Mistakes Were Made Created By Talor Petitjean Art 130
Introduction This book is here to show the progress of artwork made over the fall semester. Something I have made in the last past two years that I am proud of would have to be the painting on my brothers skateboard of the show of Rick and Morty. If I knew that something I created would financially support me and I could make it my job, it would have to be making cartoons and comics or designing toys.
D-School Objective: This project was to get us thinking and working at high rate. Engaging with real people in our class is quite nice due to the fact that we can learn from each other and take in knowledge to recreate or remake artwork that could be improved or touched up. Talking with a person allowed me to open up and take in new ideas and intake new ways of how I could improve the prototype. Now showing unfinished work to people is very normal to me because, I tend to do it with every project I create, which allows me to improve upon work that could use some more attention to detail.
Dot-Line Objective: Abstraction was the main focus along with picturing the idea of the project. Gestalt is something that is whole but is made by part of a sum. This is related to the dot line project because at the end we look at the the whole piece as one but it was created by smaller pieces. Squares and rectangles were fairly easy to create but the struggle that I had was cutting circles into perfect circles. So I did not have to spend a lot of time on the lines but circles I had to spend much more time to get the desired dot. This project changed my view of abstraction a lot due to the fact that there were no real images of anything but rather just feelings created by these dots and line. Without someone telling anyone the word that the work of art was trying to portray, I would doubt anyone would be able to know what the artwork was trying to show because of how abstract it was so this project was fairly difficult to do without illustrations. If I were to use gestalt or abstraction I would use it for rough drafts of illustrations and that would be about it.
Final production
Word-Letters Objective: The meaning of context verse the meaning of imagery from other points of views is the main focal point. Hand lettering taught me that letters and word can have a different meaning just by the context of how the letters and word come together. For techniques I would refine and continue would have to be the charcoal one I did that had a bigger meaning than the word “stuff ”. What I would refine would probably be how the letters are presented. I believe the from is what I consider to be the best in all my pieces because they really give different meanings of the word “stuff ” and it would all be illustrated by the from and not the content.
Finished Products
Object-Iterations Objective: Work with Photoshop and Indesign in order to make multiple concepts onto one piece of paper. I learned that the bull has very broad movements and can be a very tamed best until disturbed. the most difficult media was the spray paint for my master artist Banksy. the easiest had to be the geometric bull because I already knew how to work with Adobe Illustrator. I learned that there is a lot to photoshop and need to keep practicing with it and screw around with it. If I had to continue with this project for one whole year I would definitely work more on bull iterations and work more with photoshop.
Conceptual art of the Bull and ideas and progress for the final print.
More ideas and concepts.
Final Production
Objective: Work with information and create an awareness poster in Indesign. I have made a hierarchy in this poster buy creating a common visual for everyone to recognize that this sign looks like a warning sign. The skills to create this poster will help me develop other ways to import other images and make transparent backgrounds to allow me to create other interesting compositions. color made this project and interesting compositions for us to see the contrast from the colors.
Ideas and concepts
Warning! Human Deaths From Animals and Insectsin America Average Human deaths per year: 2,480,636.35
Deer: 120 Bees/wasps/hornets: 58 Dogs: 28 Cows:20 Horses: 20 Black widow: 7 Bear: 1 Alligator: 1
Cone Snail: 1 Mountain Lion: 1 Shark: 1 Rattlesnake: 0.23 Copperhead Snake: 0.1 Wolf: 0.18 Coyote: 0.06 Coral Snake: 0.03
Facts Death by deer is high because of the deer crossing the road while cars are in motion The more frequently seen animals are the ones that are more likely to cause a human death http://wonder.cdc.gov
Final Product