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1 8 6 9
RUSA ups meal swipe groups to two per semester BY DEVIN SIKORSKI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
The Rutgers University Student Assembly has increased the amount of student organizations fundraising in the meal sign-away program per semester starting spring 2011 in an effort to increase the ability for groups to raise money for a good cause. Following several conversations with Executive Director of Dining Ser vices Charlie Sams, RUSA President Yousef Saleh said each organization would have at least one month at different times during the semester to ask for students’ meal swipes. Although this two-month period for fundraising has yet to be determined, Saleh said it would be best if the fundraising period were moved closer to the
middle of the semester to keep things fair. “If either organization can’t have their meal sign-away until the end of the semester, they might not be able to get as many swipes than if it was in the middle,” said Saleh, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. A concern that arises with this new arrangement is the chance that the amount of possible funding earned will decrease, Saleh said. “It’s a small concern,” he said. “We will check the data after its done and see how much each group made and see if it was more effective the way it was before.” Ross Kleiman, a Busch Campus Council representative in RUSA, led the effort to expand
University students Paige Frankel and Brenna Sooy swipe to eat in Tillett Hall on Livingston campus. Students can donate their guest meal swipes to two organizations per semester starting spring 2011 rather than one.
University, firm join to market research ideas
Students swap used clothes, shoes and bags at “The Clothing Swap” yesterday in the Busch Campus Center. The event, sponsored by the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance, aimed to raise awareness of issues surrounding sexual violence.
Scientists prove asteroids killed dinosaurs BY ANASTASIA MILLICKER
UNIVERSITY A University alumna starts a month-long Web series on how to stay out of debt on
OPINIONS Boston University sophomore creates website where students can decide how “hot” girls are.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 STATE . . . . . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
The mystery of what killed the dinosaurs may have been confirmed — for now. Several University researchers confirmed that an asteroid impact more than 65 million years ago caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs, not volcanic eruptions. The discovery of high concentrations of iridium — common in asteroids but not in the Earth’s crust — in sediment layers formed during the boundary between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods, or the K-Pg boundary, has led researchers to support the meteorite impact theory. University professors Ken Miller and Robert Sherrell, research scientist Paul Field and their colleagues recently published their scientific findings of the “iridium anomaly” in the journal Geology. “Iridium is an element in space and deep within the interior of the earth and rarely found in the crust,” said Miller, a University professor of earth and planetary sciences.
The presaround the Earth, ence of iridium, and when it falls which the into the ocean or researchers coastline, it settles determined out into particles moved from and other agideep within the tates,” said Field, earth to the of the University’s crust, suggests Institute of that the impact Marine and KEN MILLER, ROBERT SHERRELL of an object Coastal Sciences. AND PAUL FIELD from space on “The dust layer, Earth may have caused the mass when settled, can be preserved espeextinction of dinosaurs, he said. cially in the deep ocean.” Miller explained the 1980s disMiller said the debate of whether covery of iridium across the bound- an asteroid hit Earth lasted until ary of the Mesozoic section in Italy 1990 when Carl Swisher, now and around the world where the chair of the University’s researchers uncovered samples Department of Earth and Planetary enriched with iridium. Sciences, found a large crater in “This idea about iridium is not a Florida. Swisher dated the rocks as new idea and has been around since the same age of those to the time of the mid ’80s,” Lauren Neitzke- mass extinction. Adamo, associate director of the The idea moved for ward when Rutgers Geology Museum, said via Neil Landman at the American e-mail correspondence. Museum of Natural Histor y in This evidence supported the the- 2006 found an unusual bed that ory that an asteroid led to mass was about 20 centimeters long extinction on Earth, Miller said. and offered a healthy number of “When an asteroid or meteorite SEE DINOSAURS ON PAGE 4 hits, it leaves a blanket of vapor
The University announced a partnership last week with Intellectual Ventures, a Seattlebased private equity firm, in order to help bring inventions by University staff to the commercial marketplace. In its partnership with the University, the firm will provide critical resources needed to help these inventions become more than just essays and research findings, said Intellectual Ventures U.S. Head of Business Development Karen Kerr. “We are committing resources to stimulate invention and innovation on campus through a variety of different programs,” Kerr said. Michael Pazzani, vice president of Research and Graduate and Professional Education, said this partnership would help address the need to bridge the gap between the federal funds allocated to University research and the demand to bring these innovative ideas into the commercial marketplace. “It will help more University inventions get into the marketplace,” he said. “One of the reasons we do research at the University is not just to write papers but to have an impact on the world.” The program will gear University research toward areas of interest to Intellectual Ventures, said Dipanjan Nag, executive director of the Office of Technology Commercialization. The University last year received $433 million in federal research funding, Pazzani said. But this funding only provides the University with enough funds to conduct basic research. Nag said the concern for funding is primary. “The challenge is that the federal grants that come in do not provide [the inventors] with proof of concept money — money that is used to turn that basic research into a marketable product,” he said. Nag referred to this common funding gap as the “valley of death.” “Essentially, your basic research stops, but you don’t have any resources or funds to help take that idea to the marketplace,” he said.
DECEMBER 9, 2010
WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of Rutgers Meteorology Club FRIDAY HIGH 38 LOW 27
TODAY Sunny, with a high of 35° TONIGHT Partly cloudy, with a low of 21°
1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1
142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACTING OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
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DECEMBER 9, 2010
PA G E 3
Alumna launches financial advice series on BY VALENTINA ARANGO CONTRIBUTING WRITER
In an effort to help the many people dealing with financial troubles today, University alumna Sakina Spruell Cole launched a new four-week Web series on On “Keeping It Rich with Sakina,” which Cole created and produces on her own, the host talks to experts on finance and ever yday people who manage to live the “rich” life with little or no help. Guests on the weekly show, which star ted Nov. 17, also include celebrities and students. “Finances could be a ver y scary thing to deal with,” said Rochelle Hill, Cole’s publicist. “Sakina has made it easier for
everyday people, including college students, to understand how to manage their finances and be more savvy of the way it all works.” Cole, an award-winning finance journalist, conducts question-and-answer sessions with students and talks with her personal financial advisers, colleagues and friends offering and receiving advice on the road to financial stability. One of the show’s segments is “Nightly Business Report: Off Campus or On?” during which she talks with college students about whether they should stay on campus or commute to school. Cole also visits colleges and talks to students to give them advice on how to manage their lives during and after college.
Through blog posts, video updates, Twitter, Facebook and the new, Cole aims to make the show interactive by
“When we graduate, we are already going to be in debt.” GURNEET SANGHA School of Arts and Sciences First-year Student
providing a special column for college students who need advice. “Sakina has made herself available through all these sources in order to reach more people and young people,” Hill said. “It is her goal to help students not make the
same mistakes she made when she was a student.” As a student, giveaways from credit card companies drew Cole into getting almost ever y card she was offered, which she then used to purchase gifts for her mother, jewelr y and other items. All the while, she was unaware of the spiraling debt she created for herself. After graduating from the University, Cole managed to get her finances back on track, and she now helps others do the same. Some students on campus said Cole’s show addresses important issues for the collegeaged population. “As a college student, it is very important to learn how to
manage your finances, because when we graduate, we are already going to be in debt,” said Gurneet Sangha, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. “It’s just the choice of being less in debt.” Ana Laura Diaz, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student, said students sometimes make bad choices and pay for them later, but with more guidance, more young adults will be aware of the consequences of rash financial decisions. She suggested that the University also help students. “Sometimes us students just do not know what to do,” Diaz said. “The University could [have] programs like this to help us students … avoid making bad choices.”
