The Daily Targum 2010-04-06

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Volume 141, Number 117







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Today: Partly cloudy


High: 79 • Low: 58

The Rutgers baseball team hosts in-state rival Princeton at Bainton Field today at 3:30 p.m. before traveling to Columbia Wednesday for another Ivy League matchup.

Candidates slide into RHA elections BY NEIL P. KYPERS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

The Residence Hall Association’s elections, which began Monday, look to increase student involvement for the relatively unknown group. “They need a bigger presence … I look at the walls, and I see posters, but [RHA] could influence me a little more about [their] presence. Let me know that you can actually fix my problems,” said School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Zekeriya Onalan. RHA is an organization that advocates for students living on campus, said Sam Firmin, president of RHA. Firmin, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences sophomore, said students should get out and vote

because this decision affects them on more levels than they think. “This RHA election is really important because a lot of what RHA has been doing is dealing with policy like the academic integrity policy and the housing renovations,” Firmin said. “Whoever is elected will be responsible for continuing in the RHA tradition of administering to students on-campus needs.” Ryan Harrington, RHA vice president of advocacy, and Steven Le, RHA Cook/Douglass Residential Council chair, are the two candidates for next year’s RHA president. Harrington and Le, both School of Environmental and Biological Sciences sophomores, are looking to solve the seemingly




University Assistant Secretary Kate Cahill, President Richard L. McCormick and Executive Vice President Phillip J. Furmanski take questions regarding the University’s budget last night at the Cook Campus Center.

U. budgets student comments, concerns BY GREG FLYNN CORRESPONDENT


Livingston College seniors Tobi Babajide and Jason Akoi start their own male accessory line. See PAGE 7 for the full story.

After releasing information regarding the University’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year last month, the administration opened their ears to the community last night in the Cook Campus Center Multipurpose Room. Students and faculty posed questions, complaints and concerns to the administration at an open hearing on the University’s budget. President Richard L. McCormick said the administration is developing the budget with the concerns of the University community in mind. “We will make every effort to use resources we already have,” McCormick said. “When the time

comes to make painful decisions about cuts to our programs and increases in tuition and fees, we will make them with enormous care and great reluctance and with sensitivity to precisely the concerns everyone raises.” McCormick said he would be testifying to the State Assembly and Senate budget committees next week in Trenton. “I can assure you that before this process comes to completion in July, we will make every effort to obtain restoration of some of the funds that we are currently slated to lose,” he said. “We are not taking this lying down.” The University is committed to providing the best education, service and community it can while advancing knowledge and scholarships and

maintaining affordability, said Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip J. Furmanski. The University’s budget issues have exacerbated over time as it has continually faced losses in state appropriations over the last 10 or 12 years, Furmanski said. State appropriations and fringe benefits paid for 69.9 percent of a University education in 1989, according to University data. Tuition and fees paid for the majority of a student’s education by 2004, and today, they pay for 62.1 percent of a University education. Vice President for University Budgeting Nancy Winterbauer said


Campus groups tune into a capella competition BY LIV REN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Eight collegiate a cappella groups from local colleges and Canada lifted their voices in a night of performances at Friday’s semifinal round of the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella Tournament for a chance to move one step closer to the international finals. Held at the Nicholas Music Center on Douglass campus, Buffalo Chips from the State University of New York at Buffalo took first place, securing a spot in the finals on Saturday April 24 at Lincoln Center in New York City. The University’s teams — OrphanSporks and Casual Harmony — performed well, placing second and third, respectively, at the competition, which was hosted by the University’s female a capella group ShockWave. Noah Hercky of the OrphanSporks was named Outstanding Soloist for his rendition of Mar vin Gaye’s “What’s Going On.”


University a capella group OrphanSporks comes in second place on Friday at the International Championship of Collegiate A Capella Tournament. “Winning semis was definitely a surreal moment for us all,” Buffalo Chips business manager Darren Cotton said. “After being in the group for four years, it’s amazing to see how far this group has come. We’re even more honored to have

been chosen from such an extraordinar y group of competitors to represent the Mid-Atlantic.” The five judges considered each group’s vocal per formance, visual performance, as well as subjective rank when determining the winners.

“There are specific criteria that the judges look for in ever y group, but all the groups are so diverse that there is flexibility in the judging, and judges look at each group in perspective,” Executive Director of Varsity Vocals Amanda Newman said. Although he was pleased with his group’s performance, Cotton knows they will have to do even better at the next level. “We’ll have to tighten both our [choreography] and our vocals and hopefully add a few more ‘wow’ moments to our set,” he said. “We all love to sing and have an incredible passion for music. If we can relay that love and passion to the audience and entertain them and have fun at the same time, then we’ve done our jobs as performers.” Though neither a capella group from the University qualified for the finals Friday, they will both receive the opportunity to enter as wildcards in the finals.


Undergraduate students with 75 or greater degree credits can register for Fall 2010 classes tonight from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.

INDEX UNIVERSITY A student group is taking one week to educate the University on Islam.

SCIENCE Research shows that birds’ brains are capable of a lot more than people think. UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . 6 IN FOCUS . . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 12 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 14 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 16 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK



APRIL 6, 2010



WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Weather Channel THURSDAY HIGH 76 LOW 53



TODAY Partly cloudy, with a high of 79° TONIGHT Clear, with a low of 58°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY BILL DOMKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY MICHAEL MALVASIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACTING ASSOCIATE NEWS


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Tyler Barto, Anthony Hernandez, Katie O’Connor, Chris Zawistowski SENIOR WRITERS — Steven Williamson CORRESPONDENTS — Tyler Donohue, Kyle Franko, Greg Flynn, Sam Hellman, Colleen Roache, Rinal Shah SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Dan Bracaglia, Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Bonnie Chan

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT K ATIE G ATTUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S TEVE J ACOBUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L IZ K ATZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S IMONE K RAMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P AMELA S TEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ARA B USOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAMMER IBRAHIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . B USINESS M ANAGER . . . . . . M ARKETING D IRECTOR . . . . . . O PERATIONS M ANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . C ONTROLLER . . A SSISTANT M ARKETING D IRECTOR . . . . . . C LASSIFIEDS M ANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT ASSISTANT

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES — Jateen Chauhan, Jen Falcon, Pat McGuinness, Chelsea Mehaffey EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS — Jennifer Calnek, Amanda Crawford, Allison Montellione ACCOUNTING ASSISTANTS — Laura Avino, Justin Chan, Liliya Dmitrieva, Minh Nguyen


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PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Dan King, Corey Perez, Mike Maroney, Kelsey Schwartz


(732) 932-7051 (732) 932-0079

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©2009 TARGUM PUBLISHING CO. The Daily Targum is a student-written and student-managed, nonprofit incorporated newspaper published by the Targum Publishing Company, circulation 17,000. The Daily Targum (USPS949240) is published Monday through Friday in New Brunswick, NJ, while classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters. No part thereof may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the consent of the managing editor. Display and classified advertising may be placed at the above address. Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Postmaster: Send address corrections to The Daily Targum c/o Business Manager, 126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.

EDITORIAL DIRECTORY: Editor-in-Chief Neil P. Kypers Managing Editor Mary Diduch BUSINESS DIRECTORY: Business Manager Katie Gattuso Marketing Director Steve Jacobus Advertising Classifieds Productions

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CORRECTIONS In Thursday’s University article, “U. puts immigrant support services on map,” it was incorrectly stated that the immigrant map is the largest project Eagleton Institute of Politics has to date. In Monday’s front story, “Press secretaries give their spin on media accuracy,” Dana Perino is former President George W. Bush’s press secretary and Mike McCurry is the former press secretary for President Bill Clinton.


APRIL 6, 2010


PA G E 3

U. group to pitch facts on Islam




Laurie Scherer, a New York University senior, dances Friday night away at the first Northeastern Intercollegiate Swing Council’s Swing Dance in the Douglass Campus Center.

Islamic Awareness Week kicks off next week to help separate the facts from the fiction about one of the world’s largest religions. Coordinated by the Rutgers University Muslim Student Association, Islamic Awareness Week will be held in a tent outside Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus from April 12 to the 15. Sania Siddiqui, head of public relations for Islamic Awareness Week, said the event is intended to help dispel some of the common misconceptions about Islam and counter some of the inaccuracies spread in the media about the religion. “Islamic Awareness Week is something that is needed in our society,” said Siddiqui, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “The media has had such an influence of what America’s opinion is on Muslims that no one bothers to even find out the real truth about this religion.” Adnan Riaz, Muslim Student Association president, said the group believes Islam is one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented religions in the West and hopes Islamic Awareness Week helps change that. “Muslims are sometimes depicted as unreasonable, intolerant violators of human rights and anti-women,” said Riaz, a Rutgers

College senior. “We want to educate people about the beliefs of real Muslims.” Now in its sixth year, Madeeha Malik, a coordinator for Islamic Awareness Week, said every year has been successful and hopes this year’s is even better and even more exciting. Every day of Islamic Awareness Week will have different events throughout the day, including games and prizes like an Xbox 360,

“We want to educate people about the beliefs of real Muslims.” ADNAN RIAZ Muslim Student Association President

iPod Touch and GPS system, and will conclude with dinner and lectures each night, said Malik, an Ernesto Mario School of Pharmacy first-year student. The lectures will address “hot topics” like women in Islam, death and afterlife and the prophets of Islam, Siddiqui said. The lectures are the most effective part of the week in spreading the truth about Islam, as it clearly portrays the message the organization is trying to get out, Riaz said.

“Despite there being 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, 7 million in the United States and close to 4,000 at the University, Islam is still misunderstood,” he said. “Events like Islamic Awareness Week are not only important for Rutgers but are crucial to normalize tensions in the West and to move toward an American society that is at ease with its diversity.” Siddiqui said the Islamic Awareness Week tent attracts a wide variety of people, including those who are very familiar with Islam and many others who simply want to learn more. “Some people come in for debate, some come in because they are curious, and some people are just exploring ever ywhere,” she said. Ir fan Walele, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said he has attended Islamic Awareness Week before and thinks it is a great way to garner a greater understanding about the religion. “I think it’s a good way to break the misconceptions about Islam,” he said. Walele said he looks forward to participating in all the events, such as the games and activities spread out over the course of the week. “I’ve attended Islamic Awareness Week the past two years, and I loved it every year,” he said.


