THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 6 9
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Today: Rain
High: 41 • Low: 33
Sophomore quarterback Tom Savage’s decision to transfer was just one of many developments for the Rutgers football team in the early parts of the offseason.
Million-dollar funding launches Opera Institute BY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO UNIVERSITY EDITOR
The Mason Gross School of the Arts is set to fulfill a longtime goal of expanding its opera program with the upcoming launch of the new Opera Institute at Rutgers. Through a $6.6 million bequest to the school from the estate of University alumna Victoria Mastrobuono, the institute will give graduate students the chance to gain practical skills and experience needed to succeed in their professional lives. “Opera is one of the most successful art forms within classical music. We have noticed that we are not only retaining our opera audiences, but we’re also growing them,” said Antonius Bittman, chairman of the music department. “There are a lot of people who really want to see this go into fruition and grow bigger at Rutgers.” The school anticipates the first wave of students to begin the two-year program this coming fall and will audition as part of admission, said Pamela Gilmore, director and producer of the Opera Institute. Once in the program, they will pursue a concentration in opera within a master’s degree, Bittman said. This offering is only temporar y while the institute waits for accreditation from entities like the National Association of Schools of Music to ultimately offer a master’s degree in opera performance. “We haven’t been able to really offer degrees in opera or concentrations in opera because we didn’t really have adequate curriculum,” Gilmore said. As it stands, the program consists of Opera Workshop, a course with 25 to 30 students involved, she said. But seven core classes will be introduced specifically designed for singers. Classes will touch upon topics like acting and movement for singers, diction in foreign languages and the histor y of opera, Gilmore said. They also hope to include courses in voice science and the business of opera.
Gov. Chris Christie signed the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights into law earlier this month which establishes new rules on how public school educators are to resolve bullying incidents. The bill gained prominence after the death of University student Tyler Clementi.
Law sets strict anti-bullying regulations BY AMY ROWE STAFF WRITER
Gov. Chris Christie has signed the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, a piece of legislation some are calling the strictest antibullying law in the country. The legislation is the first in America that sets firm deadlines for New Jersey’s public school teachers and administrators to repor t and resolve any incidents of bullying, said Steven Goldstein, chair and CEO of Garden State Equality, a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization. “The era of loopholes and vagueness in anti-bullying laws is over,” Goldstein said. “Hope for New Jersey’s children has begun.” Christie signed the bill Jan. 5, spokesman Michael Drewniak told The
Star-Ledger. The governor’s office declined to comment further. The legislation strengthens New Jersey’s cyber-bullying laws and also applies to bullying conducted outside of school that continues during school hours, Goldstein said. “I was so relieved when Christie signed the bill,” said Sen. Barbara Buono, D-Union, one of the bill’s sponsors. “I had heard he was uncomfortable with some parts of the bill, particularly the aspect of bullying outside of school, but thankfully, he signed it and kept it fully intact.” The law includes a provision, applicable to the state’s public universities, which says ever y student must be aware of anti-bullying rules and regulations within seven days of the start of the fall 2011 semester. But some students question the likelihood that the new rule will be effective.
“I don’t think simple knowledge of bullying policies will stop bullying on campus,” said Kevin Miller, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “Although the University will distribute the rules to everyone, I don’t think everyone will read them.” Garden State Equality began conducting research in conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League and the N.J. Coalition of Bullying Awareness and Prevention a little more than a year ago before the alleged bullying-related suicide of University student Tyler Clementi, Goldstein said. The bill gained publicity after Clementi’s death, which occurred after his roommate allegedly streamed an intimate encounter between him and another man on the Internet.
Program shelters homeless from cold BY CHASE BRUSH CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Graduate student in vocal performance Eileen Cooper, who performs in last semester’s production of “Flora,” said the new Opera Institute offers valuable resources to aspiring singers.
As the temperature continues to drop during the winter months, non-profit organization Elijah’s Promise soup kitchen opens its doors to the homeless, providing them with a place to spend the night and escape the cold. Code Blue, the New Brunswick-based soup kitchen’s latest program, gives those without a home a place to stay and spend the night indoors when the temperature drops below 20 degrees or when there are more than six inches of snow on the ground. Executive Director Lisanne Finston said the new program is another way the multifaceted organization is helping to support the community. “We are a connection and entr y point for people who are low-income and homeless,” she said. “Our focus is food, security and hunger, but the reality is that many of the
people who are str uggling and need food resources are also homeless.” New Brunswick’s homeless can settle down to the kitchen’s hospitality from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. during freezing nights at 18 Neilson St., Finston said. “We realized that our facility is a space that people come at night for dinner,” she said. “Then we thought, while they’re here, why not just let them stay for the night and get out of the cold?” The facility can provide not only a place to stay, but a sense of community for those who use it, Finston said. “People can come and go, although most people just come and stay,” she said. “Some people grab a blanket and curl up on the floor and sleep, some people sit in chairs and sleep, and some people just stay awake all night to drink coffee, have snacks and talk.” The program was enacted in response to an incident last January when a homeless per-
son was found frozen to death on the streets of New Brunswick, said Tony Nunno, volunteer and donations coordinator for Elijah’s Promise. Police called to refer people to Code Blue on a total of 14 nights last year, accommodating up to 15 guests each night. “A few of our patrons at the soup kitchen were upset and scared because they were on the streets, and we were having a ver y cold spell with a lot of nights where the temperature dropped into the teens,” Finston said. “[After the incident], we put our heads together and decided something needed to be done.” Although Code Blue provides the homeless with a warm room and a way to pass the cold nights, it does not provide guests with cots or beds to sleep on, Finston said. “By law, we cannot have [beds]. We’re a warming center, we’re not a shelter,” she said.
INDEX UNIVERSITY A University alumna competes for a five-star honeymoon on TLC’s show “Four Weddings.”
METRO An organization holds cultural festivals in New Brunswick to promote global awareness.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 9 WORLD . . . . . . . . . 10 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 14 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 16 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 18 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
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TODAY Rain, with a high of 41° TONIGHT Rain, with a low of 33°
1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1
142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
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SIX PROFESSORS GET NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOR SCIENCE WORK The American Association of the Advancement of Science has named six University professors fellows based on their efforts to advance science. The new fellows include physics and astronomy Professors Eva Andrei and Karin Rabe, marine and coastal sciences Professor Karl Nordstrom, environmental science Professor Barbara Turpin, molecular biology and biochemistry Professor Eileen White and chemical biology Professor Chung Yang, according to a University Media Relations press release. Andrei was recognized for her low-temperature experiments from Wigner crystallization of electrons to Dirac fermions in graphene. Meanwhile, Nordstrom was recognized for research concerning the dynamics and management of human-altered systems. Rabe was awarded for contributions to the development and application of theoretical and computational methods for the study of structural phase transitions in solids. Turpin was recognized for her contributions to the basic knowledge of the properties and effects of organic aerosis, tiny particles in the air. White earned recognition through her contributions to cancer research by clarifying mechanisms of cell death and survival regulation and as associate director of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. Yang was acknowledged for his studying cytochrome P450 enzymes, drug metabolism, toxicity, mechanisms of carcinogenesis and cancer prevention. — Amy Rowe
PA G E 3
Alumna’s dream wedding gets praise on TLC show BY ANDREA GOYMA STAFF WRITER
With a five-star honeymoon within the grasp of the winning newlyweds, University alumna Kelly Moore and her Tim Burtoninspired wedding set out to compete for the ultimate prize against three other brides on TLC’s show “Four Weddings.” Now in its third season, “Four Weddings” highlights unique weddings across the countr y, with each participating bride — four in total — agreeing to attend and judge each other’s weddings based on food, venue, dress, originality and overall experience. A self-proclaimed Tim Bur ton fan who considers Halloween her favorite holiday, Moore’s Bur ton-themed wedding, which was held at the historical Inn at Lamber tville Station in Lamber tville, N.J., gar nered the most points on originality. “[My husband] Steve and I are both huge Tim Bur ton fans, so we wanted to incorporate his designs into our wedding,” said Moore, a Douglass College graduate. “I really dislike ‘cookie-cutter’ weddings — pastels, lace, pink. So we went with really vibrant, bold colors like violet, crimson red and evergreens.” The couple also incorporated many black-and-white stripes and quotes or images from their favorite Tim Burton films like “Corpse Bride,” “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and “Alice in Wonderland” into their wedding,
Moore said. Some of her guests even changed into costumes after the ceremony. The episode, which aired Friday, was an interesting experience for Moore’s fiancé. “It was strange to watch myself on television, but it was fun,” he said. Moore met her husband at a funeral, where both were friends of the deceased’s family, but had never met previously. She said Steve proposed three times thereafter. “The first time was sor t of spontaneously down the shore during the summer of the first year we were dating,” she said. “He didn’t have a ring, so he used my Claddagh ring to propose. The next day, he bought me a dolphin ring of f the boardwalk and proposed again on the beach.” The last proposal, with a ring her fiancé actually made, was about a month later. “It was first thing in the morning in the middle of his parents’ kitchen, and he just had his tonsils out, so I really couldn’t understand what he was saying,” she said. “I was so mad. I told him, ‘Now? You’re doing this now? I’m not even dressed.’” Because Moore’s wedding was on a tight budget, the couple could not af ford a videographer, so while browsing the Internet she found the casting page for “Four Weddings,” filled out an application and submitted it. “I didn’t expect to hear anything immediately, but the next
day, I got a call requesting for an inter view in Manhattan,” she said. A taped interview and a stack of release forms later, they informed the couple that if they were selected, they would get a phone call in a week, Moore said. Three days later, they were invited onto the show. All contestants were required to attend and judge each others’ ceremonies, which all took place within a 30-day period, Moore said. The last weekend in September marked the first day of shooting and the last day took place in early November. “So you pretty much went to a wedding ever y weekend,” she said. Moore, who does not consider herself a girly girl, was not too excited over dressing up and going to weddings but said she would tr y anything once. “The first wedding we went to was at Bergen Community College. It was an outdoor ceremony with 22 attendants and 250 guests,” she said. “Unfor tunately, they didn’t seem to plan for that many. They ran out of both food and drinks throughout the reception, so that was a bit of a sticky situation.” Another wedding, held at Russo’s on the Bay in Queens, N.Y., had more food than was necessar y. “You think of it, they had it,” Moore said. “Bongo players, saxophone players, two disc jockeys, an 11-course menu — it was crazy.”
But while attending weddings on a weekly basis may sound like a good time, the filming schedule is not as glamorous as it seems, she said. “I wasn’t expecting it to be as rigorous as it was,” Moore said. “When we initially agreed to sign up for the show, we were told it would be five full days of shooting and one or two and a half days of shooting.” Moore said some of the pickup times were before 7 a.m., and some nights, they were shooting so late that the sun came out before they turned in. “I think if I had known that going into it, I may not have done the show,” she said. But Moore’s brother James is thankful for his minutes of fame. “It was cool to see everyone on TV and all our crazy costumes,” he said. Nevertheless, Moore considers watching the process of filming a television show and seeing how it all comes together to be her favorite par t, though she disliked judging the other women’s weddings. “Ever yone has their per fect wedding for them, and I am not super keen on criticizing anyone else’s dream wedding,” she said. While Moore did not win the five-star honeymoon prize, she could not be happier with her own wedding experience. “We had a beautiful day, but it went by in a blur,” she said. “We had a few stumbles along the way, but I really didn’t stress about anything, and it was a really great day.”
18, 2011
COLD: Soup kitchen gets help from University community continued from front Code Blue is the organization’s latest ser vice to further an already extensive community outreach, Nunno said. “Elijah’s Promise is open 365 days a year through snow, rain or hurricane,” he said.
