“Struggle and search. Find and never give up.� V.Kaverin
Tatiana (Tanya) Zebrova Candidature for Standing Committee Director for Professional Exchanges for the term 2018-2019
e rv se to is fe li of g in n ea m le so e “Th humanity.” Leo Tolstoy Dear IFMSA Friends, dear SCOPE Family! Once upon a time a miracle happened in my life, once upon a time I got enough points to go for an Exchange. I selected the country randomly, it was Poland. I didn’t know why I was going to go to that exact country, at some moment I was not even sure whether I wanted or not to go at all… But when I just arrived, I understood that I opened Narnia and at the end of that exchange I realized that that was the best thing ever happened to my life. I remember myself crying for a week after returning back home because the fairytale was over, it was difficult to move on with the normal life. I had a feeling that I moved from a small closet under the stairs to a never ending Kingdom or even Universe. I realized that my life was very limited before, but it turned out that the world was so huge and so tiny at the same time, I found out that it was absolutely possible to find as close friends in foreign countries as you have in your own homeland, I discovered that medicine can be so diverse and that the approaches to studying it and to treating people could be so various. And at some moment I understood that one of my life goals should be bringing as many people as possible to the experience I lived once. I became LEO, LC President, NEO Assistant, NEO and eventually Regional Assistant of an amazing Region of Europe which I’m so happy to take care of in SCOPE right now! But is all this work enough to thank SCOPE for the priceless gift it complimented to me – the whole world? I can say – definitely not! SCOPE has brought me to the new level of life, so I feel that I owe the same to SCOPE. Therefore I, Tatiana (Tanya) Zebrova from Samara, Russia, am honored to present my candidature for SCOPE Director for the term 2018-2019. I must say that people in IFMSA are the best people I was ever happy to work with and I’ll explain why. The level of dedication and motivation in this Federation stands above any levels. And I feel absolutely the same doing the tasks that I love with my whole heart. From the very beginning the work in my Local Committee in Samara has motivated me thoroughly. When I became a member of HCCM, I was fascinated by the awesomeness of the people working there and I couldn’t even dream of being the member of that great leading team. But I did and they became such a great support and such amazing soulfriends to me! When I first came to a GA I was looking at the SCOPE International Team with my mouth open, and Omar Cherkaoui seemed to be the God for me. I couldn’t even dare to think at that moment that once I will be applying for his position. And I still cannot believe I am doing it now. But all these wouldn’t be possible without my friends, my support from HCCM Russia, my new family members from SCOPE IT and EuroTeam and from every member of a huge SCOPE Family. You are absolutely amazing, people of IFMSA, and you are the best of the best! I know that I am preparing myself for a huge step of taking an immense responsibility, but I must assure you, I am ready for it! I cannot imagine my life without SCOPE today and the best thing I can do is to dedicate my energy and bunch of ideas to it. Frankly speaking the biggest part of my day already belongs to SCOPE and I am ready to give more. I think that the only way to stay dignifiedly alive is to constantly develop and improve and this is what I want for SCOPE, this is what I’m ready to devote all my powers to. As I stated at the front page of my candidature, my favorite quote is the words of Veniamin Kaverin from my beloved book “The Two Captains”: “Struggle and search. Find and never give up.” I’ve struggled a lot in search of a business I could selflessly give myself to and I luckily found it here, in IFMSA, in SCOPE. And now I am not ready to give up the chance of expressing my absolute gratitude for the happiness it gave to me, therefore here I am: ready to struggle more for achieving the new heights together with you, to never give up despite the possible difficulties we may face and to keep going the road up to the sun, shining and glistering with all the beauty and splendor of the Standing Committee for Professional Exchanges!
