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TAPPA Bylaws Changes 2020
Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of six (6) members who shall be elected for a term of three years each. No elected member of the Board shall be elected to serve more than two terms (six years), consecutively. The terms shall be staggered in such a manner that 2 board positions are voted on each year. Any Board Member who has served 2 Terms (elected or appointed) shall not be eligible to be elected or appointed for a period of two years.
Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of six (6) members who shall be elected for a term of three years each. No elected member of the Board shall be elected to serve more than two terms (six years), consecutively. The terms shall be staggered in such a manner that 2 board positions are voted on each year. Any Board Member who has served 2 Terms (elected or appointed) shall not be eligible to be elected or appointed for a period of one year. The Board may appoint up to 3 special directors . Their term would run for the remainder of the calendar year. They may be only appointed by majority vote of the TAPPA board and may not hold the position of: Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, or President.
A) PROFESSIONAL: An individual that is a resident of the State of Florida. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed as a photographer by a legally established business and derives a majority of income from the photographic field. May hold office, vote in TAPPA affairs, and use the TAPPA logo.
C) MEMBER: For newcomers to the profession who are not associated with any ACTIVE member and are just getting started in the profession. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions.
C) MEMBER: An individual that is a resident of the State of Florida. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed as a photographer by a legally established business and derives a majority of income from the photographic field or newcomers to the profession who are not associated with any ACTIVE member and are just getting started in the profession. May hold office, vote in TAPPA affairs, and use the TAPPA logo.