Volume 141, Number 63
1 8 6 9
Today: Mostly cloudy
High: 62 • Low: 37
The mtvU awards show aimed to the college student audience will premiere on TV tomorrow night. Inside Beat took a trip over to New York City for the event and is giving you the scoop.
Visitor center boosts campus tour turnout BY AMIT JANI STAFF WRITER
The University’s alma mater “On the Banks of the Old Raritan” playing through the speakers is one of the first University hallmarks that can be noticed upon entering the new Rutgers Visitor Center on Busch campus. Since the Oct. 21 opening, 11,832 people have visited the center and taken a tour, said Director of Recruitment for Undergraduate Admissions Nancy Pullen. Tour visitors have increased by 21 percent since this time last fall. The center is designed to offer a memorable welcome to firsttime visitors and prospective students, to serve as a source of pride and a gathering place for the University community, according to the official news release. Prospective students are not the only people visiting. Alumni, potential donors, faculty, staff, football fans and school counselors also pass through the Rutgers Visitor Center, she said. “I’d say there are at least 150 people per day, but at many times much more,” said Scarlet Ambassador Samantha Brever, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “Today we only had 40 people, but last Friday we had 450.”
Previous tours and meeting places for prospective students were offered in Van Nest Hall located on the College Avenue campus, as well as the Busch Student Center. “Van Nest is one of the original buildings here at Rutgers and it is really small, so we needed more space to accommodate all the prospective students we have,” Brever said. “We now have [more than] 200 people per session. Before we could only fit 45 people.” The Rutgers Visitor Center is a 12,000-square-foot, two-stor y, multi-use building containing exhibition space, banquet facilities and office space, according to the Rutgers Visitor Center fact sheet. The center also offers exhibits such as an interactive touch screen Google map that shows the University’s global reach. There is also a timeline starting from when Queens College was founded in 1766 to more recent times, such as a picture showing the Dalai Lama at Rutgers Stadium in 2004. There are also three meeting rooms available for student introductor y programs, general University meetings and banquet functions.
City Mayor Jim Cahill announces the creation of the New Brunswick Complete Count Committee, which will spread awareness for the 2010 census beginning next March. The city hopes to reach a count of 50,000 residents.
City jump-starts 2010 census count BY MARY DIDUCH ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
In preparation for the 2010 census count star ting in March, New Brunswick Mayor Jim Cahill announced the creation of a committee to spread awareness of the count and its impor tance.
Cahill, speaking at City Hall, said the goal of the New Brunswick Complete Count Committee, composed of community leaders, is to achieve a full and fair count of more than 50,000 residents. “Once reached, New Brunswick will become eligible for increased federal funding, more programs and
services that we provide to our residents,” Cahill said. United States Census Bureau Partnership Coordinator Reva Sears said the federal government has about $400 billion to allocate to communities based on the census results.
U. greenhouse blossoms with holiday cheer BY ABIRA SENGUPTA CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The beginning of December may mean the holiday season to some, but to Nicoletta Graf, it means the floriculture greenhouses on Cook campus will be crawling with poinsettias. With varieties like “Infinity Red,” “Freedom Peppermint” and “Premium Lipstick Pink,” Graf has been preparing to show the new poinsettia cultivars to plant enthusiasts for the greenhouse’s open house, open today and tomorrow, said Graf, the University’s floriculture greenhouses manager. “People love coming to look at the poinsettia plant,” said Graf, a Cook College alumna. “It is especially popular
The University Floriculture Greenhouses will be hosting an open house where plant growers can receive advice about how to grow poinsettia plants. Experts say the plants need more extensive care than many others.
INDEX SPORTS After escaping last season vs. Temple, the Rutgers women’s basketball team never led in last night’s game, falling 61-52 to the Owls.
PENDULUM Students sound off on whether they think the holidays have become more of a spectacle than a season. UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3
SEE CHEER ON PAGE 4 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8
HOUSES SHINE BRIGHT IN WINTER LIGHT COMPETITION The College Avenue campus will be a shimmering block of lights in the coming weeks as student organization-run houses compete for a grand prize for the best decorated house during the 2009 Winter Light Competition. Organized by the Rutgers University Student Assembly, a $1,000 cash prize will be given to the organization with the best-decorated house, said RUSA Board of Trustees Representative Josh Slavin. “I was just hoping to bring winter and holiday
spirit to the College Avenue campus,” said Slavin, a Livingston College senior. RUSA will be judging from Dec. 1 through Dec. 23, he said. The winner will be announced on the last day of the judging period. Although the competition is holiday-oriented, houses can also be decorated with neutral winter decorations and is open to all student organizations, whether they are Christian or non-Christian, Slavin said. RUSA confirmed with various non-Christian religious and cultural organizations to make sure all
groups were encouraged to participate, he said. “There was concern that having a winter light competition would be insensitive to non-Christian organizations,” Slavin said. “We made sure this wasn’t [the case].” Participating houses can enter the competition by submitting its address and affiliated organization name to — Ariel Nagi
DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
DECEMBER 3, 2009
WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Rutgers Meteorology Club FRIDAY HIGH 50 LOW 34
TODAY Mostly cloudy, with a high of 62° TONIGHT Mostly clear, with a low of 37°
126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
141ST EDITORIAL BOARD JOHN S. CLYDE . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ANGELINA Y. RHA . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR CAITLIN MAHON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS MATTHEW STEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPOR TS ANDREW HOWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY MATT STEELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN MARGARET DARIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MEGAN DIGUILIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS ADRIENNE VOGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY SARA GRETINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY HEATHER BROOKHAR T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO LAUREN CARUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENTS AMOS JOSHUA SANCHEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE DAN BRACAGLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY CARISSA CIALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE DESIGN KYLE FRANKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS SAM HELLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS AMANDA RAE CHATSKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY TOM WRIGHT-PIERSANTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT JOHNATHAN GILDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Matt Ackley, Katie O’Connor, Aymann Ismail, Taylere Peterson, Arthur Romano, Nancy Santucci, Aleksi Tzatzev SENIOR WRITER — Steven Williamson CORRESPONDENTS — Bill Domke, Greg Flynn, Alex Jankowski, Steve Miller, Colleen Roache SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER — Bryan Angeles, John Pena STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Angelica Bonus, Nicholas Brasowski, Jodie Francis, Jeff Lazaro, Jennifer-Miguel-Hellman, Maya Nachi, Isiah Stewart, Jovelle Tamayo
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PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Dan King, Corey Perez, Mike Maroney, Kelsey Schwartz
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CORRECTIONS In the photo that went with yesterday’s story “Weekend losses, even record no cause for alarm,” Jack Barrett was pictured, not Bill Ashnault.
