The Daily Targum 2013-09-27

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friday, September 27, 2013


Libraries revamp websites to help community search simpler, quicker By Vittoria Contuzzi Contributing Writer

Rutgers redesigned and relaunched the University librar y website this past June. The new website’s features replace the outdated setup and include a variety of links, ser vices and media previously unavailable. The new website includes a horizontal navigation bar with five links, replacing the old site’s vertical bar with 20 links. The updated tabs include “Find,” “Services & Tools,” “Help,” “Places & Spaces” and “About.” Mary Ann Koruth, the library web designer, helped lead the redesign effort. “The five links open into mega menus. We wanted to reduce the number of navigation links and provide redundant links,” she said. “By making links redundant, we make it possible for users to find the same information even if they come to it using different paths or links.” The “Find” tab includes quick access to frequently requested services such as articles, books and reserves. It also links government documents, dissertations and theses, data and statistics, and computers, according to the library website. Under the “Services & Tools” tab, access is provided to links for services such as borrow/request/ renew, user information, library classes, media services, copy/ print/scan and more, according to the site. “The previous website was feeling dated,” Koruth said. “In order to provide better information organization, navigation and access to content and services, we decided to extensively redesign not only the navigation but also to make the look more modern.” Koruth said the redesign effort began when the Rutgers University Libraries published an ethnographic study in March 2010, based primarily on interviews with student users, which identified the principles for redesigning the website. “Places & Spaces” links access for libraries and centers, maps and directions, and building hours. This tab can additionally give students information on group study rooms, computer labs, quiet spaces and building accessibility. The “About” tab links to information on exhibits, employment and staff resources, according to the site. The “Help” tab directs users to research guides, tutorials, contacting a librarian and other services. “Among these guiding principles was providing simplicity and flexibility for researchers to access the resources best suited to finding specific results,” she said. See SEARCH on Page 4

Members of the Gamma-Eta chapter of the Sigma Pi fraternity came up with ‘Trees for TDs,’ a project that is a part of ‘Altruistic Campus Experience.’ For every touchdown, the group will plant a tree next to the High Point Solutions Stadium. TIAN LI / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Fraternity to plant tree per Rutgers touchdown By Vaishali Gauba Contributing Writer

With every touchdown scored by the Rutgers football team, Highpoint Solutions Stadium on Busch campus comes alive with cheers from Rutgers students and alumni.

The brothers of the Sigma Pi fraternity decided to provide another meaning to touchdowns. Members of the Gamma-Eta chapter of the fraternity came up with a project called “Trees for TDs,” which is a part of a broader project called “Altruistic Campus

Experience,” said Saad Shamshair, co-chair of the ACE project. The fraternity, which was re-chartered at Rutgers in 2012, aims to plant one tree for every touchdown the Scarlet Knights score this season, said Shamshair, a School of Arts and Sciences junior.

“The idea behind the ACE project is to give back to the campus in any way possible,” he said. “This year, ‘Trees for TDs’ is our attempt to plant trees for every touchdown, which currently stands at See TOUCHDOWN on Page 4

Rutgers University Student Assembly

Director discusses changes to Student Code of Conduct By Erin Petenko Staff Writer

Anne Newman, director of Student Conduct, spoke at the Rutgers University Student Assembly meeting last night about changes to the code at the Student Activities Center. PAUL SOLIN

Anne Newman, the director of Student Conduct, spoke at the Rutgers University Student Assembly meeting last night about new code of conduct, the Off-Campus Task Force and future plans to coordinate with students on issues surrounding student conduct. She said the Office of Student Conduct addressed academic and behavior violations, assisted fraternity and sorority issues and helped mediate conflicts between students. The office reviewed statistics on violations for the previous school year, and found 324 academic violations, 215 nonacademic violations and 252 informal alcohol violations, she said. The numbers of alcohol violations have gone up slightly, although the biggest change was in the number of academic integrity-related incidents, she said. The office unveiled a new Code of Student Conduct Sept. 1 this year, she said. “We added to the code … a section on student rights and complaint party rights,” she said. She said it was important people know not only what the rules

are, but what their rights are in the process. “It’s not about me going out to get somebody. … It’s really important to me that the process is as educational as it can be,” she said. Every violation in the new code of conduct has been clarified, she said. Before, disorderly conduct and sexual assault were listed as violations, but were not specifically defined. In the new code, they have also written a way to achieve an informal intervention or resolution, she said. “If two roommates get into a loud verbal altercation, we have the option to say ‘If you go to mediation, we can drop the accusations against you,’” she said. “We’re taking off the stress of, ‘Oh God, I’m going to get in trouble.’” Decisions are now made in a quicker fashion. She said the process is still too slow, but they are working on speeding it up for the next code of conduct. In response to recent federal laws, the office is adding domestic violence as a violation, she said. They also plan to streamline the integration between Rutgers and the new medical schools. See CONDUCT on Page 5

­­VOLUME 145, ISSUE 140 • university ... 3 • on the wire ... 6 • knight life ... 7 • opinions ... 8 • diversions ... 10 • classifieds ... 12 • SPORTS ... BACK

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September 27, 2013









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CAMPUS CALENDAR Friday, Sept. 27

The Rutgers Film Co-op, the New Jersey Media Ar ts Center and the Rutgers University program in cinema studies presents a screening of New Jersey Film Festival selections “Poor Hear t,” “A Night at the Of fice,” The Tale of Paris Echo Gold,” “Killer,” and “Locomotive” at 12 a.m. at the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Ar t Museum on the College Avenue campus. Admission is $10 for the general public and $9 for students and senior citizens.

Saturday, Sept. 28

The Rutgers Film Co-op, the New Jersey Media Ar ts Center and the Rutgers University program in cinema studies presents a screening of New Jersey Film Festival selections “Melody,” “Richie” and “Casual Encounters” at 7 p.m. at the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Ar t Museum on the College Avenue campus. Admission is $10 for the general public and $9 for students and senior citizens.

Sunday, Sept. 29

The Rutgers Film Co-op, the New Jersey Media Ar ts Center and the Rutgers University program in cinema studies presents a screening of New Jersey Film Festival selections “Jersey Fresh: Films by New Jersey Filmmakers Kaleidoscope,” “I Have No Idea What The F**k I’m Doing” and “Sex & Violence” at 7 p.m. at the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Ar t Museum on the College Avenue campus. Admission is $10 for the general public and $9 for students and senior citizens.

Friday, Oct. 4

Rutgers Recreation presents free “Pitch & Putt Golf” at noon in the Livingston Recreation Center. Register at Rutgers. Rutgers Recreation presents “Dances of the Gatsby Era,” in the College Avenue Gym at 5:15 p.m. Professional dance historian Susan de Guardiola will demonstrate the Charleston, tango and other dances from the period. Advance registration is required. For details, visit


The City of New Brunswick, New Brunswick Tomorrow, Johnson & Johnson and Rutgers University present “Ciclovia” from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., between the Youth Spor ts Complex and Buccleuch Park in New Brunswick. The route, which includes Joyce Kilmer Avenue, Bayard Street, George Street, Hamilton Street and College Avenue, will be shut of f to motor vehicles. For more information, visit

About The Daily Targum The Daily Targum is a student-written and student-managed, nonprofit incorporated newspaper published by the Targum Publishing Company, circulation 18,000. The Daily Targum (USPS949240) is published Monday through Friday in New Brunswick, N.J. while classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters. No part thereof may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without consent of the managing editor.

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“Targum” is an Aramaic term for “interpretation.” The name for the University’s daily paper came to be after one of its founding members heard the term during a lecture by then-Rutgers President William H. Campbell. On Jan. 29, 1869, more than 140 years ago, the Targum — then a monthly publication, began to chronicle Rutgers history and has become a fixture in University tradition. The Targum began publishing daily in 1956 and gained independence from the University in 1980. RECOGNITION For years, the Targum has been among the most prestigious newspapers in the country. Last year, these awards included placing first in the Associated Collegiate Press National College Newspaper Convention Best of Show award category for four-year daily newspapers.

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September 27, 2013


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Community discusses value of privacy Syjil Ashraf Staff Writer

BREAKING SILENCE Every year, members of the Rutgers

community that have experienced violence, or know someone that has, design shirts that try to break the silence around abuse. The event, hosted by the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance, had a clothesline hung up yesterday at Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus.


