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TThhee SSeeccrreettss ooff SSppiirriittuuaall LLiiffee


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Do not think of Enlightenment just as an inner experience alone. In the beginning it is an inner experience. Then slowly bring it into your outer life. This is what I have been telling you every day. Remember whatever you experience in meditation sessions never think the work is over. The experience that happens in meditation has to be relived and present in your day – to – day affairs and life. Know this as ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life.’


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TTAAOOSSH HOOBBUUDDDDH HAA The word Taoshobuddha comes from three words, ‘tao,’ ‘sho,’ and ‘Buddha’. The word Tao was coined by the Chinese master, Lau Tzu. It means that which is and cannot be put into words. It is unknown and unknowable. It can only be experienced and not expressed in words. Its magnanimity cannot be condensed into finiteness. The word Sho implies, that which is vast like the sky and an deep like an ocean and carries within its womb a treasure. It also means one on whom the existence showers its blessings. And lastly the word Buddha implies the Enlightened One; one who has arrived home. Thus, Taoshobuddha implies one who is existential,l, on whom the existence showers its blessings and one who has arrived home. The Enlightened One!


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The Secrets of Spiritual Life Talk of Taoshobuddha Š 2010, Taoshobuddha, Lars Jensen All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the original publisher TAOSHOBUDDHA MEDITATIONS. Printed and Published by TAOSHOBUDDHA MEDITATIONS Cover design and graphics: Anand Neelamber


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Contents I. Preface II. Introduction III. Foreword

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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Dissolution of Ego – Taste of oneness Love is my message Be ready to receive Take life easy Life the secret of a joke Three types of laughter Love yourself first before you love anybody else Be true to yourself Man is a possibility alone Awareness and ecstasy the only oneness Protect roses against rocks On male female relations Freedom higher than love Love’s meditation Jealousy Love seeks nowhereness Freedom What is innocence Witness and laughter Freedom – love – orgasm and health


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EXCERPT THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL LIFE 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Make life rich Transcendence of sex is love Consciousness not tradition, scripture or discipline Each moment is celebration Love and ordinary problems Love and passion Creativity Care more Be choice less yet awake Body is the door Beyond the finite You are always responsible Two ways of living Tune in and drop the rest Love and meditation Real love Can meditation be passionate Existence is guiltless Third dimension brings bliss Transform poison into nectar Love and friendliness Laugh and ego dissolves Inner cleaning Gratitude Inner healing The spine Love’s suffering is creative Unity of love You are the master of your being