DECEMBER 3, 2009
PA G E 3
Researcher turns handicap into groundbreaking work BY GREG FLYNN CORRESPONDENT
More than 500 people filled the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus Tuesday to hear Temple Grandin, a high-functioning autistic person, speak about her accomplishments as a best-selling author and pioneer in the fields of animal welfare and autism awareness. Grandin, an associate professor of animal science at Colorado State University, said because the autistic mind focuses on data and not theories, her ability to focus on data and pinpoint impor tant details has helped her work as a livestock industr y consultant. “The autism and Asperger mind retains details while normal
people don’t get the detail,” Grandin said. “You put all the details together to form a theory, and then you change the theory as the data shows you need to change it.” Grandin said rigid theories are not always as reliable as they are believed to be. Retaining details like an autistic mind is a better way to form a clear understanding of data, and can possibly lead to new discoveries and valuable information, she said. “You’ve got to have an open mind, otherwise you’re not going to see the door to serendipity,” Grandin said. Autistic people are usually visual, abstract or word-based thinkers, and they have a heightened sensor y sensitivity, she said.
“Research is showing that in the autistic brain, languagebased information is processed in the visual cotex,”
“You’ve got to have an open mind, otherwise you’re not going to see the door to serendipity.” TEMPLE GRANDIN Colorado State University Associate professor
Grandin said. The best-selling author said she understands visual images better than concepts, and com-
partmentalizes concepts by sorting images into a file system in her mind. “That’s how I sorted dogs and cats when I was a kid. I sor ted them by size. That worked until our neighbor’s got dachshunds,” Grandin said. “I had to make a file folder of a feature that this daschund has that ever y dog has, so I used the shape of the nose.” An emphasis on language often restricts other talents, she said. She told the stor y of a man suf fering from Alzheimer’s, whose capacity for speech rotted while his artistic ability flourished. Grandin is able to understand the mental processes of animals because of her sensor y sensitivity. Animal thinking is sensor y-based thinking,
relying on pictures, audio, touch, tastes and smells, she said. Livingston College senior Michael Shawe said the speech granted him a deeper understanding of the similarities between human and animal thought processes. “I didn’t know how autistic people thought until I heard this speech,” Shawe said. Kristina Paris, a graduate fellow, said Grandin’s knack for simplifying mental processes allowed her to see natural tendencies in a new light. “A lot of things she talked about I think I inherently knew, but I didn’t necessarily understand the process of thinking,” Paris said. “I believe it may help me work with the animals that I work with.”
STUDENTS PLAY OLD FAVORITE TO WIN TRIP, SNUGGIES Students can get a chance to play an old-fashioned elementary school playground game tonight from 8:30 to 11 p.m. at the Livingston Recreation Center’s Kickball Tournament. Teams of five to eight students must have a 5:2 ratio, and the entrance fee is $10 per team. All proceeds will go to Adopt-A-Family for the holidays, said President of Livingston Recreation Activities Crew Dana Wise.
“[The tournament is a chance to] just have fun and play kickball, which I’m sure a lot of us haven’t done since grammar school,” said Wise, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. The winning team will receive a free outdoor trip from the University’s Outdoor Recreation department and Snuggies. Livingston Recreation Activities Crew member Carlos Correa, a Rutgers College senior, said so far
about nine teams have signed up, and the center will help accommodate teams that come to sign up at the door. Students can register online at http://www.recreation.r and can call 732-445-2398 or e-mail with any questions. — Heather Brookhart
DECEMBER 3, 2009
CHEER: Open house to provide plant care adivce continued from front around this time of year, because it is a holiday plant.” The open house is a trial so New Jersey growers can come in, look at the plants, judge which ones they want to sell and garner expert opinions on how to care for the plants, Graf said in a Rutgers Today video. The greenhouses have around 1,500 plants with about 75 varieties, she said in the video. “It’s a lot of work,” said Helen Misiewicz, a grounds worker and greenhouse volunteer, in the video. “I don’t think I’d want to do it as a business. They need to be watered at regular times, they need the right kind of humidity, temperature, light, fertilizer, different treatments, so you really get to see if … this a product that you would sell.” Most greenhouses would have poinsettias growing around this time, because this is the appropriate season for them, she said. The plants are often used in Christmas or holiday decorations, as it is mostly an indoor plant that needs more shade than sun, Graf said. The plant requires
long, dark nights and good, earlymorning sun. The greenhouses where the poinsettia plants are grown are divided into two rooms under cold temperatures, she said. There are devices placed around the greenhouse to measure light and temperature, which will
“They are unique, and not the kind of poinsettia plants that are hanging around my house.” KATELYN MCCORMACK School of Arts and Sciences junior
allow the cultivators to record exactly what temperatures and exactly what amount of sunlight poinsettia plants need to grow. “People like poinsettia plants because they like to evaluate the plant,” Graf said. “They like to have an idea of the plant, and see what the plant looks like.” School of Ar ts and Sciences junior Katelyn McCormack has visited the University’s greenhouses to see the poinsettia plants. “They are absolutely gorgeous,” McCormack said.
“They are unique, and not the kind of poinsettia plants that are hanging around my house. The colors are vivid and extraordinar y.” The greenhouses on Cook campus have a long and vivid histor y, Graf said. They are mainly used for teaching and research. Students visit the greenhouses regularly to work on projects and conduct research for classes, she said. They are also used for collection and specimen studies, so students can come in and identify dif ferent plants. “There used to be five greenhouses,” Graf said. “But currently, we only have two. They have been around for a while.” The University has one of the largest research greenhouse collections in America, according to the Rutgers EcoComplex Web site, the University’s Environmental Research and Extension Center. The greenhouses have more than 46,000 square feet of production space with computerized technology, which allows for the controlling of temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels in each zone of the greenhouses, according to the Web site. They also have heated floors, high intensity lighting, sidewalls to reduce heat loss and cooling systems.
Poinsettias are used by the University to conduct various research projects. The University has one of the largest greenhouse collections in the country.
TOUR: U. to add handicap parking, renovate landscape continued from front
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The building was projected to host upward of 170,000 visitors annually for admissions tours, banquets, meetings and other events, according to the release. The demand for campus visits continues to increase, by as much as 21 percent during the fall of 2008, Pullen said. The cost of the Rutgers Visitor Center is valued at $7.54million with $5 million coming from the University, according to the fact sheet. Although the balance is expected to be raised from donations, such as a $700,000 donation from the Rutgers College Class of 1951 and $66,000 from alumni of other classes. Student organizations are allowed to hold meetings, and a meeting of the Rutgers University Student Assembly was previously held at the visitor center, Pullen said. “I haven’t seen any [student organizations] yet, other than the Future Scholars Program,” Brever said. “President [Richard L.] McCormick does hold events here, such as a recent Board of Governors meeting, as well as a tailgate.” West Virginia University has previously sent representatives to the Rutgers Visitor Center to help model their own visitor center, she said. There are plans for additions to the visitor center, such as adding more interactive displays to tell the Rutgers story, Pullen said. There are also plans to pave more handicap parking spaces near the building, more trees to be planted in the spring and a New Jersey garden along the front pathway with plants native to the state. The Rutgers Visitor Center is open to all from Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. and on select weekend dates, according to Web site. It is also open two hours prior to kickoff on football game days.
