6 minute read
Gift Horse Holidays
from Taos Aglow 2021
Happy holidays for horse lovers
Finding the perfect gift can be a real challenge sometimes. But not if the person you are buying for loves horses. What if you could give the gift of hope, a gift of joy, a gift of inspiration, even a gift of magic? No matter what the age, there are endless options!
There’s something special about horses that is hard to resist. What kid hasn’t asked for a pony for Christmas? I don’t remember a year when I was growing up that a pony was not at the top of my wish list. While it’s not practical for most parents to give their child a real live pony, there are many other options. For the youngest child there are stuffed horses and unicorns. For older children there are the horse models and statues.
Books are also a popular choice. From picture books to story books to inspirational and technical horse care and training books, there are appropriate books to choose from for every age and ability.
A book about how to ride is a great start. Adding a promise of an actual riding lesson or trail ride when summer comes give the reader something extra to look forward to during the long winter months.
A magazine gift subscription is also a great gift that keeps on giving, as the recipient gets a new collection of articles every month. They are numerous excellent magazines for every level of horse person, and many offer online versions as well.
Winter can be a real drag for horse lovers and horse owners who wish they could be out riding more. But winter is the perfect time to learn a new skill with horses. Horsemanship is not just about riding. It’s about spending quality time with horses, and developing a bond with the horse you care about.
One of the best ways to do that is by learning how to make the horse feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. The Masterson Method® is a perfect start. Everyone can learn how to do some simple bodywork techniques outlined in books and videos by Jim Masterson. The beauty of this is that not only the horse benefits, but the person does also. It’s impossible to not feel good when sharing the healing effects of touch.
There are numerous resources online as well for the serious horse person. Wehorse.com is a site with something for everyone. A subscription to this would be a dream come true for the serious horse person, offering over 130 video courses with over 40 top-notch trainers from across the world to choose from. And it’s an easy gift to give – much easier than trying to gift wrap a live horse!
For the horse lover who is not an active rider or who doesn’t own a horse, art is always a great gift. Paintings, sculptures and jewelry are nice if you know the person well enough to choose a style they would like.
For the coffee lover, a horse-themed coffee mug with a specialty blend of java is always appreciated.
Then there are always the hard-tobuy-for people who really do not need yet another book, another painting to hang on the wall, another movie to watch. And while they may not own a horse, they may care a lot about horses and have a soft spot in their heart for the horses that are not lucky enough to have a good home. They may just care about kids and horses, and know how special it would be to a child who only dreams of someday riding a horse to be able to make that wish come true. A donation to a nonprofit horse rescue or an equine center that offers programs for people is a thoughtful and greatly appreciated gift that benefits the recipient, the horse, the giver and the nonprofit. There are rescues and organizations everywhere that provide services for both horses and people.
From tiny tots to the elderly, horses and donkeys can make the holidays meaningful and memorable. It’s hard to find the perfect gift sometimes for the older generation. But show them a horse and you’ll be amazed at the memories that come back. I’ve seen it time after time. Pretty much every elder has a story to tell about a horse they knew or an experience they had with horses. Touching a real live horse or cuddly little donkey seems to trigger the mind and bring joy to the heart.
For more ideas and specific recommendations, go to the Equine Spirit Sanctuary web site news page. We are not doing our usual Holiday Horse Party again this year because of the pandemic, but we are following our annual tradition of decorating the classroom and barn for the holidays.
The public is invited to join us as we kick off the holidays with our wonderful equines! Equine Spirit Sanctuary will be having an Open Barn the first three Saturdays in December from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with free pony rides for the kids and a grooming and petting corral with our miniature donkeys. If you have an elder you’d like to bring out, you can make an appointment to visit on a Tuesday or Thursday. We look forward to sharing our horses and hospitality this holiday season!
Equine Spirit Sanctuary is located at 13 Los Caballos Road (just off the west end of Cuchilla Road and Los Cordovas). Since its inception in 2005, ESS has provided rescue and rehab for over 90 horses, along with offering equine-assisted growth and learning and therapeutic activities, and educational clinics and workshops.
For more information, call Ruth Bourgeois at the Equine Spirit Sanctuary (575-758-1212), email ruth@equinespiritsanctuary.org or go to equinespiritsanctuary. org or facebook.com/equinespiritsanctuary.

Equine Spirit Sanctuary Open Barn Dec. 4, Dec. 11 and Dec. 18 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Free pony rides for the kids and a grooming and petting corral with ESS miniature donkeys. Elder appointments available Tuesdays and Thursdays. Call 575-758-1212 or email ruth @equinespirit sanctuary.org

ABOVE: Equine Spirit Sanctuary employee Leela Brightenburg (at left) and founder Ruth Bourgeois dress a miniature donkey, named Marley, in festive attire ahead of the nonprofit’s 2019 Holiday Horse Party in Ranchos de Taos. FAR LEFT: David Garcia, of Taos, pets Marley during the ESS’s Holiday Horse Party in Ranchos de Taos in 2019. LEFT: Hope Bournique becomes acquainted with a horse, also named Hope, during the ESS’s Holiday Horse Party on the 10-acre property in Ranchos de Taos. Guests were invited to groom and pet horses and miniature donkeys and shop for arts and crafts, horse-related items and baked goods.