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piritual Life is the outcome of a beautiful heart overflowing bliss and harmony. ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life’ starts with inner beauty and manifests itself in form of thoughts, words and deeds that can transform baser into precious. How to live a Spiritual Life? There is only one thing to understand – how to remove the separation between “me” and “God”. This separation is the cause of duality and the primary obstruction in oneness. When you have completely surrendered yourself to God, no questions or doubts remain. Everything becomes serene, calm, and quiet and awareness springs forth. Then the flower of inner beauty blossoms and takes form of a Spiritual Life. The external Spiritual Life springs from inner beauty – there is no other way to realizing the truth and to live a true life. Only those who have inner beauty can say: “I know The Secrets of Spiritual Life” The one, who knows the secrets of the higher value of life and the secret value of life, is blessed from within with a rare right understanding of a specific signification. Totality of living HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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comes from inner beauty alone. The reflection from within is seen in your outward actions and understanding. If your actions do not have its root in inner beauty, they are all fake and void. Even if people adore you for your good deeds, in front of God they are all meaningless. Actions done by pious egoist is worth nothing. Only the one who has removed the separation between “me” and “God” is blessed with inner beauty and the knowledge of the Spiritual Life. The Spiritual Life begins within your own heart and spreads throughout your whole being and finally takes the forms of actions and words. Just like the tree of wisdom flourishes with delicious fruits. This happens because of the nourishment it receives through the roots. Without the nourishment from the roots the tree will not and cannot bring forth fruits. There are numerous types of trees in this world. You will know a tree by its fruits. If the tree gives bitter fruits it is because the tree is of that kind, but if the tree give sweet fruits the tree is of another kind. Hot chili comes from a chili plant, and sweet mango comes from a mango tree. In the same way that you can know a tree by its fruits, you can also know a person by his words and actions. Inner beauty assumes the form of inspiring thoughts, words and deeds, whereas inner ugliness assumes the form of bitter thoughts, words and deeds. Even if beautiful words come from an unclean heart it has a bitter after taste, which spoils all the beauty in the words. Even a drop of sour lime, will spoil the whole glass of milk. HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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If you speak with a true heart there will be radiation; it will have its effect on others. The words may be the same as used by others, but they will have different charge in them. Unless you live up to what you preach in your own practical living, words will have no effects on others. A gram of practice speaks louder than a ton of theory and empty words. A conscious person’s words are silent but potent in actions, speaking through his life inspires many to yearn for ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life.’ By being around such a true soul your own consciousness will start to develop and the inner beauty start to grow within you? Spirituality is like an infection going from one heart to another heart and no power can undo with it. So by being in the company of such a true person (with inner beauty) you must get this injection of Spirituality. How can you come in contact with sandalwood without getting the smell? If you don’t get the smell it is because it is not real sandalwood. So if no positive change is made at level of consciousness, this person speaks only empty words and he has no inner beauty at level of heart. Taoshobuddha is such a beautiful being whose inner beauty expresses as sweet words. His words have the power to transform the reader and to reveal ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life.’ It was during such a coincident that my attention was caught by the charm of Taoshobuddha and his use of sweet words that can transform your being into awareness of the beautiful moment of now. His words were not only sweet but also pregnant with meaning, which revealed the entire secret of how to live a Spiritual Life practically in your daily life. HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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Everything you do in your daily life can be transformed into meditation. It all started in this way and it was in that way I learned to know Taoshobuddha. By a coincidence I had found one of his free script on the Internet. In this scripture there was mentioning of Lalaji, (Naqshbandi Sufi Ram Chandra, 18731931) a Sufi saint who lived in the beginning of the 20th century, who I did know and admire for his beautiful spiritual writings. I discovered that Taoshobuddha was a relative of Lalaji and that caught my attention. I doubted before writing but decided at last to send him a mail. In my spiritual quest my intention was to send a mail with some few questions and from his answer I would get an indication of his spiritual competency and his inner state, since you can know a person’s spiritual development through his words and understanding. I didn’t know at that moment what it would lead to in the future. I waited on his response. I had sent letters and mail to other spiritual persons before, but no one gave a reply in such a way as Taoshobuddha did. His words were so sweet and potent with meaning as if he had used magic words, which spellbound the receiver. The magic wizard makes wonder. By touch alone, by the magic wand, his words turned into life and transformed me to another realm. He did, not only answer my questions but he also answered my being and inner quest. He sent the mail from Trinidad and Tobago and I opened the mail at the very same minute in Sweden. Physical distance is not an obstruction for heart to HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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heart communication. Communication at level of heart transcends all the physical barriers and becomes ‘communion’. It speaks the language of Love and uses the words of silence. It is the silent communication between the words. He started his reply with these words: “A master, or sheikh, or buddha does not really answer the questions instead he responds the questioning mind. Because only when the questioning minds attain to silence inward journey gets impetus! In responding to your question a master always responds to the questioning mind and even the unasked question. The response of a master is a devise for transformation….” And then he answered all my questions from a different angle. And from that moment we established a regular contact. In the beginning I used to ask about spiritual matters and he gave his responses. After a while I started to put some questions even about daily life situations and his visions opened a new dimension about how to implement Spirituality into the ordinary daily life. How to transform each act in one’s daily life into mediation, thus, I learned! I asked question such as what emotions is and how does the emotions arise in us, how is a wish created in the mind and how to stop and cut this process at the root, and what about relationships? The outcome of these talks is the seed to this book. This knowledge of how to live a spiritual life is now put before you in this book. So read these pages carefully and with awareness HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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because they contain the treasures of how to transform your daylily life into a Spiritual Life. I had come in contact with many saints of different levels before, but Taoshobuddha was the very first one to teach me how to implement Spirituality into the daily living and how to transform any act into mediation. Only