Council reconsiders budget to fund lecture BY BRETT WILSHE STAFF WRITER
The University’s biology depar tment might be steps away from adding a distinFiumecaldo suppor ted guished Massachusetts the co-sponsorship. Institute of Technology biolo“She has a very broad scope gist to their faculty. of knowledge. What she’s The SEBS/Cook Council focused on now is molecular evoapproved its first co-sponsorship lution, so it’s really interesting,” of the semester at last Monday’s said Fiumecaldo, a Cook College general body meeting, where senior. “I think a lot of people will members passed the vote that enjoy it. If we’re going to spend will help bring biologist Dianne co-sponsorship money, it’s a Newman to the University. great way to do it.” Microbiology Teaching The council debated for severAssistant and secretary for The al minutes before settling on a American Society for budget of $450. Council President Microbiology Ines Rauschenbach David Sorkin looked for undermade the proposal. funded aspects of the budget that “She does really great work. would allow them to grant the full Everything she touches turns to request but found none. gold,” Rauschenbach said. The vote to allocate the money But she admitted that this to the American Society for golden oppor tunity is costly. Microbiology passed unanimously. The initial budget Rauschenbach for Newman’s was satisfied with “I’m flattered that the revised budget. visit was $500 and included OK,” the students voted she“That’s money for a pubsaid. “We’ll to have me as lic coffee hour as find money for it.” well as dinner. Fiumecaldo their speaker, and reiterated The council the moved quickly to I’m looking forward council’s policy on strike the dinner student fees. to the visit. ” from the budget, “It’s a good sysas it only allowed tem because it DIANNE NEWMAN two council memmakes the money Massachusetts Institute of bers to attend. we spend accessiTechnology biologist “The money ble to ever yone. comes from stuWe wouldn’t dent fees, so we didn’t think it spend student money on somemade sense to pay for a dinner thing only a couple people could that only two people would go enjoy,” he said. to,” said Daniel Clark, council Newman will be lecturing on the parliamentarian and a Cook cell biology of hopanoids, a comCollege senior. pound found in cell membranes. The money was added to the The focus of her lecture will exambudget because the other coine what ancient molecular fossils of sponsor, the Rutgers Graduate hopanoids tell biologists. Student Association, only allocat“I’m flattered that the students ed around $7 for each person’s voted to have me as their speakdinner, Rauschenbach said. er, and I’m looking forward to the “That would barely cover dinvisit,” Newman said. ner from McDonald’s,” she said. Rauschenbach said Newman’s A lunch, open for all to lectures are known for being attend, remained in the budgaccessible and clear and should et. A meet and greet, including interest the majority of School of a cof fee hour, ser ves as a way Environmental and Biological for students to personally Sciences students. interact with Dr. Newman and “We didn’t want someone to ask questions. The dinner is give a lecture that would only restricted to two people from appeal to a couple people,” she said. various councils as well as facThe lecture will take place on ulty members, although the Dec. 8 at 4:30 p.m. in room 202 individuals have not been of the Cook Campus Center. selected yet. The lunch will be held from As the council moved into 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Lipman Hall debate, Treasurer Daniel on Cook campus.
DECEMBER 3, 2009
DECEMBER 3, 2009
CENSUS: Survey to be sent out to homes every month continued from front “It’s about bringing more money back to our community,” Sears said. This money could be used for improved housing, education, social ser vice programs and other resources and ser vices, she said. “We have to make 50,000 … mainly so that we can apply for more money,” Complete Count Committee Co-Chair Roy Epps said. “It’s as simple as that.” He said while 50,000 residents is the goal, the committee is going to shoot for a count of 52,500 residents. Changes have been made to make the process simpler, Sears said. Households will no longer receive a long census form as they had in the past, but rather a 10-question questionnaire. Before 2000, ever y sixth household received the long form questionnaire to fill out, she said. The American Community Survey, a more detailed questionnaire that will be sent out every month — not every decade — and to a smaller portion of the population, is replacing the long form this year. This was changed because it took about five years to tabulate the information from the long form, Sears said. Communities would change too much and too quickly for the information to still be effective and relevant for use. “This is the message that we’re sending now: that it’s a much simpler form, there’s no long form anymore, [and there are] very simple questions,” said Complete Count Committee CoChair Mariam Merced. It is important people understand why the census is conducted and for everyone to make sure they participate, she said. “The requirements are really simple,” Sears said. “You need to be human, you need to be breathing [and] you need to be living anywhere in New Brunswick.” The census is safe for all who participate, including undocumented residents, Sears said. All information given to the United States Census Bureau is strictly confidential and not shared with police or other federal agencies. “Title 13 of the U.S. Code protects your confidentiality,” she
said. “This is the message that we need to get out.” The only information shared is statistical data, Sears said. The government may use this to redraw district lines for congressional representation or businesses may use it to consider relocating to an area. Census questionnaires will be mailed or delivered to homes on March 19 to be mailed back by April 1, Sears said. Households will be mailed a second form if the first is not received. There are also questionnaire assistance centers where people can fill out the form or ask for assistance, Sears said. The form is available in 10 different languages. If no form is received, census workers will visit homes up to six times, she said. “This is how important it is that everybody is counted in your community,” Sears said. College students are counted in the city their college is located in, she said. Colleges are responsible for counting their own students, and households are asked to leave college students off their questionnaire. “In the committee, there are representatives from the University to make sure that the students who live here are counted here,” Merced said. New Brunswick is a college town, and since students use the resources of the city, they need to participate in the census, she said. Incarcerated and military persons are also counted separately, Sears said. The bureau is also working hard to count those living on the streets or in shelters, she said. “We are working with those organizations that work with that population to make sure they have a part in this to be counted,” Sears said. Merced said the committee has been working since last summer to prepare for and spread information about the count. In the 2000 census, the government counted 48,573 residents in New Brunswick, Cahill said. “The 2000 census was the first in 40 years to show a significant change in our city’s population,” he said. “New Brunswick was found to be the fastest-growing urban center in the state of New Jersey.” The city has improved many homes since then, he said. The committee is working to count as many residents as possible to show the city’s progress as one of the fastest growing cities in the state.
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Do you think holidays are overcommercialized? LAMBERT TAMIN
SAS SOPHOMORE “I’m used to it, but I think a lot of the holiday spirit that people get comes from the commercials.”
“No, I haven’t really been bothered by it … as long as it’s not before Halloween. Personally [Black Friday is] good during this time of year just because with the way the economy is, people can’t afford to shop at full retail.”
BY THE NUMBERS Information from U.S. Census Bureau
$24 billion
The value of retail sales made through electronic shopping and mail orders in December 2008 — the highest total for any month last year
16.6 billion $4.3 billion The number of cards, letters and packages the U.S. Postal Service expects to deliver between Dec. 1 and Christmas this year
The value of U.S. toy imports, including stuffed toys, puzzles and electric trains from China, between January and August 2009
SUSIE JONES COLLEGE OF NURSING SOPHOMORE “I think it’s definitely a lot about presents, but at the same time I think it’s a lot about spreading joy and good things … I know people definitely want to just get their Christmas shopping out of the way as early as possible.”
ALLISON NORLIAN SAS JUNIOR “I think they’re very commercialized, but I feel like it’s the type of thing that should be commercialized. I think the holidays are supposed to be fun.”
