Tankside October 2015

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2 | October 2015


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STAFF MELANIE DAVIS Owner/Publisher melanie@brilliantmedia.company

GABRIELA KANDZIORA Director of Business Development gabriela@brilliantmedia.company

CHRIS ALVAREZ Production Manager

SALES LARRY LEWIS Sales Representative


LYNDA WILKINSON Sales Representative


MARY SMITH ENGSTROM Sales Representative/Reporter

MELODY LYDY Sales Representative melody@brilliantmedia.company


MARY DAVIS Den Mom & S.A.G. Vehicle


I think about the road often when I am in a cage…On 4 wheels scurrying off to meetings. Rushing to the next event, trying to just get “there on time”. I glance at the intersections I pass so quickly in a leap to make the next deadline, and as I pass these untraveled roads I always wonder – Where does it go. Have I been down it yet? What will I see? I wonder where I could end up. Now that the colors of the new season are showing and we start to think about the winter months. Which are probably the most dreaded for bikers…I look back at all the rides I did this last spring and summer. What an amazing riding season we have had – and it’s not over! I am grateful that Tankside and our team has been to Hells Canyon in Baker City, OR, Mt. Shasta, CA, San Francisco, CA, and the HWY 101 from the Bay to Oregon. Tankside was also at the: Tri-State HOG Rally, Rally in the Valley. Tankside also supported numerous fundraisers including the Wounded Warriors Project, The V-Twin Project, the Brass Balls Run (a ride benefiting testicular cancer research), The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, The Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride (a global ride benefiting prostate cancer research), and The Motorcycle Travel America Foundation (a foundation helping fallen riders) to name a few. It has all-in-all been a great riding season during Tankside’s inaugural year. You have read about many of these rides from our Tankside Team on these pages, on our website and have shared them on your social media. Each of you has contributed to the success of Tankside. Next month we will be sharing with you some of the fan mail Tankside has been getting. We will also be sharing with you more about the Tankside DamTour and dedicating space in each edition to the

amazing self-guided motorcycle tour that has become legendary. As we mentally prepare for the winter months and the stress it causes our free spirit, I would like to take the opportunity to invite each of you to submit a story. Tell us about your best ride this year, or favorite charity ride. It was the 75th Anniversary for Sturgis, was it your first time there, or your millionth? Tell us about it. Did you get your first motorcycle, or you’re ninth – what does riding mean to you? Please email these stories to melanie@tankside.com send a few photos of you on your epic journey. Tankside is our publication, by bikers, for bikers – ALL bikers (and those who love us)! Sharing our journey is what we do as a motorcyclist, we at Tankside are grateful to have a trusted platform for you to share. Deadlines for submissions are third Thursday of each month. Also, if you have an event coming up, please feel free to post it on our website. We offer a free online community calendar that can sync with most digital calendar platforms. We look forward to hearing from you soon and sharing your story on these pages! Your Sister in the Wind Melanie Davis Owner/Publisher Tankside

PS. Don’t forget about the Tankside Tail Gunner Party on October 10 at Cascade Bar and Grill located at 15000 SE Mill Plain Blvd, Vancouver, Washington 98684. Ride in starts at 3 pm with hosted appetizer buffet till the food runs out, live entertainment by The Kooltones (the best Tribute Band!) And Tankside Gear will be available for purchase. th

Events Promoter


503-228-3139 BRILLIANT MEDIA LLC. PO Box 306, Portland, OR. 97207

TANKSIDE.COM Copyright © 2015 Brilliant Media LLC, dba Tankside. All rights reserved. This publication or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of America























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October 2015 | 3




tral lands. In the mountains, dusk comes early and I started to look for a possible campsite or a spot on the side of the road to pitch a tent for the night. At first, I came across a campground called ‘Two Shadows’ and stopping there, spoke to two shadows who had stayed in that place too long. “Its just us two!” The Two Shadows said, but I went quickly on my way, not wishing to linger in that dark abiding place for too long. I stopped at a small diner to ask for directions and was warmly greeted by two Bosnian riders on BMW’s

he road calls. Is calling to me. I see it in my minds eyes, long, silent and unfolding. Over mountains and vales. Can see the buffalo. The buffalo running, smoke under their calven hoofs thundering through the distant prairie. Can see the morning fog rise and then dissipate under a midday sun. The road calls. And I must go... Left Portland, Oregon this morning. Stopped in Camas, Washington to pick up a shift lever to replace the broken one l am riding with. It is the only one in North America and I am grateful to have found it. Rode on from there in the cool air of the morning. East on Highway 14 alongside the Great Columbia River where America’s First Nation people still cast their nets to catch the migrating salmon. The cool morning eventually gives way to a clear sky around Wind Mountain and a sweltering heat which persists even now. THIS COUNTRY IS This country is burning! BURNING! Rode through a fire east of GoldenRODE THROUGH dale, Washington. Eyes stinging in the who waved me over. “We have questions A FIRE EAST OF sulfide air. The world is scorched. This for you!” They said and kindly invited GOLDENDALE, country is signed by our neglect. Inured me to dine with them. They were from WASHINGTON. to our excess. We have drunk up the Chicago. Told them I was headed there. EYES STINGING pond in which we live. Around noon, I They were camping on the other side of IN THE SULFIDE stopped in Pasco, Washington for tacos the river in case I needed a spot to perch AIR. THE WORLD my tent for the night. Said I did and folat a converted city bus which a Paisano IS SCORCHED. has made into a taqueria complete with lowed them to the rivers edge. Slobodan air conditioning. This metal oasis is a THIS COUNTRY IS and Prédo fell into the rhythm of their welcome respite from the day’s heat. SIGNED BY OUR own language and a few beers. I retired Spoke with another Paisano, who says to my tent to account for the miles travNEGLECT. he is hired to put out those fires. Says it eled and not yet traveled. pays ok. Boss gets more he says. 10,000 dolares a month Morning came, glorious and full, by the river. Eager for the crew boss. He makes ten an hour to keep Amer- to put some miles under me, I said my goodbyes to ica from burning down. my new friends. But Slobodan Milosevich only looked Even when America is burning, we are there to at me and said: “To be continued!” put out her fires, cool her fevered brow. Now for my I shook off mornings dew and started riding. The tacos. Hotel California is playing on the radio. Time front end started to shake at lower speeds. Dirty Nick, to check out... an alley mechanic in Portland, had tightened the Met a camel with no name in Idaho, USA. It is not steering head only a few days ago. I decided to take clear to him or me what it was doing there. In Hells my chances and continued to ride, hoping to make Canyon, Idaho. But we are all displaced. We are all a it to Missoula Montana to see if I could find a BMW little lost. And you see everything on the road. Mostly shop there to take a look at it. you just meet yourself again and again. Everything I make it to Missoula, rattled and worn. And after is a reflection of you or your demons or our better some searching, I eventually locate the BMW shop. angels. Mostly you are grateful about this delicate As I enter the service door, I run into ‘President proposition that is your life. Balanced precariously Milosovich and his friend Prédo! Who seemed not on two inches of rubber. Advancing on the road in at all surprised to see me again. At the insistence of front of you. The road, which is a mystery. President Milosovich, we found a coffee shop to wait The day’s punishing heat finally relented at around while they worked on our bikes. six when the mountains took me in again. The Snake We are all immigrants. We are all immigrants in this River and I parted company and it deposited me life. Invited to pass through but not stay. Slobodan and unto the Clearwater River through Nez Pearce ances- Prédo emigrated to the US some 25 years ago. Long 4 | October 2015