Nancy Kranich, along with other librarians at the university and nationwide, is starting a revolution. Kranich, a par t time lecturer in the School of Communication and Information, led a discussion called “Privacy Conversation Forum,” yesterday at Alexander Librar y on the College Avenue campus. The conversation was held during “Banned Books Week,” an annual event in which libraries and bookstores across the country promote awareness of the issues of censorship in reading. Kranich organized the event as a member of the American Librar y Association, which is also promoting “Choose Privacy Week,” an annual program that encourages librarians and librar y users to par ticipate in a national conversation on the issues of privacy rights in the current digital age. “Privacy is a key concern for us, because you can’t have the freedom to read if people are looking over your shoulder,” she said. “Several years ago, we decided that people in the countr y really needed to have a conversation about privacy, and we were ver y involved in issues around sur veillance star ting right after 9/11.” The recent controversy around Edward Snowden’s release of National Security Agency documents came as no surprise to Kranich and her colleagues, and they continue to take issue with laws created and enforced in secret cour ts. Students, faculty and staf f par ticipating in the deliberation expressed a range of concerns from targeted spam and adver tisements to compromised civil rights. But some conceded that such concerns are often the fault of the people who are more than willing to par ticipate in the sharing and gathering of information for the purposes of convenience. Angelina Thoman, a graduate student, added that people often realize too late that they should not give up personal information. She herself does not trust lengthy agreements and conditions that may force her to release personal data. “I shouldn’t have to agree to a 5,000-page terms of agreement when I install iOS7 if they weren’t tr ying to hide something,” she said. Concerns of profiling based on race, religion and interests were also raised. In par ticular, individuals’ online activities were discussed as a means by which a Big Brother-type government could oversee the public. Steven Galante, a graduate student, said people who have access to this information might not be able to contextualize it. “Whereas you may just have a thirst for knowledge, and you’re not looking to do anything nefarious, to a third par ty that may be watching … You don’t know what they’re going

to do with that information,” he said. Attendees debated where exactly the line should be drawn in terms of the government and public sector’s duty to protect its people. Catherine Sauceda, par ttime librarian in the Special Collections and University Archives, said she was trained to learn about protecting other’s privacy rights, but often was not sure what responsibilities the job entailed in terms of privacy. “When a police of ficer would come in looking for somebody … were my rights protection of the public or this person’s privacy?” she said. Thoman said her biggest concerns are threats to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. “With lack of privacy, we find our rights being eroded,” she said. “Where do we draw the line in what’s going to be protected and what’s going to

be forsaken?” Students and faculty were also concerned about the limited available means to protect themselves, as many do not have the skills or money to safeguard their privacy — particularly on the Internet. “The problem is that it’s so hard nowadays,” Galante said. “There was a time when privacy was the default and being public was through ef for t. Nowadays, it’s public by default, privacy through ef for t.” Thoman said when Americans address issues of equity and prejudice, they really are discussing the ef fects — not the causes. “Regardless of where that line is drawn, when is the next big thing going to happen that’s going to cause us to give up more rights?” she said. “We keep addressing each thing that comes up instead of the issue at hand and really figuring out what the base of it is.”

Above: Nancy Kranich, a part-time lecturer for SC&I, led the ’Privacy Conversation Forum’ yesterday at Alexander Library on the College Avenue campus. Below: The conversation, which took place during ‘Banned Books Week,’ encouraged the Rutgers community to discuss issues around privacy rights as well as the recent information released about the National Security Agency. PAUL SOLIN

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September 27, 2013

SEARCH Deodato says ‘Ask a Librarian’ chat box appears on every page of new libraries website continued from front Joseph Deodato, the digital user services librarian, said the site had become complex over the years, and it was time to take a fresh look at how the library’s team could restructure it. “There are several aspects of the redesign that we believe students will find helpful,” he said. “Our ‘Ask a Librarian’ chat box now appears on every page of the website, offering users real-time live assistance wherever they are.” Deodato said the new tabbed search box also allows users to search for a variety of different library resources from an easy-touse interface. These resources include articles, books, journals, audio, videos and course reserves. Three new aspects of interest on the website include a “Featured Collection” from Special Collections and University Archives, a “Site Search” search box and a section on the Rutgers’ Institutional Repository organized by the libraries. Koruth said Tibor Purger, director of Integrated Information Systems, is mainly responsible for the website redesign project. Purger said based on the input from the librarians and community, the library team has come

a significantly long way from the outdated and fragmented search environment. “The response among the librarians has been mixed,” Deodato said. “Redesigns are always disruptive to some degree because they force users to adapt to change. The primary impetus for the redesign was to make the site easier to use for novice users, particularly undergraduate students, with little or no familiarity with library resources.”

While the site has been thoroughly redesigned, several pages are still evolving, and improvements are being made to presentation and content, Purger said. “The biggest online challenge for an academic library is how to satisfy the wide-ranging needs of the diverse community it serves,” Purger said. “We cannot please everyone, of course, but we in the Rutgers University Libraries certainly strive to help with as many needs as possible.” The team of web workers includes Koruth, web developers Sam McDonald and Yuhwei Ling, and web specialist Martha Barnett, who did the actual work to redesign the website, Purger said.

Karenn Marin, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, uses the newly redesigned library website at Alexander Library. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY RAZA ZIA / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

TOUCHDOWN ACE project started at Sigma Pi Fraternity International in 2002 continued from front

Over the summer, the brothers contacted the departments, both 19 and usually averages around of which were extremely positive about the initiative, Shamshair 45 to 50.” The trees will be planted some- said. The chapter coordinated time in April at a site close to the with Larry Porter, senior architect of university facilities. football stadium, Shamshair said. “We thought it was a great idea,” The ACE project started at the Sigma Pi Fraternity International Porter said. “Any time we can get in 2002, he said. Since then, each students on campus involved with chapter does something different activities like beautification, we try our best to support them.” every year. Alongside the chapter’s dues Last year, the chapter cleaned and painted the Jameson Psychol- set aside for the ACE project, the ogy Child Study Center Preschool Department of Landscape Archiplayground, he said. The broth- tecture will contribute funds to ers painted children’s handprints the project and make the final deas well as the project’s name on cision on the kinds of species to be planted, Pasthe walls. sero said. “‘Trees for The departTDs’ is different “We thought it was a great ment will find and exclusive,” idea. Anytime we can get a nursery that Shamshair said. students on campus can supply ap“No other greek organization involved with activities propriate plant has done some- like beautification, we try material that is to deer thing like this our best to support them.” resistant grazing and is on campus.” containerized, “Trees for LARRY PORTER Porter said. TD’s” is the Senior Architect of University Facilities “We will offer brainchild of them support in John Passero, selection of the co-chair of ACE tree species — most likely plants project, Shamshair said. Passero, a School of Environ- native to New Jersey,” he said. ment and Biological Sciences se- “We will also supplement the budnior, said the project is the chap- get for the planting.” Passero said the ACE project ter’s contribution to the campus in return for all the facilities that works independently for each chapter, and it is geared toward serving Rutgers provides for them. “I am a big hockey fan and [the the campus and its interests. “ACE project is our claim to National Hockey League] plants 50 trees for every hat trick,” he fame,” he said. “‘Trees for TDs is said. “I thought I could bring the least we can do to give back to that to Rutgers, particularly to the our campus.” The Department of Landfootball team.” Passero said he presented the scape Architecture has assisted idea to his brothers, who decided students whenever they have expressed the wish to pitch in to go ahead with it. “First, we got our okay from our environmentally to the campus, national and from the dean of Fra- Porter said. “Not every year, but on occaternity and Sorority Affairs,” Passero said. “From there, it was all sion, we get student initiatives for about contacting the Department planting trees,” he said. “We try to of Landscape Architecture and the get them through our office in the best way we can.” Rutgers Athletics Department.”

‘Trees for TDs’, a project started by Gamme-Eta chapter of Sigma Pi, plants trees near High Point Solutions Stadium for every touchdown Rutgers scores. TIAN LI / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

September 27, 2013

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CONDUCT Office added online reporting form for students in past years, plans to add social media continued from front The phrasing of some rules needs to be changed to reflect student feedback, including those with vague language, she said. “Have you ever written a paper yourself, and it makes perfect sense to you, and you go to a friend and they have no idea what you’re talking about?” she said. “We want to hear from students what doesn’t make sense.” Newman said students have raised the issue of the new “Good Samaritan” policy, which allows students who report friends with alcohol poisoning to avoid trouble. The next code would have Good Samaritan language in it. In the past, the office added an online reporting form, and they plan to add a social media component, she said. Each complaint, such as noise complaints or student organization issues, has its own form. “I really want my staff to create an easy button that you can just click on,” she said. She said incidents with students that occur off-campus can also be reported. If the Rutgers University Police Department addresses the situation, the issue usually goes to Student Conduct as well. Francine Glaser, a School of Arts and Sciences junior and the chair of the Legislative Affairs committee, asked where students

should go if they have a problem with their employers. Newman said student employees usually go through another office, but if they are working on-campus, they could go through Student Conduct. Student Conduct will try to work with students rather than act as a court, she said. When students are accused of academic violations, they have the option of not presenting evidence. The burden of proof is on the complainer. “We don’t have attorneys or people who do this, we just have these rules,” she said. Samuel Berman, University senator-at-large, said he wanted to know the response of Student Conduct if several hundred students were to go party off-campus, such as on Delafield Street. Students were confused about whether Student Conduct could follow a student off-campus. Newman said Student Conduct would not usually respond to that issue, but they could deal with the situation if there are noise violations or any behavior that could lead to suspension. Berman asked if any individuals were tagged with charges in response to Delafest and received a noncommittal answer. “I have to follow federal guidelines regarding confidentiality, but I will say that we went through the process, and if there were any violations, they were dealt with,” Newman said.

BEATS AT RUTGERS Hip hop artist Joey Bada$$ performed yesterday at the State Theater as a part of Rutgers University Programming Association’s ‘Beats on the Bank’. See more photos on PAGE 7. YESHA CHOKSHI / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

She then discussed the Off-Campus Task Force. Student Conduct created the new force in response to questions about off-campus students, such as creating better communication between New Brunswick and Rutgers. “I just don’t want to deal with urination in public charges,” she said. “I don’t have the time for it. It may be fun, but I just don’t want to do it.’ The office uncovered several problems, she said. They had no idea how many students lived off-campus, making them unprepared for disasters such as Hurricane Sandy.