U. SCIENTISTS VISIT TRENTON TO ADDRESS CHRISTIE’S VIEWS ON MANMADE GLOBAL WARMING Three University scientists went to Trenton Tuesday to discuss the idea of manmade global climate change with Gov. Chris Christie, according to an article on Although they did not get to meet with the governor, the scientists, along with other environmental groups, created their own global warming discussion forum at the Statehouse instead, according to the article. The scientists made the trip in response to Christie’s claim that he was skeptical about mankind’s
direct involvement in climate change, a response to a Toms River resident’s question during a town hall meeting last month, according to the article. “To be honest with you, I don’t know,” Christie said in the article. “And that’s probably one of the reasons why I became a lawyer and not a doctor, or an engineer, or a scientist — because I can’t figure this stuff out.” Although Christie’s spokesman, Michael Drewniak, declined to comment, Paul Falkowski, director of the Rutgers University Energy Institute,
said the fault in global warming doubts is that they typically rely on personal beliefs and par ty politics. “There is no honest argument against human climate change,” Falkowski said in the ar ticle. “The issues now rely primarily on political dialogue on how we’re going to move this countr y for ward.” — Maxwell Barna
DECEMBER 9, 2010
HACKERS ATTACK WEBSITES THAT DENOUNCE WIKILEAKS A group of activist hackers known as Anonymous launched a campaign of cyberattacks yesterday in support of the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, according to an ar ticle in The New York Times. Targets of the attack, which included,, and, were those that publicly denounced WikiLeaks and stopped cooperating with the website, according to the article. Several groups were responsible, accounting for 1,500 people who were logged on from chatrooms
and Internet forums including and were mounting reported “denial of ser vice” attacks on websites that stood in resistance to WikiLeaks, according to the article. Gregg Housh, one of the activists willing to speak about the events publicly, said in the ar ticle that the actions taken against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange — who was ar rested in Britain and subsequently denied bail Tuesday on sex of fense allegations — are politically motivated ef for ts to silence people who challenge authority.
fluids move through all sor ts of rocks. “These findings are significant has been here for 65M years because they show one iridium anomaly related to meteorite continued from front impact and are found displayed fossils and mollusks as well as along the K-Pg boundary in a high measure of iridium, shocked quartz cores that source Miller said. the large impact of the meteorite “The iridium was not found to the mass extinction of dinosaurs at the top of the bed but at the and other creatures,” Field said. base of the bed, which gave us This may be one of the first two hypotheses — either studies that show iridium can impact occurred move in sediment and ever ything and be mobile lived on or the after it is deposit“They show one iridium had ed, he said. iridium anomaly moved,” he said. Miller added Miller sampled that another interrelated to cores and found esting discover y iridium was not meteorite impact.” was made in the at the boundary Bass River samPAUL FIELD as expected, ple, when a University Research Scientist which brought 6-centimeter layer researchers to of ballistic-like question the metematerial was orite impact theory, Field said. found embedded in the sediment. “In 2008 to 2009 at the K-Pg This was unusual because boundaries in Monmouth counthese findings are usually concenty’s Tighe Park in Freehold and trated in areas of Mexico, he said. Cumberland county’s Bass River, Not only did the team uncover we found sections in which both iridium, but also shock minerals cases that were equivalent had such as quartz came when vaporan iridium displacement of 20 ized rock from the Yucatán centimeters from their origin and Peninsula was carried leaving a 6were both found to be porous,” centimeter deposit in New Miller said. Jersey, said University research When questioned why the professor of earth and planetary rocks found were porous, sciences Richard Olsson. Field said iridium has been on “A lot of New Jersey residents Ear th for more than 65 million depend on groundwater,” Olsson years and since it is located said. “So this drill is not only for scirelatively close to the sur face, ence but also to help New Jersey.”
RUSA: Students use about six guest swipes per semester continued from front the meal sign-away program and said the new system also requires voting for meal sign-away organizations to take place a semester prior to fundraising. “It will allow them to take advantage of the entire semester by knowing at least a few months in advance,” said Kleiman, a School of Engineering junior. “When the semester starts and everybody has their guest swipes, they can start out right then.” In the past, RUSA would decide which group could raise funds through the meal signaway program and conduct the actual time of fundraising in the same semester, Kleiman said. By using this method, the amount of possible donations from students is reduced. “It may take another week to get it all set up [after the vote],” he said. “Then all of the sudden, it is halfway through the semester and it is tough now.” The Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund experienced this last semester, after their fundraising period was delayed because of the controversy that arose after RUSA awarded them the rights to the meal sign-away program, Kleiman said. This forced PCRF to postpone fundraising until the
“To all of us, there is no distinction,” Housh said in the article. “He is a political prisoner, and the two things are completely entwined.” The Anonymous group released two manifestos over the weekend vowing revenge on those websites and corporations who aligned themselves against WikiLeaks, according to the article. “We fight for the same reasons,” according to one of the manifestos in the article. “We want transparency and we counter censorship.”
following semester, which impacted their ability to raise money for their cause. As president of the Rutgers Undergraduate Research Society, Kleiman said the more notice he receives about an event reciprocally helps a group coordinate their event more efficiently and allows time to maximize productivity. “So it gives a buffer. It is just better to know ahead of time,” he said. “I wouldn’t imagine it being to anybody’s detriment.” The motivation to expand the meal sign-away plan developed after this year’s meal sign-away vote, where many RUSA members expressed the difficulty in choosing the eventual winner, Rutgers Future Scholars Fund over Give Kids the World, Kleiman said. “Members felt that choice was really tough and people mentioned they wanted to do more than one group at once,” he said. “I reached out to Sams after I had heard people mention that and spoke to Saleh as well to put this together.” Kleiman also said the expansion of the meal sign-away program was not due to a realization of flaws in the system but rather an updated version to attend to the concerns of both RUSA members and University students. “It’s not like it was put together badly,” he said. “It just grew out of that and this is now an expansion.”
— Maxwell Barna
Although RUSA Vice President Matt Cordiero holds the same concern as Saleh, he said the only way to learn is through experimentation. “I just don’t know how it is going to turn out but I am excited to see what happens,” said Cordiero, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “If it helps people donate, it would be interesting to see that.” In an ef for t to ease this concern of both Saleh and Cordiero, Kleiman said the average University student uses about five or six guest meal swipes a semester, which would provide a fair opportunity for the second group to fundraise. “Do I imagine that it will be easier to raise money in the beginning than the end? Probably,” he said. “But the goal of this is to expand it as much as possible and I think this is a good improvement.” RUSA member Dan Herber t worried the expansion of meal sign-aways would force two groups to raise funds at the same time, increasing unnecessar y competition in the charitable program. “You’re left with two charities sor t of fighting for people’s meal swipes at the counter,” said Herber t, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior. “But this solution is pretty good and I’m happy it is working out this way.”
