Da Vinci’s dream casting a Malleable Parasole Woven Geometry The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master Tutor : Prof. Kireet Patel Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu TA: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 ID 4030 | Level 4 | PG Program DESIGN BOOT-CAMP HYPOTHESIS 01 FOUNDATION + MODULE
0. About Studio
1. Design Boot Camp 1.1 Architecture as Architecture 1.2 Interior Design Sensibility 1.3 Interior Design Specialisation Module 01 2. Developing the Hypothesis 5 6 8 9 11 17
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements
Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel
Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu
Assistants: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh
Brief Outline:
The Big Rethink is a series of postgraduate interior design studios focused on developing a multitude of notions, approaches, positions and arguments within the interior design field.
This semester, the fourth one in the series, the studio challenges the concept of Tectonic Materiality of interior elements. It offers an opportunity to develop a design position in different contexts by questioning preconceived notions of interior design. It emphasizes the relationship between Interior elements and tectonic materiality through experience, organization and construction. The studio focuses on representing experiential and ephemeral qualities, planning and organizing strategies, detailing and construction techniques, exploring the relationship of interior elements and tectonic materiality.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this studio unit, the student will be able to:
Ability to develop a systematic argument/position/approach on the interdependence between interior techniques and practice.
Ability to translate/represent the design argument/position/ approach through 3- dimensional and material based outcomes.
Ability to organize and evaluate the programmatic and pragmatic potential of derived design position.
Ability to build a design vocabulary and test it through the selected context (site/program).
Part Isometric view
Week 01-04 | Design Boot-Camp
Ex. 01 | Specialization of sensibilities
Knowing Architecture and Interior Sensibilities & Interior Specialisation
Site: Fabric Sushi Restaurant, Argentina
Through Manual drafting I was able to understand the nuances of an interior space and focus more on the interior elements and architectural components fade away.
Also, with this exercise we dissected every interior element to understand the assembly better and consider the smallet thing in consideration when observing, understanding and designing.
7 Design Boot-Camp
Section AA’
Section BB’
8 Plan
Isometric view
Dining Chair
Granite Slab curved end
Serving window
9 Design Boot-Camp
Fluted wooden panel Main Entrance Hanging decor unit
Week 01-04 | Design Boot-Camp
Ex. 02 |
Design Optimization
Familiarizing - “Know it more through - Optimization”
In a group of two, we were supposed to understand a project in detail and present it in physical form, such that it relates to the Project under study in totality without actually creating each and every element.
The project in my case was ‘The Pirouette House’ by The Wallmakers. Most of the site attributes and design ideas were compiled together to devise a creative way of making the model.
Suspended stairs were represented by hanging jute and bamboo matt, The wave in walls was represented by well woven brick and wire framework. The intertwined brick, scaffolding and rope structure was merged similarly as the project.
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 13
Design Ideation sketches
Physical Model Images
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 15
Ex. 01 | Tectonics & Materiality
Part 01 | Exploring concepts of Tectonic Materiality
Project Information
After studying nine different projects, three each in the three categories; Historical ‘Era’, Current Modern Practices & Independent Role/ Identity of a Designer, I was able to divide design elements and principles based on namely attributes; JUXTAPOSITION, DICHOTOMY, EXAGGERATION, LAYERING, INTEGRATION, EXPRESSION, ELEMENTS, SPATIAL, FORM, HIERARCHY, PLANAR & DETAILS and synthesize statements that may/may-not be applicable to every project but in a way validates the specific project. The statements were further scrutinized to form legible questions, hypothesis of every project under study. A larger concern was identified and the final Hypothesis was then derived, questioning multiple important issues.