“Have you ever written a paper yourself, and it makes perfect sense to you, and you go to a friend and they have no idea what you’re talking about? We want to hear from students what doesn’t make sense.” ANNE NEWMAN Director of the Office of Student Conduct

“We have 10,000 plus students, and we have one grad student [working with them], and one lounge,” she said. Newman said lack of enforcement has led to irresponsible behavior. “There’s this feeling that, if people raid my party, they’re just going to tell me to turn the music down and send everybody home, then it’s worth the risk,” she said.

Joe Cashin, the student representative to the Board of Governors, asked if there was ever an effort to reach out to landlords. Newman said coordination with landlords has been difficult, since some had outdated contact information or live out-of-state. “Our landlords have to step up a little bit more now, because if they’re putting in brand-new apartments next door, the cheap housing next door has to step up its game,” she said. Newman said one of the biggest of f-campus complaints recently has been vandalism, and she hopes more enforcement will discourage people from vandalism. Atif Ahmad, the treasurer of Rutgers University Association of International Relations, complained that RUPD has not done well enforcing the rules, and wants it to coordinate with the New Brunswick Police Department more. Newman said the office is coordinating RUPD and NBPD, but the two departments were still sorting out jurisdiction issues. Jared Foreman, a School of Engineering sophomore, said he wanted to know if Student Conduct had ever considered including a special police force, such as in the movie “21 Jump Street,” to get students. She said she had heard of other institutions that had done that. “Police officers would come and get a drink, and would then report on the students,” she said. Glaser said the Katzenbach bus stop on Douglass Campus still does not have security cameras or a bus time ticker, and she

is concerned that could lead to harassment. Newman agreed. “It’s completely dark and scary, and I totally get what you mean,” Newman said. One of the new additions to the code is Student Conduct will now include dating violence, domestic violence and stalking in their crime and violations report. “We do our best to let anyone that’s been harassed know they’re not alone,” she said. The office has two investigators that meet with everybody, go through texts and calls and report information. Craig Garcia, an organizer with New Labor, came up after Newman to talk about their campaign against wage theft. “Wage theft employers don’t pay their workers what they owe them” he said. “A lot of times they aren’t paying them minimum wage, or don’t pay them enough for overtime.” He said some workers they encountered worked for up to 70 hours a week. Even after employees complain, the most employers have to pay is the money they owe the worker, so they have no incentive to be honest. The organization wanted to pass a law in the New Brunswick City Council condemning wage theft and creating a system to process requests and prevent future theft. Several students announced upcoming events at the end of the meeting. Margarita Rosario, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said the group planned to attend the University Senate meeting tomorrow at the Rutgers Student Center to show solidarity with non-tenured professors.

On The

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September 27, 2013

Arrest notice for ‘white widow’ stirs speculation after Kenyan mall attack LONDON — The tabloids call her “the white widow,” a British-born Muslim convert who was married to one of the suicide bombers in the 2005 attack on London’s transit system. And for days now, the British media have been rife with speculation she took part in the terrorist takeover at a Nairobi shopping mall. On Thursday, Interpol, acting at Kenya’s request, issued an arrest notice for 29-year-old fugitive Samantha Lewthwaite — not in connection with the mall attack, but over a 2011 plot to bomb holiday resorts in Kenya. If Lewthwaite indeed embraced the jihadi cause, it would mark a chilling turnaround for the apparently grieving widow who originally condemned the London transit bombings and criticized her late husband, Jermaine Lindsay, for taking part. Officials have not made public any evidence linking her to the mall attack. The Interpol notice did not mention it. And al-Shabab, the Somali Islamic extremist group behind the takeover, denied any female fighters participated. Nevertheless, the timing of the Interpol notice so soon after the attack fueled speculation she was involved in some way — suspicions that were stoked earlier in the week by comments from Kenya’s foreign minister that a British woman had a role in the bloodbath. Interpol said this is the first time it has been asked to issue

a “red notice” for Lewthwaite. The wanted-person alert said she is wanted on charges of possessing explosives and conspiracy to commit a felony in December 2011. There was no immediate explanation from Kenyan police on why it asked for the alert now. “Kenyan authorities have ensured that all 190 member countries are aware of the danger posed by this woman, not just across the region but also worldwide,” Interpol said in a statement. Lewthwaite, the daughter of a former British soldier, was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in Aylesbury, a commuter hub northwest of London. She converted to Islam — reportedly while in her teens — and went on to study religion and politics at the School Of Oriental and African Studies in London. It was around that time she met Lindsay, first in an Internet chat room and later at a London demonstration against the war in Iraq. The coupled married in an Islamic ceremony in 2002 and moved back to Aylesbur y a year later. Local City Councilor Raj Khan, who knew Lewthwaite in her early teens and ran into her again shortly before the subway bombings, told The Associated Press she was a “normal, average British girl” who was shy and lacked confidence. — The Associated Press

IN BRIEF NEW YORK— Medical device maker Integra LifeSciences said yesterday it has resolved a mold problem at a collagen manufacturing facility in Plainsboro, N.J. In December 2011, the Food and Drug Administration sent Integra a warning letter about mold in the facility, saying it could affect the company’s products. The company first discovered visible mold there in June 2009. Integra said the FDA inspected the facility again in August and determined that the company’s response was adequate. The warning was officially closed out on Tuesday, the company said. Integra said the warning didn’t affect its ability to make or sell any products. However in April the company announced a recall of collagen products because of problems at a facility in Puerto Rico. Integra said some of the products might not meet approved manufacturing standards. Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. shares rose 38 cents to $39.03 in morning trading. They have traded in a 52-week range of $30.87 to $44.53. TRENTON, N.J. — The College Board says New Jersey students who graduated high school this year did markedly better than their predecessors on a key college-entrance exam. Data released yesterday show the average SAT score for

the Class of 2013 was 499 in critical reading, 522 in math and 500 in writing. Each test has a top score of 800 and the scores went up for recent grads on all three, even as scores nationally were stagnant. More than 83,000 students who graduated this year took the exam, down 1,400 the year before. New Jersey’s scores were above the national average in all three parts of the test. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A New Jersey man faces charges of participating in a Virginia-based operation that sold fake IDs to thousands of college students across the country. Nineteen-year-old Michael A. Delrio of Edison, N.J., is charged with conspiracy to commit document fraud. The Daily Progress reports that Delrio pleaded not guilty on Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Charlottesville. Court records show that Delrio was arrested Sept. 19 in New Jersey. He is accused of building a website to help three Charlottesville residents streamline their fake ID enterprise, which raked in more than $3 million. All three co-defendants pleaded guilty on Sept. 4 to conspiracy to commit identification document fraud and aggravated identity theft. They’re scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 16.

Umesh Mashru pours water over the ashes of his neice Neha Mashru, who was killed at the Westgate Mall attack, a day after her funeral ceremony on Sept. 26 in Nairobi, Kenya. The country is observing three days of national mourning as security forces begin the task of clearing and securing the Westgate shopping mall following a four-day siege by militants. GETTY IMAGES

Booker’s Twitter conversation raises eyebrows NEWARK, N.J. — Twitter is U.S. Senate candidate Cor y Booker’s preferred method of communication. He’s often seen at public events pecking away at his phone, sending his 1.4 million followers staccato updates, inspirational quotations, shoutouts to campaign volunteers and nerdy musings on “Star Trek.” But his social media habit raised some eyebrows this week after the website Buzzfeed disclosed that he direct messaged with a stripper from Oregon. The 44-year-old Booker, who is single, exchanged the private messages earlier this year with L ynsie Lee. She works at Casa Diablo in Portland, Ore., which bills itself as “the world’s first vegan strip club.” Booker and Lee both had appeared in a documentar y about using Twitter. In Februar y, Lee wrote Booker to say the West Coast loved the Newark mayor. Booker wrote back to say the East Coast loves her, “and by the East Coast, I mean me.” “Well now I’m blushing,” Lee wrote back. “It’s only fair,” Booker responded. Lee provided a screenshot of the exchange to BuzzFeed, which published a stor y Wednesday. The playful exchange is typical of how Booker engages on Twitter, sending out cheeky answers to marriage proposals,

responding to a man with a play on the lyrics to Jay-Z’s “99 Problems,” retweeting people with risque usernames and regularly asking followers to send him direct messages. Booker brushed off the exchanges with Lee yesterday, reiterating that he communicates with “thousands of people” on Twitter. Booker said he doesn’t

“You guys might have some prurient interest, but at the end of the day this is about extending kindness to folks.” CORY BOOKER Newark Mayor

care what people do for work and the “puritanical judgment” of Lee was “over the top.” Booker said he talks to ever ybody and has no plans to stop. “You guys might have some prurient interest,” he said, “but at the end of the day this is about extending kindness to folks.” Lee told The Associated Press that the interaction was “G-rated flirting” that had been blown out of proportion. She called it a “1 out of 10” compared with some of the messages she receives.