IDEAS: Firm focuses on
days as a graduate student that grad students make it happen in faculty and graduate students these labs, so we hope to involve them as well.” Kerr said the University’s continued from front prestige as a research institution The other issue to be had a tremendous impact on addressed by this partnership, as Intellectual Venture’s decision to well as by the Office of forge a partnership with them. Technology Commercialization “It was absolutely crucial. is the protection of these invenThe strength of Rutgers acations, Nag said. demically and research-wise “We take the University’s raw matched up to what we were inventions and then protect them doing,” she said. “Probably the with things such as patents, copymost important thing is the conrights, trademarks,” he said. “We nection with the people and [then] take the University’s inventhen there’s the really strong tions, and we commercialize those overlap of Rutgers’ areas of inventions to the marketplace.” strength to areas where we’re Kerr said Intellectual looking to build portfolios.” Ventures is confident in the In agreement with Kerr, Nag firm’s ability to help facilitate said the University could only the expansion and commercialbenefit from this partnership ization of some of the with Intellectual Ventures. University’s best inventions. “This is a fantastic start for the “The large vision of the firm University,” he said. “We have overall is to cre3,000 faculty memate an engine bers at Rutgers, in advancement and some of them “Grad students and to create a are the best minds make it happen marketplace for you’ll ever find.” invention,” she Pazzani said in these labs, said. “We’ve got that logical and so we hope different investmarketable invenment vehicles to tions at the to involve them help us do that.” University are This partnercommon. It is as well.” ship, although because of the KAREN KERR geared primarily University’s innoIntellectual Ventures U.S. Head toward assisting vative history that of Business Development faculty and graduhe believes the ate students, is outcome of this also aiming to eventually open to partnership could be vast. undergraduate students as well, Following a seminar next Pazzani said. week at which faculty members But Kerr feels that, aside will be given an opportunity to from faculty, one of the largest learn about the program, the impacts made on a UniversityUniversity will begin the first wide scale will be from the gradround of projects early this winuate students. ter, Pazzani said. “In designing the program, “When you’re doing technolwe really wanted to make it ogy commercialization, you want open to the Rutgers community to move as quickly as possible,” at large,” she said. “Obviously he said. “I’m confident before the faculty is a large part of the winter’s over we will have that, but I know from my own started a few projects.”
DECEMBER 9, 2010
Participants fill their cards at yesterday’s BINGO night at Neilson Dining Hall on the Cook/Douglass campus. Prizes included Furbys, snuggies and a sled. Rutgers Recreation sponsored the event.
DECEMBER 9, 2010
The Rutgers University Programming Association and the Rutgers Winter Session will be pitching a tent from 2 to 5 p.m. in front of the Livingston Student Center to hand out free hot cider and doughnuts. For more details, please e-mail Carey Loch at
The Rutgers Symphony Orchestra’s “A Strauss Affair to Remember” program begins at 8 p.m. at the Nicholas Music Center in the Mason Gross Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $25 for the general public, $20 for Rutgers alumni, employees and seniors and $15 for students with valid identification. For more information about any Mason Gross event, visit or call the Mason Gross Performing Arts Center ticket office at (732)-932-7511. The “Professors’ Oriental Abstract World” exhibit features the Chinese brush calligraphy and painting artworks of professor Zhiyuan Cong of William Paterson University and Yi-Zhi Huang of the University. The opening reception will include demonstrations by both artists. The exhibit is located in the Art History Building on the College Avenue campus.
The Winter Wishes Party will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rutgers Student Center Lounge and Multipurpose Room on the College Avenue campus. Winter Wishes provides New Brunswick children presents for the holiday season. Students, faculty and staff can volunteer their time by participating in the party while about 600 pre-school children will receive their gifts. Preregistration is required at Kappa Phi Lambda will host their annual Dear Santa Toy Drive from 7 to 11 p.m. in the Busch Campus Center Multipurpose Room. There will be different activities ranging from stuffing animals to gingerbread house making and eating. For more information, please e-mail or Check-in for the Big Chill 5K Run/Walk is from 7:15 to 8:45 a.m. Line-up for the race begins at 9 a.m. The entry fee is an unwrapped toy. Toys are donated to eight charities. To help support Rutgers Against Hunger, purchase one yard of the race for $1. All runners/walkers receive a Big Chill T-shirt.
Today is the first Reading Day. Manage your time well!
Today is the last of day of the school year. Enjoy your break!
It’s a date! The New Year Calendar Workshop will take place in the Zimmerli Art Museum on the College Avenue campus from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Participants may wish to bring photographs of friends and family to include in their calendars. Instructor Dot Paolo guides parents and children in the use of collage, stamps and many other art techniques to create these one-of-a-kind calendars. Tickets are $5 for museum members, $7 for non-members and $3 for pre-registration in all six workshops. Walk-ins will be allowed if space is available.
Today is New Year’s Eve. The Daily Targum staff hopes you have a safe, fun night!
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
DECEMBER 9, 2010
PA G E 7
Study shows gamblers spend less time in casinos THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.— The amount of time gamblers are spending in Atlantic City casinos is falling, and they are holding on more tightly to their wallets while they are there. A new statistical study shows the amount of time gamblers spent inside casinos in the nation’s second-largest gambling market is down more than 22 percent, and the amount of money they spend there is down almost 30 percent over the last four years. And the hit to the casinos’ bottom line is substantial: Gross operating profit per hour is down 61 percent. George Cosgrove, a 69-yearold retiree from Whiting, N.J., comes to Atlantic City once a month with his wife, visiting a dif ferent casino each time. One day last week he was taking a break on a boardwalk bench outside the Atlantic City Hilton Casino Resor t, which has not paid its mortgage in more than a year and a half and reported $4.7 million in gross operating losses in the third quar ter compared to gross operating profits of $888,000 a year ago. “It’s easy to see for yourself — go in there, and there’s hardly anybody in there,” Cosgrove said, motioning to the Hilton. “There’s probably half of what there was on a weekday a year ago. The business is just not there.” Cosgrove estimates he and his wife are spending at least 30 percent less at the casinos this year. “We are definitely watching our money more closely,” he said. “We’d love to keep doing things the way we used to, but we just can’t.”
A recent study reports the amount of time and money gamblers are spending in Atlantic City casinos has dropped. Casino revenue fell to $3.9 billion in 2009 from $5.2 billion in 2006. Michael Pollock, managing director of Spectrum Gaming Group, which wrote the study, said the numbers show just how drastically the Atlantic City market is changing. “It’s shifting toward a visitor base that is less gambling-centric, which means they’re gambling less per hour with tighter wallets,” he said. “Recessions end, and when it does, what Atlantic City needs to do is diversify its customer base. “We didn’t realize it at the time, but 2006 and 2007 in Atlantic City and Las Vegas was really too good to be true,” Pollock said. “People were spending more than they could afford.”
That came to a screeching halt when the economy started slowing down in late 2007 and nearly crashed in 2008. The study examined thirdquarter figures from 2006 to 2010 in three areas: gross gaming revenue per visitor hour (the amount of money casinos take in for ever y hour a gambler is on their premises), total visitor hours and gross operating profit per visitor hour. The time frame was chosen to use late 2006 as a starting point just before the first slots parlors opened in the Philadelphia suburbs, ushering in a four-year revenue plunge in Atlantic City that continues unabated.