TOM CULLEN SAS SENIOR “I think people should enjoy the holidays how they want to enjoy them, if they like commercialization, good for them. If they don’t, that’s great too.”
MICHELLE BLATT SAS JUNIOR “They are, but I enjoy it and I wouldn’t really have it any other way.”
JENNIFER CALNEK SAS SOPHOMORE “Yeah, to an extent they are … I always thought that Christmas music starts after Thanksgiving but it started way before then, and I guess they’re doing that just because they think that’s going to help sales and the economy.”
ONLINE RESPONSE It’s not overcommercialization — 4%
I could care less — 10%
No, I look forward to it — 23%
It’s everywhere — 15%
Yes, it takes away from the original meaning of the holidays — 48%
Yes, it takes away from the original meaning of the holidays
No, I look forward to the decorations, 23% music and buying presents every year It’s everywhere and can’t be avoided anyway
I could care less
It’s not overcommercialization; that’s just the way it is
How do you feel about the new housing lottery policy? Cast your votes online at
PA G E 8
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Follow through with mission W
ith the United States Military Academy at West Point’s student body glaring down their commander-in-chief and millions of citizens watching from their homes, President Barack Obama decided Monday night to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. The additional troop commitment to the region comes 98 months after the United States entered Afghanistan, almost a year since Obama took office and more than two months since Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top commander in Afghanistan, petitioned the president for more warriors in the war-plagued region. This commitment does not come a moment too soon and may very well define the Obama presidency. Afghanistan is bleeding right now and needs the help of the nation that promised in 2002 to rid it of terror. The decision by the president to send more soldiers to Afghanistan is his most controversial decision yet, and only time will tell whether it is the proper step for perpetual peace in the embattled region. In his adjudication of more troops, Obama put aside his hefty criticism of former President George W. Bush and took a page out of his doctrine. More U.S. troops will contribute to a dominating counter-insurgency that will eventually lead to peace. The surge will be the second in less than a year, and it will put warriors stationed by Obama in Afghanistan at more than 65,000. Additionally, the president declared that combat brigades would begin to leave the region by the end of 2011 — the first timeline withdrawal mentioned by either Bush or Obama in regard to the region. It is naïve of the president to believe that a war that has been waged for more than eight years, with conditions deteriorating simultaneously, can meet proper objectives in less than two years. However, what tests the mettle the most of a president, and thus creates great leaders, are not the speeches they make but the decisions they make and stand by. Obama must understand that appeasing liberals, conservatives and moderates all at once is a mere illusion. If he promises to remove troops by the end of 2011, he must stick to his word. If not, he runs the risk of not only losing re-election but also chiding his promise to bring trust back to government. While conservatives are already licking their chops at the speculation of Obama failing, moderates and liberals still trust that the president is making the right decisions. With the president’s approval ratings down, and the once Obamadazed media questioning his objectives and policy, the president has to act as a strong leader. The first 11 months of his presidency were filled with U.S. apologies and drastic attempts to reclaim our image in the world. However, what may have been lost in that process is the might of the U.S. — the guidance and backbone that other nations once aspired to emulate. Obama said Monday “Right makes might,” hinting that the proper action in Afghanistan will lead to a resurrection in the U.S. economic and military prowess in the world. It is with these three words that the president made the war in Afghanistan his war, and thus rests the remainder of his time in office on this decision. With the oratory mastery of the president, he once again wooed a patient and somber crowd, this time of cadets, with an eloquent speech. Yet, out of the 4,582 words in his speech, the president failed to mention the word “victory” once. Is the president’s decision to send 30,000 additional troops to the region a political ploy, or does he actually believe in his mission? One of Bush’s largest blunders as president was standing on the USS Abraham Lincoln under a banner reading “Mission Accomplished.” While Obama does not want to make the same mistake in declaring victory before he actually escalates troops, how can he look into the eyes of future Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans, like he did on Monday, and not at least lay out a plan for victory? The Obama administration has made a habit of clearing words from the White House dictionary and has also put much emphasis on wording. The president assured the world that a proper transition between a dominant U.S. force and a developing Afghan army is the outcome that Americans should anticipate. He reiterated that the United States is not interested in becoming an occupying force; rather, they would be allies based on mutual respect. Despite his wishful thinking, what if the Afghan army is not ready to transition to complete power in 2011? In his speech, Obama stated that the process of routing out al-Qaida would take much longer than two years. Yet our armed forces will be running on a cramped schedule and put into a predicament to accomplish something that even the president believes will take longer than the allotted time. When it comes to pulling out troops, only success should determine withdrawal. While the president took his time and made a calculated decision in escalating troops to Afghanistan, he spoke too soon when making a deadline for success. Evaluating a productive war strategy, training Afghan troops, all while beating the Taliban and al-Qaida is hefty task, even for the U.S. armed forces. Yet great leaders need to stand by decisions and evaluate whether they work. Only after the commander-in-chief believes in victory will those who fight envision victory. The president clearly has faith in his armed forces, now he must have faith in their will to win.
Good grammar, good graces Definition E of Insanity
veryday the proverfessionals, a negative impresbial naughty and nice sion of you. Using ‘u,’ ‘b’ or ‘r’ list is growing. This as stand-ins for actual words, is not a reference to Santa’s can degrade an otherwise famed inventory of children shining transcript or resume. but rather, the positives and Perhaps the potential ramifinegatives of our international cations of these e-mails Internet addiction. The should be considered with a LARISSA KLEIN advantages of Internet higher degree of seriousness research databases, social than the drafts themselves. networking Web sites and online shopping markets Cer tainly, most professors genuinely care definitely seem to outweigh the cons of the big, bad about the wellbeing of their students and are willWorld Wide Web. But let us not forget that in an ing to do what they can to help us out — supposemotional or stressful or inebriated moment, our eing, of course, that we have given them any reamail can be our worst enemy. Unfortunately, it is son to feel that our appeal is worth their time. often our professors on the receiving end of a poorTurn on your spell-checker and put that internal ly constructed, ill-timed message. check to work determining if your message is Whether you need a recommendation, special other wise appropriate. If you are asking for permission number or, simply, advice, getting up something, do not underestimate the importance the nerve to grovel at the feet of a professor and of being time-sensitive and gracious. Being ask for a favor is tough, or, at least, it should be. demanding or acting entitled to a speedy However, the Internet has gone beyond connectresponse from a professor is likely as off-putting ing family, friends and strangers continents apart, as improper punctuation. and it has begun tearing down So, in order to bring out the the boundaries between stugoodwill we know our professors “Turn on your dents and professors — boundto possess, it probably would not aries we need and should want hurt to handle such requests with spell-checker and put to keep in place. the utmost care. Figuring out who In 2006, The New York Times to ask is half the battle, but what that internal check to ran a front-page article, “To: you ask is equally significant. work determining if your P r o f e s s o r @ U n i v e r s i t y. e d u I can remember a brief period Subject: Why It’s All About Me,” during my volatile, early teenage message is otherwise detailing the misuse of e-mail years, when I demanded a lot appropriate.” within a university setting. from my parents and felt very Professors from across the entitled. If I was offered an invitanation addressed their grievtion to go out, I rarely saw the ances with student e-mails, which ranged from stuneed to ask permission from my parents. Yet, I did dents inappropriately asking for notes after not not hesitate to solicit, even expect, some spending attending class to more outlandish questions, like money and a ride. Now, I have the unfortunate one regarding what kind of school supplies they opportunity to watch my youngest brother go need to buy. The article firmly asserted that while a through the ‘terrible-twelves,’ and I feel extreme professor may be more approachable via e-mail, the remorse for the way I acted at that age. carelessness with which students use the mechaI would like to believe I have cast aside all nism could do more harm than good. remnants of my bratty, 12-year-old self. My Yet, having had a professor just recently bring incredibly tolerant parents sadly had to suffer the this issue to the attention of my class, it appears the wrath, but the least I can do is spare my profeslong-standing problem has gone widely unadsors the same fate. This sort of air of entitlement dressed. Misspelled words and SMS shorthand are may not suit a tween, but it is even less tolerable unprofessional, and still they are commonplace in eon a college student. Politeness, along with cormails to professors. Sending out an overly casual SEE KLEIN ON PAGE 9 message can easily give professors, and other pro-