APRIL 6, 2010

COMPETITION: U. groups to enter in wildcard spot continued from front “The second and third place groups from each region’s semifinals have the option of sending in videos for panel review, and from there, wildcards are selected to compete in the finals,” said Aaron Boykins, a member of both OrphanSporks and Casual Harmony. With the 2010 ICCA semifinals complete, Boykins said both OrphanSporks and Casual Harmony will work on submissions for the slots. These requests will come in the form of videos that showcase the talent of both groups.



“Even though I will always be a loyal fan of Rutgers a cappella, I still enjoyed listening to the other groups per form,” said Ashley Park, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore. “Each group had their own style in terms of song choice, choreography and image. My personal favorite was the OrphanSporks. I think they should have won.” Park was just one of hundreds of students, family members, friends and alumni who filled the music center’s auditorium during fridays 2010 ICCA competition. “It’s always good to perform on home-turf, and the crowd’s energy is infectious,” said Boykins, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore.




A capella groups ShockWave, top, and Casual Harmony perform at Friday’s tournament in the Nicholas Music Center on Douglass campus. University group Casual Harmony along with OrphanSporks will receive the opportunity to enter as wildcards in the finals.

Two people were shot Thursday at Sliders Bar and Grill on George Street in New Brunswick, according to a report on The double shooting stemmed from an argument between patrons around 11:30 p.m., when about 60 people were inside of the bar, Sliders’ manager Woody Patel told The Star-Ledger. No one at the bar saw exactly what happened, but many heard gunfire, Patel said. The gunman fled before police arrived at the scene. The two victims were sent to a nearby hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Patel told The StarLedger that nothing like this had ever happened at Sliders, noting that his establishment is a “familystyle restaurant,” and the shooter was likely not a regular customer. Matt Scorsone, a floor manager at the Stress Factor y Comedy Club across the street, said in the article that dozens of police arrived at the scene shortly after the shooting. “It’s pretty scary to be across the street from a place where people got shot,” Scorsone said in the article. No information on the shooter has been released. — Chris Zawistowski


Student drills into popularity of braces BY NEELUM QURAISHI

straighter [and] making sure they’re clean,” Barr y said. Garber’s research showed With more adolescents than how American society invests ever wearing braces, a in physical standard and University student set out to conformity. She also found see why and how students how the or thodontics industr y desire to get braces. creates its own demand: Judith Garber, a School of When more people get straight Arts and Sciences junior, startteeth, then ever yone else ed last spring her independent does too. research for an Aresty With the findings from her Program on how orthodontics research, Garber discovered affects American society with no connection between having the conformity to ideals and any health risk due to how the orthodontics industr y crooked teeth. generates its own demand. But some students disagree, “When I was doing my saying they had braces research, I didn’t find anything because of medical priorities. about the social context on “I think it’s a medical reason why or thodontics was so popu[because] I have crooked teeth lar,” she said. “I definitely feel and it hur ts,” said Cook like it relates to the students College junior Margarita as well.” Bossa-Bastidas. Garber went through the Although Garber’s research process of getting braces and focused on American society, watched her younger sister fill she used her findings and comwith excitement pared it with when she was countries in about to get “Many [dental ads] Europe. them. This Garber found used direct assaults countries outsparked her interest in side of the like improving researching from Untied States one’s self-esteem.” were where this not excitement interested in JUDITH GARBER exactly came. using braces to School of Arts and After asking straighten Sciences junior questions like their teeth. “What are the “They don’t motives people care about teeth. use to go through it?” and They think it’s more unique “What exactly does the orthothan ugly,” she said. dontics industr y have to do Leslie Fishbein, an associwith increasing the demand?” ate professor of American she came to the conclusion Studies and Garber’s adviser that a straight smile has more for the project, agreed with to do with physical perfection Garber’s notion that many than health. countries outside of the United Garber used medical jourStates do not care about nals and online forums to form their teeth. some of her research. While “We discovered countries conducting her research, like England didn’t need perGarber was shocked by the fect smiles, so it was a cultural manner dental of fices adverthing,” Fishbein said. tise. Garber, with the help of “Many used direct assaults Fishbein, was able to broaden like improving one’s selfher research and discovered esteem,” she said. or thodontic treatment was Garber found some of the linked to class, status and adver tisements she used to national origin. be misleading. A few menFishbein’s role was to help tioned braces to be a with the research Garber health necessity. conducted, adding concrete School of Arts and Sciences help to her research on the sophomore Allison Howard orthodontics industr y. agreed with Garber’s opinion, “Leslie Fishbein helped saying some children are expand the topic and role of drawn into getting braces for social statistics and analysis appearance rather than medadvertisement and image in a ical reasons. good way,” Garber said. “I don’t know if it would be Still, Livingston College senworth [getting braces], espeior Cynthia Douglas is not concially if you’re just getting vinced by the results of the them to make you’re teeth look study, saying many people get better instead of actual probbraces for reasons other lems,” she said. than appearance. She also found the adver“I think it’s for health reatisements were aimed at parsons,” she said. “People have ents as well as adolescents crooked teeth but believe chilin magazines. dren get braces because it’s School of Arts and Sciences something that they’re going junior Kyle Barr y said he was to need to be a success glad his parents made the deciin life.” sion to get him braces when he Garber is a double major was younger. in American Studies and “I don’t see any harm in getPolitical Science with a minor ting your teeth a little in Economics. CONTRIBUTING WRITER


APRIL 6, 2010



PA G E 6


APRIL 6, 2010

U. composes connection between birdsongs and language BY VAIBHAVI SHAH CONTRIBUTING WRITER

While the term “bird brain” is associated with stupidity, studies by University researchers show that birds actually exhibit remarkable cognitive learning abilities. Professor of psychology David Vicario and his research associate Mimi Phan are investigating how the brain forms memories using a special model system, the songbird. Songbirds learn their songs by imitating their caregivers in early development, a process similar in human language acquisition, Vicario said. This form of behavioral learning — hearing a f-sound and imitating it with their own voice — is rare in the animal kingdom, as it is only found in whales, dolphins, birds and humans. Both baby birds and humans listen to sounds generated by a caregiver, which is initially perceived as a stream of nonsense speech. But they gradually make out speech patterns and form a memory of those patterns. “Just like a little baby goes ‘goo-goo gah-gah,’ the little songbird does the equivalent of babbling before making clearly formed sounds over a period of weeks and months,” Vicario said. But birds do not perfectly imitate sounds, he said. “Each bird has an individually unique song, which they can recognize each other by,” Vicario said. Results from this laboratory and others around the world found evidence that songbirds are a valuable system for studying speech acquisition considering their similarities to humans. For instance, there are special areas in a bird’s brain involved in hearing and producing speech similar to that of humans, Vicario said. “Just as in the human brain, there’s specialization of the audito-


Researchers find that birds, such as hummingbirds and zebra finches, learn to sing songs better when listening to a caregiver, the same way babies learn to speak by listening to their parents. ry system for processing speech and special parts of the vocal motor system for producing speech,” he said. Researchers also found that the two sides of human and bird brains participate differently. For humans, the left side of the brain is more involved in decoding and producing speech than the rightbrain hemisphere. In terms of a division of labor between the two brain hemispheres, a similar system exists in songbirds. Like human children, birds learn better from a caregiver than by just listening to tapes. “We think we’re on the right track in terms of identifying this model system,” Vicario said. But this process of lateralization, where one side of the brain

is more involved than the other in the auditory system, is not exactly hard-wired in birds, he said. The bird must have a certain amount of auditor y experience for the normal process of division of labor to occur, Vicario said. If the bird is deprived of that experience growing up, the brain will not develop lateralization properly. The zebra finches studied in the lab grew up in different controlled conditions and were then divided into four groups — intact tutored birds, intact untutored birds, mute tutored birds and mute untutored birds. Intact birds were able to produce sounds while mute birds were altered to not produce sound. Tutored birds listened to tapes of songbirds singing while

the untutored birds did not hear any such tape. The intact tutored male birds, which served as the control group, heard the song, copied it and displayed lateralization when scanned with microelectrodes. Meanwhile intact untutored males only heard themselves, but still displayed a less extensive lateralization. Birds deprived of hearing a tutor song and unable to produce their own sounds did not show lateralization. In females, the tutored intact birds displayed lateralization like the males, but the untutored intact female birds did not. The findings in the females could be explained by zebra finch vocal behavior, Vicario said. Males and females both produce sounds, but through learning,

the male decorates his sounds to produce more complex sounds. “In birds, the male draws attention to himself as a potential mate, and in songbirds this is done by singing a complex song which he hopes charms the females,” he said. This sex difference indicates that a female’s own vocalizations are quite simple. As a result untutored intact females did not show lateralization because the sound they produced were not complex enough to create this phenomenon. Vicario is not sure what the results of the experiment involving songbirds mean for humans. “There isn’t a comparable experience done to humans since no one has taken baby humans and deprived them of auditory input,” he said. “If it does apply, it would reinforce the notion of the importance of early experience to early brain development, which has already been established.” Aside from research, obtaining grants to fund the studies and educating the public to understand the implications and importance of them are struggles the researchers are facing, Phan said. Like Vicario and Phan, University neurobiologist Erich Jarvis also studies the vocal processes of birds such as humming birds and zebra finches, according to a National Geographic article. Jarvis said scientists would traditionally study animals more closely related to humans in order to understand the vocal process, but nonhuman primates lack the ability to imitate and learn sounds. “We have to promote science literacy so that people realize your research is cool, so they realize why science funding is important,” Phan said. “You have … to generate an audience that is intelligent enough to understand why it’s important to study for animals and humans.”


