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Chamber Ambassadors


Chamber Ambassadors assist the Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce in building membership involvement, recruitment, and retention. They also attend various Chamber functions and meetings while being the face of the Chamber in our community to local businesses who may or may not be Chamber Members.

Chamber Ambassadors are a support system for the Chamber of Commerce and are a vital aspect of the Chambers growth and success. Chamber staff relies heavily on ambassadors to fulfill duties that the Chamber Staff cannot do solely on their own.

Chamber Ambassador visits add a welcoming touch for Members. Ambassadors visit Members during the year to thank them for their support and their investment in the community. They also visit non-members in hopes they will be encouraged to join the Chamber.

A core function of Ambassadorship is the presentation at Ribbon Cuttings. The Chamber holds over 60 Ribbon Cuttings per year for Chamber businesses. Whether it is a grand opening or a new location, these ceremonial events are available to celebrate Chamber Members. The Ambassador presents the plaque - commemorating the event and gives the business the traditional “jar” of business cards of Ambassadors so that the business can reach out for support and encouragement. The Chamber Ambassadors meet monthly to discuss Chamber events and membership. This is a special time to celebrate new Members as well as renewals. A formal meeting is held one month and then the following month the Ambassadors meet for a “social” at a Chamber Member restaurant. Ambassadors act as greeters at our monthly breakfast, Rooster Booster. This is a great networking opportunity, as the Ambassadors is the first smiling face Members see as they enter the event.



What does being a Chamber Ambassador mean to you?

Giving back to the community; my time, talent, and resources. Being an Ambassador is more than just showing up and playing the part, it’s about the relationships you create with both the Chamber and the business we serve.

Why is this role a priority to you?

We are all Ambassadors if we care about our community. A Chamber Ambassador is the leadership group to set the bar. The priority is for Owensboro and goes beyond the doors of the Chamber office.

What does this mean for you professionally or for your company/ business/organization?

An Ambassador has an advantage with community exposure. Representing ADVANCE in the community events benefit both our company and improves our outreach. The networking relationships I have gained are beyond value. I have no doubt if I called upon a fellow ambassador they would support me. These people are now friends. MINGA TROGDLEN


What is your favorite part about being a Chamber Ambassador?

My favorite part is getting to know the Chamber staff and supporting them in any way that I can. I have made some great personal friends through this organization and am so proud of their accomplishments! Whether it is a current staff member or some of those that have moved on to make a difference in another capacity in our community, I treasure those relationships. They have made me a better person by getting to know them.

What would you tell other people who may be considering this role?

If you are thinking about becoming a Chamber Ambassador, speak to one of the existing Ambassadors about it as well as the Chamber staff. Let them share their experience with the program and see if it is a good fit for you.

What role does the Chamber play in our community?

The Chamber of Commerce is so vital to our community! The leadership they provide is second to none and every staff member truly has a desire to grow and prosper Owensboro and Daviess County. I am very proud to make a tiny contribution to their mission and vision.

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