Dean Fniends of the Elnistol Hospital Developrnent Foundation, As we begin the year, it seems timely to reflect on the community of Bristol. Despite major changes in industry, Bristol remains a vibrant, family centered communiry. Itt considered by many to be one of the best places in our state to live and raise a family. Bristol's remarkable communiry spirit and devotion is evident every day in our schools, businesses, places of worship, and households. And perhaps, more than ever, ar our Bristol Hospital. Recent and respected national surveys rank Bristol Hospital among the top communiry hospitals in the United States. How proud we are!
Governed by a community volunteer Board of Directors, staffed by highly capable physicians and staff, supported by an outstanding Auxiliary and donor friends, Bristol Hospital is focused on providing the best communiry health care. The success of the recent communiry Breast Health program has energized the entire Bristol communiry. Hundreds of communiry citizens poured their hearts and souls into the project. Some donated thousands of dollars, while orhers delivered effective teaching and communication programs. Each made a significant contribution.
Then a!d now, thatk Bristol! \7e are ever grateful! '/-/ /f741
Thomas O. Barnes Chairperson
Bristol Hospital Development Foundation
Dean Fniends of the Bnistol Hospital Developrnent Foundation, Bristol Hospital begins rwo major initiatives as we enter this new year: a major educarional and screening program to reduce the impact of colorectal cancers, and a major capital campaign to support a new faciliry that replaces and expands our surgical and endoscopy departments. The Bristol Communiry Breast Health Project has highlighted to us the importance of our communiry partnership and the integral role that the communiry plays in advancing the communiry outreach mission of the Hospital. The communitycontributes its energy, its resources and its spirit to an issue. \7e need yourzeal once again. Colorectal cancers are serious diseases; however, with education and intervention, we can significantly reduce the impact of this disease. 'We invite you to again join with us in this new life-saving effort. For over a decade, we have been renovating and remodeling our Hospital buildings to meet the ever-changing demands of contemporary health care delivery. \7e have new maternity suites, remodeled patient areas, and a new state-of-the-art Intensive Care Unit, which was totally funded by community gifts and grants.
Continuing our response to technology and our desire to provide the best possible health care ro rhe communiry, this spring we will begin construction of a new peri-operative center on the campus of Bristol Hospital. This $13 million project continues our commitment to the community. And as in the past, we will need your help to make this endeavor possible as we seek donations of $2
million from foundations, corporations, and individuals in the communiry.
Thank you for your continued support. Our margin of excellence has come from your generous contributions. 'We continue our gratitude for your exceptional supporr. Sincerelv.
tl^ -Sf,^-Il
Thomas D. Kenn{y, President
Bnistol Cornrnrrnity Bneast Health Pnoject Continues to Touch Lives and Pnovide Hope Over the past two years, inspired by generous financial support lrom the Charlotte Johnson Hollflelder Foundation, the Bristol Community Breast Health Project has been a successful, prevailing lorce in the fight against breast cancer. Not only did the Project raise over $300,000 to provide lree mammograms
to women in the Bristol cornmunity who could not alFord them, it gained the supporr oF 195 businesses and involved an estimated 6,000 attendees at various awareness events and education programs throughout the communiry. These numbers are astor.rishing and would not be possible without the help of hundreds of voluttteers in our comnruniry. As the Breast Health Project comes to a two-year milestone, the support and the awareness will go on. The Breast Health Project will continue to provide Free mammograms (350 in FY99 and FY00) and public education on the importance oF having ar.rnual mammograms. The Bristol Hospital Development Foundation is also proud to announce that, through the efForts of the Bristol Commur.rity Breast Health Project, there are sufficient funds available to provide over 300 free mammograms yearly in perpetuiry.
ln addition to over $5,000 donated by the company, employees from the Beekley Corporation held a number of fundraising events to raise an addi-
tional $5,600 which has funded several days of mammograms For
women in need.