Gross gaming revenue fell from $9.13 per hour in 2006 to $6.42 for the city’s 11 casinos. Gross operating profit per visitor hour went from $2.74 in 2006 to $1.05 in the third quarter of this year — a drop of more than 61 percent. Corresponding hourly figures were not available for Las Vegas, the nation’s largest gambling market. But it, too, has been struggling with the recession and the relentless expansion of casinos and slots parlors into local neighborhoods around the countr y. Las Vegas casinos are lowering room rates enough to get peo-
ple in the door, but visitors are still being tightfisted. Gambling revenue in Las Vegas is up less than 1 percent to $6.7 billion in Clark County from Januar y through September, even though the area has seen 2.4 percent more visitors during the first nine months of 2010 compared with the same time last year. And 2009 was a similarly bad year: Fewer people came to Vegas and they gambled even less. There were 3 percent fewer visitors than in 2008, but gambling revenue was down 9.8 percent. Atlantic City’s casino revenue fell from a high of $5.2 billion in 2006 to $3.9 billion in 2009. For the first 10 months of this year, they are at $3.1 billion, down 9.1 percent from the same period in 2009. And a new PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP report released Tuesday paints a grim picture for Atlantic City over the next five years, predicting that New Jersey casino revenues in 2014 will still be nearly 36 percent lower than they were in 2006. The Spectrum study broke Atlantic City’s 11 casinos into four groups by location. The three casinos in the city’s marina district — The Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City and Trump Marina Hotel Casino — saw their gross gaming revenue per visitor hour fall by more than 41 percent over the last four years. The three casinos in the Inlet section — Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, Resorts Atlantic City and the Showboat Casino Hotel — fared even worse, down more than 49 percent. The Hilton and the Tropicana Casino Resort were down nearly 26 percent.
PA G E 8
DECEMBER 9, 2010
‘Hotness’ website disregards ethics
acebook might have been the inspiration for Boston University student Justin Doody’s, but the website took things much further. The BU student created it with the purpose of allowing users to rank female students on their “hotness,” using photos taken from Facebook either by the person in question or their friends (or soon-to-be former friends). The site was launched last Friday, and 1,160 users had rated a classmate by Monday, according to the Boston University Quad. This website is an unethical and perhaps illegal exhibition of the university’s female population. We have a problem with the website’s operation — female students’ may find their photos up on without their permission. The site’s creator claims that Facebook pictures are public domain; therefore, anyone can use and reuse them. This is irrelevant however, because of the ethically questionable methods behind the site. The posting of these photos online simply for the “hotness” factor is embarrassing — at least for those girls who did not mean for their photos to appear on There are plenty of people who appear on Facebook in less-than-appealing pictures. These students certainly do not want themselves rated on a site based solely on that. It is just unethical. We cannot condone anyone who goes on this website either. While it may be the “thing” to do right now, actually rating the girls promotes even more usability of the site. Boston University cannot do anything about Doody’s website, and it should not. Therefore, it should be up to Doody to make the right decision, before lawsuits flood his dormitory. This is nothing new, and it is understandable that in this day and age, we as students are attracted to these sites. Voyeurism may be at play here, and if everyone is doing it, it seems OK. We understand some girls appear on this website because of their own decision, but in the end, there is the question of privacy and respect. certainly misses both marks.
Columbia University ensures free speech
nformation is a dangerous thing, or so it is portrayed by the Department of State. An official warned students of Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) last Tuesday about visiting WikiLeaks. Later, an e-mail from SIPA went out warning students against visiting the website or discussing it on Facebook or Twitter, because it might threaten their job opportunities in the state sector. University officials walked back on their remarks this Monday, embracing free speech. We respect this move by SIPA. The words of said official, who is also a Columbia alumnus, were reflected in the first e-mail to the students: “[The alumnus] recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter.” The State Department later on denied in an e-mail its involvement in the controversy. There is the obvious attempt to limit the spread of WikiLeaks’ release of confidential and secret information. At the very least, the State Department tried to minimize the damage done by the website dedicated to transparency and free speech. In this case, the unknown alumnus — unknown for obvious, scandal-prone reasons — warned SIPA officials in his attempts of deterring students from visiting the website by hitting where it hurts: job prospects. With bleak opportunities even for master’s degree holders, this is a threatening message. There already are a number of Facebook, Twitter-related online activities that can endanger job prospects. Visiting WikiLeaks therefore would do nothing more than instill an unfounded fear in students and limit free speech. We respect the university’s decision this Monday to reverse its advice to students by backing their right for an education through information and free speech. In an e-mail obtained by Wired, officials said: “Freedom of information and expression is a core value of our institution. Thus, SIPA’s position is that students have a right to discuss and debate any information in the public arena that they deem relevant to their studies or to their roles as global citizens, and to do so without fear of adverse consequences.” While the massive release of classified information details some of the nation’s most important diplomatic activities, the State Department made the mistake of reacting in this volatile, threatening manner. This warning to our nation’s best-trained international affairs students represents a new front in the administration’s subtle silencing of those who want to know more. SIPA’s “correction” sent out to students was the right step in a university’s attempt to reaffirm the notion of free speech. It was not good advice that the State Department gave but a failed attempt at minimizing the damage.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “Sometimes us students just do not know what to do.” Ana Laura Diaz, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student, on accumulating debt STORY IN UNIVERSITY
World does not need US protection
read The Daily during this period, many of Targum’s column, the conditions for terrorism “Peace depends on were allowed to arise and strong US militar y,” on result in the problems we BILAL AHMED Monday with surprise, face today. mainly because in the There is also a great deal author’s idolization of U.S. foreign policy during of information to suggest that Communism fell as a World War II, the Cold War and the last decade, he result of a host of actions against it, not simply as a completely overlooked specific failures which result of the United States. While it would be ignocaused American “exceptionalism” to be an rant to argue the Americans played no role, the extremely flawed policy which had limited successSoviet Union fell mainly because of the Brezhnev es during the periods he describes. stagnation and an inability to combat the massive The columnist begins by stating that Pearl corruption arising throughout the Communist sysHarbor triggered the United States to defend the tem. There was also a great deal of resistance from frequently quoted rights to life, liberty and property parties not related to or empowered by the United “not only at home but also across the world.” He States during the Mikhail Gorbachev regime, parignores the fact that the United States purposefully ticularly from religious Eastern Europeans who avoided military confrontation with Germany and exploited their additional freedoms as a means for Japan for years in order to avoid deploying troops advocating complete secession. Once again, the across the world and that war with Germany only columnist ignores these complexities in order to explicitly began after a military alliance with Japan. blindly praise American successes without context. Although it is true that the United States provided Finally, I was repulsed when I read the phrase, immense support to its European allies, to ignore “Islamic radicalism has one goal: global dominathe complexities of why the United States waited tion.” It has always been my hope that the trend of until after these events to deploy solcold warriors would have ended diers is irresponsible writing. with the Cold War — the mentality “I take issue Additionally, the writer begins to that led to a tremendous simplificawith the notion argue that prior to American tion of modern war fare is still involvement, the world was conprevalent, and the columnist is no that the world stantly at war and largely involved in stranger to it. The war in armed conflict, and American Afghanistan began as a result of was chaotic until involvement prevented war and viothe cold warrior Zbigniew the United States lence from being in large levels in Brzezinski convincing President the