THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 7 5
1 8 6 9
Today: Snow
High: 37 • Low: 27
The Rutgers women’s basketball team hosts No. 2 Connecticut tonight at the Louis Brown Athletic Center in a battle of two of the three remaining unbeaten teams in Big East play.
Obama lays out plans to improve economy BY MARY DIDUCH MANAGING EDITOR
President Barack Obama delivered his second State of the Union address last night in the House of Representatives, whose members broke traditional partisan seating in honor of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. Obama opened his speech by addressing the Tucson shooting tragedy that occurred two weeks ago, which killed six and injured 13, including Giffords. In an effort to display unity during tragedy, Republicans sat next to Democrats, and all rose or remained seated at most times throughout the speech — regardless of party affiliation. The President said he hopes this unity will carry over to help the United States become more competitive against rising world powers. “I believe we can. I believe we must,” he said. Obama then relayed the status of the national economy — an improving stock market, an increase in jobs and a growth in corporate profits. But despite the gains in the corporate world, Obama admitted the majority of the nation is still suffering. Obama said the tax cuts he passed in December — those created by former President George W. Bush and that Obama formerly promised to repeal — have increased paychecks and
During last night’s State of the Union address in the chamber of the House of Representatives, President Barack Obama challenges Americans to be innovative and creative to build jobs that will compete in the global economy.
Audit inspects U. contracting practices BY REENA DIAMANTE CORRESPONDENT
In an audit released last week that evaluated the University’s financial management practices and contracting, the New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) found the University continuously chose the same vendors during its purchasing process, allowing a risk of paying for overpriced services. Under a current state law, the University’s bidding requirements differ from the ones other state depar tments, agencies and colleges must follow, according to the audit.
“Rutgers’ procurement of goods and ser vices generally fails to follow its own stated policies concerning use of a competitive process and unfairly favors incumbent vendors with its ‘single source’ procurement methodology,” according to the audit. Some evidence cited that for 16 years the University granted a contract to the same vendor for parking services for its basketball and football games on the basis that such a unique service could not undergo a competitive bidding process, according to the audit. The audit also claims the University’s internal policies
restrict competition in the purchasing process regarding capital planning projects by prequalifying contractors separate from the New Jersey process. The University permits the creation of a vendor and supplier database, according to the audit. Then only the chosen and pre-approved firms are invited for bids, proposals and negotiations for quotes. “These policies and practices run counter to the ‘basic tenet of public procurement’ that unrestricted competition ‘reduces the opportunity for favoritism and inspires
MPAA urges action against campus piracy
METRO Congressmen speak to low-income families about heating and energy funding in winter.
OPINIONS Vermont introduced legislation that aims to change the way companies are run in the U.S.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO
OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
School of Arts and Sciences senior Stephen Klepner uses the University’s network, which students may use to download illegal content.
Students listen to a lecture titled, “Chasing Miracles: The Crowley Family’s Journey of Strength, Hope and Joy that Inspired the Major Motion Picture ‘Extraordinary Measures.’”
The Motion Picture Association of America published an open letter in December discussing the contents of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, which require universities’ participation in preventing illegal downloading. The act requires schools to implement a plan to stop the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material by users of the institution’s network, MPAA chief content protection officer Daniel Mandil said in the letter. The letter also details the MPAA’s recommendations for how schools should comply with the law and includes a list of “role model” institutions. Although the University did not receive this letter and was not
To d a y i s t h e l a s t d a y t o a d d a c l a s s .
on the list of role model institutions, it has developed a plan to comply with the act, said Don Smith, vice president of Information Technology. “[Our plan] includes keeping our network’s users informed of the regulations and suggesting legal alternatives,” said Smith, Chief Information Officer. All students must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy for Computing and Information Technology Resources, which reviews copyright laws, said Mike Gergel, director of Information Protection and Security. The University’s Office of Student Affairs sends an official memo to students about legal disclosures including peer-to-peer and illegal file sharing, he said.
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WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Rutgers Meteorology Club THURSDAY HIGH 35 LOW 17
TODAY Snow, with a high of 37° TONIGHT Snow, with a low of 27°
1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1
142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Keith Freeman, Anthony Hernandez, Rashmee Kumar, Vinnie Mancuso, Ankita Panda, Jillian Pason, Olivia Prentzel CORRESPONDENTS — Maxwell Barna, Reena Diamante, Josh Glatt, Andrea Goyman, Sam Hellman, Amy Rowe, Joey Schulhoff SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard, Jeffrey Lazaro STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano
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J A N UA RY 2 6 , 2 0 1 1
PA G E 3
Father develops cure for fatal disease through business BY PRATHUSHA MADURI CONTRIBUTING WRITER
As CEO of the biopharmaceutical company Amicus Therapeutics and a graduate of Harvard Business School, John Crowley has accrued a number of accomplishments in his lifetime, but he considers his role as a father to his three children the most important. Two of Crowley’s children were diagnosed with Pompe disease, a fatal genetic disorder that does not allow the body to break down glycogen, which Crowley said causes an inability to utilize muscles. At the time his children were diagnosed, there were few treatment options for the disorder. For many parents, such a diagnosis would be a source of despair, but in his children’s illness Crowley found inspiration for change. “As much as I learned from business, [my wife] Aileen and I learned more about life, learning and love from our kids,” he said. Crowley came to the Computing Research and Education Building on Busch campus Monday evening as a guest of the “Masters of Business and Science” lecture series, which aims to educate students about realworld connections between business and science, said Deborah Silver, director of the Professional Science Master’s Program. “The new Masters of Business and Science is a professional science master’s program,” she said. “Students take their courses in a particular applied science concentration.”
