Research and development folder (Part 1)

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RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Research included analysis of online and offline news Articles, Questionaires, Focus Groups, WGSN Reports, Mintel Reports, Trend Journals, Interviews, and research into current healthcare services. All of which influenced the direction of ideas, helping to finalise the concept behind the new brand FAST and the features within the lifestyle & wellbeing App ‘Tap IN’.

*Georgina Atkinson: Research and Development of FAST & Tap IN.

The most important brands in the world make you feel something. They do that because they have something they want to change. And as consumers, we want to be part of that change. - David Hieatt


NEWS ARTICLES Researching trending news topics both online and off highlighted the rise in communication about suicideds and mental health care and services. Articles include personal experiences, current issues and statements.

*Key Takeaway: Every individual is different and is affected by a mental health illness in a different way, whether that be personal issues, or a friends or family member.

Theresa May Mental Health Speech - BBC News

Initial Research

Words are not enough to tackle the crisis in mental health. Theresa May arrived at the Royal Society in London on Monday the 10th of January to deliver a speech on mental health.

Theresa May said: ‘If you break your arm … people will come up and talk to you about it. If you have a mental health problem people are more likely to try to avoid you.’

The prime minister talked about focusing “on prevention as well as treatment, especially since so many adult mental health problems – which one in four of us will suffer from at any one time – begin in childhood”

One of the plans is for teachers to be trained to identify mental health issues and provide interventions. Often teachers can already recognise mental health issues but lack the time and expertise to offer interventions that could make a significant difference.

Mental health needs to be taught to children at toddler level and in schools, warning kids vulnerable to mental health problems of the perils of skunk and alcohol, teaching them breathing, nutrition, the importance of sleep and recognising triggers, especially to those children born to parents with mental health issues.

These difficulties have escalated in the six years since massive cuts to public services and most preventive mental health services, alongside the increased culture of competition that leads to more anxiety and less security.





It has been recognised that more needs to be done about mental heath, and that it needs to be recognised at a young age, preventing more serious cases in the future such as the individual committing suicide.

Getting other people involved / making them aware of mental health issues will reduce the number of critical cases. Teachers being trained in this area so they are able to recognise if an individual has a mental health illness at a younger age will prevent the issues getting worse as they get older.

An app or service could provide consumers with a step-by-step guide for individuals and teachers - a platform that provides them with information such as how to spot the signs / the correct way to approach someone they believe suffers with a mental health problem etc.

Get the government / schools involved in the product or service. Promote it as a service that can be used by anyone to source information from. Creating an App that is targetted at all different individuals but allowing them to select what information they can see.

Mother Hopes Pop-Up Ads Mean Suicide-Support a Click Away - BBC News

Initial Research

A grieving mother whose daughter took her own life is behind a new campaign to ensure support for people at risk of suicide is just one click away.

Her mother Deanna, from Buckie, Moray, believes there is a chance Jo could be alive today if she had discovered help online at her most vulnerable moment.

Jo Cruickshank was 36 when she took her own life in August 2015. Her mother Deanna said ‘there were no warning signs.’

She is now helping to fund online pop-up ads that appear when a person uses the term suicide in a search engine.

Deanna Cruickshank said “Jo Googled everything. If something had popped up then for her, would she still be here?”

“If a phone number popped up, or just a message that said ‘please think about this’, maybe she’d still be here. Maybe not, I don’t know and we’ll never know. I think if I can do something and even if it just helped one person, saved one person, it would be worth it.

Choose Life Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire co-ordinator Iain Murray said: “It is the case, sadly, that generally males aged in their mid 20s to late 50s account for most suicides in Scotland.





Many individuals have done online searches before they have then committed suicide. For advice, help or to search for information for a friend or family member the individual is worried about.

Having pop-up adverts for the services on selected sites and when individuals search certain words and phrases on googles search engine could push the individual to speak to someone and prevent them from commiting suicide.

Have positive / uplifting messages pop up on an individuals phones throughout the day via an App to lift their spirit and be reminded that they can beat their suicidal thoughts (this would be an option when signing up to the app)

Make an app / website advertisment pop up if certain things are googled. Have key words and phrases that then report to a data stream that an individual has used these words or phrases.

Scale of Suicide Unacceptable, Say MPs - BBC News

Initial Research

The number of people taking their own lives in England is unacceptably high, says a report by the Health Select Committee. The group of MPs is putting pressure on the government ahead of its new plan for preventing suicides, which is expected in the New Year. (2017)

The number of deaths by suicide was 4,820 in England in 2015 - part of a UK-wide figure of 6,188.

One bereaved mother who gave evidence to the committee said: “My son wasn’t hard to reach, it was the services that were hard to reach.”

“There are fewer and fewer safe places for patients to go, and the one-on-one relationships they crave have been taken away by the fragmentation and cuts to services.”

She now heads a national charity supporting those affected by suicide. “If there’s one thing I’ve learnt, above all else, it’s that you have to talk about this. It’s really important to talk.”

The Government need to do better than last time as “the government’s 2012 suicide prevention strategy has been characterised by inadequate leadership, poor accountability and insufficient action”.

Marjorie Wallace from the mental health charity SANE said: “We believe at least one in three suicides could and should be prevented, and it is unforgiveable that we allow people to be sent to a lonely and preventable death.”





The goverment aren’t doing enough to prevent suicides. They need to change their approach and re-evaluate what has worked and what has not.

“My son wasn’t hard to reach, it was the services that were hard to reach.” - Creating an App would allow the service to go to consumers, allowing more people to get the helo they need.

“The one-on-one relationships patients crave have been taken away by the fragmentation and cuts to services.” - An App would have to provide one-onone support.

Collaborate with different existing charities to create powerful campaigns regarding communication and collaboration, showing consumers communication and coming together can be massively benefit to everyone.

TV presenter Matt Johnson on his Mental Health Problems

Wales Online

TV presenter Matt Johnson on his mental health problems. The online article was promoted online and via ‘Wales Online’ personal Facebook page, consumers were pushed to share this with their friends on Facebook.

The video follow Matt around for a day, showing different activities he has done.

Viewers can see Matt joining friends for a trip to the cinema, here you see them all laughing and enjoying each others company.

Whenever Matt meets another friend he greets them with a warm welcome, hugging the individual and smiling showing he is happy.

We see Matt doing exercise, and the self narrated audio explains he bagan doing Boxing to release stress and find peace of mind.

Viewers can see Matt and his friends enjoying a few drinks. This puts drinking in a positive light, showing the social side to drinking and how it makes people feel.

“Small things make a big difference to people with mental health problems.” Changing a few small things about you daily routine can have a massive impact on your way of life.





Matt openly discusses at the beginning of the video he has suffered with depression. The casual conversation shows how common the mental illness is. Their aim was to show keeping those around you close can help depressive days.

The video works really well, making it very casual with spoken audio over the top allows consumers to follow the story and clearly understand the message. I will experiment with a campaign video.

Inspired by the ‘Day-In-The-Life’ style video, I want to experiment with this idea and follow individuals around who have suffered with depression themselves and capture what they do in a day. This will normalise depression and make people aware these individuals are no different to themselves.

The idea for the campaign video could be repeated weekly or monthly. Showing several different individuals days. This will make people aware of how different every case is. From suffering with depression every now and then to daily, this will raise awareness of the illness.

Case Studies - Individuals Who Suffer With Mental Health Problems

Initial Research

The stigma around mental health problems can have a devastating impact on people’s lives, a survey has found, often leaving behind a trail of break-ups, severed friendships and lost jobs. To get people talking and help break the stigma, charities have launched Time to Talk Day on Thursday.

Clive Buckenham, 48, a civil servant from Andover, Hampshire

Deian Lye-Vella, 43, a civil servant from Andover, Hampshire

Lauren Quigley, 23, a college learning facilitator from Manchester

Diagnosis: Depression and anxiety

Diagnosis: Depression

Diagnosis: Depression and anxiety

When the illness was at its worst, I would come home from work very stressed out. I would find it difficult to talk about it and that would create a lot of tension.

My wife and I divorced because of my mental health problems. After that, friends would assume I was down because of my divorce and sometimes I was but it was also because of my mental health.

My partner - and first love - was working in France. I had been struggling with the distance and my mind had started whirring with negative thoughts. She knew my history but thought it was in my past.

Andrea Wade, 23, a retail supervisor from Blackpool Diagnosis: Depression, anxiety and distress intolerance

My wife and I would end up having arguments about trivial things, like what salad to have for dinner. It would happen in a flash and I would be in tears for several hours, and end up physically drained.

I found it very hard to sit down and say all that to them. You would be exposing a part of yourself. When I opened up to one friend, she said: “What have you got to be depressed about?”

For her, it was like being caught in a violent storm, and all she could do was take cover, and try to reassure me.

I’ve told plenty of lies over the years to explain my absence - a stomach ache or my car’s broken down.

It’s so hard to live with someone who is mentally ill. The person you married has disappeared. She had got the worst of me.

Recently I told a friend the truth - that I wasn’t coming out because of my mental state. He texted back saying: “Thanks for telling me. I’ll be there when you need me. Man hugs.”

All they can do is continue to be there, and stay in it for the long haul.

Patience is good.

I’ve tried to explain my anxiety to her in a letter and emails, but she hasn’t replied. Lauren Quigley

I’ve suffered since I was a young girl and always prided myself on how well I could hide my illness. I would lie to my school friends telling them I was on holiday when I was actually an in-patient. If I was not bubbly and sociable, my friends would say I was in “death mode”. It made me feel very isolated. They’re no longer my friends - just acquaintances. It has caused lasting damage and meant I always try to pretend I’m OK now.

A week before I was due to fly out to see her, she broke up with me over Skype. I blamed myself entirely for the split, and started thinking maybe I could never have a relationship.

People need to understand that there’s a spectrum of emotions - it’s OK to feel happy, and it’s OK to feel sad.

My family and friends are very supportive so it was hard not to get the support from someone I loved.

Mental health charities are calling it Time to Talk Day on Thursdays from the 2nd of Febuary 2017, in a bid to get people across England talking about mental health problems and help break the stigma. To coincide with a big conversation in schools, universities, councils, government departments and on social media, it has released findings from a survey of 2,000 adults with a range of mental health problems. The poll found almost two fifths (38%) had been treated negatively because of their problems. Every case is different from the last. My product or service will have to cater to each individuals needs.

I’ve tried to explain my anxiety to her in a letter and emails, but she hasn’t replied. I’m very lucky to have a new partner now. She finds it really hard to fully understand my problems but she’s read up on anxiety. It’s about being there to listen - not judge.


DOCUMENTARIES Mental Health Documentaries highlighted the current servives avalible today. Different individuals views on the services today and personal experiences the have had raised awareness of the treatment consumers have received when asking for help.

*Key Takeaway: The cuts to Mental Health services affect the paitients directly and the help provided.

Failed by the NHS - BBC Documentary

Initial Research

1600 people take their own lives every year, that’s 4 people everyday under the age of 35 in the UK, and the numbers are increasing.

26 year old Jonny Benjamin, who has schizoaffective disorder - a combination of schizophrenia and depression. investigates why many young people with mental illness are failing to get the right treatment from the NHS.

“The particular issue with young people is the potential years of life that are lost, so each suicide is an individual tragedy, but for me personally when a young person takes their life that really is something we need to do our very very best to try and prevent.”

“The tricky part of it is, is that everything requires funds. Everything requires it. And if Mental Health as a whole isn’t funded adequately, all the services under the umbrella suffer, and there are cuts happening everywhere. And because of that services are being changed, thresholds are being changed, and referral criteria are changing, and the people that suffer because of that are the patients that need the greatest care.”

Kate Ferrin’s son committed suicide after ‘begging for help’ at A&E.

Only 4% of people in London receive a good transition from child services to adult from the NHS.

Mindfulness course leader. It can enable people to change the way they think and feel about their experiences, especially stressful experiences.





NHS are getting cuts year after year, and this is massively affecting patients with mental health. Individuals aren’t getting seen and mental health isn’t taken as seriously as it should.

MINDFULNESS COURSE: Individuals can go to this, in the hope it will give them a chance to escape negative thoughts and relax them.

- Online mental health assesment feature on the app? - Step-By-Step Guide to transition from child care to adult. - Pre / During / After being seen by a doctor features on the app

Get the NHS to provide the information for the App, then they can direct patients to the app, rather than individuals feeling as though the aren’t cared for / they are being pushed away.

Professor Green Suicide And Me - Channel 4 Documentary

Initial Research

UK Rapper Professor Green uncovers the truth behind the suicide of his father.

26 year old Jonny Benjamin, who has schizoaffective disorder - a combination of schizophrenia and depression. investigates why many young people with mental illness are failing to get the right treatment from the NHS.

“The particular issue with young people is the potential years of life that are lost, so each suicide is an individual

“The tricky part of it is, is that everything requires funds. Everything requires it. And if Mental Health as a whole isn’t funded adequately, all the services under the umbrella suffer, and there are cuts happening everywhere. And

Professor Green met with individuals who has suffered with mental health problems themselves. One individual now carries around a letter he has written to himself if he ever feels suicidal. As well as a list of contacts to call.

Professor Green went to a hostel which is for people who suffer with mental health issues. Volunteers talk to the individuals and help them understand they are there to help.

Different charities are working on online platforms that will help individuals recognise if someone if showing signs of suicidal behaviour or mental health problems.





Suffering in silence - The biggest problem is that people are unaware that individuals are suffering with suicidal thoughts. It can then be too late for them to turn their loves around.

Volenteers and organisations who help people with mental health problems and suicidal thoughts say that the best way to help the individuals is to sit down and talk to them, making them open up about their thoughts and feelings.

Get people to talk to one another. Get individuals who suffer with mental health problems to speak openly about their issues, this will help people who don’t suffer with these issues to understand what it is like forpeople that do and get rid of the stigma and stereotype around people that do.

The App could allow individuals to select different topics they wish to talk about, this can be filtered for the users interests and characteristics. This will allow people who want help and people who want to help to be connected to one another.

MARKET RESEARCH (MENTAL HEALTH STATISTICS) Suicide Statistics highlighted males have the largest suicide rates. Online research highlighted the gap in the market to target men before they reach a critical depressive stage, as well as eliminating existing services.

*Key Takeaway: Suicide rates are increasing and are higher in men.

Mental Health and Statistics

Initial Research

All data collected is from online articles and current statistic records. Samaritans, NHS and the Mental health Foundation were the three key platforms the information was sourced from.

Over 90% of people who die from committing suicide have a mental illness at the time of their death, and the most common mental illness is depression (Choices, 2016)

Every year more than

800,000 People die from suicide. That’s 1 death every 40 seconds.


1/2 of all chronic mental illnesses begin by the age of


1 In 4

adults experience mental illness every year. 3/4 begin by age


1 In 17

lives with a serious mental illness.

Mental Health and Statistics

Initial Research

Depression is a common mental disorder that causes people to experience depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. Suicide is a serious issues which can stem from a depressive cycle individuals feel they can no longer fight.

Depressive Thoughts Negavive thinging habits | Harsh self-criticisum | Unrealistic & unfair thoughts

Emotions Discouragement | Sadness | Numbness | Frustration

Actions Withdrawal from others | Reduced activity level | Poor self-care


25% of adults with mental health symptoms believe that others are caring and sympathetic to persons with mental illnesses

IN 2010

41.3% of adults with a serious mental illness did not receive treatment.

Mental Health and Suicide Statistics - Males


9.9 10-29 Years 3.2

Sui cid

Suicide rates in the UK: (Samaritans Suicide Statistics Report 2015) Rates are per 100,00 population





30-44 Years

45-59 Years

60-74 Years

75+ Years





25% of males stated they had suffered with depression at some point, and 41% stating they have days where they feel very depressed, only 13% have someone they can confide in. Stigma and traditional notions of masculinity often categorise depression in males as a weakness, this stigma makes males feel they are unable to speak openly about their depression, with the concern it would be shameful to ask for help.

015 n2 i es

25 %


75 % Male

Between 2003 and 2013, 18,220 people with mental health problems took their own life in the UK. This compares to 6,188 UK recorded suicides in 2014 showing the rapid increase in suicide rates. Of these 75% were male.

PRODUCT & SERVICE - IDEA BRAINSTORM Analysis of current products and services helped conclude the idea to create an App as the final product. The App is a service that can be offered to consumers for free. This is something that will push the consumers to download the App and see the effects it has.

*Key Takeaway: An App will be designed for the final Product. Providing male consumers with a platform that helps improve their lifestyle and wellbeing.

How to get rid of negative thoughts - Service

Business Insider

A psychologist reveals how to get rid of negative thoughts. Tim Wilson, a psychology professor and the author of “Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change,” shares a tactic to help overcome emotional road blocks.

“If there’s something troubling us particularly if it’s something that happened a while ago, we haven’t been able to bounce back as much as we’d have wanted to - it kind of preys on us.“

“Then these simple writing exercises can really help. One, that was developed by a social psychologist named James Pennebaker involves taking out a piece of paper, usually before people go to bed they do it.”

“They write for about 15 minutes about whatever it is that’s troubling them, and they try to do so in a why that they focus on all their deepest thoughts and feelings about this episode.”

“Sounds simple but it’s not easy to do, to really write about something negative. But if they can stick with it and do it for about two to three nights in a row, it has remarkable benefits.”

“I think why is that the people who benefit the most of those who start out writing a kind of jumbled maybe not very coherent description of whatever it is that is troubling them.”

“By the end they’ve found a new narrative, a new way of describing this event that gives it more meaning and perhaps allows them to stop thinking about it so much because they understand it a lot better. Their health afterwards, their immune systems, all these these things improve as a result. “





Spending 15 minutes to write down an event or story that has affected the individual over a period of time, will allow them to understand it and make more sense of how it has affected their feelings and thoughts. Resulting in better health.

It is the individual who is doing this to themselves, they are the ones writing down their thoughts and feelings and allowing themselves to understand a situation more. By themself, writing.

Have a feature on an App where the individual can write a series of letters to themselves, in the aim to make them understand why they feel a certain way and help them understand their thought process.

Workshops in local community areas with activities like this. Teaching individuals how to unpick an event and write the story in more depth and detail. The individuals can then share their stories at the end of the course.

Breathing Technique - Keep Individuals Calm

Business Insider

Dr. Belisa Vranich, psychologist and author of “Breathe,” explains a breathing technique that will calm you down, even in the most stressful of situations — like a battlefield.

When people suffer with anxiety, their breathing becomes heavier and they lose control of their steady breathing. This can result in panic attacks

Learning to understand how to correctly control your breath could help individuals who suffer in stressful situations.

This simple guide to breathing helps indiviudlas reach a calm state when their breathing becomes unsteady.

Holding your breath gives your lungs time to fill up with oxygen, this helps the brain to relax the rest of your body and bring your breathing back to a normal rate.

The video was posted on the Business Insider’s Facebook page to provide their followers with a step-by-step guide of how to correctly breathe when in a stressful situation.

The Video was shared over 500 times and had over 25,000 interactions with consumers.





This breathing technique was used in situations like a battlefield. The same technique is explained stepby-step for individuals to follow and try.

This simple exercise can be massively beneficial to individuals who struggle to keep their breathing steady in stressful situations. The video was short and easy to follow making more people stage engaged with it throughout.

Having an App that enables people to learn how to correctly breath could massively help people why they are in stressful situations. The App can guide the user and they are able to use it whenever they need to via their mobile device.

The exercises could last for as long as the individual needs guidance for. An App could be created where the user goes onto it when they need help breathing, and until their breathing is back to normal the App talks to them step-by-step to help them recover.

Magnetic Balls - Product

Tech Insider “These tiny magnets are perfect for people who love fidgeting.”

A busy mind will see 432 Micromagnets as a great shortterm imagination outlet in the workplace. A focused spirit with a set of 1728 Micromagnets will find countless hours of challenge, and a smart medium of creative expression.

The set comes with instructions on how to create the different shapes, as well as a card which helps the individual to create the different shaes

Individuals can create several different shapes and patterns from each other the sets of magnets. Each design is different to the last and some are more challenging than others.

The metal balls are very small, this requires the individuals full attention when playing with the products.

“The product and packaging are great, and the magnetic field viewer blew mine and my wife’s minds.”

“Swallowed magnets may stick together across intestines causing serious injury or death. Keep away from children who don’t understand this. Seek immediate medical attention of magnets are swallowed or inhaled.”





These magnetic balls provide individuals with several different combinations of patterns and objects to make. The product is aimed for people who enjoy fidgeting.

Having a product which has over 100 different objects and patterns the individual can make will keep them occupied for a long period of time. This will make them keep reusing the product.

Having a small product that was used to distract people when in stressful situations or for individuals to play with when they were at home could get rid of negative thoughts and focus their attention onto something else.