past 70 years. I am extremely forced it into order.” Jimmy Car ter to fund the taken aback by this statement, parMujahideen in order to incite a ticularly since the millions killed Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, due to proxy wars and combat actions in regions because he wanted to, as he states explicitly in an such as Indochina would disagree that the war and inter view with the French magazine Nouvel violence were in “low levels” as a result of American Observateur where he brags about his successes, influence. The intervening hand of the United “give the Soviets their Vietnam.” States ensured massive destruction in the Vietnam That was the true nature of American foreign War that challenged any notion of the United States policy during the Cold War — not defending operating as a benevolent global power. abstract notion of freedom, but attacking any idea Also, the extension of American influence in crealien to an American variation of it and using every ating the conditions for the overthrow of governother global citizen as a means of bitterly inflicting ments such as those of Mohammad Mossadeq of damage on the Soviet Union despite it being unnecIran, Salvador Allende of Chile and other figures essary and a disgusting assault on human morality. gave rise to extremely oppressive local authorities. I unfortunately do not have enough words to comWhile it is true that the Soviet Union also perpetratpletely express my dissent, so I will be brief — I am ed human rights abuses and that there was never saddened to live in a world where this reactionary open warfare between the two superpowers, I take worldview is still present, and it is unfortunate that issue with the notion that the world was chaotic the Targum has been used to give it voice. until the United States forced it into order as it Bilal Ahmed is a School of Arts and Sciences junignores an immense amount of additional factors — ior majoring in Middle Eastern studies with a minor technology, mass media, local leaders, etc. I must in political science. also note that as a result of American global policing
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
DECEMBER 9, 2010
Assange, WikiLeaks damage national security Letter ROBERT GEMBORYS
he New York Times published a set of leaked documents in 1971 chronicling the history of American involvement in Vietnam. The documents, known as the Pentagon Papers, revealed how American leaders misled the public in a war that cost the lives of more than 58,000 American soldiers. The government attempted to prevent the publishing of the papers using the grounds of national security but was unsuccessful when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of The New York Times. It is now 2010, and history appears to have repeated itself.
WikiLeaks published confidential diplomatic cables from American embassies from around the world, and there is the chance that Julian Assange will face charges of espionage. Assange, in an opinion piece written in an Australian newspaper, claims that WikiLeaks is “fearlessly publishing facts that need to be made public.” Assange goes on to liken the leaked cables to the Pentagon Papers and says they should be published without interference. What Assange fails to recognize is that unlike the Pentagon Papers, the leaked diplomatic cables endanger national security. For example, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad now knows that Saudi Arabia no
longer supports Iran. It is logical to assume too that Iran, which believed Saudi Arabia to be sympathetic to its pursuit of nuclear weapons, will no longer reveal sensitive materials to the Saudi
“It is now 2010, and history appears to have repeated itself.” government. In turn, the United States loses access to information about Iran that Saudi Arabia provided us. This trickle-down effect deprives the United States of potentially valuable information about foreign governments and puts the Saudi government — an
American ally and the world’s largest producer of petroleum — in the crosshairs of Iran and those who support its quest for nuclear weapons. Additionally, the leaked diplomatic cables hurt American diplomatic efforts around the world. How can American diplomats expect cooperation from leaders of foreign governments if ever y action and belief is exposed publicly? In the cables, French President Nicolas Sarkozy was named as the most pro-American president France has ever had. His political enemies can use this information to defeat Sarkozy in an election and remove an American ally from power. Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who allowed the
United States to bomb al-Qaida camps in his country, will come under intense pressure from people in his own country for allowing the United States to interfere in their affairs. In a democratic society, our freedoms come with a great responsibility. The First Amendment allows the leak and publication of the diplomatic cables for the public. But, even though Assange had the right to publish this information, he must learn that the proper action would be to not release the information and harm the national security of the country that guarantees him his personal rights. Robert Gemborys is a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student.
President Obama creates economic uncertainty Letter BRYAN NACHWALTER
ecember has begun, and the biggest political debate in the House and Senate is on what to do with the Bush Tax Cuts, which will expire Jan. 1. Let’s flashback to the 2008 presidential election to see how ardent President Barack Obama was on ending the tax cuts for the rich, or those who make over $250,000, and implementing a tax break only for the middle and lower classes. Obama argued that tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent should expire, and he along, with the rest of the Democratic party, believe that giving tax cuts to the wealthy does not translate into jobs. They also assert that extensions of the Bush tax cuts would cost $700 billion, similar to the cost of the previous “stimulus” bills. Is it not surprising that the embarrassing Republican sweep in the midterm election has caused to
Obama to finally consider the Republican’s argument? A recent Gallup poll showed that 40 percent of Americans want to keep the tax cuts for all Americans regardless of income, 44 percent want to continue the tax cuts but establish new limits for the wealthy, and only 13 percent want the tax cuts to expire. Future House Majority Leader John Boehner called the preliminary House bill “chicken scratch,” and in a way it was, as there would be many consequences of raising taxes on the wealthy during these harsh economic times. The Wall Street Journal claims that the rich make up one-fourth of consumer spending, and a tax increase during times when the economy is weak would lead to consumers cutting back spending drastically. Mr. President, does it occur to you that although these individuals only make up 2 percent of the population, their wealth makes up the vast majority of the funds uti-
lized to expand business activity. These small business owners are the major generators of jobs in this country, and increasing their taxes would severely limit the amount of workers they could hire, increasing unemployment. The top 2 percent are responsible for investments, and higher taxes on these individuals will actually hinder growth of the economy. Furthermore, could it not be interpreted that only giving breaks to the lower class, but punishing the upper class symbolically creates a disincentive to strive for the American Dream and climb the ladder of success? Recently, Obama has compromised with head Republicans on a bill that would extend the tax cuts for all Americans, but also offer a payroll tax holiday and extended unemployment benefits. Republicans have argued against the unemployment extension, claiming that individuals solely just take advantage of it, but clearly they are wrong when unemployment
has just rose from 9.6 percent to 9.8 percent. Also, the payroll tax reduction will leave more money in consumers’ pockets, having an enormous impact on lower income individuals. However, this compromise Obama has made has caused some anger with the “liberal” members of the Democratic Party who are completely against extending anything that relates to legacy of the “Bush” years. If there is one thing to praise Obama for, it is that he has put the political agenda aside, and did what he felt was best. The worst thing to do in a recovering economy is to create uncertainty, which is exactly what Obama has generated within his first two years in office. It is almost as simple as if businesses, especially small businesses, are certain they will not receive a tax hike, it creates an incentive to hire more employees. However, if this bill makes it through, there will be a clear contrast in the business atmosphere, as businesses will no
longer have to “sit” on their cash flows and instead take risk on hiring more employees. Perhaps, instead of even considering extending taxes on Americans, maybe the government spending should be reformed, as legislation such as the stimulus is what is accumulating the deficit. Although the stimulus package seemed productive in theory, the way the current administration executed it was ineffective and detrimental. Although extending the Bush tax cuts is essential for the short run of this country, the more important component is the long run. Therefore, Mr. President, it is not the Bush tax cuts, although they are necessary, that will surge an economic boom in America. The economy is recovering, but extremely slowly. The only way to get out of it is to create new huge projects. Br yan Nachwalter is a Rutgers Business School firstyear student.