APRIL 6, 2010


PA G E 7

Two students design future with male accessory line BY ARIEL NAGI

The accessories are also meant to fit with any style and compliment any outfit, he said. Tobi Babajide has always “I think when it comes to an been a fan of leather accessories. outfit, no matter how simple it It was when he failed to find a may be, [an accessory] can bring decent, affordable leather bag it out, and that’s what we’re trylast summer that he had an ing to do with our products,” Akoi entrepreneurial epiphany — said. “Even if you have a simple Herds of the Fathers, a male outfit on, somebody may be like, leather accessory line. ‘Oh, that’s a nice bag.’” Babajide, along with his busiWhile the line as of now conness partner Jason Akoi, started sists strictly of leather bags, the Herds of the Fathers a year ago team hopes to expand soon to in hopes of creating a male include belts, wallets, hats and accessor y line that appeals to all scarves, he said. styles and is both accessible “We really specialize in and affordable. leather, but we’re going to branch “It took me about three or out,” Akoi said. “We might have four tries to just find a decent hats, we might have scarves — leather backpack — it wasn’t whatever you need for that seathe best, but it was still a son, we’re going to have it.” leather backpack,” said The bags, made overseas in Babajide, a Livingston College India, are a collaborative effort senior. “I want people to know between both designers and that they can actually find these their manufacturer. things, that they’re actually out Akoi and Babajide admit they there, that they don’t have to are not the best artists, but they have a polyester backpack for work hand-in-hand with a manueight years. You can invest in facturer who sends them a paper something nice.” plan, where the designers choose Babajide and Akoi, both 21, where they want the pockets to said the idea only came about a be, determine the shape of the year ago. To date, the two-man bag and include small design team has created leather back- aspects down to the zippers and packs, duffle bag buckles. bags and mini “We design “Nobody duffle bags with them. Both of us hopes of putting draw, I wish understands what can’t them out on the we could though,” market within we’re trying to do, Akoi said. “It’s still three weeks. All us, but [our manubut we just have to facturer] brings products will be sold online at the stuf f we make this happen.” out herdsofthefacan’t draw.” JASON AKOI Babajide said Livingston College senior The name growing up, he Herds of the always knew he Fathers is meant would have to go to describe how men today are beyond just obtaining a college becoming more conscientious of degree. The public health major their appearance and are not comes from a family full of entreafraid to think outside of the box preneurs, and he has always and actually develop a style like intended to keep up the tradition. many women do, according to “I thought to myself, there has the Web site. The style is meant to be something that I can do. We to be timeless and not something didn’t want a typical T-shirt comthat becomes obsolete within a pany, so I said there has to be a few years. niche where nobody has tapped “We wanted to make a strictly men’s accessory line,” Babajide said. “There’s not one place where a guy can go and get a backpack, a wallet and a belt all in one shot. Females have Claire’s for that.” The name itself means developing an original style, without relying on designers to develop it for you, he said. Akoi said the bags would be sold for about $200 to $300 each. He said while this might seem expensive to some people, it is cheap compared to the price of most leather brand name bags. “It has to be that way because we’re dealing with leather, and leather is not cheap,” said Akoi, a Livingston College senior. “But at the same time, bags like this — they’re like $500. We’re trying to show people that you can have a nice bag and you don’t have to break the bank to get it.” NEWS EDITOR


Livingston College senior Jason Akoi sports a Herds of the Fathers leather backpack. The new accessory line will go on sale within three weeks and will soon include leather belts and wallets. into yet, so I thought, ‘You know what, let’s start making fine, leather goods that people can afford and that are also accessible to people,’” he said. Babajide said he wanted to prove that just because he is a public health major, he does not have to remove himself from his other aspirations. “I wanted to show people that you don’t have to go to fashion school, you don’t have to go to business school to do these things,” he said. “We just got up one day and decided to do it. You don’t really see 21 and 22-yearolds starting a leather company.” Akoi said he never envisioned starting something like this. The political science major always had the dream of graduating to attend a top-ranked law school. “We just got bored of going to school,” he said. “We turned into robots where you just go to class

and then you go to the dining hall — it just became a routine, and I felt robotic.” Akoi did not think something that originated as a simple idea would get to where it is today, in a little more than a year. “It started off as a blog, and then it just grew to what it is now,” he said. “It’s just amazing what it turned into and the followers we gained after a year’s worth of work.” The team plans to reach out to other designers, such as University alumnus Marc Ecko. They intend to continue using their blog and other social networking sites to get the word out. “The Internet is a lovely thing because we’ve talked to people from all around the world just through sitting in our room,” Akoi said. “Probably 15 years ago, if we did something like this, we would have to drive from state to state, products in our trunks.” The team came up with a

slogan early on, “Laugh now, wear later,” because most people did not take them seriously in the past. “When you approach friends and they’re not used to you doing a certain thing and you say, ‘Hey guys, I’m thinking about starting an international leather company that will ship all over the world,’ they just look at you like, ‘Okay, whatever,’” Akoi said. Babajide said most do not understand that a plan like Herds of the Fathers takes a lot of time and serious dedication. “They just don’t really understand it … until you show them something,” he said. Akoi said there were plenty of instances where they wanted to throw the dream out the window, because they did not believe it could turn into a reality. “A year ago, we were telling people this is what we’re going to do, and we stayed with it,” he said. “A lot of times we got frustrated because it just seemed like it was stagnant and it was just staying in one spot, and there were a lot of times where we just wanted to give up.” Akoi and Babajide said there have also been many times when they had to lift each other up to stray away from any discouragement or anything hindering their progress. Akoi said when people would laugh at their plan, he and Babajide learned to ignore them and continue moving forward. “I would say, I know nobody understands what we’re trying to do, but we just have to make this happen,” he said.




figure out the needs of students, the more the [students] will know to Web site to spread message what RHA is,” he said. Issues facing on-campus students vary, but one that is always continued from front in the spotlight is Internet access. Onalan said the Internet in his largest issue facing RHA — lack room has been out for two weeks. of exposure. “It’s kind of disappointing that Harrington believes his curyour school can’t fix a minor probrent role in the organization has lem,” he said. “I’m paying the set him up to tackle the issue of same amount as the guy living exposure successfully. next to me, and he is hardwired.” “Right now as part of my vice Harrington said he recognizes president role, I am running a Internet as one of the biggest survey to figure out the needs of needs of a college student and housing renovations on campus,” thinks the administration should he said. “If we can continue suraddress the issue. veying students and figuring out “Starting a conversation with the what they would want from the administration about implementing organization, we can give them a [wireless Internet] beyond lounges better end product.” and traditional residence halls is one Le is looking to new tools, like of the biggest things we are talking the Web site, to increase awareness about, [as well as] increasing of the group. But he also has other Ethernet speed,” he said. ideas for what it can be used for. Le said his relationships with “Using the Web site as a tool for University institutions could help ordinary residents to air their him ensure that student needs are grievances, to give us the ideas, met if elected. that we can take “[My council] and hopefully “It’s a campaign on formed a closer make a reality for with them,” he said. whether or not we relationship housing because, “Hopefully we will be more in the will have a stronger even though we formed a good rela[public eye], so more unified tionship with people will see we Residence Life, a are doing things brighter future for relationship with for them.” Rutgers ahead.” housing on a closer One suggeslevel will allow us tion for getting STEVEN LE to push initiatives their name out to RHA Chair candidate that immediately the student body affect the resicomes from David dents,” he said. Cheong, a School of Arts and Although they both have Sciences first-year student, who experience that makes them thinks the group just needs be viable candidates, their cammore available to the public. paigns are the means through “I think if people came out which they are getting their informore and tried to be more mation to the public. involved, like setting up tables. I Le wants to spread the meswould take the time to fill out a sage that this campaign is larger form,” Cheong said. “If they came than just one person. out with that presence, I definitely “It’s just not simply a campaign feel like it would help more.” about me, it’s a campaign about Part of the struggle for expo[University] students, it’s a camsure comes from the fact that the paign of [the University’s] future, organization is still young, Le it’s a campaign on whether or not said. RHA has only been a part of we will have a stronger more unithe University for three years. fied brighter future for Rutgers “The goal the new public relaahead,” he said. tions director and I will have is to Harrington said Le has done a stay in touch with the residents lot of good work with his because RHA, in its government Cook/Douglas Residential Council. form, is still a young organiza“I would like to think that in the tion,” he said. same ilk, my vice president of Yet Harrington believes RHA is advocacy committee has been on the right path to recognition. very successful as well,” “Our hall government system Harrington said. “We have dealt has, every year, gotten stronger with many issues students have and stronger, and the more effecwanted dealt with.” tively [members] are trained to


APRIL 6, 2010



APRIL 6, 2010





The Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of Student Conduct are sponsoring a public conversation on campus violence. “NOT ON OUR WATCH: Fighting, Bullying, Hazing or Stalking” will begin at 8 p.m. in the Lucy Stone Hall Auditorium on Livingston campus. All are welcome to attend. The search committee for the next Dean of Douglass campus has narrowed the field to three candidates. Each of the three candidates will be presenting a vision talk from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Mabel Smith Douglass Library. Candidate Harriet Davidson will be the first to speak. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Editors from The Daily Targum will hold a writers meeting for current and prospective writers at 9:30 p.m. in the SLounge on the fourth floor of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. They will assign stories and answer questions about writing articles. No previous writing experience is required, and anyone interested is welcome to attend.


Come support the Residence Hall Association in their RHA “Wendy’s Get Together” event. Pick up a coupon from an RHA representative who will be present at the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus during the evening, and present it to the sales clerk when you purchase your food. From beginners to seasoned experts, all are welcome to a free yoga class hosted by the Rutgers Bhakti Club from 8:30 to 10 p.m. in the Busch Campus Center Multipurpose room. Yogi Charu, who trained in the Himalayan peaks and traveled the world teaching yoga, will teach the class. For more information visit and RSVP at Come watch the V-Day 2010 benefit production of Eve Ensler’s award-winning play, “The Vagina Monologues.” Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and production begins at 8:30 p.m. in the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus. Get there early to buy your tickets because seating is limited. Tickets are $5 for University students and $7 for general admission. Donations are welcome and T-shirts will be sold. The event is sponsored by the Department of Sexual Assault Services. Proceeds benefit V-Day’s 2010 Spotlight Campaign and Sexual Assault Service and Crime Victim Assistance’s Victim Emergency Fund. The search committee for the next Dean of Douglass campus has narrowed the field to three candidates. Each of the three candidates will be presenting a vision talk from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Mabel Smith Douglass Library. Candidate Jacquelyn S. Litt will be the second to speak. Everyone is welcome to attend.


