INDA Design1 Y1S1 Thananya Thawitsri

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PHASE 1.1 : CASE STUDY Three toys that I chose to study are Christmas Lego Set, Flashlight Projector and Music Box. I studied the function of them, the materials as well as how people play with it. Then, I found that all my toys have the notion of movement when its working. All of them require mechanism system to function them and everypiece of it is so important. Moreover, each one of them also has their own speciality when its moving. The Chistmas lego set is spinning the botton to rotate the Santa, The Music Box is producing sound and the flaslight projector produicng pictures on objects.




PHASE 1.2 : PRODUCTION After I researched about my toys. I innterested and want to bring out the notion of moving to design toys. I decied to design three Rube Goldberg Machine to show the system of how things working. In order to highlight all of my toys, each Rube Goldberg Machine will producing three differents functions that are the results of the machine, one is producing sound, anothers is produing pictures and the last is produing movement. The elements in the machine also inspired from the shape of the original toys that I studied.



PHASE 1.3 : REFINEMENT For my final toys design, I decied to focus more about the Mechanism system that make things working. I got inspiration from The Centre Pompidou, The design show a lot of what’s inside the building structure. So, I design my toys to show all the structure part of it without any wall to cover. I want to celebrate the mechanism that it is so important to make things stable and works. The exterior of my toys is scaffolding to make it feel like building structure and all the pipes system inside to make it look like mechanism. Users can put balls in pipes and then the balls will run through all the elements inside that connecting together. Everypieces is required to run the system.


Screenshot frames from GIF to show how the ball is running down through all pieces inside to the end





ISOLATION The character that I chose to documenting is my mom, She is a nusre instructor. She is a workaholic person. So, during the covid 19 situation, She has to spend more time working on computer to do online teaching. Sitting for a long period of time in a day in front of computer cause my mom to have body pain like back pain, shoulder pain, headache. All of the symptoms lead to be “Office Syndrome”.




PHASE 3.1 : CAPSULE After I documenting on my workaholic mom character. My focus is on how to rearrange her daily schedule to include more life activities and avoiding office syndrome from working. I decided to create an office capsule for my mom, In my capsule is combining with two sides of room that serve different functions which are working side and resting side. The first room is private working room that has one side window to let the sunlight come in the room on the morning but when the time pass the direction of sunlight will change and the sun wii fade away from the working room to force my mom to go down to the resting room. After, get some resting she will go back to work again in the meeting room then before leaving the capsule. She will get some stretching in the last room to strectch her body from working.









PHASE 3.3 : REFINEMENT I decided to make a connection between my capsule to Mook’s capsule. I have noticed that a lot of people take working too seriously that sometimes they forget to live their life. So, I created a park in the middle of hectic building city for workaholic people to get relaxation and relieve thier body from working to avoid office syndrome. In the park will have stations that each one of them will address each body pain. Also, the environments in the park is natural friendly that give relax and chill vibes for people when they experiencing this park.




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