enough to have children born here. Long enough to want to travel this wide country on motorcycles. We are a study in contrasts, my fellow sojourners and I. I packed three t-shirts, an extra pair of jeans and a toothbrush. By comparison, they brought everything with them. Slobodan says, “We packed like immigrants!” Which is to say they packed everything including the kitchen sink. A common practice for us. In anticipation or as an antidote to uncertainty. It is in our DNA this uncertainty. Gets encoded permanent-like into our immigrant genes. Even passed down to our children and their children’s children. My bike is not ready and President Milosevich and Prédo have gone on ahead. I will need to find a place to stay and wait out the coming night. The morning is cold. And there is rain on the horizon ahead. The Road to the Sun was closed yesterday due to a 2000 acre fire. I will not be able to visit Glacier National Park. This happens. The road shifts and you are redirected elsewhere. I am now on HWY 90 going 90 miles per hour on an 80 MPH Speed Limit. I catch up with the rain which feels at this speed like small needles piercing your face and hands. Someone asked me if the bike was comfortable. The simple answer is no. But that is not the question. The interesting thing is our expectation that we should always be comfortable. It is a kind of entitlement. Once you let go of this idea, the road, the journey becomes not only bearable but enjoyable. In spite of the 80 mile per hour winds or the rain or the hail. The truth is this discomfort is important and essential to the journey. It is a clarifying force which is both instructive and necessary. Leaving Butte on my way to Billings to try to catch up with the BMW Motorcycle Rally and a couple of immigrants. And so it goes.... The truth is. The truth is that whenI first came upon President Milosovic, he was lost in the wilderness. And having trespassed into bear territory, I came upon him wrestling a black bear in a hidden Montana meadow. Prédo, his trusted friend, looked on from a distance. Prepared to intervene with a cup of coffee should things become too earnest between Fred the Bear and the President. Ultimately the President and the Bear became tired of fighting and accepted Prédo’s kind offer of coffee and Quince Cheese. Followed thereafter by a more civil game of chess. It was agreed that if the bear won, he would get to eat the President, thereby getting to fulfill his goal of tasting ‘Bosnian Immigrant.’ If the President were to be victorious, the safe passage had been guaranDON QUIXOTE | C ontinues to page 5




teed for him and Prédo. Fortunately for me when Continued from page 4 I came upon this motley group, the game had been called for the Bosnian entourage and Fred, being a bear of his word, was peacefully eating the last piece of Quince. Before we left, the President insisted on a selfie with Fred, the Bear as a memento for his travels. Here they are together: President Milosovich and Don Quixote Ride again Things you learn on the road: 1. Sometimes the road you choose is not the road you take... 2. You want to be right? Or you want to be happy?! 3. Whenever possible stop for coffee. 4. It is always possible! 5. The destination cannot be met without the journey 6. The road holds, in waiting, medicine for you... 7. There is the machine and then there is the will of the man! 8. When a stranger in a strange land offers you to sit down with them for dinner, the only appropriate response is: ‘Yes, thank you...’ Riders on the storm It’s a thing entire. To willingly straddle a fire-breathing beast with combustible fuel pistons between your legs. And ride it, with untamed iron lungs, across this vast country with nothing but your tender skin to barter with. There is the rain and the sweltering sun and the


cold to negotiate across 2500 miles. And the wind which resists your every advance through this endless landscape. Today we are chasing the storm. We slept and it passed us in the night. So we accelerate from 60 to 85 to 100 and then 120. And the turbulence you create is equal to hurricane force winds. And you realize that the hurricane did not suddenly come upon you. But that you invited it at the twist of the throttle. And you suddenly realize that you are the storm become. You are the wild tornado tearing across the Crazy Mountains on your fire breathing iron beast. And we are the storm, become... We finally arrive in Billings Montana and find the BMW Motorcycle Rally. We set up camp and make our way through throngs of riders. We are not in Kansas anymore and I have to adjust to the frenetic energy of this place. We walk around admiring other riders’ bikes and study how they have adapted their machines for their journeys. Mine is not set up for cross country travel. Compared to the others I am ill-prepared for the trip. No fairing to soften the blow of the wind or the elements. Everything I have, including a tent and sleeping bag, are in two small Wixom saddlebags made in the 70’s. Still. I would not have it any other way. There is the machine and then there is the will of the man. In the morning, President Milosevich and I say goodbye to Prédo over a two-hour long coffee! Prédo