OPERA: Increased funds create scholarship opportunities continued from front “[The course range] is diverse, but they’re all skills that are critical for opera singers,” she said. Graduate student of vocal performance Eileen Cooper said lessons on acting a movement are particularly useful for singers who are staging an opera during crunch time. “Having classes that give you the time and energy that’s exclusively devoted to learning how to move on stage and to develop the characters that you are tr ying to play, I think that’ll be a really big help,” she said. Cooper, who took par t in last semester’s production of
The community soup kitchen’s volunteers serve about 300 meals per week, Nunno said. “We get a lot of help from Rutgers and the surrounding community,” he said. “We’ve had help from groups like the football team, the rugby team, a number of sororities and fraternities and Rutgers Against Hunger. [The University] is good to us.” Among those volunteering at Elijah’s Promise is Christopher
Gunning, president of the University’s Nutrition Club, which donates about 100 bagged lunches to the soup kitchen’s Bag Meal program each year for people who are working and unable to get to the kitchen during meal times. “We’re all about eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle,” said Gunning, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences senior. “We feel those less fortunate should still be able to receive these
kinds of meals, even if it’s just a bagged lunch we are able to provide for them.” Gunning thinks the program is helping New Brunswick’s homeless community. “[Code Blue] is a great thing,” Gunning said. “When the temperature begins to drop this low, anything to get people off the streets and out of the cold at night is helpful.” Above all else, Finston said Elijah’s Promise’s foremost con-
cern is getting people off the streets and providing a support system for those in need. “In many ways, we want to give people a place where they can talk and reflect on making their community a better place,” she said. “We’re a center and a household for the community where people are nourished, can gather, connect and suppor t one another. We are the community kitchen.”
“Flora,” is also interested in the practical knowledge that will be of fered in the business classes. “You get out into the real world, and sometimes it’s ver y difficult to be able to navigate your way through reality,” Cooper said. “It’ll be a nice thing to have classes that’ll prepare people for what it’s actually like on the other side once you are dealing with directors, auditions and managers.” Aside from courses, the current program puts on one major production during the spring semester along with a scenes program in the fall, where select portions of an opera or a short baroque opera are fully staged, Bittman said. With the institute, the number of main stage performances will expand to two per year, Gilmore said.
“We’re generally looking to the Opera Institute to help us raise the production value for all of our productions,” she said. In addition to expanding the curriculum, funding will create
American soprano singer Nancy Gustafson has already agreed to work as a part-time lecturer for the institute this fall, Bittman said. “She was here last semester as a replacement of [Assistant Professor] Eduardo Chama who was on extensive tours … to teach his students during his absence,” he said. “She is so well-known, and we hope to recruit more of these par ttime faculty members to join the institute.” The school is also working to create an alliance with the annual Castleton Festival, a popular opera festival in Virginia, in hopes that opera students at the University will get to sing in its productions, Bittman said. As an aspiring professional singer, Cooper said an alliance with the festival would give stu-
dents a good advantage by putting them in contact with people in the field and boosting their name recognition. “Your personal exposure and who you know is 90 percent of the time almost equally if not more impor tant than what you’re able to do,” Cooper said. “You could be wonder ful, and if you don’t know anybody or don’t have any connections, it’s ver y dif ficult to get work.” Although the number of spots offered is not entirely figured out yet, Gilmore said the opera department is hoping to expand their enrollment. “I’m ver y excited,” she said. “I feel we’re ver y lucky. I’m ver y grateful for this wonderful opportunity to develop a program that I hope is going to bring us some national prominence in the art form.”
“We’re generally looking to the [institute] to help us raise the production value for all of our productions.” PAMELA GILMORE Opera Institute Director and Producer
more scholarship opportunities for students and open more available staf f positions, Gilmore said.
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Professor’s app gets named 2010 iPad game of year BY CLIFF WANG CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Apple Inc.’s recent naming of Osmos as its 2010 “iPad Game of the Year,” gave University computer science Assistant Professor Andrew Nealen further acclaim for his work on the project. Osmos, which is “par t physics-based eat-’em-up, part ambient, cosmic simulator” according to the game’s App Store product description, has won its fair share of accolades since its release. Other than earning “Best of Show” and “Most Fun/Compelling” at the 2009 IndieCade International Festival of Independent Games, Osmos was selected for the “PAX 10” and has received the Direct2Drive Vision Award. “When I saw the extended prototype of Osmos, I knew that this was going to be good and immediately made time to help out with the project,” Nealen said. Osmos, which Nealen and his friends created, went through many stages of development before it was ready for the iPad. “The inspiration for the game came to Eddy Boxerman as he was doing dishes and he sent me the first prototype in the fall of 2006,” he said.
U. RETURNS PAINTING SEIZED BY NAZIS TO FAMILY The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum returned an original painting this month plundered by Nazis decades ago. Friedrich and Louise Gutmann, a Jewish couple from a prominent banking family, negotiated with the Nazis in the spring of 1943 to ship seven paintings from their renowned collection in exchange for safe passage from the Netherlands to Italy, according to an article on Rutgers FOCUS. The painting, a rare 16th century portrait, was returned to the couple’s grandson, Simon Goodman, according to the article. The portrait is by German artist Hans Baldung Grien. “The restitution of this painting is a vindication for my family,” said Goodman, who accepted the portrait on behalf of his brother Nick, and his 91-year-old aunt Lili Gutmann, who lives in Florence, Italy. “I can’t get over the civility, kindness and sympathy we’ve received from individuals at Rutgers and the Zimmerli.” The family had been searching for the painting for 50 years, according to the article. Goodman’s father Bernard Guttman and his aunt Lili dedicated their lives to researching and reclaiming the artwork. “On behalf of the University, we are enormously proud to be able to make this right,” said Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip J. Furmanski in the article. “It keeps in the public view what a horror this has been — and it is still not completely adjudicated.” Goodman said he plans to sell the painting at Christie’s New York auction at the end of the month in order to divide the proceeds among the heirs, according to the article. The painting, believed to be a self-portrait of the artist, is expected to be worth approximately $200,000 to $300,000. — Ariel Nagi
The early version of Osmos had blue and red spheres, and the gameplay was similar to that of the early levels of the official release of the game. “Eddy would call me every couple of weeks to tell me he needed graphics for some new thing,” said co-developer Kun Chang. “I would drop by and we’d do other Photoshop files, play with transparencies and movements.” After Nealan joined the team in the summer of 2007, he and the other members submitted Osmos the following fall to the Independent Games Festival of 2008. “We received no nominations. So Eddy, Dave Burke, Kun Chang and myself put another year of tweaking and polishing into the game, and we resubmitted it in the fall of 2008,” Nealan said. Their resubmission earned them four nominations at the IGF 2009 and by August 2009, Osmos was released on PC and later ported to Mac and Linux. Work soon began on the iPhone version of the game but the team was not convinced it would translate well due to the smaller size. “Aaron Barsky, who had crafted the Mac port, wanted to work on it and started this around January 2010,” Nealen said. “The first playable prototype on the iPhone was ready a few months
later and exceeded our expectations by far. It was beautiful.” With the release of the iPad, it became clear its touch screen interface would be a better match for Osmos, he said. “We decided to release it for the iPad first and thanks to Apple featuring it as the iPad game of the week, it went from zero to No. 1 topselling app on day one,” Nealen said.
“When I saw the extended prototype of Osmos, I knew that this was going to be good.” ANDREW NEALEN Computer Science Assistant Professor
In the days leading up to Christmas, the game was offered as part of a five-game bundle for Windows, Mac and Linux. “We were asked if we wanted Osmos to be part of the Humble Indie Bundle 2 and given the incredible success of the first bundle in 2009, being part of this was a no-brainer,” Nealen said. The five-game bundle allowed gamers to pay any price they wanted for the package, as well as
let them decide how much of what they paid they wanted to go to the games’ developers and how much went to charity. In the end, the bundle sold 232,854 copies and made $1.8 million, with a large part of the money going to charity, he said. Neelan never expected the game to snowball into what it is today. He said he finds it fascinating and inspiring. “Because we were so few people creating it, it feels kind of different when it gets good reviews than when it is a game that 400 people worked on,” said Chang, who previously worked on games like Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia. Many University students are among the avid players of Osmos and talked about the game’s appeal. “It’s such a simple concept but has such awesome graphics and cool electronic music,” said Divya Madisetty, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. Nealen said his career in the field of computer graphics has been a long time coming. “I started my career in computer graphics around 2002 at the age of 32,” Nealen said. “I have always been magically attracted to video games and computer science and it seemed like the right thing to do.”
Research and teaching have been a par t of Nealen’s life since 1989 and he prefers a good mix of analysis and creation, which led him to pursue an academic career. “My courses are always in flux and I tr y to incorporate the newest finding so that students are immediately capable of academic research after they have taken my class,” he said. His students played an active part of the play testing and feedback process for Osmos ever since the summer of 2007, when he taught his first game design class in Berlin. Despite Osmos’ growth, Nealen currently works on other projects like a book on minimalist game design, directing two research projects in his lab, teaching computer graphics, shape modeling and game design, and working on two small game prototypes — one for the book project and one for himself. “As much as I enjoy teaching and scholarship, the creation of something, whether it’s a research tool or a game or anything else, and the feedback that comes from those interested in your work, are by far the most rewarding things I can think of,” Nealen said. “It’s what inspires me to keep on keeping on.”
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U NIVERSITY LAW: State leaders see
At Mindfulness Meditation, held in Room 122A of the Busch Campus Center from 12 to 1 p.m., faculty, staff and students are welcome to practice the art of becoming a compassionate observer of their own experience. Meditation helps achieve mindfulness and reduce stress. No previous experience is necessary and the workshop is hosted by Counseling, ADAP & Psychiatry. Contact Siobhan Gibbons at or (732)-932-7884 for more information. Current undergraduate students, researchers, graduate students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend a workshop at the Kreeger Learning Research Center providing an introduction to managing a course website on Sakai. Sakai is a website for organizing class materials, discussions, assignments, grade reporting and group work, and this course will cover the site’s basic use for the most common course tasks. There is no fee and the course is scheduled to run from 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. Contact Jay Rimmer at or (732)-932-7747 for more information. Starting today, the University community can register for Recreation classes. Try something new, de-stress or get fit from more than 300 options in the areas of aquatics, dance, fitness, body/mind/spirit, martial arts, outdoor trips, sports and personal enrichment. Register online at Registration ends Feb. 11. Interested in becoming part of The Daily Targum? Attend one of our weekly writers meetings held in Suite 431 of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus at 9:30 p.m. There one of our news editors will give you the run-down on writing and reporting and give you your first assignment. Contact Reena Diamante at for more information.
A New Jersey Film Festival Spring 2011 Screening will be held in the Ruth Adams Building on the Douglass campus tonight from 6 to 8 p.m. The featured film is Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer by Thom Anderson, Fay Anderson and Morgan Fisher. It follows the origins of cinema and Muybridge, its forefather. General admission is $10 and $9 for students and seniors. There will also be commentary by Festival Director Albert Nigrin, who is part of the University’s American Film Directors course. The Rutgers Film Co-op/New Jersey Media Arts Center and the Cinema Studies Program are hosting the event. Visit for more information.
Explore the adventurous American spirit in Charles Ives’ Concord Sonata along with works by Louis Moreau Gottschalk and George Gershwin at a special concert at the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum on the College Avenue campus. “Concord Sonata: The Music of Charles Ives” is a lecture and recital that will have musical demonstrations to enhance the listening experience of the rich and complex sonata. The performance is scheduled to start at 3 p.m. and end at 4 p.m., and tickets are $15 for the general public, $10 for museum members and $5 for students with valid IDs. Tickets will only be sold on the day of the concert on a first-come, first-serve basis, starting at 12:30 p.m. Contact the museum at (732)-932-7237 for more information.