John Crowley, CEO of biopharmaceutical company Amicus, spoke at the “Masters of Business and Science” lecture series Monday night at the Computing Research and Education Building on Busch campus.
Crowley, who was a key member of companies such as Orexigen Therapeutics and Genzyme Therapeutics, quit a stable job to search for the disorder’s cure and star ted his own biotechnology company, Novazyme, which was later acquired by Genzyme Therapeutics. With resources from Novazyme, Genzyme developed an enzyme therapy in 2003, and
Crowley’s children — who are now doing well — were among the first to participate in the clinical trials, which of fered them a second chance at living healthy lives. During his lecture, Crowley spoke about his life journey and the lessons he learned as an entrepreneur, scientist and father of two children suffering from a fatal disease. Young entrepreneurs, particularly those entering the
biotechnology fields, must take risks, have hope and stay humble, as even with success and wealth, happiness is unlikely if one’s sole goal in life is to make money, Crowley said. Sarath Velagaleti, a senior at the School of Engineering, found encouragement in Crowley’s stor y. “It was inspiring to see how he stood up alone and faced circumstances even
when they seemed hopeless,” Velagaleti said. Valerie Raziano, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student, agreed with Crowley’s views on business sensibilities and family priorities. “You need to be passionate about what you’re doing and always keep in mind that your goals aren’t always driven by extrinsic motive,” she said. “You need to be focused on your family and friends because those things are so precious and you need to value those things.” Among other accolades, Crowley was the subject of a 2006 Wall Street Journal frontpage article by Geeta Anand, as well as a book by the same author entitled, “The Cure: How a Father Raised $100 Million and Bucked the Medical Establishment- in a Quest to Save his Children.” But Anand was not the only one who picked up on Crowley’s life story. Actors Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser star in the recently released “Extraordinary Measures,” a major motion picture based on the book. After the lecture, students had the opportunity to watch the film. “The movie was so inspiring and made me realize that anything is possible,” said Danielle Clancy, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior. “Even though Mr. Crowley didn’t have any experience in science, he made something incredible happen for his family.”
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ACTION: OIT distributes
The Recording Industr y Association of America and the materials to increase awareness MPAA contact the University about individuals they find on their network downloading copycontinued from front righted materials, Smith said. “We also send out “We’re reactive, so we don’t brochures and postcards perilook into the contact on the netodically and put posters up to work,” he said. “When we promote awareness,” Smith receive a complaint that’s when said. “You can lead a horse to we forward a take down notice to water, but you can’t make a file sharer. The industries seek them drink. We do our best to them out wherever peer-to-peer inform students that we disis available.” courage these behaviors, but if Peer-to-peer programs like they ignore it, there is not DC++ and Shakespeer are popumuch we can do.” lar at the University because they As part of the act, schools are allows users to access any materequired to combat the problem rials that other users on campus with a technology-based deterrent, choose to share. Much of the Gergel said. The University’s detercontent shared on these prorent is a form of traffic shaping that grams is under copyright. ensures the same speed of delivery Sukanya Dutta, a regular user for Internet access for all students of DC++, does not feel threaton the network. ened by the The traffic poli“We didn’t want to University’s shaping limits the cies on sharing maximum downmake the system go c o p y r i g h t e d load and upload materials. dark on a student speeds available to “DC++ is great the user, he said. because I can anymore because Because of download music student and and movies from it is such an faculty complaints, students on essential resource.” other the Office of campus,” said Information Dutta, a School of MIKE GERGEL Technology Arts and Sciences Information Protection removed the bandsophomore. and Security Director width restriction that Smith said previously suspendthere are legitied network users’ Internet access mate uses for peer-to-peer file for exceeding the limit, Gergel said. sharing programs, which is why “Professors had legitimate they exist on campus. uses for the network, download“While everyone is aware that ing rich media content for classpeer-to-peer file sharing is often es that had tremendous bandabused, it’s often used for legitimate widths,” he said. “More stufile sharing that we don’t want to dents began exceeding the discourage,” he said. “Copyright bandwidth, and their suspended and peer-to-peer are not synonyaccess prevented them from mous. Students should use [peerviewing e-mails and logging to-peer] and use it correctly.” onto Sakai.” Smith wants students to use Although access is no longer legal alter natives like Hulu suspended, the user’s download and YouTube to obtain copyrate will slow down, Smith said. righted material. “We didn’t want to make the “I’d advise students to find system go dark on a student anylegal alternatives to get materimore because it is such an als they want,” he said. “Don’t essential resource,” he said. participate in pirated networks “Instead of taking your driver’s because it’s a bad thing to do license away so you can’t drive and a bad habit to get into. We your car, we’re posting speed recognize our advice isn’t always limit signs along the road.” taken seriously.”