has decided to stay behind an extra day. It is onward and forward for us. We have miles and miles to go before we sleep. We arrived at 4:05 in the morning, President Milosovich, and I. Into the City of Broad Shoulders, windblown and haggard from an 800-mile day in the rain and the sun. Seventeen hours straddled on this fire-breathing beast is a long time in perpetual motion. So that you have to get your ground legs under you. The buzzing of eighty-mile air against your ears for 800 miles leaves your ears buzzing for a night and a day. You walk somnambulant from your borrowed room to the toilet to the sink to the shower to relieve yourself of 2400 miles of road and grime. Your eyes have become red desiccated things which register light and shadows both but no discernible form. Your brother who kindly receives you at 4 in the morning is a form and familiar voice. Its ‘ok’ you say to yourself. The form notwithstanding, the substance is the same. You regress to your appointed room and take off your borrowed clothes and borrowed words and drop into a bed which does not give way completely but just enough. And you speak to the buzzing in your ears in gratitude for the safe passage. “To be Continued...” -Don Quixote

Gabriela Kandziora Real Estate Broker


Gabriela@RealtorGabriela.com • 503-481-9870

5000 Meadows Suite 150 Portland, OR 97035 TANKSIDE.COM

October 2015 | 5

Business Profile



By Jackie Wheatley, Special for Tankside


www.paradiseh-d.com • 10770 SW Cascade Avenue, Tigard • 503-924-3700

have seen many changes in my lifetime since watching the assassination (and funeral) of our much beloved President Kennedy in 1963—my first clear memory of the world around me. Television, and now the Internet, brought the world to me. We watched the evening news every night at home; we discussed the events of the day including some very heated debates when my siblings and I clashed in our opinions with our parents. None however, was more divisive than the recreational use of marijuana—which at that time and still in many states and countries today was illegal. That all changed here in Oregon last year when the majority in our state voted to legalize recreational marijuana for adults. When I look back 40 years, I think about my senior year of high school, where my main pass time included smoking marijuana on a regular basis and those heated discussions with my mother related to the legalization of marijuana. On October 1, the existing medical marijuana dispensaries will begin selling up to 7 grams of cannabis flower to adults, tax-free—until January 4, and then a 25 percent tax begins. The licenses for those medical marijuana dispensaries last until December 31, 2016. Additionally, the state will be issuing processing licenses to medical processors that make infused products. The state is developing the rules and regulations through the OLCC. Eventually, there will be two separate systems: the medical system and the recreational system. The OLCC is working on the regulations to see how the medical marijuana growers can provide to OLCC stores, and how OLCC stores can provide medical marijuana tax-free to patients. Medical marijuana dispensaries are either going to want to have both licenses—medical through the Oregon Health Authority, and recreational through the OLCC—and some may decide to stick only with medical. The recreational system is not replacing the medical system, but there will be some overlap. During the past few months, the Oregon legislature has been very busy refining Measure 91 and its implementation state wide. Portland Norml, a local nonprofit (http://portlandnorml.org/) has a wealth of information related to those changes and I highly recommend making sure you know what is and is not legal in Oregon. As a business professional, I wrestled over how I might best serve this new budding (pun intended) industry here in Oregon. Questions such as, “Could I lose my CPA license?” had to be answered. After months of research into the pros and cons of taking on clients in the Legal Marijuana Industry, we are PROUD to announce the launch of Rainbow Business Services. Rainbow Business Services seeks to help folks in this new industry to be wildly successful in their endeavors. There are new regulations to be navigated and as the industry begins to be accepted as mainstream, the back room and dark alley dealings will be a thing of the past. Need more info.? Contact Rainbow Business Services at Jackie@RainbowBusinessServices.com. Or call 971-319-5599.

6 | October 2015



October 2015 | 7

over on the high side

ROBBIE MADDISON, PART 1 By Steven Glickman, Tankside


obbie Maddison is an Australian stunt rider, famous for the longest motorcycle jump ever. He jumped to the top of a building in Las Vegas and then jumping back off the building to return to the ground. Riding down a bobsled track and then jumping off a ski jump, and riding his bike into the ocean and surfing on his bike. All of his stunts utilize his expert level of physical skill and control of his motorcycle. All his famous stunts have one thing in common. None of them can be performed slowly or allow for stopping. In all cases, he had to physically commit 100%. He left himself no other option. If he stopped in the ocean, he’d have sunk. Once he started down the ski jump, he had to perform the stunt at high speed or he’d crash. The other thing all these amazing stunts have in common is that they are reliant on a sense that most people are not aware of. Yes, we have more than five senses. And this sense, which Robbie has developed to the absolutely highest level, is Proprioception. If you’re wondering what that is, it’s the sense that allows you to know where your hand is, even if your eyes are closed. It’s what makes it possible to close your eyes and touch your finger to your nose. It’s a discrete sense you have that doesn’t taste, touch, smell, sight, or hearing. I learned all about it in a book written by Oliver Sacks, famed brain expert (Google him). An example of Robbie’s unsurpassed proprioception is when he jumped off the building in his Las Vegas stunt. When Robbie landed on the ramp on his way back down to Earth, his rear tire started to lose traction, sliding out forward and to his left. In almost all cases of this happening, what should happen next is that the rear tire should soon quickly decelerate, stopping the travel of the bike but not the momentum of the rider. Immediately following that, the rider should experience what’s known as a “high side” crash. For a single vehicle crash, short of hitting a brick wall, this is one of the worst types of crashes. The rider, depending on the speed he or she is traveling before

