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Using Facebook to Rekindle Your Romance If you’ve recently broken up with your romantic partner, whether it was your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your fiancé or even your spouse and you want to get back together, Facebook can be a powerful tool for rekindling your romance. Humans are overwhelmingly social creatures; we are drawn toward communities and crave social networking, so use this to your advantage when you want to get back together with your ex. Before I continue, if you want the best guide on the internet that shows you how to get your ex back using Facebook then click here for the free video: When you’ve recently broken up with your partner, regardless of the reasons or who is ‘at fault’, you can bet good money that they are checking up on you regularly. Even if you broke up under less-than-ideal circumstances, your ex won’t be able to resist checking out your Facebook page, reading updates that involve you, and generally keeping an eye on you. The reason is simple: your ex wants to see how the break-up has impacted you. Are you a crying wreck, falling apart after the loss of your soul mate and barely able to keep things together at work and socially? Or are you hanging out with friends, going out with new people and continuing to get on with your life and have a good time? If your ex sees that you’re still wallowing in misery following the end of the relationship, it won’t attract them back. But if you’re clearly moving on with life and have your hopes set on the future, rather than floundering in the past, you’ll be surprised how quickly your ex will want you back. After all, there’s a certain appeal in something you can’t quite have. So cultivate that appeal, use Facebook as a covert method to show your ex everything they’re missing out on by not being with you. The trick to doing this successfully is to disguise how you do it. Everyone can see through to your real intent if you’re constantly posting on your ex’s wall or putting out a million updates a day, especially if you mention your ex in those updates, so avoid posting too often. Instead, post an update once or twice a day, mentioning fun and exciting things you’ve been up to.
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Another big red flag is posting updates and comments about how you feel regarding the break-up. Keep these details to yourself or in private conversations with your closest friends and family, but don’t post them to your Facebook. Your ex is dying to know how you’re feeling and whether you can continue on in life with them, so don’t make it easy for them to find out! If you want to get your ex back using just the power of Facebook, click here and watch this video:
Picking Your Profile Pic The image you choose for your profile pic has the power to say a lot about you, and chances are that you already have some idea of what you want to put across in your picture. Maybe you’re shy, or maybe you want to show everyone that you’re smoking hot with a come hither look; whatever the case, your profile pic is a chance to make a statement about yourself. And since, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, make this pic speak a veritable volume of prose. You’ll want to use a recent picture for your profile pic. Choose one that you’ve taken since splitting up with your ex, so that it’s something fresh and new they haven’t seen. You can change your profile pic once or twice a week, but don’t update it too often. When you’re choosing which pic to use, pay attention to how you look. If necessary, take a glance back through some of your older pictures, especially the pictures from when your ex first got interested in you. Now ask yourself: have you let things slide? It’s unfortunate, but true, your ex might have lost interest because you got so comfortable in the relationship that you stopped putting much effort into things like your appearance. Now, there are certain people who will howl all day long about how shallow it is to be concerned about appearance, but be serious. Yes, personality and attitude are absolutely important because it’s what is underneath the external appearance that will help make a relationship endure, but looks are important too. After all, you appreciated it when your ex looked extra sexy or took the time to groom that bit of hair you consider so unsightly. So if you’ve let things slide in the looks department, or you went from exercising every day to exercising once a month, then get back to it! Take pride in looking your best and keep that unibrow plucked, don’t be afraid to shave beneath your arms and dare to be wild again by getting an everything-gone wax. Get
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your hair styled, or do it yourself, and take care of your skin and body by eating well and avoiding fat-laden foods. In short, do the things you were doing when you and your ex first got together. If it isn’t your looks that you let slack, maybe you starting slacking on having fun. Did you and your ex used to go out hiking, rock climbing, bowling or just dancing and to the movies a lot? Get involved in these activities again, and let your profile pic reflect that you’re just as awesome as ever. These things will draw your ex back like a magnet, but be tasteful about how you spread the word through your social network. Nothing should sound forced or manufactured. To learn what kind of profile pictures you need to magnetically draw your ex back, click here and watch this video:
Photos & Tags After your breakup, don’t be afraid to glam it up and get out there to have a good time with friends. Make sure you or your friends take loads of pictures, and then let your friends post their pictures of the night on Facebook. Once the pictures are posted, resist the urge to tag yourself in any of the pictures, instead wait and ask one of your friends or let someone else tag you. Your ex will notice the pictures that you’ve been tagged in, and it’ll stoke their desire that you’re out having a good time without them. When they see that you’re out enjoying life and having fun with friends, and that the end of your relationship wasn’t the end of your life, it’ll make you all that much more attractive. Soon your ex will be coming to you, eager to rekindle your romance. Another sly trick is to be sure that you’re photographed in large groups, preferably with members of the opposite gender. Your ex will wonder who the people are that they don’t recognize, and it’ll spark their desire to have to all to themselves again. If you dare to be a bit racy, you can also post pictures of yourself looking extra sexy. Grab a friend to help you, and snap some sexy pictures of your newest lingerie with yours truly as the model. Don’t worry if you have family members on your friend’s list, you can go into the individual setting for your new sexy photo album, and adjust settings to block certain groups or strangers from seeing your racy pics.