Environmental Services and Grounds took a step toward making the University both clean and green by purchasing Ionators, battery-packed spray bottles that transform the molecular structure of tap water to make it a powerful, chemical-free cleaning agent. The completely recyclable Ionator, which has a lifespan of two to three years, basically acts as a dirt magnet, said Howard Nifoussi, director of outside sales at Bioshine, based in Spotswood, N.J. “There is no better way to bring about safety, health and cleanliness,” said Nifoussi, who sold the University the new devices. The Ionator is specifically designed to clean large equipment in University facilities, like fitness and student centers, he said. Dianne Gravatt, director of Environmental Ser vices and Grounds at the University, was first skeptical about purchasing the device but changed her view of the product when the Environmental Protection Agency reported the product killed 99.9 percent of bacteria. “It cleans and sanitizes,” Gravatt said. “It is just water so it is healthy and creates no air quality concerns when in use, no odors and no chance of skin or respiratory damage as with chemical use.” The Ionators will reduce the University’s spending on chemicals by 40 to 50 percent, she said. The device is unique in that its only active ingredient is water, Nifoussi said. The water first receives a small electrical charge before it passes through an ion exchange membrane. This produces a group of positively and negatively charged nanobubbles, he said. Before the water is released, it passes through an electrical field, which brings it to the surface. Once sprayed, the ionized water breaks apart any dirt or bacteria it hits and lifts it from the surface.
The Ionator will save the University about 40 to 50 percent on cleaning chemicals. The device is designed to be environmentally friendly.
Nifoussi said because the sole ingredient is water, it is a lot safer than chemical-based products. “This is the safest way to kill bacteria, [you can] use it around kids or people who have asthma,” he said. “There’s no toxicity and it is totally sustainable because your source to replenish this product comes directly from your sink.” Nifoussi said he believes the product has the potential to change the world. “I’ve been looking for a product like this my whole life,” he said. “When this product came out about two years ago I took ever y advantage I had for the opportunity to represent this company.” Emmy award-winning scientist, author and inventor Bill Nye “The Science Guy” was also excited about this product and was its last investor, Nifoussi said. Nye loved it so much, he made a nine-minute instructional video on the Ionator, which is currently on Bioshine’s website, he said. The only substance the Ionator cannot clean is oil from automobiles, but it can clean
mostly everything else without leaving residue, Nifoussi said. Aside from the University, Nifoussi also sold the Ionator to public school districts in New Jersey, whose smaller custodial staffs are trying to cut down on the use of toxic chemicals. Gravatt said the Environmental Ser vices and Grounds department is satisfied with the Ionators and plans to use them in the next fiscal year in all the buildings it maintains. Dave DeHart, director of Recreation Facilities who oversees operations at the Werblin Fitness Center on Busch campus, said the Ionators have been working fantastically. They clean and sanitize the entire facility. “Not only do they clean well, but they get [rid of] 99.9 percent of germs including MRSA and Staph, which is extremely important at fitness centers,” DeHart said. Gravatt predicts the University’s environment will improve after the Ionator’s continued use. “We will have better air, with no negative impact to ser vice,” Gravatt said. “[We] will be more environmentally and fiscally responsible.”
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AUDIT: OSC suggests 18 changes to foster competition continued from front public confidence that contracts are awarded equitably and economically,’” according to the audit. Other than capital planning projects, the OSC found delayed implementation of a 1999 contract meant to install new computer software for the Rutgers Integrated Administrative System (RIAS), a campus-wide administrative system, according to the audit. A $23.2 million increase to the project raised costs to $35.7 million, but the RIAS is still not complete, according to the audit. Contract management practices contributed to the rise as well as its time extension, and four purchased applications are still not installed. “Neither available documents nor Rutgers officials we inter viewed were able to provide adequate justification for the University continuing to make additional payments to a vendor for work it committed to complete a decade ago,” according to the audit. The audit calls for more appropriate control over the cash-management system and disbursement process, citing that the University is misusing the “quick order” process by purchasing prohibited items and ser vices. When the University transitioned from a private to a public institution, its charter did not mention its compliance to competitive bidding processes, said Pete McAleer, OSC director of Communications. “At one point the attorney general tried to enforce that and Rutgers went to cour t,” said McAleer. “The court sided with Rutgers, saying there is
The Office of the State Comptroller asks the University implement more competitive bidding for contracts like those regarding capital planning.
nothing under the law that permits them to have to use competitive bidding.” Yet the OSC is asking the University to consider changing its current internal policies, McAleer said. As of 2010, it is the only public university that does not go out to bid, and the OSC is also asking the legislature to change the policy. “We make 18 recommendations to improve Rutgers’ procurement and related contracting processes, to foster competition in the University’s selection of vendors and to strengthen controls over the financial management areas we reviewed,” according to the audit. McAleer said the results of the audit mean the University needs to strengthen their contracting procedures and practices, and they are already working to implement 16 of the 18 recommendations. “Specifically, Rutgers talked about a parking management
contract that had not been open ensure that procurement activito competition for 16 years. ties are conducted in ways that [They] now agreed to advertise promote competition, equity and take bids for that contract and fairness while also making the next time it goes up for sure that Rutgers receives the renewal,” he said. highest quality The OSC recproducts and ommended that ser vices at the “Neither available the New Jersey best possible documents nor State Legislature price,” according and the governor Rutgers officials we to a University require the press release. University to interviewed were able The OSC’s audit adhere to the five did not find illegal to provide adequate activity during the bidding requirements imposed University’s procejustification ... ” on other state dures, McAleer AUDIT REPORT colleges and unisaid. Office of the State Comptroller versities, accord“We are also ing to the audit. reviewing our poliIn response to cies to make sure the finding, the that we continue to University ensured its commitment purchase the best goods and servto its fiscal responsibilities and ices at the most competitive prices,” management procedures, and also according to the University’s accepted the OSC’s recommenda- release. “In those instances where tions from its 22-month review. our policies may seem unclear, we “The University’s policies will modify the language and procedures are designed to as appropriate.”