the crash, is thrown high off the motorcycle. Not only is there the possibility of the kind of injuries you might experience in a “low side” crash. Where the bike slides out from under you. But you are also going to fall back down to the ground and risk broken body parts. This risk is increased drastically and in direct relation to the speed you were going preceding the crash. But Robbie didn’t crash. Much the same way a cat rights itself in midair to land on its feet. Robbie managed to straighten himself out and continue smoothly off the ramp and into the arms of the most patient and understanding girlfriend on the planet. There probably aren’t more than a handful of riders in the world who could have avoided that crash. Robbie Maddison himself probably should have crashed. What was his secret? How did he do it? I have no idea. Could you do it? No. A big fat NO. I don’t know if there is any way to learn to do what Robbie did. He has almost superhuman natural ability and a ridiculous amount of experience. So if one can’t do any of this, or has no expectation of being able to learn, nor can they even begin to describe any of the techniques Robbie Maddison used, then why even write about it? The reason is that Robbie Maddison is the most extreme end of the spectrum of physical motorcycle riding ability. It takes that extreme of an example to take you out of the range of riding that is primarily successfully done, and done safely, because of your mental abilities. Those abilities can be learned and taught. So while Robbie Maddison is really fun to watch (seriously, go on YouTube and watch every video he has because he is amazing!!!). Almost all the riding you’ll ever do on the road is fun and possible to do with a high degree of safety, PHOTOS BY STEVEN GLICKMAN because of what’s going on between your left ear and your right ear. This is essentially what the Safety Corner is about. The goal is always to discuss riding skills based on concepts and ideas you can learn. In fact, while a certain amount of physical skill is required to ride a motorcycle, the physical actions you perform aren’t that complicated or demanding. The mental part is more difficult, but you can learn strategies, which I’ll discuss in Part 2.

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Calendar of Events

OREGON AND WASHINGTON BIKER EVENTS IN OCTOBER - NOVEMBER Sunday, October 11, 2015 12th Annual Brittney Ride Event for St Jude Friday, October 9, 2015 Poker Run, Live Music, Custom Bike Display, Auctions, Prizes, Food and a Whole Lot More Seven Feathers Casino Resort 146 Chief Miwaleta Ln Canyonville, OREGON 97417 (541) 664-8585 www.brittneyride.com

October 4th, 2015 Discover Oregon Ride 6 - Run to the Winery The Discover Oregon Ride 6 - Run to the Winery will be held at Salem Harley Davidson in Salem, Oregon on October 4th, 2015. Salem Harley David-

October 6th, 2015 Coyote Coffee & Bike Night 6:00pm to 9:00pm The Vancouver Coyotes Motorcycle Group on Tuesday, October 6 at 6:00 PM will get together for Coffee, Wine, Beer, Soda..... Big Pastries, Homemade pizza, Sandwiches, Quiche and more. Come hang out, grab a drink, socialize, talk bikes, plan ride...For more information please go to: www.meetup.com/Coyotes/ events/qdtsrjytnbjb

son located at 3601 Silverton Road NE, Salem, OR 97305. This is a 60 mile round trip ride! Scenic ride through wine country! 50/50 raffle that supports a local charity! Ride departs at 11:00am. We hope to see you there! For more information about this event, contact Salem Harley Davidson 503-363-0634

October 31st and November 1st, 2015

October 8th, 2015 Cycle Gear Bike Night Cycle Gear Bike Night will be held at Cycle Gear in Tacoma, Washington on October 8th, 2015. Cycle Gear in Tacoma, Washington is located at 2501 S


PDX International Motorcycle show www.motorcycleshows.com/city/portland-or Saturday October 31st (9am to 8pm) & Sunday November 1 (9am to 5pm), at the Oregon Convention Center. Tickets are $15.00 for Adults and kids

38th St, Tacoma, WA 98409. Come on out to Cycle Gear for a great time, food, drinks, raffles, and vendors! Event Hours:-5:00pm-8:00pm. Please Contact For More Information: (253) 475-5444 We hope to see you there!


under 11 are free. There will be demo rides, free gear check, the Ultimate Builder, lots of vintage clubs, free motorcycle parking, the No Limit Stunt Team will perform, as will the School of Rock. The market place is presented by Cycle Gear, Progressive Insurance will also have a stage, and if that’s not enough there is an Indian Scout Sweepstakes.

October 24th, 2015

Mickey Fay’s NW Extreme Flat Track Racing Washington State Fair @ 110 Ninth Avenue SW, Puyallup, WA. Gates open at 4pmLocation: Paulhamus Arena Enter at Green Gate. Admission: $10, Kids ages 6 and under are FREEE email: mickeyfaypresents@comcast.net or go to www.mickeyfaysraces.com This is an indoor short track racing, motorcycles & quads on a flat oval type of event hope to see you there!

October 31st, 2015

Paradise H-D Sizzlin Saturday The Paradise H-D Sizzlin’ Saturday will be held at Paradise Harley Davidson in Tigard, Oregon on October 31st, 2015. Located at 10770 SW Cascade Ave, Tigard, OR 97223. Come on out for live music and the Carmichael’s food cart!