Join the Rutgers Graduate School of Education Student Affairs Committee in learning about a successful student-teaching experience from the shared memories and advice of the fall 2010 Student Teaching Interns. This meet-and-greet is an opportunity to connect with faculty, students and other GSE program cohorts. This free event is scheduled to run from 7:45 to 10 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.
“Strategic Human Resource Management: Business Strategy” is the first in a series of workshops in the Strategic Human Resource Management Certificate Program. This workshop will consider decisions regarding strategic expansion, the introduction of new products or services as well as the diversification into complimentary industries. The course is scheduled to run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Janice H. Levin Building on Livingston campus. Each workshop, sponsored by the Rutgers Center for Management Development, costs $475. Visit for more information.
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weakness in old legislation continued from front The legislation also stresses education on suicide prevention for teachers, who can pass information on to bullied students. “We had anticipated that a tragedy could happen in New Jersey given the weakness of the previous anti-bullying law,” he said. The new legislation builds on the state’s previous anti-bullying law enacted in 2002, which promises protection for students bullied for any reason, Goldstein said. “After the original anti-bullying bill was signed into law in 2002, it became clear it wasn’t being implemented evenly across the state,” Buono said. “We saw we needed to tighten the law up, and we saw the string of tragedies increased the likelihood of swift passage.” The new law also states that from kindergar ten through
J A N UA RY 1 8 , 2 0 1 1 grade 12, teachers and other school personnel must report bullying incidents to the principal on the same day the incident occurs. Schools must begin an investigation within one day of the incident, and it must be resolved within 10 days. In addition, the law mandates an anti-bullying team at each
“We saw the string of tragedies increased the likelihood of swift passage.” BARBARA BUONO State Senator
school comprised of an anti-bullying specialist, a parent, a teacher, the principal and others he or she appoints. Schools will also be graded on how well they deal with these situations and must post the grades on their websites’ homepages.
“As someone bullied in my own youth, I can’t even begin to describe how the passage of this bill is a moment of deeply poignant, personal healing for me and thousands of others who have been bullied,” Goldstein said. “This legislation will make a kinder, safer place for students for generations to come.” The bill was originally approved in November with a Senate vote of 30-0 and Assembly vote of 73-1, with five abstentions in the Assembly. Garden State Equality had an open dialogue during the drafting process with legislators who sponsored the bill, Goldstein said. Buono hopes the bill will convince students that school is a safe atmosphere. “So many children are kept awake by fears of what awaits them at school the next day. Some will lose more than just sleep,” she said. “I hope the signing of the bill shows any student being bullied that it will get better.”
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CALENDAR Group travels to spread cultural diversity JANUARY Comedian Gabriel Iglesias will be performing his “Hot and Fluffy” routine at the State Theater on George Street at 9 p.m. Tickets range from $25 to $42. Discounts apply for groups of 12 or more. For more information, visit or call 732-246-7469.
New Brunswick’s Theological Seminar y presents “First Things First-Worship” series at New Brunswick Theological Seminary will host Alex Ellis’ Tied For Greatness program beginning at 6:20 p.m. at 17 Seminar y Place, New Brunswick. The cost of the event is free. For more information, please contact Cathy Proctor, director of Development, at 732-247-5241 x 134 or
Concerts East presents an Acoustic Evening with John Hiatt and L yle Lovett at the State Theatre on Livingston Avenue at 8 p.m. Tickets range in price $35 to $78 and can be purchased directly at the box office or online at For more information, please contact the State Theatre at (732) 246-7469.
New Brunswick Rocks hosts the first of its Friday Night Date Nights at nine separate locations throughout the city. Restaurants will offer specialty meals with couple rates, as well as, romantic-themed dining options. For more information visit New Brunswick Rocks, Skunk Records presents Paulie Nugent and Ded Rabbidz, Milan & the Sour Goat, Silent Knight and Fuse, and Garden Line at The Court Tavern from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. This is a 21 and older event. For ticket prices and more information please visit
Select restaurants around New Brunswick will be hosting a fundraiser event to benefit the Eric LeGrand Believe Fund. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the 50 percent of the ticket price will go toward the Believe Fund. For more information, visit
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Members of the global community have the oppor tunity to connect with each other through Sister Cities International, a nonprofit organization that started in 1957 to promote cultural awareness. The Washington D.C.-based organization holds events that include the Armchair Travel Series, a string of cultural festivals, as well as a student exchange program. SCI held three armchair travel events this past month in the New Br unswick Free Public Librar y as par t of their tour. Each event explored the Irish, Hungarian and Japanese cultures. For New Br unswick, last Saturday’s Irish culture festival was the last of its travel series. Through the festivals Director of the librar y Bob Belvin wanted residents of the city to understand the significance of Sister Cities International.
“Plenty of people don’t know about different cultures,” said Belvin, a Sister Cities community member. “This association informs them of the variety of cultural possibilities.” Belvin said people of New Brunswick do not know much about the Hungarian culture anymore. “At one point, New Brunswick was the most Hungarian city in the country,” he said. “Now there are hardly any Hungarian restaurants left.” Because of this declining population, Debrecen, Hungary, is now a sister city of New Brunswick, Blevin said. “The Sister Cities Association is important because it reminds people of all the different cultures merged into New Brunswick,” he said. The Japanese culture was also prevalent in the city in 1867 when University alumnus Kusakabe Taro was the first Japanese to graduate, Belvin said. Taro was a big reason why a Sister City relationship existed
between Fukui, Japan, and New Brunswick, Belvin said. Archival Librarian Kim Adams stressed how much New Brunswick has changed since Taro’s time. “New Br unswick has become a merged culture,” Adams said. “People are diverging and cultures are becoming invisible. The Sister Cities Association, through their Armchair Travel Series, allows people to gain insight into other cultures.” The library regularly does programming with New Brunswick’s sister cities, she said. “The Armchair Travel Series is a special program that allows us to focus on one sister city’s countr y at a time,” Adams said. Through the Armchair Travel Series, SCI encourages people to recognize the immigrants within New Brunswick who are learning new customs and cultures, she said. The librar y often hosts the series because it is a social arena in which many residents can gather together.
“Although we get many different cultures that come to the library, many of them may not have even heard Irish music,” she said. “This is why it is important that we held the Celtic music performance here.” Aside from the presentations held at the New Brunswick Free Public Librar y, another way the organization aims to diversify the city is by holding a student exchange program, Adams said. This program enables students in New Brunswick to travel abroad and foreign students to travel to New Brunswick. Jane Tublin, director of International Programs for the City of New Br unswick and Sister Cities International New Jersey State coordinator, said the exchange program has helped students diversify their thinking by enabling them to see dif ferent countries and cultures. “The kids are the future leaders,” Tublin said. “And since we live in a global society, it’s important to open their eyes to other cultures and other worlds.”
THIEVES BREAK INTO SAYREVILLE STORE, LEAVE WITH ATM Burglars fled with an ATM and a cash register yesterday morning after breaking into a convenience store located at a gas station in Sayreville, police said in an article. Police responded at approximately 4:25 a.m. to a burglar alarm at the
Raceway station located on Ernston Road and Bordentown Avenue, according to the article. Police found the front glass door shattered and the cash register missing. Police also found that the burglars forcibly removed the ATM by attaching it
to a vehicle and pulling it out of the store, according to the article. Police did not announce the amount of cash stolen, and the investigation is ongoing. — Ariel Nagi
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Egyptian recreates Tunisian protest THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warns about the need to lift the legal debt limit, one of two options Congress has to combat an all-time high national debt of more than $14 trillion or approximately $45,300 per citizen. The other option would be to dramatically cut spending.
US debt setting new milestone THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — The United States just passed a dubious milestone: Government debt surged to an all-time high, topping $14 trillion — $45,300 for each and everyone in the country. That means Congress soon will have to lift the legal debt limit to give the nearly maxedout government an even higher credit limit or dramatically cut spending to stay within the current cap. Either way, a fight is ahead on Capitol Hill, inflamed by the passions of tea party activists and deficit hawks. Already, both sides are blaming each other for an approaching economic train wreck as Washington wrestles over how to keep the government in business and avoid default on global financial obligations. Bills increasing the debt limit are among the most unpopular to come before Congress, ser ving as pawns for decades in high-stakes bargaining games. Ever y time until now, the ending has been the same: We go to the brink before raising the ceiling. All bets may be off, however, in this charged political environment, despite some signs the partisan rhetoric is softening after the Arizona shootings. Treasur y Secretar y Timothy Geithner says failure to increase borrowing authority would be “a catastrophe,” perhaps rivaling the financial meltdown of 2008-2009. Congressional Republicans, flexing muscle after November’s victories, say the election results show that people are weary of big government and deficit spending and that it’s time to draw the line against more borrowing. Defeating a new debt limit increase has become a priority for the tea party movement and other small-government conservatives. So far, the new GOP majority
has proved accommodating. Republicans are moving to make good on their promise to cut $100 billion from domestic spending this year. They adopted a rules change by House Speaker John Boehner that should make it easier to block a debt-limit increase. The national debt is the accumulation of years of deficit spending going back to the days of George Washington. The debt usually advances in times of war and retreats in peace. Remarkably, nearly half of today’s national debt was run up in just the past six years. It soared from $7.6 trillion in January 2005 as President George W. Bush began his second term to $10.6 trillion the day Obama was inaugurated and to $14.02 trillion now. The period has seen two major wars and the deepest economic downturn since the 1930s. With a $1.7 trillion deficit in budget year 2010 alone and the government on track to spend $1.3 trillion more this year than it takes in, annual budget deficits are adding roughly $4 billion a day to the national debt. Put another way, the government is borrowing 41 cents for ever y dollar it spends. In a letter to Congress, Geithner said the current statutory debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion, set just last year, might be reached by the end of March — and hit no later than May 16. He warned that holding it hostage to skirmishes over spending could lead the country to default on its obligations, “an event that has no precedent in American history.” Debt-level brinkmanship doesn’t wear a par ty label. Here’s what then-Sen. Barack Obama said on the Senate floor in 2006: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial
assistance from foreign countries to finance the government’s reckless fiscal policies.” It was a blast by the freshman lawmaker against a Bush request to raise the debt limit to $8.96 trillion. Bush won on a 52-48 party-line vote. Not a single Senate Democrat voted to raise the limit, opposition that’s now complicating White House efforts to rally bipartisan support for a higher ceiling. Democrats have used doomsday rhetoric about a looming government shutdown and comparing the U.S. plight to financial crises in Greece and Portugal. It’s all a bit of a stretch. “We can’t do as the Gingrich crowd did a few years ago, close the government,” said Senate Majority Leader Harr y Reid, DNev., referring to government shutdowns in 1995 when Georgia Republican Newt Gingrich was House speaker. But those shutdowns had nothing to do with the debt limit. They were caused by failure of Congress to appropriate funds to keep federal agencies running. And there are many temporar y ways around the debt limit. Hitting it does not automatically mean a default on existing debt. It only stops the government from new bor rowing, forcing it to rely on other ways to finance its activities. In a 1995 debt-limit crisis, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin borrowed $60 billion from federal pension funds to keep the government going. It wasn’t popular, but it helped get the job done. A decade earlier, James Baker, President Ronald Reagan’s treasury secretary, delayed payments to the Civil Service and Social Security trust funds and used other bookkeeping tricks to keep money in the federal till. Baker and Rubin “found money in pockets no one knew existed before,” said former congressional budget analyst
Stanley Collender. Collender, author of “Guide to the Federal Budget,” cites a slew of other things the government can do to delay a crisis. They include leasing out government-owned properties, “the federal equivalent of renting out a room in your home” or slowing down payments to government contractors. Now partner-director of Qorvis Communications, a Washington consulting firm, Collender said such stopgap measures buy the White House time to resist GOP pressure for concessions. “My guess is they can go months after the debt ceiling is not raised and still be able to come up with the cash they need. But at some point, it will catch up,” and raising the debt limit will become an imperative, he suggested. Republican leaders seem to acknowledge as much, but first want to force big concessions. “Do I want to see this nation default? No. But I want to make sure we get substantial spending cuts and controls in exchange for raising the debt ceiling,” said the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. Clearly, the tea party types in Congress will be given an upand-down vote on raising the debt limit before any final deal is struck, even if the measure ultimately passes. “At some point you run out of accounting gimmicks and resources. Eventually, the government is going to have to start shutting down certain operations,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. “If we get into a heated, protracted debate over the debt ceiling, global investors are going to grow ner vous and star t driving up interest rates. It will all become negatively self-re-enforcing,” said Zandi. “No good will come of it.”