one saint that I met before Taoshobuddha charmed me and stole my heart as well. The Saint from Nag Kalan used to visit me in Sweden every summer from the year of 1992 until he left the body in 1995. Never had he worked as a master, but he served, as a servant should. He gave me the gift of same drops from his right understanding. Taoshobuddha gave me some drop of his insights how to transform everything in your life into spirituality. They were both the flowers in the garden of saints. One is a rose flower and the other a jasmine flower. They both spread the fragrance and beauty of spirituality. They both gave it for free, as any other gift of God is free. As much as sunlight and air, other gifts of God are also free. In the garden of saints, just like a perfume shop, the fragrant smell is for free. I did always have the inner quest for God. Even so I lived in a spiritual dessert of West; my thoughts went to God from the very start of life. Since the beginning of time, man has always wondered about his Origin; who he is, from where he came and where he is going. And so did me, even from the early childhood. The struggle and yearning to know your true heritage is natural and innate in your soul, it is your Source from within your own heart calling you back home. HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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This struggle and search for God stole my heart and my whole life and first the answers came as negations, neither here and nor there, until God finally send me to the garden of saints containing two beautiful flowers. The journey of spiritual awareness is unique and individual. It cannot be a social happening. It is full of events and diversions all along. All these seem to move us from one state of consciousness to another. You look here and there along the path not knowing exactly what is it that you are searching for. But you continue to hope that somewhere, somehow you will receive the help along the path. Not this! Not that becomes your comparison. This makes your search even more intense. And then suddenly one day while looking for road signs, an incredible road map comes in your hands. A guide to human consciousness! One who knows where the pearls of wisdom are. Or where diamonds of truth could be found? Such a master brings together all the fragrances released from times immemorial by numerous flowerings of human consciousness. Lau Tzu is a flower! So is Buddha! So is Jesus! So is Krishna! So is Mohammed! So is Kabir! So is Mira! But now you have to melt all such fragrances into one – cosmic or universal fragrance. Only then for the first time man will be (true) religious. Yet not divided. All one! Full of grace! Full of beauty! Simply a silence! Know this as The Secrets of Spiritual Life. The Secrets of Spiritual Life and how to use it in your daily life is now for the very first time revealed in this book to who so ever reads it. This book is a unique happening. There will HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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never be a book like this again. The water in the river will only flow under the bridge once. Once it passes it will never passes again. God’s creation is a unique happening. I am therefore tremendously blessed for this one and only opportunity to present these talks of Taoshobuddha. I knew no joy when one day after the meditation session Taoshobuddha asked me to edit ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life’. Being a Swedish Born I began with doubts in my capabilities as English is not my native language. However with trust in the master’s words I began the work and the result is in your hands, The Secrets of Spiritual Life as the expression of inner beauty and oneness. Trust the unknown and with trust the mysteries of the unknown will unfold itself. In this process you grow inwardly as well. To flow in harmony with life is The Secrets of Spiritual Life. When living according to those higher and secret values of life, then suddenly even the hidden value of life is revealed to you. Once the hidden value of life is revealed you know the entire secrets of the universe and you live in accordance to the Divine Will of God. It all starts within your own heart at the level of Soul. Since this knowledge is beyond the knowledge of intellect. This knowledge can only be found at the level of Soul. The Secrets of Spiritual Life starts from within with a transformation of your consciousness. In this process assistance came from many quarters. Some of these need to be acknowledged. No words can express my feelings for God through Taoshobuddha for this opportunity. All along the completion of this book I remained an instrument. HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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Even now when the work is finished I am amazed at the contents. Without Taoshobuddha this book would not have existed. His only source of knowledge is the Divine inspiration. Thus Divine inspiration and Taoshobuddha is therefore the true author of this book. I am thankful to Hemant Moghe, another beautiful being from Mumbai India who not only read the script in its initial stages, and nourished the text with his suggestion but has also written the foreword for this book. All his suggestion has proved valuable assets for the book. I am also thankful to my co-meditators every Saturday, Sunday, and Monday from different part of the world and time zones to allow me to ask the questions during these sessions. In particular I am thankful to Prem Sutra and Dhyan Yatri from Trinidad, Rishi Bhatia from Boston, ArunPrem RajaSingh from Channai, India. Their patience at such live session with Taoshobuddha has helped me to seek responses from Taoshobuddha which are now in your hands as ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life’. And finally I am thankful to my Specials thank to Anand Neelamber who has made the cover design and graphics to this book. Indeed he is the secret wizard carrying the magic wand that makes dead pictures and sound becoming alive. This is what he do - video, sound and photo enhancements. He learned from own experience and is self-taught. But he transports you to a mystical world with the music blend together that create a ‘chaotic harmony’. If you listen to the meditations talk by Taoshobuddha on YouTube.Com, the background music can be heard by the touch of the magic HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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wand of Anand. He is the Chief Editor of ‘Meditation Times’ a monthly E – Magazine. It would be proper to say that it is Anand who gave the present form to ‘Meditation Times’, an idea given by Taoshobuddha. Never have I forgotten my Father who was my first teacher of love with his humble nature and my mother who gave me birth so I could be here in human form and complete the spiritual journey. And finally I am thankful to my beloved wife and life companion Arasteh for her love and support during late night sessions after office and regular routine house work when I had to devote time for the work. Without any resentment she supported me throughout this project. At times I had to translate whatever I wrote for her in the native language of Sweden. It was indeed a joy of a different quality working on this project. As the work comes to an end there is a joy that the work is now in your hands. And I am sure as you stumble here and there along the pages of this book you will definitely find certain jewels as The Secrets of Spiritual Life’ just as I have discovered these for you as process of my eternal quest. At the same time I feel sad that this journey has come to end. However with my trust and sincerity in the Almighty I am sure more such opportunities will be bestowed my way. And finally I pray to Almighty for giving me this opportunity to serve Him through His creation. And I will feel even happier if through this message even a single person finds HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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transformation in his life. I know Divine Will is supreme yet still‌.Such is my aspirations only. Love

