A look at meditative eyes connects you to your being!
Love Taoshobuddha 6-2-2010
Inner beauty manifests as serenity!
Love Taoshobuddha 6-2-2010
Life is oceanic. Therefore seek life not in the waves. As such as you are you life is like one of the myriad waves that arise on the surface of the ocean. And then disappears. Waves arise on the surface of the ocean. Waves are many. Ocean is one. Ocean is harmony and oneness. It has absorbed the waters of myriad rivers. Living life is oneness, and harmony as oceanic consciousness. Know this as the secret of spiritual life. The following is the message of Enlightened Taoshobuddha on the Birthday celebration. DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.zshare.net/audio/722588204bc27ce7/ FILE NAME: TAOSHOBUDDHA BIRTHDAY MESSAGE FEB 6_ 2010.mp3