“The requirements are really simple. You need to be human, you need to be breathing, [and] you need to be living anywhere in New Brunswick.” Reva Sears, United States Census Bureau partnership coordinator , on who can be counted in the 2010 census STORY ON FRONT
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Defending pure rubbish Letter BRIAN CANARES
esterday, my Tuesday column was criticized in “Crew faces financial upstream battle.” There are a few things I wanted to address in response to the author’s letter, as well as clear up my own argument. First, my article was in no way an ad hominem attack on liberal arts majors, especially criminal justice. I had used criminal justice as an example, as this constituted the majority of the football team. But, for my own sake, I will say that history or political science is not nearly as challenging as a math or science related field. I still fully support my argument that these fields are much more rigorous than liberal arts in general. When I say “rigorous,” I’m
referring to the time commitment each respective major entails. The few who choose to take on math or science are making an enormous four-year obligation, in which they have to deal with not only higher standards but completely objective grading. Let’s put this into perspective: A history major can put off a 15-page research paper until the very last minute and still manage to pull off a B. A student who is taking an upper-level science course, on the other hand, will fail if he or she does not put in the time and effort to study for an exam. For these individuals, their answers are either right or wrong, as they are not subjectively graded by their professor. As a result, they cannot get away with writing 15 pages of “pure rubbish.” While I do not think your choice of major correlates to your success, there
is clearly more demand on students who decide to take the math or science route. At this point and time, I am inclined to give these individuals more credit, as their hard work is more likely to translate into success. Second, despite the author’s interview with Morgan Carter, it still does not discredit my overall argument. When comparing and contrasting football to crew, I was implying that crew takes on a stricter academic regiment (see argument No. 1). If we are going to give football players full scholarships, then the least we can do is provide sufficient funding for these club sports. I understand the nature of being a Division-I school, but it is simply not fair for the student population to assume financial burdens while funding for football is at full strength. These club sports that combine
for less than a million dollars a year provide meaningful outlets for students. For some, it shapes their entire college experience. This is how you ultimately build a strong base of prideful alumni. As a result, this overall experience is what pushes them to be active with the University in the long term. While a few Louisville 2006 games will definitely help the process, it will not define an alumnus’ four years on the banks. Finally, the cutting of the Olympic sports and tuition increases should not be dismissed as being “unfortunate.” That is the problem with the student body now. Everyone just accepts it when Trenton cuts our budget or the school raises tuition. It is, however, considered blasphemy the moment a columnist displays football in a negative light. The football team has hardly been
hurt by the economic downturn, and I believe they should be making the same sacrifices as everyone else. The crux of my argument does not lie in profit gains and losses. These club sports, especially crew, will never generate any revenue for the school. But from the perspective of an academic institution, these students have shown to be overall gifted individuals. The University should take away some of its priorities from football and place it into other athletic endeavors, as these students have gone above and beyond the term “student-athlete.” While there should still be a primary focus on football, these other individuals should not be so blatantly disregarded. Brian Canares is a Rutgers College senior majoring in history and political science.
Wrong time for the West to ‘pucker up’ Letter EHUD COHEN
he following is a letter in response to the opinion letter “People Should Not Live in Fear” in the Nov. 23 issue of The Daily Targum. Though written with apparent good intentions, Stephan Liszewski’s article made some very misguided statements about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that I feel need to be addressed. Let us begin with Liszewski’s final statement, that “it’s time for the West to pucker up and accept Hamas because there will be no peace till Palestine.” Really? It is time for the United States and Israel to “pucker” up to terrorism? It is time for the West to give in, to “pucker up” and accept a reused, hateful agenda that has been the forefront of Islamic extremism for the past century? Is it time for the world to “pucker up” and allow a group of
KLEIN continued from page 8 rect capitalization, can go a long way. Do your best to petition to your professor’s good nature with a tightly assembled, well-phrased e-mail, but prepare for the possibility that they may refuse your request. Maybe, the adversary here is not really your e-mail. It may not be fitting to add e-mail to the naughty list alongside the various illicit materials that riddle the Web. But be mindful that although it may not seem as if you are talking to a superior when you have the computer screen to shield you, there are consequences to everything you say. If you would not pose the question, request or criticism to
extremists to continue teaching their children to yell “death to America” and “death to Israel” from the time they can walk and talk, forever perpetuating the cycle of hatred in their midst? Should we “pucker up” to the group that when given autonomous control of a portion of land they claimed was for peace, proceeded to burn down the greenhouses and other farm lands ready built by the people who were removed from their homes? No, I feel it is not time for the West to give up, and I find it most upsetting that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is threatening to step down in frustration. If we refuse to stand up against baseless hatred of extremists who use their own people for selfish purposes, who will? Look to Iran after the “election” this past year, how its own people are standing up to the regime that has turned its back on them. We need to keep supporting the group — in this case, Fatah — that desires your professor’s face, perhaps you should not be doing it over email either. When professor evaluation forms get passed around, it gets me thinking. Usually, my response is not based solely on the material they taught or how they assigned grades, but much more on my impression of the professor as an individual. It therefore stands to reason that the letter on my transcript does not make up a professor’s entire opinion of me as a student. So, if ensuring I draft impeccable emails factors into that opinion at all, I would consider it worth the extra effort. Larissa Klein is a School of Arts and Sciences junior. Her column “Definition of Insanity” runs on alternate Thursdays. She welcomes feedback at
peace, as far away as that peace may seem, not “pucker up” to those who would perpetuate hate. Mr. Liszewski writes, “After three wars, countless attacks and multiple armed engagements, this unsolved conflict looks like it was meant to remain in deadlock for eternity.” And in this regard he is somewhat correct. But there have been more than three wars in the history of the state of Israel; actually there have been seven wars in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1982, 2006 and more conflicts in between. But even more than the wars, the conflict between Jews and Extremists has been ongoing for thousands of years. Anyone who wishes to think that they can study the past 60 years of conflict and understand it all is fooling himself. For the sake of time (and paper) let us just move back to 1937, when the British set out to propose changes to their mandate at the Peel Commission, one of the first efforts at creating a
partitioned state for both Jews and Arabs. It was there that Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, a local Arab leader, testified saying: “There is no such country! Palestine is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries, part of Syria.” Yet, in 1948, when the United Nations voted to give both Jews and Arabs a state to call home, the Arab world erupted and enclosed the tiny crust of the newly formed nation. After that war, extremists began to use the nation of Palestine for their own purposes, ignoring their own people’s suffering and needs. As it should be noted, there was still a vast amount of land for Palestinians to create their own state after 1948. In a March 1977 interview in the Dutch newspaper Trouw, Zahir Muhsein, a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee, said, “Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about
the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.” This idea, this mentality of “only for political and tactical reasons” is what extremist leaders are all about. They care not for the suffering of their own people; they just wish to destroy the state of Israel. For goodness sakes it is in their charter. What self-respecting nation would agree to sit across the table with a group that vows in their charter to destroy them? Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan may not have liked each other, but it is not written in either country’s charter that it is a goal to destroy a whole people. It is important to support efforts for cooperation and peace, but “puckering up” to Hamas is not an option. Ehud Cohen is a School of Engineering sophomore majoring in computer engineering.