I wouldn’t include these types of balls in any products designed to help people who suffer with anxiety or stress as there has been many complaints about the safety of them, but the concept could be developed into a better product.

Fidget Cude: A Vinyl Deck Toy

Tech Insider

Fidget Cube is a desk toy for anyone who likes to fidget. Fidget Cube (patent pending) has six sides. Each side features something to fidget with. This stops individuals who find it hard to stop fidgetting picking up and playing with different things. It gives them a distraction which is subtle.

Fidget Cube is available in 10 different color schemes: Dice, Graphite, Midnight, Aqua, Sunset, Berry, Fresh, Retro, Kickstarter Edition, and Backer Designed (design voted on by the Fidget Family!).

“We are passionate about the idea that fidgeting is a process that, with the right tools and outlet, can have positive and real-life applications.”

“It was incredibly important to us that the design of Fidget Cube was one that would look great on any desk, whether that desk belonged to a student or a CEO.”

“There are really no limits to when and where you can use Fidget Cube. Use it while listening to a lecture, or while studying for that upcoming test.”

“We believe that Fidget Cube provides a tangible way to capture your floating attention, regardless of whether you fidget consciously or subconsciously.”

“When designing Fidget Cube we were inspired by research that claims fidgeting might actually help individuals focus their attention. Personally it helps us stay focused while working on projects.”





This fidget cude allows the individual to fidget in several different ways using one product.

Parts of the product are to reduce stress and because the product is so small the individual will be able to use it subtly.

Linking individuals who use the App to products such as these could resolve some of their problems of feeling anxious or stressed when going into certain situations. The comfort of having something they can fidget with to hand.

Incorporating some of these ideas into an item of clothing, or having all of these features on a pen or something the individual would be using anyway would make it less obvious they were playing with a product o help them stay calm.

VolleBak Bakers Pink Hoodie - Product

Viewpoint Journal

The ability to switch off when you need to can be key to success or survival. The Baker Miller Pink Hoodie is an experimental, high performance mid layer that’s designed to help you activate the part of your nervous system that helps you rest and recover. Once activated your body will slow your pulse, breathing and brainwaves, helping you conserve energy pre performance, maintain your focus during the event, or recover faster afterwards.

The Baker Miller Pink Hoodie is an experimental, high performance mid layer that’s designed to help you activate the part of your nervous system that helps you rest and recover.

Engineered to chill you out, the Baker Miller Pink Hoodie is the world’s most relaxing piece of technical clothing. It uses colour, sound and body position to help you rest and recover more effectively.

Just 15 minutes in a cell painted entirely in a colour named ‘Baker Miller Pink’ could calm the minds and tranquilize the muscles of even the most violent prisoners by rapidly slowing their heart rates.

Designed to induce the kind of brainwaves you’d experienced during meditation it’s constructed almost entirely from calming pink noise. Containing every frequency the human ear can hear you find pink noise throughout nature.

Sliding your hands deep into the pockets also positions your forearms over the base of your stomach so you can check it’s rising and falling with each breath, rather than shallow breathing into your chest.

VolleBak’s website have string video content. They have advertised on TV shows and with a range of promotional documentary videos.





The Bakers Pink Hoodie is one that helps you rest and recover. By allowing a small amount of light in the Baker Pink comes through the closed jacket, resulting in calm, relaxing state of mind.

This hoodie sends consumers into relaxation. The material is comfy. There is an App which comes with it which provides the consumers with a playlist on relaxation sounds.

Create a hoodie for people who suffer with mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. Create something they they can wear in the day to help them stay relaxed, as well as at night to help them sleep.

- Material that stops you from sweating (consumers can wear the jacket for longer) - oaderless - Attach front mask and back speaker to // plug headphones in

VolleBak Bakers Black Hoodie - Product

VolleBak Brand

The Condition Black Jacket is not only engineered to survive extreme ‘condition black’ experiences, but to help keep you alive in the aftermath. It offers hardcore protection when you’re pushing your limits in the mountains, backcountry or ice fields. It can be worn over any combination of base layers and mid layers, or even with a packable down jacket beneath.

The military elite have a term for your physical and mental state during life and death situations – moments in which your subconscious must choose between fight-or-flight. They call it ‘condition black.’ ‘colour - you’re about to die.’

Built for indestructibility, the Condition Black Jacket featuring ceraspace and nanosphere is like battle armour for snow sports and adventure.

The panels are cut by laser and positioned by hand at predicted impact points to limit the chance of rips that would expose you to the elements. Every panel is breathable and water resistant.

Sliding your hands into the pockets and up over your shoulders puts you in the ideal foetal position to do this. The pockets fasten magnetically and are double-lined for warmth.

Inspired by the series of instructions printed on Armstrong’s lunar glove, the left arm of our jacket carries glow in the dark instructions for when your brain and body start shutting down and you’re simply too wasted to think.

understanding the realities of how your brain and body behave under extreme stress. The Condition Black Training Program to help you acclimatise to the reduced sensory perception experienced in life and death moments.





This jacket is designed for extreme conditions. The materials used are built for ‘indestructibility’ - they are used for extreme sports such as snow sports and climbing.

The written text on the sleeve is hidden away and a unique added feature. This is an interesting way of adding a personal touch to the garment.

- Incorporate the ‘fidgeting’ products into the jacket - The hoodie can come in different colours, the textures make it stand out and wearable in all weathers -Personalised messages on the sleeve

The ‘Condition Black Training Programme’ could be altered and used to help people with a mental health illness. This could become a brand in itself which encourages individuals to come together and do different activities wearing these garments.

Smart Patch - Control Your Anxiety and Stress Levels

Now This

This Smart Patch Helps Control Anxiety And Stress This patch could manage individuals stress and anxiety levels and help them monitor them.

The military elite have a term for your physical and mental state during life and death situations – moments in which your subconscious must choose between fight-or-flight. They call it ‘condition black.’ ‘colour - you’re about to die.’

Built for indestructibility, the Condition Black Jacket featuring ceraspace and nanosphere is like battle armour for snow sports and adventure.

The panels are cut by laser and positioned by hand at predicted impact points to limit the chance of rips that would expose you to the elements. Every panel is breathable and water resistant.

Sliding your hands into the pockets and up over your shoulders puts you in the ideal foetal position to do this. The pockets fasten magnetically and are double-lined for warmth.

Inspired by the series of instructions printed on Armstrong’s lunar glove, the left arm of our jacket carries glow in the dark instructions for when your brain and body start shutting down and you’re simply too wasted to think.

understanding the realities of how your brain and body behave under extreme stress. The Condition Black Training Program to help you acclimatise to the reduced sensory perception experienced in life and death moments.





The vibrations within the ‘Smart Patch’ allow the individual to control their breathing, this helps them during times they are feeling extremely stressed or anxious. These patches are used as coping mechanisms.

The vibration could be incorporated into a mobile device, this can then be made into an App so individuals don’t have to wear the ‘smart patch’ but can just have the device with them at all times.

Experimenting with the vibrations and looking further into the technology behind this will allow me to understand the benefits of certain vibrations on the human mind and how this could be beneficial to those suffering with a mental health illness.

The technology within this device could be incorporated into pods which could then be placed in workplace environments. This would allow employees who get stressed to have ‘time-out’ in one of these pods.

Final Product & Service Idea - Lifestyle & Wellbeing App for Males

In 2016, consumers downloaded 149.3 The mobile billion mobile apps app economy to their connected maintained strong devices. In 2021, this momentum in 2016 as publishers figure is projected to continued to create apps that grow to 352.9 billion transform how we interact with the app downloads. world and each other. The forward march worldwide. of apps during the year is apparent by their significant worldwide growth across three key dimensions: usage, downloads and revenue. Given the ubiquity of mobile devices, the continued maturity and growth of the mobile app market, and Users as technology and business models download continue to evolve, apps will on average 8.8 play an even greater role in apps per month, consumers everyday with app installs life. up 5% year over year (YoY —BI Intelligence, 2015)


In a recent survey 27% of millennial males stated they would be interested in an App that recommended groups if it related to their interests. And a further 24% stated they would be interested depending on the features it had. There is an interest in this product.


8% No



Depending on features


27% Yes

WGSN CONSUMER TRENDS Mental Health Documentaries highlighted the current servives avalible today. Different individuals views on the services today and personal experiences the have had raised awareness of the treatment consumers have received when asking for help.

*Key Takeaway: The cuts to Mental Health services affect the paitients directly and the help provided.

The Great Reset AW17/18 Future Trends - The Vision


For creators, consumers and corporations, 2018 will be a year of monumental shifts set to impact design, retail and industry practices. In 2018 we will be pushing the reset button to redefine how we live, design and do business.

Our new Earth perspectives will challenge our existing relationships with nature, resulting in a fierce desire to reconnect, protect and inspect the world we live in.

Code-tocure technologies will transform the healthcare and wellness-related industries, but will not replace the importance of physical activity, as strong becomes the new healthy. Smart fabrics will shake-up the apparel industry, but will not replace the need for tactile materials. New apps and social networks will further global relationships, but our most important connection will be with nature.

The purpose of an item and its monetary worth is changing. This new value system will be based more on ethics, product life-cycles and emotional, not financial, gain.





Our connection with nature will become one of our most important. As money and it’s value focuses more of the life span of a product and it’s quality, consumers will begin to spend more time outdoors appreciating the world around them.

Nature is a powerful part of our everyday lives, but is unfortunately something that not everyone appreciates. With new technologies allowing us to see the world faster, clearer and in more engaging ways, the desire for individuals to get out and see it for themselves is increasing.

Having features on the App which make the individual go outside, go on walks and absorb their surroundings will not only allow them to appreciate the smaller things but also allow them to stay healthy and active. Providing them with suggested walk routes, local running and walking teams information will help to get them out the house.

Ask the individual to select areas of the world, selected destinations and things they want to do and log them. The App will them provide them with journey plans and accommodation recommendations. The App will help the individual save up, this will make the individual aim towards something and achieve their goals.

The Great Reset AW17/18 Future Trends - The Vision


Everyday spaces and products will have a warm, tactile quality. Sleep will increasingly be viewed as a resource, and celebrated as a place of wonder. Moments of solitude will be embraced and sought after, rather than avoided.

Future consumers will expect products with purpose, immersive environments in the home and in stores and the freedom to be, do, and buy when and where they please.

Design-to-order will be the new order, increasing customer creativity and decreasing unnecessary production. When goods are produced, they will be designed for the greater good: sustainability will become sophisticated and we will purchase beautiful, conscious products for life, not labels.

Old demographics will become obsolete, and more fluid ones will rise in their place, forcing designers and companies to rethink what they make.

Sustainability will no longer be a buzzword but an expected business practice, energised by small steps that can make a large impact.

Stablishing refugee safezones, enabling greater house-tohuman interaction, and innovating materials infused with human ingenuity.





People will begin to embrace the art of slow living. Appreciating sleep, and moments of solitude rather than trying to avoid it. Consumers will begin to slow down and think more about the purpose behind the products they are buying and the things they are doing.

‘Design-to-order will be the new order’ Consumers want originality and to embrace being different. the App will have to give each user a unique experience. Consumers want to feel ‘special’ and as if they are in control of what they are doing.

Allow the App to push individuals to live more slowly, help them to appreciate the smaller things in life and slow down with their life so they have time to learn to understand themselves; what they like and what they don’t and how they can act on this.

The App could promote new products and services that have a purpose, encouraging people to purchase goods from independent brands and truly understand what it is they’re going to get out of that product or service.

The Genderless Generation - Consumer Insight


As younger consumers question gender roles, they are seeking out versatile, and rogynous styles as a means of self discovery.

As menswear and womenswear increasingly take cues from each other, the lines dividing both categories are dissipating.

Former ideals of what menswear and womenswear is are obsolete, no longer applying to a savvier generation with little regard for preexisting social constructs.

Services such as My Kid Is Gay offer guides and stickers to help parents better understand their kids.

“The androgynous identity of my inspirational garments reinforces my belief of no-gender boundaries between men and women,� says the designer.

Showing menswear and womenswear alongside each other on the runway when you have one creative di rector helps to bui ld a cohesive brand.

Now muted shades of pink, salmon, and pastels including lavender have a new prominence in menswear and s treetinformed offerings for young men.





Genders are merging and fashion has become a way to both show and express this. Making political statements and challenging fashion rules has become more popular and is now celebrated as a powerful statement rather than seen as too controversial.

Gender roles merging together has began to take away the stigma around how men should act as individuals. The fashion world has embraced men with make up and those who wear skirts. Anything goes as the boundaries between men and women are being forgotten.

Despite the fashion world embracing this gender world, men of an older generation don’t feel as able to express themselves through what they wear and how they present themselves. But if these messages were reciprocated into the Apps branding and done in a subtle way, the messages behind the clothes will become the main focus.

Having a clothing range which is aimed at males, with subtle messages and meaning behind each garment. Merging the line between genders and allowing all ages to see this will take away the stigma and labels behind men with mental health. Buying into the brand will be a message in itself as the individual is supporting the messages.

The Vision Video S/S18 - Slow Futures


Slow future is about remembering the past, in order to to imagine the future. In 2018 we will take time to look back into archives of ideas and bring together forgotten concepts forward.

New will not necessarily mean better, as we explore the virtue of looking back again. Space will inspire in two way: by the first suborbital space tourism flights but also in creating space for emptiness and mindful wandering.

‘As our lives speed up, we will cherish and find inspiration in moments of boredom.’ - Consumers won’t feel the need to be in a rush to get to the top of their game and accomplish things as fast as they can.

‘And joy in slowness.’ - consumers will find enjoyment in taking things slow, it will be a time where we aren’t waiting for the next new things to come out so we can purchase them right away. Consumers will begin to enjoy the smaller things in life.

Products will be increasingly built to last, and for these that do not, the circular economy will extract new use from old materials.

‘We will begin to buy into buying less.’ - The concept on ‘slow living’ will be embraced and consumers will begin to purchase products that have a use or purpose.

Everyday items will be carefully edited to their essential forms and functions, as we strip away excess to focus on what is truest important to us.





The way individuals live and absorb life will become increasingly slower. They will begin to appreciate the smaller things and think more selectively about the purchases they’re making.

Slow Living is about appreciating the smaller things in life, taking each day as it comes and not wanting to achieve things as fast as possible. Consumers will become more interested about the materials used for products and the use behind things they but into. What will my App will offer consumers? What will they get from it?

Having an App which provides consumers will features which allow them to understand the concept behind ‘slow living’ and let them cherish moments in their life they wouldn’t have necessarily of appreciated before. Simply tasks such as decluttering their homes, and journaling on a regular basis will calm the individual and benefit their everyday lives.

Having a shop feature on the App which allows you to browse new products which have a purposeful use to them. Scanning your house and having the App give you potential ideas of how to rearrange your space for the best use. This will also push the individual to get rid of products they do not need and declutter their homes.

The Vision Video SS18 - Psychotropical


Psychotropical investigates the idealised nature of the future. Both real and surreal, physical and digital.

Neuropriming - stimulating the brain through pulses of energy - will transform healthcare, sports and wearables.

This allows products to alter the individuals performance and health through sending different brainwaves to the individual through wearable products.

Sensory stimulation will improve digital experiences as screens learn to touch back, but also create pleasure and a sense of euphoria.

This will allow consumers to connect to the digital experinces in a more powerful way, making the experience more life-like and merging the line between the real world and the digital.

“Phygital” will move from retail into design, as the digital increasingly incorporates the physical, becoming more lifelike and emotionally compelling.

This is escapism at its best. As we seek out sensuality and celebration inspired by nature.





New technologies will create powerful experiences for the consumer, from shopping and traveling to health care and cooking. Phygital technologies will increasingly merge the line between the digital world and the real one - allowing us to connect deeper with new products and services with these features incorporated within.

Consumers will begin to desire all products and services to provide them with an emotional connection as well as a physical one. Pushing brands to create products which provide consumers with a more meaningful outcome. My App needs to meet and go beyond the consumer’s expectations. Surprise and excite them with the features.

Including something within the App which provides the consumer with a sense of euphoria would not only help the individual overcome their depressive state of mind, but also make them trust the App and continue to use it. The AI feature on the App needs to surprise the consumer with how much they know about the individual and what they can provide them with.

Including a stimulation feature within the App allowing it to pulse and send brainwaves to the individual as they sleep would put them in a relaxation state of mind, This could be done when placing the phone under the pillow, however there could be many risks to this and would need to be researched into.

Emptiness: The New Puritan Movement - Lifestyle Futures 2016


A report on how minimal went more minimal. Consumers are opting out of the buying trap. With consumption falling, this mindset will grow and deepen as consumers look to not only trim down what they own, but also shrug off the pull of a potential purchase too. This is buying in to buying less.

Kenya Hara, art director of Muji, thinks emptiness is richer than fullness. “Emptiness – irrespective of who uses it and how – is the ultimate freedom,” he says. He uses emptiness as a design ethos. He says empty design listens, is receptive, and full of purpose.

For some time now, there has been a desire to switch off. Now, there’s a rising demand to go a step further, to go a little deeper, to achieve a sense of stillness, a state of emptiness. As life gets busier, and social media speeds up, there will be more focus on achieving an empty mindset. This is about allowing the mind to feel empty.

The less-is-more movement is fuelling the desire for emptiness. As The Guardian pointed out in Goodbye To Curtains and Clutter, we are becoming more averse to clutter. Futurist James Wallman explains, “Materialism is making us feel joyless.”

Hardcore minimalism doesn’t just free up your space; it frees your mind, too. One die-hard minimalist, also from Japan, explains, “I became a minimalist so I could let things I truly liked surface in my life.”

This isn’t just a lifestyle choice either. Design is also embracing emptiness, as it looks to offer respite with a clean and contemplative approach.

We can expect design to become emptier, more invisible, more immaterial, and stripped to a point of nothingness





Emptiness is emerging as a movement in its own right, and is impacting all sorts of different directions. As well as empty design, there is emptiness as a mindset, as a lifestyle choice, in relation to travel, and an art movement.

- Make the App design simple, with minimal colours and easy to read font - Make the App easy to use, don’t make the features confusing to understand for consumers - For the campaign imagery embrace the minimal design. Make the subject the focus point and don’t have too much more going on

- Use colours similar to this for my App - Experiment with product shots (inspired by ‘Empty Design) - Don’t make the App or the campaign content look cluttered, make it simple and aesthetically pleasing

Embracing the minimalist approach to the campaign imagery will make it a platform (especially the Instagram page) that consumers browse because it takes them to a relaxed state of mind, through the use of content and colours. The products available to purchase online will all be from brands who have a minimalist approach.

Emptiness: The New Puritan Movement - Lifestyle Futures 2016


Report continuted. Focuing on the space around us and the empty, minamilist approach many artists implement in their work today.

This idea of stripping back is happening in other areas too. Today, it seems almost a luxury not to be surrounded by objects cluttering up a space.

The darker of the two leads down to a contemplation chamber, where visitors are encouraged to lie down in the darkness and purify the mind.

Without the presence of people, these public spaces take on a stillness and a silence.

The empty art movement started back in 2013, when New York’s MET invited Instagrammers to photograph the space after hours. Transformed by the absence of people, images of a deserted MET started to pop up on social media, and since then the movement has spread.

Stripped of people, these places are untainted by activity and action, and give a rare glimpse into an untouched pocket of a place, which, in a busy world, full of busy people, feels increasingly unique. Emptiness is becoming a desirable.

This living-with-less lifestyle has only just begun. As less becomes even less, how will you engage with the consumer who wants to buy, and own, fewer things?





Having an empty space allows you to clear your mind, resulting in a calmer, more relaxing feel when in that certain environment. Artists are implementing this approach into their work, to not only invite people to experience their artwork, but to be connected with the space and clear their mind set.

Simplicity is key. Creating an App which takes the user to a place of stillness and calmness just by the design and the way they use it. It can’t be complicated and too much going on as that will confuse the user and make them stressed out. The design, colours and flow of the App is key.

I need to think carefully about the colours used and the design, I will experiment with a few different variations. It might work well to have multiple colours in the background and have it constantly moving, sending the user into this state of tranquil just by looking at it.

The feed could focus on having images which reflect this ‘minimalist’ approach. Making sure all the content reflects a calm, relaxed and aesthetically pleasing outcome. This way when users go to browse their feed they can feel this sense of meditation as well as being educated about what is in their local area.

Bored is the New Black - Lifestyle Futures 2016


Less cool, and more boring please. This report explore its benefits and how it’s trending.

Bored? Embrace it, it’s good for you.

In this connected world, new is not new for very long. What’s more, we spend on average six to seven hours on our devices every day, while 72% of UK children under 8 now own mobile phones.

The moment we wake, we reach for our phones. We check messages while we eat, and scroll through Facebook before we sleep. Tech saves us from boredom, but it seems a lack of boredom is costing us.