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While your friends are tagging you in all the photos that show you having a blast (and do feel free to comment on the photos and photo albums that you’re in, just don’t tag yourself) there is a somewhat more unpleasant duty you should attend to. Go through your photo albums and any pictures of you and your ex, and summarily delete your ex’s tag. Removing your ex’s tag will send the message that you aren’t holding onto the past. Regardless of whether you’re really sitting by the phone just waiting for it to go off, it’s crucial that you send the message that you’re fine and that you’re moving on. If you leave your ex tagged in all your pictures, and you keep all the romantic pictures of both of you posted in your albums, it sends the wrong message. It says ‘I still miss you and I’m waiting for you to come back.’ In addition to sending the message that you’re moving on and not clinging to the past, untagging your ex from photos also allows you to let go of the relationship you had. Whatever the good and bad of that relationship was, it’s over and done now. You are moving forward, and even though you’d like to move forward with your ex, you’ve got to move forward even without them. By letting go of the relationship you had, you leave room for a new relationship between you two to form, and that’s really essential. If and when your ex wants to get back together with you, remember that you’re not returning to your old, broken relationship. When you get back together, you’ll be starting a new relationship. You’ll take new photos of yourselves together, and you’ll make new memories. So take the first step now, and let go of the past: untag your ex from all those photos! Find out how to tag yourself and take photos that will make your ex want to get back with you again, click here watch this video:
Status Updates Using your status updates is another useful tool in getting your ex back. Once again, the trick here is not to overdo it, and not to use your status updates to let on that you’re still pining. Status updates like, ‘heartbroken’, ‘missing you’, ‘feeling incomplete’, and other sad, depressed updates or references to your relationship are a great way to keep your ex away. He or she will read those updates, and even if they feel a twinge of guilt or
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empathy for you, mostly they’ll feel relieved that they’ve gotten loose and are dating other people. Instead, keep your status updates light and upbeat. Don’t post too many updates each day, but keep them interesting and pertinent to your life and the things you’re doing. Send the message that you’re enthusiastic and happy, moving forward with your life, by posting updates like ‘had a great night last night, totally hung-over’, ‘last weekend was absolutely amazing!’, ‘thanks to everyone who came out last night, it was awesome’, and ‘had a blast John, thanks for the night on the town.’ Or you can get a little more suggestive with updates like ‘just got waxed, everything’s nice and smooth now’, or ‘gotta work on my all-over tan this weekend, wish me luck.’ Whatever you do, avoid dull, boring or routine status updates. Don’t post about your PMS or cramps this month, and resist the urge to post updates too often. Spamming status updates every 15 minutes – 2 hours just makes you look insecure and needy. In case you don’t have a large social group or many friends on Facebook, you can employ a version of the ‘fake it until you make it’ method. Try creating a few fake Facebook accounts, remember to set the privacy settings to friends only, and then use them to post messages to your wall or make comments on your photos. You can include comments about what a good time you’ve had together, or how much you’re looking forward to your plans together. Feel free to get creative, but be realistic and don’t overdo it. Make your fake profiles more believable by sourcing royalty-free artwork or pictures to use as the profile picture, and give them believable birthdays. Having the wrong kind of status updates will make your ex want to stay away from you. Find out what to avoid! Click here watch this video:
Your Wall Like your profile picture, your wall says a lot about you. Or at least, it should. If you’ve been neglecting your wall, it’s time to spruce things up a bit. Get some fresh content on your wall by engaging in social activities and inviting your friends to post comments. You can also use your wall to showcase your expanding interests. Facts are facts, and there were probably things about your ex that you didn’t like that much, or things that your ex enjoyed like basketball, football, other sports, certain TV shows or cars, etc. that you weren’t really interested in. There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you’re serious
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about getting back together with your ex, then you’ll need to start honestly adapting to their lifestyle. Try learning about the things that you know they’re interested in, and let your new interest be reflected on your wall. Post comments to groups that relate to his or her interests, and let them see that you’re getting involved in hobbies that they always loved. Your ex will be more inspired to contact you when they see that you’re starting to share some of their interests.