Lars Jensen Stockholm, Sweden E mail: Jensen@gmx.at


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Introduction s <s uo u uo ddaae e iik ss < aarr hhE E ##k k nniiddyyaa s so u ddo knnaarre e hhE E nn j jaanne e k khhaa< < j jaayye e hhmm bbhhtte e xxaarre e hhE,, E

c u@ cl ltte e hh@ u j jIIvvnn k kII rr) )ttaarr mm<e e< ##k kl lyy hhE E

##k <s E E. k rraagg mm<e <e ##k ks sru ru mme< e< s ss < aarr k kII hhrr z zyy hh.


iiffee iiss aa rriivveerr!! AA rriivveerr,, ooff w whhiicchh hhaappppiinneessss aanndd ssoorrrroow w aarree ttw o s h o r e s ! B e t w e e n t h e s e t w o s h o r e s f l o w s l i f e wo shores! Between these two shores flows life,, nnoott kknnoow wiinngg w whheerree iitt iiss hheeaaddiinngg ffoorr.. SSttiillll tthheerree iiss aa rrhhyytthhm m iinn tthhee fflloow . A l l o w t h i s f l o w . C e r t a i n l y o n e d a y l i f e w i l l a t t a w. Allow this flow. Certainly one day life will attaiinn aa m meeaanniinngg aanndd bblliissssffuullnneessss ttoooo.. I am happy that the seed that was planted many years ago is now beginning to bear fruits. The bud in Lars Jensen is beginning to spread its beauty and fragrance. This comes to you in the form of a beautiful title ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life’. This book contains fragmentary talks of Taoshobuddha during meditation sessions and during general correspondence with the aspirants world over.