“I propose we think of boredom in another light: as the catalyst to creativity, as the pathway to invention, as proof that slowing time and delaying duty is a luxury in a hyperconnected world.” - Writer Ana Veciana-Suarez

Caroline Angiulo has created wander materials to help trigger the state. For employees in need of creativity, these materials are designed to evoke the imagination and provide short escape.

“When you give your mind space, your brain starts to entertain you and you come up with really cool ideas.” - Corinne Bailey Rae





Boredom, it seems, is a great source of mental nourishment and refreshment. Just like a computer that never gets reset, our brains fill up with stuff, until they begin running slower and slower.

“I think we’ve lost the capacity to be bored, to be by ourselves, or just sit and stare, we need to reclaim the ability to do that – it’s very important to our wellbeing.” - Eva Hoffman, author of How To Be Bored,

Allowing the mind to wander is stated to be good for you, and that only tends to happen when boredom settles in. Making the user of the App understand the benefits of slowing down, taking their time with different activities and giving themselves time to find out what it is that really interests & excites them will massively benefit them long term.

‘Science has only started to explore what happens to the brain during these bouts of boredom, but expect mindful wandering to emerge as the benefits mount.’ As society begins to embrace boredom, we will begin to put down our phones at times we have nothing else to distract ourselves with The App needs to encourage individuals to move away from their phone and use it only as guidance.

Hygge - The Art of Living Cosily

Upcoming Trends

Hygge is the Danish concept of living cosily and it’s set to be the biggest trend in publishing since Marie Kondourged us all to discover the joys of decluttering. It dates back to the 18th century and is loosely connected to the English word hug.

‘Hygge is about embracing things – enjoying cake, not checking work emails all weekend, spending time with friends and family. It’s about the simple, small pleasures that make life great, which perhaps sometimes pass us by.’ ‘So really it’s about cherishing yourself, battening down the hatches and snuggling up. Hygge is very much a part of Danish life, where they frequently come top in the world’s happiness polls.’

GQ MAGAZINE - A different view of ‘Hygge, saying if consumers adopt this Lifestyle they risk looking like a snob. Despire them not accepting this choice of Lifestyle, have they explored all the benefits?

Hygge trend is the antithesis of the clean-eating books that have dominated bestseller lists for months. Those ‘moments of hygge’ can be anything: a cup of coffee in front of the fire, cashmere bed socks, dinner with friends, eating ice cream, building sandcastles with your children, reading the Sunday papers, a dog asleep at your feet, hot chocolate or, of course, savouring a glass of red wine.





The way individuals live and absorb life will become increasingly slower. They will begin to apprciate the smaller things and think more selectively about the purchases they’re making.

Slow Living is about appreciating the smaller things in life, taking each day as it comes and not wanting to achieve things as fast as possible. Consumers will become more interested about the materials used for products and the use behind things they but into. What will my App will offer consumers? What will they get from it?

Having an App which provides consumers will features which allow them to understand the concept behind ‘slow living’ and let them cherish moments in their life they wouldn’t have necessarily of appreciated before. Simply tasks such as decluttering their homes, and journaling on a regular basis will calm the individual and benefit their everyday lives.

Having a shop feature on the App which allows you to browse new products which have a purposeful use to them. Scanning your house and having the App give you potential ideas of how to rearrange your space for the best use. This will also push the individual to get rid of products they do not need and declutter their homes.

QUESTIONNAIRE LIFESTYLE & WELLBEING APPS, AND CONSUMER EMOTIONS This questionnaire was conducted to see if there would be an interest in the App. Results also highlighted the issue regarding male consumers and how many feel they don’t have someone to confide in regarding their emotions.

*Key Takeaway: Male consumers are interested in an App that helps improve their Lifestyle and Wellbeing.

Questionnaire - Full Results (Part One of Three)


Questionnaire - Full Results (Part two of Three)


Questionnaire - Full Results (Part Three of Three)


SUMMARY: 25% of males stated they had suffered with depression at some point, and 41% stating they have days where they feel very depressed, only 13% have someone they can confide in. This highlights the issue regarding the stigma behind masculanity.

There is an interest in ‘Lifestyle and Wellbeing’ Apps - with 35% of individuals stating they would be interested in this sort of App, and 27% stating they would be interested depending on the features within it.

The categories that would ‘most appeal to you to be on an App’ will be implemented within the Apps features and the campaign ideas. These categories include: Food & Drinks, ‘Funny Stuff, Music, News, Travel, Technology and Sports.

CURRENT LIFESTYLE & WELLBEING APPS There are several Apps already out there aiming to help people who are suffering with a mental illness. Searching ‘depression’ into the App Store reveals a list of over one hundred services already available. Analysis of current apps helped eliminate features which aren’t successful and take influence from the features that are.

*Key Takeaway: Current Apps focus on one aspect of the users life and alter that, rather than aiming to get the user to really understand what it is that makes them happy and make sure they keep doing that.

Apps Are dying And Bots Are Replacing Them - Wired

Apps & Chatbots

Apps are dying. Long live the subservient bots ready to fulfil your every desire Apps are about to be eclipsed by a new conversational interface: bots - and they know what you need and are ready to serve

In April, Kik launched its own bot store, which has already attracted more than 20,000 bots serving CNN, Victoria’s Secret and H&M. To date, more than 1.8 billion messages have been exchanged with bots on the chat app, with users who spend 32 per cent more time chatting than non-bot users.

Libin, who is now managing director at the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based venture capital fund General Catalyst, is investing in and working with startups that he believes will take bots mainstream.

There are going to be 100 million bots. It’s going to be similar to the app gold-rush, but magnified,” says Libin “But the few hundred that are actually really good are going to be world-changing.





Bots are going to become increasingly more popular, but only the ones who excel in they way the work and the responces they make are going to be succesful.

“If I engage with a bot to do something, I don’t expect it to behave like a human, I don’t expect it to talk to me as a person would. I expect it to talk to me in a way that’s much better than what a person would.”

Get the App to message / call / interact with the user when they are not using the App. Communicate with them on a personal level with informal ways of speaking - how they would speak to a friend.

If I was to incorporate a Bot or artificial intelligence into my App I would have to provide the user with something that exceeds their expectations. Provide them with something that they didn’t think was possible from a bot.

Calm: Meditation to Relax, Focus & Sleep better

Current Apps

Calm is an app for mindfulness and meditation to bring more clarity, joy and peace to users daily life. With guided meditations and Sleep Stories. Calm is the perfect meditation app for beginners, but also includes hundreds of programs for intermediate and advanced meditators and gurus. Guided meditation sessions are available in lengths of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 minutes so users can choose the perfect length to fit with yoschedule.

Daily Calm: a 10-minute program added daily to help ease you into the day or unwind with before bed.

Unguided and guided timed meditation sessions, a variety for the individual to choose from.

Sleep Stories: adult bedtime stories guaranteed to lull you to sleep

7 day and 21 programs for both beginner and advanced users.

25+ soothing nature sounds and scenes to use during meditation, yoga or to help individuals sleep.

Breathing exercises to relax for individuals to do for as long as they wish.





- The App allows the individual to choose what activity they do and how long for - There are different levels of intensities for beginners and more advanced meditators - Each activity results in the individual going into a meditated stae of mind and helps them sleep better

- The stories might not appeal to all consumers as they are quite slow and require your full attention - Some of the activities require you to find a quite space with a space where you won’t be distracted

If they added to the breathing exercises, and offered users simple 2-5 minute exercises they could do during the day this would allow them to control their breathing and feel more relaxed throughout the day.

- Other Apps offering similar meditation techniques - Apps that offer more features and better stories to help the users relax

Headspace: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness

Current Apps

Meditation made simple. Guided meditations suitable for all levels from Headspace. Meditation can help improve your focus, exercise mindful awareness, relieve anxiety and reduce stress. People have been meditating for thousands of years. But while the practice is not new, science is just starting to fully understand its benefits. Recent studies show meditation and mindfulness can help you stress less, love more and even sleep better.

Personalised progress page to track your stats in different areas.

Free access to Take10, the first level of our Foundation Course - learn the basics in 10 x 10 minute meditation exercises designed for beginners.

Options for you to continue your journey after Take10, with inspiring packs and one-off sessions on a range of topics such as stress relief, happiness, mental health and appreciation.

A variety of different topics which guide you through each and give syou advice on what to do - you have to subscribe to get these features.

Buddy system for you and your friends to motivate each other on your Headspace Journey.

Short meditation activities designed for children. Allowing users to introduce meditation to their children with topics such as calm, kindness and bedtime.

Online engagement with consumers - Social Platforms





The individual is taken to a new stage after each completed activity. This gives them a sense of achievement and pushes them to continue to use the App. Allowing them to choose which series of activities they want to do gives them a sense of power over what they are deciding to do.

You are constantly reminded you have to pay to unlock other levels, this will put consumers off actually trailing the App before making their decision in purchasing the full thing.

They are targeting the App at a range of different consumers as they have incorporated a ‘Kids’ section. This gives them the opportunity to branch out and reach even more consumers or focus on one and add more features.

Other Apps which have stronger visuals and just focus on either an adult to child consumer. Apps with less pop-ups asking the user to purchase the full version might be preferred by other individuals.

BetterHelp - Online Counselling and Therapy

Current Apps

Facing obstacles alone can be daunting. Support and guidance from a professional counselor has been shown to make big changes BetterHelp was created so anyone can have convenient, discreet, and affordable access to professional help. There are over 750 counselors in BetterHelp, all of which are licensed, trained and experienced. After you sign up, users are matched to an available counselor who fits their objectives, preferences, and the type of issues they are dealing with.

You can sign up, get matched, get to know your counselor, and start working with your counselor - all for free.

Personal Questions are asked to make sur eyou are matched up with the correct adviser.

Better Help offers support and guidance from a professional counsellor. After a set of initial CBT questions you are referred to the correct help.

Once you have signs in and answered all the questions your counselor will help you learn about the issues that hold you back and prepare you to move forward.

Some people have 3-4 short interactions every week, while others prefer to have one very long and thorough session.

You will write about yourself, the things going on in your life, ask questions and discuss the issues that trouble you.





This App provides consumers with Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) questions. These questions are to help the App understand how the individual is feeling and make sure they get the correct help.

Some of the questions might be too personal and scare individuals off initially, asking very personal questions straight away might make the user unsure if they should continute answering the questions.

This App connects individuals with the correct help, with over 750 counsellors, this could be a service which is used instead of continuous therapy sessions, or for individuals to use once they have stopped having therapy to make sure they stay on track.

Other online therapy Apps.

Babylon Health – Doctor & Symptom Checker

Current Apps

The Babylon doctor app combines the latest technology with the medical knowledge of our doctors to make healthcare affordable and more accessible for everyone, everywhere. Babylon offers a quick, easy, flexible and affordable way to talk to a therapist about a range of mental health conditions including anxiety, stress, and depression. If you or someone you know would benefit from talking to a therapist, you can do so using babylon confidentially from the comfort of your home via a video or phone consultation.

Monitor your health by tracking daily activities and key body functions. Ready to integrate with existing Health Apps and Wearables, including Health Kit.

Check hundreds of millions of symptoms in real time.

Consult with a doctor or therapist & get medical advice quickly via the babylon doctor app. Health advice available from leading UK doctors, therapists and medical specialists.

Text your health-related questions to a doctor/ clinician for free.

Video or phone consultations with qualified doctors within minutes.

Specialist/therapist appointments available. Users are able to book appointments via the app.





Babylon allows healthcare more affordable, and saves individuals time by bringing the doctor to their phone. The chatbot can refer the individual to the correct medical therapist based on the conversation the user has with the chatbot. This makes the individual feel as though the App has fully understood their needs and directed them to the correct help.

- Some individuals might not like speaking to a ‘chatbot’ - Some individuals might get directed to someone they don’t think is beneficial (e.g a therapist rather than a GP.)

- This individual can save their medical records onto the device, this can help the App filter them more directed information - The Video call option can help the App know if people are in serious danger

- Other Apps which offer similar services - Apps which allows the individual to speak to a real person rather than a chatbot

Memorado Brain Training for Memory & Mindfulness

Current Apps

A stronger brain leads to a better life. Improve your memory, concentration, reaction, logic and mathematical skills with 24 fun and challenging mind games over 720 levels. Track your statistical progress as you play your way towards a sharper mind. Memorado now includes Mindfulness meditation exercises. Clear your mind and de-stress with meditation sessions, relaxing games and our daily Mindfulness tips.

Based on the science of neuroplasticity, studies have shown that brain training can improve working memory and increase fluid intelligence.

Over 720 levels within 24 mind games to train memory, logic, concentration, reaction and mathematical skill.

Four soothing and simple Mindfulness exercises to lower stress and restore mental balance.

Statistics to show your strong areas and the potential for improvement.

Individuals can set up training reminds on their device so they are reminded daily to use the app.

Users are asked what they would like to improve on, this then filters the app to what activities and games are given to users.





- There is a range of different games so the individual won’t get board of playing the same game over and over again - The Individual can select what they would like to improve a the beginning so the features and games are filtered to their needs

- Some individuals might not like the idea of ‘playing a game’ even if it is to help your mind - The games at the beginning are a lot more simpler, this might put people off as they think they games aren’t challenging enough

- With over 720 levels, the individual can work themselves up to be able to complete the hardest games, this will show them their brain is improving - Statistic to show the individuals progression will show they the App really is helping them

- Games that are more complex or visually more interesting might appeal to more individuals - Other Apps which offer ‘meditation’ through a game or concentration on a certain activity

Simple Habit - Meditation & Guided Mindfulness

Current Apps

Simple Habit is a meditation app designed for busy people. users are advised to use the app for as little as just 5 minutes/day, designed by a Harvard psychologist. The app results in reduced stress, improved focus, and individuals have said it provide them with a better sleep and lots more.

Daily Calm: a 10-minute program added daily to help ease you into the day or unwind with before bed. You have to pay to unlock these.

individuals can choose where, why and what type of meditation they way to do and at what point of the day.

Guided meditations for specific life situations (wake-up, commute, tough day at work, and more)

A breathing exercise is quick and simple, providing users with an exercises they can decide how long they do it for.

New meditation guides by the world’s best teachers, from mindfulness experts at Google to former monks

The explore section allows users to browse through different podcats, meditation techers stories and different meditation activities.

Online engagement with consumers - Social Platforms





- The App is designing for busy people to people can use it on the go, whenever they want - Some activities only take up 5 minutes of the user time - The App was designed by a Harvard Psychologist

- Some of the text is very hard to read because it is so small, this would put some users off using the App - You have to pay to unlock a lot of features on the App

- The explore feed allows users to browse through different meditation routines / inspirational speakers et. if this feed was filtered so it was aimed more at the individual it would be more useful to them - Pop up reminders could get the individual to do more 5 minute activities when they’re on the go

- Apps which don’t make users pay as much could appeal to mote individuals - An App which focuses on one feature (Inspirational Speakers / Meditation Routines / Breathing Exercises)

MindMate Makes a difference. Every day - Memory

Current Apps

Mind Mate was designed to help individuals who already live with an early stage of dementia. The MindMate App provides a unique everyday-tools package. This package contains tools to make notes, todo lists and helpful, customisable reminders, for uders to play games, listen to music and browse through recipes.

Users can build their life story, which can be shared with your family and friends. You can also store all the personal information, such as preferred food, favorite music etc.

You are asked a few personal questions so the App can use your name when logging information about the user.

The App gives you the option to use it as a family member or carer, someone who wants to keep their mind in shape, or someone who is living with a memory problem.

Individuals collect points along the way so they can unlock new games. This makes users continue to play and reveal more games the more they play.

Users can watch, listen, dance and sing along with your loved-one to the greatest movies and hits from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. You can then test your knowledge with our music quizzes!

The MindMate App provides you with physical exercises and nutrition advice to help you live a healthier lifestyle and stay physically, and mentally fit.

Online engagement with consumers - Social Platforms





- The App was designed by a Harvard Psychologist- The App is designed for people who are already suffering with early stages of Dementia, it helps them control it and aims to reduce the process - The App was designs by three young individuals who had someone close to them who suffered wiTh Dementia, they asked them questions and saw first hand what things would help them via an App

- The concept of collecting money as a reward might not be beneficial to someone who has Dementia, as their concept of money will disappear and this wan’t be seen as a reward to them - Some of the graphics and visuals are too basic an inconsistent - The colours used are a bit too random and merge in with the text

Having an App which is targeted at individuals who already suffer with Dementia is an amazing thing to offer to people, focusing more n the parts that are beneficial to the individuals such as the brain training games and the music features could result in better outcomes, rather than having features like food which wouldn’t be beneficial to people who are unable to cook for themselves anymore.

- Apps which have better visuals and a more professional design might appeal to more people - An App which is easier to follow and easier to read - Apps which have games targeted more at training the brain and keeping it active, rather than a game which rewards the individual with ‘points’ and ‘money’ - Apps which track the individuals process

7 Cups Anxiety, Stress & Depression Chat & Therapy

Current Apps

“Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Having relationship problems? Sometimes you need to vent. Finding and scheduling a therapist can be time-consuming and expensive, and you can’t always open up to friends, family, or coworkers. Now you can get emotional support anytime, anywhere with 7 Cups. This app gives you the help you need, fast and free, in a way that fits your life.”

Access online message therapy with licensed therapists. “Talking anonymously with a listener made me feel safe enough to really open up.”

Personalised progress page to track your stats in different areas.

Chat 1-1 with a listener any time. Get personalised care with a free wellness test.Making schedulling a therapist easier.

Boost your mood with simple activities.

Calm yourself with 300 free mindfulness exercises.

Their listeners are volunteers. They aren’t getting paid; they’re here because they want to help.

Online engagement with consumers - Social Platforms

“I can just message on my way home from work and it isn’t inconvenient like scheduling a therapist.”





- The App sends you messages every now and then to check how you’re feeling, even when you have stopped using the App to make sure you are still okay - The App is fast, and can give you and answer straight away, about any issues the user is having

- Some individuals might not like the App sending them notifications, especially after they have stopped using the App - There is a range of different things the App can help the user with, from relationships, to depression

- The designs could be changed to target more people, some individuals might not like the ‘sun in the sky’ approach - The App could be used by a lot of individuals, if it was advertises more as a ‘friend’ or ‘guidance App’ this might make more people try speaking to it and see the results and responces

- An App which is targetted more as people who need medical help - Other Apps offering similar features

Movember Mobile

Current Apps

Having fun and doing good this Movember is much better when you’re on the move. The Movember mobile app gives Mo Bros and Mo Sistas the tools needed to track and manage their Movember journey no matter where they are. ‘Join the moustache movement that is changing the face of men’s health.’

Log how many steps you did on your walk. Upload any comments or images relating to your move.

Personalised progress page to track your stats in different areas.

Locate events that are happening during Movember .

Personalise your Mo Space fundraising page: add photos, share your Movember motivation and set yourself a fundraising target.

Track your donations and your progress towards your fundraising target.

Create a movie of your Mo growth over the month and share it with the world.

Post comments and pictures to your Mo Space page, other people’s pages and your team’s page. Share the link to your Mo Space page quickly and easily via social media and messaging apps.

Online engagement with consumers - Social Platforms





- Movember App has many features making it appeal to a range of people, you can add photos to make it more personal. Tracking your process of walks / runs shows the individual a history of their exercise process. Being able to donate makes the individual know they are helping

- Putting in the distance the individual has walked / ran is a bit difficult - The colours are very dark and dull

- If the App was connected the the phones GPS it could automatically put in the individuals walk and save the route - Having more groups aimed at different people could result in more users chatting to one another about similar interests

- Woman might not want to use the App because the charity is aimed at men (there is an option for woman to join but this isn’t clear as it’s design looks as if it is mainly advertised at men) - Apps which don’t make the individual feel as if they have to donate money to the charity

CURRENT CHARITIES Analysis of current charities; their aims and campaigns, concluded the importance of making sure that the campaign brings individuals together that have been through similar experiences. This enables consumers to feel comfortable at any big events as their know everyone if there for the same reason; to support the charity and those affected by the issues raised by the charity.

*Key Takeaway: The brands / charities tone of voice has to be consistent, making sure each campaign has the same objective and is done is a sensitive way.

Mind Mate - Mental Health Service

What’s already being done?

MindMate is a Leeds-based website, for young people, their families and the professionals who support them. Helping individuals explore emotional wellbeing and mental health issues and offering information about where support is available.

I heard about MindMate in the ‘Failed by the NHS’ documentary, where they participated in a course that told young children about the service and ran a workshop with them.

“We work with individuals to develop our tone voice and decide on more straightforward terms like ‘feeling sad’ instead of ‘depression.”

“We work with individuals to decide how the site should look. They told us it should be simple, easy to use, bright and accessible, without being kiddie.”