Wholeheartedly yours, Tanya Zebrova
PLAN OF ACTIONS SUSTAINABILITY Following the standard SCOPE Director tasks of course goes without saying. Here I would like to share with you my vision of the strategy of how to keep SCOPE perfect and powerful. I think that the basic core stones should be Sustainability, Innovations and wise Collaboration. Bringing them together we can create a very productive work and welbeing of SCOPE
SUSTAINABILITY Basics of SCOPE Ensure high academic quality of exchanges through the below mentioned ideas: -> Change the approach of working with tutors -> Implement and promote Tutors Application Form -> Create an easy perceived infographics for tutors -> Create and share Tutor Evaluation form, analyze the results Create the strategy on reducing the amount of cancellations (including last minutes cancellations) Outgoing selection – define the minimum criteria for Outgoing selection Create the Template of the Students Report (Including Clinical case report) PDT/UAT -> Evaluate the PDTs/UATs organized in NMOs, create recommendations according to the results -> Prepare a General Online PDT Promo: -> Promote the Exchange Package (the result of the SWG work) -> Improve Exchanges Week (see below) Handbook: -> Promote the instructions and explanations on how and why to fill in the SCOPE Handbook Ensure good handover within the IT and NEOs: -> Review and promote the use of Handover Manual -> Create the handover video/webinar
PLAN OF ACTIONS SCOPE materials Reevaluate SCOPE materials according to their usefulness Update the most important materials Create new manuals on vital topics (How and why to create Annual Working Plan, How to fundraise, Outgoing selection, etc.) Create the “SCOPE Book” made out of the most important manuals/guidelines in order to keep them all together in one place. NEO Folder: -> Restructure NEO Folder in order to do it more visually understanding and more convenient for work -> Create an overview of the NEO Folder so that NEOs could better understand which materials can be used in which situations -> To empower NEOs to fulfill the sharing folders with their materials (promotional, useful documents, sharing the events)
Regions: Personal Approach Support regions that need the most help by closer work with RAs and NEOs of the Regions and attending their Regional Meetings, Regional Sessions at General Assemblies NEOs: -> Personal OLMs with NEOs and their RAs if/when needed -> From the very beginning of the term emphasize the importance of creation of Annual Working Plan for NEOs in every NMO and help them with its creation with the involvement of Regional Assistants -> Motivate NEOs to take an active part in International work through joining International SWGs, Sessions Team, attending International Meetings
Recognition of exchanges Update Recognition Status Individual plan of work in every specific case (via RAs) Emails to Universities representatives (Heads, Deans, International Affairs departments, etc.) Templates of the letters to Deans of universities Create the Stakeholder Manual, work actively on Stakeholder Map Collaboration with Externals in order to achieve recognition: -> Support letters from World Organizations -> Collaboration with world medical federations/associations in search of more support (WOFAPS, ISS, …) -> Increase the number of Department Specific Handbooks and Endorsement Letters (after gathering the opinions of NEOs)
PLAN OF ACTIONS Capacity Building Update the Capacity Building Database Collaboration with Non-Exchange Trainers Organize an Online training on capacity building for NEOs and LEOs Work on creation of the online tutorials in terms of Capacity building for the most important fields of work of SCOPE (together with SCORE IT) Control and help on organizing PDTs and UATs for NEOs (SCOPE Strategic Plan) Searching for and helping with organization of PRETs Endorse NNW as an official Training Follow up on Exchanges Trainers in order to evaluate their development and the input they gave to SCOPE Review the outcomes of SWGs of the recent years and enroll them in the work of SCOPE
Database Ensure the stable work of the most vital functions of the database Keep solving problems of the database in collaboration with SCORE, EB and the IT company Create the Google Form that has to be filled in any time if there is a problem with the database together with reporting the problem to the General Assistant so that he/she would be able to faster proceed to solving the problems Review the possibility of signing a contract with another IT company and start the process if possible
Visa issues Providing all the possible assistance to NMOs that have visa issues Create a SCOPE Support Letter for Embassies requesting to support SCOPE exchanges
INNOVATIONS SCOPE Innovations Develop and start the work on a new Global Health strategy Promotion of Global Health education Create the manual on possible Global Health activities which can be organized by NMOs, LCs Keep on developing and following up on SCOPE Initiatives Activation of new SCOPE NMOs FAQ system for NEOs, LEOs and Students Develop new Readymade Educational Activities (History Taking, ‌) Bring more competitions to SCOPE (The best National Exchanges Team (can be given in the form of an article), the best Exchange Photo (Instagram competition), etc.)