t;Wr;,,-;r,t;,;:,';nli&iil L i, t r1,,
G, r rrl
; i:!:J ::::1,
D i,:;,: :,"
Chaired by Jack Hines, the Development Foundation's
Annual Golf Tournament, 1
999 - 2OOO Special Gifb Campaign Btreast Health Pnojecb Businesses/corporations (incl. 2 golf
tourna."nt ) t
com mun
nd v
Radiologic Associates
ot, zot
which was held on Thursday,
June 1 5th at Chippanee Golf Club and sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers, raised
$48,583 lor the Breast Health Project. These funds will provide almost 650 mammograms ro women who are uninsured and unable to avail themselves of this lifesaving procedure.
r, o,ooo
Mission Staternent The Bristol Hospital Development Foundation, lnc. is dedicated to the financial support of Bristol Hospital and
Health Care Group through implementation and enhancement of hospital and affiliate-based development and community relations programs. The Bristol Hospital Development Foundation is a non-profit, publicly supported organization that exists to solicit receive, invest, manage, disburse and coordinate philanthropic funds on behalf of Bristol Hospital and Health Care Group.
The Bristol Hospital Development Foundation will maintain for Bristol Hospital and Health Care Croup a comprehensive program seeking philanthropic donations from individuals, business/corporations, foundations and other organizations through four principal activities: Capital and Major Gifts . Annual Gifts . Special Events o Planned Gifts
Bnistol Hospital Special Punpose Funds Specialfunds haue been inuested to ensure continuity of the following prlgrams:
Punpose & Exarnples of Use
Hospice Fund
Improve quality of life/care For Bristol Hospital Hospice patients (bereavement care, medication, education, patient comfort items, supplies for Bristol Hospital Hospice patients and families).
Palliatiue Care Fund
Improve qualiry of carellife for Bristol Hospital Home Care patients including the addition this year of bereavement care for family members.
Oncohgy Fund
Improve care given to Oncology patients (physical comfort items, staff education, patient medications, respite care, or assistance in the home).
hnson Ho llfe lder
Patient Assistance Fund
Physical comfort items and assistance for patients with ancillary needs (medication, respite care, transportation, miscellaneous one-time expense for families in crisis).
Nursing Education Fund
Provides additional educational opportunities for nursing staFf at Bristol Hospital.
Bristol Hospital Children's Fund
Provides unpaid healthcare needs for children (birth-21) when financial need is demonstrated.
Ingraham Manor Recreation Fund
To improve the quality of life for Ingraham Manor residents (recreation supplies, equipment, trips, comfort items).
Mernonial Donations The following donors have given gifts in memory of those who have died. The gifts have been designated for the several different special funds (as listed above) the Foundation has set up. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Amatruda American Legion College American Legion Plainville Mr. & Mrs. Roland Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Annetts Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Archacki
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott J. Armington Arthur G. Russell Co., Inc. Ms. Doreen D. Augherton Avon High School Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Bachand Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Baptist
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Baraiolo Barnes Group Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& Mrs. Charles P Bates & Mrs. Donald G. Beckwith & Mrs. Lawrence D. Belanger
Mrs. Robert E. Bellman & Mrs. James S. Bianchi Leo
M. Bianchi
Ms. Agnes Bobinski Ms. Mary E. Bolton Mr. & Mrs. Keith !?. Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Villiam H. Bradley
Mrs. Kathleen Brayfield Bristol Central High School Bristol Fire Fighters Local No. 773 Mr. & Mrs. Perry S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Bucci Ms. Elizabeth A. Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Colebrook Ms. Lynda A. Conklin Ms. Lois Conrod Mr. Myron J. Cook Coronet Foods, Inc. Ms. Maxine A. Cote Country Manor Realry Inc.