A series of news articles in the summer of 2008 raised questions regarding the fiscal management and contracting practices in the University’s athletic department, McAleer said. During the 2009 fiscal year, the University’s operating expenses were $1.68 billion and its operating revenues were $1.26 billion, resulting in an operating loss of $420 million, according to the audit. “The office undertook preliminar y inquir y into the University’s financial practices to assess the level of risk associated with those practices to determine whether a full audit would be appropriate,” McAleer said. “That risk assessment yielded the determination that an audit was warranted focusing on contract and procurement issues.” The OSC will conduct a followup on the University to make sure their recommendations have been met, he said. The process usually takes a year.
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T H E DA I LY TA R G U M members — Obama’s proposal to end tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. to improve higher education “Before we take money away from our schools, or scholarships continued from front away from our students, we helped create more than one million should ask millionaires to give up their tax break,” Obama said. jobs in the past year. Despite this instance, Ruth To get the economy back on director of the its feet, Obama proposed improv- Mandel, ing the nation’s research, educa- University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics, said the bipartisan image tion system and infrastructure. “None of us can predict with during the State of the Union certainty what the next big indus- address is important for the try will be, or where the new jobs American public. Americans are used to seewill come from. … What we can do — what America does better ing the separate sides sitting than anyone else — is spark the and standing based on party creativity and imagination of our affiliation, but Mandel said last night presented a hopeful image people,” Obama said. He said the government that Congress can work togethshould invest more in research er to help the countr y get back and technology to suppor t on track. “I’m not one to say that this innovators to create new technologies and jobs. In his budg- is trivial,” she said. “Images are et address in Februar y, he will impor tant. Ever y politician propose increasing subsidiza- running for office knows image tion for American scientists is important.” This image of hope and unity and their research to meet this need — including investments is especially true for the presiin biomedical technology and dent, who may be losing the public’s confidence, Mandel said. renewable energy. “I think ever yone agrees While innovation, research and development is important to keep that he’s come into office at a the United States in line with other ver y difficult time, and I believe nations around the world — and he still has the support and create more jobs for Americans — really the sympathy and Obama said to maintain this com- encouragement of a vast numpetition, America needs to ber of Americans, but that doesn’t do away with their probimprove education. Obama said he plans to help lems,” she said. It is important that the presicollege students afford school by proposing to make perma- dent demonstrate he can lead in nent the $10,000, four-year troubled times to set the tone for the countr y — especially to tuition tax credit. improve the “If we raise economy, the expectations for “We should ask major issue on every child. … by the end of the millionaires to give most American’s minds today, decade, America up their tax break.” Mandel said. will once again “Without a have the highest BARACK OBAMA healthy economy, proportion of colPresident nothing else can lege graduates in happen,” she said. the world,” the Rutgers University president said. President He also advised Congress take Democrats a stand on illegal immigration, Christopher Pflaum said fixing especially in regard to those col- the economy is something that lege students who are the chil- takes time, although the slow dren of undocumented workers pace of recover y is frustrating and may be deported after they for those who have been out of work for some time. receive their degree. “I think that President “Let’s stop expelling talented, responsible young people who Obama has made the economy could be staffing our research his major focus right when he labs or starting a new business, took office almost two years ago who could be further enriching from now, and I think he’s done a lot,” he said. this nation,” the president said. Pflaum believes Obama in Obama also described his plans for decreasing the nation’s his address showed how the $1.4 trillion deficit — a freeze on countr y can move for ward. “He finally challenged the annual domestic spending for the next five years, which would American people to move up,” reduce the deficit by more than Pflaum said. But Rutgers College $400 billion over the next decade. This would also require Republicans President Noah cuts and consolidations to elimi- Glyn said despite the Obama nate waste in the federal govern- administration’s ef for ts to ment, special programs and improve the economy, the nation is still facing a more than defense spending. But Obama advised not to cut 10 percent unemployment rate. “I think most people kind of from education. “Cutting the deficit by gutting get the feeling that there’s nothour investments in innovation ing this administration can do,” and education is like lightening he said. Glyn thinks to save the an overloaded airplane by removing its engine,” he said. “It may economy, the government feel like you’re flying high at first, needs to decrease deficit but it won’t take long before spending and maintain the tax cuts that have proven successyou’ll feel the impact.” While throughout the speech, ful in the past. “We need to move on to Republicans rose with Democrats in unison with most another option. The government of Obama’s ideas, one area just needs to show its flexibility,” showed divisiveness among the Glyn said.