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There so much more that all these fragments could not be put into one volume. Lars has presented these fragments in such a sequential order that this will help the reader in bringing a new shape and direction to his inner and outer life. In his eternal quest Lars journeyed to many places and shrines. His wife being a native of Persia, the land of Jalaluddin Rumi and Hafiz, along the journey he visited the shrine of Rumi. There he met Sheikh Nazim Adil of Naqshbandi Haquini order and many others. A 20th century Naqshbandi Sheikh Ram Chandra RA ( Lala ji) attracted his attention the most and he developed instant affinity. Being far away in a country that he calls a spiritual desert Lars grew like an Oasis of Spirituality. When Lars came to me he had inner preparation. Of this he was unaware. It was shadowed. The clouds needed to be removed for sun to shine. Still more work is needed to be done before the moments of Satori (in Zen Buddhism, a state of spiritual enlightenment that is a spiritual objective, a window to enlightenment) explode into Enlightenment. Lars is on path. With his sincerity, trust and aspiration certainly it will happen one day. His inward journey continues in many ways. Soon he will present the continuation of ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life’ from a different plane of consciousness. I will continue to overflow in many ways so that new man is born out of you. The new man who is the blend of inner and outer! The new man who has reached the pinnacle of science HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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and the depth of meditativeness! Thus he is the harmony and bliss. Thus will continue life and its essence! Only this much for now! Love

Taoshobuddha E mail: Taoshobuddha@gmail.com Taoshobuddha@yahoo.com Www. Scribd.com/Taoshobuddha - PDF Www//YouTube. Com/taoshobuddha01- Videos Www//Docstock.Com/Taoshobuddha – Cyber Library Www//Total Bhakti.com/Taoshobuddha - Videos Www//Issuu.Com/ taoshobuddhalibrary


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Foreword H Heem maanntt M Moogghhee,, M Muum mbbaaii IInnddiiaa

AAuutthhoorr:: H Haarriippaatthh--TThhee AAddvvaaiitt D Dhhyyaann SSaaddhhaannaa


nd God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1-26)

God created man in his image, but man forgot his true nature – the Divinity within and with-out. We are so intoxicated that we have forgotten our true identity. We identify ourselves by the parameters such sex, man or woman, body, young or old, fat or lean, tall or short, by our profession, either a senior or a junior in rank, by the family, society, also by the state of mind, angry or agitated or calm etc etc etc. These are the multi layered clothing we put on ourselves which are so skin fit that resultantly we falsely identify ourselves with the layer instead of our true self – “in the image of God”. We limit our Infinite consciousness by finite attributes. This false identity creates so much of confusion within and with-out that we are not at peace within. We are always agitated and dissatisfied. We are dissatisfied either with ourselves or with the world. Peace seems to become distant entity. The inner turmoil colors our perception of external world. And so much battered and tired of maintaining our wrong identity, we set HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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ourselves on the journey to seek peace which we have lost somewhere in the jungle of confusion. This quest for the true identity is Sadhana. Sadhana is to regain Peace – realize Divinity in inner as well as in outer world - everywhere – always- all the time – at each finite moment. One of the prerequisites of the journey to true self is to drop all the excess baggage. Unless we drop the heavy luggage and become light, we cannot walk even one step forward. This is precisely Taoshobuddha opens with his Secrets of Spiritual Life. But this search is not as easy as a journey to a known destination. We are so intoxicated by the wine of Maya – illusion that we cannot find the path; leave apart the goal. Even if we find the right path, we cannot know whether it is the path. We, then try to find out clues from philosophical books, biographies of illuminated beings and so on. But these, we find confusing. It seems to us, that, each one is trying to tell us something different (although in essence it is not). Since the mind is not mature enough to understand the essence – the ONENESS or advaita, we find that everything is contradicting every other thing. This is the stage, where one is anxiously looking for some help, some guidance, and some clue. Lars Jensen has very lucidly described his journey to quench his inner thirst. This is the process. This is the preparation. The inner preparation makes way for the Master. Master will arrive only when the DISCIPLE is ready.