Mr. Richard S. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. D'Aprile
& Mr. Chester J. Bukowski Mr. & Mrs. John S. Carpino Mr. \William P Carroll Mr. & Mrs. John P Chadziewicz Mr. & Mrs. Carter R. Chamberlin
Ms. Adrienne Damian Ms. Lucille R. Detelippi Mr. Kenneth P Jovin
Ms. Gloria J. Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Frank \M Christiansen Cigna Health Care Mrs. Alma Cimadon Mr. & Mrs. Eamon Clohessy Mr. & Mrs. John B. Coburn
& Dr. Beatrice S. Desper Dr. & Mrs. George R. Dion &
Mrs. Theodore
M. Donovan
Mr. Arthur V. Droheim, III Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Dumond Mr. & Mrs. Robert tM Dyer Edart Tiuck Rental Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ehrlich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferrante Mr. & Mrs. John D. Ferrucci Mrs. Asunda Fiorillo Ms. Elena I. Fitzroy Ms. Evalyn N. Fitzroy Ms. Dorothy B. Forman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Bill) Fortier Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P Funk, Sr. Future Fabrics
Int'l Inc.
Ms. Marsha J. Gauvin Ms. Mary K. Gombatz
Gourmett Finest Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Craziano Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Grondin Growers Express Mr. Edward A. Gudaitis
Mr. & Mrs. AnthonyJ. Guerrera Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Gula Atty. & Mrs. Richard E. Halperin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Harrigarr Ms. Jean E. Henne Ms. Laura Henson Mrs. Marjorie E. Herold Ms. Barbara V. Hill Dr. & Mrs. Delbert H. Hodder Mr. Jack Holden Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Holland Mrs. Lamona Honsberger Mr. & Mrs. John V. Howarth Ingraham Manor Italian Social Club
Mr. Alden A.
Mrs. Elirrore R. Jackson Mrs. Mary B. Jandreau Ms. Catherine Johnsen Mrs. Jane K. Johnson Mr. & Mls. Philip Johnson Ms. Ruth Johnson JoselolF & Joseloff LLC Mr. & Mrs. \William P
Mr. Francis J. Kaschak Kathi Sorey Associates Ms. Deborah S. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Orin A. Keys Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Kimka Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Knapik Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kupchick Mr. John J. LaNoir Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Lanosa Mr. & Mrs. Bradlord Lapane Ms. M. R. LaRoche Mr. & Mrs. Prosper Larose Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. LaRue Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Lavoie
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lazorik Ms. Nancy C. Leavitt Mr. Er Mrs. Robert A. Livingston
Ms. Nellie P Lozinski
Mr. John J. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Macklosky SFC (R) & Mrs. Michael D. Madigan Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd F. Maloney Ms. Jeanne D. Maloney Manafort Brothers Inc. Mr. & Mr. Paul F. Margenrino Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Markiewicz Mrs. Doris Maslak Mr. & Mrs. John J. Massei Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Mastrobattisto Mr. & Mrs. James E. McGann Ms. Mavis E. McKeorr Ms. Janet L. Mclaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Messier, Jr. Metal Finishing Technologies, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Michaud Mr. Ec Mrs. Kipp O. Miller Mr. A. Mitrevics & Dr. Ludmila Mitrevics Mr. tifalter G. Montgomery Mrs. Regirra Murawski Ms. Linda Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Neri Mr. & Mrs. \Talter P Nightingale Mrs. Jeanne K. Nilsen Nora Noh, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest L. Norton Nutmeg Business Forms Co. Mr. & Mrs. Bevo J. Onolrio Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Padilla Ms. Jane B. Palmieri
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Parent
K. Balestrieri Co. (Mix Produce Sales) Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kalat
Mr. P Jeffrey Louis Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lozinski
Mrs. Regina A. Lozir-rski Mr. & Mrs. Tom A. Luedkc Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Luzi
Paul W. Marks Co., Inc. Ms. Janice A. Peck Ms. Lisa D. Pelletier Ms. Linda T. Perosino Mr. & Mrs. Cliflord E. PFeFfer Ms. Elsie B. Pinette Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Plant Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Platt Ms. Anna C. Plourd Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Pollack Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Ptaszynski Ms. Jane B. RackliFFe Mr. & Mrs. George'i7. Reeve Mr. James Reidy, Jr. Ms. Marybeth T. Reinhardr Rhodes Collections, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Robitlard