Add New Friends Keep expanding your social circle after your breakup! The size of your social group isn’t just a measure of how popular you are, it also shows how active you are and who you’re spending time with. Don’t hesitate to add new friends, especially friends of the opposite gender. Those regular additions to your friends list will pique your ex’s interest. ‘Who are these people?’ is what your ex will wonder. They’ll want to know who you’re hanging out with and having such a good time with now that you aren’t together. Use this to your advantage and let your inner social butterfly flourish. Find out the “ninja” method to add friends and get your ex jealous and wanting you back! Click here to watch the video:
Your Relationship Status If at first you are tempted to change your relationship status, consider the wisdom of patience and wait a week or two at least. Certainly, don’t go changing your relationship status within hours or days of breaking up with your partner. And, whatever you do, don’t change your status from something like ‘in a relationship’, to ‘single’ and then to ‘it’s complicated.’ Not changing your relationship status might seem a little counterintuitive, especially if you’re trying to send the message to your ex that you’re fine and can move on without them. But here’s the reason you want to leave that relationship status the way it is: each time you update your relationship status, everyone gets notified and it draws massive attention to you. If you’re hoping to get back together with your ex, the last thing you need is a bunch of your friends posting to your wall or messaging you asking about what happened to your
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relationship. Also, updating and changing your relationship status multiple times in quick succession has the effect of making you look needy and attention-seeking. You also want to avoid changing your relationship status too soon because it can send the wrong message to your ex, especially if you already know that they may be having doubts about ending things. Your ex is less likely to feel like you’re unstable or some creepy stalker, too, if you keep going on about your life and leave your relationship status unchanged for a while.
Basic Don’ts To summarize, here are some basic don’ts of getting your ex back: Don’t be needy or clingy; emotional neediness and clinging behavior are some of the most unattractive traits you could possibly imagine, and you’ll drive your partner away. Don’t send them messages telling them how much you miss them, or can’t live without them, how much you need them or how sad you are without them. At most, you’ll get pity from your ex, but that is not what you want, and you won’t get them back. Don’t beg them to return; show that you have dignity and self-respect, don’t beg your ex to take you back or to come back. Begging lowers you and it’s unnecessary; act with confidence and show your ex how valuable you are. Don’t post about your breakup; this is an attention-drawing tactic that makes you look needy and attention-seeking. It also invites commentary from your friends and social circle on what should be a private matter between you and your ex. Just remember: you weren’t sharing every detail of your relationship when you were together, don’t start posting all the details now that you’ve broken up. Don’t get into a rebound relationship; if your goal is to get back together with your ex, don’t get into a serious rebound relationship. A little light dating and maybe some kissing is fine, but taking things to a more serious intimate level with another partner will only alienate your ex and push them away, it won’t attract them back to you. With these tips, you can use Facebook to get your ex back, too. Just remember to be tasteful and natural about your approach, don’t do anything too overt or obviously attention-seeking. Most importantly, though, be prepared to continue working to keep
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your ex once you’re back together. Don’t take your renewed relationship for granted and hopefully this time it will last forever. Remember, if you liked these tips, for the best guide that will show you how to get your ex back using Facebook, click here and watch this FREE video:
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