October 24, 2015 Halloween Swap Meet Saturday, October 24, 2015 9:00 AM Buy, Sell, Trade - New and Used Motorcycle Parts & Accessories and benefit the Humane Society. This Swap Meet will be held at the Humane Society 6607 N. Havana St. Spokane, WA. For more information call 509.294.1249 or go to www.nwclassicmotorcycleclub.com

October 31, 2015 Lone wolf H-D Halloween Party Saturday, October 31, 2015 This party will give awards to the best costume, and feast on piping hot Chili at the Lone Wolf Harley-Davidson® dealership located at 19011 E Cataldo Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99016 Phone (877)-864-1433 or for more details go to: www.lonewolfh-d.com

Tankside Tail Gunner!! END OF SUMMER PARTY Cascade Bar and Grill

15000 SE Mill Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA 98684 www.cascadebarandgrill.co

Saturday October 10, 2015 - starts at 3pm live music • Appetizer Buffet • $3 well drinks TANKSIDE.COM

EL HISPANIC NEWS October 2015 | 9



By Gabriela Kandziora, Tankside


asper & Company HD, of North Plains, Oregon just keeps building sexy, bad-ass bikes! Jasper and his team know how to take a bike from its’ stock look to a magazine quality, award-winning bike that makes the owner smile from ear-to-ear just by looking at it, let alone riding it! A few months ago in our June 2015 edition, Tankside wrote about a Jasper & Co HD build, “V-CVO Mango Tango”, owned by Charles Winder. This bike has gone on to win “Best of Show” and “1st Place Custom” in several Bike Rallies around Oregon. Tankside was able to get some time with Jasper, in between

10 | October 2015

bike builds and maintaining his clients bikes, to discuss the most recent build by Jasper & Co. HD “Top Shop Black Death Reflections Bike aka Mistress”. This is a totally transformed 2014 Street Glide FLHXS Special, owned by Andy Linville. Andy owns several bikes, one of which is for sale at Jasper’s shop—an ass-whipping orange chopper that demands attention when it thunders down the road. I talk with Jasper and Andy, a good-looking, muscular guy, sporting a Mohawk, flashing a quick, confident smile tells me: “I like to be different.” Talking with Andy for a bit and going over the “Top Shop Black Death Reflections Bike aka Mistress” it is quite obvious he likes to customize! Andy’s bike-designing talents did not stop with his chop-

per. Andy’s vision of Mistres making. Jasper & Co. HD is t vision to fruition. He and Ja and started with the “Top Sh CVO Light option” with com have removed all the body con Bikeworks 6 channel amp, 2 lid speakers to the long and l tomized the bags so that scr not happen. Jasper changed out the fro Chrome Hot Legs, and the f wheel, with a Klock Werks ste




ss has been three-years in the the team that has brought that asper collaborated on Mistress hop Black Death Kit with the mpletely customized bags that ntours. Jasper added a Voodoo Rockford Fosgate waterproof low bags. Jasper has even cusraping them on the road does

ont legs to Arlen Ness Smooth front tire to a Mad Arden 26” eel-wrapped front fender, and



the dual rotors went from 11” to a single 13”. Mistress has been sexed up from 4 pistons to 6 and she proudly displays the signature Jasper 10” Devils handlebars. In the front, you will see a totally modified Voodoo Bikeworks chin spoiler with a complete light package for night riding, and a fairing that has been cut and raked. Jasper even made sure the headlight was modified to include the new angle from the rake in the fairing. Jasper tells me: “We wanted to make sure that after we raked and modified the fairing that the headlight was shining onto the road, where the rider will need it, and not upward.” I am told that often other customized shops forget this detail. Not Jasper. Jasper


has a plan for every detail you can imagine on your bike. Even the tank and dash are stretched adding more speakers. All the lights have been upgraded and even shows off an LED back-lit license plate frame. Complete with a full air ride, a Danny Gray Seat, and a custom “Vivid Black Bent Metal” paint job by Eddi Slepicka, she is a beauty! Mistress has the full Screamin’ Eagle breather and loud, loud pipes. Dressed like this, Mistress is ready to hit the town and she will make your head turn.

October 2015 | 11

Safety Corner

THE PANIC STOP By Curt Erickson, Tankside


f you’ll remember, last month’s tale of woe had Our Hero being thrown off his steed into a cow pasture pond in a classic high side wreck. To recap -- Our Hero skids the back wheel then lets go, causing the bike to high-side and flicking the rider off, I believe the phrase was, ‘like a booger’. The moral of the tale is, Don’t Lock Up Your Back Wheel In A Panic Stop. A couple of our instructors out at the school are crusty old motor cops; between them they’ve probably investigated, I don’t know, a thousand wrecks. They say the classic motorcycle wreck looks like a hundred feet of rear wheel skid, with a busted up bike at the end of it where the rider impacted. It’s pretty clear these riders hit that back brake too hard and didn’t apply enough front brake. If most of these riders with the ‘hundred feet of rear skid marks’ had used their brakes right, they would have probably stopped event-free and unscathed. But they panicked and did the Wrong Thing. I got a great email from a student last year -- she’d come and taken the course down at the school and decided to take the scenic route home. She said she’d come over a hill on a country road and there was an overturned log truck and logs all over the road. She’d just spent four days and countless hours stopping a bike in a hurry and she just did what she’d been practicing. She got stopped, I felt good about the email. She probably felt better about getting stopped in time, frankly. You should practice too. Here’s how to do it. Find an empty stretch of decent pavement, the longer, the better. Set up an object (doesn’t matter what it is, an old boot, a traffic cone, your backpack) somewhere towards one end of the lot. That’ll be your breaking point. Leave lots of runout space on the far end. Go to the other end of the lot, and drive towards your braking point. Get yourself up to a steady speed. Drive past your breaking point. As your front tire goes by it, press on the rear brake. Apply a smooth, firm, linear squeeze to your front brake lever to transfer the weight of the bike forward onto that front wheel. The heavier it gets, the more you can squeeze. Now, as you’re decelerating, begin releasing the pressure on the rear so as not to skid the rear wheel, but keep increasing the pressure on the front. Keep your eyes up. Come to a complete stop. Put your foot down. This is for motor memory -- it’s a

Rainbow Business Services Serving the Needs of the Legal Marijuana Industry

Jackie Wheatley Chief Business Consultant 2403 SE Monroe St., Suite E Milwaukie, OR 97222