CAIRO — An Egyptian man set himself on fire Monday outside the countr y’s parliament, security of ficials said, in an apparent protest emulating the self-immolation of an unemployed Tunisian man last month that helped trigger a popular uprising. Egyptian security officials said policemen guarding the parliament building in central Cairo and motorists driving by at the time used fire extinguishers to quickly put out the blaze engulfing the man. Health Ministry spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahine said the man was taken to the hospital with light burns, mostly to his face, neck and legs. The officials identified the man as Abdou Abdel-Monaam Hamadah, a 48-year-old owner of a small restaurant from Qantara, an area close to the Suez Canal city of Ismailia east of Cairo. They said Hamadah was protesting a government policy preventing restaurant owners from buying cheap subsidized bread to resell to their patrons. A subsidized loaf of typical Egyptian flat bread sells for about one U.S. cent apiece, but sells for five times that much to restaurant owners. Hamadah asked policemen guarding the parliament building to meet speaker Fathi Sorour, officials said. When they refused, Hamadah stepped back, took out a bottle filled with petrol from his pocket, doused himself with the liquid and set himself alight. The policemen and passing motorists rushed to him with fire extinguishers to put out the flames. The of ficials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media. The website of Egypt’s leading Al-Ahram daily said Hamadah was a father of four and had repeatedly entered heated arguments with local officials over the bread issue. Hamadah’s act follows that of Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old with a university degree, who set himself on fire after police confiscated the fruits and vegetables he was selling without a permit. He later died in a hospital near Tunis, and his desperate act touched a nerve with educated, unemployed youths nationwide in Tunisia and sparked the mass protests that toppled President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. It also follows a similar act in Algeria on Saturday. Algeria’s Liberte daily said that a 37-yearold man set himself alight over the weekend in a village near the Tunisian border and died hours later in the hospital.
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Police capture NJ cop killer THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
The Rev. Timothy Wright Memorial Choir performs a tribute yesterday to Martin Luther King Jr. at BAM Howard Gilman Opera House. King’s message of peace is a rallying point for the nation following the Arizona shooting.
King’s legacy reinforced following AZ shooting THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ATLANTA — The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy as a preacher of peace and tolerance was lauded Monday as Americans marked his memorial day just over a week after the shootings in Arizona that killed 6 people and seriously wounded a congresswoman. Attor ney General Eric Holder, speaking at King’s former church in Atlanta, praised him as “our nation’s greatest drum major of peace” and said the Jan. 8 bloodshed was a call to recommit to King’s values of nonviolence, tolerance, compassion and justice. “Last week a senseless rampage in Tucson reminded us that more than 40 years after Dr. King’s own tragic death, our struggle to eradicate violence and to promote peace goes on,” Holder said. President Barack Obama, in Washington, said part of King’s legacy was about service and urged Americans to get out into their communities — a step he suggested would have special meaning following the shootings. “After a painful week where so many of us were focused on the tragedy, it’s good for us to remind ourselves of what this country is all about,” he told reporters as he and first lady Michelle Obama took part in a painting project at a school on Capitol Hill. National and local politicians joined members of the King family at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta to mark what would have been the civil rights icon’s 82nd birthday. Members of the King family also laid a wreath at the tombs of King and his widow, Coretta Scott King, on the 25th anniversary of the federal holiday established to honor the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize winner. Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, who worked with King during the civil rights movement, issued a renewed call for Americans to unite in peace and love as King preached during his lifetime. “If Dr. King could speak to us today, he would tell us that it does not matter how much we disapprove of another person’s point of view, there is never a reason to deny
another human being the respect he or she deserves,” Lewis said. The Rev. Raphael Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer, called for members of Congress to show solidarity during the State of the Union Address this month. Quoting the Bible and Abraham Lincoln, Warnock said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” “Maybe after Arizona what our children need to see is us sitting together,” Warnock said. In Philadelphia, hundreds of volunteers including Mayor Michael Nutter helped refurbish computers for needy residents as part of the city’s “day of service” events to mark the King holiday. “The computer is your passport, not only to the future but to knowing what’s going around you,” Nutter said. The effort was part of the $25 million federally funded Freedom Rings Partnership, which aims to deliver 5,000 computers over the next few years to people in the city, where 41 percent of residents lack Internet access. Coloradans marked the day with marches and parades in Denver and Greeley, and the National Western Stock Show was set to host its annual Mar tin Luther King Jr. AfricanAmerican Heritage Rodeo on Monday evening. The day was an opportunity for the NAACP to underscore its opposition in South Carolina to a Confederate flag that flies outside the Statehouse, separately from the state flag, where it was moved from atop the dome in 2000 after protests by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “Take down that flag,” North Carolina NAACP president, the Rev. William Barber, told a rally for King Day in Columbia. He said the flag’s presence disrespects people not only in South Carolina but across the nation. But the South Carolina commander of Sons of Confederate Veterans disagreed. “They have the right to view it any way they wish ... But I’m telling you it is our heritage and we will honor it,” said Mark Simpson of Spar tanburg, whose great-great grandfather was a Confederate soldier.
LAKEWOOD, N.J. — A frenzied manhunt for a suspected cop killer ended early Sunday morning in the bedroom of a Camden apartment, where a SWAT team arrested the 19-year-old suspect without incident. Just over 38 hours after Lakewood Patrolman Christopher Matlosz was gunned down behind the wheel of his patrol car, a 15member task force of State Police and U.S. Marshals officers surrounded an apartment where a tipster told police they could find the suspect, Jahmell W. Crockam. “We were able to get consent for entry, and it was over very quickly,” said State Police Major Edward Cetnar. “He was upstairs in the bedroom.” Ten of the officers raced into the apartment at about 6:30 a.m. and quickly arrested Crockam, who did not put up any resistance. He did not seem surprised that authorities had tracked him down, Cetnar said. “He was ver y quiet,” Cetnar said. Ocean County Prosecutor Marlene Lynch Ford said detectives got information that Crockam had fled to Camden and was hiding in a unit of the Crestbury Apartments on South 8th Street. “This concludes a massive effort by law enforcement to apprehend a person we feel is responsible for the death of Of ficer Matlosz,” Ford said. “The arrest of this suspect now allows the Lakewood Police Department and the family and friends of Officer Matlosz an opportunity to grieve, to give tribute to their colleague, friend and loved one.” State Police Superintendent Col. Rick Fuentes said all law enforcement officers were affected by the killing. “There’s no joy in catching an accused cop killer, only the satisfaction of knowing that no one rested until the job was done,” he said. Crockam was charged Saturday with murder and weapons offenses. The suspect had already been returned to Lakewood, booked in police headquarters and then transferred to the Ocean County Jail in Toms River. He is expected to be brought before a judge on Tuesday. A judge has already
set bail for him at $5 million with no opportunity to post 10 percent of that amount in cash to gain his release. “It’s a bittersweet time right now,” said Lakewood Mayor Menashe P. Miller. “We are all thrilled to have removed this cold-blooded murderer off the street. But at the same time, there’s a grieving fiancee, and a mother has to bur y her son.” A wake for Matlosz will be held Wednesday at the Lakewood Funeral Home in neighboring Howell Township. A funeral Mass will be held Thursday at St. Mary of the Lake R.C. Church in Lakewood. The prosecutor credited tips from the public with helping locate the suspect, calling them “the real heroes in this.” Crockam, whose street name is “Sav,” — short for “Savage” —
“There is no place [Crockham] could hide that we would not find him, and [officers’] efforts prove that true.” ANTHONY WIENERS New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association President
had fled to Camden, a poor city on the opposite side of the state, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. A dragnet encompassing at least three states and more than 100 officers had been searching for him since the shooting Friday at 4 p.m. He was alone when he was arrested. Ford said the question of whether anyone might be prosecuted for helping him escape or hiding him is still being investigated. Anthony Wieners, president of the New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association, praised the officers who investigated the crime and helped with the arrest. “I would like to thank all the members of law enforcement who tracked this cop killer down,” he said. “Your tireless hours and pursuit of this ruthless killer makes all of society a little safer today. There is no place he could hide that we would not find him, and your efforts prove that true.”
Addressing widespread rumors that street gangs might be planning attacks on police of ficers throughout New Jersey in retaliation for Crockam’s arrest, he said: “We ser ve and protect the residents of New Jersey, and there is no way that we will back down from that commitment. Don’t threaten us, it only makes us more determined and committed to the communities we ser ve.” Ford said authorities are still tr ying to determine whether Crockam was a member of a street gang. His parents have declined to comment. Authorities have said 27year-old Matlosz drove up to Crockam as Crockam was walking and began speaking with him in a non-confrontational manner when the suspect suddenly stepped back, pulled out a handgun and shot the officer three times. The suspect fled on foot, touching off a massive house-tohouse search that involved armored vehicles, officers clad in body armor, teams of search dogs and helicopters. Crockam had been a fugitive since Dec. 29, when the prosecutor’s of fice obtained an arrest warrant for him on charges of possessing an illegal rifle and hollow-point bullets. It was not immediately clear whether Matlosz knew of the arrest warrant or whether that was why he approached Crockam and began talking to him Friday afternoon. Matlosz had been on the Lakewood police force for four years and was engaged to be married next year. His fiancee, Kelly Walsifer, issued a statement expressing her devastation over Matlosz’s death, which came about four months after the death of his father. “Chris was my best friend and soul mate. We did ever ything together. In the last four years, we both lived our life to the fullest,” the statement said. “He was my life and my world. He made me laugh, he made others laugh, and we have been surrounded by the best of friends and co-workers throughout our time together.” The statement continued: “He just lost his father, and now it brings me some peace to know that he is with him.”
Rutgers rs Textbooks, ks,
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Surveillance blimp infringes on privacy I
f you have ever seen any of the comics in the Batman franchise, you may have noticed the Gotham City Police Department is a big fan of using blimps to patrol the streets. Perhaps Mayor Matthew Godfrey of Ogden, Utah is particularly fond of Batman’s adventures, because he recently proposed the city start taking cues from Batman’s fictional hometown and establish its own surveillance dirigible. The unmanned blimp would use military technology to watch Ogden from the skies, acting as a crime detector and deterrent. Aside from the comic-book-style outlandishness of the idea of a patrol blimp, there are more than a few things wrong with this concept. Godfrey maintains the blimp is a cost-effective way to patrol Ogden, as it only needs one person to operate it and will only cost around $100 a month to maintain. However, Godfrey has not commented on how much the blimp itself will cost to assemble. For all of his excitement regarding the aircraft’s low cost, it is awfully suspicious that he is refusing to give the public a price tag. While it is impossible to know the exact figure, it is likely the construction of the blimp itself will be relatively pricey. Why doesn’t the city put that money into the police department in a less cartoonish — and more effective — way? For example, using the money to hire more police officers to patrol on foot, or at least better compensate the ones who already do. Officers on the ground seem like a much better deterrent than an airship. Isn’t Gotham City always in trouble, despite its formidable army of blimps? What kind of response time will this blimp have? If it detects a crime in process, how easy will it be for the operator to report it to the police? And how long will it take for the police to arrive at the scene of the crime? The blimp may make a good sentinel but that is all it can be. It cannot act to stop any sort of crime, but a good old-fashioned, fleshand-blood officer can. The most alarming thing about the blimp though, is the way in which it would militarize Ogden. Sure, the purpose of the blimp may be to watch for criminal activity, but it would also be watching the innocent citizens of the city live their day-to-day lives. That is unfair to them, and it treads uncomfortably close to an Orwellian police state.