“Every word, link and resource we use is approved by young people – whether it was written for them or it’s a resource that MindMate is recommending for professionals to use with children and young people.”

“We had to make sure that every section was truly useful so we worked with young people, professionals and parents/ carers every step of the way, using their advice to make MindMate even better.”

MindMates key partners includes Leeds City Council, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, GPs, YoungMinds, The Market Place and other third sector organisations.





Mind Mate helps support individuals who suffer with mental helath problems and their familes.

Mind Mate make sure they speak to their target market directly. This allows them to get the most reliable data for them to then work with.

Speak to individuals who suffer with mental health problems to see what they think of the app / get the terminology correct.

Include top tips and push notifications via an App to keep the individual uplifted throughout their day. This will also make them aware they are in the process of getting better and getting the help they need.

Young Minds - Mental Health Charity

What’s already being done?

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Driven by their experiences we campaign, research and influence policy and practice.

YoungMinds analysis reveals that many local health bodies are diverting some of the new funding received for children’s mental health services to other priorities.

Heads Together is a mental health campaign led by The Royal Foundation in partnership with YoungMinds and seven other charities. The aim of the campaign is to challenge mental health stigma and change the national conversation on mental wellbeing.

Young Minds address the problems by providing viewers with key statistics and shocking information regarding mental health.

Providing viewers with this information shows they are aware of all the issues that stem from individuals who suffer with mental health problems.

Their ‘Impact reports are avalible online. This gives viewers in-depth information about Young Minds plans and aims.

Different features are avalible online, putting individuals in contact with the correct people, giving them advice in their diet and lifestyle.





Providing support for parents, training for professionals and a range of opportunities for young people to improve services and campaign for change. Young people are at the heart of everything Young Minds do. .

Providing people with statistics and information on people with mental health will shock individuals but make people aware that the brand is aware of the issues.

For the marketing material use statistics and figures to shock viewers about how many people suffer from mental health issues.

Have an App which focuses on the different aspects of the individuals life. From food, to fitness routines, to chatting to individuals who can help the individual.

Movember Foundation - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Current Brands

The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years. Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50. Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute. Movember are working toward a world where men and boys take action to be mentally healthy and well, and are supported by their friends, family and community during tough times. We’re working to immediately stop the increase in male suicide rates.

Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing this health crisis and it’s not being talked about.”

Stories from individuals of all ages are visable for viewers to read.

Stories from woman who have been affected or lost a male close to them in their life because of an illness are also visable throughout the website. Reading it from a family or friends perspective.

We report on all the initiatives we fund to hold ourselves accountable and to ensure that we’re always assessing the success of those initiatives, learning, and improving. All their report are avalible online.

Funded Research // Knowledge Mobilisation// Networking & Collaboration // Infrastructure

“We can’t afford to stay silent.”

The Movember Foundation aim to, give men the facts - Change behaviour for the better - Create services that work for men - Bring the brightest minds together - Listen to the community and advocate for men

Movember Foundation - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Current Brands

Globally, the rate of suicide is alarmingly high, particularly in men. Around the world, on average we lose a man to suicide every minute of every day. Three out of four suicides are men. Too many are toughing it out and struggling alone.

The Movember Foundation have a variety of different individuals stories for people to read and connect with. Allowing people to hear first hand what it’s like to like with a mental health problem and depression.

The Movember Foundation is uniquely placed to address the crisis at a global level. Funding programmes all over the world, engaging with men where they are, to understand what works best, to help make change happen sooner.

By 2030 the Movember Foundation aim to reduce the rate of male suicides by 25%. “What does this future look like? Half as many men dying from prostate and testicular cancer. Half as many men suffering serious side effects as a result of their treatment. A quarter fewer men dying from suicide.”

Around the world, the Movember Foundation laid out thousands of shoes on beaches, in cities and on the steps of parliament buildings to symbolise the men who die by suicide each month.

Their Investment strategy is avalible online, highlighting their plans and how they’re going to put them into place.

TED TALKS TED Talks highlighted new technology discoveries with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Face recognition. The worries of robots with machine learning was raised, but the overall benefits of AI and EI and how they can benefit our everyday lives cemented the idea to include these features within the App.

*Key Takeaway: AI and EI are changing the health care services for the better, and the discoveries of what machine learning can do is continuing to evolve.

Jeremy Howard (The Wonderful and Terrifying Implications of Computers That Can Learn) Dec. 2014

TED Talks

Jeremy Howard shares some surprising new developments in the fast-moving field of deep learning, a technique that can give computers the ability to learn Chinese, or to recognise objects in photos, or to help think through a medical diagnosis.

“Arthur Samuel - wanted the computer to beat him at checkers, so he got the computer to play against itself a thousand times”

“Deep learning is an algorithm inspired by how the human brain works, and as a result it’s an algorithm which has no theoretical limitations on what it can do.”

“The more data you give it and the more computation time you give to it, the better it gets.”

“Richard Rashid created a machine that learnt how to speak Chinese. He shown this to a machine learning conference in China.”

“Deep learning is an extraordinary thing. It’s a single algorithm that can seem to do almost anything.”

“Using a Stanford-based system showing the red dot at the top, deep learning can figure out if a sentence is expressing negative sentiment.”

Jeremy Howard (The Wonderful and Terrifying Implications of Computers That Can Learn) Dec. 2014

Arthur Samuel - wanted the computer to beat him at checkers, so he got the computer to play against itself a thousand times, and by 1962 the computer had beaten the connetic state champion. Getting machines to solve problems. Machine learning such as Amazon, Facebook will suggest things which might interest the individual through using the power of machine learning, these are algorithms that have learned how to do this from data rather than being programmed by hand. I am a machine learning practitioner. I was the president of Kaggle, a community of over 200,000 machine learning practictioners. Kaggle puts up competitions to try and get them to solve previously unsolved problems, and it’s been successful hundreds of times. Perhaps the first big success of machine learning commercially was Google. Google showed that it is possible to find information by using a computer algorithm, and this algorithm is based on machine learning. Since that time, there have been many commercial successes of machine learning. Companies like Amazon and Netflix use machine learning to suggest products that you might like to buy, movies that you might like to watch. Sometimes, it’s almost creepy. Companies like LinkedIn and Facebook sometimes will tell you about who your friends might be and you have no idea how it did it, and this is because it’s using the power of machine learning. These are algorithms that have learned how to do this from data rather than being programmed by hand.

Deep learning is an algorithm inspired by how the human brain works, and as a result it’s an algorithm which has no theoretical limitations on what it can do. **The more data you give it and the more computation time you give to it, the better it gets** Computers can listen and understand. ‘Deep Learning’ Richard Rashid - he created a machine that learnt how to speak Chinese. He shown this to a machine learning conference in China. Deep learning is an extraordinary thing. It’s a single algorithm that can seem to do almost anything, and I discovered a year earlier that it had also learnt to see. In this obscure competition from Germany called the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark, deep learning had learnt to recognise traffic signs. Not only could it recognise the traffic signs better than any other algorithm, the leader board showed it was better than people - about twice as good as people. So by 2011 they had the first example of computers that can see better than people. In 2012 Google announced that they had a deep learning algorithm watch YouTube videos, and crunched the data on 16,000 computers for a month, and the computer independently learnt about concepts such as people and cats, just by watching the videos. Deep learning algorithms learnt for themselves what things were.

TED Talks: Full Notes

Baidu - upload an image to Baidus deep learning system and it finds similar pictures. Complex, nuanced sentences are now understandable with deep learning algorithms. Using a Stanford-based system showing the red dot at the top, deep learning can figure out if a sentence is expressing negative sentiment. Deep learning is near human performance at understanding what sentences are about and what it is saying about those things. Human performance grows at this gradual rate, but we not have a system, deep learning, that we know actually grows in capability exponentially. And we’re here. The better computers get at intellectual activities, the more they can build better computers to be at intellectual capabilities. The Machine Learning Revolution is going to be very different from the Industrial Revolution, because the Machine Learning Revolution, it never settles down. The better computers get at intellectual activities, the more they can build better computers to be better at intellectual capabilities, so this is going to be a kind of change that the world has actually never experienced before, so your previous understanding of what’s possible is different.




Deep learning is a single algorithum which is aable to learn about anything. Allowing the algothiums to watch videos lets the learn about different concepts an recognise differen sinarious. Using this technology we are able to teach devices anything we feed them, and using deep learning they are abe to learn faster and more efficiently than humans.

Using deep learning will allow te App to learn and store all information provided by the users, linking it up with as many social channels as possible and giving the App acces to GPS location, the camera roll and even access to emails will prvide the user with a more more direct and flitered suggestions to help the individual.

Since this talk many developers have incorporated deep learning into their systems and created some amaing algorithms that have helped in health care and everyday life. My App will contine to develop and the algorithm will be altered depending on new discoveries and any changed that need to be made.

Sam Harris (Can We Build AI Without Losing Control Over It?) June 2016

TED Talks

Jeremy Howard shares some surprising new developments in the fast-moving field of deep learning, a technique that can give computers the ability to learn Chinese, or to recognise objects in photos, or to help think through a medical diagnosis.

“‘One of the things that worries me most about the development of Al at this point, is that we seem unable to marshal an appropriate emotional response to the dangers that lie ahead.’”

“We are going to risk what the mathematician IJ Good called an “intelligence explosion,” that the process could get away from us.”

“We have already built narrow intelligence into our machines, and many of these machines perform at a level of superhuman intelligence already.”

“If intelligence is just a matter of information processing, and we continue to improve our machines, we will produce some what of superintelligence.”

“They’ll be grafted on to our brains, and we’ll essentially become their limbic systems.”

“The deeper problem is building superintelligent AI on its own seems likely to be easier than building superintelligent AI and having a completely different neuroscience that allows us to seamlessly integrate our minds with it.”

Sam Harris (Can We Build AI Without Losing Control Over It?) June 2016

It’s as though we stand before two doors. Behind door number one, we stop making progress in building intelligent machines. Our computer hardware and software just stops getting better for some reason. Now take a moment to consider why this might happen. I mean, given how valuable intelligence and automation are, we will continue to improve our technology if we are at all able to.What could stop us from doing this? A full-scale nuclear war? A global pandemic? An asteroid impact? Justin Bieber becoming president of the United States? The point is, something would have to destroy civilisation as we know it. You have to imagine how bad it would have to be to prevent us from making improvements in our technology permanently, generation after generation. Almost by definition, this is the worst thing that’s ever happened in human history. We’re going to build superhuman machines, says Harris, but we haven’t yet grappled with the problems associated with creating something that may treat us the way we treat ants. ‘One of the things that worries me most about the development of Al at this point, is that we seem unable to marshal an appropriate emotional response to the dangers that lie ahead.’

At a certain point we will build machines that are smarter than we are, and once we have machines that are smarter than we are, they will begin to improve ourselves. And then we risk what the mathematician IJ Good called an “intelligence explosion,” that the process could get away from us. I bet there are those of you who doubt that super intelligent AI is impossible, much less inevitable. But then you just fine something wrong with one of he following assumptions. And there are only three of them. Intelligence is a matter of information processing in physical systems. We have already built narrow intelligence into our machines, and many of these machines perform at a level of superhuman intelligence already. And we know that mere matter can give rise to what is called “general intelligence,” an ability to think flexibly across multiple domains. We will eventually build general intelligence into our machines. If intelligence is just a matter of information processing, and we continue to improve our machines, we will produce some what of superintelligence. And we have no idea how long it will take us to create the conditions to do that safely.

TED Talks: Full Notes

Another reason we’re told not to worry is that these machines can’t help but share our values because they will be literally extensions of ourselves. They’ll be grafted on to our brains, and we’ll essentially become their limbic systems. Now take a moment to consider that the safest and only prudent path forward, recommended, is to implant this technology directly into our brains. Now, this may in fact be the safest and only prudent path forward, but usually ones safest concerns about a technology have to be pretty much worked out before you stick it inside your head. The deeper problem is building superintelligent AI on its own seems likely to be easier than building superintelligent AI and having a completely different neuroscience that allows us to seamlessly integrate our minds with it. And given that the companies and governments doing this work are likely to perceive themselves as being in a race against all others, given that to win this race is to win the world, provided you don’t destroy it in the next month, then it seems likely that whatever is easier to do will get done first.





Sam Harris believes we are going to reach a point where we build devices which become more intelligent that humans, ultimately allowing them to use us, rather then us use them, resulting in AI take over - and “intelligence explosion”

Despite this being a negative view on AI, I believe this can but turned into a massively positive aspect. We have the ability to create “super human machines” we can feed them selected information, so why not feed them information that is going to benefit us, and help us discover new technologies. Working as a team with these technologies will only enhance the systems we create, if we focus on creating beneficial systems this can only be a good thing.

If we teach our AI systems and devices more about ethical and morals foundations, as well as teaching them theories of the mind, will the result in machines that know the dangers and effects of doing anything negative or dangerous towards human beings. If we teach them morals as well as the information we want the to know (medical / mechanical / predicting failures / languages) they won’t try and out smart us to ‘take-over’ but to help.

For the App, having a deep learning algorithm incorporated within it will allow it to store as much information / data as we provide it. If we also include systems that have theories of the mind / have an ethical and moral foundation / can predict failures and act upon this in advance, this will result in a device that can massively benefit people who are suicidal and give them the most directed, constructive and powerful help.

Rana el Kaliouby (This App Knows How You Feel - From The Look On Your Face) May 2015

TED Talks

Our emotions influence every aspect of our lives — how we learn, how we communicate, how we make decisions. Yet they’re absent from our digital lives; the devices and apps we interact with have no way of knowing how we feel. Scientist Rana el Kaliouby aims to change that.

“Our emotions also influence how we connect with one another.” “I want to bring emotions back into our digital experiences.”

“What if our technology could sense our emotions? What if our devices could sense how we felt and reacted accordingly, just the way an emotionally intelligent friend would?”

“We’ve collected it from 2.9 million face videos, people who have agreed to share their emotions with us, and from 75 countries around the world. It’s growing every day.”

“Women are more expressive than men. Not only do they smile more, their smiles last longer, and we can now really quantify what it is that men and women respond to differently.”

“I think five years down the line, all our devices are going to have an emotion chip, and we won’t remember what it was like when we couldn’t just frown at our device and our device would say, “Hmm, you didn’t like that, did you?”

“We’ve made this technology available so that other developers can get building and get creative. The more people who know about this technology, the more we can all have a voice in how it’s being used.”

Rana el Kaliouby (This App Knows How You Feel - From The Look On Your Face) May 2015

Our emotions also influence how we connect with one another. We’ve evolved to live in a world like this, but instead, we’re living more and more of our lives like this — this is the text message from my daughter last night — in a world that’s devoid of emotion. So I’m on a mission to change that. I want to bring emotions back into our digital experiences I realised I was spending more hours with my laptop than I did with any other human. Yet despite this intimacy, my laptop had absolutely no idea how I was feeling. It had no idea if I was happy, having a bad day, or stressed, confused, and so that got frustrating. Today’s technology has lots of I.Q., but no E.Q.; lots of cognitive intelligence, but no emotional intelligence. So that got me thinking, what if our technology could sense our emotions? What if our devices could sense how we felt and reacted accordingly, just the way an emotionally intelligent friend would? Those questions led me and my team to create technologies that can read and respond to our emotions, and our starting point was the human face. So our human face happens to be one of the most powerful channels that we all use to communicate social and emotional states, everything from enjoyment, surprise, empathy and curiosity. In emotion science, we call each facial muscle movement an action unit.

We give our algorithms tens of thousands of examples of people we know to be smiling, from different ethnicities, ages, genders, and we do the same for smirks. And then, using deep learning, the algorithm looks for all these textures and wrinkles and shape changes on our face, and basically learns that all smiles have common characteristics, all smirks have subtly different characteristics. And the next time it sees a new face, it essentially learns that this face has the same characteristics of a smile, and it says, “Aha, I recognize this. This is a smile expression.” So, so far, we have amassed 12 billion of these emotion data points. It’s the largest emotion database in the world. We’ve collected it from 2.9 million face videos, people who have agreed to share their emotions with us, and from 75 countries around the world. It’s growing every day. So what have we learned to date? Gender. Our data confirms something that you might suspect. Women are more expressive than men. Not only do they smile more, their smiles last longer, and we can now really quantify what it is that men and women respond to differently. Let’s do culture: So in the United States, women are 40 percent more expressive than men.

TED Talks: Full Notes

Emotion-enabled wearable glasses can help individuals who are visually impaired read the faces of others, and it can help individuals on the autism spectrum interpret emotion, something that they really struggle with. In education, imagine if your learning apps sense that you’re confused and slow down, or that you’re bored, so it’s sped up, just like a great teacher would in a classroom. What if your wristwatch tracked your mood, or your car sensed that you’re tired, or perhaps your fridge knows that you’re stressed, so it auto-locks to prevent you from binge eating. I think five years down the line, all our devices are going to have an emotion chip, and we won’t remember what it was like when we couldn’t just frown at our device and our device would say, “Hmm, you didn’t like that, did you?” Our biggest challenge is that there are so many applications of this technology, my team and I realise that we can’t build them all ourselves, so we’ve made this technology available so that other developers can get building and get creative. The more people who know about this technology, the more we can all have a voice in how it’s being used. I want those devices that have separated us to bring us back together. And by humanising technology, we have this golden opportunity to reimagine how we connect with machines, and therefore, how we, as human beings, connect with one another.





Having technology that can use emotional intelligence to enhance the data it has stored on an individual will allow the algorithm to understand the user on a more personal level. Using deep learning will allow it to store the data it has and recognise what content made the user feel a certain way. This can be used to make sure the content the user is being shown i something that is having a positive impact.

Rana El Kaliouby’s team have made this technology (emotional intelligence) accessible to over developers, as they know the positive possibilities are endless. If I was to incorporate this technology into my App it would allow it to store more precise and more in-depth data about the user. It would allow the App to learn about the user faster and more efficiently.

All phones are predicted they will have an emotionally intelligence chip incorporated within them in the next 5 years time. Despite this being a long time away I need to consider if it would be best to bring my App out around this time for full impact. This would be a time people are more likely to not think twice about allowing an App to have access to their camera for data purposes.

Rana El Kaliouby’ stated this idea came from feeling home sick and being frustrated her computer and her family didn’t know how she was truly feeling. If you could store the data receive from the emotional intelligence, this could be viewed by selected people (family members / friends / doctors) This would give people a real insight to how people are truly feeling on a day-today basic. Parents could use this to monitor their kids and notice signs of bullying and prevent child suicides.

APP DESIGN ONE Taking the inspiration from TED Talks and the research into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) the first App mockup reflects the SMS feature that uses AI to store data the individual give the App and responds based on the App.

*Key Takeaway: “Data is worth more than currency�

First App Visuals - Artificial Intelligence Messaging System

App Visuals

I wanted to represent the Artificial Intelligence messaging feature which will be incorporated within the App. The concept behind it is for the App to check up on the individual, and then get them to reply with images and notes which will be added to a ‘Memory Album’ The App will ask the user to select an emotion to best describe how they are feeling at that moment in time, if they respond with a negative emotion they will then get sent content from their ‘Memory Album’ to alter their mood.





Press for more



Wednesday 1st February

Wednesday 25th January

John Hello! Have you had a nice day in Preston with Reece? John

“AI” Would Like to Access the Camera



Wednesday 25th January

Wednesday 12th January


John I'm glad you have had a nice day in Preston with Reece! Did you take any photos? I can add them to your Memory Album. John Press for more

Wednesday 1st February MESSAGES

Hello Georgina, How are you feeling today? John


John Don't feel down, Georgina. Remember how much you enjoyed Preston with Reece last week! Do you want to send him this picture? I'm sure he'd love to see it! John Press for more

This allows “AI” to keep selected images stored, send your friends & family images and keep track of where you’ve been.

Don’t Allow



Users are asked if ‘AL’ can access their photos, GPS, contacts, calander and more, for the deep learning concept to work Users can update their calendar, linking it with their Facebook, Google Account, and their devices current planner

‘AI’ asks the user about their events logged in their calander

‘AI’ asks the user to reply with photos or notes from certain events. This then gets saved to the App and the data is stored

The user is asked how they are feeling - clicking on the emotion they are feeling at that moment in time

Based on the users respond ‘AL’ responds with a positive comment, showing them data that has been stored in the App

First App Visuals - Flow Chat & Name For App

App Flowchart:

Me Individuals can fill out as much information as they like (Age // Health // Hobbies // What initiates their depressive thoughts etc.)