PA G E 1 0
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
DECEMBER 9, 2010
Today's birthday (12/09/10). Move career and finances forward with innovation and creativity this year. You won't revolutionize anything if you don't take the first step. Make major changes by challenging old beliefs, and then motivate siblings and friends to share the journey. Look from another view. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — The girls in the Today is a 6 — Although you group have a plan and are takwant to pursue your own intering the lead. Even though it may ests alone today, you face the cramp someone's style, the ideas need to handle another person's are solid with productive results. problems as well. Clarify logic Taurus (April 20-May 20) — before beginning. Today is an 8 — If you find your- Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — self in the spotlight today, you Today is a 6 — A favorite person don't need a script. You've given stays close by to help with a housethe subject plenty of thought hold challenge. Delegate responsialready. Speak from the heart. bilities early, and keep an eye on Gemini (May 21-June 21) — progress to maintain momentum. Today is a 6 — The girls are Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — champing at the bit to gain Today is a 9 — Independent independence in their work. thoughts guide every action Practical considerations require today. Less is more, where force teamwork before solo projects is concerned. Relax and finesse can move forward. it for quicker results. Evaluate Cancer (June 22-July 22) — progress later. Today is a 6 — The desire for Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — independence leads an associToday is a 6 — You think you want ate in a stubborn direction. more independence. Actually, Before despairing (or resisting), practical effort in a team gets you suggest creative ways to share further. Once today's work is done, an intention. you can take off on your own. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 6 — Get back in Today is a 5 — Someone tests gear early to complete work your public image by asking you on schedule. A female associto pull off the impossible. You ate has identified a critical find a way to get it done with problem. More than one soluflair, on time and polished. Anytion presents itself as you work thing's possible. through it. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — Research creates Today is a 7 — You want to take a solid platform for group disoff, but you're stuck working out cussion. You want to get out practical matters. Research early, so keep the conversation reveals hidden solutions. Then concise. Something entirely new creative efforts yield results. could result. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
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DECEMBER 9, 2010
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PA G E 1 2
DECEMBER 9, 2010
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SYKES: Forward credits strides to summer workouts continued from back
fter an impressive outing in the Rutgers swimming and diving team’s win over Wagner, junior Jacquelyn Ward earned the honor of Big East Swimming and Diving Athlete of the Week, the conference announced. The Berlin, N.J., native scored victories in the 200-yard freestyle, the 500-yard freestyle and helped the 200yard medley relay earn a win as well.
coach Urban Meyer is once again stepping down from his position with the team. Meyer left the team briefly after last season due to health concerns, but this time around the head coach cited family as the main contributor to his decision. Florida was a disappointing 7-5 this season, but the program went 64-15 and won two national championships under Meyer.
THE CHICAGO WHITE Sox resigned first baseman Paul Konerko yesterday, as the two sides agreed upon a threeyear, $37.5 million deal. The slugger will earn $12 million in his first two years of the contract, with $6.5 million coming in the third year and $7 million deferred for seven years after the deal. Konerko recorded one of the best seasons of his career for manager Ozzie Guillen last year, posting a .312 batting average, hitting 39 homeruns and knocking in 111 runs.
defensive lineman Ndamukong Suh was the most recent victim of an NFL fine, as the league yesterday fined Suh $15,000 for a hit on Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler. Head coach Jim Schwartz voiced his disapproval with the decision, and the former No. 1 overall pick plans to appeal the fine.
Derrell Johnson-Koulianos appeared in court yesterday for charges that the wideout ran a drug house through his off-campus home at Iowa. Johnson-Koulianos is the school’s all-time leading receiver, but on top of the initial charge he faces, the receiver is also being charged with possession of marijuana and cocaine, both of which he tested positive for. The charges could yield jail time of up to seven and a half years.
to rest the team’s 45-3 loss on Monday Night Football against the New England Patriots, New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan turned to an interesting method to bur y the negative thoughts. Ryan gave a game ball from the contests a funeral before yesterday’s practice behind a goalpost in the team’s practice facility.
what she shot last season under head coach C. Vivian Stringer. With the same mold of guards, including juniors Nikki Speed and Khadijah Rushdan feeding her on the court, the East Oktibbeha (Miss.) product never takes all the credit. Sykes attributes it all to the team’s summer workouts. “I like to think that it has a lot to do with us believing and trusting in each other,” Sykes said. “During summer, we probably could close our eyes and tell you what the next person was going
DECEMBER 9, 2010
to do, because we know each At first glance, it can be disother that well.” missed as a simple number While Sykes’ scoring direct- change. A deeper look reveals ly relates to her other wise. simplifying her “Ever y time I “When everything’s hear the national approach on the court, as well as I’m kissgoing wrong I always anthem the team’s cheming to my dad istr y, there may go back to, ‘He’s not and it’s somebe another reaI always here and I am here, thing son why things think about,” are finally beginso I’ve got to make Sykes said of her ning to click. father, Michael the best of it.’” Sykes spent Sykes, who her first two passed away 18 APRIL SYKES years at Rutgers years ago. Junior Forward with No. 12 on “When ever ythe back of her thing’s going jersey, but douwrong I always bled that number up at the go back to, ‘He’s not here and I beginning of the season with am here, so I’ve got to make the No. 24. best of it.’ It always helps me
get over that hump.” Sykes’ father donned No. 24 during his playing days, and though those days have long passed, Sykes’ still lay ahead. It is now Sykes’ third season of collegiate basketball and some things are clearly different, but overall she is still that same competitor from Starkville, Miss. And though Sykes joined the Knights more than two years ago, now more than ever she is playing the way ever yone surrounding the program expected her to play. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Longer than what long is,” Stringer said. “I tell you what … it’s been a long time and it’s great to see.”
DECEMBER 9, 2010
Local meet brings return to track BY LIZ SWERN CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The Rutgers men’s track and field team looks to get back on track MEN’S TRACK t h i s weekend RUTGERS AT — so to NEW YEAR’S INVITE, speak. SATURDAY T h e Scarlet Knights travel to Princeton’s Jadwin Gymnasium for the New Year’s Invitational for their first meet of the season. Rutgers faces local competition at the debut meet from Princeton, Monmouth, St. Joseph’s and other schools. The first meet is not all about performing well with fast times and good jumps, but to get back into the routine of competing. “This weekend is a tune-up meet to see where some of the guys are in their training,” said head coach Mike Mulqueen. The Knights have not competed since the spring, but competition is not in the forefront of their minds just yet. Training since September, the team looks forward to seeing just how far it has come. “It’s exciting, of course, to have some fun competing, but this first meet is a great tool to see where we are at as a team,” said junior jumper Kevin Bostick.
“Hopefully we can get some good marks out of it and continue on the right track.” Mulqueen plans to take only his jumpers and middle-distance runners to the meet, with the rest of the team training straight through December and having its opening meet in early January. The New Year’s Invitational
“We have a lot of new guys that haven’t fully experienced college competition yet, so it will be good for them.” MONROE KEARNS Junior
is especially important to field event athletes looking to perfect their form. “It is good to have the guys high jump and pole vault to get their steps down and get the feeling of competing again,” Mulqueen said. The team also looks to this Saturday’s meet as a great tool for the new faces on the team. The first collegiate meet can be daunting for a freshman, so gaining the necessary experience can go a long way, according to junior Monroe Kearns.