PLAN OF ACTIONS COLLABORATION Team Work Keep the position of SCOPE Development Assistant Ensure close and supportive work within a SCOPE International Team Keep the constant and supportive communication of SCOPE IT Memers with NEOs and between each other Create the capacity to provide an anonymous feedback to the work of SCOPE International Team at any time (add the link to the form to email signatures) Keep NEO Buddies Group alive, empower more activity within NEO Buddies groups Add WhatsApp numbers of NEOs to the contact information spreadsheet (of course, according to the willingness and agreement of the NEOs) Keep Mental Health Watch within the SCOPE IT and implement it in work with NEOs
SCOPE-SCORE Collaboration Constant collaboration with SCORE Director on all the common topics, most important deadlines and just the routine work of the Committees PRET Regulations ExWeek Improvements: -> Move to October-November -> Focus more on external promotion during the Exchanges Week -> Promote local and national events for Exchanges Week Implement NEO-NORE Weekend in most of the Regions Discuss the possibility of organizing common SWGs on shared topics (Outgoing Selection Process Manual, Cancellations, ‌) Work close on finding the solutions of database problems
Other collaborations With Programs and other Standing Committees in order to find a niche on creating new activities for incoming/outgoing students With other students organizations (AISEC, IADS)
I'm always open for new ideas!
CURRICULUM VITAE Tatiana Zebrova GENDER: FEMAIL DATE OF BIRTH: 05.02.1992 NATIONALITY: RUSIAN FEDERATION ADDRESS: 443031 Rusian Federation, Samara, Krasylnikova, 78 PHONE: +79879503455 EMAIL: zebryonok5292@yandex.ru
Samara State Medial University MY DREAM My dream is to see the whole world united together aiming for the better future. LEO
LC President
NEO Assistant
SCOPE RA for Europe
HCCM-Russian Federation LC Samara Member
December 2012 – August 2015
LEO of LC Samara HCCM-Russian Federation
August 2015 – September 2016
LC-President of LC Samara HCCM-Russian Federation
September 2015 – May 2016
NEO-Assistant of HCCM-Russian Federation
May 2016 – November 2017
NEO-Out of HCCM-Russian Federation
May 2017 – August 2017
SCOPE Sessions Team for AM17 in Tanzania SCOPE Regional Assistant for Europe
October 2017 – current
NGAs 10 HCCM NGA 1 NGA in Chech Republic
GAs MM 2016 Malta AM 2016 Mexico MM 2017 Montenegro AM 2017 Tanzania MM 2018 Egypt
Upcoming Meetings:
EuRegMe 2017 Turkey EuRegMe 2018 Austria
Russian native
Training TNET PreGA AM 2017 Tanzania (as a participant)
Other NEO-NORE Weekend Czech Republic SCOPE-SCORE Weekend of SISM Italy
AM 18 Quebec
PreAM 18 TNET Quebec Responsible
SOFT SKILLS Communication skills
Organisational / managerial skills
▪ good communication skills gained through my experience as exchange officer ▪ responsible ▪ creative ▪ open-minded ▪ friendly ▪ respectful ▪ empathetic etc.
▪ leadership ▪ time management ▪ goal setting and meeting goals ▪ decision making ▪ problem solving ▪ teamwork ▪ multitasking
Computer skills
Other skills
▪ good command of Microsoft Office™ tools ▪ Adobe Photoshop ▪ Pinnacle Studio ▪ Others can be trained if needed
▪ violin ▪ dancing ▪ knitting ▪ painting / drawing
IFMSA ACTIVITIES Organized and took part in
Workshop "Be a Surgeon" SCOPE + SCOME project for incoming students Since 2016
"School of International Activities" (SIA) SCOPE + SCOME Project for outgoing students Since 2013
3 SWGs (took part): SWG on Visa issues Exchanges in Multiple Departments Basic Surgical Skills Training
TNET PreGA AM 17 in Tanzania (took part)
Delivered trainings on the following topics: Advocacy and Recognition of Exchanges Academic quality Conflict management Time management Global Health within Exchanges Intercultural learning Ethics in Exchanges Preclinical Exchanges Strategic Planning Exchanges Week
Coordinated SWGs on the following topics: Preclinical Exchanges Recognition within Europe Stakeholder Mapping Recognition of Exchanges: an NMO Approach
NON - IFMSA ACTIVITIES Organized and took part in
Activities for several standing committees: Donor’s Day, Stop AIDS Day, Say No to Smoking!, First Aid Day, Diabetes Day, School of a Young Scientist, etc. Vice Chair of SSMU Student Scientific Society 17 scientific publications SSMU Student Scientific Conferences Organizing Committee: 8 International conferences: 13th ICMS in Bulgaria, May 2014 Surgical Olympiads (participant): Internal: 5, Regional: 3, AllRussian: 1 OC of Surgical Olympiads: 3
People that I am grateful to!
“If you want to be happy, be!” Leo Tolstoy