App Home (Name)


Personal Profile

What The App Has Access To

Name // Voice How You’re Feeling test

Personal Written Letter

App Visuals

Terms & Conditions

Messages // Video Call Chat with a Volunteer

Chat with a Specialist

Daily Planner

Contact // Friends & Family

Personal Calendar

Facebook // Google Drive Calander

Emergancy Contacts

Health Food Recipies // Videos

Step-By-Step Guides - (A) Recommended daily tasks individuals could do to prevent depression

Listen // Watch Listen Tell Playlists

Near Me // Maps

Q&A // Info? Q&A


- (B) Step-By-Step guide to recovery (speak to specialists and find this information out) - (C) Step-By-Step Children’s transition to adult health services

Book an Appointment

Video Chat

Brain Training Games



Fitness Routines


CBT Test // Session

Inspirational Speakers


Walking Routes // Geocatching?

Progressive Story Activity

Our Stories

My Story

App Name Idea:



Men Are Deep

Men Against Depression

A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

‘ M A D’


A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

Workshops // Activities


CAMPAIGN IDEAS BRAINSTORM Consumers respond well to promotion they can relate to. They feel more engaged when they connect with the content. Having a story behind the promotion, or something the consumers can follow will results in the individual continuing to return to your brand and social content to see what happens next.

*Key Takeaway: Create a story with the promotional content; allowing consumers to follow the brands journey.

Episodic Content


Consumers crave entertainment and content consistent with the cinematic experience, so brands must enlist teams of professionals to produce video content that can tell a compelling story and connect emotionally with an audience.

video and film are increasingly evolving from important to essential within the advertising space

‘Karlito’ travels around the world, seeing Fendi’s collection being shot. They take the consumers on the journey with them, telling a story.

This video represents the happenings of the city and depict real-life scenarios with an unfiltered lens, making them highly relatable.

The collection of four videos have an alluring storyline based on the famous Greek tale, with a modern twist.

Nike produced a series of eight branded content videos that live on the Nike YouTube channel

The scripted video series is geared toward entertaining the audience, while also introducing them to the characters wearing Kate Spade product





Having strong video content for your brand is essential to connect with todays consumers. Providing them with a story, a relatable message and engaging content will keep them interested in the brand

Having several videos which lead on from one another, with an interesting, easy to follow story keeps the consumers engaged with the brand over a period of time. This makes them want to see the next video / feel connected to the story and the brand

Incorporate the idea of telling an story with the individuals I sepak to about the problems they face everyday. Posting the videos in seperate parts on Instagram, leaving each part on a cliff hanger will make people look out for the next part of the story.

Have campaign material which can be continuously developed. Focusing on different features of the App or different consumers. This way viewers will know the advert is from the same brand, but a different story & message each time.

Heads Up - Mental Health

Past Campaigns

Video entry to the HeadsUp Video Campaign to raise awareness for good mental health. This was made in October 2011 and was shortlisted by HeadsUp.

The video starts off wih a young girl waiting for a bus at the bus stop, alone.

You begin the hear her thoughts in her head, she begins to worry about being late home and her parents being annoyed at her.

Her worries become faster and faster, she starts to think about all aspects of her life, including her own relationship, her parents, her school work and what people think of her.

Just as he thoughts are becoming increasingly more stressful for her and more negative, a stranger walking past see’s the girl is upset and asks if shes okay.

The message behind this campaign is to make individuals speak about their feelings and their thoughts in their own head - not to keep them to themselves.

Talking to anyone from a friend, or family member to a teach or healthcare professional is the first step to overcoming any problem.





The more an individual thinks about negative things in their life, the more serious the thoughts become and the more they are likely to think everything is bad. Speaking about your thoughts and problems helps resolve them.

A bus stop is a place where strangers sit together - waiting for a bus. If people were encouranged to speak to one another at places like this, it could push people to speak more openly about things with diffrent people.

Advertise the App, or have a digital screen which plays a promotional video encouraging strangers to speak to one another, or for an individual to speak up about their problem.

Having a screen with Artificial Intelligence incorporated within it at a bus stop, so an individual on their own can speak to it whilst waiting for the bus. If the individual was in danger this screen could contact an emergency service.

Man Up - Mental Health

Past Campaigns

Don’t suffer in silence. The ‘Man Up’ campaign is encouraging men to speak about their feelings and says it’s OK to cry.

“Why do we tell boys to stop crying, to harden up, to grow a pair.”

With language such a “Well fuck that!” Shows the aggressive tone and defensive approach to the society that thinks men shouldn’t cry - showing they are standing up and making a change.

If you feel down, speak up. Because silence can kill. It takes guts to show pain. It takes a man to feel. It takes balls to cry.

The message behind this campaign is that to cry as a man is to have power and be powerful, showing emotions is a good thing and shows you’re a strong individual.

They are trying to flip the stereotypes of what today’s society believes a man should feel and act like.

The end message states that’s the message is ‘written and authorised’ by ‘your mum, your dad, and every single mate you’ve ever had - they’ll miss you.’ Making people stop and think before they act.





To ‘Man Up’ is to ‘Speak Up.’ Not to hide your feelings and keep them to yourself. To be a brace man is to show your emotions and let others know how your feeling. The campaign aimed to challenge stereotypes.

Showing a variety of different males of all different ages shows that every man goes through these emotions, it doesnt matter of their age and their upbringing. The fierce / to the point tone of voice works really well.

Show a variety of different men going though all the different emotions. Flipping from a different ages ranging from 14-60 showing that everyone has the same emotions and growing up doesnt change that.

Showing a man speaking to a digital screen with Artificial Intelligence (something that will be incorporated within the app) going through all the different emotions when telling a story but resulting in the individual being happy and powerful.

The Good Man Project - Knitting Needles

Past Campaigns

There is a collective effort in Chili to break down stereotypes surrounding gender roles, specifically with yarn work including knitting and crochet. The men sit in public and do their yarn work to demonstrate that it is a craft that can be done by men or women, and there is nothing emasculating about doing the craft.

“Hombres Tejedores’ Blast Stereotypes in ChiliChilean men take needles to the streets. Knitting needles, that is!”

There are now several knitting workshops for men that have been set up by The Good Man Project.

This group of individuals speak about how they want to change the stigma behind what society beleive men should and shouldn’t be interest in.

The group of men come together and sit and knit for a few hours at different places around Chili.

The men wear the same clothing and use the same woold, this is to represent they are all equal and they are all the same, this adds to their message.

The group have begun to knit in places such as national galleries, they target areas where they know they will make a statement and many people will come and see them.





This campaign aims to challenge the stereotypes of men, and what hobbies they should have. Using something like knitting which most individuals would related to elderly woman creates a really powerful and contrasting message.

Taking a group of men, of all different ages, but wearing the same clothes, facing the same direction, doing the same activity and using the same equipment really empowers the message that we are all the same.

Having the individuals involved in the campaign dressed the same show that they are all equal, and despite their different ages, hair cuts and faces being different, deep down they are all the same. I think this works really well and adds to the message.

Have a group of males all sat together, wearing the same thing, with a chair in front of them, inviting members of the public to come and sit in front of them and speak openly about their feelings, or just for a chat. This will portray the message that males want to speak up and they’re inviting us to do so.

The Movember Project - Shoes

Past Campaigns

Around the world, The Movember Foundation laid out thousands of shoes on beaches, in cities and on the steps of parliament buildings to symbolise the men who die by suicide each month. On Saturday 19th November every year it is International Men’s Day, their message: it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re taking action to stop men dying too young, and you can help.

The Movember Foundation travelled around the whole world to make sure their message was seen by as many people as possible.

Going to all the major cities and coutries making sure the message was spread and people would read more into the message behind the campaign.

The Movember Foundation laid out shoes, something that was subtle has a stronger effect on people, as it isn’t pushing the message in their faces.

The shoes were to show the number of peeople who had committed suicide in the different places, the different shoes symbolised that every man was a different individual.

The shocking numbers attracted the attention of the public.

The Movember Foundation are constantly working with new charities and start ups who aim to help prevent suicide rates.





The shoes were placed out in different areas of the world to represent the number of males who had committed suicide in each of the areas. Doing a global campaign will attract the attention of millions of people from all over all at once.

Having a subtle campaign that still attracts the attention of the public reflects the message that these individuals are suffering in silence, but the sooner we recognise this, the sooner we can help.

Have men stand up in a public area; one every minute to represent that one person commits suicide every minute.

Include / collaborate with the campaigns and charieties which have been set up by someone who has lost an individual to suicide.

‘A Hair Raising Message’ - Barn Cancer Foundation

Past Campaigns

Based on a Swedish Shapoo campaign, which was a massive success and caught the attention of a lot of people in the underground tube statiions, Barn Cancer Foundation took the same concept to create a powerful message about children who are diagnosed with Cancer.

The Movember Foundation travelled around the whole world to make sure their message was seen by as many people as possible.

Going to all the major cities and coutries making sure the message was spread and people would read more into the message behind the campaign.

The Movember Foundation laid out shoes, something that was subtle has a stronger effect on people, as it isn’t pushing the message in their faces.

The shoes were to show the number of peeople who had committed suicide in the different places, the different shoes symbolised that every man was a different individual.

The shocking numbers attracted the attention of the public.

The Movember Foundation are constantly working with new charities and start ups who aim to help prevent suicide rates.





Inspired by a successful previous campaign, Barn Cancer Foundation have incorporated their message into the same concept. By having the screen react to real time events this attracts the attention of passes by, when the final part of the message is reveals the individuals are left shocked.

Having a campaign (Digital Screen) which reacts to real time events attracts the attention of people who pass by. Having a video playing makes people stand and watch, when the final message is revealed and it’s a shocking one this makes it more rememberable.

Incorporate AI into the digital screen and allow it to interact with people who are walking past, asking them how their day has been and general questions. Include the ‘Google Glass’ technology so the screens are able to pick up on selected individuals.

Place the digital screens in areas where there will be a crowd of people, asking them group questions or getting them to play games as a group (‘Heads Up’ styled games) Making people speak to one another and be involved in an enjoyable activity.

Photoshop Live - Street Retouch with Erik Johansson

Past Campaigns

In collaboration with Adobe, Erik Johansson took part in Adobe ‘Creative Day’ on June 11, 2013 in Finland. The promotional hashtag #CreativeDay was uses for individuals to keep updated on social media, as well as a live stream of the campaign on the Adobe website.

Photoshop expects connected their screens and installed cameras to a bus stop, and waited in a van close by until their the first person stopped to wait for the bus.

A photographer then took a picture of the individual and uploaded it so the photoshop experts were able to start editing the photograph in realtime.

They manipulated the image giving the individual funny effects facial effects. Then they uploaded the manipulated images onto the digital screen at the bus stop for the individual to see themselves.

The photoshop experts then began to manipulate the image more for the individual to watch live as the image of them was edited on the digital screen in front of them.

As more and more people came to the bus stop, each edit was different and included the people sat at the bus stop at that time, engaging them with the content and making them take photographs of the screen themselves.

Making the content humorous makes the individuals at the bus stop talk to one another even if they are not together.





This campaign engaged directly with the people sat at the selected bus stop. Using an image taken of them to them project this on the digital screen next to them. Making the edits amusing created a connection with the individual and the screen.

Making the individuals see something on the screen which made them take a photo of it themselves makes them more likely to them share the image with their friends and family.

Using face recognition an AI digital screen could incorporate the face of an individual who is stood by the screen onto the screen. The screen could then speak positively about themselves portraying the message to love and be kind to yourself.

Have real life people speaking in the digital screens, this could be done by having cameras installed close by to the digital screens so the video being played on the screen can still interact with individuals.

The Coughing Billboard - Stop Smoking Products

Past Campaigns

According to studies, passive smoking in France would be especially destructive. It is estimated the number of deaths in the range of 3000 to 5000 individuals. The idea here being so foremost to educate passers-by to passive smoking. This was an idea for a new campaign from Swedish pharmacy Apoteket Hjärtat and agency Åkestam Holst.

This campaign aims to make smokers aware that their smoke travels further than they think and is therefore affecting the individuals around them.

Using digital screen with a pre-recorded video of a man coughing allows individuals to feel as though the man in coughing there and then.

The digital poster uses outdoor smoke detectors to identify any nearby smokers and shame them by sending the man on the screen into a hacking fit.

The Digital Screens were placed in public places where a lot of people often smoke.

It then displays a series of nicotine patches and other kickthe-habit products.

The message behind the campaign is for smokers to be reminded how dangerous and harmful smoking it, and that there are products out there to help them stop smoking.





Coughing loudly when someone is smoking next to you is not something people would do, but because it’s on a digital screen the message is accepted by the public and has a stronger impact.

Incorporating a device in the digital screens which allows it to interact with the public in real like time has a massive impact on the individuals that walk past the screen.

Having a digital screen which interacts with individuals in the street. Having AI incorporated within the screen and google glasses would allow the screen to pick out selected individuals to interact with.

Having the digital screen to show a really shocking video, of a male there and then him him commiting suicide (this will be a very hard hitting message but it would get peoples attention and address the problem using the shock factor and to the point.

Initial Campaign Ideas

App Visuals




The main part of the campaign would be the month long event running through November. This would include digital screens being distributed to selected cities, and using the technology features within the App, the screens would be able to communicate with the individual in front of it. The screens will learn things about the individual in the time they are there.

This ill excite people and create a hype around the App. The App will then be released on the 19th of November, to coincide with International Men’s day. This being in the middle or the month long digital screen pop-up event will enable the App to be promoted on the screens and consumers to already to be present when the advertisements are up.

Having the Digital Screens during Movember will make the public think it is an event put on by Movemeber and the message that it is about a new App will be lost, making no one sign up or want to find out more about the App.The digital screens will be expensive, and as a start up business the money wouldn’t be there to spend on promotional material like that.

Initial Campaign Ideas

App Visuals




The idea for the online promotion is to shock consumers with statistics and facts, making people aware of how many people suffer with depression and other mental illnesses aims to normalise the perception people have around the topic. People act on things when they are affected by the message. Video footage will include snippets and teasers of promotional videos, directing people to the other social channels (YouTube) to view the full video.

A lot of individuals are unaware of how serious mental health illnesses are, and how they can lead directly to suicides. Providing consumers with statistics and facts will enable them to learn more about the illnesses and what they can do to help, This will promote conversation regarding the content amongst consumers. aiming to get people to talk more openly about themselves, how they feel, and if they have been effected, or suffer with an illness themselves.

Some consumers might be upset by some of the figures and statistic they read, this might put them off returning to the social channels so they don’t have to ready any upsetting content. Some consumers don’t like to be told things they don’t feel they need to know, the shocking content might make people feel as if the brand is telling them they have done something wrong by not being aware of these facts and figures already.

MASKED EMOTIONS: Wearing your heart of your sleeve and your second face as a mask. Feelings are something not everyone finds easy to both express and understand. This collection of images uncovers hidden emotions and feelings us as individuals fee abliged by todays society to stay hidden. Communication through manipulation with an abstract approch.

PLAN FOR PHOTOSHOOT: Have a range of different materials and handmade masks , as well as sellotape and make up. Using the images selected as inspiration for the shoot I will take the images in the studio with a plain background so the full attention is on the model and the mask, material or make up. I will experiment first with one model. I want to also experiment with the ‘labeled’ shoot where the model has several different sticky labels on him with different words written on. All models will be male.

MESSAGE BEHIND IMAGES: Todays society and peoples opinions make individuals feel as though they have to act a certain way and present themselves in a certain manor. I want this shoot to represent the suffication individuals who suffer with suicidal thoughts feel on a daily basic. Using the mask as a way to represent hiding behind something, the material to represent the individual feeling trapped and unable to escape the feelings, and the make up to represent the face they feel they are forced to put on everyday.

Signs, Quotes and Powerful Messages

Mood Boards

Inspirational Imagery and Quotes

Mood Boards

Signs, quotes and Inspirational Sayings

Mood Boards

INTERVIEWS REGARDING APP & CAMPAIGN IDEAS These interviews concluded the next steps to take when designing the next App. prototype. The features need to be kept simple, and the user needs to know what they’re getting out of the App. The target customer needs to be more specific so the campaign can be targeted at them directly.

*Key Takeaway: “Routine is more important than medication” - Careworker Holly Melbourne

Digital Agency Visions Design Founder Daniel Cordwell - Interview

Primary Research

Visions Design is a digital agency, creating online content for a range of different brands. The founder Daniel Cordwell is a 32 year old male, who specialises in creating bespoke Apps for clients. and therefore I wanted to ask his opinion on my App ideas so far and the campaign roll out.


App visuals of how the Artifitial Intellegence would work in the App examples of the messages the individual would receive from the App



Suffering in silence - The biggest problem is that people are unaware that individuals are suffering with suicidal thoughts. It can then be too late for them to turn their lives around. Men don’t speak out “I had a close friend and he unfortunately took his own life, none of us even knew how he was feeling, he was always so lively and happy whenever he was with us, we should have noticed the signs or asked how he was when he started seeing us less.”

Date Of Interview: 28/01/17 - What Features on the App would most appeal to do? - Would it be something you would be interested in using yourself or suggesting to a friend to use? - The App uses Artifitial Intellegence to make the feed unique to each user, is this something that would push consumers to download the App? - Thoughts on initial Campaign Ideas?

Dan explained he has images on his Facebook from years ago of him playing rugby and cycling; two sports he no longer does as he is no longer part of a team and would never think about starting them again. If the App used image recognition, it would be able to pick up on images and suggest activities based on these. An individual will be more interested in doing something they have previously found enjoyment in - machine learning will allow the App to read the users images and find out what these activities could be.

POSITIVE FEEDBACK: Making the App unique to each user will be a really interesting USP. This will make sure users keep using the App as they will begin to see the benefits the more they use it. I think this need to be advertised so individuals are more persuaded to initially download the App.

CHANGES TO MAKE App Flow chart, all the features and pages which will be included in the App.

Focus on a selected amount of features, don’t include so many pages - I am trying to incorporate too many at the moment, and this will make the user confused as to what they’re going to get from the App. People need to know what they’re going to get from a product, consumers are becoming more interested in the experience they’re going to get from something and this needs to be clear.

KEY TAKEWAYS: - Put statistics in the marketing content (Instagram) - Make the App more appropriate for older men; make the features appeal to a higher age group. The icons that pop up asking how the user is feeling are too childish and this might put people off.

IDEAS: For the Campaign Dan stated he liked the idea of having a group of men coming together to symbolise the number of people who commit suicide (1 every minute) this will get people talking about it as people will find out the message behind it. However this will only be possible if a group of people have volunteered to be a part of it, and to make it happen in more than one city, more and more people will have to be involved. This is something I need to think about.

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: I need to decide on the features and exactly who the target customer is. This will change the tone of voice and enable me to create a stronger brand image. The features need to be simplified and when designing the next App, it needs to be clear and simple. All text such be visible and the colours need to complement one another.

Care Worker Holly Melbourne - Interview

Primary Research

Holly Mellbourne is a care worker who cares for a range of paitents all of which suffer with a mental health problem. *All names in the write up have been changed for confidential reasons*


SUMMARY: Speaking to Holly made me aware of how different each patient is to the next. As care workers they have to be aware of what each patient responds well to and how to react if something happens with them. The care workers push patients to live the most normal life as possible. They help them clean, get washed and dress. Making sure they are all up and the same time every day and making the most of the day. When patients are taking out for the day, they are all always extremely excited. They see this as a reward and enjoy visiting places they have never been before. Holly tries to take the patients outs at least 4 times a week. Making the user of the App stay active, go new places and be outdoors will massively help their health and state of mind.

App visuals of how the Artifitial Intellegence would work in the App examples of the messages the individual would receive from the App

POSITIVE FEEDBACK: Holly was really interested in the App. She didn’t think it would be beneficial to some of her patients as they would be unable to use a mobile device or work the App, but she believes having an App that spoke to the individual with casual communication and learnt about them the more they use the App would really help some individuals. Holly thought the pop up message regarding the user’s mood a good feature, as this is something the user could do fast and several time throughout the day if the user was showing signs of depression.


App Flow chart, all the features and pages which will be included in the App.

Decide what the target market is, as someone with a serious mental health illness would need more assistance and advice from a specialist compared to an individual who only suffered with depression occasionally. The App would need to be able to adjust the content it provided the individual with and know what to direct the to a further service.

QUESTIONS ASKED: Date Of Interview: 29/01/17 - Would the App be something the patients would be interested in using? - What’s the best tone of voice to use when speaking to someone who is at a critical stage of depression - What are the signs of someone reaching a depressed stage of their lives. - What do some of your daily tasks include at work?

KEY TAKEWAYS: “Routine is more effective and better than medication for patients and individuals” “It gives them a sense of purpose.” This one man John came to us when he was 45, he’d suffered with mental health problems his whole life, we made him do little course, just things like making his bed and having a shower, and within a month you could see such a massive change in his attitude and energy.”

IDEAS: I need to think about how to include routine into the Apps features. If the App makes the user change their routine into a positive one, this will tramatically change their lifestyle. Using Artificial Intelligence the App will be able to learn about the user and set them personalised routine suggestions which will be unique to each user depending on the data received by the App.