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What does the master do? Master does not do anything. It is the grace of the master that does everything. It dissolves the duality, the mistaken identity. What would happen when duality vanishes – The realization of ONE NESS will come - The ONENESS of inner and outer worlds, the ONENESS of individual and the Cosmos and the Creator. Everything will merge into one Eternal, Omnipotent and Omniscient Existence of THAT IS - Aum Tat Sat! The realization will be that Ishavasyamidam Sarvam – Creator is all that there is! The realization of Sat-Chid-Ananda. I consider myself very fortunate to have come in contact with Taoshobuddha. Taoshobuddha is blessed with the art of finding the inner beauty – the essence. He is such a beautiful person from within that his each expression manifests inner beauty. Words seem to flow like a torrential rain of blissful existence. Looking back I sometimes feel our acquaintance which blossomed into a beautiful friendship was a perfect gift to me from Masters. Our casual exchange of messages by email resulted ultimately into working on a mission. This was an opportunity for me to know Taoshobuddha even more closely. Every communication we had expressed nothing but his inner Beauty, Harmony and Peace. His words carry the power to create an inner, melodious symphony – a symphony where the body and mind sing in unison the Song of the Soul. I would like to quote a line from the abhanga (a spiritual poem) of Sant Dnyaneshwar, a 13th century yogi, philosopher, saint and poet from Maharashtra, India, which sings, “Santaanche Sangati Manomaarge Gati Aakalaavaa Shripati Yene Panthe” – Seek the company of the auspicious. For, in the HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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company of saints – the auspicious, mind is inclined to tread the path to God realization. Inner harmony happens spontaneously with such connection with the auspicious – the Master – the Buddha. Let us, therefore, in the company of Taoshobuddha seek the path to eternal bliss. Lars Jensen is a wonderful being. His purity of heart is reflected in his sincere words soaked with his feelings. He has wonderfully described his anxiety for search for a way within. He also beautifully describes the end of anxiety after meeting a master. This is 'happening' - an event one aspires to happen in his life. The entire book is like a wonderful catechism between ‘two’ merged in ‘oneness’ to become one. I therefore wish to remain a honeybee silently enjoying its beauty and nectarine honey of this advait flower. I have purposefully not commented or elaborated the content so that the reader can enjoy the beauty with unprejudiced mind. The process thus begins. Bonne appétit! Love! Hemant Moghe Author: Haripath – The Advait Dhyan Sadhana E Mail: h heem maannttppm moogghhee@ @yyaahhoooo..ccoom m

SSccrriibbdd..CCoom m // SSoohhaam mH Haam mssaahh


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Dissolution of ego – taste of oneness


hen I said Nanak disappeared in the river for three days

and appeared in front of his beloved. Found the beloved in front of his eyes! One for whom he sang! One for whom he spent sleepless nights! One that existed within him like a deep thirst! Now found him in front of his eyes! Eyes are overflowing with joy. Insatiable quest is fulfilled now! His eternal beloved asked him now to return and share all that He has filled him with. JAPJI SAHIB (the first chapters in the Sikh Scriptures composed by Nanak) is the first offering of Nanak to humanity. After this communion with his beloved JAPJI IS THE FIRST WORDS THAT EVOLVED OUT OF NANAK! JAPJI IS THE ECSTASY OF NANAK! NOTHING IS MORE SUBLIME IN THE MESSAGE OF NANAK THAN JAPJI! JAPJI IS THE BEING OF NANAK! HIS FRAGRANCE!