University must implement changes T
he N.J. Higher Education Task Force released a report which takes a special liking to the University, with a section of the report dedicated specifically to a series of strategies meant to help the University go from “good to great.” The task force’s recommendations include eliminating redundancies and stabilizing and enhancing the state’s financial support for the University, among other things. The University has needed these proposed reforms for a long time now. While many of the recommendations seem like commonsense at best, the task force’s report has the potential to be an important first step in seriously overhauling the University for the better — that is, as long as the people in charge follow through. For all of the report’s positive speech regarding the University’s path to excellence, much of the language is vague, and the recommendations are just that — recommendations, not concrete strategies or plans of action. Because of this, the report has the potential to be yet another good idea that falls by the wayside. If anything is to come of these recommendations, those in charge need to start putting them into practice now. There are certain outside factors which will prevent the immediate implementation of many of the proposed changes. For example, everyone knows the state is in a recession, so increased government aid for the University is not exactly readily available at this point. However, it would not hurt if people started formulating plans for such increased aid right now. That way, when the economy stabilizes, there will already be a path to greater financial stability carved out for the University. The report calls for the University to “place undergraduate education in the context of its other important responsibilities,” and in keeping with that mentality, any proposed plans of action should also take the University’s undergraduate students into account. The students should have a say in these comprehensive overhauls of the University, and the powers that be cannot forget that. As the report suggests, a strong state needs a strong state university — and properly providing for students, whether they are at the graduate or undergraduate level, is an important component of building a strong state university. Ultimately, then, the N.J. Higher Education Task Force Report has the potential to really benefit the University. Who knows — maybe, just maybe, the recommendations contained in this report will finally vanquish the dreaded “RU Screw” for good. Let’s hope that isn’t just shameless wishful thinking.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “I was so mad. I told him, ‘Now? You’re doing this now? I’m not even dressed.’” University alumna Kelly Moore on the third time her fiance proposed to her STORY IN UNIVERSITY
Left utilizes tragedy for gain Marcus My O Words
Daily Kos also “put a bullsver the course of eye” on Giffords’ district. winter break, a Rather, this column is slew of transformaintended to clarify how tive events occurred in the those who consider themnation. From the repeal of selves to be center-right “don’t ask, don’t tell” to the believe in the most basic commencement of the 112th principles of life, liber ty Congress, and the tragic Aaron Marcus and property. Any individevents in Tucson, Ariz., a litual who would take aim at innocent human life tle more than a week ago, our nation is different does not bare even the slightest resemblance to today than it was a month ago. a Conser vative or Libertarian. The fact that In times of tragedy, people grow closer togeththose on the right believe in a constitutional er — or at least that is traditionally what hapright to bear arms does not under any circumpens. After the shooting in Arizona claimed the stances relate them to a psychopathic murderer. lives of six individuals, including a 9-year-old girl, Anyone who would make such a ludicrous claim and critically injured 13 others, such as Rep. is both ill informed about the second amendment Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., a new call for political and the American right. civility has permeated the countr y. As we discuss There have been and will always be lunatics in these issues, let each of us do so with a good society. In a nation of more than 300 million peodose of humility. “Rather than pointing fingers or ple, there are bound to be a few bad apples. assigning blame, let’s use this occasion to However, as opposed to acting civilly and lisexpand our moral imaginations, to listen to each tening to those who disagree with them as other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for Obama suggested, American progressives have empathy and remind ourselves of all the ways our resurrected a crusade to ban free hopes and dreams are bound speech and limit individual liberty. together,” said President Barack “Our nation As former White House Chief of Obama at a memorial for the vicStaff Rahm Emanuel once said, tims of the shooting. It is a call is different today “You never want a serious crisis to mostly implemented by those on go to waste,” and progressives the right but vastly ignored by than it was throughout the countr y have those on the left. a month ago.” seized this tragedy. At the ver y least, it is easy to Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln come to the conclusion that Chafee issued an executive order alleged Tucson gunman Jared banning all workers employed by the state from Loughner embodies the definition of a psyappearing on talk radio. A spokesperson for the chopath. His anti-government ramblings mixed governor said that the industr y is “rating drivwith a fascination for the writings of Karl Mar x en, for profit programming,” and does not ser ve and Adolf Hitler should have quelled any specuthe interest of the people. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, lation that this abhorrent individual was aligned D-N.Y., has called for the Federal with any political group. However, this has not Communications Commission to reinstate the stopped Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik Fairness Doctrine, a law that undermines free from pitting the blame on Sarah Palin and other speech at its basic core and demands that tea party members. In an obvious jeer toward opposing views toward a “controversial” topic those who worked for or funded Jesse Kelly’s be aired or face the possibility of being fined. congressional r un against Gif fords, Markos Another Rep. Rober t Brady, D-Penn., plans to Moulitsas, founder of the progressive blog The introduce legislation that would make it a federDaily Kos, tweeted “Mission Accomplished” after al crime to use language or symbols that could news of the shooting broke. The left then took be recognized as threatening. crosshairs representing 20 districts Sarah Palin These laws represent serious threats to liberty wanted Republicans to pick up in the 2010 elecand use tragedy as a justification for censorship. At tion as the instigation behind the attack. Another what point does an issue become controversial? Is baseless and reprehensible claim intended to Nadler implying that groups like the Klu Klux Klan delegitimize a potential presidential candidate should have a “fair” chance at explaining their and further associate those on the right with the point of view on Martin Luther King Jr. Day? At clinically insane. what point is another side accurately presented I am not going to discuss the vitriolic threats the left has showered the right with since the SEE MARCUS ON PAGE 15 shooting. Nor will I examine how in 2008 The
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
MARCUS continued from page 14 and what limitations does the FCC have in controlling content? It is already a crime to physically threaten another individual, so Brady is attempting to tack on slogans, words or symbols that could be deemed harmful. At what point could something be seen as threatening? If I say I would like to stop the Obama agenda, is that off limits? What about working on a campaign against an incumbent? If you want someone out of office, do you automatically become a threat? Benjamin Franklin would be in violation of federal law under Brady’s legislation for stating that, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” The most disturbing trend coming out of progressive politics after this shooting is an attempt to turn tragedy into tyranny. When Thomas Jefferson said that every generation needs a new revolution, he did not mean by methods of arms and violence. In times of tragedy we must mourn the loss of innocent lives and pray for the well being of those injured. It would be repugnant to use the memory of those whose lives were prematurely taken to further violate both the Constitution and freedoms of all other Americans. Aaron Marcus is a School of Arts and Sciences junior majoring in political science and history. His column, “Marcus My Words,” runs on alternate Tuesdays.
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Focus on problems at home Letter JOE BIALEK
he Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Obviously, the National Guard and the Coast Guard, entrusted with the defense of this countr y against domestic enemies, replaced the need for a state militia. Their weapons are tightly controlled and safeguarded. The only two reasons for a citizen to own a firearm
are for hunting or self-defense. In either case, ownership of a handgun, shotgun or rifle, is more than adequate to satisfy these purposes. There is absolutely no need for any U.S. civilian to own any weapon more powerful or sophisticated than these. Accordingly, all handguns, shotguns and rifles must be licensed and registered to the degree necessar y to match weapon to owner at the click of a computer key. Furthermore, if we had prohibited the purchase of more sophisticated weapons — like a Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol with an extended magazine — several innocent victims would not have died or been injured
during the recent tragedy in Arizona. The shooter is obviously disturbed by mental illness, but it appears that those defending the right to own sophisticated weapons exhibit the same qualities as the shooter — callous disregard for the safety and protection of their fellow citizens. Guns and mental illness are as bad a combination as alcohol and driving. Evidently, we have the money to fight two wars overseas, but not the political will to treat the mentally ill who are not only a danger to themselves but also to ever yone else. Joe Bialek is a Cleveland, Ohio, resident.
RUSA Allocations Board needs better guidelines Letter ERIC KAPLAN
ince its inception, the Rutgers University Student Assembly Allocations Board has suffered from restrictive and silly guidelines that encourage spending and deter student organizations from achieving real objectives. The perennial ire of specialevents funding and last semester’s BAKA: Students United for Middle Eastern Justice debacle are only two examples. The following reforms are needed so that allocations can make good use of student fees. Most universities would be thrilled to see an increase in the number of student clubs on their campus, but we already have more than we can handle. The board’s funding formula rewards small clubs, which has led to a
proliferation of new student organizations, making it impossible for University Student Life to adequately advise all of them. Some have suggested forced club mergers, but this was as well received as former Gov. Jon S. Corzine’s plan for municipal mergers. Instead, funding formulas should encourage successful student groups to grow and like-minded small clubs to merge. The creation of a “large student organization” would fulfill this formula for clubs with at least six officers, 10 meetings or events a semester and more than 40 individual students attending at least four events a semester. Clubs in this category would be allowed to apply for four programs or events instead of two, receive extra space at involvement fairs and have greater staff support. The first 10 club mergers should be rewarded by a $2,000
bonus and should receive temporar y status as a large student organization for the first semester. After wards, it should be required to reapply for its status annually.
“No one proactively makes sure ... that clubs are following their guidelines.” Let’s be honest — using student fee money to fund the cost of a charitable fundraiser is the same as donating the money. No one is a bigger fan of helping the poor than I am, but student organizations whose only focus is raising money for a specific non-profit ought to have their own categor y with guidelines and a funding str ucture to suit their
needs. Funding for their programs should be conditioned on evidence of student engagement and education and should also have more flexible funding structures to send students on relief missions. Large student organizations need ways of applying for small amounts of money for small programs. Allocations should set aside money in several grant programs. Organizations would be allowed to apply for special grants to fund smaller, goal-based programs. Setting aside a few thousand dollars into a special fund is a drop in the bucket for allocation, but a dozen grants to fund student dinners with a faculty member makes a big dif ference in a student’s experience. Allocations exist in a state of plausible deniability. Auditors super ficially review receipts, but no one proactively makes
sure that student fee money is used appropriately or that clubs are following their guidelines. Did you know that ever y student has the right to practice with any a cappella group that is registered as a student organization? If you are turned away from a practice, whom do you go to? An inspector general, who would probably be an aspiring private investigator, would be responsible for sporadically attending club meetings, following up on unclear information and ser ving as a general watchdog that can receive anonymous tips. If The Daily Targum had better investigative repor ting, then the position would not be necessar y. But that is another topic altogether. Eric Kaplan is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in political science.
Palin rightfully criticized for violent rhetoric Letter TORREY WANG
n a now viral video, Sarah Palin issued last Wednesday her first remarks outside of a perfunctor y Facebook note (in which her condolences were “of fered”) regarding the Tucson shooting. In it, she justifies the incendiar y rhetoric that she is so used to sounding, which many have cited as contributing to our toxic political environment. Particularly, she feebly projects from herself the criticism she has been getting from many commentators for her now infamous “Take Back the 20” campaign, doing so with her usual twisted sophistr y. She argues that such critics are “manufacturing a blood libel that ser ves only to incite the ver y hatred and violence they purpor t to condemn.” Apparently, the only way we can point out a genuine problem in the political climate today is to keep our silence and pretend that no problem exists.