“I flirted with him publically, as I do with a lot of people,” Lee said about Booker. “There was nothing secret or sexy about it.” She said she and the mayor never communicated outside Twitter. Lee said she resents any implication that she deliberately leaked the conversation for fame or money. She said a jokey, catty feud among the girls in the documentar y — all of whom, she said, had a crush on Booker — led her to post the image. She also had fun with her newfound political notoriety. “If you come to see me at @ CasaDiablo tonight, bring your wallets. I’m prime meat for the next couple of days! ;)” she tweeted yesterday. A vegan strip club run by a long-haired guy who calls himself Johnny Diablo sounds like something out of the sketch comedy show “Portlandia,” which had a cast member document his trip to the establishment earlier this year. But it’s real, tucked into an isolated industrial corner of Portland. It has a large, reasonably priced menu of vegan food, including $4 homemade taquitos and drunk bread, which is described as “Whatever bread we have toasted into Garlic Bread because you’re drunk & need cheap food.” — The Associated Press

September 27, 2013

Knight Life

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Fraternities collaborate on week-long philanthropy events for Team LeGrand By Sabrina Szteinbaum Correspondent

Almost three years since Eric LeGrand was carted off the field at MetLife Stadium, five fraternities have banned together to create “PHI-ESTA,” a weeklong series of social events to raise money for Team LeGrand. Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau and Phi Kappa Sigma began the planning process for PHI-ESTA in June, said Nick Mahtani, philanthropy chair of Phi Delta Theta. Mahtani, a Rutgers Business School junior, said the fraternities started early because Rutgers has a full schedule of events, as does ever y greek organization. This past week was chosen because no events or football games are planned. The fraternities wanted a signature philanthropy event where they could work toward a common goal together, he said. It is not common for fraternities to work together, but instead often pair up with sororities for these types of events. “We wanted something that the whole community could be involved in, and we thought that would be great, especially if it was for Eric LeGrand because Eric LeGrand is such a big role model in our community,” Mahtani said. PHI-ESTA was initially going to donate all proceeds to the Eric LeGrand Believe Fund, he said. “But after talking to Eric … after having his number retired, he teamed up with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, and they started a team effort, a non profit organization called Team LeGrand where the proceeds would go to benefit people with spinal cord injuries,” Mahtani said.

Ben Feder, the philanthropy chair of Sigma Phi Epsilon, said the fraternities are promoting PHI-ESTA’s events through word-of-mouth and Facebook. Feder, a Rutgers Business School junior, is a host of PHI-ESTA on Facebook. “It’s kind of driving me nuts with all the notifications, my phone’s blowing up,” he said. The real moneymaking events are happening over the next three days, Feder said, but yesterday the fraternities hosted an event on Morrell Street. The event had students donning sumo-wrestling suits and fighting their friends. Mahtani outlined the schedule for the rest of the week. He said today’s event is a powderpuff game because they wanted to have a football-related event. “We also are going to have a halftime show where some of our brothers are going to dance. The powderpuff game is our aspect of sorority involvement,” he said. “Eric will actually be at our powderpuff game.” PHI-ESTA ends with a DJ battle today in the multi-purpose room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus, Mahtani said. The fraternities would like to raise more than $3,000. So far, they have raised around $1,400. Janelle LoBello, the communications coordinator for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, said this is a fitting time for the event because of the upcoming three-year anniversar y of LeGrand’s injur y. Team LeGrand was announced on Sept. 14, the day LeGrand’s jersey was retired, LoBello said. It had been around for a couple of months, but its official launch was that Saturday. “He created this fund under the Reeves Foundation umbrella for the sheer fact that he wanted

For PHI-ESTA, a group of fraternities have hosted a week-long set of events to raise funds for Team LeGrand. Yesterday, students donned sumo-wrestling suits and fought friends and other students on Morrell Street on the College Avenue campus. COURTESY OF ANTHONY GUAN to do something and give back to other individuals who were not as lucky as him, or as blessed, I should say,” she said. The mission of Team LeGrand and the Christopher and Dana Reeves Foundation is to help individuals living with spinal cord injuries and their families. They strive to support quality-of-life initiatives and emerging therapies, LoBello said. “Eric and his family consider themselves very blessed because of their circumstance, despite it being a difficult situation, they were given a whole lot of support, not just from Rutgers … but from the country overall in the years since his injury,” she said. She said LeGrand wanted to find a way to give back to the paralysis community.

LoBello said for $52, anyone could become a member and receive a T-shirt, bracelet and updates about volunteer opportunities. “We’re at over $30,000 in membership,” she said. “That’s just memberships alone, there’s plenty more funds that have come in that people have raised, not via memberships.” Although LeGrand is based in New Jersey, LoBello said the team has seen memberships come in from ever ywhere from Florida to California. Feder said at times it was difficult to work with four other fraternities because of differences of opinion, but in the end, they are all in it for the cause. “Sometimes greek relations aren’t really that great. … We’re

all vying over the same things pretty much. … [We’re] all kind of against each other in oneway or another,” he said. “But I think PHI-ESTA shows that working together with other groups helps create relations, and it can lead to some really great things.” Mahtani said he hopes to make PHI-ESTA an annual event. “I think we can improve ever y year with this because we just star ted of f, so people are just hearing about what PHI-ESTA is … through word of mouth, the T-shir ts and Facebook, so we’re just tr ying to push it. Eric posted about it on his Facebook, actually,” he said.

DANCING TO THE BEAT Ab-Soul, left, and ASAP Ferg, hip hop artists, performed yesterday at the New Jersey State Theatre in downtown New Brunswick to a packed audience. The concert was a part of the Rutgers University Programming Association’s ‘Beats on the Bank’ series. DENNIS ZURAW


Page 8

September 27, 2013

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WEEK IN REVIEW: Laurels and Darts MACARTHUR MASTERS We are so incredibly proud to be able to say that four Rutgers folks, including a public health historian, a guest instructor and two alumni, have received distinguished MacArthur awards. Known as the “genius grant,” the award “celebrates and inspires the creative potential of individuals,” and comes with an unrestricted $625,000 stipend. This laurel goes to the best and brightest.

SCARRED SPIRIT We wrote about being in favor of the gender-neutral alma mater change earlier this week, but we never got a chance to dart the student body for booing the Glee Club when they sang the new version. The revised alma mater made its debut at the Arkansas game last weekend, and Rutgers students apparently thought it was appropriate to boo their fellow Knights in disagreement. When we’re at a game, we’re all on the same team. Shame!

BOOS BLUES We have another dart to throw about last weekend’s game against SEC rival Arkansas — the mass exodus of students halfway through the game. Yeah, we get that it started at 3:30 p.m., and all the exhaust from pregaming was excuse enough to leave while we were down, but how about we schedule our day-drinking better? Low energy, and especially low morale, is not the Scarlet way to do it. The least we can do is show our football players some support.

ROYAL RENOVATIONS Tillett underwent some serious renovations this year — finally. Previously known for its bad reputation as a shoddy building and tasteless dining hall, Tillett has been given a multi-million dollar makeover with smart classrooms, new bathrooms and more. It’s becoming a building that we’re excited to use. Here’s a laurel for finally reaching university standards.

ANTI-FRACKING FAVOR Who says activism is pointless? The New Brunswick City Council is going to meet over an ordinance to ban fracking. The practice, which has been demonstrated to be extremely damaging to the environment, has been a disputed issue on university campuses across the country. Just last week, anti-fracking activists protested the College Avenue groundbreaking ceremony. This laurel proves that persistence breeds success.

NEGLECTED NATURE Doesn’t anyone care about trees anymore? Apparently, the Rutgers administration sure doesn’t. The lack of funding for the health of our trees, which are apparently suffering from Dutch elm disease and bacterial leaf scorch, is leaving them untreated and dying. Taking care of our environment should be a given. If that doesn’t persuade the administration enough, then a stump-littered campus should do the trick. This dart goes to neglecting our oxygen-producing friends.

The Daily Targum’s editorials represent the views of the majority of the 145th editorial board. Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily reflect the views of the Targum Publishing Company or its staff.

How do you feel about Breaking Bad coming to an end?


September 27, 2013

Opinions Page 9

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR University does not encourage diversity where it counts

Don’t call University of New Mexico ugly either, OK?

of New Mexico. So why are you taking potshots at us? “Rutgers-New Brunswick came in at #26, even uglier than the University of New Mexico. Ouch.” I called a local television station and gave them grief for running the stor y. As I told the assignments editor — I can understand why some uppity east coast website might not get our architectural style in New Mexico, but I can’t understand why locals would allow that kind of untrue and unflattering report. Rutgers, however, was put down by one of its own, Marc Ecko, founder of Eckoō Unltd and Complex Magazine. Ouch! So for those of you who haven’t been to New Mexico, “The Land of Enchantment,” let me tell you a few things about our campus. Our University was established in 1889 and occupies nearly 800 acres. In case you think New Mexico is all sand and cactus, we have a nationally recognized campus arboretum and an interior park affectionately called the “Duck Pond.” We have the state’s building of the centur y, Zimmerman Librar y. It is probably the finest example of Spanish Pueblo Revival style architecture anywhere. And it looks like adobe — maybe that was too complex for Complex. UNM’s architecture building, George Pearl Hall, is a ver y cool modern interpretation of the Spanish Pueblo Revival style. It sits on Route 66 and is a mar vel of concrete, steel and glass. Like Rutgers, we also have branch campuses around the state — Gallup, Valencia County, Rio Rancho, Taos and Los Alamos. We have room for improvement, too, but we’re not ugly either!