& Montgomery, LLC Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Rosenblatt Robinson Lerer
Ms. Laura Ross Mr. & Mrs. David D. Ruigh S. Strock & Co., Inc. Mr. Allan T. Sagraves Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sardilli Mrs. Joanna E. Sarkisian
Saucier's Misc. Metal
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Vorks, LLC
& Mrs. Nicholas A. Schittina & Mrs. Ernest Schultz & Mrs. Barry F. Schwartz Hank Sekorski & Mrs. Everett N. Selander & Mrs. Mark Seleman & Mrs. Carl R. Sellberg & Mrs. Andrew Serowski & Mrs. Edmond D. Shippee Fred Silbermann Harold Simon & Mrs. Bruce P Slodzinski
& & & &
Mrs. BradFord Smith Mrs. Fred D. Smith Mrs. Wade Smith Mrs. Olcott V. Snow Soldier-Airman Support Center Ms. Mary Lou Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Sopelak Ms. Pauline M. Soucy Mrs. Theresa B. Soucy State Garden, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Stern Mr. & Mrs. \William M. Sweet Ms. Louise Swiklas Ms. Pierina Tarca Mr. & Mrs. Rollin V. Taylor Mr. Corky Tedesco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Testa Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Tetro The Parsons Buick Co. The Perelman Family Foundatior.r Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Thomassen Mr. Douglas K. Thompson Ms. Virginia A. Toner Tiacy-Driscoll Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Tiemblay Tropical Banana Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ulinskas Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Valerio Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Valsecchi Mr. & Mrs. John Verno Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Virello Ms. Frances M. Visco Ms. Joann Volpe Mr. & Mrs. Don \Walz Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. \Wentland
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Vhalen Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. \Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Vhite Ms. Marianne \Winters Mr. & Mrs. Vitliam F. \Wood Ms. Audrey V. Young Ms. Anna M. Zaniewski Mr. & Mrs. Donald Zimbouski
Bnistol Hospital's Palliative Cane and Hospice Funds Vhen facing decisions about lor.rg-term
il[nesses and end-of-life choices, our team ofhealth care professionals helps patients and families with medical care and provides emotional support. Contributions to the Palliative Care and Hospice Funds ensure that patients and f:amilies who face life-threatening illnesses are afforded excellent care.
She spoke numerous times
with the patient's mother
and helped the family through a very hard process." Singer, ZCI'M SorialWorkrr, Bristol Hospital Hone
-Marlene Carc ntd Hospice
"'We use contributions to the Hospice Fund to purchase For patients in the hospital and at home.
comfort items "til4ren she was admitted to the Hospital for pain control to disease progression, we realized she and her family hadn't yet dealt with the possibility of death. They were in denial and expecting her to return home and to get better. The patient had not been able to verbalize her fears and her grief. The beleavement coordinator, funded by the Palliative Care Fund, was able to visit with her during her stay and provide emotional support and assist hel with anticipatory grief.
The Fund helps maintain hospice rooms and provides volunteer and staffeducation and training. It buys Meals '$f'heels, on baby monitors, food when finances are a problem, medications, medical equipment and bereavement follow-up. \Xr'hat's important to the patient is whatk important to our Hospice Team. All of or.rr patients are treated as individuals, and each individual need will be evaluated as
it arises."-Linda
St. Pierre, ZSI
Hospica of Bristol Hospital
The Bnistol Hospital Developrnent Foundation Legacy Society Newly formed, after years of discussion, the Bristol
Join the Bristol Hospital Foundation Legacy Sociery
Hospital Foundation Legacy Society is composed of area citizens who desire to enhance our health services in the futr.rre.
-Thomas D. Kennedy
The charter members, from every walk of life, have expressed their concern by making a planned gift to the Bristol Hospital Development Foundatior.r, often in their will. These are people who have a vision of making certain that Future generations will be well cared for at Bristol Hospital and its affiliates.