Palin then concludes, “Our Founders’ genius was to design a system that helped settle the inevitable conflicts caused by our imperfect passions in civil ways. So, we must condemn violence if our Republic is to endure.” This point is unassailable, of course. And then she goes on to say, “acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them.” This point is more doubtful. Suppose it was true. Then why has she been so staunchly opposed to the building of the mosque near Ground Zero? Aren’t non-extremist Muslims as innocent as all of us nonviolent practitioners of our respective beliefs? In fact, they, like members of the many groups that Palin habitually insults, are more innocent of the heinous deeds for which they are often blamed than people like Palin, who foment hate and division on a day-to-day basis. Indeed, Palin spent the better half of last year vilifying all Muslims without clear distinction between the acts of a small coterie of
irrational extremists and those of normal, ever yday Muslims. She has profited from a career designed to cast ideological opponents as “Un-American,” “elitist” and “hellbent on destroying America,” even suggesting that our president actively maintains friendly relations with convicted ex-terrorists. But
“Palin could have shown some maturity and leadership.” if Bill Ayers’ actions can influence President Barack Obama just by sitting next to him in a board meeting, as Palin has suggested before, then certainly her image of a crosshair over Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ name warrants discussion as to its possible role in the killer’s actions. The Tucson shooting presented Palin with a rare opportunity to transcend for one symbolic moment the pettiness and
prejudicial nature of her politics. Instead, she chose to use her video to air, yet again, her grievances over the backlash she has rightfully received and to promise to come back more virulent than ever. It is clear that Palin lacks the ability — emotional or intellectual — to realize the universality of the moral principles she prescribes for and demands from others. More sadly, she lacks the introspective qualities needed to realize that the tragedy and ensuing debate in Arizona are after all not about her. Indeed, when we make an example of her — and rightfully so for a person of her standing — no one is wrongly blaming her, as Palin has accused her critics, for the deranged killer’s actions. What people are conveying by citing her actions as examples is their concern about the tenor of our political discourse, and the temperature to which our revilements and instigations have reached. In short, the shooting in Tucson brings attention to the fact that there is a real problem with how we treat each other.
And, as President Obama reminded us in his memorial speech in Arizona to those six killed and many injured, whether the problem persists is entirely up to our own choosing. As one who clearly aspires to the highest office in our country, Palin could have shown some maturity and leadership by giving a nod to the legitimacy of recent increased concern for basic civility in both language and action and promising to do better in the future. Instead, she rehearsed — indeed, reaffirmed — her commitment to continue on the same way she has always done things, hurling and wishing literal anathemas on those from camps outside her immediate bubble. And it is her unapologetic truculence and willingness to offend that make Palin, and others with a mode of operation too much like hers, a rightful object of reproach, even disgust — even as we mourn for those dead and pray for Rep. Giffords’ speedy recovery. Torrey Wang is a Class of 2010 alumnus.
PA G E 1 6
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
J A N UA RY 1 8 , 2 0 1 1
Today's birthday (01/18/11). The Dalai Lama said, "Love and compassion open our own inner life, reducing stress, distrust and loneliness." Let these words guide you this year. It's a time for partnership, both for the heart and for the brain. Be compassionate to others and to yourself. Love. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 5 — The day is filled Today is a 5 — The answers you with emotions. Use your words. seek today are elusive, but the When you have a chance, snuglimitation is an illusion. You're gle in bed with your journal and more talented than you think. a cup of tea. Write it all down. Find what you need far away. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Don't believe Today is a 7 — Don't be held everything you hear. Stay quiet back by old sorrows. The answer while others argue, and wait until is closer than you think. Just ask asked for your opinion. Don't for what you want. It's not a gossip, either. You'll be glad. good time to shop, so hold off Gemini (May 21-June 21) — on spending. Today is an 8 — Don't stay stuck Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — in what you already know. Move Today is a 6 — Do you really ahead. Finish up all that stuff need extra stuff? You might have you said you'd have done by something already that does the now, or change the deadlines. job just fine. Save money easily Go play. this way. Consider the impacts of Cancer (June 22-July 22) — your choices. Today is a 7 — Figure out how Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — much you can afford to put Today is a 5 — A private conaway for a rainy day. There may ference spells out the facts. be conflict at home. Resolve it Think it out before speaking. with communication, and put it When you do, let your words in writing. come from the heart. Dance Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — with the circumstances. Today is a 6 — Emotions run a Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — bit rampant today. Journal Today is a 6 — Tell them what's them for understanding. In the up without stirring up jealousies end, as the Beatles said, "the or animosity. Keep your wits love you take is equal to the about you, and use your imagilove you make." nation. Reenergize at home Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — with family. Today is a 5 — Shatter your Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — assumptions. They may no Today is a 7 — Listen to your longer fit. It may be tricky to get messages. The answer is right in your message across, but it's front of you (probably yes). worth the intention. Think outMoney's looking better. Don't side the box. offer your opinion unless asked. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
Happy Hour
The Targum first printed the Mugrat in 1927. The issue reported that a Rutgers Professor has been held in the county jail, charged with cruelty to animals.
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COACHES: New hires have strong ties in recruiting continued from back
he Rutgers wrestling team stayed perfect in the EIWA by dismantling conference rival Bucknell, 33-3 Saturday at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. The No. 10 Scarlet Knights (131, 5-0) improved their conference record and continue to up their standing for the EIWA Tournament. Matt Fusco kicked off the match with a 5-2 victory at 125 pounds, and DJ Russo finished it off with a tech fall in the heavyweight bout. For full coverage, see tomorrow’s edition.
sophomore center Monique Oliver of the Rutgers women’s basketball team to the conference’s weekly honor roll. Oliver led the squad offensively, averaging 21.5 points, 4.5 rebounds, and 2.5 blocks in both the Scarlet Knights’ victories over then-No. 23 Syracuse and Cincinnati. The Las Vegas, Nev., native set a career high in scoring against the Orange, delivering 27 points to eclipse the 20-point plateau more for the second time this season.
retirement papers with the NFL yesterday and, for the third time, is vowing to retire after 20 seasons in the league. After all the controversy surrounding Favre this season off the field and all the injuries and struggles that held him back on it, the quarterback’s Hall of Fame career is finally over. Favre did forgo retirement in 2008 with the Green Bay Packers and again in 2009 with the New York Jets, but after two seasons in Minnesota with the Vikings, it does not appear Favre will seek reinstatement.
University men’s basketball team took control of the No. 1 spot in the country in yesterday’s ESPN/ USA Today Coach’s poll. Following an upset loss to Florida State, Duke fell back to No. 5, while Syracuse and Pittsburgh occupy the No. 3 and No. 4 spots, respectively. Coming in at No. 2 is Kansas, which jumped up a spot from last week’s poll.
Grant has not been on the field for the Green Bay Packers since Week 1 of the NFL season, he has no problems making predictions about his team. In a post on yesterday, Grant urged Packer fans to star t booking their Super Bowl trips, saying, “We just have better players than other teams.” The Packers beat up on the No. 1 seed Atlanta Falcons, 4221, Saturday to earn a spot in this weekend’s NFC Championship game against their division rival, the Chicago Bears.
more than it was to ask them to leave it,” Hafley said. “I mean, that was difficult to do.” As Pittsburgh’s recr uiting class crumbles in the wake of Dave Wannstedt’s resignation and Michael Haywood’s hiring and quick firing, Cignetti and Hafley have teamed up to target some of Pitt’s commitments that re-opened their recruiting. The 45-year-old Cignetti and 31-year-old Hafley agree: Their relationships are more important than the campuses. “Recr uiting has become
where it’s more about relationUltimately, it was Cignetti’s ships than your logo,” Cignetti offense and their relationship that said. “And I think that’s what attracted Nova. Coach Hafley That of fense and myself were will include an “That pro-style able to establish emphasis on a so great at the balanced attack, is what I’m University of but not a r unPittsburgh. We ning game that comfortable with established relies on the and really what great relationWildcat packships with these age. Pitt had Frank [Cignetti] is Wildcat pack-a young men.” good at ... coaching.” age, Cignetti The relationships already said, but it was GREG SCHIANO resulted in one supplementar y Head Coach commitment in to the of fense the form of Don a n d Bosco quar terneither needed back Gar y Nova, who had nor used. Rutgers as a finalist before comThe quarterbacks coach expects mitting to Pitt. more of the same at Rutgers.
J A N UA RY 1 8 , 2 0 1 1
“The Wildcat will certainly be something we discuss,” he said. “Will it be the foundation of who we are? Absolutely not.” Now Schiano, who said at his season-ending press conference he wanted to have “a physical of fense that scores points,” will return his team to the pro-style of fense that had success with Mike Teel, Ray Rice and Co. “I don’t think it’s any secret that I wanted to go back in that direction,” Schiano said. “We’ll either run the football or throw the ball and get it in the hands of your playmakers. That prostyle is what I’m comfor table with and really what Frank is good at implementing and coaching.”
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Recruiting heats up in final weeks before Signing Day BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
Running back Savon Huggins is Rutgers’ top recruiting target.
Gary Nova and Miles Shuler already made major splashes on the recruiting scene for the Rutgers football team, but the biggest cannonball has yet to come with St. Peter’s Prep running back Savon Huggins still uncommitted. Huggins, Rutgers’ top target, is the No. 1 player in New Jersey and the No. 53 overall recruit in the country, according to The star running back set his announcement date for Jan. 28, when he will decide between his top five schools of Rutgers, Michigan State, North Carolina, Auburn and Notre Dame. “I’m texting him every other day,” said Shuler on Huggins, his close friend. “We’re good friends. I’m just trying to let him know
that by staying he can make an amazing impact. He can write his own story, like he changed New Jersey football by staying home. We could all be the first.” The top recruits on the radar for the Scarlet Knights, who have 21 verbal commitments, include offensive linemen Josue Matias, Kaleb Johnson and Fou Fonoti, as well as safety Sheldon Royster — Huggins’ and fellow Rutgers commit Keith Lumpkin’s teammate. But the top target remains Huggins. “Savon knows how special this class can be if he jumps on board so we aren’t trying to bother him,” Nova said. “I’ve played against him many times and he truly is a great running back. He could be a part of a turnaround for Rutgers and show everyone what New Jersey is about.”
During the month and a half between the end of the season and start of the spring semester, the Scarlet Knights added a center, linebacker and kicker to its recruiting class along with Shuler and Nova. At center, Rutgers added and already signed Dallas Hendrikson from Iowa Western Community College. Hendrikson chose Rutgers over five other Division I offers and already enrolled at Rutgers, where he can practice with the team this spring. Linebacker Myles Jackson chose Rutgers over six total Division I scholarship offers and kicker Anthony DiPaula committed after receiving an offer during his official visit. DiPaula and defensive back Jonathan Aiken both enrolled early at Rutgers and are set to join the team for spring practice.
Rutgers commitment Gary Nova is the first Don Bosco Prep quarterback to lead the Ramsey school to consecutive state championships since former Scarlet Knight Mike Teel accomplished the feat.
CLASS: Nova chooses RU after first committing to Pitt
coach [Frank] Cignetti on board and other guys like Miles [Shuler], I feel like we can do something special.”
continued from back Prior to Nova’s commitment to Pittsburgh, the Knights and Boston College rounded out his top three. Upon reopening his recruitment, Boston College had already replaced Nova, and Rutgers became the natural fit. The hirings of two Pitt coaches helped as well, he said. “It’s a great academic school that is close to home, and both of those have always been factors for me,” Nova said. “I’m looking for ward to rebuilding that program with all of the guys and coach [Greg] Schiano. I think that’s the goal of ever y class — start winning. With coach [Jeff] Hafley and
“I’m looking forward to rebuilding that program with all of the guys and coach [Greg] Schiano.” GARY NOVA Don Bosco Quarterback
Nova said that Savage’s decision to transfer had no ef fect on his commitment and, now that the process is over, he plans to focus on graduation
and will attend as many of the team’s spring practices as possible. Without Savage, the Knights have just Chas Dodd and walkons Tyler Bellia and Jason Friday for spring practice, but add Nova and Manalapan’s Mike Bimonte in this year’s freshman class. “That’s a championship quar terback,” said fellow Rutgers commit Miles Shuler on Nova. “He’s led a championship team for two years. But you can’t forget Mike Bimonte. He’s going to compete ever y day from day one to earn a job. And you obviously can’t forget Chas Dodd. People say he’s too shor t, but there’s no way. He’s not too shor t for anything. We have three great quar terbacks, and Gar y is a great pickup for Rutgers.”
