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Mystery, knowledge and solitariness




Mystical Sevens

MYSTICAL SEVENS Š 2010, Taoshobuddha

Printed and Published by TAOSHOBUDDHA MEDITATIONSTM All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the original publisher

Cover design and graphics: Anand Neelamber Photography: Taoshobuddha

Taoshobuddha Meditations

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Mystical Sevens

The word Taoshobuddha comes from three words, ‘tao,’ ‘sho,’ and ‘Buddha’. The word Tao was coined by the Chinese master, Lau Tzu. It means that which is and cannot be put into words. It is unknown and unknowable. It can only be experienced and not expressed in words. Its magnanimity cannot be condensed into finiteness. The word Sho implies, that which is vast like the sky and deep like an ocean carries within its womb a treasure. It also means one on whom the existence showers its blessings. And lastly the word Buddha implies the Enlightened One; one who has arrived home. Thus, Taoshobuddha implies one who is existential, on whom the existence showers its blessings and one who has arrived home. The Enlightened One

Taoshobuddha Meditations

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Mystical Sevens

MYSTICAL SEVENS Evolution is the law of life. Number is the law of the universe. Unity is the law of God. Pythagoras

t was Honoré De Blaze (1799-1850), the French realistic Novelist who during a conversation on the subject of numbers said: ‘Without them, the whole edifice of our civilization would fall to pieces.’ Numbers affect our daily lives in a host of different ways and one of the oldest is the occult science of numerology. No one can be exactly sure when numerology evolved as a method of forecasting the future. The ancient Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Hindus, and Hebrews all developed numerological systems of their own and to this day numerology is constantly being updated, and expanded by various experts and cultures who embrace its doctrines.

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Mystical Sevens The Qabalistic Gemetria, a profound magico – philosophical art which uses 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and their corresponding numbers to decode hidden meanings in the scriptures or to discover a person’s essential character and destiny by name analysis, is certainly a major contributory factor to present day numerology. So with the Gematria providing the cipher, and the pythagorians method of interpreting numbers by qualities assigned to them, plus a few additional contributions from Judism and Christianity numerology was created. Numerology believes that we are born at a certain date, hour, and time not merely by chance, instead in order to learn important lessons and to perform specific tasks during our lifetimes and that the conditions and the vibrations prevailing at the precise moment of our birth must be favourable if we are to fulfil our mission in life. Still there are others who believe that the transmigration of souls and the possibility of reincarnation play in important role in their philosophy of life. What is significant about numerology is that it incorporates Pythagorean belief that ‘all things can be expressed in numerological terms because all things are ultimately reducible to numbers.’ Numerologists generally work with numbers one to nine plus master numbers eleven and twenty two. Together their meanings encompass all the experience that life can present. Symbolically they represent the stages through which an idea must first pass before it can Taoshobuddha Meditations

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Mystical Sevens become a reality. Understanding and practical application, of the meaning of these numbers will bring a greater personal understanding of life. It is not necessary to possess powers of extra sensory perception and clairvoyance to practise numerology – just simple arithmetic. Centuries later the Renaissance philosophermagician Henry Cornelius Agrippa of Netterheim (1468-1555) listed the significance of the numbers one to nine: 1. Action, ambition, and leadership 2. Balance, passivity and receptivity 3. Gaiety, versatility and brilliance 4. Endurance, steadiness and dullness 5. Sexuality, adventure, and instability 6. Domesticity, harmony and dependability 7. Mystery, knowledge and solitariness 8. Worldly involvement coupled with material success 9. Spirituality, inspiration and great achievement

Of all these number Seven has been used since time immemorial to describe the creations and ordinances of God and the subsequent patterns that appear in the natural world. Here are a few examples:

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Early Indian Music In one view, cosmic sound nāda is the cause of the material universe and it is identifed with the Brahman of the Upanişads. Nāda is synonymous with parāvāk, and it comes in two forms: āhata the perceptible sound, and anāhata the unstuck or absolute sound. Music is the elevated form of āhata nāda whereas anāhata nāda can be cognized only through Yoga. The two kinds have a close relationship, and a śruti, a small interval of sound, represents their joining. The texts tell us that 22 śrutis span the seven notes of the saptaka. The problem as to why this subdivision Early Indian Music 3 has 22 elements has concerned musicologists for a long time. It is also not clear why the śrutis are divided non-uniformly into groups of four, three, and two into musical notes in Bharata’s Nāţya Śāstra. The saptaka, the ‘series of seven’ - the same as the octave or the ‘series of eight’ of Western music - spans a doubling of frequency. The seven notes of the saptaka are named sa (for şad.ja), ri (ŗşabha), ga (gāndhāra), ma (madhyama), pa (paňcama), dha (dhaivata), and ni (nişāda). The seven fundamental tones of the octave express the law of seven. The addition to it of the Do of the next octave, that is to say, the crowning of the process, gives the eighth step. According to Peter Ouspensky there are Seven systems of Symbolism: Taoshobuddha Meditations

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Mystical Sevens 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

symbolism of numbers symbolism of geometrical figures symbolism of letters symbolism of words symbolism of magic symbolism of alchemy symbolism of astrology and The symbolism of Tarot, which unites them into one whole.

