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FORTYEIGHT | Label 2, 4, 6
FORTYEIGHT LABEL projectors available in three sizes. Specially designed for applications in the retail, interior and hotel sectors with a simple, minimal shape and small dimensions. All versions utilize remote power supplies to minimize visual impact. A new range with a miniaturized LABEL 2 (Ø0.79"), LABEL 4 (Ø1.57") and LABEL 6 (Ø2.32"), all equipped with Ra90 LED sources and professional performance.
Label 2 - 4W Label 4 - 9W Label 6 - 15W
Label 2 SP - 152lm FL - 136lm MW - 131lm
Label 4 SP - 621lm FL - 806lm MW - 835lm
Label 6 SP - 1317lm FL - 1387lm MW - 1374lm
Optics: SP / FL / MW
Label 2 0.79" dia. / Label 4 1.57" dia. / Label 6 2.32" dia.
2700ºK / 3000ºK / 4000ºK
Voltage: 48V
Driver: Remote 48V
The system can be configured in various ways. Thanks to the use of linear joints and corner joints that make it possible to create closed and open loops for lines of seamless light.
FORTYEIGHT Multisystem Evo Track
There are two track versions available:
• Simple shallow depth track for surface/suspension or recessed for a protruding protruding fixtures.
• Deep depth track for surface/suspension configurations light elements. For this version the LABEL track projectors have a longer bracket to allow for maximum extraction and adjustability.
FORTYEIGHT | Logico 30
FORTYEIGHT LOGICO30 Linear modules complete with a frosted opal lens for a soft and diffused lighting effect.
Wattage: 6W / 12W / 24W / 42W
12" - 467lm / 24" - 934lm / 45" - 1868lm / 78" - 1374lm
Optics: WF - 107°
L = 12" / 24" / 45" / 78" 12"x12" L configuration
3000ºK / 4000ºK
Voltage 48V