TRANSFER: QB leaves despite meeting with new OC continued from back with the media after the final game of the season. “It was ver y dif ficult,” Savage said after the loss to West Virginia to close out the season. “Being a player, you want to go out and play. It is what it is. It’s college football, and coach [Schiano] feels that [Chas Dodd] gives them the best chance to win, and I’m a team player, so I have to help out my teammates and stuff, and that’s what my biggest goal was — whatever I could do to contribute to the team, that’s what I was going to do.” Savage said he planned to meet with Schiano after the season was over, along with talks with his family, to make his decision. Savage met with Schiano and also talked with newly hired offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti and decided to ask for his release. “They’re not interrelated,” Schiano said on the hiring of Cignetti and Savage’s indecision. “We needed to make a programmatic decision on who our offensive coordinator and quarterback coach would be. You tr y to do things for the entire program. Tom’s decision is going to be Tom’s decision. In having said all that, I do t h i n k T o m ’ s skill-set fits ver y well into this as d o e s Chas’.” TOM Rutgers SAVAGE made the announcement official on Jan. 8 in a public statement along with the transfer of running back Casey Turner. “We wish Tom and Casey the best in their future endeavors,” Schiano said in a statement. Turner, from Jacksonville, Fla., did not play during his true freshman season because of injur y concerns and is likely to go to a school closer to his home, according to two sources with personal connections to Turner. The two sources requested anonymity because they do not wish to speak publicly on the subject. To replace Savage at quarterback, Rutgers still has its incumbent star ter in Dodd along with walk-ons Tyler Bellia and Jason Friday for the spring and to add two more quarterbacks for next season. Mike Bimonte from Manalapan committed last summer to the Knights, and Gary Nova from Don Bosco Prep committed two days after Savage’s decision became official. “Him leaving had nothing to do with my decision,” Nova said. “I already knew I wanted to commit when that came out. I just hadn’t made it public yet.”
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Former ’Cuse coach returns to Big East BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
Rutgers head football coach Greg Schiano’s 10 years as head man look e v e n FOOTBALL stronger with the deparMID-WEEK REPORT ture of Randy Edsall from Connecticut after the school’s Fiesta Bowl loss to Oklahoma. Edsall, who spent the last 11 seasons with UConn, left to take the head job at Maryland and replace Ralph Friedgen. Connecticut started its national coaching search immediately after and last week settled on Paul Pasqualoni to take over the reins. Pasqualoni, the Dallas Cowboys’ defensive coordinator, has years of Big East experience after being the head coach at Syracuse for more than a decade.
THE PITTSBURGH PANTHERS’ football program is in severe danger of falling to pieces after the firing of head coach Dave Wannstedt. Not only did Pitt lose its offensive coordinator and best recruiter to a Big East rival, but the upcoming recruiting class completely fell apart in the aftermath. More than half of the team’s verbal commitments are no longer headed to Pittsburgh, including ever y single New Jersey native. Many of the school’s top recruits are even heading to conference rivals, including Gary Nova to Rutgers. Pitt has just six players committed to the Class of 2011. In honor of Wannstedt and the outgoing staff, Pittsburgh dismantled Kentucky in the BBVA Compass Bowl in Birmingham, Ala.
news in the Big East comes out of Morgantown, W. Va., where Bill Stewart and WVU
announced that the 2011 season will be his final before retirement. The Mountaineers hired Dana Holgorsen in the offseason as the offensive coordinator for the next season and the head coach in waiting. The Mountaineers lost their bowl game this season, 23-7, to North Carolina State in the Champs Sports Bowl.
in the conference during the bowl season came from the team that has yet to officially become a member. Texas Christian, set to join the conference in 2012, made a legitimate bid for a share of the National Championship after going undefeated and winning in thrilling fashion, 21-19, over Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl.
SKIP HOLTZ CONTINUED his strong inaugural season with the South Florida Bulls by leading his team past Clemson in the Meineke Car Care Bowl. Quarterback B.J. Daniels rebounded after a midseason benching to compile three touchdowns and 211 combined yards in a 31-26 victory. SYRACUSE’S
Head coach Randy Edsall, above, left Connecticut for the head job at Maryland and Dave Wannstedt is interviewing for jobs in the NFL.
Marrone and Louisville’s Charlie Strong followed the same example as Holtz, as the three new coaches in the conference won their first bowl games to boost the conference to a 5-2 overall record (including TCU). Syracuse knocked off Kansas State, 36-34, in the first ever Pinstripe Bowl at Yankee Stadium and Louisville defeated Southern Mississippi, 31-28, in the Beef ‘O’ Brady’s Bowl.
did not make bowl games. Cincinnati’s failure comes just one year after an undefeated regular season and BCS bowl appearance, while Rutgers’ ends a five-year bowl streak under Schiano.
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Knights earn early Big East win over Providence BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
The Rutgers men’s basketball team earned its first conference win on Jan. 8, when the Scarlet Knights (10-7, 1-4) bested Providence, 85-72, at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. The win also marked head coach Mike Rice’s first triumph in the Big East on a Rutgers sideline. Senior for ward Jonathan Mitchell continued his teamleading scoring pace by registering a team-high 21 points and 10 rebounds in the victor y over the Friars.
Sophomore for ward Austin Johnson maintained his quietlysteady play with 16 points off the bench. The Knights outrebounded the Friars, 41-35, in one of the few occasions Rutgers could control the glass this season in the Big East. The 2009-10 Knights lost their first eight games of the conference season, including a 94-81 shortcoming against Providence in Rhode Island. Rutgers returns to Providence, R.I., for the team’s season finale on March 5, when the Knights hope to improve their standing for the Big East Tournament at Madison Square Garden.
Sophomore forward Austin Johnson finished second on the team in scoring with 16 points in a 85-72 victory against the Friars.
rotation shrunk to just seven in its conference opener at Villanova on Jan. 2, when freshman guard Austin Carroll injured his knee in an 81-65 loss at The Pavilion. The Knights led the then-No. 9 Wildcats, 37-33, at halftime, but Villanova guards Corey Stokes and Corey Fisher ser ved as the catalysts for head coach Jay Wright’s offense following the break. “This team — you could see it in their eyes — they were looking for something bad to happen for them in the first four minutes [of the second half],” Rice said. “They have to get used to competing, they have to get used to winning.” Carroll, who averaged 2.1 points and a rebound per contest, is expected to be out of action for four to six weeks. The loss of Carroll left Rice with freshman Mike Poole as the only viable guard off the bench for the Knights. Carroll’s injury was magnified by the absence of senior forward Robert Lumpkins, who began the first of a two-game hiatus for personal reasons. Lumpkins returned to the team in time for the Knights’ win over Providence at the RAC. OF
Kadeem Jack made his first official appearance with the Knights on Dec. 28, when he watched Rutgers match wits with North Carolina at Madison Square Garden. Jack, ranked No. 33 in the class of 2010 according to, graduated from Rice High School (N.Y.) last spring and originally planned to spend the year at South Kent Prep (Conn.) with
REMAINING MEN’S BASKETBALL SCHEDULE vs. South Florida Thursday, Jan. 20 7:00 p.m. @ Seton Hall Saturday, Jan. 22 12:00 p.m. @ Cincinnati Wednesday, Jan. 26 9:00 p.m. @ Pittsburgh Saturday, Jan. 29 8:00 p.m. @ St. John’s Wednesday, Feb. 2 9:00 p.m. @ Notre Dame Sunday, Feb. 6 12:00 p.m. vs. Villanova Wednesday, Feb. 9 8:00 p.m. vs. Seton Hall Saturday, Feb. 12 7:00 p.m. @ Syracuse Saturday, Feb. 19 6:00 p.m. vs. Louisville Tuesday, Feb. 21 7:30 p.m. vs. West Virginia Sunday, Feb. 27 12:00 p.m. @ DePaul Wednesday, March 2 8:30 p.m. @ Providence Saturday, March 5 7:00 p.m. Big East Tournament Tuesday, March 8-12
Offer expires 2/11/2011
*Restrictions apply. Expires 2/11/11.
*Restrictions apply. Expires 2/11/11.
*Restrictions apply. Expires 2/11/11.
Freshman guard Austin Carroll averaged 10.2 minutes and 2.1 points per game before injuring his left knee and undergoing surgery.
fellow Rutgers commit Derrick Randall. But Jack decided against staying at the prep school and opted to enroll early at Rutgers, where he will redshirt this season. Jack spent several weeks at Central Jersey Each One Teach One in Somerset, N.J., prior to enrolling at Rutgers for the spring semester. Jack committed to Rice and Rutgers on Aug. 31, when the Knights’ class of 2011 had just three members, including Randall. The 6-foot-8 forward helped to springboard Rice’s first full recruiting class, which also features fellow four-star commit
Jerome Seagears.
Knights’ nonconference finale against the Tar Heels prevented senior point guard James Beatty from joining the team until the day of the game. The 6-foot-2 Beatty was stuck in his native Nor th Carolina because of the snow and returned to score just two points and earn one assist against UNC. “I knew eventually if I had to make it up to the day of [the game] that I was going to be back,” Beatty said. “It was frustrating because I wanted to get back for practice.”
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The Rutgers men’s and women’s basketball teams entered the heart of their schedules with the onset of conference play, while the wrestling team dominated its dual meets, most recently topping Bucknell at the Louis
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Sophomore center Monique Oliver, left, is carrying the Knights in Big East play, when she averages 20.2 points and 8.5 rebounds per game over four Rutgers victories. Junior guard Khadijah Rushdan leads the team in scoring with 14 points per game despite missing games against Tennessee and George Washington with a knee injury.
Knights rebound from losses to top 10 teams BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ AND SAM HELLMAN
Not long after much of the student body departed from the Banks for winter recess, the Rutgers women’s basketball team found itself on the wrong end of a pair of blowouts against No. 5 Tennessee and No. 7 Texas A&M. The Scarlet Knights lost those games by a combined score of 166-101, lost its most seasoned player to injury and looked like a lost team. What a difference a couple of weeks makes — now the Knights ride a four-game winning streak back to Piscataway to welcome in a new semester. Right along with No. 2 Connecticut (16-1, 6-0) and No. 14 DePaul (16-2, 4-0), Rutgers remains the only other Big East team undefeated in conference play this season with its most recent victory coming Saturday night in Cincinnati. Far removed from its early season thrashing of Big East foe and then-No. 11 Georgetown, Rutgers (11-6, 40) strung together a trio of victories to build momentum heading into the thick of conference play. And even though the team’s first Big East game took place a month before its second, something else remained constant beside the wins — the play of sophomore center Monique Oliver. Oliver continues to have her way in conference games, as she has tied for or held the team lead in scoring in all four contests, averaging 20.2 points and 8.5 rebounds per game.
slide against top 10 foes, Rutgers watched its Hall of Fame head coach reach yet another milestone in a career full of accolades. Not that head coach C. Vivian Stringer is keeping track.
vs. Providence Saturday, Jan. 22 2:00 p.m. vs. Connecticut Wednesday, Jan. 26 7:30 p.m. @ Louisville Saturday, Jan. 29 6:00 p.m. @ St. John’s Tuesday, Feb. 1 7:00 p.m. vs. Syracuse Sunday, Feb. 6 12:00 p.m. vs. Pittsburgh Tuesday, Feb. 8 7:30 p.m. CAMERON STROUD / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Junior guard Nikki Speed is out indefinitely after suffering a foot injury in early January before the
“It really wasn’t something that I was aware of,” Stringer said after her 850th career win against Kean on Dec. 15. “Coach [Carlene] Mitchell called me before I left the house and told me to wear something decent. I really had no idea. It touches me because I realize, ‘Wow, that’s a long time and how many years and how many young women made that happen.’ “That’s inconceivable and don’t ask me about 900 because I have no idea.” Junior guard Khadijah Rushdan paved the way for the victory with a 22-point performance on 8-for-14 shooting from the field and continues to lead the team in scoring, averaging 14 points a game. “It’s great,” Rushdan said. “Coach Stringer is a great coach and for her to accomplish all
these, especially with three teams, and to have 850 wins, I’m just proud of her. It’s a great accomplishment.” The injury bug paid a visit to the Knights over the past month, and the team’s backcourt got the worst of it. Junior guard Nikki Speed is out indefinitely with an injury to her left foot sustained before the team beat Villanova, 57-43, on Jan. 8. Rushdan also battled a bruised knee and missed two games prior to returning to help beat the Wildcats, scoring seven points in the win. “I was just trying to take my time. I really wanted to be back for the start of the Big East,” Rushdan said. “When you come back from an injury, a lot of it can be mental. I thought about my knee a couple of times, but other than that it was fine.”