“We have a lot of new guys that haven’t fully experienced college competition yet, so it will be good for them to jump in this small meet and get a taste of it,” Kearns said. The Knights hope to leave Princeton on Saturday with a good view of how the rest of the season will play out. “I know ever yone is pretty excited for the meet,” Kearns said. “Hopefully it’s a good start and preview for the rest of the season.” The Jackson, N.J., native placed fourth last year at the New Year’s Invitational in the 600meter run with a time of 1.22:58 behind two other teammates. “It should be exciting for our freshmen. As seen by their practicing, they are eager to run,” said junior Casey Weiss. “I’m also looking for ward to seeing guys run that have not been healthy and haven’t competed in a while.” But the Knights have a second goal in the back of all their minds. “There’s no scoring, so placing doesn’t mean too much,” Kearns said. “Another main goal is to just get through the meet safely avoiding all injuries.” Once a team riddled with bad knees, tweaked hamstrings and stress fractures, the Knights hope to keep injuries at a minimum during the rest of the season.
Junior guard Nikki Speed enters tonight’s game against Georgetown after posting a career-high 17 points against Central Connecticut St.
STICK: Georgetown opens tough stretch of RU’s schedule continued from back The Knights could already go a long way toward building their NCAA Tournament résumé with a couple of big wins, but the challenge starts with protecting their home floor tonight — something the team has done successfully in its histor y. Add the fact that Big East rival Georgetown — a team the Knights are 16-3 against all-time — is the one lighting the torch to the dif ficult schedule, and the stakes are raised even higher. “We have to defend it — it’s personal now,” said junior guard Nikki Speed, who made the 3-pointer to force overtime last year against the Hoyas. “We’re the first ones to play on this court, so that means something. We want to [have] an undefeated season on our floor, so it’s ver y personal with all of us.” Speed put her best foot forward the last time she took to the newly renovated RAC floor, recording her best game since coming to Piscataway. The Pasadena, Calif., native scored a career-high 17 points and added four assists. The scoring output may have been unexpected for others, but not to the junior point guard and her teammates. “Nikki has always been a good shooter for us,” said junior for ward April Sykes, who
led the team with 18 points against Central Connecticut State. “Just to see Nikki relax and pulling up for threes and knowing it’s going in already going down the court — that’s another level of confidence a person can have. It’s great to see her making shots.” Sykes was on fire in the second half of the game against CCS, finishing 8-for-13 from the field in a game the Knights won by 41 points. The team does not expect things to come as easy when it opens up conference play. The Hoyas’ backcour t of sophomore Sugar Rogers and senior Monica McNutt lead Georgetown in scoring with 17.3 and 12.5 points per game, respectively. Rogers posted a double-double with 20 points and 12 boards a season ago to lead all scorers as a true freshman in her team’s Big East Tournament loss. But to win the first leg of this tough stretch, the Knights must start with defense, something Stringer often harps upon. Rutgers welcomes a dynamic backcour t, a legitimate postgame and a ranked opponent for the first time since the squad took on No. 3 Stanford in its second contest of the season. The defense will be tested — along with the rest of the team — but the Hall of Fame head coach would not have it any other way. “Ever ybody is having great years — the teams that we’re playing,” Stringer said. “And yet it’s these kinds of games that really get me excited.”
DECEMBER 9, 2010
Wannstedt alters Big East landscape BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
The biggest news out of the Big East this week is not where teams are FOOTBALL heading for their b o w l MID-WEEK REPORT games, but where one person is not headed for a bowl game. After a disappointing 7-5 finish for Pittsburgh, despite being the preseason favorites to win the conference, the Panthers fired head coach Dave Wannstedt, who had all of the talent to win the league but never did. Pittsburgh, which finished third in the conference, is on its way to Birmingham, Ala., for the BBVA Compass Bowl, formerly the Bowl, to play SEC foe Kentucky. The firing of Wannstedt could play a major role for the Rutgers football team in terms of recruiting, as the Panthers hold commitments from five New Jersey natives and seven major targets of Rutgers head coach Greg Schiano’s recruiting staff. One Rutgers target and Pitt verbal commitment, Woodbridge product defensive lineman Max Issaka, told that the firing of Wannstedt has a major effect on his commitment. “This is a big setback for me; I’m not sure of anything now,” Issaka said.
The Big East released its postseason award honors yesterday with Connecticut, Pittsburgh, South Florida and Louisville receiving the highest honors. Connecticut r unning back Jordan Todman took home Of fensive Player of the Year honors after averaging 143.1 yards per game and running for 1,574 yards and 14 touchdowns, both Big East bests. Todman anchored crucial victories over Pittsburgh and West Virginia that sent the school to its first BCS appearance and earned Randy Edsall co-Big East Coach of the Year with Louisville’s Charlie Strong. Strong, in his first year
BREAK: Knights continue training at home in week off continued from back “The training trip is usually one of the hardest weeks of training we have all season,” said senior captain Jen Betz. “Usually we are too tired from practices to go do other things while we are there, but it’s just nice to have a change of scenery and be in the warm weather.” Rutgers does not leave for Florida until Dec. 30, so the Knights will get some time to spend at home with their families, but that does not mean that they get to spend time away from the pool. Everyone on the team is required to train with their club teams at home during their week off and it is a safe bet that head coach Phil Spiniello will be able to tell who has been working hard. “I wouldn’t exactly call the training trip a vacation,” Betz said. “We are there for one reason and that is to train hard. Our focus will continue to be on practicing and competing.”
replacing Steve Kragthorpe as head coach, took the Cardinals back to a bowl game, where they take on Southern Mississippi in St. Petersburg, Fla. His name was already mentioned with the soon-to-be vacant head coach position at Florida after Urban Meyer announced for the second straight year that he would step down. Strong ser ved as the Gators’ defensive coordinator under Meyer. Pittsburgh’s Jabaal Sheard earned Defensive Player of the Year with nine sacks and 14.5 tackles for loss, anchoring the Panthers’ defensive line in place of the injured Greg Romeus. Dangerous USF return man Lindsey Lamar took home Special Teams Player of the Year over Rutgers’ Joe Lefeged and UConn’s Dave Teggart, while Louisville safety Hakeem Smith
earned Rookie of the Year. My final Big East rankings and bowl predictions: 1.) No. 25 Connecticut — The Huskies do not have the most talent in the conference, but they have what it takes to compete with anyone thanks to Todman on the ground. With that said, it is going to take more than a solid running game to defeat high-powered Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl — Sooners win, 31-13. 2.) No. 22 West Virginia — If it were not for a few blunders by coach Bill Stewart’s squad early in the season, the Mountaineers would be playing in the BCS this season. WVU needs to get its fumble problems under control and call the plays to get Tavon Austin and Noel Devine the ball at the right time. If that happens, they can
The Knights will also see some live action with a Jan. 8 matchup against Maryland. The meet takes place at a semi-neutral site in Annapolis, Md., but one would be naïve to think that the Terrapins will not have some semblance of a home advantage. “Our team is focused and I think we will be ready to go for Maryland after the training trip,” Lindblad said. “Winter training takes swimming and diving to a whole new level and this will help us to prepare for the remainder of our meets this season and the Big East Championship.” The matchup against Maryland is the last road meet for Rutgers until the Big East Championship and the perfect test to see if their winter training paid off. The Knights will rely on veteran leaders like Betz to ensure that the entire team stays sharp all winter. “I know everyone will want to push themselves to do their best,” Betz said. “Hopefully, I will be able to keep everyone excited and looking forward to the rest of our season, even though training is at its toughest during this time.”