Sounds like someone at Rutgers had the same reaction to the Complex Magazine ranking of the 50 ugliest colleges campuses that we did at the University

Carolyn Gonzales is the university communication representative for University Communication and Marketing at the University of New Mexico.

I know Rutgers prides itself on its diversity. Yet on Friday, Sept. 20, The Daily Targum ran a picture of no fewer than nine white men breaking ground for the redevelopment of College Avenue. The ver y next day, The Star-Ledger ran a front-page picture of the Rutgers University Glee Club who, after a whopping 140 years, finally changed the sexist lyrics of our alma mater. West Point changed theirs before us! They mentioned glee club members that were pleased they no longer had to sing about fathers sending their sons to Rutgers to become men. At the Arkansas game, the new lyrics were actually booed by some older alumni sitting in our area. So when I first saw the Targum picture, my reaction was mixed. On one level, it was comical seeing all the white men in their white shirts coming from their “Ivor y Tower of Power” to break ground. On the other hand, I felt disheartened and recognized that while some ground has been broken, we still have work to do. Ellen Azevedo is a 1972 RutgersNewark alumna.

Homework can’t replace teaching and application Recently, I read a commentary about how “Professors and adults, in general ... know what they are teaching and assign homework on topics they know are important,” a rebuttal to this week’s “An Inconvenient Truth” which talked about how students should not be overloaded with busywork. The commentator, I believe, misunderstood the context of the article. In the article, titled “U. students should not be overloaded with homework,” the author makes the point that the article is not about the existence of homework, but its nature. I have to agree with her — homework should not be a substitute for true learning. While taking chemistry and French, teachers assign a large amount of homework and reading assignments that require practice and application. I am not going to learn how to speak French if I don’t practice and receive immediate feedback from my teacher. I am not going to learn how to solve basic chemistry problems if I am not shown how to work my way through a problem. As the article states, “textbooks are excellent reference tools, but if I wanted to learn about introductory macroeconomics from a textbook, I wouldn’t have had my parents shell out a college tuition.” It is not acceptable to substitute homework with class attendance if a course is introductory. For example, my psychology professor, Gary Brill, genuinely taught us about the basics of psychology, only using the textbook as a reference tool to reinforce what was taught in class. The article states, “Often, the lecture reinforces the concepts gone over in the textbook.” Now, this makes test-taking easier, but true learning will never happen if we are simply told to read about a subject. Real learning is being taught how someone in the field

thinks so the next generation can improve it. That is why I appreciate my professors this semester. My “Death and Afterlife” professors teach us the material actively instead of asking us to merely read about it at home. My French professor this semester teaches us different tricks to remember the conjugation of -er verbs, and makes us practice speaking. He doesn’t ask us to only read how to pronounce words in the textbook. Both are introductory courses, but the textbook reinforces the ideas of the lectures, not the other way around. As I mentioned before, the author states, “Professors and adults, in general ... know what they are teaching and assign homework on topics they know are important.” This is flat out naïve. Most professors are researchers and masters in their fields, but it does not mean that they know how to teach their students. In fact, I would venture to say most people do not know what they are talking about. People like to have an opinion even if they have no experience dealing with the specific conditions needed to form an opinion on the matter. Even the ideas of someone who has the qualifications to form an opinion, although not necessarily wrong, may not be the best solution or the best opinion on the matter. But who is to say someone is not capable of coming up with better ideas or opinions simply because they are young? I, like the author of the article, am not saying homework is pointless. I am saying teaching through homework is pointless because it is not actually teaching. I am also saying just because one is an adult doesn’t mean one knows what one is talking about. It is our responsibility as the next generation to find better solutions, but how are we supposed to do so if we are told to read about the current system of doing things instead of actually being taught first-hand? Maynor Moreno is a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore.

University must not compromise its history and character COMMENTARY BRIAN THOMAS


here is our sense of histor y? Has it died, or is it being slowly bled from our collegiate experience? With a new system in place and a corporate-style administration, the University has worked diligently to remove nonessentials from university life and eliminate redundancies through merged depar tments. This, although dif ficult, may be a necessar y pill to swallow in our current economic climate. What is not prescribed is elimination of the historical essence of our university. Once a struggling and undersized men’s college, Rutgers has not only ser ved New Jersey — even before its designation as a state university — but has also gone above and beyond in assisting the countr y in its times of need. Being readily and consciously reminded of our histor y, no matter how repressive or politically incorrect it may be, is how we learn to build “Our Rutgers, Our Future.” Erasing our past from the forefront of our minds is truly a disser vice to our future. As students

who attend the most diverse institution of higher education in the countr y, we should be acutely aware that blurring lines and belittling dif ferences does not work to form productive communities. Instead, highlighting these dif ferences and learning where our commonalities lie is what makes for the stimulating convergence of ideas that help to thrust our great alma mater for ward into the national academic spotlight. The understanding of each student’s individual histor y and dif ferences is exactly what helps to inspire the innovation that has made us great. Like we learn from our own experiences and background, Rutgers too must learn from its background. To tell someone that I attend the most diverse university in the countr y means much more when one realizes that Rutgers is also one of the last major academic institutions to adopt coeducational status. Going from male-only to the most diverse in fewer than 50 years is something to be proud of. We are so proud of this that the third and final verse of the university alma mater sung by the Glee Club at all university-wide per formances references our present state and our future:

“From New Jersey’s northern lakes and mountains/To her southern pines and gleaming shore/Learning’s fair and hallowed place/Joins us, ever y creed and race/And we praise the name of Rutgers evermore.” The current of ficial version of the alma mater presents our histor y, a statement of our pride in Rutgers and our present and future hopes. The original lyrics of the first verse, which read, “My father sent me to old Rutgers/ And resolv’d that I should be a man” is not a dogmatic political statement of ideal gender or family dynamics. It is a statement of the past condition of our university. It reminds us of the white, Dutch, male-only confines from which the University escaped. When sung at university events and football games, in the midst of excitement and positivity, it humbles us and reminds us of the ongoing struggle for equality in our society — one in which Rutgers students have always been involved. The final verse that is traditionally sung gives us hope that we will continue, as a university community, in remembering our past and building a better future. While realizing this, we must remember that people do take words out of con-

text, which is especially true if we are not taught the historical context upon our induction to university society. If it is truly the will of the University community to replace the first verse of the alma mater, there should be a referendum or a committee of students to deal with gender and family-dynamic neutrality in the alma mater. This issue does not have major financial impact on the University’s bottom line, and for an administration that seems to be concerned about university incorporation and finances, the sole decree of one university vice president should not be considered an official approval of major changes to Rutgers histor y and tradition. Because of open dialogue with students, alumni and administration, we can continue to preserve the traditions of the entire university community. This is perfectly evidenced by the recent preservation of the traditions of Douglass College by the formation of Douglass Residential College. We should learn from this process, by which the rich tradition of this historically women’s college is preserved, and apply it to the university as a whole. Brian Thomas is a student in the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.

YOUR VOICE The Daily Targum welcomes submissions from all readers. Due to space limitations, letters to the editor must not exceed 400 words. Guest columns and commentaries should be between 500 and 700 words. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via email to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication.

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Pearls Before Swine

September 27, 2013 Stephan Pastis

Today’s Birthday (09/27/13). The Full Moon shines on your education and creative skills this month, highlighting exploration all year. Assume new authority. Make changes at home. Set lofty goals. Stick with what you know works, and learn new tools and solutions. Travel and adventure call. Grow connections, especially with a special someone. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 5 — Stick with your beliefs. Follow a visionary, but keep your own eyes open. Know what you’re talking about. Continue to increase delegation. Proceed with determination. Cut the fluff. It’s not a good time to travel. Watch out. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — Don’t try to get blood from a turnip. Finish an old project. Keep your money in your pocket, and avoid financial risk. Your work impresses the judges. Go for substance over symbolism. Don’t talk about it. Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Today is a 7 — Use your imagination. Your view is visionary. Share your dreams. Listen to a loved one’s considerations or complaints without getting intimidated. Learn from somebody else’s mistakes. Get their partnership. Opposites attract. Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Today is a 7 — Keep your financial objectives in mind. Continue to decrease your obligations in the coming week. Consider a wide variety of options. Answer correspondence. Stash away something of great value. Walk carefully. Watch your step. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — Write a fictional piece. To get out of the box, go over the wall. Others are giving you a boost. Don’t let them spend your money. Hold firm. Continue to increase attention to finances. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 5 — Upgrade communications technology. You’re doing better with less effort. A move may be required. Don’t depend on anyone else. You know you can prosper. Keep increasing financial management. Start getting serious. Accepting a challenge.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 5 — Spin a wild yarn. Edit out the superfluous. Hold yourself to high standards. Continue to search for better solutions to increase clarity. A conflict could arise between work and play or about priorities. You’re irresistible. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 6 — Use something you’ve been saving. Continue to increase your authority this week. Only buy what you can’t get in trade. No need for new toys. The old ones are fine. Check out options to improve your home. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 5 — The trickster is at work now. A neighbor has a possible solution. Renew a bond. Continue to increase your wealth this week. Be flexible without capitulating. It could get chaotic. Not everyone wants to hear about it. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — Count your earnings, and stay optimistic. You’re about to find out more than you wanted to know. The truth revealed is much less scary than the unknown. Don’t believe everything. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is an 8 — An opportunity holds promise and is worth pursuing. Fictional characters speak to you. Decrease expenses, and don’t lend. Encourage, don’t force. Stop worrying. Relax and enjoy it. Run errands. Everybody wants you. You don’t have to do anything. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6 — Continue to decrease your stack of unfinished tasks. Clean out the closets. Postpone expansion. Let ideas percolate, and re-evaluate your position. Something you have stored away is useful (if you can find it). Brighten every corner.