All interested photographers are welcome to attend The Daily Targum photographers’ meeting in Room 407 of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. The meeting will take place from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. We will be holding a weekly photographers’ meeting to discuss important housekeeping business, assign events and facilitate several workshopping activities.


Teams of six are invited to join RU CARE for their indoor soccer tournament, CARE cup. Registration starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Cook Recreation Center. Winner of the tournament will receive a trophy and a cash prize. All proceeds will benefit Deborah Heart and Lung Center, which helps people living in poverty all over the nation get life saving surgeries.


The search committee for the next Dean of Douglass campus has narrowed the field to three candidates. Each of the three candidates will be presenting a vision talk from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Mabel Smith Douglass Library. Candidate Claire Bond Potter will be the third and last to speak. Everyone is welcome to attend.

To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to


COMMENTS: U. to generate revenue with stadium




continued from front Gov. Chris Christie’s proposed budget cuts 15 percent or $46.6 million of the University’s state appropriations. The cut compounded with $30 million in unfunded mandates for salary increases and rising costs leaves the University with a $90 million budget hole, Winterbauer said. A shortfall of $80 million in 2006 led the University to cancel about 450 course sections and led to 185 layoffs or eliminated positions, according to a University Media Relations press release. Furmanski said the University has not reached any decisions regarding cancelled courses or layoffs. The administration placed no number on possible tuition hikes. Associate Professor of Library Sciences Daniel O’Connor said the governor’s proposed merger of the University, Thomas Edison State College and the New Jersey State Library would be a disaster. O’Connor said the governor’s proposed budget eliminates funding for the state library, which leaves the University footing its bill. If the University decided not to fund the state library and dismantled the facility, it would face public uproar, O’Connor said. McCormick said the University is eyeing the possible absorption with due diligence. Multiple students asked questions regarding why the University continued or started construction if the budget situation is so dire. McCormick and Furmanski detailed the criteria the administration uses when considering construction. Any new building has to have a revenue stream associated with it or has to be supported through private donations, McCormick said. The University would not have considered building the welcome center without private donations from two individuals. The University is pursuing alternative revenues to alleviate cuts, including online courses, he said. In regard to the possibility of hosting concerts at the football stadium, McCormick said Athletic Director Tim Pernetti is aggressively seeking ways to utilize the stadium to generate new revenue sources. School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior Chelsea Simkins said the state’s fiscal crisis offers the University a chance to reinvent itself by connecting with the citizens of the state. Simkins said if the University community demonstrates its value to the state, the state would be more committed to funding the University. McCormick said he is interested in hearing specific new ways to reach out to communities throughout the state. Simkins said the University should consider fixing the heating systems in older facilities to save money in electrical costs. Joel Salvino, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student, expressed anger with the University’s administration and asked students to participate in a rally against the cuts and tuition hikes on April 21 at Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. McCormick said the University increases tuition as a last resort and does not consider students to be ATM machines.

APRIL 6, 2010


Mason Gross School of the Arts senior Michael Benevenia displays his works at the BFA Thesis Exhibition “Stay Rad, Stay Focused.” The exhibition will be on display until April 10 and includes others.

A new fellowship offered by the School of Management and Labor Relations looks to open new doors for University scholars in a tough business world. The Ray Carey Fellowship is intended to encourage the study of broad-based profit-sharing and employee ownership opportunities for wage earners in a democratic work culture, according to a University Media Relations press release. David Feingold, the dean of School of Management and Labor Relations, said the school could not be happier in their partnership with Carey. “The Carey Fellow will be part of the world’s largest network of scholars working in this field, which is being coordinated by School of Management and Labor Relations,” he said in the release. “The Carey Fellowship adds a special dimension, with its focus on studying how the entire economy can benefit a greater number of its citizens.” Ray Carey, who established the new fellowship, said the University is a perfect place to start the fellowship because of the School of Management and Labor Relations’ outstanding progress in research and policy in the field. “I want to do my part to add to its impressive momentum toward studying alternatives that can raise the standard of living for all wage earners and families,” Carey said in the release. Carey, a native of Cambridge, Mass., graduated from Holy Cross University and received a master’s degree in business administration in 1950 from the Harvard Business School. He also worked at ADT for 18 years, creating and implementing the successful “Care and Share” stock-purchasing plan, according to the release. — Devin Sikorski



PA G E 1 2

APRIL 6, 2010


Unpaid internships rightfully investigated


e cannot seem to get jobs anymore — we, as college students and well-educated, prepared adults — if we do not first go through the rigorous process of landing internships, preferably in New York City. These internships are often advertised as “true job experiences,” yet they mostly range from fetching coffee to non-descript grunt work. And with the increase of unpaid internships in recent years, federal and state regulators have come out with claims of the illegality of such work. According to The New York Times, the U.S. Department of Labor says that it will be cracking down on firms that fail to compensate interns properly, and we can do nothing but agree with this much-needed and longed-for decision. The truth that firms providing internships seek undergraduate and graduate students is no secret. Being immersed in and exposed to the realities of working everywhere from publishing gigs to Wall Street internships is nothing to complain about — the problem is that companies sometimes take unfair advantage of student interns. For example, instead of learning the intricate, day-to-day business of publishing, interns are made to answer the phone or run down hot, crowded Fifth Avenue to get a midday coffee for their boss. In that case, which is the situation for many, worker exploitation occurs at its worst level. Therefore, we need the Department of Labor’s regulation, if only to slightly protect our rights as incoming members of the workforce. Sadly, internships — albeit unpaid — are widely sought and necessary in this day and age. Students can hardly turn one down, yet they stand to lose money on travel rather than earn the slightest of stipends. There are two sorts of maltreatment interns face —overworking or underworking — and in either case, the experience of the job itself is easily lost. Going on coffee runs may be one publishing intern’s job, while constantly bickering with the copy machine and running up and down stairs may be another’s. No true experience is gained in either case. Intern abuse has been reflected in the recent findings by the Department of Labor. College students may just be learning that it is illegal for firms to stiff their interns unless the firm complies with six federal legal criteria for unpaid internships. These criteria include that “internships should be similar to training given in a vocational school or academic institution, the intern does not displace regular paid workers and the employer ‘derives no immediate advantage’ from the intern’s activities.” In other words, companies should largely be more benevolent to their interns, rather than interns acting as peons for the bosses upstairs—something that has of late been the case. So next time, consider the work you will be required to do and do not submit yourselves to the selfish tricks of the penny-pinching companies that pick one person out of hundreds to work for free. Perhaps we will still continue to take every opportunity we get — paid or unpaid — and that is why the Department of Labor should be on its toes. College students need protection from the overbearing bosses of the corporate world and the Department of Labor should be providing that protection.

Grant’s spot on bill not up for grabs


e do not want to see a new face on the $50 bill and that is all. It is not even that much of a problem with the person that is poised to take former President Ulysses S. Grant’s spot — former President Ronald Reagan, it simply is not the time for it. According to ABC News, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., aims at making this change. The problem is that members of both parties have risen against this, and rightly so. The North Carolina congressman seems to deny the outcome of the Civil War, or at least slightly denounces it. We will not get into the question of who was a better leader and president, but the fact remains that Grant, despite not having the most lavish of presidencies, led — as a Union general — the North to a historic victory over the South. His face has been placed on the $50 bill for a reason. The case of Reagan is different. His reign ended a little over two decades ago and while his laurels, to a degree, included the takedown of the Soviet Union, he can just not be judged fairly yet. This substitution of a general with a less-than-mediocre actor seems to be fairly unreasonable. If we begin to arbitrarily change other wellestablished faces of our currency, why can’t we put President Barack Obama’s face on the bills that make up the $1.2 trillion of bailouts handed out during his reign? How about we remove Alexander Hamilton from the $10 bill and scrub in one of the former Bush presidents — after all, Hamilton was never even president. Politicians seem to have too much free time on their hands. We, as citizens, must not be enough of an entity to care for. The notion of changing currency like this is foolish and will surely blow over — if only our governmentelects had the ability to reason. Grant must stay, McHenry must sit down.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “[Europeans] don’t care about teeth, they think it’s more unique than ugly.” Judith Garber, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, on the notion that people outside of the U.S. do not care about a perfect smile. STORY IN UNIVERSITY


