Five Reasons Why Group Therapy Is Beneficial For Struggling Teenagers It is true that individual therapy i.e. a one-on-one session with a counselor can be a great way for a teenager to overcome their problems, fears, mood problems, anxiety problems or other problems and find a way to express themselves. However, studies show that teenagers who face any kind of social problems do not benefit greatly from individual therapy. Why? We have an answer. The types of anxieties that teenagers face in a social setting like in a classroom or at a party or during a presentation will not necessarily emerge during an individual session with a counselor. They usually show a very normal, easy going and comfortable behavior because just talking to a counselor will not evoke a sense of anxiousness within them as much as it would while socializing. According to studies, group therapy has been proven to be more effective for teenagers when it comes to treating social problems. This is because group therapy brings out abnormalities in behavior like shyness, fear, anxiousness and bullying and becomes easier to gauge by a psychologist. Once a therapist knows the problem at hand, they can help a teenager overcome these problems. Here Are A Few Benefits of Group Counseling: 1. Communication Skills - Teenagers usually face difficulties in communicating their feelings and emotions. This triggers different moods within them because they find a way to manifest their bottled-up thoughts in an unhealthy manner. Group counseling helps them explore their feelings and fears in a comfortable and supportive environment and this helps them develop communication skills to express themselves better.
2. Confidence - Group counseling gives a teenager a social setting that allows them to develop newer and more effective ways to relate to other teenagers and work on their social behaviors. They develop a refined sense of confidence and learn how to behave within groups and become more comfortable amongst different social settings that they may encounter in their daily lives. 3. Peer Influence - We all know how much peer pressure can affect teenagers, but in group therapy, peers help each other improve themselves and help each other grow. This is why group therapy sessions are also called ‘support groups’. Teenagers don’t feel alone for they learn to confide in other teenagers and overcome problems by supporting each other.
4. Reduced Anxiety & Stress - School and social settings can be demanding in terms of mental stress and often lead to children feeling worn out. Group therapy helps children unwind and relax and use their mind in a constructive and relaxing way. This leaves them feeling calm and collected as opposed to feeling anxious and stressed out. 5. Healthier Relationships - Teenagers who suffer from anxiety and depression tend to become aloof and withdrawn which sabotages their relationship with their family or peers. Support Groups help teenagers develop healthier and happier relationships that do not sabotage their mental health or make them feel less as a person.