©2013 By Nancy Black distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC


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September 27, 2013


Former Rutgers coach watches game’s evolution Louis Petrella Staff Writer

According to Marian Rosenwasser, the game of tennis has evolved immensely over the years. A tennis player since her high school days, Rosenwasser was the Rutgers head tennis coach for 22 seasons up until 2003, before handing the reigns over to current head coach Ben Bucca. “She mentored me,” Bucca said. “I was her assistant for three years before I was the head coach. I learned a lot from her and she was a great coach.” Rosenwasser entered college at a time when organized women’s athletics just began to sprout, so she did not have an oppor tunity to play tennis in school. She still remembers what it was like to play the game outside of school. “Back then racquets were made of wood, the head was much smaller, so the game was played at a much slower pace,” Rosenwasser said. “As time went on, you began to see the advent of metal racquets. So, the racquets are much lighter now, and the game is faster.” Rosenwasser compiled a 316-213 record during her Scar-

Head coach Ben Bucca was an assistant for Marian Rosenwasser, the Knights’ former head coach. She is now a professor at the University. ENRICO CABREDO / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER / FEBRUARY 2012 let Knights career, and then ser ved as assistant coach under Bucca for three additional seasons before retiring for good. She is now a professor in the depar tment of Exercise Science and Spor ts Management at Rutgers, but still coaches and has won two National Championships for the USTA Eastern

Girls National team. She has seen firsthand how tennis has transformed from the beginning of her coaching career until now. “Today, the person who is playing at No. 6 singles, 20 years ago, would have been a No. 1 singles player because as with other spor ts, the training

now star ts at an earlier age,” Rosenwasser said. She said other aspects of training today are significantly dif ferent from when she was the Knights’ head coach. “One thing I see in my players today is that they are much more in tune with their diet and healthy forms of training,”

Rosenwasser said. “I think that’s impor tant because junior players — not just in tennis, but other spor ts — probably weren’t training properly. So when they got to a program that was as intense as a Division-I program, their bodies would break down.” But Rossenwasser believes one of the keys to the women’s game at the college level is still about creating a strong team bond. “One of the great challenges [in coaching] is to have an understanding of community,” Rossenwasser said. “There’s cer tain things about creating that sense of community and continuing to cultivate it that has been a hallmark of coaching women because you are tr ying to create a sense of team.” Freshman Farris Cunningham agrees having the team around her all the time improves her play. “High school tennis does not have the same team aspect,” Cunningham said. “I see my team ever y day, and we’re always working together and working hard and pushing each other to do better.” For updates on the Rutgers tennis team, follow @TargumSpor ts on Twitter.

OFFENSE Webb claims starting job as Eze deals with day-to-day leg injury continued from back

Freshman midfielder Madison Tiernan looks to propel the Knights offensively this weekend at Cincinnati and Louisville. She has scored in three straight games. SHIRLEY YU / ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR


Louisville forward presents threat as second-highest scorer in conference continued from back en the Bearcats some success this season. “This week in practice we’ve been doing a lot of man-watching in the box in order to stop Cincinnati’s crosses on runs,” said junior forward Stefanie Scholz. “They are known for their crosses on offense.” In Sunday’s matchup, the Knights must find a way to stop Louisville senior forward Charlyn Corral. Corral is second in the conference in goals scored with seven

and is also tied for first in the conference with 18 points. The Cardinals look to bounce back from a tough loss in double over time last weekend to Marquette. Rutgers should have another favorable matchup with Louisville, as the Knights have outscored the Cardinals, 7-2, in the last three games between the teams and hold a 5-2-1 advantage all-time. Of fensively, Scholz will be a player to watch, as she has been one of the hottest players in the conference over the last two weeks. Scholz has scored six goals in three games, including a fourgoal outburst against in-state rival Princeton. Senior forward Jonelle Filigno and freshman midfielder Madison

Tiernan will also look to generate chances for the Knights. Tiernan is currently on a threematch scoring streak and has also been one of the better freshmen in the conference this season. Filigno has been one of Rutgers’ leaders — despite the lack of the captain’s title — and has also been one of the top scoring threats for the Knights. She was also injured in last week’s game against Villanova but plans to play through the injur y. “I’m going to fight through it, especially this being my last season with my team,” Filigno said. “We’re just going to give this weekend everything we have.” For updates on the Rutgers women’s soccer team, follow @TargumSports on Twitter.

“Kene’s a guy who runs a lot behind, so that opens up a lot of the game because the defenders drop off,” said sophomore midfielder Mael Corboz. “It’s a lot tighter in the midfield, and the games become more hectic because defenders aren’t worried about Kene. It affects everybody, but we’re going to learn to score without him.” No one has been impacted more than junior midfielder Todd Webb, who Donigan inserted into the starting lineup Tuesday at Drexel for Eze. Webb has started only three of 32 games in his career, but securing a starting job is not on his mind. “It’s not more or less replacing Kene. I mean other guys can step up and fill that role,” Webb said. “I’ve been pretty productive with the minutes I’ve gotten, and I’m grateful for the opportunity right now. But we need to get Kene back and healthy.” Donigan expects Webb to contribute both up top and out wide, rather than solely replace Eze as a forward. The co-captain presents a different skillset. “He’s versatile, he’s athletic, he’s going to work,” Donigan said. “He’s going to get up and down the field. Hopefully he does more positives than he brings negatives to the team. But Toddy’s a guy we’re going to rely on moving forward here for sure.” For Rutgers, filling Eze’s void comes down to a collective effort. Despite how much the Knights have relied on Corboz, who leads

the team with 12 points and five goals, Rutgers knows it cannot take him for granted. So even though Corboz has not found the back of the net in three games, Donigan said the Green Brook, N.J., native should not feel pressure to will the Knights. “He’s going to be hard on himself and think that maybe he didn’t have a good game, but he did enough things to create some chances,” Donigan said. “Everybody’s got to look at themselves to see what impact, what effect they have on the game. But Mael can’t just always look at it as he has to have a good game for us to win. We can’t rely on just one guy or two guys.” For all the Knights have had to cope with, Donigan is still pleased with where the team stands in the grand scheme. If all goes Rutgers’ way against the Tigers, whispers of Eze’s absence will likely die down. “I’m pretty optimistic and I feel pretty good about going down there on Saturday,” Donigan said. “If we win on the road at Memphis, we’re 4-4-1, we just beat a nationally-ranked opponent, we’re 1-1 in conference. With the RPI that we’re hopeful to have once the first RPI comes out, we’ll be right in the thick of things.” For updates on the Rutgers men’s soccer team, follow Greg Johnson on Twitter @GregJohnsonRU. For general Rutgers sports updates, follow @ TargumSports.

Page 14



Knights carry success into weekend invites By Sean Stewart Contributing Writer

Sophomore outside hitter Alex Lassa said the Rutgers volleyball team’s biggest strength is its defense. It has been the offense that has plagued the team. NOAH WHITTENBERG / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Pair of Texas foes visit Rutgers By Tyler Karalewich Staff Writer

The Rutgers volleyball team will host its first two AAC games this weekend. This will be its first home match in more than two weeks, and the Scarlet Knights want to add momentum after last week’s unimpressive showing. The Knights (4-10) play Houston (7-7) tonight and face Southern Methodist (8-5) Sunday. The Cougars lost four star ters entering this season and retained three. Despite the loss, they are two wins away from matching their win total from last year. Despite the dif ference in the win column, Houston and Rutgers are closely matched statistically. Both teams rank toward the bottom of the conference in assists and kills, but Rutgers holds on the edge in defensive production in both digs and

blocks. Perhaps the most interesting statistic is hitting percentage allowed between both teams. The Knights allow a .179 hitting percentage to their opponents, good for third in the AAC, while the Cougars allow .209, which ranks eighth in the conference. “We have a ver y strong defense, so our goal is to execute more consistently on of fense. We are going to get after it offensively and be more aggressive,” said sophomore outside hitter Alex Lassa. “We want to play hard this whole weekend and as a team, be there for each other. Hopefully the results are wins.” SMU boasts a record of three games above .500, and like Houston, travels nor th to establish itself in the AAC. The Mustangs will be a tough matchup for the Knights, as they rank in the AAC’s top three in the major of fensive

categories, besting Rutgers in kills, assists and hitting percentage. But they rank near the bottom in defensive categories and are second to last in digs and seventh in opponent hitting percentage. “We have been watching lots of film on Houston and SMU and will focus on their pin hitters, [the right sides and outsides],” said sophomore libero Ali Schroeter. “They shoot more angle so we are going to shut them down at their game. They are good teams, but we want to be 2-0 after this weekend. We have practiced hard this past week and know their style of play. We will fight for these wins.” For updates on the Rutgers volleyball team, follow Tyler Karalewich on Twitter @ TylerKaralewich. For general Rutgers spor ts updates, follow @TargumSpor ts.