Some have taken the time to add the Bristol Hospital Development Foundation in their will. Others, seeking advice, have discovered that Bristol Hospital can provide a donor with income for life if they establish a gift annuity in our name. Several have asked us to review the options of leaving their primary residence to the Bristol Hospital Development Foundation. Recently, we received news that the Bristol Hospital Development Foundation is the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Please
join in applauding
founding members listed
below; and do let us know if you are already a member. All you need to do is call to tell us of a bequest or, perhaps, your interest in a planned gift. All discussions are confidential.
for our community, today and tomorrow. Call at 585-3222.
Chanten Mernbens of the Bnistol Hospital Foundation Legacy Society Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Thornas O. Barncs Dr. & Mrs. Brian Comstock Ms. Dorothy Noel Ms. Ann Pavlik*
Mr. Bruce Pavlik Mr.* & Mrs. Jay V. Tyrrell "t/etenset/
LEAVE A LEGACY."' CONNECTICUT This organiution is a panicipant in Legacl Conrecticut, a stateuidc commxnity colhboration to promote charinble giuing through uills and estates.
Leave a
Hubbell School Giving comes in more ways than one. The students, parents and teachers at Ellen P Hubbell School donate
their time, their artwork and their spirit, not to mention their money, to Bristol Hospital's patients and programs. Students have created artwork, cards and gifts for our patients. Sometimes their message or greeting might be the only one received by a patient. 'When one talks of making a difference in the world, Hubbell School is a shining example oF that goal.
2OOO Bnistol Hospital
Developrnent Foundation, lnc. Officens Thomas O. Barnes Chairman of the Board Thomas D. Kennedy, III President
Linda McGurn Seoetary
Michael V. Adams Richard Alden, Esq.
Thomas O. Bames 'S?'hit
Bryan Bowerman
Ann Clark, Ph.D. 'Wayne
Cowell Timothy Furey, Esq. Mark Gibson Margaret Hayes, Esq. Jack Hines
Fred Hollfelder Thomas D. Kennedy, (ex-officio) John J. Leone, Jr. Edward P Lorenson Robert L. Messier, Jr. Paul C. Minor Patrick Nelligan James R. Potter
Foundation Flevenue fon Fiscal Yean 2OOO
t10/1/99-9/30/OO) Memorial Donations
$ 15,429
Breast Health Project
Income from Investments
$ 85,ooo $ 25,597 $ 23,3t3 $ 2t,072 $ 4o,ooo
Auxiliary Surgical Project Special Purpose Funds
Unrestricted Donations
2,222- donors
David Preleski, Esq.
James J. Pryor Daniel Saccu
Henry Scherer, Jr. Jane Stanke (ex-oFficio) Jean-Pierre van Rooy
John Valker, M.D.
Donon Narnes "Bristol Hospital Development Foundation would like to thank all of our donors who generously supported Bristol Hospital from 1011199 ro 9130100 - our 2000 fiscal year.'We are thrilled by the growing community involvement."-Linda McGurn, CFRE, Director of Deuelopment $100,000+ Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. $85,000-99,999 Bristol Hospital Auxiliary $25,000-40,000 Mr. & Mrs. George \W. Betts Bristol Hospital Employees
$ r,000- l,999 Alliance Imaging, Inc. Ms. Linda M. Armstrong Campion Ambulance Service, Inc. CMI Group, Inc. Mr. Bruce E,. Dalstrom Dr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. James P Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. PeterJ. Gaughan Gloria Dei Lutheran Church \fomen
$10,000-15,000 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Barncs B\7 Manufacturing Company, Inc. Charlotte Johnson Hollfelder Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kennedy, III Mr. & Mrs. Gary Weed $5,000-7,500 Beekley Corporation Dr. 6c Mrs. Conrad D. Collins Friends of Bristol Senior Center Lawrence P. Levine, MD O'Brien, Tanski & Young PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP SBC Foundation
$3,000-4,999 Victoria R. Biondi, MD S. Carpenter Construction Co., Inc. Farmington Savings Bank First Bristol Federal Credit Union Fleet Bank, N.A. Professional Home Care Services, Inc USI Consulting Group $2,000-2,999 Dr. & Mrs. Carlos M. Badiola Bristol Chamber oF Commerce Dr. & Mrs. Oliver B. Diaz
Ms. Johanna
H. Guyette
The Hartford Courant Industrial Riggers, Inc. Ingraham Manor Mr. Kenneth P. Jovin & Dr. Beatrice S. Desper Mr. & Mrs. Villiam P Just, Sr. Maple End Package Store Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Messier, Jr.
