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Taos Feeds Taos

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FILE PHOTOS Ernestina Córdova (far right, front row) with Taos Feeds Taos volunteers and New Mexico Army National Guards prepping TFT vouchers and donated hams.

Love, joy, peace



This will be our 36th year of Taos Feeds Taos! Little did we know that Jim Elmer’s dream was born in Dec of 1986, the first year of Taos Feeds Taos. The past has been wonderful community gathering to sort and fill boxes of food to distribute. Usually, by the time the project is finished we have used over 300 volunteers.

Your past support of our program is greatly appreciated. This year, because of the continuing of the Corona Virus Pandemic, we are handling the program a bit differently in order to provide food to those in need in Taos County in a safe manner. We will be taking applications by phone only and distributing gift certificates for food to those that qualify. This accomplishes our goal while keeping our recipients and our volunteers safe and in compliance with CDC and State of New Mexico guidelines.

Last years’ vouchers were a success. When we interviewed some of our clients, they were incredibly happy to be able to do their own shopping for themselves. They got food that they wanted and needed. This year again we will provide those that call in and qualify a voucher for a $100.00 plus a ham. Hams will only be given on December 16th and 17th . These are the two days designated by Taos Feeds Taos. The first available day to shop will be December 16, 2021, and the last day will be December 24th by 8:00 pm. Store hours on the 16th and 17th will be from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Schedule for the various locations is provided with phone numbers. We encourage everyone that applies to call only one phone and leave one message. Someone will call back.

The distribution of food vouchers for those that qualify is throughout the Taos County. The Northern communities include Amalia, Costilla, Cerro and Questa and the southern communities are in Peñasco and surrounding communities to include Picuris. Taos includes Taos, Taos Pueblo, Ranchos de Taos, San Cristobal, Arroyo Seco, Arroyo Hondo, Taos Junction, Tres Piedras and surrounding communities.

This year again, Kit Carson electric is providing Logistics with manpower and providing telephones for the applicates to call. The New Mexico Army National Guard will provide support to help carry out food at Super Save to the Vehicles. We are incredibly grateful to our Board for keeping the program going and continued help to the needy.

Our fundraising did not take place this year due to social distancing. We are in need of monetary donations. If you are able to donate, please send us a check to Taos Feeds Taos, PO Box 234, Taos, NM 87571. Donations can also be made thru pay pal at taosfeedstaos.org.

And, because of the many businesses closing or curtailing staff due to the virus, your contribution is more important than ever. With so many without jobs, a greater need for assistance is anticipated. Given the extraordinary circumstances of this year, please consider increasing your contribution.

If you need additional information contact Francis A. Córdova, President of TFT at 575-770-1141.


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