OBAMA: President plans
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Holt, Pallone discuss funding for heating program BY BRETT SIEGEL CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Representatives Rush Holt, D12, and Frank Pallone, D-6, met Monday morning at the Puerto Rican Action Board (PRAB) headquarters in New Brunswick to discuss issues pertaining to home heating programs for lowincome families in the surrounding New Jersey area. During this tough economic downfall, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides monetar y assistance to eligible low-income households struggling to meet their energy needs, was created to help those people suf fering from financial woes. “No one should go a day without heat,” said Holt, who spoke at the press conference to show his support for the program and PRAB.
One of the issues discussed at the meeting was the threat that budget cuts would reduce the effectiveness and outreach of LIHEAP. As an avid suppor ter of the community ser vices, Pallone added that a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives would be the main cause for a cut in federal spending towards domestic needs. “As costs for energy have risen, the same amount of funding as last year might not go as far,” Pallone said. These substantial and fundamental issues are a major problem for many New Jersey residents who need help paying their heating and energy bill, he said. This is a major reason for fighting against the budget cuts. Though $175 million has been allocated to New Jersey
for this program, a steady increase in funds compared to last year is necessar y to keep all of the state’s low-income residents warm during the winter, Holt said. Although PRAB developed a program to reach out to the community and make it known that these advantages were available, numerous citizens are unaware they are eligible for aid, said Mario Vargas, PRAB executive director. “PRAB has developed into a comprehensive human ser vices program,” Vargas said. The action board provides easy access to applications for heating assistance in their offices and often brings it up at meetings. But Vargas said more could be done in order to help every family in need. Though he is proud the $300 million grant was able to weatherize and protect 400 homes
from the harsh New Jersey winters, Vargas said similar increases in funding and program benefits are necessary. “I implore and urge [the congressmen] to keep fighting and hold the line,” Vargas said. Pallone also shed light on the concern New Jersey citizens have with general economic worries. “While weather is getting worse and there is more need for heat assistance, there is, at the same time, unemployment rates going up,” Pallone said. This factor makes it even more impor tant that LIHEAP gets increased rather than level federal funding, he said. By decreasing the strain New Jersey citizens feel from high energy and electric bills, LIHEAP increases their ability to pay for other necessities such as health care and food, Vargas said.
“It is the most vulnerable people that are impacted the most [by the high cost of heating and energy bills],” Pallone said. Another risk that low-income families and individuals face is the threat of fires occurring after they replace central heat with space heaters or candles in more extreme situations, Vargas said. LIHEAP is available to keep households from reaching this point if residents seek out its benefits. “I was impressed by the proficiency of the board,” said Monroe Township resident Lurline Jacobsen, who received financial aid from LIHEAP. The program and board complete the tasks at hand when given the correct amount of funding and is needed for LIUHEAP to continue functioning efficiently and productively, Vargas said.
Local legislators announce employee training grants BY SONJA TYSIAK CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Democratic Sen. Bob Smith and Assemblymen Upendra Chivukula and Joseph Egan, all representing District 17, unveiled the winners of the most recent Customized Training Grant. Given by the Department of Labor and Workforce, the grant was awarded to the Rutgers University Medical Billers Consortium, New Brunswick’s St. Peter’s Healthcare Consortium, Piscataway’s L’Oreal USA, and North Brunswick’s Phoenix Container, said Kerri Gatling, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Office of Communications specialist. “Customized Training Grants assist participating businesses raise the productivity and skills of their workers and increase the ability of the businesses to compete in the global economy,” she said.
Members of the Department of Labor and Workforce review applicants every two months, and award grants to companies they believe are suited for customized skills training, Gatling said. The intention is to make New Jersey workers more skilled and competitive in today’s economy. “These grants are competitive and they are designed to assist businesses to train their workforce in the specific skills needed by the employer,” she said. In addition to helping out businesses, the grants were put in place to create and sustain jobs in this recovering economy, she said. They will also help increase workers’ salaries. Gatling is also hopeful the grants will establish new jobs and a better lifestyle for the typical worker. “These grants are certainly an investment by the State and are expected to result in the creation of new jobs, the retention of jobs
and/or an increase in wages for the trained workers,” she said. Egan said he believes that the grants will help each business employee become more competent in the workforce. “We want the workers to become more productive in their job fields,” he said. “This will make them more marketable for jobs in society.” Winners received dif ferent sums of grants, according to the Department of Labor and Workforce’s website. Rutgers University Medical Billers Consor tium and St. Peter’s Healthcare Consor tium each received $124,000, the L’Oreal USA received $64,200 and Phoenix Container received $48,800. The grant program is available to all applicants that are individual employers, organizations, labor organizations, community-based organizations and consor tiums, said Ryan
Lemanski, legislative aide for Chivukula. The four grants are expected to train over 1,500 current employees and allow the recipients to hire 62 new employees, he said. “The money comes from the New Jersey Workforce Development Partnership Act, which is funded by employer & employee tax contributions,” Lemanski said. “Forty-five percent of this money is used for customized training grants.” In order for these foundations to receive the grants, they undergo a rigorous process, Lemanski said. They must apply for a grant and explain how they will use the money to train employees, how many employers they will hire and explain why the money will benefit their businesses. Winners were approved for different training programs, depending on their businesses
and the skill sets they need to hone best, Lemanski said. “Rutgers University Medical Billers was approved for Medical Records Administration, Medical Records Technology and Medical Technology,” he said. “St. Peter’s was approved for Leadership for Results, Operations Management, Computer Sciences and Medical Records Technology.” Egan, Chivukula and the New Jersey Depar tment of Labor believe the grants will have a positive effect on New Brunswick. These grants will help these New Jersey employees become more productive in their work and acquire new skills, Egan said. “Every person that has their skills upgraded by these grants will have an advantage. It is a definite plus,” he said. “When everyone in the company is welltrained, it has a positive effect on the entire workforce.”