Cuts to TFA not significant


t has recently been retaining them — deems repor ted that Teach to be a rather weak shor tfor America (TFA) term fix to a long-term may lose a substantial problem. Those who are amount of funding from accepted into the program the federal government. At receive five weeks of a time of financial downintensive training over the turn, the organization may summer before they begin BRIAN CANARES not receive its full requestteaching. After ward, corps ed amount of $50 million in members are only aid and be forced to eliminate almost 1,350 teachrequired to teach for a minimum of two years ing positions. Many would say this is a detrimenwithin their school. In ef fect, not only are they tal blow to education, as TFA is such a great given little preparation to teach in an recruiting tool for the urban environment. urban school, but their commitment is not even However, I believe the significance of the organilong enough for them to adapt into the zation is largely exaggerated, and I think these educational system. cuts will have little impact on the broader context Most corps members, judging by their acaof education. demic backgrounds, probably grew up with TFA is an organization that sends college gradgreater oppor tunities than their students. uates to underperforming schools with the intenBecause most corps members were not plagued tion of attracting the best and the brightest to by the same obstacles as the students they teaching. It is known to be a highly selective proteach, they are usually unfamiliar with their new gram that rejects some of the smartest students setting. Consequently, they spend the next two in the nation, including applicants years finding their pedagogy from the Ivy League. It essentially incongr uent, management skills “While well seeks to place highly qualified indiinef fective and idealism stifled. viduals into areas that lack suffiCombining this with the fact that intentioned, the cient opportunity for academic sucthey were not fully dedicated in current TFA model the first place, most opt to leave cess. So, why would I be discouraging a program that seemingly has their two-year commitment. is not set up for true after nothing but benefits? Ultimately, urban schools do not First, let’s look at the nature of improve because there is no base urban renewal.” the program’s applicants. Those of highly qualified and skilled eduwho apply to TFA are generally cators to create a sustainable acahardworking students who maintain a decent demic environment. It comes to the point where GPA and are considered student leaders around inexperienced teachers are just being recycled their respective campuses. These students have year after year. the capacity to become well-respected lawyers, While well intentioned, the current TFA model doctors or businessmen. Teaching was probably is not set up for true urban renewal. The organinever an option, as they would have spent their zation has the potential to be a really great profour years pursuing an education degree. Thus, gram, but it needs to be more focused on retenthese individuals apply with the intention of tion. Sure, you can argue that the low number of either temporarily putting their life on hold or corps members who decide to stay would have using the organization to fur ther pad their never considered teaching in the first place. résumé. Of course, I am not discounting the fact However, $50 million a year should not be investthat they have a genuine urge to help underprivied into a program that does not produce longleged children. I am, on the other hand, suggestterm benefits. Attracting the best and the brighting that most applicants usually do not see urban est proves to be futile if they are not committed. education as a career. This can be evidenced by Until the model behind TFA is changed or the fact that only 29 percent continue to teach altered, I cannot say that the organization is an after their commitment to TFA ends, whereas the advantageous federal program. percentage of corps members who actually stay in Brian Canares is a Rutgers College senior majorthe urban environment is probably even lower. ing in history and political science. His column, “Pure An organization that is modeled of f merely Rubbish,” runs on alternate Tuesdays. attracting the best and the brightest — but not

Pure Rubbish

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



APRIL 6, 2010 13

Help show Era of change must leave traditions unspoiled support Letter for needed A student aid MICHAEL CONVENTE



resident Barack Obama signed the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act into law last week, a historic student aid bill that streamlines the federal financial aid system and bolsters Pell Grant aid by $36 billion. This bill comes not a moment too late. State budgets are shrinking and tuition is rising across the country, leading tens of millions of college students to assume record levels of debt to pay for college. The number of students graduating with more than $40,000 in loan debt has increased ten-fold in the last decade. Meanwhile, the economic crisis means young adults are facing record unemployment — the unemployment rate for college graduates age 20 to 24 in the third quarter of 2009 was 10.6 percent, an increase of three points from the third quarter of 2008 — and student borrowers are having trouble paying back their loans. In fact, 56 percent of counties in the United States have doubledigit student loan delinquency rates, some as high as 50 percent. The student debt crisis is out of control and the time to address it is now. The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act will add $36 billion to the Pell Grant program and enable more students to afford college without the threat of crushing debt. Because it will be funded by ending wasteful subsidies to banks, it will not cost taxpayers a dime — in fact, it will mean that we will stop funneling billions of taxpayer dollars into banks’ profits, and instead use that money to help America’s youth afford to go to college. U.S. Congress and the president chose to pay attention to America’s young people rather than to the bank lobby, taking an important step toward making college more affordable. Let’s all show up at Brower Commons on the College Avenue tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. for Senator Robert Menendez’s, D-N.J., speech as part of Rutgers University Student Assembly and New Jersey Public Interest Research Group’s “Victory Party for Student Aid.” Let’s show him there is a ton of public support for student aid, thank him for supporting this historic bill and let him know if he continues to stand up for college affordability that we have got his back. Will Benitez is the RUSA College Avenue Council representative and a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. Mohamed Eladawy is the NJPIRG Student Chapters Higher Education campaign coordinator and a School of Engineering junior.

s a proud recent alumnus of this great University, I often find myself keeping in touch with current affairs going on within campus borders. And in doing so this past week, I came across a firestorm of debate on the content of our alma mater, “On the Banks of the Old Raritan.” Two Douglass Governing Council students, on behalf of the whole organization, wrote an editorial advocating for a revision of our alma mater, claiming that by only including the word “man,” the song “makes over half our student population literally and lyrically invisible.” A week later, another council member also called for changes to “On the Banks,” arguing that not revising the song would be tantamount to endorsing injustice toward women. Not surprisingly, this has caused quite a ruckus within the University community, leading to the creation of two opposing Facebook groups, one supporting revisions and one against revisions.

I empathize with the Douglass similarities between King’s fight students who authored these edito- for racial equality and these parrials, and I am a genuine supporter ticular Douglass Governing of their cause to end sexism, but by Council members’ fight to end focusing on petty matters like sexism. As we can see from histowords in a song, it only causes their r y, results were achieved by advocacy to be weakened and focusing on more substantial viewed with less substance. grievances — like ending segreThroughout the Civil Rights era, gation and voting infringement — symbols of slavery and segregation rather than focusing on removing still remained from the old symbols. As a former student Confederacy; one government example is the I know that “... they were likely leader, Confederate flag, the council is which flew atop of active in supportunaware of the the South Carolina ing numerous uproar within State Capitol House organizations and during the 1960’s events that prothe University ...” — and remained mote women’s there until the year rights and equali2000. Imagine if Martin Luther ty, and I hope they would shift King, Jr. focused his energy on the their attention to bringing even Confederate flag, rather than organ- more awareness to those great izing the Montgomery Bus Boycott events, rather than focus on more and numerous rallies, the prime inconsequential matters like the one being his March on words of our alma mater. Washington in 1963. I would conLastly, I find it interesting, yet vincingly say that the progress we not exactly surprising, that the have made in racial equality — three young women who while still not complete — would authored editorials advocating for not be nearly as advanced. revisions to the alma mater are The reason I mention the comprised of students from the above accounts is to highlight the Class of 2011, 2012, and 2013,

respectively. That is, they were not at the University during the period in which the old collegebased system was replaced by the School of Arts and Sciences. They are students of that new system. And by not being at the University in the few years preceding that transition, they were likely unaware of the uproar within the University community in regard to many of our college traditions targeted for elimination. It is ironic indeed that, just a few years ago, Douglass students were rallying to preserve their community and its history and traditions with the “Save Douglass College” initiative, only now to be advocating for our alma mater — one of the University’s few remaining traditions — to be revised. Maybe if those three students were at the University during that era, they would be more conscious of why their proposal has caused such uproar. Michael Convente is a Class of 2009 Rutgers College alumnus. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in cell and molecular biology at the University of Pennsylvania.



PA G E 1 4

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

APRIL 6, 2010


Today's birthday (4/6/10). Creative effort takes you far in the coming year. Pay closer attention to dreams as a key to your subconscious that may provide solutions. Find a recreational activity that allows you to burn off stress, helping you to face challenges powerfully. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 7 — Let your optimism simmer. Everyone needs to adapt to the demands of the moment. Save emotions for later. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — Take extra time during the planning phase of a project. Let ideas simmer until you taste the magic. Then translate mental images into practical displays. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 6 — What you think ought to be simple instead has many thorns. Even the greatest imagination would need to adapt big ideas to limited means. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 5 — You may be dealing with moral questions. Spiritual inspiration comes from meditation or dreams. Remember to keep your feet on the ground. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — To ensure a solid foundation for your ideas, reach out to a professional for needed advice. Although you don't like everything you hear, you glean some gold. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — Figure out a logical set of priorities. Then, work closely with a partner, even if you irritate each other now. Finally, mobilize your enthusiasm.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — What starts out as a thorny problem eventually gives in to creative concepts developed within your group. Team up to break through resistance. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 6 — Get out and about today to maximize career opportunities. Take a shopping list. Multitasking works today. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 — You're torn between two options. Follow advice from a reliable source, or take a leap of faith on an associate's enthusiasm? Either choice works out. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — Messages arrive from a variety of sources. Narrow the field by eliminating stressful concepts. Go with what feels good. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — You and a partner work to develop a long-range plan. Consider each facet according to your personal philosophy. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 5 — Your partner points you toward unknown territory. There are benefits to going there, accompanied by some prickly problems.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


APRIL 6, 2010

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.




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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:

by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

HERGAT Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

A: Yesterday’s



Solution Puzzle #39 4/5/10

Solution, tips and computer program at

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: EJECT FINAL DEFAME SNUGLY Answer: Given a “chance,” they are opposite but the same — SLIM AND FAT



PA G E 1 6

APRIL 6, 2010

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APRIL 6, 2010

RESPECT: Attendance minimal compared to 2007 run continued from back


The Big East tabbed senior outfielder Jarred Jimenez and the Scarlet Knights to finish eighth in the 12-team conference. Rutgers won five of its first six conference matchups since.

How about here on campus? Is the team as highly regarded as some of the other sports? Not exactly. Bainton Field is a grade-A baseball diamond. Yet the environment surrounding it is anything but prestigious. The bleachers seat no more than 200 spectators and with no lights, the team is unable to play any games that star t past the mid-afternoon. Perhaps it is the installation of lights that could bring the student body to Bainton. The Knights played five home games — not including today’s 3:30 p.m. contest against Princeton — and the support from the students was lacking. The Big East home opener against No. 24 Pittsburgh — a game Rutgers won in a dramatic ninth-inning comeback — yielded an official attendance of 284. At least 80 percent of that figure does not attend the University. The 8,312 fans who flocked to Brooklyn, N.Y., for the finals of the 2007 Big East Tournament to see the Knights defeat Connecticut seems like much more of a distant memory than just three years ago. But the thought of getting lights installed at the baseball


complex is almost null and void, given the recent budget cuts and Athletic Director Tim Pernetti’s thoughts on the necessary renovations of the Louis Brown Athletic Center. But lights and seating matter naught to head coach Fred Hill Sr. No matter the conditions or sur roundings, Hill keeps the same consistency and expects the same from his players for the past 26 years at the helm of the organization. Hill’s dedication to the program through good and bad comes full circle in the recent future with the manager only six wins away from 1,000 in his career. A quick look at the schedule shows that this milestone is very likely to take place in the Knight’s five-game homestead starting April 13 against Fordham and ending April 21 against Lafayette. With a coach nearing the millennium mark and a team garnering national recognition and climbing atop the Big East standings, can the stands of Bainton Field and the hill overlooking left field become filled with the suppor t of the University? The baseball world respects the Scarlet Knights, it’s time you did too. — A.J. Jankowski accepts comments and criticisms at



APRIL 6, 2010


Preparing for uncertainty leads to happy endings BILL DOMKE’S

T HE GOOD, T HE B AD Did anyone honestly predict a Butler-Duke Championship basketball game? If you did, feel free to brag. The past month has been about as unpredictable as the prize that you would get from the cereal box — even more so than usual. But being able to take that uncertainty and roll forward is what makes you a champion, and your final two teams in the NCAA men’s bracket are examples of that. Forgive the sagely undertones, I am not about to coach a basketball team anytime soon. But Rutgers sports deal with this all the time, always focusing on the next game, getting ready to deal with whatever may happen. It just so happens that some teams are better at this than others.



