Listen To The Unheard – Help Your Child .
We’ve established, centuries ago, that each individual is different and special in their own way. However we have also established certain behavioural norms, values and guidelines within our cultures and subcultures and even largely as a human race there are certain parameters on the basis of which we evaluate the “normalcy” of a person. Especially children. So when something goes wrong, visiting a child psychologist is a given. In smaller children, identifying facial expressions and asking them direct questions works better. Every child is social but some children take time adapting to social skills. Some may face rejection from others which could set them back, making them more comfortable with their own company. When you recognize these problems it is time to begin behavioural therapy for your children. For a healthy relationship with your child, ensure that all family members spend adequate time with your child, making him or her feel loved and involved. Ask them questions about their day, identify any problem areas by probing. But don’t pry too hard, or they may think you’re inquisitive and shut you out completely. Children need one adult they can invest their trust into. When looking out for a child psychologist, the first few sessions will often involve the psychologist trying to build a relationship with the child, creating a comfort zone so that they can open up to the psychologist.School can be rough. Bullying, dyslexia, learning disabilities, an undiscovered OCD, unable to cope with a class are all a part of the schooling system. While the Indian society accepts this 90% of the times, neglecting these issues could lead to adverse psychological problems. Behavioural issues can be recognized by monitoring your child and identifying symptoms. The treatment would involve a behavioural therapy session for your children. Psychological therapy for children will usually involve psychotherapeutic sessions. The purpose is to reduce anxiety and make the children understand that mood alters behaviour. The purpose of these sessions is mainly to introduce to children different coping mechanisms. Help them understand the problem, allow them to express themselves in any way they feel comfortable, there should be no consequences to their actions and reactions. This helps them in establishing trust with the counsellor.
Once the relationship is built, stress management strategies, relaxation training, teaches coping skills, talk therapy come into play. Through a child psychologist, the child can begin to learn the reasons for the way that they behave. It helps them understand situations and what the trigger points are. Going through psychological therapy provides various ways to understand mood changers and triggers. Coping mechanisms are devised to help the child feel more in control of themselves. A sense of control over emotions and mood is the first major step in therapy. A child feels secure that the situation is in their hands. Behavioural therapy for children helps them grow and adapt. It helps them guide their feelings from within and channel their expression in much calmer ways. At the end of the day, it is for parents to realize that their children are not purposely behaving the way they do. Recognize the problem by monitoring your child and help them through psychological therapy, behavioural therapy for children such as cognitive behaviour therapy, applied therapy or play therapy.