(971) 319-5599 Jackie@rainbowbusinessservices.com www.rainbowbusinessservices.com 12 | October 2015

stopping exercise. Teach your brain and body that this is how you stop. If you’re skidding your back wheel, it means you need to back off more on the rear brake. If you’re stopping long, it probably means you’re not squeezing the front brake enough. Lots of people stop squeezing about halfway to the bar, but you want to keep squeezing more and more throughout the stop. Your stops should get shorter and shorter the more comfortable you get with the thing. SAFETY LECTURE: Don’t grab a big handful of front brake and yank. If you apply too much front brake before the weight has had a chance to transfer forward to the front wheel, you could skid the front wheel. A skidding front wheel is an Immediate Disaster; you’ve got maybe half a second to let go of the front brake and if you don’t, you’ll likely go down. If you think your front wheel is skidding, let go of the front brake. This is practice -- there’s no reason to hurt yourself practicing how not to get hurt. Every time you start a braking run, think to yourself: “I could lock up my front wheel.” Again, if you even think it might be sliding, do yourself a favor. Let go, relax, go back up and take another run at it. No reason to get hurt. If your back wheel slides at higher speeds, like say above fifteen or twenty miles an hour, the rear end will start fishtailing a bit. This isn’t a disaster -you can still balance the bike with the handlebars. We all did this as kids, right? Skidded our back bicycle wheels for fun, and look, we’re all still alive. But if you let go of the rear brake while the back wheel is slid out to one side, or the other, it’ll regain traction pointed a different direction from the front wheel. You could high-side and that’s also a disaster. So don’t lock up your rear wheel, but if you do, just leave it locked and slide to a stop. There’s no reason to get hurt. Start at a fairly low speed -- 25mph is plenty for starters. Work up to higher speeds. This is a thing that takes practice -- a day is about right to get the feel for it. It’ll take more time to get it really right. Don’t push things. Keep squeezing that front brake more and more. It’s amazing how fast a modern bike can stop with the right technique. Even if you don’t quite get stopped in time, it’s much better to hit something going slowly than it is going fast, right? Curt Erickson operates Northwest Motorcycle School; everything addressed in these columns is taught and practiced there, and (shameless plug) you should definitely sign up for a class.

Strung Out on Beads & Coffee Pam Mistretta 1343 NW 13th St. LINCOLN CITY, OR. 97367

541-994-3152 StrungOutOnBeadsNCoffee.com www.etsy.com/shop/beachgirl27


Rally Cry



h e C o u n t r y Mu s i c Festival benefiting the Wo u n d e d Wa r r i o r s Project held September 11 through the 13 th helped raise $2500. The show kicked off with a 9-11 Memorial and the Gladstone Fire Department came out for this commemoration, as well as the Oregon National Guard was on hand. Attendees thanked veterans and current military for their service to our country throughout the weekend. This Event really showed American’s appreciation for those who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. Event organizers would also like to thank: Susan Roberts Event Co-Producer Sonik Miyamoto Latus Motors Harley-Davidson Marketing Manager Lonnie Jessee Emcee Jennifer Langley Event Staff Keith Hatfield Bike Show Judge Smitty Bad Ass Biker & Security Latus Motors Gladstone Fire Dept. And lastly, all the musicians who played and supported the WWP Event! To find out more about the Wounded Warriors Project, please go to www. woundedwarriorproject.org


October 2015 | 13

Dykes On Bikes®

Portland Chapter fundraiser

Taco and Trivia

1st Tuesdays EVERY MONTH! Join us at: Sandoval’s Tequila Grill 1864 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214 Come enjoy a taco or 2, or 3, with the DOB... drink some amazing Tequila. Sandoval’s is the best Tequila bar outside of Mexico. Boasting hundreds of brands and even their own Sandoval’s top-shelf brand. Come enjoy a great evening every 1st Tuesday! Motorcycle parking right out front!

DykesOnBikesPortland.com Please email Secretary@DykesOnBikesPortland.com to get on mailing list






MELODY LYDY 14 | October 2015


It’s a Groovy Ride with Lady Fred



very year I plan a trip to the UP, as us Michiganders refer to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Mackinaw Bridge, also known as, the Mighty Mac or the Big Mac, is a 5-mile suspension bridge that connects the Lower Peninsula to the UP. I love riding bridges and LOVE riding the Mighty Mac. Fun fact ... those of us that live under the bridge are called Trolls and those that live above the bridge are called Yoopers. Shortly after returning from Sturgis I went to the UP to see a lover from 20 years ago. The trip was delayed due to Lobo having a dead battery. The next day I was only able to knock out 150 miles before becoming very sick. I had a 450-mile ride the following day to his place near Crystal Falls, arriving at sunset. It rained the entire 2 days I was there. Although we didn’t get to ride, it was nice to catch up with each other and chill. It was still raining when I left and I was about 2 hours from his place in Escanaba, the largest town on US-2 when Lobo started coughing, losing power and the engine light came on. I darted into a gas station that just happen to be right there. Gas stations are sparse in the UP with most towns having around 200 residence. I felt very lucky he acted up right then and not sooner and the rain had stopped. Thinking I might have bad gas, I topped him off. I quickly discovered he was only running on one jug. I decided to find a hotel and then look for help. If I were going to be down, at least I would have a place to stay. I noticed Cycle City Honda-Artic Cat while sitting at a light. Knowing I could run non-Harley plugs, I limped over there. I was hopeful it was just a fouled plug. The guys changed out my plugs, but that was not the solution. He passed the spark and compression test which meant he wasn’t getting fuel. They were not able to do anything more for him. They did not charge me for the plugs or their service saying they wanted me to know that there are good people in the UP and they help anyone. I told them I already knew that that is why I love coming to the UP. =) As luck would have it, my 1st Savior Stan, owner of Brickhouse Motorcycles,