PA G E 1 0
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Stephan Pastis
Today's Birthday (12/03/09) It will be difficult to talk your way out of responsibilities during the coming year, so don't even try. Expect household emergencies to demand your time and resources. At the same time, you find ways to enrich your home and environment through gardening, painting and other inexpensive means. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 7 — Share the essentials today and save details for later. You can institute change without saying exactly why. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — Today you face opposition from your banker or from other financial contacts. Hint: don't plan major transactions for today. Tomorrow will work out a lot better. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 7 — What seems clear at first turns out to have layers of complications. Use your judgment to determine the best choice. Then, stick to it. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 6 — Listen and learn. Today is not the day to push your own agenda. Others have plenty to offer. Take advantage. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — You've been hatching some ideas. Find a way to express yourself to at least one female. You'll feel as if you've accomplished a lot. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — Remain open to other people's ideas, but don't just roll over. You have good ideas, too.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — Your mission today is to accomplish as much as possible with the least amount of friction. Read between the lines. Try not to break anything. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 6 — You struggle to make yourself understood. Your imagination is running wild, but you can't find the right words. Choose simple language. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 — Listen and learn. You wish you were giving out the orders. Today you're better off doing what the finance manager tells you. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — Associates pose big questions. Expect each person to support his ore her argument with facts. That way a simple solution can emerge. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 6 — You could go into emotional overdrive now. Instead, listen to what the group says, and follow an older person's example. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6 — Your imagination is fully engaged now. Anything others say fits right into your comprehensive plan. Don't stop now.
Happy Hour
The Targum first printed the Mugrat in 1927. The issue reported that a Rutgers Professor has been held in the county jail, charged with cruelty to animals.
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
DECEMBER 3, 2009 11
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
Charles Schultz
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
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Solution Puzzle #21 12/02/09
Solution, tips and computer program at
” (Answers tomorrow) FUNNY MEMBER ABUSED Jumbles: RAPID Answer: When the surgeon hung the brain illustration on the wall, it became a — “FRAME” OF MIND
PA G E 1 2
DECEMBER 3, 2009
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AFFAIR: Knights never led in home defeat to Temple continued from back
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Oliver regresses in first career start guard LaKeisha Eaddy had a rough go of things. She put up a total of 19 shots against the Knights and made just four of them to go along with four turnovers and three fouls in 34 minutes. It was a different story yesterday at the RAC. Eaddy scored a game-high 16 points on six-of-nine shooting from the floor despite four turnovers while running the point. “It definitely means a lot,” Eaddy said of the win. “Since I’ve been here, we haven’t beaten Rutgers so to go out with a victor y against them is certainly exciting.”
game,” Ray said. “It was an awkward feeling, I felt like we didn’t come in ready to play. Coach Stringer always says ‘Respect your opponent but fear no one,’ and we didn’t expect Temple to come out so strong.” RU went for size in the front court during its second half stretch, playing the 6-foot-4 duo of senior center Rashidat Junaid and freshman forward Christine Huber. Junaid provided a small spark for the Knights, scoring five straight points. But Temple responded well under pressure, scoring five straight of its own to push its lead back to seven points. The game belonged to the Owls the rest of the way. For as strong as they played against then-No. 13 Texas the game before, the Knights came out flat in the first half. The Knights never had a lead in the first, and despite shooting an even 40 percent from the floor, they turned the ball over 11 times, leading to 13 points for the Owls. Both teams were hot from behind the arc, shooting 50 percent from three-point range. The game marked the first time the Knights never led since playing No. 1 Connecticut last season. “I think there was a lot of miscommunication on the court today, these are things that we go over in practice every day,” Ray said. “I don’t know what happened today, we were just out of sync.”
After a tremendous road trip in the Virgin Islands where she averaged 10 points and 7.3 rebounds per game, freshman for ward KNIGHT Monique NOTEBOOK Oliver started her first career game last night in the Rutgers women’s basketball team’s 62-51 loss to Temple. Oliver, for lack of a better phrase, played like a freshman. In 17 minutes, the Las Vegas native and first of the Class of 2013 to start for the Scarlet Knights, turned the ball over five times and scored just three points. She pulled in just one board to go along with one block and one steal. “It looks like I shouldn’t have, right?” said head coach C. Vivian Stringer on starting Oliver. “She’s played well. I thought it would also give our inside people a chance to see how quickly the inside works. We were slow at best against Texas.” Oliver’s fifth turnover came with 2:37 to go in the game with the Knights trailing 56-47, allowing Temple to build a double-digit lead and ice the game. Oliver started over senior center Rashidat Junaid, who entered the game averaging 6.3 points and five boards per game in 17.3 minutes. Junaid, in 13 minutes off the bench, scored seven points and had four boards and two blocks.
Nov. 22 knee injury in Athens, Ga., sophomore guard Khadijah Rushdan played 21 minutes in her second game back and scored seven points in her return to the starting lineup. Sophomore for ward April Sykes, who played 18 minutes off the bench, continued to struggle from the floor, making just one shot on five attempts.
Given the starting nod for the first time this season, Monique Oliver had just three points and a rebound and turned it over five times.
“It obviously didn’t work,” Stringer said “It caused her to be the least productive.”
Reardon has a new catchphrase for the 2009-10 season: “Ray for Trey.” Against Temple, senior guard Brittany Ray had three treys, shooting three-for-six from long range.
for three” now a thing of the past at the Louis Brown Athletic Center, public address announcer John
safe getaway from Temple, Owl
this weekend with a short drive south on Route 1 to take on the Princeton Tigers. Princeton (4-1) has just one loss, coming 69-59 to UCLA on the road. For ward Niveen Rasheed leads the Tigers with 16.2 points per game and 7.8 rebounds. The Knights stomped Princeton 83-35 early last season behind 15 points from Epiphanny Prince and 11 from Rushdan.