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This is a story. And I say this is a story. Try to understand its symbols. Until you disappear, there can be no Communion. This is a paradox! Until you disappear! And if I disappear then who will meet! Who will be in front of God! This is the paradox. This you need to understand. You are not what you ought to be. You are not one. You are divided. There is utter confusion and conflict within. You cannot see that a seed is a flower. All this happens because of the false centre – Ego. So when I say until you disappear it refers to the disappearance of ego. Ego has to dissolve. Only then your real face will appear. And remember this is the first criterion. How does this ego disappears it matters not. It is insignificant whether you disappear in the river, or mountains or forests. None of these really matter. What really matters is that you disappear. Where and how you disappear matters not. Your very presence is the obstruction. You are the china wall. This is the reason why the story says that Nanak disappeared in the river. So you too have to disappear. Your ego has to vanish. This takes minimum three days. This is the reason when someone dies Hindus celebrate ‘Teesara’ or the ‘Three day ceremony’. For the process of death to complete minimum it takes three days. That much time is needed. So too ego never dies instantaneously. Slowly and slowly it dissolves. And it takes three days. This is the reason there is a gap of three days. Nanak disappeared in the river for three days. Nanak remained in the river for three days. Ego dissolved completely. Man exists as HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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ego alone. Ego feels happy, sad, etc. All that you do is the outcome of ego. This happens until ego dissolves completely. Thereafter a new journey begins. Family, friends, and relatives can only see ego. If you are not operating as ego you do not have any existence. Sometimes you would have observed this happening to you as well. We do not have the eyes to see the soul. So it was considered that Nanak drowned or died. Whenever one begins the inward journey he becomes futile for the outer world. Now he is no more. He does not behave as you are. There is a discontinuity. Past is no more. New is now born. This is the reason that the story has the gap of three days. The symbol of three days! Three days after Nanak returned. On the inward path whoever begins the journey will certainly returns. But returns as refurbished, as new, as reborn! Certainly whoever moves on this path ultimately returns to the world of beings. Certainly he returns to share all that he has experienced through this commune. On his way he was thirsty. His quench is satiated now. He was a beggar while he was going. But he returns as an emperor. Emperor not of the outer but of the inner! He is now connected to an unfathomable ocean of bliss. This is the beginning of ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life.’ Notes: [God is in all of us, but all are not in Him. As long as you are affected by Ego you are not in God. God and ego cannot exist together. Either ego is in your heart or God is there. As long as HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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you are, God is not! Therefore hide yourself and exposes God. Sufi Lalaji expressed it in very beautifully words: ‘God has hidden himself inside your hearts and exposed you. Hide yourselves and expose God! This is the real spiritual practice.’ Ego is separated from the whole and thinks it has a separated existent. But God is One. He is not two or many. There is only one doer in the entire creation, which is God. Ego means that you think yourself as the doer and you have to bear the reactions (Karma). With the reactions misery is created. Serve as a servant should and be a messenger or Conscious Co-Worker of the Divine Plan and be free from the reactions (Karma). Ego will only go away when you see (by inner experiences) the God Power above all working - controlling the entire Universe and even controlling you in the body - then your ego will go. But that is an act of His grace towards you. It is His work, not yours. Your work is to sit at His door (leading to the inner worlds) as a beggar and wait for it to open by His grace. ] ... Lars Jensen


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Love is my message


eloved friends I love you. Love is my message. Love is my

being. Love is the communion. Love is oneness. Love is harmony both within and without. Love is bliss. Let it be your message too. Love is my color and my climate. To me, love is the only religion. All else is just unnecessary and therefore can be discarded. All else is nothing but dreams. A mental game! Love is the only substantial thing in life! All else is illusion. Let love grow in you and then God in you will be growing on its own accord. If you miss love you will miss God and all. Then life will be misery and despair. There is no way to god without love. There is nothing more sublime than love. God can be forgotten but not love. If love is remembered, God will happen as a consequence. It happens as a consequence. God is the fragrance of love and nothing else. In fact there is no God but only godliness. There is no person like God anywhere. Drop all childish attitudes. Never go on searching for a Father. Divineness is God is no more.