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Demand transparency from governments
he leak of the so-called “Palestine Papers” should have been a major topic of conversation in the United States, based on the information those papers contained. For some strange reason, it seems the leak has gone relatively unnoticed in the States. These papers are yet another strong piece of evidence in favor of increased transparency in government. Anyone who has been following the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has heard the same story — that Palestine has been actively refusing compromise and that the United States and Israel, despite their best efforts, cannot make Palestine budge. According to the leaked documents, this is far from the case. In reality, it seems that the roles are actually reversed. Palestine has offered to make numerous massive concessions, and the United States and Israel have rejected them all. One of the more notable compromises Palestine has offered is limiting the number of refugees allowed to return to their old homeland to 100,000 refugees over a 10-year period — out of roughly three million people claiming refugee rights. Another striking concession — also rejected — was Palestine’s agreement to relinquish their claims to the Jewish and Armenian quarters in Jerusalem. Palestine offered other concessions as well, all of which were just as surprising given the story the public hears over and over again, and all of which were also rejected. It is clear that, according to the “Palestine Papers,” the United States is firmly rooted on Israel’s side of the negotiations, and both the United States and Israel are far less willing to compromise than Palestine in this situation. The fact that these papers tell a different story than the one that many people have heard throughout the years is a bit disconcerting. Unsurprisingly, the documents have caused uproar in Palestine, as many citizens feel betrayed by their government. In a sense — though definitely not to the same extent — the government has misled the American citizens. There should never be a reason for a government to lie to its citizens. But, sadly, that tends to happen rather often. The leak of these papers demonstrates that governing bodies need to be more transparent with those they are governing, no matter what. Sure, the revelations in the papers were not earth-shattering — surprising, but not earth-shattering. Still, regardless of the magnitude, there is a message in all of this — don’t tell your citizens one thing if you are just going to go out and do the opposite.
Reject corporate personhood, rights
ermont is taking a step that should have been taken a long time ago to undo precedent that never should have been set. Sen. Virginia Lyons, D-Vt., has introduced a bill to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would assert “corporations are not persons under the laws of the United States or any of its jurisdictional subdivisions.” Corporations are not people, and they should never have been given personhood rights in the first place. Corporations are merely collections of contracts and nothing more. As of now, corporations are provided all of the same rights under the Constitution as any given citizen of the nation. As a result, these businesses have been able to dominate American politics by donating absurd amounts of money to candidates who go on to ignore the wants, needs and desires of American citizens in favor of giving these corporations whatever they want. That is not democracy. No person should have to live under a government who cares more for legal fictions than for real, live human beings. The U.S. Supreme Court one year ago ruled in favor of nonprofit organization Citizens United in the landmark case, “Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.” This decision was disastrous, and it is great to see Vermont fighting back against this great injustice. Justice John Paul Stevens, one of the few people involved in the case who seems to have his head on straight, wrote that “corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. They are not themselves members of ‘We the People’ by whom and for whom our Constitution was established.” We couldn’t agree more with Stevens’ feelings on the matter. Vermont is taking the step that every state should be taking. That no other state seems to be concerned about the matter of corporate personhood is a legitimately frightening thought. If this legislation is successful and its urgings make an impact on Congress, hopefully other states will follow suit, until the federal government takes notice. Then again, even if Congress does not heed Vermont’s call, other states should follow suit with their own legislation regardless. If the federal government disregards the voice of one state, it certainly would not disregard the voices of all of them. It is time for the American people to take back the democratic process. It is lunacy that they ever had to do so in the first place.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “The movie was so inspiring and made me realize that anything is possible.” Danielle Clancy, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior, on the movie “Extraordinary Measures” STORY IN UNIVERSITY
Eat smart, eat well, eat cheap Frontlines T