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: Decide on who the target customer is. Everyone needs are different and the App would have to cater to such a wide spectrum of needs if I’m wanting it to target such a wide audience. I need to think about the campaign and what message is being portraying. Research into the best daily routines to help people with a mental health illness.

ADDITIONAL WELLBEING APP RESEARCH Analysis of Apps that came up in discussion with other UCLAN Student at a Northern Light Workshop concluded there are already Apps out there which use chatbot to prompt casual communication with the user to find out more about them and exactly how they are feeling.

*Key Takeaway: An App that rewards the user prompts the individual to continue to use it.

Buddy App - Health and Wellbeing

Current Apps

BuddyApp is a health and wellbeing app that utilises SMS text technology to engage individuals in their care, by recording their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing in-between sessions, by sending appointment reminders and goals. Sending daily reminder encourages active participation in recovery.

Buddy is a great tool for therapists that helps support their service users. Therapists are able to sign their clients up to use the App, which enables them to keep a diary of their life, in between the clients appointments.

The therapist can schedule in the next appointment and later that day the user will receive the first message. Buddy App sends messages with one simple question to the user, and they then reply and begin to create their personal digital mood diary.

The App also asks the individual to rate their day from 1-5, this is really helpful for the individual later on when they look back at their diary. Until the user has their next session, Buddy messages then everyday, asking what they did that day and how they rate it.

Originally designed in collaboration with the NHS, BuddyApp specifically targeted mental health, and mood and anxiety disorders.

Since its launch a recent study showed a dramatic reduction in Did Not Attend (DNA) sessions, saving the NHS both time and money, as well as reducing waiting time lists.

Users were more engaged in their treatment, with 94% completing their treatment, compared to 40% who did not use the BuddyApp.





This App acts as a friend to the user, making them speak and message the App on a daily basis. Having a website which allows the individual to look back on their entries gives them the oppotunity to understand their emotions and see what it is that effects them.

Having an online platform where the user can look back over all their diary easily will be a good way for them to reflect on their process and see how they can continue to move forward. Having the App give suggest activities for the individual to do works really well.

Referring back to the conversation I had with caseworker Holly Melbourne, and inspired by Buddy Apps feature of suggesting activities for the individual. My App would include recommended activities in the local areas, groups for the user to join, and check up on daily routines.

Having an App which pushed users to get outdoors and experience the nature and their surroundings would push them away from becoming reliant on their phone, and begin to realise they can cope on their own and find happiness in the more simple things.

Booster Buddy - Health & Fitness

Current Apps

BoosterBuddy is a free app designed to help teens and young adults improve their mental health. Manage your personal wellness journey and earn achievements as your sidekick guides you through a series of daily quests designed to establish and sustain positive habits.

The App has a check-in feature whcih asks the individual how they are feeling each day.

Booster Buddy helps the individual understand more about mental health and helps them use different coping skills to get them through the day.

The user selects out of different emotions how they are feeling each day, this is then recorded for the individual to look back at and see if there are any patterns.





The Booster App acts as a game, allowing children to interact with it and earn ‘points’ when they have tracks new things they have done throughout that day. The App sets the user daily tasks to complete, these include things like going for a walk or being polite.

Individuals are more likely to say they don’t feel good to a mobile device or a computer screen than they are to say it to someone else, this is because it’s easier and the App is more personal. Asking frequent questions personal to the user could really help them stay positive throughout the day,

The rewards system works really well on the App for children. To implement this feature within my App, the user could receive rewards such as discount codes for selected restaurants or shops. Consumers are more likely to continue to use the App if they feel they are getting something from it.

This could be something that is used at schools and is required for all children to user. This would allow staff and teachers to spot early signs of an individual who is suffering with a mental health problem.

MALE INTERESTS RESEARCH (PINTEREST TREND) 40% of all Pinterest users are men, highlighting men enjoy to browse the internet for inspiration and visually engaging content just as much as women do. Many current websites similar to Pinterest that are targeted at men label them as having “manly content” that’s ‘just for men” this is too stereotypically and not what the online content to promote the App will be like.

*Key Takeaway: There needs to be a variety of different categories within the App, this can be under a browse feature.

Men’s Branding on Pinterest


Pinterest claims 40% of its users are men, and the numbers are growing. This report explores the categories and brands resonating with male audiences on the photo- and ideasharing platform.

What are males searching for? What boards are they creating? This report will give me an insight to what males are interested in browsing online.

Pinterest offers men a simple platform to identify things they plan to buy, or inventory things they already own. Branded boards provide functional content for men, designed to help users plan trips, shop for gear, and share their personal photos from the great outdoors.

Men are now its fastest growing demographic, up 70% between 2015 and 2016. The number of males interested in Pinterest is continuously increasing. Pinterest claims top categories for men are Geek, Cars & Motorcycles, Men’s Fashion, Gardening, Architecture, Humour and Health & Fitness.

DIY tips on how to improve your home with simple, effective activities are very popular within men on Pinterest. As well as “It’s Grill Time” boards including a range of meals to prepare on the grill.

Nordstrom, which has a remarkable 4.5m followers on Pinterest, maintains a Men’s Style board, pinning featured items that link directly to the department store’s ecommerce site.

Pinterest has become a popular source of health and fitness information: healthy recipes and workout guides abound for both men and women.





Men are browsing a variety of different catogories on Pinterest, from cars & motorcycles, to fashion and architecture. Wanting to browse these different aspects but with ease of them all being in the same place.

Having a search engine which has already filtered images and boards to the individuals choice. Pinterest offers the individual links to articles relating to the image as well as direct links to then purchase selected products.

Having a feed men could browse different things on which were filtered to their interests. Using the emotional intelligence feature this could allow the App to make sure that over time the individual was only getting things which really caught their attention and they had a positive reaction to.

Having a feed which interacts with the individual using artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence to engage with them and learn what they like and dislike, which then books them onto classes, events and directs them to purchase selected products.

GentleMint - Male Pinterest

Current Websites


G”entlemint is a place to visually share, find and collect manly links. What is “manly”, you might ask? Well, that’s up to you.”

GENTLEMINT FEATURES TOPICS LIKE: Cars Alcohol and other vices Food Interesting architecture World news Fitness Popular culture ... and much more.





Gentlemint has been featured in most major publications including TIME, Mashable, FOX News, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Forbes, CNN, and many other publications. It has even been hailed as one of “the manliest sites on the Internet” by the American Moustache Society.

There is a range of different categories, this will make it appeal to a range of different individuals who are wanting to get something different from the website. There is also a ‘GentleMint’ Podcast, which will attract more consumers to the website and make them feel more connected to the brand.

Targeted at male consumers who enjoy browsing through different imagery and video content. labelling themselves as “the manliest brand” attracts a man who feels masculine and enjoys browsing through ‘male stuff’.

The different categories and the content within them have inspired the different topics the online content could include. Men are drawn to different things, making sure lots of different visuals were online would attract a range of different consumers.

DudePins - Male Pinterest

Current Websites


“Dudepins is the site to discover, share & buy everything that’s Manly. It’s where you find the coolest pictures, videos & stuff for Guys.”

DUDEPINS FEATURES TOPICS LIKE: Art & Design Cars-Riders Food & Drink man Caves Funny Stuff News Fitness ... and much more.





With Dudepins, you can easily save and organize your interests into various montages, such as fancy rides, latest styles, good eats, dream destinations, newest hardware and so much more.You can also discover and explore the interests of your friends, favourite brands, online communities and other trending topics.

You are able to easily follow other people, as well as celebrities and see what they have saved. This enables users who enjoy seeing what celebrities like to use Dupin and be inspired.

Males who enjoy saving new ideas and browsing through others inspirational boards.

The feed on the homepage and the feed page is constantly being refreshed, making sure the most current posts are at the top of the page. Although some consumers might find this annoying and it makes it harder to find something you have previously seen, but this makes sure the website and its content always looks different whenever you return to the site.

“Man up. Sign up. Post up.”

ADDITIONAL TED TALKS These TED Talks cemented the idea of including Artificial Intelligence within the App, highlighting the benefits of what this will enable the App to do. Simon Sinek’s talk regarding ‘Brands with a purpose’ inspired further campaign ideas to be truthful with consumers; tell them the aims and objectives of the App and how the features will make that happen.

*Key Takeaway: Make sure consumers are aware of the purpose behind your product or service.

Zeynep Tufekci (Machine intelligence makes human morals more important) June 2016

Machine intelligence is here, and we’re already using it to make subjective decisions. But the complex way AI grows and improves makes it hard to understand and even harder to control. In this cautionary talk, techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci explains how intelligent machines can fail in ways that don’t fit human error patterns — and in ways we won’t expect or be prepared for. “We cannot outsource our responsibilities to machines,” she says. “We must hold on ever tighter to human values and human ethics.”

TED Talks

Zeynep Tufekci (Machine intelligence makes human morals more important) June 2016

To make things more complicated, our software is getting more powerful, but it’s also getting less transparent and more complex. Recently, in the past decade, complex algorithms have made great strides. They can recognise human faces. They can decipher handwriting. They can detect credit card fraud and block spam and they can translate between languages. They can detect tumours in medical imaging. They can beat humans in chess and Go. Much of this progress comes from a method called “machine learning.” Machine learning is different than traditional programming, where you give the computer detailed, exact, painstaking instructions.It’s more like you take the system and you feed it lots of data, including unstructured data, like the kind we generate in our digital lives. And the system learns by churning through this data. And also, crucially, these systems don’t operate under a single-answer logic. They don’t produce a simple answer; it’s more probabilistic: “This one is probably more like what you’re looking for.” A prediction.

I have a friend who developed such computational systems to predict the likelihood of clinical or postpartum depression from social media data. The results are impressive. Her system can predict the likelihood of depression months before the onset of any symptoms — months before. No symptoms, there’s prediction. She hopes it will be used for early intervention. Audits are great and important, but they don’t solve all our problems. Take Facebook’s powerful news feed algorithm — you know, the one that ranks everything and decides what to show you from all the friends and pages you follow. Facebook optimises for engagement on the site: likes, shares, comments. The story of Ferguson wasn’t algorithm-friendly. It’s not “likable.” Who’s going to click on “like?” It’s not even easy to comment on. Without likes and comments, the algorithm was likely showing it to even fewer people, so we didn’t get to see this.

TED Talks: Full Notes

We need to cultivate algorithm suspicion, scrutiny and investigation. We need to make sure we have algorithmic accountability, auditing and meaningful transparency. We need to accept that bringing math and computation to messy, value-laden human affairs does not bring objectivity; rather, the complexity of human affairs invades the algorithms. Yes, we can and we should use computation to help us make better decisions. But we have to own up to our moral responsibility to judgment, and use algorithms within that framework, not as a means to abdicate and outsource our responsibilities to one another as human to human. Machine intelligence is here. That means we must hold on ever tighter to human values and human ethics.

Fei-Fei-Li (How we’re teaching computers to understand pictures) March 2015

When a very young child looks at a picture, she can identify simple elements: “cat,” “book,” “chair.” Now, computers are getting smart enough to do that too. What’s next? In a thrilling talk, computer vision expert Fei-Fei Li describes the state of the art — including the database of 15 million photos her team built to “teach” a computer to understand pictures — and the key insights yet to come.

TED Talks

Fei-Fei-Li (How we’re teaching computers to understand pictures) March 2015

Drones can fly over massive land, but don’t have enough vision technology to help us to track the changes of the rainforests. Security cameras are everywhere, but they do not alert us when a child is drowning in a swimming pool. Photos and videos are becoming an integral part of global life. They’re being generated at a pace that’s far beyond what any human, or teams of humans, could hope to view, and you and I are contributing to that at this TED. Yet our most advanced software is still struggling at understanding and managing this enormous content. So in other words, collectively as a society, we’re very much blind, because our smartest machines are still blind. “Why is this so hard?” you may ask. Cameras can take pictures like this one by converting lights into a two-dimensional array of numbers known as pixels, but these are just lifeless numbers. They do not carry meaning in themselves. Just like to hear is not the same as to listen, to take pictures is not the same as to see, and by seeing, we really mean understanding. The first step towards this goal is to teach a computer to see objects, the building block of the visual world. In its simplest terms, imagine this teaching process as showing the computers some training images of a particular object, let’s say cats, and designing a model that learns from these training images.

We knew we needed to collect a data set that has far more images than we have ever had before, perhaps thousands of times more, and together with Professor Kai Li at Princeton University, we launched the ImageNet project in 2007. Luckily, we didn’t have to mount a camera on our head and wait for many years. We went to the Internet, the biggest treasure trove of pictures that humans have ever created. We downloaded nearly a billion images and used crowdsourcing technology like the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform to help us to label these images. At its peak, ImageNet was one of the biggest employers of the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers: together, almost 50,000 workers from 167 countries around the world helped us to clean, sort and label nearly a billion candidate images Just like the brain consists of billions of highly connected neurons, a basic operating unit in a neural network is a neuron-like node. It takes input from other nodes and sends output to others. Moreover, these hundreds of thousands or even millions of nodes are organised in hierarchical layers, also similar to the brain. In a typical neural network we use to train our object recognition model, it has 24 million nodes, 140 million parameters, and 15 billion connections.

TED Talks: Full Notes

Has the computer already matched or even surpassed human capabilities? Not so fast. So far, we have just taught the computer to see objects. This is like a small child learning to utter a few nouns. It’s an incredible accomplishment, but it’s only the first step. Soon, another developmental milestone will be hit, and children begin to communicate in sentences. So instead of saying this is a cat in the picture, you already heard the little girl telling us this is a cat lying on a bed. Little by little, we’re giving sight to the machines. First, we teach them to see. Then, they help us to see better. For the first time, human eyes won’t be the only ones pondering and exploring our world.We will not only use the machines for their intelligence, we will also collaborate with them in ways that we cannot even imagine. This is my quest: to give computers visual intelligence and to create a better future for Leo and for the world.

Grady Booch (Don’t fear superintelligent AI) Nov. 2016

New tech spawns new anxieties, says scientist and philosopher Grady Booch, but we don’t need to be afraid an all-powerful, unfeeling AI. Booch allays our worst (sci-fi induced) fears about superintelligent computers by explaining how we’ll teach, not program, them to share our human values. Rather than worry about an unlikely existential threat, he urges us to consider how artificial intelligence will enhance human life.

TED Talks

Jeremy Howard (The Wonderful and Terrifying Implications of Computers That Can Learn) Dec. 2014

Around that same time, Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” came to the theaters, and my life was forever changed. I loved everything about that movie, especially the HAL 9000. Now, HAL was a sentient computer designed to guide the Discovery spacecraft from the Earth to Jupiter. HAL was also a flawed character, for in the end he chose to value the mission over human life. Now, HAL was a fictional character, but nonetheless he speaks to our fears, our fears of being subjugated by some unfeeling, artificial intelligence who is indifferent to our humanity. Now, as I looked at this from an engineering perspective, it became very clear to me that what I needed to architect was a smart, collaborative, socially intelligent artificial intelligence. In other words, I needed to build something very much like a HAL but without the homicidal tendencies. Let’s pause for a moment. Is it really possible to build an artificial intelligence like that? Actually, it is. In many ways, this is a hard engineering problem with elements of AI, not some wet hair ball of an AI problem that needs to be engineered. To paraphrase Alan Turing, I’m not interested in building a sentient machine. I’m not building a HAL. All I’m after is a simple brain, something that offers the illusion of intelligence.

TED Talks: Full Notes

The art and the science of computing have come a long way since HAL was onscreen, and I’d imagine if his inventor Dr. Chandra were here today, he’d have a whole lot of questions for us. Is it really possible for us to take a system of millions upon millions of devices, to read in their data streams, to predict their failures and act in advance? Yes. Can we build systems that converse with humans in natural language? Yes. Can we build systems that recognise objects, identify emotions, emote themselves, play games and even read lips? Yes. Can we build a system that sets goals, that carries out plans against those goals and learns along the way? Yes. Can we build systems that have a theory of mind? This we are learning to do. Can we build systems that have an ethical and moral foundation? This we must learn how to do. So let’s accept for a moment that it’s possible to build such an artificial intelligence for this kind of mission and others.

thought we would lose our ability to memorise. These things are all true to a degree, but it’s also the case that these technologies brought to us things that extended the human experience in some profound ways.

The next question you must ask yourself is, should we fear it? Now, every new technology brings with it some measure of trepidation. When we first saw cars, people lamented that we would see the destruction of the family. When we first saw telephones come in, people were worried it would destroy all civil conversation. At a point in time we saw the written word become pervasive, people

The opportunities to use computing to advance the human experience are within our reach, here and now, and we are just beginning.

In scientific terms, this is what we call ground truth, and here’s the important point: in producing these machines, we are therefore teaching them a sense of our values. To that end, I trust an artificial intelligence the same, if not more, as a human who is well-trained. We are on an incredible journey of coevolution with our machines. The humans we are today are not the humans we will be then. To worry now about the rise of a superintelligence is in many ways a dangerous distraction because the rise of computing itself brings to us a number of human and societal issues to which we must now attend.

Simon Sinek (How great leaders inspire action) Sept. 2009

TED Talks

Simon Sinek’s golden circle analogy shows how the great leaders appeal to emotion and the values of their audience. Sinek realised that in order to sell and project or speak to a crowd the leader must express why they are doing what they are doing. The audience or customer are more likely to respond better to a cause of a product when they understand the why

Sinek realised that in order to sell and project or speak to a crowd the leader must express why they are doing what they are doing.

What’s your purpose? What’s your cause? What’s your belief? Why does your organisation exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? And why should anyone care?

When we communicate from the outside in, yes, people can understand vast amounts of complicated information like features and benefits and facts and figures

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.

he first 2.5% of our population are our innovators. The next 13.5% of our population are our early adopters.

We all have about 10% who just “get it.” That’s how we describe them, right? That’s like that gut feeling, “Oh, they just get it.”

Simon Sinek (How great leaders inspire action) Sept. 2009

Why is Apple so innovative? Why? How? What? This little idea explains why some organisations and some leaders are able to inspire where others aren’t. Let me define the terms really quickly. Every single person, every single organisation on the planet knows what they do, 100 percent. Some know how they do it, whether you call it your differentiated value proposition or your proprietary process or your USP. But very, very few people or organisations know why they do what they do. And by “why” I don’t mean “to make a profit.” That’s a result. It’s always a result. By “why,” I mean: What’s your purpose? What’s your cause? What’s your belief? Why does your organisation exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? And why should anyone care? As a result, the way we think, we act, the way we communicate is from the outside in, it’s obvious. We go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing. But the inspired leaders and the inspired organisations — regardless of their size, regardless of their industry — all think, act and communicate from the inside out. If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message from them might sound like this: “We make great computers. They’re beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. Want to buy one?” “Meh.”That’s how most of us communicate. That’s how most marketing and sales are done, that’s how we communicate interpersonally. We say what we do, we say how we’re different or better and we expect some sort of a behaviour, a purchase, a vote, something like that. Here’s

our new law firm: We have the best lawyers with the biggest clients, we always perform for our clients. Here’s our new car: It gets great gas mileage, it has leather seats. Buy our car. But it’s uninspiring. Here’s how Apple actually communicates. “Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?” Totally different, right? You’re ready to buy a computer from me. I just reversed the order of the information. What it proves to us is that people don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it. In other words, when we communicate from the outside in, yes, people can understand vast amounts of complicated information like features and benefits and facts and figures. It just doesn’t drive behaviour. When we can communicate from the inside out, we’re talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behaviour, and then we allow people to rationalise it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where gut decisions come from. Sometimes you can give somebody all the facts and figures, and they say, “I know what all the facts and details say, but it just doesn’t feel right.” Why would we use that verb, it doesn’t “feel” right? Because the part of the brain that controls decision-making doesn’t control language. The best we can muster up is, “I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel

TED Talks: Full Notes

right.” Or sometimes you say you’re leading with your heart or soul. I hate to break it to you, those aren’t other body parts controlling your behaviour. It’s all happening here in your limbic brain, the part of the brain that controls decision-making and not language. People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe. Something called the law of diffusion of innovation, if you don’t know the law, you know the terminology. The first 2.5% of our population are our innovators. The next 13.5% of our population are our early adopters. The next 34% are your early majority, your late majority and your laggards. The only reason these people buy touch-tone phones is because you can’t buy rotary phones anymore. We all sit at various places at various times on this scale, but what the law of diffusion of innovation tells us is that if you want massmarket success or mass-market acceptance of an idea, you cannot have it until you achieve this tipping point between 15 and 18 percent market penetration, and then the system tips. I love asking businesses, “What’s your conversion on new business?” They love to tell you, “It’s about 10 percent,” proudly. Well, you can trip over 10% of the customers. We all have about 10% who just “get it.” That’s how we describe them, right? That’s like that gut feeling, “Oh, they just get it.”