Mum Festival Road Race Mum-A-Thon Newman's Own, Inc. Radiologic Associates, PC.
The Rowley Spring & Stamping Co., Inc. St. Vincentt Medical Center Dr. & Mrs. James T. Sayre Tiacy-Driscoll Insurance 'Webster
$500-999 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Dr. Saumitra Banerjee &
Dr. Nasima Banerjee Barnes Group, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Stewart E. Bober Dr. & Mrs. Stephen P Caminiti Colon & Rectal Surgeons of Greater Hartlord
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence I. Glass Greater HartFord Chambers Commerce Foundation
(Cigna Health Care) HartFord Counry Sheriff's Office Healthtrax International, Inc.
Ellen P Hubbell School Hudson United Bank Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Kost Kreg Information Systems Corp. TeresaJ. Kukolja, RN Ms. Jeanne D. Langlais Lardie, Wazorko & Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Mannarino Murphy Securiry Service Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Bristol
Plymouth Spring Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Potter Mr. & Mrs. James J. Pryor Quota International oFBristol, CT Rev. & Mrs. Donald O. RackliFte Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Seguljic Mr. Paul Tonon Tiavelers Li[e & Annuiry Atry. & Mrs. Daniel O. Tirlly Ms. Linda Urbanski $250-499 Jack H. Adler, MD Sharon Adler, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Albertelli Deborah Archambeault, RN
Mr. & Mrs. Villiam E. Bachhuber Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle F. Barnes Ms. Ruth Ann Boudreau Ms. Christine L. Bourbeau
Mr. Bryan
Jacqueline B. Cross, RN
Boy Scouts of America Mr. & Mrs. Peter'W. Brown
Roland Dumont Agency, Inc.
D'Amato Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Bullard
Hartflord Foundation lor Public Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph \W. Evanoski
HealthSouth Phoenix Home Li[e Mutual Ins. Co.
& Dr. &
Atty. & Mrs. Theodore M. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DiGiovanna
Clinron S. Roberrs Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John E. Smith
Mrs. RobertJ. Fischer Mrs. Michael A. Fischman Mr. \Talter Gayeski & Dr. Suzanne E. Miller Dr.
Mrs. Peter F. D'Addario
The Family Medical Group, PC.
