Support Groups & Its Various Types Support groups, as the name suggests, are groups that offer unconditional and unbiased support to individuals who are facing trials and turmoil in their life. The help provided by a support group is usually non-material and non-formal i.e. non-professional. The problem at hand in a support group i.e. the theme of the group is usually shared which means that all the members face problems that are more or less similar in nature. The point of a support group is for members to come together and discuss their problems so as to formulate coping strategies to feel empowered and to feel like they belong somewhere and feel understood by individuals who know what it is like to be in their shoes. An individual’s role in support groups is to evaluate the information shared, relate to others’ personal experiences and share one’s own, offer empathy and establish social networks. We have already established that support groups target specific problems, so how do people understand what kind of group will suit the problem they face? The solution is that there are many different types of support groups that offer group therapy for a specific problem. The point of having a specific support group is to ensure that group therapy is solution focused and caters to each member specifically. Here are three very common support groups that address severe, common problems. Drug Addiction Support Groups Support groups for drug addiction are voluntary associations between people who share a common want to overcome and quit substance abuse and want a way out of drug addiction. It’s important to remember that different groups use different group therapy activities that range in nature and motive. Some group therapy activities may focus on just reducing the use of substances instead of completely stopping the usage, however this does not serve as a sustainable treatment plan in the long run. Drug addiction support groups help show individuals what life has to offer without the usage of drugs and how that is a healthy, happy way of living that isn’t detrimental to their life, or the lives of those attached to them. It helps them depend on healthier means of surviving and quit eventually but surely. Suicide Prevention Support Groups As the name suggests, these groups specifically target individuals who are likely to commit suicide or those who are suicide survivors. It aims at raising awareness and creating an effective call to action to address suicide and suicide related problems. They also create helpline numbers that cater to individuals who are at a risk for suicide or people who know individuals who are at a risk of suicide. These helpline numbers are at everybody’s disposal 24x7 so as to prevent suicide.
Domestic Violence Support Groups Domestic violence in a nutshell is any kind of violence or abuse, emotional or physical in a domestic setting, typically marriages or homes. It is also commonly known as intimate partner violence which means the violence is committed by a spouse or an intimate partner. This type of violence takes place with children, parents and the elderly as well. Some of the most common types of domestic violence are marital rape, stoning, choking, or in severe cases honor killings, acid throwing, bride burning, dowry deaths etc. This can severely mentally damage victims which is why support groups aim to understand and solve these problems in a personal setting so that these problems can be solved and avoid the mental strain from turning into serious mental health disorders.