As the rest of this season winds down, keep an eye out for teams that, maybe subconsciously, take this idea to heart. And then see if they end up with happy, good endings or ugly ones.


The team took two out of three against the ranked Panthers including a dramatic five-run ninth inning comeback in the first game of the series, making a statement to the rest of its company at the top of the Big East’s standings.

Playing the spoiler — Upsets! They are ever ywhere, and now the baseball team has one of its own. Going into the weekend, Rutgers and then-No. 24 Pittsburgh entered what was deemed “a battle of winning streaks,” with the Knights boasting a six-game winning streak against the Panthers’ 12. But that was not a problem for head coach Fred Hill Sr. and company.

Control freak — The women’s lacrosse team let out a sigh of relief when all was said and done Saturday afternoon after attaining its first Big East win of the season. Of course, the team’s caliber of success Saturday would not have been possible without the record breaking performance in draw controls by sophomore midfielder Ali Steinberg. With barely any draw controls by Steinberg in the first

half, Connecticut found a way to make a 5-0 run to tie the game up by halftime. But then take an impressive seven draw controls in the second half and the Knights doubled its offensive output on the boards and found their first conference win, to boot. Connect Four? — So the season opener against Syracuse took it by surprise, but don’t look now — the tennis team is rolling. Connecticut was next, looking to end Rutgers’ three-game conference streak. But the Knights didn’t just beat the Huskies, they rolled up a newspaper and thrashed them down to the tune of a 6-1 beat. If you are going to boast a four-game winning streak on the way to facing another Big East opponent, a 6-1 win in the most recent game is definitely the way to carry yourself. Running away from the competition — First of 30 is always something to be proud of. The Rutgers men’s track and field team won four events and placed in the top-three in 12 others on its way to the win. But it is not like this was just an ordinary win for the Knights — they won the meet over second place William and Mary by a total of 31 points. For reference, the gap between second and third place was five points. And as usual with strong Rutgers performances on the track, the team captured so many IC4A and Big East qualifiers that it would be foolish to list them all here.



Junior Amy Zhang leads the Rutgers tennis team, unbeaten in its last four conference games. The Knights outscored Big East opponents 27-1 during that stretch, most recently beating UConn 6-1.

Welcome to hear tbreak — Fresh off a huge upset against then-No.11/13 Notre Dame, the men’s lacrosse team had a skip in its step before St. John’s came to visit. And then St. John’s came to visit. Only a few points outside of the national rankings, one point

in the 11-10 loss was all that separated the men’s lacrosse team from a spotless 2-0 conference record and their current .500 one. What is worse was that there were two distinct chances for the Knights to drive the ball down for a tying goal but a shot that had too much angle and a bad pass destroyed any chances of a second chance. Just take it out on Jacksonville. All good things come to an end — Of course, the baseball team, sweeping Pittsburgh to push the winning streak to nine would have been ideal, but alas the Panthers were able to drag something away from Bainton Field, salvaging the last game to keep the conference record from really going to the dogs. All that is left is to see if the team cannot keep that loss from snowballing into something more … lucid. They are already well on their way to making last year’s season a distant memory.

THE UGLY That’s just painful — Three hours and 56 minutes. That is how long the softball team waited to finish their second game at Notre Dame. Eight and zero. Those were the runs scored by Notre Dame and Rutgers, respectively. A loss is a loss, but a washout is a washout. Maybe an 8-0 shutout would be more manageable if you did not have to wait four hours to lose. Officials cancelled the second game of that doubleheader. Good riddance. Really? Seriously? — The MLB’s San Francisco Giants and Coca-Cola will be sued by an angry patron who suffered a broken leg after sliding down the giant Coke bottle at AT&T Park. Is it really possible to not know how to slide down a slide?



APRIL 6, 2010


Sophomore’s consistency shines at midfield BY BILL DOMKE ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR


he Big East league office named Rutgers men’s lacrosse midfielder Gerhard Buehning to its Weekly Honor Roll yesterday, marking the second time the senior received the distinction. Buehning scored a careerhigh four goals and tallied one assist in the Scarlet Knights’ 11-10 loss Saturday to St. John’s. The Essex Fells, N.J., native recorded points in each of Rutgers’ last 17 games, six of which saw Buehning score multiple goals. Buehning’s 3.0 goals-pergame average ranks second in the conference.

A sunny afternoon on the RU Turf Field Saturday proved that seniors Justin Pennington and Gerhard Buehning are not the KNIGHT only midNOTEBOOK fielders that opposing teams should gameplan for.

Michael Diehl made his presence known during the Saturday matchup, tying for second on the men’s lacrosse team in goals with two, and notching a season-best two assists to boot. “[Diehl has] been great the last couple of games. He really has,” said head coach Jim Stagnitta. “He’s really picked up his games and gave us a boost [Saturday] and is certainly getting better and better. He certainly came up big for us.”

The sophomore midfielder scored to open up the game before the Scarlet Knights allowed two straight St. John’s goals in the first quarter. Diehl then helped key the flurry of scores that brought the Knights right back with an assist to Buehning at the 9:30 mark of the second period. “I feel like I’m doing well,” Diehl said about his recent success. “I’m being a little more aggressive and hopefully it continues.”





basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski said through a spokesman that he has no interest in filling the New Jersey Nets’ head coaching vacancy. Coach K denied being contacted by the Nets organization and would not accept a deal if offered. Reports from the Bergen Record indicate that Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov would offer Krzyzewski — who coached Duke in last night’s NCAA National Championship game — $12 to $15 million per year.






the game, junior defender Stephen Belichick took to the sidelines after an arm injur y appeared to prevent any immediate return to the field. The injur y did not stop Belichick from trying to get back into the game, but he was quickly assured by Stagnitta that the extent of the injury warranted a closer look. “I don’t know [the full extent of the injury],” Stagnitta said after the game. “I said something in the huddle about you should lay down when you get hurt instead of running off to the field, and that’s it.”

High School head men’s basketball coach Dan Hurley took the vacant position at Wagner, bringing his brother Bobby along as an assistant. A day after the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame announced their father, Bob Hurley Sr., as a member of its newest induction class, Dan announced he would bring on Bobby, who gained fame with Duke as an assistant coach. Dan Hurley, who coached Rutgers recruit Gilvydas Biruta at St. Benedict’s, inherits a program that went 5-26 overall and 3-15 in conference play last season.



Storm hurt Rutgers’ chances at attaining any position in the nation’s top-20 polls. Before the game, Rutgers was just outside the last position in the Nike/Inside Lacrosse Media Poll and two spots outside the USILA Coaches Poll after it garnered its first Big East win via an upset over then-No. 11/13 Notre Dame. Still in Stagnitta’s mind, the loss is too early to be considered a real setback, and he said all the team has to do is look for ward to the next game against Jacksonville. “We’ll get back to work on Monday and get back to it,” Stagnitta said. “We just have to do some things a little bit better and we’ll get back to it.”



Sophomore midfielder Mike Diehl netted two goals and two assists in Saturday’s 11-10 loss to St. John’s. The Flemington, N.J., native opened the team’s scoring in the Big East home opener.



and crowds enjoyed the sunny, 65-degree weather, the effects from the rain season were still felt. The game, originally scheduled for Yurcak Field, had to be rescheduled to the RU Turf Field due to unsatisfactor y field conditions.

THE BOSTON RED SOX inked starting pitcher Josh Beckett to a four-year, $68 million extension — keeping him with the organization through the 2014 season. Along with fellow starters John Lackey and Jon Lester, Beckett becomes the third Sox pitcher signed through 2014. Beckett, who started the MLB season opener against the New York Yankees, receives a $5 million bonus this year along with an annual salary of $15.75 million. He is due to be paid $12 million this season.




conference since his public relations crisis began, golfer Tiger Woods denied using Human Growth Hormone to help rehabilitate from reconstructive knee surgery during the 2008 season. Woods met with over 200 reporters for 34 minutes yesterday in Augusta, Ga., covering topics ranging from his marriage rehab, infidelity and professional relationship with controversial surgical doctor Anthony Galea. Galea is under federal investigation stemming from a drugs case and his work with other prominent athletes.





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The Rutgers baseball and men’s lacrosse teams each gave up late leads Saturday to lose their Big East home games after each beat ranked opponents in their previous contests. The Rutgers women’s lacrosse team picked up its first conference win the same day, ending the game with a 9-3 run to top UConn by a score of 15-10 at the RU Turf Field.






APRIL 6, 2010


Rutgers, Hall enter match headed in opposite directions BY TYLER DONOHUE CORRESPONDENT

The Seton Hall tennis team was shut out 7-0 on Saturday by Syracuse, who also blanked Rutgers TENNIS i n Januar y. That is about the only commonality the two teams share as they renew their

intrastate rivalr y today in South Orange. The 2 p.m. match features a showdown between Big East squads headed in opposite directions. The Scarlet Knights, who boast a fourmatch conference unbeaten streak and claimed victor y in seven of the last nine contests, are firing on all cylinders.