I tend to buy things that here are two things will last and produce multito know about me. ple meals — frozen chickThe first is that I en and boxes of pasta as work for The Daily opposed to more expenTargum and therefore sive and easily consumed have no life. The second is items like pizza bagels and that I am constantly in a frozen dinners. state of insatiable hunger. TAYLERE PETERSON The secret is to actually It sounds amusing, but cook the food. Seriously. being hungry at my rate Processed foods tend to be pricey and terrible for usually means I turn into an obsessed monster conyou anyway. stantly in pursuit of something. It only takes about 15 minutes to chop up a I can tell you the exact contents of my house’s chicken breast, steam a cup of rice and cook the refrigerator, starting with the condiments and meat to make a decent stir-fry. (It’s all about the ending with my housemates’ leftovers. My sauce. I use sesame garlic and people always comfavorite question to ask people is, “What did you pliment on how good it smells.) have for dinner?” and “What are you making?” Then again, sometimes there isn’t time. The When someone starts eating in the office, I’m Daily Targum’s office doesn’t have a stove, but it immediately there and asking if I can tr y it, steal has a microwave. Items like Chef Boyardee and a bite, smell it. Cup of Noodle are usually 10 for $10 and three for And when I get food? It’s down the gullet with$1. On days when I’m too tired or running late, I out a second thought. If I’m especially hungry or just grab a can from the pantry and go. eating something delicious, I tend to unconsciousMy other method of cheap eating is taking ly emit little noises of pleasure. Which sounds advantage of my nine female dirty, I know, but it’s true. I’m often housemates. (Crazy, right?) Well, told it’s quite disgusting and even “A meal is imagine about five of them enjoy to disturbing, but I don’t care because bake — especially one super-baker, I love food. always better who I know is baking a carrot cake There’s only one problem I run going down than as I type. into in my pursuit of food-related It’s a dream come true to return happiness — money. coming back up.” home after four hours of classes and Since it’s safe to say I don’t get find a loaf of banana bread you can paid ver y much and don’t have cut a slice from before rushing back out the door time for another job, I’m usually consumed by two for work. As long as the food isn’t off-limits, don’t be concerns: How much money I have and what I can afraid to take a share. eat that day. If your housemates don’t bake, I’ll bet they get When not paying attention in class, I’m either takeout. As I said earlier, I know there are at least budgeting my impending monetary affairs or writthree boxes of leftovers in the fridge. If you wait ing a grocery list. long enough, the original owner might decide After living off-campus for six months (and cutthey don’t want them anymore. This is your ting my checks without parental assistance), I’ve chance to pounce. developed a handy system of making sure I can Just be wary. Some foods do not age well, and a afford rent and utilities every month. I call this plan meal is always better going down than coming back Don’t Spend Anything. up. And try not to be too annoying about asking. I OK, I admit this is impossible. But I make it my know my housemates must be sick of my obsesgoal to not spend anything if I don’t have to. This sion by now, but I really do hate wasting food. means when I shop for food I usually search out the That’s pretty much how I save money and feed cheapest and most generic of items. myself. It’s not luxurious and it’s not always easy, Do you pay attention to the price-per-ounce but it keeps me from having to pay late fees or beg amount next to the price tag? I do. It sounds anal my parents for money. and tedious, but it makes me feel better knowing In the words of Forrest Gump, that’s all I have to I’ve saved a couple of dollars. say about that. No joke, the discount aisle makes my heart race with anticipation. It’s surprising to see how much Taylere Peterson is a School of Arts and Sciences you can save by checking the sales and special junior majoring in journalism and media studies offers. I remember with pride the month Stop and and English with a minor in art history. She is Shop had Ocean Spray Cran-Grape juice on sale, design editor of The Daily Targum. buy one get one free.
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
Fight anti-Semitic thought, speech Letter ERIC KAPLAN
he column in The Daily Targum from last Thursday titled “AntiSemitism exists today,” accurately notes the prevalence of antiSemitism in the world today. According to the FBI’s statistics for 2009, more religious hate crimes victimized Jews than those of every other religion combined. Anti-Semitism is also present at the University. An upcoming event entitled “Never Again” promotes anti-Semitic attitudes under the guise of being anti-Israel. Criticism of Israel that is comparable to that leveled against other countries should be welcome. According to the U.S. Department of State in a report addressing the rise of antiSemitism to Congress, comparing the behavior of Israel to the Nazis is anti-Semitic, since it has no connection to reality. I am not surprised this event is being sponsored by BAKA: Students United for Middle Eastern Justice, which has consistently lodged unfair criticism against Israel. Now, we can be sure that BAKA is indeed anti-Semitic and has no place in our civil discourse. The greatness of universities is their full freedom of expression, and BAKA certainly has the right to express anti-Semitic rhetoric. At the same time, all morally upright
people have the obligation to speak out, oppose hatred and challenge bigotry from BAKA and all who sympathize with terrorism. A report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights phrased it this way: “Universities cannot pretend that calling for the destruction of Israel with the use of Nazi images is part of the normal academic discourse. If they do, they are being untruthful with themselves.” The Israel that I studied in this past fall is very different than the one BAKA describes. The Israelis and Palestinians that I met were peace-loving people who largely believed in two states living peacefully alongside each other. BAKA purports to be concerned about the welfare of Palestinians, but never organized a vigil for the Fatah leaders who were thrown off the top of a building in 2006 during the Hamas overthrow of Gaza. We have an obligation to raise our level of public discourse and to use rhetoric that supports a peaceful solution to this regional conflict. A Jewish homeland is the only way to prevent a second Holocaust. The anti-Semites of our generation cloak their true intentions under the guise of anti-Zionism. Martin Luther King Jr. wisely said, “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.” Eric Kaplan is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in political science.