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 17
05-06| Module 01
Haveli (2017), New Delhi
18 Allez
The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel | Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu | Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION Synthesis ELEMENTS Can form within a form alter propor tions? SPATIAL Can Introduction of volume within a space enhance volumetric percep tion? FORM Can interplay of surfaces create volumetric divisions based on func tionality? HIERARCHY Can the sense of space be modified by hierarchial juxtapositioning? PLANAR Can planar quality be expressed through different elements and different materials in a space? DETAILS Can repetition of a design element articulate spatial function? Synthesis Can volumetric juxtapositioning lead to spatial function? Can introduction of light alter the space making? Can a space express its purpose by use of similar spatial elements? Can Visual depth be induced by planar layering? Can same spatial geometry be achievedbydifferenttectonicdetails? Can repetition of a planar element convey about the spatial scale? Does the introduction of inorgan ic volumes in a cuboidal volume emphasise the scale of a space? Allez UP Rock Climbing Gym (2013), Canada Designer: Smith Vigeant Architectes Case Study Analysis Matrix Historical ‘Era’ The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel | Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu | Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION SYNTHESIS ELEMENTS Can overlaying geometric forms over different surfaces in multiple planes contribute to volumetric attributes? SPATIAL Can layering of planes articulate spatial function? FORM Can dublication of form in different elements and surface in a space create spatial depth HIERARCHY Can Hierarchy of details inform about the character of a space? PLANAR Can layering of a design element articulate notion of volume? DETAILS Can layering of details enhance surfa cial recital? SYNTHESIS Canjustapositioningplanaropenings and surfaces in different textures induce different spatial character? Can functional duality of an element induce contrast in a space? Can interplay of similar surfacial char acter in different planes ideate visual coordination? Can interior and exterior openings provide perspective to a volume? Can modulation of elements with respect to other elements in a space create forms? Can iteration of planes generate spatial expression? Canreciprocationofverticalelements in a horizontal plane contributes in conveying the identity of a space? Dharampura Haveli (2017), New Delhi Designer: Kapil Agarwal and Vijay Goel
UP Rock Climbing Gym (2013), Canada
Analysis Matrix Historical ‘Era’
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 19 Alila Fort Bishangarh (2010), Jaipur EUNOIA Office (2021),
The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION SYNTHESIS ELEMENTS Can repetition of a design element induce focus? SPATIAL Can layering of planar elements induce function in a space FORM Can repetition of forms redine spacial atmosphere? HIERARCHY Can visual movement be generated through hierarchy of planes and openings? PLANAR Can superimposing old over the new generate a new spatial experience? DETAILS Can the combination of miniscule details make or break a space? SYNTHESIS CanJuxtapositioningofcomponents induce sense of boundary? Can different use of smae material generate dynamic use? Can use of contrasting forms and materials exaggerate the spatial perception? Can layering of openings in the interi orsurafcesenhancevisualcontinuity? Can integration of contradicting shapes optimise volumetric quality? Can a space express its function by its material palette? Can the space travel by superim posing current day practices onto pre-existing classical spaces? Alila Fort Bishangarh (2010), Jaipur Designer: Ritu and Sandeep Khandelwal Case Study Analysis Matrix Historical ‘Era’ The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel | Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit | FA | CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION Synthesis ELEMENTS Can juxtapositioning of elements maintain visual connectivity? SPATIAL Can use of elements contraditing to the function produce calm spaces? FORM Can an element create form of a space? HIERARCHY Can hierarchy of traditional and mod ern materials induce synergy? PLANAR Can linear elements juxtaposed as planesarticulatesenseofmovement? DETAILS Can introduction of light on limited planes induce focus? Synthesis Can juxtapositioning of surfaces create volume? Can surfaces mimic other surfaces in a space to perpetuate uniformity? Can a single component in a space hold all the focus? Can layering of contrasting surfaces induce notion of volume? Can integration of contrasting ele ments create boundaries in a space? Can interplay of material and lighting induce vibrancy? Can linear elements juxtaposed as planesarticulatesenseofmovement? EUNOIA Office (2021), Ahmedabad Designer: The Grid Architects Case Study Analysis Matrix Current Modern Practices