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When I say divineness is, I mean whatsoever is, is full of God. The entire creation is full of godliness. Only you need eyes to see this. The green of the trees! And the red of the flowers and the golden glow of the rising sun all are divine. A crow crying and a bird on the wing, a child giggling, and a dog barking all is divine. Nothing else exists. The moment you ask ‘where is God?’ you have raised a wrong question. Because God cannot be indicated anywhere! He is not in any particular direction. He is not a particular thing either. He is not a particular being. God is universality. God is totality. God is hidden in the entire creation. Ask where God is not? Only then you have asked the right question. One of the Hindu scriptures Isa Upanishad begins with a beautiful sutra. To say that it is Hindu scripture is erroneous. Truth is not Hindu or Muslim instead it is cosmic. It begins: ‘The entire cosmos is permeated by ever expanding consciousness or Isa referring to God. It is your realization now. And once you have realized this you can enjoy the fruits of the entire cosmos. Then the entire cosmos belongs to you and you belong to the whole.’ Such is ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life.’ Therefore for that right question and understanding you will have to prepare the soil of your awareness. If you are not in love, then what can you know about God! Even you (the false identity) have no real existence. I was thinking what should I give to you today? Because this is the dawn of a new awakening! HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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I share with you my love, my awareness, and my understanding now and ever as ‘The Secrets of Spiritual Life.’ Notes: [The greatest thing in life is love. Love is like a magnet that has the capability to attract God. Without love you have nothing, even so you have all the other richness and all the other gifts of life in abundance. Because, Love is the only means and way to attract go! Love is the power that makes you merge in union with God. Love is the only way that can take you back Home. Love is the way, the means and the goal in itself.

Paul says in the Bible (1 Corinthians, 13:1-3): “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.”] ... Lars Jensen


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Be Ready to Receive


ife is a synergistic harmony. Each moment, each action, and everything unfolds into the other thus creating a chain link. Each moment something dissolves into the dark cave from one end. And the next moment from the other end evolves as something new and resurrected. This is life and its process. You are never in harmony with all that is or is happening. Misery is the outcome. To flow with life is The Secrets of Spiritual Life. The day you decide not to ask for things that you like but rather to like things that happen, that day you become mature. You can lifelong keep wanting and seeking what you like through various means – prayers and others. This is what is happening. All your prayers, rituals, are to fulfill your numerous desires. However these make you always miserable. Remember the life and the world does not run according to your likes and dislikes. There is no guarantee that what you want, life also wants that for you. And the gap between two is the measure of your misery and the state of inner growth. HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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There is no guarantee. There is every possibility that life is destined toward something that you do not know anything about at all. Life takes you towards the unknown and unknowable. Life wants you to trust all that is unknown and unknowable. Life wants you to move from the dimension of the known to unknown. However, the mind seeks and hankers for all that is known. Everything in this world that really happens is guided by a certain principle. You can call it by any name. However, no name can encompass the magnanimity of it. And you are never in harmony with this. Sometimes when the thing you like does happen, you will still not feel very happy. This happens quite naturally. It is so because whatever we demand, we have already lived in fantasy of it. So it is already secondhand. If you say that you would like a certain person to be your lover, then in many dreams and in many fantasies you have already loved that person. And if it happens, then the real person is going to fall short of your fantasy. The person is going to be just a carbon copy, because reality is never as fantastic as fantasy. Then you will be frustrated. So is also the case with your dream house. All the while you have been dreaming this house. In fact you have lived in that house through your fantasy. And when you really get the house it will fall short of your expectations. And you will remain miserable even after you get your dream house. But if you start liking and be in harmony with all that which is happening moment to moment! If you do not impose your own HUMAN TRANSFORMATION SERIES

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will against that of the whole, if you simply are in harmony with all that happens, you simply say yes – then you can never be miserable. Because then no matter what happens, you are always in a positive attitude, ready to receive it and enjoy all that existence wants to bestow on you. Notes: [Maturity means accepting life, as it is, rather than complain why life is not going your way. God has no responsibility to fulfil your wishes. Complaining means you criticize God and are not in harmony. Instead welcome the hour of pain as a blessing, because both pain and pleasure comes from God. When it comes from God, why resent it? God knows what is best for your development. God is always with you and takes care of your true needs, but never bothers with the so – called needs and wishes of your mind. If pain is to your benefit, God sends you pain, if pleasure is to your benefit, He sends you pleasure. Both come to you through His Will. Then, why resent it?] ... Lars Jensen



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