What Does Family Therapy Aim to Establish Within A Family?

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What Does Family Therapy Aim to Establish Within A Family



Strong Parental Leadership Qualities Family therapy aims at establishing a clear role for parents within the family unit. Parents hold the family together and when children are younger, they do require guidance from their parents. Some parents however don’t understand how to stand their ground, be strict, and establish their leadership in a healthy manner which may cause problems. Hence, this is one of the many things addressed during family therapy.



Strong Communication Patterns Very often, the problems that occur within a family are due to miscommunication or the lack of communication altogether. During family therapy, many effective techniques are used to first help the family communicate with one another about the problem at hand and then to establish a healthy pattern of communication within the family to avoid problems in the future.



Clear Roles & Boundaries Even though a family unit is supposed to have a clear boundary within which members are expected to stay and members have specific roles that they are expected to play, sometimes these roles and boundaries remain unclear and ambiguous which results in disappointments and feuds. It is important for a family to establish clear boundaries and roles and a marriage and family therapist helps a family to do so.



Flexibility An excess of anything is harmful – even rules and stringency. It is important for family members to be flexible with one another when it comes to responsibilities and expectations. When a member cannot live up to certain responsibilities once in a while, other members must step in to cover up for them instead of it becoming a matter of turmoil for the family. A family is meant to save one another in time of need and only a sense of flexibility can help a family achieve this.



Restored Love & Functionality The primary function of a family is psychological support and unconditional love and if this is affected in any way, a family is bound to fall apart. Even though every family faces its set of ups and downs, a family is meant to work part these differences and love one another. When a family feels like they have been deviated from their original level of functionality, a marriage and family therapist can help them restore their original level of functioning through therapy.



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