The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel | Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Tanushree Arya | PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION SYNTHESIS ELEMENTS Curved/tapering volumes induce curiosity in a spaces SPATIAL Can tesselation of elements create a sense of movement? FORM Can converging forms articulate focus? HIERARCHY Can uniformed layering of planes create sense of space? PLANAR Can sense of depth be invoked by the linearity of a space? DETAILS Can staggering of planes biforcate spaces into functionality? SYNTHESIS Can a space be divided solely through change in material or surfacial texture quality? Can elements serve dual purpose by positioning them differently? Can the combination of pattern and planes guide vision in a volume? Can layering of planes alter sense of volume? Can light through punctures surfaces induce sense of texture? Can the sense of movement be induced by the use of patterns and colour? Can the interplay of patterns and planes induce focus? Amazon Blink Studio (2017), Gurugram Designer: Ultraconfidential Design Case Study Analysis Matrix Current Modern Practices The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit | FA | CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 Question / Premise JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION SYNTHESIS ELEMENTS Can the amalgamation of elements make space frame? SPATIAL Canplanarjuxtapositioningdispense different functions of enclosure? FORM Can layering of planes and openings enhance visual continuity? HIERARCHY Can alternative repetition of limited materials generate dynamic spatial roles? PLANAR Can articulation of planes in various components enhance visual percep tion? DETAILS Can volumetric qualities be reflected upon details to maintain spatial character? SYNTHESIS Can juxtapositioning of forms opti mise optical acumen? Can elements play dual role of func tioning and catering to the aesthetics by juxtapositioning them on planes? Can contrasting planes induce focus? Can intersecting geometric forms redefine a volme? Can integration of planes modify volumetric character? Can functional use of elements pro vide a space its visual characteristic? Can interaction of planes and openings induce function in a volume? ‘A’ for Architecture (2011), Nashik Designer: ‘A’ for Architecture Case Study Analysis Matrix Current Modern Practices
Amazon Blink Studio (2017), Gurugram ‘A’ for Architecture (2011), Nashik
Kham Yhct traditional Clinic (2022), Vietnam
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 21
The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia | M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION Synthesis ELEMENTS Can contrasting volumes generate focus? SPATIAL Can planar elements create volumet ric quality? FORM Can juxtaposition of forms induce transformation? HIERARCHY Can hierarchy of contrasting shapes generate spatial movement? PLANAR Can repetitive use of elements cgen erate visual perception? DETAILS Can same material in different details but combined together contribute to unanimous spatial character? Synthesis Can juxtapositioning of forms main tain visual connectivity? Can elements play multiple roles by inducing planar juxtapositioning? Can the use of light in pockets of volume divert focus? Can layering of surfaces articulate transparency in a volume? Does Interaction of planar or volu metric elements inform about the scale of a space? Can hierarchy of elements formulate expression of a space? Can the use of contrasting forms induce transparency of a mass? Phong Kham Yhct traditional Clinic (2022), Vietnam Designer: ODDO Architects Case Study Analysis Matrix Independent Role/ Identity of a Designer The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel | Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu | Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION Synthesis ELEMENTS Can the interaction of contrasting surfacesinformvolumetricpurposes? SPATIAL Can a contrasting surface following a path create a sence of movement? FORM Can form be produced by interplay of colours and light and not through a physical entity in space? HIERARCHY Can the amalgamation of high chromatic surfaces and light provide sensory experience? PLANAR Juxtaposition of contrasting colours induce change in spatial character. DETAILS Can bespoke elements speak about the space function visually? Synthesis Can positioning of elements in a con tradicting manner generate focus? Can elements playing dual role also demant more focus than other elements? Can superimposing details in a space create identity of a space? Can cladding material in contrasting colours reforms the atmosphere of a volume? Can a combination of chromatic surfaces and lights induce energy in a space? Can a space be more vibrant by use of bright corners and hidden volumes that have high chromatic characteristic? Canlayeringoflightoverhigh chromaticsurfacesinducesyn ergy in a volume? Hermes
Case Study Analysis Matrix Independent Role/ Identity of a Designer
Hermes Gym (2022), New York
Gym (2022), New York
Meyer and
Hypothesis Matrix
Allez UP Rock Climbing Gym (2013), Canada EUNOIA Office (2021), Ahmedabad Phong Kham Yhct traditional Clinic (2022), Vietnam
Does the introduction of inorganic volumes in a cuboidal volume emphasise the scale of a space?