But now with Speed out of the lineup, the team will call on sophomore guard Erica Wheeler and freshman guard Daisha Simmons to step up in heightened roles. Still, Rushdan doesn’t see any reason why the team should miss a beat. “I’m definitely confident in them [Simmons and Wheeler]. We compete every day in practice, and those two are growing as individuals,” Rushdan said.
Paunovic saw her first action in a Knights uniform on Jan. 3 in a 6050 win against George Washington. The Australia native went 1for-2 from the field and finished the game with two points, scoring her first basket for her new team since transferring from Casper College (Wyo.).
@ Notre Dame Saturday, Feb. 12 2:00 p.m. @ DePaul Tuesday, Feb. 15 9:00 p.m. @ Marquette Saturday, Feb. 19 3:00 p.m. vs. South Florida Wednesday, Feb. 23 7:30 p.m. vs. West Virginia Saturday, Feb. 26 2:00 p.m. @ Seton Hall Monday, Feb. 28 7:00 p.m. Big East Tournament Friday, March 4-7
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Senior point guard James Beatty scored 12 points and had three assists in the Scarlet Knights’ 74-65 loss to ranked Georgetown on Saturday at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. The Wilmington, N.C., native leads Rutgers in scoring in Big East play with 13.4 points per game and averages 8.7 points per contest on the season.
Second-half starts serve as RU’s Achilles’ heel BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR
The Rutgers men’s basketball team took on three Top 25 teams while MEN’S BASKETBALL c l a s s e s GEORGETOWN 56 were out of sesRUTGERS 46 sion — No. 7 Villanova, No. 10 Connecticut and No. 22 Georgetown. The Scarlet Knights led Villanova by four points and trailed UConn and the Hoyas by a combined seven at the half, but the first few minutes of the second stanza saw the Knights’ opponents outscore them on a 39-2 run — highlighted by UConn’s 20-2 outburst. Georgetown’s 8-0 run started the second half most recently, when Rutgers fell, 74-65, on Saturday at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. The trend against the top teams, which will keep coming in a brutal Big East schedule, left head coach Mike Rice scratching his head for an explanation. “They score more than us?” Rice offered. “No, I don’t know. I’ll try to figure it out and try to do something different, but I can’t figure it out right now.” The Knights did figure out how to respond to those runs against Georgetown, after Rice accused his team of quit-
ting at the XL Center against Connecticut. After a pair of 3-pointers and a goaltending call on sophomore wing Dane Miller extended the Hoyas’ halftime advantage from six to 14, Rutgers countered with a 7-0 run that brought a crowd of 7,122 to its feet. Senior guard James Beatty hit a 3-pointer from the corner — where he sparked a secondhalf rally for the Knights’ lone Big East win against Providence — to make it a four-point game, but Georgetown had an answer with Austin Freeman. The Preseason Big East Player of the Year hit one of his four 3-pointers and scored 25 points. “We have a small margin of er ror with this team, being undermanned and undersized, so one or two mistakes are costly with us,” said senior captain Jonathan Mitchell, who scored 13 points. “Tonight, we had a few too many in the second half.” As the Knights fought to get back into the game, Mitchell dove and forced a jump ball as Beatty waved his hands and brought the home crowd to its feet. With the exclusion of a 23point loss to North Carolina at Madison Square Garden, which featured a block “R” at midcourt, Rutgers played its best basketball at home.
Behind Mitchell’s 21 points and 10 rebounds, the Knights earned their first Big East win just three games in against Providence, 85-72. But Freeman and Georgetown proved to be too much. “The RAC is a dif ficult place to play,” said Georgetown head coach John Thompson III. “[Rutgers] has great fans and it gets loud in there. They have good players and teams are going to make runs. It was a question of us at that point, focusing on execution, making the extra pass, getting an open shot.” Rice star ted sophomore forward Austin Johnson, who scored 16 points in the Providence win, over freshman Gilvydas Biruta, changing his star ting lineup for the first time this season against the Hoyas. The 6-foot-8 Biruta gave the performance Rice hoped for, leading the Knights with 14 points off the bench. He consistently reached double figures over winter break. “If someone watched his first three games and where he was then to now, it’s staggering,” Rice said. “He felt sorr y for himself after the UConn game a little bit. I wanted to wake him up a little bit by not starting him and I thought he responded ver y well.”
Senior forward Jonathan Mitchell leads the Scarlet Knights in scoring with 12.5 points per game, averaging 12 in conference play.
Now the Knights must respond in the opening minutes of the second half. While Rice sees improvement despite the mounting losses, the intensity and urgency he preaches and the culture of winning must take hold for a full 40 minutes.
“They have to believe it,” Rice said. “There’s more than one guy thinking, ‘Oh, here it comes again.’ It’s communicating, understanding … what is our goal today? To improve. That’s what we’re tr ying to do and they’re all in.”
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NO REST FOR THE WEARY Greg Schiano, Rutgers football program have busy start to offseason, bringing in two coaches, losing Tom Savage, recruiting top prospects
Don Bosco QB commits to RU Class of 2011
Rutgers hires two coaches from Pitt staff
Rutgers owes Pittsburgh athletic director Steve Pederson and the rest of the Panther administration a big thank you. By firing head coach Dave Wannstedt, who finished in a three-way tie for first in the Big East this season and is on the way back to the NFL, the Pittsburgh football program is in complete disarray. Not only did the Scarlet Knights acquire two key assistant coaches, but they also scooped up a major commitment for the Class of 2011 in the process. Rutgers took a significant step in recovering from the loss of Tom Savage with last week’s verbal commitment of Gar y Nova, who de-committed from Pittsburgh at the beginning of the New Year. “It’s a big weight off my shoulders after ever ything at Pittsburgh,” said Nova, the No. 11 quarterback in the countr y, according to “It feels good to be a part of something again, especially with a school like Rutgers. I’m going into a great situation. It’s close to home, and it’s a good program.” Nova, who stands at 6-foot-2 and 210 pounds, is the biggest quarterback commitment for the Knights since Savage in the eyes of the recruiting ser vice, but comes from a ver y different background. Savage’s recruitment spiked after success in high school combines, but he did not do much on the gridiron. Nova, who hails from New Jersey powerhouse Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey, is a two-time state champion quarterback. Not to mention the last player out of Don Bosco for the Knights, Mike Teel set just about every passing record in school history en route to three bowl victories and the NFL Draft. “The two of us have a good relationship,” Nova said. “Bosco has a great tradition, and we all stick together. I have had questions about Rutgers in the past and asked Mike about it, and the fact that he did so well there is encouraging.”
sign with the Scarlet Knights, asked for and received a conditional release from Rutgers on Jan. 8 and is set to transfer elsewhere. Savage initially expressed concerns and the possibility that he may not return for the upcoming season when he spoke
The Rutgers football team hopes to see plenty more of the offense that torched it for 65 points last year. And much more of the recruiting that plucked New Jersey’s top talent and sent it for drives along the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Head football coach Greg Schiano hired former Pittsburgh offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti and assistant coach Jef f Hafley in the wake of the Panthers’ upheaval. Cignetti will serve the same role with the Scarlet Knights, replacing Kirk Ciarrocca, while former Pitt defensive backs coach Hafley’s position has yet to be determined. But one thing is clear: There will be changes. “First and foremost it’s going to be a pro-style of fense,” Cignetti said. “The NFL pro-style system uses multiple personnel groupings, multiple formations, multiple shifts, multiple motions. What it allows you to do is get your playmakers the ball. It allows you to create mismatches because you have the formation and the personnel flexibility to get your guys on any spot on the field possible. What you’re going to look at is a balanced system in terms of running the ball and passing the ball, and think players first. Because it’s about getting playmakers the football.” When it comes to playmakers, Hafley has a knack for attracting talent. The Montvale, N.J., native earned a reputation as a star recruiter in Pittsburgh, where he spent the past three years and was responsible for recruiting New Jersey talents, like Don Bosco’s Brandon Sacco and Paterson Catholic’s T.J. Clemmings. Hitting the recruiting trail immediately after his hiring, Cignetti’s sales pitch now involves a slightly shorter commute than the six-hour drive across Pennsylvania. “I’m a Jersey guy, they’re Jersey guys and it should be easier to convince them to stay home and be around family and be around this great university cer tainly
Quarterback Tom Savage set true freshman records in the Big East for passing yards and passing touchdowns before backing up freshman Chas Dodd in his sophomore season.
Savage receives release, seeks transfer from Scarlet Knights BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
Sophomore quarterback Tom Savage, the one-time figurehead and poster boy for the Rutgers football team, is no longer a part of the program. Savage, arguably the biggest recruit in coach Greg Schiano’s 10-year tenure to
ESPN’s Tom Rinaldi interviewed junior defensive tackle Eric LeGrand, who regained sensation throughout his entire body.
In his first interview since a paralyzing spinal cord injury on Oct. 16, junior Eric LeGrand told ESPN he has sensation throughout his body and reiterated the belief of the Rutgers football team: That he will walk again. “I believe that I will walk one day,” LeGrand told Tom Rinaldi. “I believe it. God has a plan for me and I know it’s not to be sitting here all the time. I know he has something planned better for me.” LeGrand injured his spinal cord at the C3-C4 level while making a tackle on a kickoff against Army at New Meadowlands Stadium. While he received medical attention on the turf, he said he struggled to breathe and feared for his life. “I fell to the ground and my body just went, ‘Ding,’” he said.
“That’s all I hear, like my bell was ringing. My body was struck. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t. “I was like, ‘Could I pass out, could I die here? Fear of death, that’s the biggest fear I could have, because I couldn’t breathe the way I was breathing and I couldn’t move.” After undergoing emergency surger y at Hackensack University Medical Center after the injur y, LeGrand began rehabbing at the Kessler Institute in West Orange, N.J. His injury was reclassified from complete to incomplete. “I just knew something was wrong, and on my way out there just quickly thinking, ‘Please, let him be knocked out, Lord,’” said head coach Greg Schiano, who brought LeGrand’s mother, Karen, onto the field and spoke to her.
“You could see he wasn’t moving and I knew it wasn’t good.” Since beginning his rehab, LeGrand had a breathing tube removed and began breathing on his own. In the interview, he said doctors expected him to be able to breathe alone for a minute, but the 20-yearold lasted for an hour and a half. LeGrand first realized he had sensation while his mother rubbed his hands. “I didn’t want to hear that 2 percent of people with this injury can walk, or 5 percent can regain this,” Karen LeGrand said. “My son, in all honesty, is not a percentage. My son is my son, all right, and nobody knows him. Nobody knows the will that he has. Nobody knows the faith that we have.” — Staff Report