The Rutgers men’s golf team travels to Madison, Wis., tomorrow for the Badger Invitational following its first tournament victory since 2009. The Rutgers women’s golf team travels to State College, Pa., today for the Penn State Invitational, hoping to carry on their success from last tournament. The men captured the Hartford Invitational on Sept. 24, outplaying the 17-team field. While some teams may get complacent after a big win, head coach Rob Shutte believes winning will only serve as more motivation. “These guys are athletes. They want to win whether it’s playing ping pong, whether it’s playing chess or whether it’s playing golf,” Shutte said. “Winning’s only going to be something that hopefully fuels them more.” After winning in Hartford, the Scarlet Knights’ ranking dropped to 79 on, cracking the top 100 after starting the season ranked 244. “Personally, that’s the first time that I’ve seen our program in the top 100,” said senior Doug Walters. “It’s still early yet, there are still plenty of tournaments … but that’s what it’s all about — getting that ranking and seeing the results and hard work pay off.” Walters finished tied for second at the Invitational, carding a four-under par of 212, and mentioned that key changes in his game have helped him start the new season strong. “I think in years past comparing to this year, I’ve seen a big improvement in my ball striking,” Walters said. “I’m giving myself more chances for birdies and not putting myself in situations where I have to grind out a par or grind out a number that really isn’t ideal.” Sophomore Jonathan Chang is also hoping to carry his success into Wisconsin. Chang has finished among the top 15 in both tournaments so far and thinks minor improvements can help him crack the top 10. “For me, probably just staying

in the moment and not getting to ahead of myself probably would be the biggest thing,” Chang said. “I just need to play golf and not worry about how anyone else is doing.” The Knights will also start senior Jonathan Renza, freshman Michael Howe and freshman Ryan Rose. It will be Rose’s first collegiate event and despite the inexperience, he has total confidence from his teammates. “He is nothing short of talented,” Walters said. “We fully believe in him and we let him know that he’s in the lineup for a reason and we think we can win with him in.” On the women’s end, the Knights tied for sixth Sunday at the 17-team Yale Intercollegiate in New Haven, Conn., giving them a rise in confidence as they enter the weekend. One player gaining confidence is sophomore Samantha Moyal, whose performance at Yale led the team and earned her a 16th-place finish in the 91-player field. Moyal looks to build off her strong third round, where she scored even par (71), marking the second-best round of the day on a difficult course. “Coming off Yale, it’s given me so much confidence,” Moyal said. “It reflects in my practice, it’s reflected in the gym and it’s actually even reflected in my school work. I have a lot to feel good about coming into this weekend.” Sophomore Gabrielle Sacheli is also confident entering the weekend, despite still recovering from being sick. Sacheli led the team the first two days at Yale, but woke up the third day not feeling well, causing her play to suffer as a result. “I think I need to just get past that last round and know that I wasn’t feeling my best and that I wasn’t the type of player that I am,” Sacheli said. “I think once I get out there in the first round or even in the practice round and am aware of how I’m hitting the ball and how my swing is feeling, I’ll get over that and I’ll be OK.” For updates on the Rutgers men’s and women’s golf teams, follow @ TargumSports on Twitter.


Ranked opponent litters RU’s weekend schedule By Justin Lesko Staff Writer

Coming off its first backto-back losses this season, the Rutgers field hockey team (3-4, 0-1) travels to Pennsylvania for a pair of games against Temple and Lafayette. The Scarlet Knights take on No. 17 Temple on Friday, then take on a high-scoring Lafayette on Sunday. Lafeyette (6-2) is 10th in the countr y in points per game. Temple (6-2, 1-0) started out the season as the runner-up in the Conference Cup Tournament, losing to defending national champion Mar yland in the final.

“They have a lot of speed up front. Our strategy is going to be defending high up,” said head coach Meredith Long. “We’ve looked at a lot of their film and we’ve picked out some areas where we can capitalize and take advantage of that. We want to win the ball high up in our front field. We really want to deny once their for wards get the ball and have space to run.” The Knights hosted Temple last year and lost, 3-2, in overtime. “We lost to them last year here on [our] field,” Long said. “It was an emotional game and a physical game and we’re looking for a rematch.” Rutgers is coming of f a 2-0 loss to No. 3 UConn, itst four th

loss to a ranked team in as many weeks. Following that loss, junior midfielder Sophie Wright stressed that the Knights do not need to focus on a team’s rank. Rutgers’ problem in these losses has been its inability to score goals, putting up only two in the four games. Sophomore forward Katie Champion has a remedy for the problem. “We have to work as a unit,” Champion said. “We have to move offensively and play offensively as well as defensively. When we get the ball we need to move as a unit on attack rather than individuals.” Long acknowledged that the team is creating chances yet

having trouble finding the back of the net. “We are really focusing on our attacking play inside our attacking third,” she said. “We’re generating a lot of opportunities, but we’re not quite finishing.” Sunday’s game comes against a decorated Lafayette program that has had similar troubles as the Knights this season. The two-time defending Patriot League champion Leopards come in with a 2-5 record, with four losses to ranked teams. They have lost their last three in a row to ranked teams, but Champion does not believe that will be an extra motivator for Lafayette. “Ever yone always comes out

with a fight,” she said. “It’s just who wants it more.” The Leopards shut out Rutgers, 2-0, last season. “I’m thinking it is,” Long said of if she thinks this is the weekend her team finally wins two games. “[We’re taking it] one game at a time. We’re really focusing on Temple right now so we’ll play that game Friday. Saturday we’ll debrief the Temple game and get ready for Lafayette. These two teams are really within reach. We consider these teams on level with our players’ ability, so we’re looking [forward] to it.” For updates on the Rutgers field hockey team, follow @TargumSports on Twitter.

September 27, 2013


Merrell ruled inactive for matchup with ’Stangs By Bradly Derechailo Associate Sports Editor

Jamal Merrell is well aware he and his brother — senior defensive tackle Jamil Merrell — have not played together at the same time this season. “It’s just football. We talk to each other all the time. It’s something that we already know,” the senior outside linebacker said. “Injuries come and go, so we’re just waiting to be on the field at the same time.” They will not reunite on the field Oct. 5 at Southern Methodist, as Jamal Merrell was ruled inactive with a kidney injury. Jamal Merrell said he sustained the injur y after his third-quarter interception during the Knights’ second game against Norfolk State. On the play, Jamal Merrell fell on the ball in his kidney region. He finished the game, although he said he was in pain the rest of the contest. But when he was told it was a kidney problem — an injur y not usually obtained on the football field — the prognosis did not surprise him. “It’s rare, but at the same time it didn’t shock me because it’s football,” Jamal Merrell said. “Injuries come a dime a dozen, but at the same time I just knew our medical staff was going to do ever ything in their ability to get me back on the field.” The injur y is just another unfortunate occurrence for the twin captains, as both were in line for promising senior campaigns after entering the season

Senior outside linebacker Jamal Merrell will miss the Knights’ next game with a kidney injury suffered Sept. 7 against Norfolk State. The captain said he was injured after he intercepted a third-quarter pass. SHIRLEY YU / ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR / AUGUST 2013 as the Knights’ first and third returning tacklers. Jamil Merrell sustained a lower leg injur y during the backend of training camp, causing him to miss Rutgers’ first two games against Fresno State and the Spartans. Much like his brother, Jamil Merrell has dealt with it the best he could, even though both have traded spots in the training room. “It’s not frustrating at all. Things happen,” Jamil Merrell said. “I’m sure things happen in

your lives that you don’t agree with, but you just have to push for ward and that’s what we have to do.” They are not the only ones dealing with ailments, as head coach Kyle Flood said the Knights used this bye week to not only work in younger players, but to heal in time for the Mustangs. As far as injuries are concerned, it is out of Flood’s hands. “Concerned is probably the right word. I think you are always concerned,” Flood said.

“It’s not something I ever worr y about because I can’t control it. You’re certainly always concerned about the health of the players and making sure you are putting them in the best position to get healthy.” On the defensive side, Rutgers has managed to produce despite its share of injuries, producing the No. 5 run defense in the countr y. Jamal Merrell believes it can only get better with his return. But it remains to be seen when

the Bear, Del., native will be back to aid in the process. “It’s not frustrating [being out], it’s honestly happy because they’re doing phenomenal and I’m not even out there,” Jamal Merrell said. “It’s kind of rewarding so when I get out there, it’s just going to be amazing for what we can do.” For updates on the Rutgers football team, follow Bradly Derechailo on Twitter @Bradly_D. For general Rutgers sports updates, follow @TargumSports.