Can linear elements juxtaposed as planes articulate sense of movement?
Can the use of contrasting forms induce transparency of a mass?
Dharampura Haveli (2017), New Delhi Amazon Blink Studio (2017), Gurugram Hermes Gym (2022), New York
Can reciprocation of vertical elements in a horizontal plane contributes in conveying the identity of a space?
Can the interplay of patterns and planes induce focus?
Alila Fort Bishangarh (2010), Jaipur ‘A’ for Architecture (2011), Nashik
Can the space travel by superimposing cur rent day practices onto pre-existing classical spaces?
Can interaction of planes and openings induce function in a volume?
Can layering of light over high chromatic surfaces induce synergy in a volume?
CnT Experience Centre (2021), Chennai
Can exposed assembly of contrasting shapes in contrasting hues enhances experience quality of a space?
Can the function of Interior texture(s) be enhanced by Parametric Techniques?
Hypothesis Matrix
Experience Centre (2021), Chennai
The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID 22365 JUXTAPOSITION DICHOTOMY EXAGGERATION LAYERING INTEGRATION EXPRESSION Synthesis ELEMENTS Can contrasting materials induce concentricity in a space? SPATIAL Can layering of a single element in multiple ways allow space to gener ate functional pockets? FORM Cancontrastingcomponentsindiffer ent planes induce a unique character of form? HIERARCHY Can overemphasised layering of elements create visual noise? PLANAR Juxtaposition of patterns transform sense of volume in a space? DETAILS Can uniformed assembly of elements in different axes generate a spatial language? Synthesis Can juxtaposition of transparent/ translucent elements induce visula connectivity? Can alteration in path and form of a material divide spaces? Can superimposing and juxtaposi tioning a single element demand focus? Can layering of same elements in differentplanesinducerecognitionof a volume? Can the integration of parts be more than the summation of individual parts? Can the visual perception of a space be modified by the modified expres sion of individual elements? Canexposedassemblyofcontrasting shapes in contrasting hues enhances experience quality of a space? Experience Centre
Chennai Designer: Amit Rastogi/ CnT Architects Case Study Analysis Matrix Independent Role/ Identity of a Designer The Big Rethink: Tectonic Materiality Master Tutor: Prof. Kireet Patel Unit Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu Unit Assistants: Jhanavi Parikh, Jay Odharia M.I.D. | Monsoon 2022 PG L4 Unit FA CEPT University Student Name Code No.
Can the introduction of chromatic volume of higher degree induces focus in a space?
Can the function of Interior texture(s) be enhanced by Parametric Techniques?
Larger Concern: Depletion of Natural Resources. Ever Increasing Carbon Footprint.
Hypothesis: Can conscious use of materials, techniques and forms encourage sustainable practices?
Larger Concern: To model natural and biological structures
Hypothesis: Can parametric model of design provide an optimized design solution?
Larger Concern: To model natural and biological structures
Hypothesis: Can parametric model of design provide an optimized design solution?
Module 01 | Hypothesis Development 23
Can Interior Elements utilize Indian Craft Practices alongside Technology to Optimize Design Solutions?