the ONLY Harley mechanic on the 400 mile stretch of US-2, was right in the next town and gave my boys a tow. The ECM (computer brains) tripped and the code said my Turn Signal Module was bad. That didn’t make any sense. He didn’t have one in stock would have to order one. I opted to find a tow. Snow Queen, my 2nd Savior, who is a Stiletto on Steel club sister, another Women’s Riding group I belong too, was able to give me a tow. I was on my way to see her when I broke down. It was a long day arriving at her place at 3:00 am, we were both exhausted. I was thankful to be below the Might Mac in Indian Rivers, much closer to home. My 3rd Savior, Proc a friend of mine for 20 yrs and his friend Rat, arrived the following day and towed my boys to his place in Big Rapids. Another long day arriving at sunset. My 4th Savior, Brian, my mechanic and owner of American Iron in Jenison arrived the next morning. There was only enough room for Lobo, so I had to leave Wyatt behind. Brian was kind enough to go out of his way and gave me a ride home too. The ECM showed that his fuel injectors had gone bad. This made more sense. He replaced them and I was off and running, that is for 24 miles and he acted up again. Brain came and picked us up, taking me home yet again. Again the ECM said the Fuel injectors were bad, so he replaced the ECM. I was only able to ride 100 miles before leaving on my 55th Bday Adventure, which I am on right now! =) Every year I take a 6 to 8-week road trip and celebrate it ‘somewhere’. So far we have traveled 450 miles and haven’t had any problems. My 5th Savior, Mike a friend of Procs, towed Wyatt home and had a big surprise for me, my GF of 20 years, Sarah was with him! It was so awesome to see her! It was a VERY ugly sight to see my boys on a trailer and I hope I never have to see it again. It wasn’t the journey I had planned, but as the saying goes, it’s not the destination, it’s the journey. =) It was very heart warming to see how total strangers and friends were there to help us out in our time of need. Blessings all the way!!!

October 2015 | 15




he second and last part of a story begun in the August edition of Tankside. Hot Springs Arkansas was my next destination. Again no disrespect meant for anyone in Arkansas, but I was really disappointed in the Hot Springs National Park. It is right downtown and consists of five or six old bathhouses that no longer operate and a short spin around a tower on the mountain. The good thing about Arkansas is the great riding in the North West and the Harley Dealer in Little Rock. Gypsy needed a service. They took me right in, gave me the VIP treatment and sent me on my way with a top notch service. Great place to stop if you’re on the road and need anything. Oklahoma and Texas were a challenge. Tornados, flooding and severe weather everywhere. Did manage to dodge the worse of it but rode two days in the rain and had to change my route a couple times. Weather apps on your phone are absolute life, savers. If you can’t get a Wi-Fi or 3g signal, find the nearest McDonalds. You don’t even have to go in, their free Wi-Fi reaches the parking lot. Other lessons learned with constant rain. Leather saddle bags are not waterproof. Got large zip lock bags and “Space Bags” to put everything in. Worked well. Also, leather gloves get soaked and your hands freeze. Bought a pair of large Playtex gloves, the kind they use for dishes, and slipped them over my gloves. Hands stayed dry and toasty. The rest of my time has been spent in New Mexico, Arizona, southern Colorado and Utah, southeast Nevada, California and I am currently on the coast of Oregon. I was in New Mexico over Memorial Day and spent it at the New Mexico State Park, Angle Fire Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This is a very powerful place, especially if you are a veteran or lost someone in the military. I Vietnam Vet friend of mine was supposed to travel with me to the Memorial this year. He passed in October. I took his picture with me and left it at the altar in the Chapel. Eddie made it to Angle Fire. Not the way he wanted, but he made it. New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah have so many must ride roads and places to see that I had to force myself to leave. The places that really stick

out to me are Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah and Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. There are no words to adequately describe the beauty of the landscape or that what I call “pucker factor” of the roads. I know that the only words that came out of my mouth on several occasions were “holy shit”. Now California is a mixed bag. Again, no disrespect intended. Went through the Mojave Desert. Now my idea of a good time is not being baked at 107 degrees with nothing but sand and small bushes scattered around. I am definitely not a desert person. I do believe I have found the twin sister to the Million Dollar Hwy in Colorado. It is in Lassen Volcanic National Park in Northern California. I had never heard of this park until I found it on the map. Yosemite National Park floored me. I do not consider myself an overly emotional person, but this place brought tears to my eyes. Could not even utter my standard “holy shit”. My Gypsy acquired an additional name outside of Yosemite. Had stopped at a scenic overlook and met a very interesting older man. Very nice guy. We talked a bit about Yosemite and he informed me he was a shaman and he wanted to give me a blessing. I gladly accepted as you can never have too many blessings when your ride on two. He looked at my scoot and told me he had a name for her too and would like to bless her. He said she reminded him of a White Eagle so she is now Gypsy the White Eagle. Since starting on May 7th, I have traveled 11,174 miles, been in 14 states and toured 41 National Parks and National Monuments So far I have learned so much on this journey. Sporks (spoon on one end and fork on the other) come in very handy and take up virtually no room. Pack everything in plastic bags as leather saddle bags are not waterproof. Playtex gloves are great waterproofing for leather gloves and I must be an International Model or an odd duck. People from France, Holland, Australia, England, Indonesia, Japan and a few Americans have asked if they could take my photo. My greatest realization to date though, is how fortunate I am to live in a country where I am free to live my dream. That I am comfortable with myself and perfectly content to be riding solo seeing America, and I can do this on the seat of Gypsy the White Eagle.

The Tankside DamTour

The Tankside



16 | October 2015

“20 Dam Good Places to Ride!”