DECEMBER 3, 2009
KITCHEN: Senior fights back from three ACL surgeries continued from back happened so late in the year. I wasn’t capable of taking a medical redshirt, but it is what it is.” But Kitchen never relinquished his goals. Not a day goes by that Kitchen passes on treatments, meetings with trainers or some sor t of work on his knees. Through extensive conditioning and strength drills in the training room, ice, ultrasounds and other equipment that only trained professionals know what they do, Kitchen worked his way back. Sore after ever y game, Kitchen played in all 13 games last season and won the most valuable player award on special teams at the end of the season. “Zaire is a dependable guy,” Schiano said. “You don’t realize how good he is until you don’t have him. He’s been a real con-
sistent player for us, and make no mistake about it, he’s played beat up this entire year. He’s going to need a good rest when this is over.” Though Kitchen is certainly slower on the gridiron — as expected with pieced together
“[Kitchen] is definitely the rock of the defense. He’s gone through so much ... how he battled his injuries.” DAMASO MUNOZ Senior Linebacker
knees — his production has not taken much of a dip. The Hightstown, N.J., native ranks fifth on the Knights with 53 tackles and is third with five pass breakups — never wavering out of the starting lineup
and finding the stat sheet in ever y game. “He’s definitely the rock of the defense,” said senior linebacker Damaso Munoz. “He’s gone through so much and how he battles with his injuries — he’s always in the training room tr ying to get his body feeling right so he can play on Saturday. These young guys, they should understand how hard it is to get your body feeling right to play.” With his career coming to a close, Kitchen is grateful he was — though not fully healthy — able to compete in every game over the last two seasons. With a chance to play in a second consecutive Bowl game on the horizon, he is focusing all his attention on running out of the tunnel across the big red block “R” for the final time. “It’s extra motivation because it’s my last game playing at Rutgers Stadium,” Kitchen said. “That’s all I need. It’s my last college game ever, so I’m more determined to go out there and play.”
Freshman forward Dane Miller scored nine points in 24 minutes in the Knights’ 73-58 loss to Florida in the Legends Classic title
MILLER: Rutgers faces Princeton in local rivalry continued from back Miller has loads of potential and athleticism, and he displayed some of it against Florida. The 6foot-7 forward scored four of his nine points on put-back jams after a missed shot. “In my first few games I wasn’t really up to speed [with the pace] and I think this weekend really got me up to speed,” Miller said. “It helps to be on the floor [against Florida] because they’re a real good team with a real good coach. For me to come out and play the way I did gave me a lot of confidence.” Meanwhile, N’Diaye is still doing what he’s strived at for the last four years — bringing energy. “I remember three years ago, and people used to always ask me how I would bring so much energy to the team and get everybody hyped up,” he said. “I realize that also being a captain and leading by example that I have to show [my teammates] that there is no time in the game where anybody can put their heads down. You keep playing and keep going as hard as you can … that’s how I play.” The senior’s 97 career blocked shots rank him fourth nationally among active players. “It doesn’t really go through my head because when I’m out
there, it’s one of the things I love to do anyway,” said N’Diaye, who also ranks fifth all-time among the Scarlet Knights and has 22 blocks in 81 minutes this season. “I’m proud of it, but that’s just how I play and what I love to do.” But the Knights (3-2) still have yet to establish an identity this season. Head coach Fred Hill Jr. said after the loss to Florida they lose their identity too often. The chance to establish one begins tonight against Princeton (2-3) at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. “It’s going to be important to find our identity to know what we can do as a team and personally,” N’Diaye said. “This stretch of games coming up, we are not considering them to be easy or anything. They are just another team coming in and it’s going to be the same thing, getting on the court and playing hard. … I don’t look at the numbers; it’s just another team coming in and they’re trying to win against us.” Last season, RU squeaked out an ugly 49-44 win in Princeton. Gregory Echenique led the Knights with 15 points and 11 rebounds. Sydney Johnson, in his thirdyear in charge of the Tigers, continues to run the patented Princeton offense that features ball movement and back-door cuts. Sophomore guard Mike Rosario leads RU in scoring at a 17.6 point per game clip.
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Natale ready for life after RU football school were invaluable experiences for him. “A lot of our lessons came right off the field,” Natale said. “[Coach Greg Schiano] talks to us about off-the-field stuff all the time, but even the lessons on the field prepare us for things we might run in to in real life. The discipline we have to wake up and do what we have to do as a team will be a tremendous help after it’s over.” Natale will be the first to admit that he does not expect to make it to the NFL, but said that he’s grateful for his football experiences because it prepared him for what he plans to do — pursue a career in business. “I’ve changed tremendously,” he said. “The things that I’ve experienced out there, the friends I’ve met and then coming here with coach [Schiano] and his philosophy just was a great experience. “I know it’s a cliché, but I always say ‘I came here a boy and now I’m a man,’ and that’s the truth. We’re just so prepared for the real world. The same way the NFL guys say they’re prepared for the NFL life, the guys that are going out in the working world, we’re all prepared for that.”
utgers women’s soccer players Jen Anzivino and Erin Guthrie were both named Eastern Conference Athletic Conference First Team Women’s Soccer All-Stars, the conference announced yesterday. Anzivino and Guthrie, both seniors, were also All-Big East first team selections this season. Guthrie was also named the Big East Goalkeeper of the Year.
remain for the Rutgers football team’s season finale against West Virginia. The only other game the Scarlet Knights sold out this season was the opener against Cincinnati.
to the situation have said to ESPN that Florida Defensive Coordinator Charlie Strong has emerged as the leading candidate for the Louisville head football coaching job, but Athletic Director Tom Jurich said he has not had any contact with Strong yet.
with careless driving Tuesday following his one-car accident, Tiger Woods issued a statement yesterday apologizing for actions. “I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves,” Woods said in the statement.
slumping Philadelphia 76ers came to terms on a one-year, nonguaranteed deal yesterday and he is expected to return Monday.
signed former Mets closer Billy Wagner to a one-year, $7 million deal. He is expected to replace last year’s closing duo Rafael Soriano and Mike Gonzalez.
Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. are one step closer to meeting in a megafight Mar. 13 after Mayweather’s promoter flew to the Philippines with a proposed contract.
seeding for the 2010 World Cup yesterday, and France is not one of the eight top seeds. Host nation South Africa, Brazil, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Argentina and England are the eight seeded teams. The United States is in Pot Two.
THE NEW JERSEY NETS fell to the Dallas Mavericks 117101 last night, setting a new mark for futility by beginning the NBA season 0-18.
THE LOS ANGELES LAKERS forward Ron Artest told Sporting News he used to drink Hennessy at halftime of games while playing with the Chicago Bulls and admitted being a “head case.”
