The scales found inside the CD Player fit to the body and then to a pocketsized city plot. This architectural proposal of hip hop acts as a semiotic reflection of the makings of the culture. It also acts in conjunction with the new notation. Formed in a futuristic framing, the shell for the animated form listens to all movement inside of it.
Tokyo’s New Hip Hop Alley
Found on accident during my study abroad in Tokyo, the site is a semiabandoned bar complex located in Bunkyo City, Ueno. During my time in Tokyo, I met a thriving Hip Hop scene that could be found in the pockets of the megametropolis. The CD Player finds its home in one of these hidden coves and aims to provide both a street and studio hip hop experience.
Street Level Plan
Studio Level Plan
Utilizing embedded cameras and sensors, the AI of the CD Player converts a freestyle into two DR’s, one for the feet and another for the hands.
The CD is then manufactured on the lower level and transported to the studio via a thin elevator. The hand DR is animated and projected through the mirror using a transparent LED screen, allowing for the dancer to practice again and again what is usually lost.
To wrap things up, the following section aims to record some classic hip hop moves. Pulling from old to new school catalogs, the index is still only able to capture a fraction of steps that fall under hip hop.