When you see around the life exhibits the effect of mystical seven in so many ways. And each of these affects animal, plant, astronomical life.

7 Colors: When the light refracts while passing through the prism it decomposes into seven components and the resultant is the spectrum of seven colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet, (and White which unites them into one whole)

7 Planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.

7 Personality Types: Solar, Lunar, Martial, Mercurial, Jovial, Venusian, and Saturnine.

7 Days of Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

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7 Metals: Lead, Tin, Iron, Copper, Mercury, Silver, Gold.

7 Chakra: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara.

7 Stages of Alchemy: Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, Coagulation.

7 Days of creation: Christian mythology says God created the entire creation in seven days.

7 Seals in the Book of Revelations: 7 Used 77 times in the Old Testament: 7 Sacraments in Christianity: Baptism, Penance, Marriage, Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Last Rites.

7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost:

Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and the Fear of the Lord.

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7 Virtues in Christianity: Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, Temperance.

7 Vices in Christianity: Pride, Envy, Anger, Sloth or dejection, Avarice, Gluttony, Lust.

7 Times Christ spoke on the Cross: 1. ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ 2. ‘Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’ 3. To his mother: ‘Woman, this is your son.’ Then to the disciple: ‘this is your mother.’ 4. ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabackthani?’ which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ 5. ‘I thirst.’ 6. ‘It is finished.’ ‘It is accomplished.’ 7. ‘Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.’

7 Sorrows of Mary: The sorrow of the prophecy of Simeon The sorrow of the flight into Egypt The sorrow of the loss of the Child Jesus in the temple The sorrow of meeting Jesus on the Way of the Cross The sorrow of the Crucifixion The sorrow of the taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross The sorrow of the burial of Jesus Taoshobuddha Meditations

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7 Joys of Mary: Mary joyfully conceived Jesus by the Holy Ghost. Mary joyfully carried Jesus when she visited Elizabeth. Mary joyfully brought Jesus into the world. Mary joyfully exhibited Jesus to the adoration of the Magi. Mary joyfully found Jesus in the Temple. Mary joyfully beheld Jesus after his resurrection. Mary joyfully received by Jesus into heaven, and crowned

Queen of Heaven and Earth: Shakespeare’s 7 Ages of Man - the infant, the schoolboy, the lover, the soldier, the judge, the elderly man, and the senile one.

7 Sciences: Grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy; - the first three being included in the Trivium, the remaining four in the Quadrivium.

7 Wonders of the World: The Official New 7 Wonders of the World

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Mystical Sevens Chichén Itzá: the most famous Mayan temple city, served as the political and economic center of the Mayan civilization. Out of its various structures - the pyramid of Kukulkan, is arguably the greatest, of all Mayan temples. Statue of Jesus , Brazil: stands some 38 meters tall, atop the Corcovado mountain overlooking Rio de Janeiro has become a symbol of the city and of the warmth of the Brazilian people, who receive visitors with open arms. The great amphitheater in the centre of Rome built to give favors to successful legionnaires and to celebrate the glory of the Roman Empire. Taj Mahal, India the immense mausoleum built on the orders of Shah Jahan, to honor the memory of his beloved late wife. The Palace tombs of Petra On the edge of the Arabian Desert, Petra stands the Palace Tombs of Petra, with the 42-meter-high Hellenistic temple facade on the El-Deir Monastery, are impressive examples of Middle Eastern culture. Machu Picchu (‘old mountain’) the 15th century, the Incan Emperor Pachacútec built a city in Taoshobuddha Meditations

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Mystical Sevens the clouds on the mountain. This extraordinary settlement lies halfway up the Andes Plateau, deep in the Amazon jungle and above the Urubamba River. The Great wall of China

7 Seven Seas:

Arctic, Antarctic, North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean

7 Seven Sisters: an old name of Pleides star system

7 Parts to the embryo: Amnion, Chorionic Villi, Spinal Cord, Heart, Brain, Umbilical Cord, Yolk Sac.

7 Parts of the body: Head, Thorax, Abdomen, Two Arms, Two Legs.

7 Parts of the human head: two nostrils, two ears, two eyes and the mouth.

7 Main organs: Brain, Heart, Genitals, Lungs, Liver, Kidney, Stomach.

7 Glands:

Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Sex, Adrenals.

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7 Divisions to the Brain: Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons Varolii, Medulla Oblongatta, Corpus Callosum, Spinal Cord, Meninges.

7 Parts to the Inner ear: Vestibule, Auditory Canal, Tympanic Membrane, Ossicles, Semicircular Canal, Cochlea, Membranous Labyrinth.

7 Parts to the Retina: Cornea, Aqueous Humor, Lens, Vitreous Humor, Retina, Sclera, Iris.

7 Cavities to the Heart: Right and Left Ventrical, Right and Left Atrium, Tricuspid Valve, Mitral Valve, Septum.

7 layers of the Skin: Stratum Corneum, Stratum Lucidum, Stratum Granulosum, Prickle Cell Layer, Basal Cell Layer, Corium, Hair Follicle.

7 Bodily functions: Respiration, Circulation, Assimilation, Reaction.




7 levels in the Periodic Table of the Elements:

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