APP DESIGN TWO Inspired by the Pinterest trend and the aim to change the user’s routine, the App aims to combine the two to create a platform male consumers will enjoy browsing as well as implementing suggested routine changes that fit into their current lifestyle. The App will detect if an individual is feeling down by change in routine and warning words and messages.

*Key Takeaway: Users will be fed targeted content via their feeds based of the data received from the App. All suggestions made from the App will be unique to each user.

Men’s Colour AW18/19 - Dark Wonder (Colour Inspiration)


In Dark Wonder, fantastical colour clashes create an otherworldly palette for Winter, and rich purple and red tones give Holiday & Partywear items an upscale attitude. Near neons are set against dusky plums, blues, and greens for a dramatic contrast, reminiscent of dimly lit nightclubs, while metallic accents give the palette a technical quality.

The mystery and depth of winter nights informs shadowy tones in the Dark Wonder palette. Foreboding forests inspire colours such as Astro Plum, Lilac Dusk, and Vapour Blue, and Muted Lime and Virtual Pink offer striking contrasts.

These tones, which call to mind science-fiction films, complement the core colours of Black, Navy and Charcoal, while metallics of Titanium, Galactic Green, and Meteor Blue provide otherworldly accents.

Inky darks work for a fluid wardrobe: Charcoal, Navy and Black work for night-to-day dressing, and offer an evolution of black-and-blue styling. These versatile darks have transseasonal appeal.

Engergised brights create electric contrasts: luminous virtual Pink and Muted Lime work well against deep tinted Black and Navy. The core colour of Vanilla also has a shifting quality that works as an accent.

Colours are layered for opulence: Astro Plum, Mystic Violet and Lilac Dusk can be be layered with each other, or with browns and greys, to create complex looks. They also add a luxurious edge to prints and ornamentation.

Metallic highlights add luxury: Titanium and Burnt Bronze give technical outerwear a burnished sheen, and can be used within opulent layered patterns. Metallic details elevate sportswear and ornamented occasionwear.

I will experiment with a range of these colour palettes when designing my App.

Men’s Forecast AW18/19 - Dark Wonder

Dark Wonder Men & Young Men Forcast report.


App Design Two - Screens

App Design

The main feature behind the second App design is the ‘routine alarm clock’ allowing users to switch between suggested routines all of which aim to guide them towards a better cycle of life.

SIGN IN PAGE: Connects the App to the users other social accounts, this enables the App to have data about the individual as soon as they begin to use the App.

INITIAL QUESTIONS: These set of initial questions will be based off any device or platform the user has connected the App too. The answers let the App learn what’s important to the user.

PROFILE PAGE: Each user will get a personal profile page, here they will be able to view their contacts, messages and progress charts.

App Design Two - Screens

App Design

ROUTINE SUGGESTION: The App will suggest activities such as going on walks to keep the user active.

ROUTINES: Each routine will be targeted towards reaching a different goal. Users are able to personalise, or select suggested ones. The routines and switch them on and off.

MESSENGER: The user is able to message The user is able to message other individuals that have the via via the messenger feature. Video chat and voice notes will be available.

FEED: The users feed will consist of different images and suggested posts the App thinks the user will like, based of the data received. This can include recipes, clothes, books, or even local coffee shops.

Analysis of the second App design concluded the text was too small and the colours too dull. Focus groups and questionnaires showed the interest in the concept behind the App. Males are becoming more interested in reconnecting with those around them and experiencing new things in their life. This App aims to do this.

App Names - Toolbox

App Names

Let me get to know you a bit more



A hammer in the works

The Tools for the ‘X’

Understand the tools you need to lead a better lifestyle

A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

How Important are the following.. Getting out the house..


Not Very..

Eating Healthy..


Not Very..





A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

Not Very..

Keeping up with the News..


Not Very..

App Names - Mind Tool

App Names




Mind Tool

A hammer in the works

The Tools for the ‘X’

Understand the tools you need to lead a better lifestyle

A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

How Do You Feel?


Not At All



Not At All



Not At All

Mind Tool A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

M IN D TO O L A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

Extremely Skip


App Names - Re-MIND

App Names





How Do You Feel?

A hammer in the works

The Tools for the ‘X’


Understand the tools you need to lead a better lifestyle

A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

Not At All



Not At All



Not At All

R e - M I N D - a t io n A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

Re - M I N D - a t i on

Extremely Skip


A Male Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning

APP DESIGN THREE The third App design focuses on routine change. The user is able to turn on and off different routine suggestions like an alarm clock. The App will notify the user when a new activity is about to start. Their progress will be monitored and track so they are able to see the benefits of using the App.

*Key Takeaway: ‘Routine Alarm Clocks’ unique to each user.

Main Features on the App

ROUTINE REMINDER: A pop up message will come up on the user’s phone before each routine is about to start, This will tell them what the routine is and how long it will last.

App Visuals

INITIAL QUESTIONS BEFORE ROUTINES: The user will then get asked a set of initial questions regarding how they are feeling at that moment in time they then get asked the same questions at the end of them activity to see how it has made them feel.

ROUTINES ALARM: Users are able to turn their daily alarms on and off. These routines aim to guide the user towards a better way of life by changing small parts of their daily routine.

GOALS: Users are able to set personal goals. They are able to have as many goals as they like at the same time. The App will make suggested goals based on the data received about the users.

Additional Features on the App

PERSONAL PROFILE: Users personal profile pages allow them to easily access their calendar, messenger and events. Users will be able to message other individuals they are following on the App.

EVENTS IN LOCAL AREAS: Users are able to search for events in their local areas. Here they can filter through different categories and plan in advance. Users can change the search location.

App Visuals

ROUTINE FEEDS: The feed acts as the user’s social feed (similar to instagram) here they are able to browse through different inspirational images as well as suggested routines and products.

PROGRESS TRACKER: This enables the user to monitor their progress whilst they are using the App. Seeing all the data from the different set goals in one place will allow the user to easily monitor different aspects of their life all at the same time.

What Goals the App Would Help The User Reach

EXAMPLES: Customer One Goal 1 = Save up for a holiday (budget // put money into a separate place (on the App - people would have to trust the App & know there money was safe // look for places to stay // book flights // get plans & information on how to get to and from hotel etc.) - travel photos on browse Goal 2 = Start running 2+ times a week (Exercise // set in time for running // stretches & cool down before and after run // track distance ran & how often // make new routes around local area // suggest local running groups to join) Goal 3 = Get enough sleep (according to work hours) (monitor sleep // meditation playlists to help the user get to sleep // uplifting music in the morning // positive quotes in the morning // alarms) Customer Two Goal 1 = Save enough to move to another apartment (Budget // Keep money in a separate place // saving techniques // looking at apartments // l Goal 2 = Have personal website read to launch in 3 months (Set checkpoints // schedule in time to work on the website // schedule times for other projects // online promotion posts to promote new website?) Goal 3 = Get healthier skin Customer Three Goal 1 = Spend more time with the family (book activities // dinner time ‘good bad & funny’ - to get you talking // book things to do with wife // buy wife flowers // take kids out // morning routines to get a better work life) Goal 2 = lose 6 pounds (Exercise // fit in schedules to exercise around work hours ) Goal 3 = Save for a new car (Save money in a certain area // cars on the browse )


App Design Three Prototype Analysis



DISSCUSION OF APP FEATURES WITH A GP The features need to be suitable for the target audience. Discussions with a GP helped to cement the features which would be beneficial and eliminate any that wouldn’t be of use. Campaign ideas were discussed and how best to promote the App online.

*Key Takeaway: Dr. Mike Mullen stated the App would be something he would suggest to his patients suffering with depression to use - (flyers in doctors waiting rooms)

DR. Mike Mullen: GP - Discussing current App & Campaign Ideas (05.03.17)

Primary Research


App Flow chart, all the features and pages which will be included in the App.



Date Of Interview: 05/03/17

The main comment I’ve taken away is when Mike was speaking about making sure the App was personal to the individual. - look on nice guidelines - include video on the feed - ‘Motivational Interviews’ with a Chatbot. - Make it an option to share content from the App to other people

Mike is part of a local Tennis club, where he meets up with seven other men each week to play tennis. I went down to the club to speak to Mike individually as well as all the men there to ask them about my App. I met with Mike to discuss my ideas for the App, the objectives behind it and ask his opinion on how to market the product. As a GP Mike offered me constructive ideas to make sure my App would be beneficial for people who were suffering with depression. Below is a summary of the discussion and what I took away from it.


Mike really liked the idea, he beleives if it was marketing right and advertsised in the correct places this could be something that helps a lot of people who suffer with depression. He said it would be something he would advise his paitients to use.

CHANGES TO MAKE: - Think about changing the ‘Not very’ & ‘Extremely’ guidelines on the answers to the initial questions to numbers so it’s clearer for users to rank how they’re feeling

IDEAS: - Create a graphic which can be posted from the App directly to the users social account, telling people they themselves are depressed and they are doing something about it, or that they simple support people with depression, and if anyone that’s reading the post wants to speak, they are there for them. - The App could mock up messages for the user to send to certain individuals telling them if they are having a ‘down day’. If the user is recognised as having a more depressive day than usual the App can suggest they speak to close family and friends (& mock up the message for them)

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: Images / a photo album should also be a feature on the App.

DR. Mike Mullen: GP - Discussing current App & Campaign Ideas

Full Notes

FULL NOTES: Two questions he always asks his patients and all doctors are advised to ask if someone is showing signs of depression or in a suicidal state is “In the last two weeks have you felt helpless?” “In the last two weeks have you felt hopeless?” If patients answer yes to either of these, they could be depressed. Mike told me to look on nice guidelines ( guidance?unlid=) We spoke about the neurovegetative signs of depressions: There are eight neurovegetative signs of depression. * Appetite Disturbance. ... * Difficulty Concentrating. ... * Fatigue. ... * Guilt. ... * Loss of Interest or Pleasure. ... * Psychomotor Retardation or Agitation. ... * Sleep Disturbance. ... * Suicidality. As well as lose of libido (no interests in sex at all) The App: - Mike really liked the idea and believed it could be something really beneficial to people who suffered with depression - Think about changing the ‘Not very’ & ‘Extremely’ guidelines on the answers to the initial questions to numbers so it’s clearer for users to rank how they’re feeling - To include video on the feed - For users to have the option to have ‘Motivational Interviews’ with

a Chatbot. The concept behind these is to from and make individuals explain why they feel a certain way, and why they haven’t done anything about it. Aiming to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. (For example, why a patient feels depressed and what stops them from hurting themselves and working with that information to prevent the individual from hurting themselves in the future.) Mike thought about making it an option to share content from the App to other people, as an awareness to other people that they are depressed, and suffer with depression but are doing something about it. A statement that makes other people aware of the problem and aims to send a message out that it is okay to speak openly about depression and something that should be spoken about online as well as off. Alcohol is a massive issues which leads to depression as well as being something people who suffer with depression turn to. If the App could monitor how much the individual was drinking / help the individual reduce the amount they were drinking and reward them for it, this would massively help people who suffer with alcohol problems. How the App would reward the individual is something I need to think about. Music needs to be an option, which I explained to Mike it already was but this needs to be clearer and an option the individual can add as a main feature to the App. Music uplifts, inspires and motivates individuals and can play a massive part in helping people who suffer with depression. Images / a photo album should also be a feature on the App. I explained to Mike about my initial idea of having selected images

save to the App and pop up if the user was showing signs of feeling more depressed than usual. The more personal the App the better it will be and the more successful it will be to help the user. I had an idea. When the App connects to the users camera roll or their social platforms, it will recognise any images of people smiling, using face recognition and linking this will messenger on social platforms the App will be able to feed the user images which they know will make them happy and remind them of a time they were enjoying. Mike mentioned on google photos it automatically puts together a collage of images which summarise a trip or month, this is something he enjoys looking at as it brings back memories. After explaining more about what Facebook does with the photographs, editing images together for an individual to celebrate friendships and anniversaries. To get an individual to overcome depression and help then live a happier life, they need to exercise and spend time outside. The App needs to make sure they are pushing the individual to do both of these things. The main comment I’ve taken away is when Mike was speaking about making sure the App was personal to the individual. Mike suggested if the individual wrote in different websites or resources (images // songs etc.) which cheered them up when they first start using the App, then the App knows what content will be most beneficial to the user if they become more depressed or if they are having a day when they don’t feel their usual self.

INFLUENCERS RESEARCH BLOGGERS Getting Bloggers with a large following on social media to endorse the brand will raise awareness of the brand and it’s message which will allow it to grow fastest and target more consumers online. Analysis of Bloggers social channels helped initiate ideas for campaign imagery and content.

*Key Takeaway: Bloggers are becoming more influential that traditional celebrity endorsements as their lives seem more attainable to consumers.





OCCUPATION: Single LOCATION: Manchester JOB: Blogger, Freelancer AGE: 27



“Men’s Lifestyle, Fashion and Traveller Writter” Followers: 8,518





OCCUPATION: Engaged LOCATION: London JOB: Blogger, AGE: 29



“Keep it simple, never trendy.” Other Account: @asos_ollie Followers: 12.2K!





OCCUPATION: Engaged LOCATION: Bristol JOB: Blogger, Freelancer, Content Creator AGE: 30



“Style, Design, Travel & Lifestyle” Followers: 40.1K

CAMPAIGN VIDEO BRAINSTORM Taking inspiration from videos Bloggers have done initiated the campaign video brainstorm. Natural, everyday activities was a repetitive theme and one consumers can relate to. Allowing consumers to connect to the video is essential.

*Key Takeaway: The message need to be clearly visable otherwise consumers won’t be engaged.

Campaign Video Inspiration

ManKind GROOMING EDITOR Morning Routine - A Day In The Life Matt Pikes - Blogger


‘Looking for a new morning skincare routine? Here’s our suggestions. In true Mankind style, we’ve simplified and broken down a grooming routine to ensure that it’s easy for anyone to use. Discover some new products and upgrade your skincare routine in one go.’ Depth of field is used throughout the video to highlight certain products.

Showing the individual using the different products.

KEY POINTS: Showing someones daily routine is a personal thing. Getting up close and personal to the person involved in the video shows they are letting viewers into their life and telling them something about themselves. This makes the view connect to the video.

Text highlights each of the different products.

Text highlights each of the different products.

Text could be used in my video to highlight different routines and activities which are taking place.

The final shot revels the brands name and a call to action is shown, making viewers go to their website to find out more about the video.



Showing someone’s daily morning routine. This is one section of the day and is done in real time, making it short, fast and simple but really gets the message across of what it is we are watching.

The whole of this video is shot in one room, focusing back and forth to a shelf where different products are in focus. This could be reciprocated in someone’s room and focusing in on different items that reflect different parts of their character.



Using depth of field to blur out the background of the video and really focus in on a selected area or product works really well. It allows you to get the viewers to focus on a certain part, letting you decide where they attention is.

This could be something that is repeated with various different individuals who all have contrasting morning routines. This will allow a range of different people to connect to the different videos, rather than focusing on one consumer.

Campaign Video Inspiration

ManKind MAT PIKES for MANKIND Morning Routine - A Day In The Life

Mat Pike takes us through a day in his life, sharing some steps of his grooming routine, alongside his daily ventures. Grooming is an integral part of any man’s daily routine, however it doesn’t need to take up all of your time. Here at Mankind we believe in making grooming fuss-free, and this video replicates that.

Flicking through the morning Newspapers and enjoying a coffee.

The logo and title of the video is clearly visable at the beginning of the video.

The name is revealed as the video shows the start of the day beginning (blinds opening)

Different products on shelves are revealed in the video.

Daily routines such as the products used to cleanse his Mat meets up with different individuals in the video, face are shown in the video. showing him engaging with them over food & drink.

Foam Magazine

Who are you? At first glance, it appears to be a straightforward question, and one that - in most instances - we are conditioned to answer simply; by providing our name. It’s generally the response expected of us. Yet,


upon reflection, it begins to feel like such an arbitrary distinction. Why is it that, when asked a question of such central importance to our identity, we reply thoughtlessly, with what is little more than a label? A mere grouping of letters, strung together by our parents and attributed to us at birth.

IDEAS: This has made me want to be more experimental with my imagery and edits. I want to play around with some hand edits and see what outcomes I can get. Layering several images together might create an interesting effect. Contrasting to this I want to experiment with more graphics (using icons and infographics to explain different emotions and stroies.)

The Fantastic Man Magazine Fantastic Man is a semi-annual men’s fashion magazine which was launched in 2005. It presents men’s fashion by detailed interviews with male celebrities and intellectuals from many different backgrounds. The magazine has been lauded for its art direction, winning the British


D&AD award for Best Magazine & Newspaper Design in 2008 and is also known for the quality of its writing and its arch, sometimes ironic, editorial voice

Plan for First Shoot / Video

Campaign Video Plan

OBJECTIVE: Show the individuals daily routine before using the App then afterwards. The aim is to show the benefits of using the App.

IDEA: Filming the same routine but done differently, to show the new routine is a positive one and making the individual happier.

HOW TO FILM (ANGLES & SHOTS): Use depth of field, focus in on different parts of the body. Capturing small gestures that people can relate to.

MODEL: Filming the same routine but done differently, to show the new routine is a positive one and making the individual happier.


Tri-pod Camera (Canon 5D) Stabilizer Wheel Reflector Disk

FIRST CAMPAIGN VIDEO The first campaign video - take one. The first campaign video evaluation. Explaining what went well, what didn’t, what techniques were used to experiment with the footage and what to do next.

*Key Takeaway: The message needs to come across faster, consumers don’t stage engaged for long.

First Campaign Video - Experimenting

Campaign Video AIM: Show the individual suffering with depression, giving up on simple tasks in life like cleaning and signs of the individual not going to work. The story then shows the individual using the App and changing his daily routine and making it make positive changes



Filming the same routine but done differently, to show the new routine is a positive one and making the individual happier. I wanted to capture different angles to make the video interesting.

The aim is to show how changing little things in your daily routine can make a massive difference to your wellbeing and your outlook on life.



Keeping on section of the video in focus and having the subject coming in and out of foucs. This gives the shot a really effective depth of field.

Some of the shots were too dark, and because of the quality of the camera when I have tried to brighten these sections up, the footage has lost it’s quality and I have been unable to use the footage.



The aim is communicated well however you have to watch the whole video to understand what the message is. Not many people would watch the video the whole way through and so I think the message needs to be stronger.

I ued two cannon D70’s, this was so I was able to set one up on a trippod and have one free hand. I also used a camera wheel to make the camera more steady. I didn’t use any lighting equipment when I should have as this would have made some shots a lot better.



The hand shots were the best outcome, as it shows a very simple gesture, but it speaks a thousand words and really gets the message across of how much the individual how changed after using the App and changing parts of his routine. He is now open to connect with people.

The video footage that was too dark to work with (third row) As when I tried to brighten these parts the image became too pixelated and this made the footage look poorly done. I need to make sure my camera is on the right settings and the right lighting equipment is used.

First Campaign Video Evaluation:

Campaign Video

AUDIO: Speaking over this video allowed me to explain what I did and why I did it. Experimenting with different techniques allowed me to eliminate ideas that didn’t work well and try new things.

First Campaign Video - Final Edit


Campaign Video


STUDENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARD The Lifestyle & Wellbing App was proposed. ÂŁ400 was won to help towards startng up App. Changes to be made were raised and the customer needs to be more specific. The money will be used to finalise App ideas and continue to speak to mental health specialists regarding the Apps aims and features.

*Key Takeaway: The customer needs to be more specific to allow the promotion to be more targetted and successfully create a strong brand image

NORTHERN LIGHTS PRESENTATION - AWARD Summary of the App so far, budget if prize money was won, aims & objectives

CLOCK CONNECT ‘Lifestyle & Wellbeing App for males’

An App which users Artificial Intelligence with deep learning to create a personalised experience unique to each user.

Georgina Atkinson - Business Idea

Business Plan

A Bit About Me and What Inituated The Idea For My Business Plan GEORGINA ATKINSON

- Studying Fashion & Brand Promotion with Photography

- Wanted to created something that would help people

- Took a year out to get experience in the Industry

- Cuts to Mental Health services

- Moved away from Fashion

- Articles about the numbers of suicides increasing

- Enjoy marketing and coming up with engaging, exciting ideas - Interested in products or services that help people or make a difference - Enjoy researching new technologies and new ways we are able to incorporate these into products or services that can be beneficial to healthcare services.