When looking at the 2009 Rutgers football team, no one had higher highs and lower lows than Dom Natale. Natale, a fifth-year senior, waited in the wings of former quarterback Mike Teel for three years after transferring from Michigan State. And when Teel went on to the NFL, Natale finally got his shot and won the job. But then, just after earning the job he had waited five years for, he lost it all. Partially because of three interceptions in the first half of the Scarlet Knights’ first game and partially because of the emergence of true freshman phenom Tom Savage, Natale dropped to second on the depth chart. “There were a lot of ups and downs, but that’s just how life goes,” said Natale, who enters his last home game at Rutgers Saturday against West Virginia. “The guys on this team are what really made the experience.” Natale’s season did not completely end after his performance against Cincinnati, however. He scored his first college touchdown on a rush against Florida International and won his first college game as a starter against Maryland while Savage sat out with a concussion. “When it was high, they made it even better — like the whole locker room after Maryland,” Natale said. “At the same time, you have the downs like Cincy, but you have those same guys that you were celebrating with picking you up when you’re down. It just kind of prepares you for life, I guess.” For his long career, Natale’s stats read 17-for-35 passing with 249 yards and three interceptions. But ask any other member of the Scarlet Knights, and the Hun School product and Warren, N.J., native’s value to the team supersedes his statistics. “They helped me out tremendously,” Savage said of Natale and
Fifth-year senior quarterback Dom Natale transferred to Rutgers after spending time at Michigan State, but lost his job to Tom Savage.
senior quarterback Jabu Lovelace. “They’ve been there for me off the field and on the field. They showed me the ways around and I thank them a lot and I just want to end their career on a great note.” Natale also holds no ill will toward Savage, the 19-year old, that took the coveted starting spot that belonged to him throughout the spring and summer. “It’s been a cool experience to watch him develop,” Natale said. “He’s a good kid so you enjoy it. It’s not like I don’t want to see him succeed. I’m happy for him. It’s been cool to see him grow up.
I think he’s grown up. He’s a very skilled guy, and he’s going to be great for this program and it was cool to help him come along.” Natale transferred from Michigan State after one season and returned to his home state after starting college as the No. 9 quarterback recruit in the country. He sat out in 2006 via NCAA transfer regulations and played sparingly behind Teel for the next two years in practice and game time. His actual on-field experience is minimal, but doing everything from practice to film study to
Knight Notes: Lovelace, who undertook a minimal role after the emergence of Mohamed Sanu’s Wild Knight package, simulated West Virginia quarterback Jarrett Brown for the scout team in yesterday’s practice. “He’s an unselfish senior doing that,” Schiano said. When the Northeastern football program folded last week, each player gained instant eligibility to another program, regardless of level of play. With a number of New Jersey talents on the roster, Schiano said he is taking a gander at potential prospects. “We’re investigating and looking at some kids — as always, when they have immediate eligibility,” Schiano said. “We’re doing our homework.”
PA G E 1 6
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Owls drop Knights in turnover-filled affair BY STEVEN WILLIAMSON SENIOR WRITER
Senior guard Brittany Ray had four turnovers despite leading the Scarlet Knights with 15 points. The Rutgers women’s basketball team committed 21 turnovers compared to just six assists in a game they never led.
In last year’s matchup against Temple, the Rutgers women’s basketball team narrowly escaped with a victory. The Scarlet Knights were down WOMEN’S BASKETBALL a s m a n y TEMPLE 62 as 15 RUTGERS 51 points in the game, but came back behind 19 second-half points from depar ted guard Epiphanny Prince. This year, there was no one there to bail them out. “Ever ybody was looking for somebody else to pick it up,” said Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer. “And no one seemed to do that today, in all departments.” Rutgers never held the lead, falling to the Owls 62-51 last night at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. The Knights looked nothing like the team from their past three games, which included two big wins and a last-second loss at the hands of then-No. 13 Texas. RU could not get out of its own way, making only seven shots from the floor in the entire second half. The Knights’ 21 turnovers in the game led to 20 Temple points. “We aren’t capable of winning games unless we play 100 percent together,” Stringer said. “I thought it was just selfish play, it’s just about the most foolish thing I’ve ever seen. There were
too many times that we couldn’t find [senior guard] Brittany [Ray]; we weren’t creating for her, she had to create her own shots.” Temple was on fire from the floor all night, shooting 47.2 percent. The Owls had four score in double digits and were led by guard LaKeisha Eaddy, who finished with 16 points. Ray’s 15 points led the Knights, but RU finished the game shooting 35.6 percent from the floor as a team. “Our main focus was making sure Brittany Ray didn’t go off on us, making sure she got as few touches as possible,” said Temple head coach Tonya Cardoza. “In the first half a couple of times she was left wide open, and we knew that she was their best shooter and go-to player.” The Knights played their most cohesive basketball of the night when they narrowed the Owls’ lead to five with just under 12 minutes to play. Sophomore forward April Sykes brought the Knights to within three points on her only three-pointer of the night with just over nine minutes remaining. It was the closest margin for the Knights since the first half, though the Owls did not allow them to gain any more ground. “I felt like the team didn’t give a great effort, and I just felt like ever yone was not focused as much as we need to be from the beginning of the
Despite repaired knees, Kitchen finishes on feet Wild card
Miller fills bench role
Zaire Kitchen left his feet and led with his shoulder, connecting with a powerful blow across Louisville wideout Doug Beaumont’s helmet. The Rutgers football team’s senior safety celebrated at first, but concern immediateFOOTBALL ly sprang across his face Friday when Beaumont lay motionless on the ground. Kitchen has been there many times before. “I was just waiting to see if he would get up, and as time passed he got carted off,” Kitchen said. “I saw the thumbs up, and I felt a lot better.” Having gone through three torn anterior cruciate ligaments, dealing with surgeries on both knees, Kitchen’s heart went out to Beaumont. He suffered no serious injuries, but Kitchen said he never tried to hurt anyone during his bone-crunching pass breakup in the third quarter. “When I hit him I looked down and saw he wasn’t getting up,” he said. “As soon as I looked up, I saw the referee coming with the flag. I knew it wasn’t an illegal hit or anything like that, but I had to accept that.” After all, Kitchen had his collegiate seasons cut short twice already in his time with the Scarlet Knights. Already one knee repair deep, Kitchen’s true freshman season came crashing to a halt in a November contest against Syracuse with torn knee ligaments. He fought all the way back to play in the third game of the 2007 season before tearing his opposite leg eight days earlier than in the previous year, in a November game against Pittsburgh. Since the injuries came so late in each season, Kitchen was unable to be given a medical redshirt and gain an extra year under head coach Greg Schiano. “I believe the redshirt years would have definitely helped,” Kitchen said. “It’s too bad that my injuries
Safety Zaire Kitchen had three ACL surgeries on his knees, two of which came while at Rutgers, but the senior played in every game the past two seasons.
During the championship rounds of the Legends Classic, MEN’S BASKETBALL the two most surPRINCETON AT prising RUTGERS, contribut i o n s TONIGHT, 7:30 P.M. c a m e from the bench. Hamady N’Diaye is the known contributor: great defense, high energy and occasional scoring. He scored 14 points and swatted three shots in 17 minutes in the 73-58 championship game loss to Florida. But the unknown entity — perhaps the Rutgers men’s basketball team’s wild card this season — freshman forward Dane Miller got a chance to showcase his game. “I expected to come in and make an impact,” said Miller, who scored nine points in 24 minutes. “Whether it’s 20 minutes, 22 minutes, you have to come out and make the most out of them and I’m happy to have [the minutes].”