2 minute read
From the Editor
Avery's favorite things:
Here are two games you need for your next game night! Telestrations is a drawing game and we love to play with our Parents and Grand-Parents! We always laugh when we see the drawings! Happy Salmon is an interactive game, it goes fast and it is super fun! We all are pretty good, but we are still learning. But I definitely recommend both games for your family!
My brother loves this! He got it for Christmas and says it is good to calm you when you are stressed.
from the editor
My name is Avery Sorce and I am Ashley’s daughter. I am a fifth grader at Meadow Lands Elementary School. Sadly, this will be my last year taking over the magazine. But my little brother will be taking over next year and I know he will do great! (But definitely not as good as mine!)
In this issue, kids from local schools write the articles. You will find articles from kids who go to Daviess County Public Schools, Owensboro Public Schools, Owensboro Catholic Schools, and Heritage Christian School. But that's not all! There are good summer camps your kids can go to and some fun crafts for you to do… like the frog me and my mom made! We also put in our annual Ad Contest winners, and let me tell you, there are some great ones! Make sure to check out the Kentuckiana Ad because someone from MLES won!
There are also some stories about local moms and kids! Like the story about someone from our school and how she makes dog treats to help kids at St. Jude Children’s Hospital and raised over $4,000 for the kids going there. There is also a feature on five moms who also run their own business. (kinda like my mom!)
I really hope you like this issue, I have enjoyed taking over the magazine for the last five years. I am headed to the new Daviess County Middle School next year and can’t wait for the things I am going to do there, but also will miss elementary school! I will be sure to make sure to look at the next take over issue when Reed is in charge!
Here is my first Kids TakeOver cover from FIVE years ago! I still remember having to jump through the paper a hundred times to get it perfect and I still did not look at the camera! I can’t believe this is my last one! ��
We got this Idea from the magazine! Whenever we have a special memory we put it in the box. We painted our’s fun colors but you can paint yours whatever colors! Then we each picked out stickers that we liked and decorated the box.