take North Carolina State in the Champs Bowl — Mountaineers win, 34-21. 3.) South Florida — The Bulls kept most games close and almost pulled it out against Connecticut to play spoiler last week. With Skip Holtz as the head coach, USF proved it can win after October, but have a tough task in Clemson at the Meineke Car Care Bowl — Tigers win, 28-20. 4.) Pittsburgh — It is going to be hard for the Panthers to recuperate for one more game after dismissing Wannstedt as head coach. Look what happened to Cincinnati last year after Brian Kelly bounced Notre Dame. But Kentucky isn’t exactly a powerhouse — Panthers win, 17-13. 5.) Syracuse — The Orange and second-year head coach Doug Marrone started off on fire, but tailed off in the second half of the season. But the Orange will be jacked up to be back in a bowl game and play close to home at Yankee Stadium in the first New Era Pinstripe Bowl against Kansas State — Orange win, 13-10.
Dave Wannstedt, above, retired as head coach at Pittsburgh after a disappointing year saw UConn and Jordan Todman win the Big East.
6.) Louisville — The Cardinals became bowl eligible by embarrassing Rutgers on Senior Day and have a legitimate running threat in Bilal Powell. Playing in the Beef ‘O’ Brady’s Bowl against Southern Miss is a big step for Strong in his first year as head coach and will be a building block to a stronger season next year — Cardinals win, 23-13. 7.) Cincinnati — The Bearcats have a dangerous offense, but the team needs a defense to win. Remember, they did allow 38 points against Rutgers. 8.) Rutgers — Let’s see what happens in Schiano’s re-evaluation period over the next few weeks and if the Knights can land some of the bigger recruits in the class, like Savon Huggins, Miles Shuler and Josue Matias.
PA G E 1 6
DECEMBER 9, 2010
G’Town offers measuring stick for young team BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ
Same Sykes brings new consistency
A double-over time win against Georgetown in last year’s Big East Tournament still rings loud in the minds WOMEN’S BASKETBALL of many on the Rutgers women’s GEORGETOWN AT basketball team. When head RUTGERS, coach C. Vivian TONIGHT, 7:30 P.M. Stringer’s squad hits the hardwood at the Louis Brown Athletic Center tonight to take on the Hoyas for the first time since that game, many familiar faces will be on the floor for both sides. So who made the most strides since that contest? Stringer will not know the answer to that question until after the contest, but embraces the challenge of finding out. “There’s no question, Georgetown gives us the chance to measure up,” Stringer said. “You do not know if you’ve improved unless you challenge yourself against the best and Georgetown has been impressive in their play. “They’re better, more confident and probably the quickest zone that I’ve seen, period. They’ve got all the elements necessary to be successful. I know that we’ve gotten better, but it would be great to have a quality win so that we know we’ve gotten better.” A quality win is something that has eluded Stringer and Co. so far this season. The team had its shot at No. 3 Stanford and California in a trip to the West and failed to snag a win in a nail-biter against nearby Temple. With No. 12 Georgetown coming to town, the Scarlet Knights kick off a slew of tough matchups with some of the most elite schools in the nation — a list that includes No. 25 Boston College, No. 8 Texas A&M and No. 7 Tennessee.
Junior forward April Sykes scored at least 18 points in three of the team’s past four games. The most recent came in the Knights’ 73-32 victory over Central Connecticut State.
Winter brings no break for RU’s training BY MATT CANVISSER
Senior safety Joe Lefeged earned Second Team All-Big East Honors yesterday, the league announced. The Germantown, Md., native was the only Rutgers representative on either of the two conference teams. The eight conference coaches vote on the awards, and each of the other seven teams had at least one player on the league’s first team. Each of the other seven teams also had more than one player named to the two teams. Lefeged finished second on JOE the Scarlet Knights LEFEGED with 84 tackles and had 1.5 sacks, an interception and four forced fumbles. But some of his best work was done on special teams, where he blocked two kicks and recovered another to return it for a touchdown. He also broke the school record with 948 yards on 38 kickoff returns for an average of 24.9 yards per return. Lefeged is also one of 10 semifinalists for the Jim Thorpe Award, which is given to the nation’s top defensive back.
The rest of the school may get nearly a month off during winter break, but for a team with Big East SWIMMING & DIVING Championship aspirations, there RUTGERS AT is no vacation. BOSTON UNIVERSITY, The Rutgers SATURDAY, 1 P.M. swimming and diving team will continue to train throughout the holiday season, but do not pity them just yet. The Scarlet Knights (2-3, 1-3) will still train as hard as ever, but they will trade the Banks for Indian Shores, Fla. The team takes the trip ever y two years and fundraised to pay for this training session since the last one. “The team is definitely looking forward to our training trip to Florida,” said junior Brianne Lindblad. “It will allow us to get some hard work done in the pool but also escape the school atmosphere for a little while and not worr y about exams or homework.” The Knights hope the Florida weather cooperates and allows them to train outdoors, which would be a change of pace from the RU Aquatic Center. Rutgers will scrimmage Franklin and Marshall on Jan. 6 and will try to maintain their competitive nature in a locale where most go to relax.
She is still the same player that came to Piscataway two years ago as the No. 2 overall recruit in the country. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL And she is still the same player who struggled through her first two seasons of collegiate basketball at Rutgers. But things are different this time around, be it junior April Sykes’ new number or newfound consistency on the court. The Starkville, Miss., native is just keeping it simple this time around. “It’s fun, it’s exciting, [and] I’m relaxed,” Sykes said. “My teammates do a great job distributing the ball to me. We’re playing as a team, we don’t really force a lot of things, and I think it’s great that our shooting percentage is the best in a long time at Rutgers.” The Knights’ shooting percentage stands a 46.2 percent — the highest percentage a Rutgers team has had in the past four seasons and far better than last year’s lowly 39.2 percent clip. Sykes’ 29.3 shooting percentage, among other factors, brought down the team total a year ago, but this year the forward’s play is an integral par t of the team’s offensive success. Her 18-point outing against Central Connecticut State displayed her scoring explosiveness and also reiterated how significant her presence is on the floor. In games in which Sykes scored in double-figures throughout her career, Rutgers is 11-3. The junior forward rattled off six double-digit scoring efforts this season, but none were more impressive than her performances over the past four contests, when Sykes dropped at least 18 points on three different occasions. Over that span, Sykes owns a 64 percent mark from the field — more than double
Junior Brianne Lindblad led the Scarlet Knights’ 200-yard medley relay team that took the top spot in their 179-100 victory last weekend over Wagner.
— Steven Miller