About Me

- Number of people depression increasing


In 2015, 6,188 suicides were recorded in the UK. Of these, 75% were males and 25% were females. (ONS, 2016)

- Lots of feminist movements ; empowering women,


- Still a subject people try and stay quite about - Suicide rates were amongst men caused by depression are increasing

- What about men who never felt they were able to speak out The Stigma - ‘to be masculine is to be invulnerable, which means many people think it’s a weakness for men to show their emotions.’ THE IDEA Create a platform that would help men who suffer with depression, by helping them aim for personal goals and interact with people easier. Improving their lifestyle and wellbeing.

The Idea

A Description of my Business Idea Most people with depression are lacking two important things:

OBJECTIVES: To improve the users Lifestyle by adding routine to their life To decrease the number of men who suffer with depression by making them aim for goals and look positively to the future.

- A goal for your life (a future) - A daily routine that is set up to help you accomplish that goal

HOW IT WORKS: AI can predict failures and act in advance, and deep learning can suggest personalised options based on the data it has stored from each user.

USP: Data from the users connected platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, their camera roll and GPS location) will allow the App to learn about the individual and make sure they are feeding them personalised and directed content.

Lifestyle & Wellbeing App

Add routine

Set goals

See your progress

Monitor how the user feels

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.� - Mike Murdock Additional Features: - Connect - Feed (40% of Pinterest users are men)

The Idea

Customer - Who is the App going to be targetted at?

Target Consumers Males who suffer with depression. Individuals that need motivated. Men that need to change their routine to make them live a happy, more fufiled life.

JOHN BAK ER AGE: 44 JOB: Accountant OCCUP ATION: Married with K ids S uffer s with depr ession often

OLIVER SMITH AGE: 2 9 J OB: Freelance Webs ite Developer OCCUP ATION: In a R elations hip Suffer s with depr ession on a da ily ba sis

Suicide rate amongst males in the UK in 2014, per 100,000 (%)

9.9 10-29 Years




30-44 Years

45-59 Years



60-74 Years

75+ Years

DR. Mike Mullen: GP Discussing current App & Campaign Ideas

The App

Finance - How Much Monday is Needed & For What?

Further research into how the App would work, speaking to an App specialist and working out which algoriths would be combined and how to make the Artifitial Intellegence work in the way in which the App needs it to.

Online Content - Website for the brand - Social media channels for the brand (Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / YouTube account) Document all the process and explaining more about the brand itself and the App and how it works. - Photoshoots, videos

Before & After using the App imagery & video

Designing the App further to make sure it is easy to use and vidually engaging, as well as all the pages and features working correctly. Entering more awards to get more money to develop the App and make it work correctly

Get the App designs finalised


Visuals for the website finished and planned out


Tangable promotional Items Photoshoots / Promotional Videos Set up Social Media Accounts

Things that would be done

Offline Content - Promoting in Sports Programmes - Beer Mats promoting the App - Leaflets promoting the Brand (Links to social channels) - Booklets explain the App features

£200 £100-£200 £100


Outcome - What’s the aim & how will it be measured?


- Make several prototypes of the App to make sure it works and appeals to the target market - The App to be designed and finished, with all the features working. - For 6000 people to have signed up to the App in the first 6 months of the launch date. - Put on / help organise events & workshops in local areas, with the aim to bring men together.

“Is it really possible for us to take a system of millions upon millions of devices, to read in their data streams, to predict their failures and act in advance? Yes. Can we build systems that converse with humans in natural language? Yes. Can we build systems that recognise objects, identify emotions, emote themselves, play games and even read lips? Yes. Can we build a system that sets goals, that carries out plans against those goals and learns along the way? Yes. Can we build systems that have a theory of mind? This we are learning to do.” - Grady Booch Nov. 2016 (TED talk Don’t fear superintelligent AI)


How will it be measured?

6 Month Timeline Plan

May: - Conduct more Focus Groups and Interviews to finalise features on the App

June: - Work with a graphic Designer to finalise App Visuals - Finalised App name, logo and all branding features.

July: - Start thinking of a marketing plan, how to roll out information and the brand and the progress of the App development. - Organise meeting up with people to research more into the App and how it would work.

August: - Start Designing the website for the Brand.

September: - Start creating promotional online content ready to be rolled out - Start creating & designing tangablie promotional items (beer mats, booklets, leaflects, calanders etc.)

October: - Have entered another competition to try and raise more money for the Proejct. - Start to roll out the marketing content and promotional material (get people aware of the product and people interested in it)

The Aim

6 Months Time plan

What this opportunity would mean and future developments

I am really passionate about making this idea come to life It will teach me how to manage a project and make sure all aspects on the business are covered & Allow me to research more into how the technology behind the App would work

Future Developments - Raise money for research purposes, researching into new technologies which can benefit healthcare - Put on more charity events on in local areas

& Work with different people who specilise in their area, making me learn new skills and meet new people who are passionate about what they do. I’m a hardworking person and always try and put my complete attention and effort into an project I work on The brand and idea aim to expand in lots of defferent ways, but with the aim of raising more to help people and help the healthcare services.


For the Business

THANK YOU FOR LISTENING CLOCK CONNECT ‘Lifestyle & Wellbeing App for males’

An App which users Artificial Intelligence with deep learning to create a personalised experience unique to each user.

FEEDBACK RECIEVED - I need to think WHY I am doing this, why do I want to create this App for males and what are the main objectives. I need to make sure all the promotional items, the App itself, the name and the branding corresponds the the objectives. - The name needs to be changed, it doesn’t have a stong message and doesn’t tell consumers what it is that the App does.

Georgina Atkinson - Business Idea

Business Plan

APP AND CAMPAIGN DISCUSSION WITH TARGET CONSUMER Meeting with David Thorpe; an male who suffers with depression on a regular basis provided guidance towards which features of the current App design would be beneficial to a target consumer.

*Key Takeaway: Two Apps the consumers currently uses (‘Moodtrack’ & ‘Pillow)

David Thorpe - Discussing current App & Campaign Ideas

Primary Research

David suffers with depression frequently, he is currently taking anti-depressants to help manage his depression. David has week periods where his depression is really bad, this is built up by pressure to complete work, relationship issues & finance problems, which causes him to feel extremely stressed leading him into a very depressive stage



Date Of Interview: 15/03/17

David Thorpe is 37 years old, he has a partner of 11 years, and has two sons aged 9 & 10. David has suffered with depression for the majority of his life, it comes in waves but he has very depressed stages and he is taking medication for this. I wanted to speak to David to understand a bit more about his depression.

I wanted to get Davids opinion on the features of the App and see if this would be something he would be interested in using himself. I showed him my prototype and went through the different pages, explaining what each of them did. I asked about what places would be most beneficial to advertise. (what form of transport David uses / what TV does he watch / what does he do in his space time etc) I asked David a few questions about his depression and how he deals with his depressive days. App Flow chart, all the features and pages which will be included in the App.

KEY TAKEWAYS: - Don’t make the App give the individual too many notifications. - Don’t include the messenger feature on the App (too many Apps have this feature) - See if the App could be featured on the App store and how I could make that happen


TOOK PLACE: POSITIVE FEEDBACK: David likes the idea and says it is something he would be interested in using. He likes how the App would be personal to each user. David liked the feed idea, but he never uses Instagram so said it might not appeal to him. I need to create more visuals for how the feed would work. The GPS tracker will make the feed some the individual things around them, this is something that I haven’t communicated well yet.

- Have a look at the two Apps david mentioned (Moodtrack & Pillow) This will give me more of an understanding to why he finds the Apps benefitial and see if I can include some of these features in my App. - Think about the messenger feature because this is something that needs to be changed and re-planned to make sure that it’s going to be something that will be both beneficial and appeal to the user.

CHANGES TO MAKE: Get rid of the messenger feature of the App. Having this is too many features and takes away from the routine and goal section t the App. I need to think of another way where the App can make the individual feel connected and have a profile page.

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: The App could include a messenger feature in the future when it becomes more well know and people can then begin to use it instead of other social platforms to speak to people they are close with.

David Thorpe - Discussing current App & Campaign Ideas

Full Notes

FULL NOTES: David suffers with depression frequently, he is currently taking anti-depressants to help manage his depression. David has week periods where his depression is really bad, this is built up by pressure to complete work, relationship issues & finance problems, which causes him to feel extremely stressed leading him into a very depressive stage

I told David about my idea to maybe include a reward scheme; the more goals the individual receives the told me about an App called Bounts which is an App that rewards the user with Amazon vouchers (originally it was Starbucks / food & drink vouchers but more people began to join the App and the rewards has to be reduced)

Too many notifications from an App makes David lose interest and has often deleted Apps which over notify him. 2 or 3 notifications a day from an App is enough. My App will notify the user more than this depending on what the routine consists of but this is something I can look into.

When asked about what brings on his depression David didn’t want to speak about this in too much depth. (this is another way a digital journal would be benefitial to individuals suffring with depression.)

David used his Apple Watch on a daily basis. He used it to pay for things as his wallet App on his iPhone is connected to the watch. He also uses it to to monitor his steps and calories. The watch alerts him when he has burnt a certain number of calories and this is something that David likes. David thought the idea to post about achieving your goal on other social platforms was a good idea but it must be something that the user decides if it is going to be posted, as having this as an automatic thing could often certain users and be seen as invading their privacy. This needs to be thought about; how the App will post it to social media channels and what the message is saying.

I asked David about places to advertise and he said he uses Public transport and that he often reads signs and posters he sees on his journeys. David also looks at the App store and sees which Apps are ranked highest. He will then read about the Apps and see if it is something he is interested in using. I asked David what sports, if any, he is interested in. He enjoyed Snooker and Cricket. I will think about how i can promote in areas where these sports are shown. I asked David what TV programmes he watches and he said Pointless, Game of thrones and Netflix’s. He often watches thee things online after its been on TV. I would have to advertise on these websites or in Ad breaks on demand

programmes for individuals like David to notice them. David thinks I should get rid of the messenger feature altogether, as otherwise people will be confused to what the App actually does. David only uses Facebook for people he knows, if there was an option to connect to people via the App, having the choice to do it via Facebook, Twitter or even WhatsApp would work well. David thought it would be a good idea to have Samaritans number and close friends and family number stored in the App as emergency contacts incase the App feels like individual is suicidal and will put them in contact with someone that can help. Two Apps David mentioned for me too look at were ‘Pillow’; which is an App that monitors your sleep. He said using this App allows him to understand if he sleeping patterns become worse before he goes into a really depressive stage. This is something he finds really beneficial to monitor. The other App he mentioned was ‘MoodTrack’ which tracks your moods and acts as a digital journal. It allows you to see what others are going through and optionally chat anonymously. Form instant friendships and support networks, it allows people to get support when they need it, and give support when they feel like it.

TREND & CAMPAIGN RESEARCH Social Media is become more and more influential to younger consumers. Some of the content “It’s making us think we have to feel a certain way, read selected things and follow certain trends. It’s limiting our own imaginations and forming us to not be individuals, but to follow a crowd” - Brands need to change this and push consumers to be more creative and embrace individuality.

*Key Takeaway: Brands need to push consumers to be individual, and not mould them into thinking they have to be and think a certain way.

Viewpoint Trend Journal - What brands need to do & Future Consumers Viewpoint looks at how social media is making more and more of us feel we have to think a certain way, buy certain things, wear certain clothes and have a certain style. It’s making us think we have to feel a certain way, read selected things and follow certain trends. It’s limiting our own imaginations and forming us to not be individuals,


but to follow a crowd. Brands need to understand that to target their audiences and to keep them engaged they have to keep up with current trends but communicate with them in friendly, informal way to connect with them on a personal level.

SUMMARY: Brands need to find their niche and their voice. Make sure you are consistent with what message you want to tell and how you tell it. Stand out from your competitors and be truthful to yourself and your audience.

IDEAS: This has made me want to be more experimental with my imagery and edits. I want to play around with some hand edits and see what outcomes I can get. Layering several images together might create an interesting effect.

INSPIRATION: I need t make sure the content and messages I’m trying to get across in the campaign is something that my target audience are going to be interested in. Focus on what will appeal to them and make sure it is directed and personalised.

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: “People are becoming increasingly fascinated by the idea of transhumanism, where technology combines with human bodies.” Individuals will be more inclined to use technology as a way to benefit them in their everyday life.

Viewpoint Trend Journal - Campaign Ideas

IDEAS: This has made me want to be more experimental with my imagery and edits. I want to play around with some hand edits and see what outcomes I can get. Layering several images together might create an interesting effect.


Axe Campaign Video

Axe COSMETIC BRAND AXE ‘Find Your Magic’ Campaign Video, produced by advertising agency 72 & Sunny

FULL NOTES: In response to this fluidity in identity, some brands are now totally rejecting the demographic pigeonholing so often used to establish target audiences. Instead, these non-demographic brands are celebrating personal values, interests and lifestyle choices.

Who needs a six pack when you have your own thing? No must-have, must-be, fashion norms or body standards.

The most attractive man you can be is yourself. So find what makes you, you. Then work on it.

Cosmic brand Axe, which has previously used macho humour in its campaigns, more recently opted for a gender-fluid approach. It’s ‘Find Your Magic’ advert, produced by advertising agency 72 and Sunny, portrays a multitude of different types of men, including one man in high- heeled shoes and another in a wheelchair, to underline how masculinity no longer refers to a single male trait. The campaigns creative director Carlo Cavallone suggests this is part of a bigger shift in the industry, where brands are becoming more open about identities and gender perceptions. ‘Inclusivity is not just political - it’s a social reality,’ says Cavallone. ‘It simply means being normal these days. Even if it’s not the subject matter, a lot of brands are now paying attention to these issues.’ Much of this is happening behind the scenes, explained Cavallone, as brands evolve different approaches to define their audience. ‘You now rarely see characterisations of consumers in terms of age or gender.’ ‘It’s a lot more about lifestyle preferences and behaviour.’

Clothing brand Benetton recently created an advert using facial recognition to match models to its audiences ethnicity. The Face of The City advert used an algorithmic average of all the ethnicities found in each of the six different locations where the advert was shown. The brand then chose a model who matched the face of each particular city. And in an even less stereotyped approach, Louis Vuitton has chosen a video game character as the face of its series 4 campaign. The brand collaborated with Square Enix video game director Tetsuya Nomura, who reimagined the Lighting character from his Final Fantasy game series as the campaigns model, complete with Louis Vuitton accessories in hand. With traditional notions of gender, age and other demographic identifiers either blurring or now largely irrelevant, a new kind of consumer identity is coming to the fore. Instead of being constrained by values that are supposed to apply en masse, these trans-identity consumers are picking and choosing values and interests as they please, creating a rich set of characteristics that express their unique feelings, emotions and aspirations.

“Age is also undergoing a cultural rethink, as the characteristics of different generations become increasingly different to distinguish.”

‘Brands are opting to focus on personal interests and values rather than gender when marketing their products.”



Focus on several different characters and individuals, showing the App is aimed at several different males.

This advert shows individuals who are interested in contrasting thing, but are all male. They are aiming to get rid of the stereotype and stigma of what it means ‘to be a man’ and this is done in an extremely successful, way, including comedy which adds light to the advert.

Podcast Trend - Campaign Ideas

The Podcast Consumer study released by Edison Research shows that 35% of podcast listeners are in the 1834 demographic. ‘comScore’ data shows that same demographic is 44% more likely than the average smartphone-owning adult to listen to podcasts on their device at least once a week.

Podcasts are even more popular with younger demos – while 18-34 year olds are more likely than the general population to be podcast listeners, 12-17 year olds are almost twice as likely to listen.


LONDON RESEARCH VISIT Research included visiting: Science Museum - Robots Exhibition Science Museum - Data Exhibition Design Museum Now Gallery App used whilst there: Dojo Transport Used: Trains, Underground (Using the Oyster Card) and busses

*Key Takeaway: The Oyster Card Data Recovery experiment initiated the idea for ‘Tap IN’. Incorporating the technology used, into ‘Tap IN’ spots will allow the concept of users ‘Tapping IN’ different locations place work.

Science Museum Data Exhibition - London


Our Lives in Data uncovers some of the diverse ways our data is being collected, analysed and used. From toys that can understand a child’s personality and smarter public transport planning to new genomic technology that is helping uncover the causes of rare diseases and cancer, big data’s invisible revolution has begun. As the amount of data collected grows so does the debate around data ownership. Visit Our Lives in Data to discover new tools designed to protect your data and join in the discussion live in our interactive quiz. SUMMARY: This exhibition showed the power of data, what can be done with it and how it can be collected. Individuals were notified by their mobile devices when they connected to wifi whilst in the stations, giving them the option to not let the device store their data.

IDEAS: Using data collection to store data about consumers, and then create a campaign from this data, would make sure the consumers were targetted successfully.

INSPIRATION: The Oyster card data collected showed different commute route patterns for all individuals using an oyster card. This has allows a massive amount of data to be collected over a short period of time (this data was collected over a two week period.)

HOW THIS CAN HELP THE IDEA: Getting data about consumers commute routes, too and from work would enable us to put POS material in places they will see on a daily basis. Making it more likely they will be reached successfully and act upon it.

Science Museum Data Exhibition - London


From Monday morning moans to Saturday night selfies, more information about our lives is being captured than ever before. In fact, over 90% of all available human data has been recorded in the last two years and is already being used to transform the world around us.

SUMMARY: This has inituated the idea for a ‘Tap IN’ spot. The technology behind the device enables it to read a stream of data from as many people use their Oyster Card. Having a ‘tap IN’ spot that also connects to wifi, and can track mobile devices within a certain space will enable the ‘Tap IN’ spots to work.

IDEAS: There will be a sensor within the spot. This will record all the data received by it. There will be several different ‘Tap IN’ spots (in all the different locations) and this data will be distributed to the users App so each user can receive personalised data.

INSPIRATION: The Oyster Card tracker collected a massive amount of data. Using Machine learning and storing all the data, it has allowed us to see the different patterns of different individuals. From this we can see how many people work when and how many people have irregular routes.

HOW THIS CAN HELP ME: The ‘Tap IN’ spots would work using this technology. Users would sign the aggrement to let the device store their data when signing up to the App. They will then be connected to all ‘Tap IN’ spots so the are notified and tracked when Tapping in to a new location.

Science Museum Robots Data Exhibition Exhibition - London - London


Our latest blockbuster exhibition explores the 500-year story of humanoid robots and the artistic and scientific quest to understand what it means to be human. Set in five different periods and places, the exhibition features a unique collection of over 100 robots, from a 16thcentury mechanical monk to robots from science fiction and modern-day research labs. Twelve of the robots are working models and you may even get the chance to interact with one.

SUMMARY: To build a robot, you have to teach it like you would teach a child. Robots learn by being taught things. This is why many robots specialise in one area; they have been taught to do a specific thing a certain way. This is why to teach a robot to walk you have to teach it about all of it’s body parts and how they work.

IDEAS: To teach the App to cater to the needs of each individual, lots of different algorithms will have to be joined together. The App will have to understand how to converse with others depending on the data it has received by it. To do this the algorithm has to learn human conversation and mental health signs.

INSPIRATION: Several algorithms combined will enable the App to learn several different things at once. Using deep learning the App will be able to store data and act accordingly. The App will be able to notice mood and routine change from an individual using the App.

HOW THIS CAN HELP ME: This lets the App guide the user towards a better lifestyle as the App can give each user unique suggestions as no user will give the App the same data.

App used whilst in London Analysis - Dojo

Current Apps

“Find the best places to eat, drink and go out in London/Paris on Dojo.”

The ‘The Week’ feed shows a range of popular places to go, refreshing each week.

Catogories range from ‘Theatre & performance’ to ‘Late Night Drinking’ places

Catogories takes the user to a range of different options to browse through different suggestions.

You can share places on other social channels. A short description and a rating is visable for each place.

You are able to add different places to a saved ‘Collection’ you can create you own and have multiple groups.

Information on opening times and how to get to the destination is provided.





The images are really bright and very good quality As soon as you open the App it looks inviting. This App was really easy to use and navigate through. There were a lot of places on here that I wouldn’t have gone to or known about without having the App. The Around me feature is really helpful.

It’s only available in London and Paris so users aren’t able to use the App if they are not in these locations. There are flashing images on the home page, this might be a shock to some people - the flashing could be slower so it doesn’t make people want to get off the App.

The concept behind the App could be reciprocated in several different locations. This has inspired me to create the ‘Tap IN’ App using the idea for the ‘Tap IN spot from the Oyster Card experiment. This would allow lots of different people from all over the UK to use the App.

Other Apps that offer a similar experience but in different locations. Tripadvisor has the same concept and consumers can search nationwide for different locations, places and activities Dojo has more independently ran / unknown places on their App however Airbnb have just launched features where individuals can now book activities and day trips via their platform - this is a big competitor.

Inspiration Board - Instagram Stories, Places to advertise and Screen Shots

Mood Boards

Inspiration Board - Instagram Stories, Places to advertise and Screen Shots

Mood Boards

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