Atty. & Mrs. Barry Feldman The Fletcher-Terry Company Rev. J. R. Fowler Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Fox The Honorable Barbara Franklin & Mr. Vallace Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P Funk, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P Funk, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr. Drs. Bryan & Sharon Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Guida The Guida-Seibert Dairy Co. Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Gutman Mr. & Mrs. John P Homrok Stever.r R. Hunter, MD Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Hussey Jack
H. Katz, MD
Stephen Kaye, MD Dr. Marion Kellner,
Dr. Timothy P. Mclaughlin Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Kish Joanne
G. Kuntz, MD &
Richard L. Kuntz,
Mr. Alix Langlais Ms. Jacqueline A. Langlais Mr. Richard J. Lass Mr. & Mrs. Morris M. Laviero Mr. Crant R. Lewis Carmelina Luongo, MD Main Street Financial Group, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Mamrosh Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Methe, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Robert P McGurn Ms. JenniFer Milano Ms. Brenda L. Oakes Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. O'Brien Mary Ann Pinkerton Ms. Marilyn T. Pitman Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Ptaszynski Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. Rappaport Ruggiero, Ziogas & Allaire Harold Safalow, D.P.M. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Scoppetta Dr. & Mrs. H. A. Selinger Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Sellberg Kathi Sorey Associates 'fhe Star Silk & Voolen Company Ms. Candace R. Stone
$200-249 Atry. & Mrs. Richard H. Alden Atty. Stephen O. Allaire & Ms. Mary Connolly Dr. & Mrs. \Tilliam V. Begg, III Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cassin CCOG-Physicians for $/oment Health Mr. & Mrs. Leo G. Charette
Apex Machine Tool Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Arbesman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Chmieleski
Mrs. Betty M. Beckwith
Connecticut Emergency Medicine
Nadeem S. Behjet,
Baron and Young Co., Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Barrette Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Basile Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Bean
Bell Ciry Construction, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan A. Costanrino Mr. & Mrs. George J. Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Cucka
Better Health Products Store
Donaldson Makoski Inc. Ms. Sarah Donatell Dr. & Mrs. Victor C. Eanniello, II Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Fries Christine Frissora-Rodeo, MD Atry. & Mrs. Timothy V. Furey Robert E. Gardiner, MD Dr. & Mrs. David E. Kaye
Ms. Christine Blomstrand Mrs. Catherine T. Bolles Dr. & Mrs. C. D. Bomar Ms. Jacqueline E. Bracco Mr. & Mrs. Tom S. Brackert Mr. & Mrs. Ivan D. Byington Cambridge Spring Co., lnc. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G. Caputo Mr. & Mrs. Jake Carrier
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Bitterman Mr. & Mrs. David R. Bixel
M. Kearns, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Jelfrey C. LaFrance Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P LaFrancc
Ms. Jill Cavanaugh
Ms. IreneJ. Ceppa Ms. Donata Ceretto-Giannone Dr. Juliana H. Kang & Dr. Chang-Song Choi Ms. Debra Christensen Armann O. Ciccarelli, MD & Valerie J. Vitale, MD Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cocozza Brian E. Comstock, MD Ms. Loretta M. Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Corsini Counrry Manor Realry, lnc. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Cova Crown Oil Crystal Rock \fater Co. Ms. Charlotte Della Bianca Lise Della Bianca, RN Mrs. Nancy W. Denehy Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Denton Mrs. Mary Q. Donovan Atty. & Mrs. Andre D. Dorval Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Douglas
Annette K. Macannuco, MD Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth \( McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Srephen J. Mencio Mr. Townsend T. Mink Ms. Jessica L. Minor Mr. Robert Nightingale Mr. Timothy P. Norman Ogden Martin Systems of Bristol, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Villiam D. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Rosenstock Dr. & Mrs. Paul T. Schoenemann Mr. & Mrs. Douglass J. Seaver Semple-Bixel Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Olcott V. Snow Dr. & Mrs. Barry G. Spass Mrs. Barbara S. St. Onge Mr. & Mrs. Villiam T. Stortz Mr. Pascal A. Tedesco Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P Thomas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. ChristopherToscano Tiust Company
ofr Connecricur ClitFord \W. \Wagner, MD 'Wasley Products
Mr. & Mrs. James Doyle Mrs. Luanne C. Dubois
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Dulac Mr. Edward Dutkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Melvin J. Dutkiewicz
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G.Zerbe
Mr. Bruce Suchinski Ms. Lynn A. Thompson Mr. William L Treadway Charles W Warner Company Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. \Williamson Dr. & Mrs. Mark G. Vipfler Vorld Fulfillment L.L.C. Atry. & Mrs. Roland F. Young, III
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Bailey Ms. Lori A. Baranowski
$ 100- l
Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Adams
The Eagle Group, Inc.
Cathryn L. Addy, Ph.D. Aldieri Associates, Inc. Ms. Marie Alexander Mr. Hazen G. Allen Ms. Ann J. AltaFfer American Legion Seicheprey Post No.
Mrs. Jeanne L. Edwards Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Falit
Mr. & Ms. Richard R. Fanelli
Ms. Adelaide E. Farken Mrs. Viola Fellin Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Fiorente