Seton Hall saw its 2010 season fall apar t at the seams, thanks to a current five-match slide. The Pirates began the season 5-3, but since plummeted back to Earth. Seton Hall has yet to post a win in conference play — or at home, for that matter. However, Rutgers may be on upset alert. The Scarlet Knights (10-5, 41) are in the midst of a daunting


Senior captain Katherine Arlak said her team recognizes the importance of not underestimating opponent Seton Hall, who is winless in its three conference matches and 5-8 on the season.

stretch of tough conference matches and must be careful not to look past the Pirates (5-8, 0-3) before taking care of business, according to head coach Ben Bucca. “It’s all about us being in control of how we handle ourselves,” Bucca said. “The girls know that Seton Hall is fully capable of winning [today’s] match if we don’t come out ready to play.” Senior captain Katherine Arlak knows her teammates must be wary of playing down to a weaker opponent. “It’s important that we play smart,” Arlak said. “We’ve done well against Seton Hall in the past and beaten them pretty decisively. It’s just a matter of continuing to play aggressive no matter what team we’re facing.” That hasn’t been an issue for Rutgers as of late, notching crucial Big East wins in each of its last two matches by knocking of f Pittsburgh and Connecticut by a combined score of 13-1. Sophomore Leonora Slatnick, a catalyst for the team with nine straight victories, believes that success is forged by preserving a positive mindset. “I’m taking it one match at a time and not really focusing on how many I’ve won or how many I’ve lost,” Slatnick said. “It’s about staying confident, keeping your head up and not letting a match slip away.” Her coach resonates the same sentiments when analyzing his Knights.

“It’s a long season and every team has its peaks and valleys,” Bucca said. “I’ve stressed to the girls the most important thing is what their thinking and feeling during matches — individually and collectively as a team.” Today marks the sixth road contest for Rutgers in its last seven matches. Freshman Michelle Green believes the Knights are up to the task of facing yet another challenge away from home. “We prepare very well and always play with effort so it isn’t that big of an issue where we’re playing,” Green said. “I think this team is definitely ready to hit the road again.” It better be. Rutgers can push its Big East record to 5-1 and continue its quest for conference supremacy with a win over Seton Hall. A motivated performance from the onset of the match could bury the lowly Pirates and turn the match into a cakewalk for the Scarlet Knights. “We need to play focused from the beginning and tr y to get ahead,” Slatnick said. “Once you start off strong, it’s a whole lot easier to finish out a match.” Rutgers looked great during the past six weeks, and if they enter this afternoon’s match with the same sense of urgency, Bucca likes his team’s chances. “We’ve been playing well because our spirit and camaraderie have been exceptional,” he said. “If we maintain that attitude then we’ll always have an advantage stepping on the cour t.”

Juniors step up in absence of team’s senior captain BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ STAFF WRITER

Complacency is a killer, especially in the realm of collegiate track and field. After starting its season with seven top-three finishes at South WOMEN’S TRACK F l o r i d a ’ s B u l l s Invitational, the Rutgers women’s track and field team ran into tough competition in Raleigh, N.C., last weekend –– a meet in which the team underperformed in head coach James Robinson’s eyes. With 20 personal-best times and throws accompanied by six more Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference qualifiers in Princeton over the weekend,

JOHNNIES: Letdown hurts Knights’ Tourney odds continued from back the end that we didn’t capitalize on.” The loss puts Rutgers in a precarious position when it comes to the NCAA Tournament. The team came of f an impressive victor y over then-No. 11 Notre Dame on the road and found itself just on the outside of the national rankings. But the non-conference strength of schedule is not great. Both Wagner and St. Joseph’s are in the bottom tier of the RPI rankings and victories over Penn State and Marist, while solid, are not going to make anybody stop and stare. “We just have to get back to work,” Stagnitta said. “There are

Robinson now sees his team’s sputtered progression. “Every year as the season progresses you need to start improving every time out, and that’s ver y encouraging,” said Robinson. “As a team, they performed very well.” On the track, the team was without senior Michelle Gomes, but the vacancy left an opening for a pair of juniors to steal the spotlight. Jamie Walker and Brittni Rodriguez finished second and third in the 100-meter dash with Big East qualifying times of 12.11 and 12.15 seconds, respectively. Rodriguez did not finish there, later snagging second place in the 200-meter event with a time of 25.01 –– another Big East qualifier. some things that we haven’t done well and we have to address that. We’ll get back to work and we’re going to be fine.” The Knights still have plenty of chances to make an impression. They travel to Jacksonville Saturday and follow that up with a game at No. 5 Princeton. When they return to Big East play there are still games against No. 2 Syracuse, No. 17 Villanova and No. 13 Georgetown — plenty of time to turn missed opportunities into statement wins. “Our backs are a little bit against the wall because this one kind of wipes away the win over Notre Dame,” Buehning said. “If you look at our schedule we still have some games coming up against tough opponents. We’re going to continue to practice hard and figure this thing out as we move for ward.”

The Scarlet Knights did not shy away from success in the field either. The squad dominated in the field events, thanks in large part to senior Jessica Bandy, juniors Nwamaka Okobi and Natalie Clickett and sophomore Alex Kelly. Rutgers occupied two spots on the podium in the javelin event, as Kelly’s launch of 43.39 meters earned her the top spot. Bandy finished just behind Kelly with a hurl of 40.57 meters, awarding the senior third place in the event. Clickett put together her best weekend of the outdoor season, with a first-place finish in the discus and a secondplace finish in the shot put after

throws of 46.60 and 14.28 meters, respectively. Complacency is never a problem for Clickett because of her competitiveness — however, being satisfied with her performance usually is. “I’m happy with my ability to stay consistent this year, it’s something we strive to do in order to be able to count on good performances at ever y meet,” said the thrower. “But I’m not satisfied with my distances at the current time.” Okobi is one of the most consistent field performers on the team, and she reiterated that with a win in the triple jump after a 12.28-meter mark and a thirdplace finish in the long jump with a 5.80-meter leap.

One thing she plans to battle in the coming weeks is her occasional smug tendencies. “I tend to get a little complacent. I have to keep fighting depending on the competition and maybe come back and jump farther,” Okobi said. For the team as a whole, it is back to the chopping block. The Knights do not compete until retur ning to Princeton April 16 for the Larr y Ellis Invitational and look to build of f the weekend’s strong showing by working hard in the coming weeks. “Ever ybody has their own individual tasks, but I think overall I’m looking for my team to train really, really hard the next two weeks,” said Robinson.



APRIL 6, 2010






Now that junior Eric LeGrand doesn’t have to worr y about finding a home — he tried three different positions before moving to defensive tackle last season — he can finally focus on improving at his position. And the best way to get better at defensive tackle is to simply get bigger and stronger. LeGrand came to Rutgers at 235 pounds, but gained his way to 260 when he moved to defensive tackle. Since the victory in the St. Petersburg Bowl, however, LeGrand said he gained eight pounds and is very comfortable at 270. “I’m keeping my weight at 270 and I think that’s where they want me,” LeGrand said after the team’s sixth of 15 spring practices. “Slowing down wasn’t a concern for me. I feel good running around and doing all of the drills. It doesn’t feel any different.” Even if LeGrand did slow down — which he hasn’t, if the first six practices are any indication — it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just ask his compatriot Scott Vallone. “I’m not really too worried about him losing his speed,” said the star ting sophomore defensive tackle. “He’s getting bigger now so he might lose a bit, but he’s not a sideline-tosideline linebacker anymore, so it’s not going to hur t him to gain some weight if it makes him stronger and more explosive.” Still 19 years old, it may seem like LeGrand is a veteran, but going into his third season with the Scarlet Knights, he said he’s making a concer ted ef for t to become a bigger leader on the team.

“It does feel a little weird, because I feel like I just got here and I remember high school,” he said. “I’m getting used to it and I’m just tr ying to play my role and lead these younger kids along with Scott and Chuck [senior Charlie Noonan].”



Cooper changed from his usual red practice jersey to a white one yesterday, taking repetitions at cornerback. Cooper spent his last two seasons as a wide receiver and made strides last spring before an of f-the-field injur y knocked him out. “When you make a change it’s always a little bit of an experiment because you don’t know,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “You don’t want to move him back-and-forth, so hopefully it will work.” Cooper played safety and wide receiver at Bloomfield High School in Bloomfield, Conn.




The Rutgers football team tried junior Eric LeGrand, above, at a number of positions before he settled at defensive tackle, where he played all of last season in the defensive line rotation. Sophomore Marcus Cooper, bottom left, moved from wideout to cornerback in practice.


Barbieri injured his knee at practice yesterday and was unable to return to the field after wards. Schiano said he does not yet know the severity of his injur y. Junior Caleb Ruch filled in at center with the first team and redshir t freshman Antwan Lower y played at right guard. “I don’t even know if we have a Ruch,” Schiano said on filling in at center. “Let’s just figure it out when we have to make some other changes.”



receiver J.T. Tartacoff was on hand yet again for spring practice — keeping his attendance perfect. Linebacker David Milewski joined him for his third practice and Piscataway wide receiver Jawaun Wynn came for his first practice.


WEIGHT: Coaches hope weight does not slow Greene continued from back


Sophomore Khaseem Greene put on extra muscle since the Knights’ St. Petersburg Bowl win, but the coaching staff wants to make sure the weight does not hurt the safety’s speed.

head coach Greg Schiano. “His body fat is the more important thing, but he’s maintained a lean mass. He’ll have a little more thump when he hits you, but he still has to be able to play the back end. We’ll see if he’ll be able to do that with the weight.” Greene echoed the sentiment, but remains confident that the extra muscle is a positive addition and that he can still play the deep field. “I just started getting bigger and bigger, and as I got bigger the coaches started getting on me about my weight,” he said. “They said as long as I can run … then I was good. A lot of guys came up to me [in practice last week] and said they like the range I have back there, so I guess I can still run.” During the spring, Greene is looking to make that range even better by getting head starts on his routes to the ball, while also embracing his role of a starter. “What I’m trying to work on most is being able to read quarterbacks’ eyes and their deliveries — when they take their ball, hand off and stuff like that,” Greene

said. “And being more of a vocal leader, helping out the younger guys and at the same time helping the starting defense.” As Greene transitions into the starting eleven, sophomore Duron Harmon looks to step into his previous role as the third safety. Both Greene and Harmon, who saw the field last season as a redshirt freshman and true freshman, respectively, impress Lefeged, the elder statesman of the group. “They’re both coming out here competing, they’re both making plays and they both understand the defense, most importantly,” Lefeged said. “Especially off the field, they understand what they need to do. They’re both great players.” And while the secondary will certainly have a new look for the Knights this season, Greene is confident that their offseason work — whether it was spent putting on weight or watching film — will prepare the troupe of safeties for the regular season. “It’s just about work and we put a lot of work in in the offseason before spring ball started,” Greene said. “During the winter we’d meet, watch film, work out — all of us, all of the safeties and cornerbacks. I think our chemistry back there is pretty good.”