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 tanushree.pid22365@cept.ac.in ID 4030 | Level 4
Da Vinci’s dream casting a Malleable Parasole Parallelepiped volumes The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master Tutor : Prof. Kireet Patel Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu TA: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 ID 4030 | Level 4 | PG Program ROLE 01 Historical Practices Through Project Representing An ‘Era’ 02 MODULE
MODULE 02 Role 01 | Historical Practices Through Project Representing An ‘Era’ 1. Project Brief 2. Design Iterations 3. Photo-montages 5 7 8
Intervention in the double height hall, presented through photo montage
Parallelepiped volumes
Re-imagining volumes with adaptive use
Project Information
Adaptive reuse of Samode Palace, Jaipur
Module 02 | Role 01 Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’ Process:
Re-imagining interiors in a context which is highly ornamented and embellished in a rather organized way is tricky as the intervention may or may-not be as vivid as the context. In case of Samode Palace, any interior intervention that is bold enough to shift the focus from the existing tactile surfaces seems to be an overwhelming choice and hence I decided to insert elements and components that are either transparent or translucent.
Bamboo ring filled with cane is the basic unit of Interior elements here, used as display units, hanging lights, display/ information/ visual communication panels and sitting components as well. It also retains the material library of the subject, viz Da Vinci dream Machines and is well suited for an Indian historical site.
01 | Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’
5 Module 02 |
Week 07-08
Design Iterations
7 Module 02 | Role 01 | Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’
Photo Montage through transition spaces
9 Module 02 | Role 01 | Historical practices through a project representing an ‘era’
Photo montage of display units with sitting area to experience the exhibition with a pause
11 Module 02 | Role 01 | Historical practices through a project
representing an ‘era’
Intervention in the double height hall, presented through photo montage
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 tanushree.pid22365@cept.ac.in ID 4030 | Level 4
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master Tutor : Prof. Kireet Patel Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu TA: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 ID 4030 | Level 4 | PG Program
1. Project Brief 2. Floor Plans 3. Form Generation and Material Palette 4. Part Plans and views of additional program 5 6 10 12
MODULE 02 Role 02 | ORGANIZING ‘MATERIALITY’ Current modern practices through a project representing a ‘Standardization’
Week 09-11
Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
Current modern practices through a project representing a ‘Standardization’
Draped in Tessellation
Interior Designing within a structural Framework
Project Information
Site: Institute of Engineering and Technology (AU)
The only way of designing an interior space within a pre-existing framed space is not by solely following the architectural frame but to also try ways of breaking the geometry of volume and come up with solutions that cater to the context, subject and the program. Here, a linkage between the Da Vinci Dream Machines and present era was found to develop a connection. The way stone sculptures were carved in Renaissance period, the same period when DA VINCI Machines came into existence, it presented certain degree of softness that a hard and brittle material like stone can exhibit. Similarly, the way stone slabs are used in Pius Church, Switzerland, one can only admire the way light diffuses through thin slabs of stone wall. I have worked on similar lines to develop unusual geometry and forms.
5 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
Ground Floor Plan
7 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’ 1. Ground
2. Existing
3. Double
4. Cafe
5. Wash
6. Wash
7. First
8. Formal
9. Informal
10. Gallery
11. Gallery
floor exhibition space
auditorium hall
height area
(Additional program)
room (Female)
room (Male)
floor exhibition space
reading space/workspace (Additional program)
reading space (Additional program)
space Ground floor
space First floor
8 First Floor Plan
9 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’ 1.
Ground floor exhibition space
Existing auditorium hall
Double height area
Cafe (Additional program)
Wash room (Female)
Wash room (Male)
First floor exhibition space
Formal reading space/workspace (Additional program)
Informal reading space (Additional program)
Gallery space Ground floor
Gallery space First floor
The Stone wave in the interiors work on two levels by showing delicacy through surface and softness through its form.
