Preparation For Marriage Counseling
Education And Experience of The Counselor
As a client, you will want to know what the qualifications of your marriage and family therapist are. Is your therapist certified? What are their specializations? What is the rate of success of their practice and how effective are their services? These are some important questions to consider.
It is very important for your therapist to be accessible. You should find out where their office is, how far it is from your home, how far it is from your place of work and whether the location of the marriage counseling sessions is feasible for both you and your partner. You also must ask your therapist whether they will be available in case of an emergency.
Course and Plan of Treatment
It is important to clarify your treatment plan with your therapist before the sessions begin. How long is each session? How can you reschedule or compensate for a lost session? How many sessions should you expect to have and how often should they be scheduled per week or month? These are important queries that should be clarified.
Fees and Insurance Policies
You must ask your therapist what their consultation fees are and whether they vary based on what the session encompasses. It is also important to ask them whether their services are covered under health insurance, and whether payment for sessions is as per schedule or full payment up front.
Personal Preparation
Before beginning marriage counseling, you and your partner should be mentally and physically well prepared for what is coming. The therapist is going to make a lot of positive changes in your life that will require both you and your partner to actively change yourselves for the good of your relationship. Hence it is best to brace yourselves for therapy.
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