, 8/9 Frith Street, London Wl. Used by permission of Music Sales Ltd. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. p27 I'm Walking Words and Music by Antoine Domino and Dave Bartholomew ©1957 EMI Catalogue Partnership and EMI Unart Catalog Inc., USA. Worldwide Print Rights controlled by Warner Bros Publications Inc. / IMP Ltd. Reproduced by permission of IMP Ltd. p37 Next Door To An Angel Words and Music by Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield © 1962 Screen Gems - EMI Music Inc., USA. Screen Gems - EMI Music Ltd., London WC2H OEA. Reproduced by permission of IMP Ltd. p55 Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen Words and Music by Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield © 1961 Screen Gems - EMI Music Inc., USA. Screen Gems - EMI Music Ltd., London WC2H OEA. Reproduced by permission of IMP Ltd. p63 I Only Want To Be With You Words and Music by Ivor Raymonde and Mike Hawker © 1963 Warner/Chappell Music Ltd., London, W6 8BS. Reproduced by permission of IMP Ltd.

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