APRIL 6, 2010


Irish hurler takes two against Knights in South Bend BY SAM HELLMAN

back and hit the ball really well in the second game, but they outhomered us.” Getting from New Brunswick The Scarlet Knights (12-17, 0to South Bend, Ind., is aggravat- 2) had just one true scoring ing enough without having to face chance in the second game. a 24-6 Singles by freshman middle SOFTBALL N o t r e infielders Ashley Bragg and RUTGERS 0 D a m e Jennifer Harabedian helped load softball bases with two outs, but NOTRE DAME 8 t e a m the sophomore designated hitter w i t h Mikelyn Messina popped out to eight batters hitting above .300. end the threat. But with the Fighting Irish It was a similar story Thursday greeting the Rutgers softball night in Lindley’s 5 1/3 innings. team for a weekend series, the Rutgers loaded the bases in Scarlet Knights hit a rough speed the sixth inning, trailing 2-0, but bump on the road junior first baseto a .500 record. man Mandy Craig R u t g e r s “It was a tough trip could not come up brought a 12-15 with the big twobecause we had record into the out hit to end the Notre Dame conSeven hits to get up at 4 a.m. inning. tests, but left with a and six runs in the just to get there, pair of 8-0 losses at bottom of the the hands of devasfor the and then we played inning tating Irish starter Irish knocked Jody Valdivia. a game that night.” Lindley out of the Valdivia tossed game and ended JAY NELSON two complete in an 8-0 loss. Head Coach games where a “It really was a total of nine closer game than Knight batters how the score indireached base. Her two shutouts cated,” Nelson said. “We had advanced her to 20-3 on the year some shots to score where we with a 1.72 ERA. just didn’t.” “The first time out she really Prior to the poor showing in just got us with her rise ball,” said South Bend, Ind., the Knights head coach Jay Nelson. “She’s had five wins in their last six good, but after the first time you games and hoped to get close see her, you learn to stay off her to .500 with the start of Big rise ball.” East play. Rutgers pitchers did not fair “It was a tough trip because nearly as well, with starters Nicole we had to get up at 4 a.m. just to Lindley and Holly Johnson both get there, and then we played a giving up at least five earned runs. game that night,” Nelson said. Johnson, who pitched through Rutgers hosts Hofstra tomorrain delays Saturday, pitched the row in the team’s home opener. whole game as rain canceled the The double-header gives the final scheduled game of the series. Knights a chance to right the ship “I’m not concerned at this before returning to conference point,” Nelson said. “I think they play Saturday in a three-game had a great attitude and we came home series against Connecticut. CORRESPONDENT


Senior pitcher Nicole Lindley pitched 5 1/3 innings against the Big East’s top offense Notre Dame, giving up six runs in her last inning to be knocked out of the Knights’ 8-0 loss.

IVY LEAGUE OPPONENTS LOOM FOR KNIGHTS The Rutgers baseball record, including dropping team takes the diamond their first six decisions to today at Bainton Field for a open the year. The toughest c o n - loss Princeton suf fered BASEBALL t e s t thus far this year came at with in-state rival Princeton. the hands of then-No. 24 The Scarlet Knights (14-11, 5- North Carolina on March 1) come off a three-game 16, a 25-1 drubbing. series against No. 24 The Tigers split a douPittsburgh that saw the team bleheader with Dartmouth win the first two games. Pitt on Sunday, winning 2-0 in got the best of Rutgers in the the first game and dropping last game on the second, 5-4 in Saturday, 6-5. The 10 innings. loss snapped the It’s a quick turnKnights’ eightaround for Rutgers, game winning who hit the road streak and handed immediately after them their first for a 3:30 p.m. affair loss in the Big East with Columbia conference play. tomorrow afternoon Rutgers still in New York City. stands atop the FRED HILL SR. The Lions (11conference standings, tied 12) just had a winning streak for first with No. 8 Louisville of their own snapped at the and South Florida. hands of Brown. Columbia Junior Pat Biserta’s red- won eight in a row before hot bat cooled down of late, their 6-5 loss on Sunday to especially in the series against the Bears. the Panthers. The outfielder After the two tussles with went 1-for-10 against Pitt with Ivy League foes, it’s back to three strikeouts. the Big East schedule with a The Tigers limp into series at Notre Dame. today’s game with a 6-17 — A.J. Jankowski



PA G E 2 4

APRIL 6, 2010

Still awaiting students’ respect, Knights sit atop Big East table Buffalo Soldier A.J. JANKOWSKI


t the beginning of the year, the Rutgers baseball team must have felt like comedian Rodney Dangerfield: “I get no respect.” The Big East tabbed the Scarlet Knights to finish eighth in the 12-team conference despite returning 10 of their top 11 hitters from the 2009 season. Granted, last year the Knights finished one spot out of the cellar by coming in 11th place, but the lineup knew this year was going to be different. “We didn’t like the fact that we were picked to finish eighth in the Big East,” said senior outfielder Jarred Jimenez, one of the few remaining members of the 2007 squad that won both the Big East regular season title and the conference tournament. “We definitely know that we are better than that and we will finish better than that.” Thus far Rutgers has proven the doubters wrong by going 5-1 in Big East play and was one out away from being the only team in the conference with an unblemished conference record. The Knights are now tied at the top of the conference standings with No. 8 Louisville and South Florida. Four individual Knights were named to the Big East Weekly Honor Roll in various weeks and the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association named Pat Biserta their National Hitter of the Week. The junior outfielder received the honor in mid-March during his torrid hitting streak, in which he hit .550 with three home runs. Rutgers is starting to get the national respect it deserves.



Sophomore safety Khaseem Greene, left, intercepted two passes last season while playing significant time behind senior Joe Lefeged and former Knight Zaire Kitchen, but this spring is working beside Lefeged with the first team.

Sophomore pulls his weight at safety BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR

Joe Lefeged packs a punch. Just ask former Maryland quarterback Jordan Steffy or one-time Syracuse signal caller Andrew FOOTBALL Robinson about it. The senior already earned his reputation as a hard-hitting safety, but sophomore Khaseem Greene looks ready to join him with that distinction. Both were high school linebackers, and now both bring that linebacker mentality to the field as first-team safeties for the Rutgers football team. “It’s beautiful because not a lot of guys are physical,” Greene said. “When you’re a line-

backer, you’ve got to be physical — you can’t play linebacker and not be. With me and Joe and a couple other guys, you see the physicality from us.” It is evident from one look at Greene, who is every bit of the 6-foot-1, 210 pounds at which he is listed and then some. The Elizabeth, N.J., native spent his offseason in the weight room and the results are obvious. “I wasn’t trying to gain as much as I did, but to be honest, the program just turned me into a weight room animal,” Greene said. “I just added a couple pounds. It’s the big leagues — all the extra weight I can get, I can use.” Greene will use it in a different role than last season, as he prepares to be the starting

safety opposite Lefeged after the departure of Zaire Kitchen. The Elizabeth High School product spent last season mostly as a third-down guy, coming in to play deep while Lefeged slid up into coverage. Greene intercepted two passes, one across the middle against Florida International and one a gift in the end zone from South Florida quarterback B.J. Daniels. But as Greene worked out after the season, the coaching staff became concerned that he might put too much weight on, hurting his coverage. “We have to figure out if there are any [benefits] — if not, he’ll lose it,” said


Johnnies steal game late in RU’s conference home opener BY KYLE FRANKO CORRESPONDENT


Senior midfielder Gerhard Buehning scored four goals and added an assist, but it was not enough in the Scarlet Knights’ 11-10 loss to St. John’s Saturday at the RU Turf Field.

To be blunt, this one hurt. You could see heads drop on the Rutgers men’s lacrosse team’s sideline just as the final horn sounded. MEN’S LACROSSE It would not take much explanation to ST. JOHN’S 11 dissect an 11-10 RUTGERS 10 defeat to St. John’s Saturday afternoon at the RU Turf Field other than it was a costly missed opportunity. The Scarlet Knights let a two-goal, fourth-quarter lead slip away and lost it when St. John’s Tom Manes scored for the fourth time with 1:50 remaining to give the Red Storm just their fourth win in 20 tries against Rutgers. “It’s a real disappointing loss,” said senior Gerhard Buehning, who finished with four goals and an assist. “We knew we needed this one. We came out strong and it would’ve been big for us to get to 20 in the Big East. It’s basically a missed oppor tunity because I felt like we were the better team and let this one get away.” Missed opportunities are starting to become the theme of the 2010 season.

This is the third time the Knights outshot an opponent and lost. Saturday they took 38 shots to the Red Storm’s 31, won 14 of 24 face-offs and forced 17 turnovers. “We made some poor decisions on the of fensive end and really nothing went our way,” said Rutgers head coach Jim Stagnitta. “We shoot ourselves in the foot and I look at the stats and it’s another day where we do a bunch of stuf f good but just didn’t finish the chances when we had oppor tunities. Give them credit because they didn’t miss many shots. It seemed like whenever they shot it, it went in the cage.” Rutgers (5-3, 1-1) had a chance to put St. John’s (4-5, 1-1) away in the second quarter after Buehning triggered a 5-0 run that gave the Knights a 6-2 lead seven and a half minutes from intermission. Then came another squandered opportunity. Three straight goals by the Johnnies meant for another nail-biting afternoon. “Lacrosse is a game of runs,” said senior midfielder Justin Pennington, whose second goal tied the game at 10 with 3:21 remaining. “We got up four and they got it back. Things went back and for th and we got some good oppor tunities at


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