For the tectonics, tri-unction of Aluminum angles are screwed together to leave margin for expansion as all the elements involved are brittle in nature
11 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
Informal Reading space, Isometric View
13 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
whole is greater than the sum of parts” -Aristotle
Sandstone Basalt White Onyx Pebble bed
15 Module 02 | Role 02 | Organizing ‘Materiality’
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 tanushree.pid22365@cept.ac.in ID 4030 | Level 4
Da Vinci’s dream casting a Malleable Parasole Merging Projectiles The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master Tutor : Prof. Kireet Patel Studio Tutors: Rishav Jain, Aparajita Basu TA: Jay Odharia, Jhanavi Parikh Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 ID 4030 | Level 4 | PG Program Collaborative practices through a project representing an ‘identity’ ROLE 03 MATERIALIZING THE INTERIOR SPECIALISATION 02 MODULE
MODULE 02 Role 03 | MATERIALIZING THE INTERIOR SPECIALISATION Collaborative practices through a project representing an ‘identity’ 1. Project Brief 2. Design Iterations ‘Experience’ Charcoal sketches Tectonics Physical Model Images 3. Perspective views Conceptual plan 4. Foreword 5 6 8 11
Perspective view of a DA Vinci Dream Machine Display unit
Week 12-16
Module 02 | Role 03 | Materializing the Interior Specialisation
Merging Projectiles
Envisage a space without architecture through perspective views
Information Exhibition space within an interior shell
Collaborative practices through a project representing an ‘identity’ Process:
When the Architectural shell fades away and Interior Spaces take over, Designing a space that plays the role of both the context and the program becomes an interesting challenge. Since the idea of having planar or definite edges in a space was something that has more architectural influence, I decided to have merging roles and planes that retain the ambiguity to a certain extent, without confusing the users. In addition, a texture that can encourage a soft, fluid and range of colours was required and hence the use of Ferro-cement with SS framed structure felt an appropriate choice with Terrazzo finish to keep the raw, natural and rural forms intact.
5 Module 02 | Role 03 | Materializing the
In the first Iteration, One point perspective with an idea of MOVEMENT was envisaged and sketched out to imagine a space more clearly that can host the DA VINCI OBJECTS without taking away the focus from it entirely. A space that leads the user to unknown spaces and a suspicious energy is welcomed in the interiors.
Same space when was re-imagined through an other viewpoint limited the extension of design and somewhere the idea of mysterious space was found to be dead. Hence the need to rethink of an envelope which caters more to the objects and obeys their presence was felt, rather than simply hosting the space and focusing on user experience solely.
Design Iterations
Charcoal Sketches showing experience
Physical Model of one of the areas in the designed space
Tectonics of the design
Material Exploration and Tectonics of the design
7 Module 02 | Role 03 | Materializing the Interior Specialisation
Perspective view of a DA Vinci Dream Machine Display unit along the pathway
9 Module 02 | Role 03 | Materializing
the Interior
Perspective view of a DA Vinci Dream Machine Display unit along the pathway
An exhibition space, by definition, is a display or demonstration of skill (Oxford Dictionary) and no wonder it takes an entire another set of skills to create an exhibition space. With certain limitations in hand an interior designer is bound to remain considerate and generate designs that are in harmony with the presented set of restrictions. But what happens when there is nearly complete freedom of creation to the designer? A composed example of one such impression is presented ahead in this booka very sophisticated version of eclectic forms that are still far from overwhelming.
Freedom in expression which can be clearly seen through the vanishing corners/edges and flowing forms. It’s difficult to identify where and how does a surface modifies it’s function and this ambiguity is well preserved throughout the composition. The necessity of bending the surfaces to cater subject in hand is well understood and executed. There is a very smart pre guided program that leads to the user subconsciously in a certain direction and space. Material use and density also has some role to play in this sphere.
The inspiration drawn through nature is quite evident and complementary to the subject. Keeping it monotonous and not crowding the surfaces with multiple or heavy treatments ensures that the focus remains on the objects at display. The experimentation with levels, surfaces, openings, material, and lighting altogether create a very reasonable interior that can take user by surprise due to its unpredictable course.
- Antoni Gaudi
11 Module 02 | Role 03 | Materializing the Interior Specialisation
The BIG Re-think Tectonic Materiality of Interior Elements Master of Interior Design Monsoon 2022 | Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Tanushree Arya PID22365 tanushree.pid22365@cept.ac.in ID 4030 | Level 4