James treats lower right leg injury without boot By Josh Bakan Sports Editor

While the Rutgers football team practices and endures meetings, sophomore running back P.J. James rehabs in the Hale Center. He walks with crutches, but he has no boot, which eliminates the possibility of a foot injur y. His injur y is an unspecified lower leg issue. He also had no brace when he hobbled through the Hale Center to speak with repor ters. “I don’t have to wear a boot,” James said yesterday. “It feels good just to [not have] some crazy people who might tr y to run into you or something.” James injured his lower right leg in the third quar ter Saturday against Arkansas and will miss at least the next two games. He returned in the four th quar ter, but junior Savon Huggins and freshman Justin Goodwin took the tailback snaps. The Glassboro (N.J.) High School product said he focuses on strengthening the body par ts he can and moving his injured leg in any possible way. When he goes home, he said he therapeutically moves and elevates his leg.

After getting injured, James re-entered the game on his own volition. “It was up to me,” James said. “I just felt like I could get back in, and it star ted hur ting more, so I just took myself out.” James has been injured before, even missing most of spring practices. This was not a previous injury’s aggravation, but he did not like the “freak injury” label. “A freak injur y to me is somebody’s like running and you, I don’t know, break your leg in 16 places,” James said. “That’s a freak injur y, so to me it was just playing football and I got hur t. It just happened.” Head coach Kyle Flood said Tuesday that by Sunday he would figure out the carr y distribution between Huggins, Goodwin and redshirt freshman tailback Desmon Peoples. Junior fullback Michael Burton might also receive more carries. “I was pleased with the way Savon ran. I was pleased with the way Justin ran. I was pleased with the way Desmon ran,” Flood said. “I believe what I said earlier in the week — I think all three of those guys are going to touch the ball in the games that are coming up.” James’ absence might also mean more work for junior quar-

terback Gar y Nova, who is not on yesterday’s injur y report after suffering a concussion Sept. 14 against Eastern Michigan. It would help the Scarlet Knights if Nova and junior wide receiver Brandon Coleman redeveloped a consistent connection. Coleman caught more than three passes in five games last year, but averaged 16.7 yards per reception and led Rutgers with 718 receiving yards. Coleman caught nine passes Aug. 29 against Fresno State, but caught five total passes in the other three contests. “Coming out the first couple games, [James] was definitely a big par t of our of fense and rightfully so,” Coleman said. “So we have to make up for that, and I think Savon can do a great job and the running backs behind him. P.J. will be back as soon as he’s healthy.”






separation between sophomores Kyle Federico and Nick Borgese in the kicker competition. “I want to look at the film,” Flood said. “It wasn’t a knockout either way, that’s for sure. But I do think they both kicked better this week in practice than they did last week. Now we’ve got another three prac-

Rutgers Football Injury Report for SMU Player OL Brandon Arcidiacono DE Max Issaka TE Taylor Marini DT Al Page WR Jeff Gignac OL Bryant Gross-Armiento WR Vance Matthews DL Julian Pinnix-Odrick LB Jamal Merrell RB Paul James FB Sam Bergen OL Andre Civil OL Kaleb Johnson S Tejay Johnson FS Jeremy Deering OL Antwan Lowery WR Andre Patton CB Anthony Ciof�i OL Keith Lumpkin

tices between Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday to get some more live kicks.”




will go home or casually watch football during the bye weekend, the coaching staff will recruit. “The next day of f will be in Februar y after Signing Day,” Flood said. “We’ve got a schedule of places we’re going to be

Injury Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Hamstring Hamstring Back Knee Kidney Lower leg Ankle Elbow Shoulder Head Lower body Ankle Ankle Hand Hand

Game status Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Doubtful Probable Probable Probable Probable Probable Probable Probable

and that will be exciting for us to be out there and get a chance to see some players committed to us already play live and some others we’re still recruiting play live.” For updates on the Rutgers football team, follow Josh Bakan on Twitter @JoshBakan. For general Rutgers spor ts updates, follow @TargumSpor ts.


rutgers university—new brunswick


Quote of the Day “They want to win, whether it’s playing ping pong, whether it’s playing chess or whether it’s playing golf.” — Rutgers head men’s golf coach Rob Shutte on the team staying motivated after a win

FRIday, SEPTEMber 27, 2013



Transfer receives immediate eligibility By Bradly Derechailo Associate Sports Editor

The NCAA has granted senior transfer J.J. Moore immediate eligibility, the school announced yesterday, to play this season for the Rutgers men’s basketball team. Moore, a 6-foot-6 forward who played three seasons at Pittsburgh, makes it 12 eligible players for the Scarlet Knights, who open the season Nov. 8 against Florida A&M. Last season with the Panthers, the Brent-

wood, N.Y., native averaged eight points per game in a reserve role for Pittsburgh head coach Jamie Dixon. He registered 18.7 minutes per contest and his 21 points March 9 against DePaul tied a career high. Moore was a three-star recruit, according to Rivals, out of South Kent (Conn.) High School. He received offers from Rutgers, Connecticut, Louisville, Marquette, Providence and St. John’s before choosing the Panthers. Moore’s availability will only benefit the Knights, as he figures to make head coach

Eddie Jordan’s starting lineup. Moore will most likely start alongside junior forward Kadeem Jack and senior forward Wally Judge in Rutgers’ frontcourt, while junior guards Myles Mack and Jerome Seagears will anchor the Knights’ backcourt. Moore is the second Knight to win immediate eligibility this season, joining Iowa State transfer Kerwin Okoro. The NCAA originally denied Okoro eligibility after he transferred closer to home to be near his family after both his father and broth-


er died earlier this year. But after an appeal, he was ruled eligible to play. Both players will help to ease the loss of guards Eli Carter and Mike Poole and forward Derrick Randall, who all transferred in the wake of the Mike Rice scandal. Rutgers is still waiting on the ruling of freshman forward Junior Etou’s status, as the ESPN Top-150 recruit factors to be one of the first players to come off the bench for Jordan. If Etou is ruled eligible, Rutgers will have 13 players available for its opener.


RU searches for offense at Memphis By Greg Johnson Correspondent

The Bearcats enter the game riding a three-match winning streak, outscoring opponents, 6-1, during that stretch. Redshirt freshman goalkeeper Natalie Smith has been tough in goal throughout Cincinnati’s winning streak. Smith has improved to 3-3 in goal and lowered her goals against average to 1.17 on the season. Defensively, the Knights look to take away Cincinnati’s crossing passes, which have giv-

Rutgers head men’s soccer coach Dan Donigan does not want to hear about senior forward Kene Eze, who remains day-to-day with a leg injury for the Scarlet Knights. The Knights (3-4-1, 0-1) have yet to push across a goal in the 172 minutes since losing their second-leading scorer last Friday against Southern Methodist. With Eze in the lineup, Rutgers scored at least once in every game prior. Donigan, though, is confident he has the personnel to finally respond tomorrow night at AAC foe Memphis (5-1-1, 1-0), which is ranked 19th in the Soccer America poll. “Whether [Eze] plays or not, we anticipate that he’s not going to play, so we’re prepared in case he can’t play,” Donigan said. “You’re always going to face these challenges and other guys just need to step up and shoulder responsibility. You can just look at it game-to-game and hope guys come out and perform to their best, maximize their potential.” For Donigan, that starts with extracting more out of every player on both sides of the ball. With sophomore defender Drew Morgan returning from a one-game yellow card suspension, that allows the Knights to move versatile sophomore Mitchell Taintor from the backline into a forward role. Donigan said he might also shift freshman midfielder Erik Sa — who has played more out wide to this point — underneath into the middle where he played efficiently in high school. But without Eze’s superior speed to stretch out defenses, the Knights admit finding new ways to score has not been easy.

See streak on Page 13

See offense on Page 13

Junior forward Stephanie Scholz, who was named to this week’s AAC Honor Roll, will try to help Rutgers enter the national polls this weekend against conference opponents. The Knights currently hold the No. 12 RPI. SHIRLEY YU / ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR

Knights take win streak into AAC play By Jim Mooney Staff Writer

Halfway though the season, the Rutgers women’s soccer team has put itself into good position as the team begins conference play tonight. The Scarlet Knights (7-1-1) currently hold the best AAC record, but by only a half game over Memphis. After a successful three-game home stand in which the Knights won all three games, the team now hits the road. Rutgers faces Cincin-

nati (4-6) tonight and then Louisville (4-3-1) on Sunday. “Even though it’s going to be a lot of travel, we just need to play our game and execute the game plan,” said sophomore defender Brianne Reed. Histor y is in Rutgers’ favor for both games, as the Knights have been relatively successful recently against the Bearcats and Cardinals. Rutgers is 4-0-1 in its last five games against Cincinnati and has only allowed one goal in those matches. EXTRA POINT

mlb Scores

Tampa Bay New York (AL)

4 0

Arizona San Diego

2 3

Philadelphia Atlanta

1 7

Kansas City Chicago (AL)

3 2

Milwaukee New York (NL)

4 2

Toronto Baltimore

2 3

MADDY GEDEON, freshman, finished third on the Rutgers women’s golf team’s scorecard this past weekend at the Yale Intercollegiate with a 238. She finished tied for 47th in the 91-player field. Rutgers finished in seventh place.

Knights schedule





at Penn State Invitational

at No. 17 Temple

vs Houston

at Cincinnati

Today State College, Pa.

Today, 3 p.m. Philadelphia

Tonight, 7 p.m. College Ave. Gym

Tonight, 7 p.m. Cincinnati

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