If you have not done the DamTour yet, put it on your “dam to-do list” for 2016 and every year after that. Each year provides a fresh experience! The DamTour will get you out riding into unseen territory, challenging you to stretch your horizons and reach a new level of riding! We are now accepting Pre-registration for the Tankside DamTour 2016 for $40.00 and it includes: • 20 Dam Good Places to Ride! Eight (8) Oregon DamTours, Eight (8) Washington DamTours, + 4 Bonus DamTours* • The Official Tankside DamTour 2016 Static Cling Decal • The Official Tankside DamTour 2016 Participation Patch

• The Official Tankside DamTour 2016 Placard with your unique identification number, with GPS coordinates for 8 Oregon, 8 Washington, and 4 Bonus Dams • One Official Tankside DamTour 2016 Oregon Pin** • One Official Tankside DamTour 2016 Washington Pin** One Official Tankside DamTour 2016 Trophy***

*All Tankside DamTours are self-guiding and at the rider’s own risk and expense. Buy registering the rider assumes responsibility for any liabilities. **The Official Tankside DamTour 2016 Oregon & Washington Pin(s) will be awarded at the Annual Tankside 2016 Tail Gunner to those paid participants who completed each Official Tankside DamTour in either, or both states and submitted photo verification by September 13, 2016. ***The Official Tankside DamTour 2016 trophy will be awarded at the Annual Tankside 2016 Tail Gunner to those paid participants who completed ALL of the Official Tankside DamTours and submitted photo verification by September 13, 2016 EMAIL PHOTO - In The Subject Line PLACARD ID#, & DAM: damtour@tankside.com. To register at www.DamTour.com or www.Tankside.com



October 2015 | 17

In the Cage


By Roger Rivero


hen you test more than 50 vehicles a year, you are overcome with a certain feeling of guilt when recounting the ones you have not enjoyed driving. And some might think that our opinions are tainted by the attentive eye of the manufacturers, and the chance of angering them and losing the privilege of receiving more cars of the brand. Couldn’t be farther from the truth. My biggest disappointment this year was on board the new Acura TLX V6. Some other models have fallen short of expectations, but overall, in the U.S. today, no bad cars are sold, only some better than others. It’s a very competitive market, and manufacturers strive to improve their product every day. The test car this week, is a Buick Regal GS. It impressed me with its exterior design, but, not having driven a car from this brand in years. I dragged myself through the clichés that are often heard, and I expected a mediocre driving experience, at best. Was I wrong! The exterior of the Buick with modern lines and sophisticated styling was the first surprise. The interior with premium materials, easy to understand tools and clean design, the second. On to the driving test. The Regal GS is a sporty sedan that flaunts its condition. Surprisingly agile, with precise driving response. The 4-cylinder turbocharged engine is astonishingly efficient when it demands power. The 259 horses very well used by the 6-speed automatic transmission (manual transmission also available for the GS). Under no conditions in our test week did this car feel short of power.

18 | October 2015

Our Buick came equipped with all-wheel drive (AWD) and electronic limited slip differentials on the rear. Driving the Regal in narrow and twisty roads was enjoyable. Sporty handling without sacrificing control on the road. At every moment, I tried to compare it with any of the German sedans that I had driven. Then l I discovered the Regal is based on a popular car that GM sells in Europe, the Opel Insignia. From there, it gets the attributes, style and driving dynamics that allow it to decently boast the “sport” category. With good fuel economy (19/27) and an excellent score in crash tests, the price is one of the only pitfalls I found while describing the Regal to curious friends and neighbors. With a base price close to 40K ($39,810 to be exact) this is not a cheap car. However, considering the standard features that it brings: like 19-inch alloy wheels, front seats and steering wheel heating, Bose sound system, among many other features. It is not misplaced in the category of “Premium” sports sedans without being luxurious. Sure there are (very strong) competitors that are worth a look before making a purchase decision. Among them, the Acura TLX V4, Volvo S60 T5, and the BMW 3 series. With all the cards on the table, the Regal GS costs several thousand dollars less than competitors with similar equipment. It would not be objective if I did not acknowledge my joy of driving a car of this quality, knowing that it is domestically produced. Buick has invested heavily in changing its image. My only annoyance throughout the week, was having to explain to many non-believers ... “Yes, ... it’s a Buick.” More about cars: youtube.com/AtutomotrizTV


YOUR BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME AWAITS YOU! Brought to you by: PQ Monthly, El Hispanic News, and Tankside

$334,900 Oregon MLS# 15305735 496 Arkansas, Vernonia, OR 97064 Gorgeous remodel! Spacious living located on the “Historic Walk of Vernonia” Only 30 minutes to Intel and 37 to Nike. Enjoy wholesome historic small-town living yet only 40 minutes to the heart of hip and swanky Portland. Large lot provides excellent garden space. 3-minute walk to park, fishing, shops, library, restaurants. 1-minute walk to the school and historic museum. Vernonia is a beloved stop for bicyclists who enjoy the fantastic treed bike trails and the festivals that happen on Bridge Street. “Stand By Me” and “Twilight” were filmed here. Deer/Elk visit this magnificent home. Full basement ADU or home office.


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Gabriela Kandziora - Real Estate Broker Call or Text 503-481-9870 • Gabriela@RealtorGabriela.com 5000 Meadows Suite 150, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Office: 503-670-9000 TANKSIDE.COM


October 2015 | 19

Tankside Tail Gunner!! END OF SUMMER PARTY

The Kooltones started in 1979 as “Billy Scene” and the Kooltones. Put together by core members Marty McCray (guitar-vocalskeyboards), Jeff Munkers (bass-vocals) and Andy Campbell (drums-vocals) as a novelty 50’s & 60’s act. It went over so well that a local promoter began getting them gigs. Eventually they added other musicians to round out the sound and over the last 35 years have played hundreds of shows all over the NW. Opening for acts like the Kingsmen, Johnny Rivers and Tommy James. Currently, the 3 core members are still together along with Jon Lindahl (guitar-vocals) and Cam Dutz (Saxflute-vocals). With a song list of over 400 songs to choose from, they can cover everything from Bill Haley to Pink Floyd !

Saturday October 10, 2015 starts at 3pm live music • Appetizer Buffet • $3 well drinks

Cascade Bar and Grill

15000 SE Mill Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA 98684 www.cascadebarandgrill.co


20 | October 2015



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