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Print of the Month
- Prints are to be mounted.
- Size: 8x10.
- Electronic Imaging size can be two 8x10 taped together on the back and spread open for viewing.
- Four entries per member each month, three of which will count toward Photographer of the Year points.
- All entries MUST have your name and the category you wish to enter on the back of the print.
- Prints must be turned in before 6:15 pm.
Prints received after 6:15 will not be accepted!
Each month we have a print of the month competition at the meeting. You’re allowed to submit up to six images, three of which can earn points toward Photographer of the Year.
This is a great opportunity to show off your work and see what your fellow members have been working on. Everyone is encouraged to participate.

- Please send your winning files to Chuck@
ChuckVosburgh.com for the newsletter as soon as possible. Deadline for publication is Friday after the meeting.
- Name your files by your last name-placecategory. For example: Smith-1st-Portrait.jpg - Resolution 1500 pixels on the longest side or greater is acceptable. JPEG format is preferable.

First place: William Cadzow

Second place: Win Wolloff

Third place: Ricardo Groenke

Print of the Month - Electronic Imaging
First place: Michael Landes

Second place: Pedro Carillo

Third place: Michael Landes