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Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
J A N UA RY 2 6 , 2 0 1 1
Today's birthday (01/26/11). This year presents a great opportunity to start those projects that require patience ... the ones whose fruit taste sweeter because you have to wait longer. You may not even get to see the results, but your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will. Don't be afraid to share your knowledge. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — It's a good day to Today is a 6 — Conversations go exercise, burn some toxins with an older person show the and get reinvigorated ... even if challenge and potential in a you don't feel like it. You'll feel household activity. Add physical great afterwards. Others notice. strength to someone else's skills Taurus (April 20-May 20) — to get it done. Today is a 7 — Someone you Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — respect suggests a dynamic plan Today is a 6 — An older person for the day. Fit this into your points out a different kind of thinking without losing track of logic. Ask questions to underpersonal responsibilities. Call stand the details. Then make the home to check in. changes that you now see clearly. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 7 — Use all of your Today is a 7 — Carry new ideas logical notes to create just the back to the group as soon as right tone. Others feel lucky to you understand them fully yourshare the song. For something self. This relieves any anxiety, beautiful, allow change to occur and provides new structures in its own rhythm. for collaboration. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — Ask each team Today is a 7 — Put on your member to share their logic professional role to handle about today's challenges. Obstaany practical objections. cles become opportunities when Although you have creative you have multiple options and ideas, logic rules now. Save can form a consensus. those imaginative thoughts. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — Someone enters Today is a 7 — Tackle business your work sphere with a new, issues with a creative, open natural solution. Everything sud- mind. Each obstacle gives way, as denly makes more sense. Listen you perceive its inherent opporwell, and you can use those ideas tunity. Final results are brilliant. for impressive results. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — One group Today is a 6 — Don't drag your member is not listening to sugfeet when someone poses a serious gestions. Everything seems question. Look for answers close stuck. A complete change in to home, and handle any probdirection may work, to look at it lems on a basic, practical level. from another side. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
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Last-Ditch Ef fort
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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:
by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek
(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: PRIZE DROOP MEMBER MUSCLE Answer: What the farmer acquired when he bought the junkyard — A “BUMPER” CROP
PA G E 1 2
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J A N UA RY 2 6 , 2 0 1 1
Junior forward Maya Moore (white) joined Connecticut as the No. 1 recruit in the nation and won the Player of the Year award last season.
UPSET: RU puts unbeaten
Staying consistent down low is a must against the likes home record on line vs. UConn of the Huskies, who boast one of the nation’s best players in forward Maya Moore, who avercontinued from back ages 24.2 points per game. “She has to be in the top 10, “It’s different when you expeeasy in the top 10,” Stringer said rience it,” Stringer said. “They of where Moore stands among [Connecticut] know what it feels all-time greats. “Maybe top five. like to have that kind of success. I’d have to give some thought to These other young people just that, some real thought to the hear about it, but they don’t players that preceded her, but know. And that’s not their fault, she’s a special talent. Her being they just don’t know.” a special talent is evident with The Knights car r y their the way she plays.” own streaks into the matchup But Moore is to UConn as though, even if none are as junior for ward April Sykes is groundbreaking as a 90-game to the Knights. winning streak. The Starkville, Stringer and Miss., native Co. will take the “You always want to came up to the floor of the Louis college ranks the Brown Athletic beat the best and same year as Center tonight lookingto improve clearly UConn is the Moore, Sykes as the No. 2 overupon a perfect 8-0 best. I think ... we all recr uit and record within Moore one spot it confines. just have to play above her. The squad our game.” Their careers has thrived in took dif ferent the post as of C. VIVIAN STRINGER paths, but Sykes, late thanks Head Coach the team’s leading to the play of Lee scorer, still brings and sophomore the ability to center Monique drop 20 points any given night. Oliver, translating to a Playing a Rutgers-style of cur rent five-game winning basketball must come first streak that includes a pair though, according to Stringer. of road wins. “You always want to beat “I don’t want to get beside the best and clearly UConn is myself and star t playing mind the best,” Stringer said. “I think games with myself, thinking I that to a great extent, we just have to do something dif ferent have to play our game, play the because of the name of way that we play.” the team we’re playing,” Lee Stringer knows better than said. “I want to keep maintainanyone that all streaks and ing the same level of intensity records are meant to be and energy I’ve had in the broken. A loss tonight, and three previous games but I’m the Knights would continue on just going to prepare myself their way with just one the same way.” conference blemish. In those games, the A win though, and the Miami native notched consecuKnights would set of f tive double-doubles and during the national radar, this time the win streak averages 18.0 with much more than points, 5.6 rebounds and 2.2 a faint blip. blocks per game.
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Canadian freshman makes impact BY MATT CANVISSER CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Canada is known for many dif ferent things, but the Canadian product that the SWIMMING & DIVING R u t g e r s s w i m ming and diving team is most thankful for at the moment is freshman Chelsea Rolin. Rolin, who grew up near Montreal, is the newest member of the Scarlet Knights after joining the team earlier this month. In Montreal, students graduate high school in 11th grade, then enter two years of prep school called “CEGEP” before attending college. Rolin changed programs during her first year of CEGEP, putting her a semester behind and delaying her arrival at Rutgers. She was named the top female athlete in high school and top overall athlete in both of her years on the swim team. Rolin was also named the top athlete on her CEGEP squad both years and led the team to a pair of division titles. She was recruited to swim by several Canadian universities, but decided to come to the United States after a recruiting visit a year ago on the Banks. “A couple of American universities had contacted me, but
nothing of ficial,” Rolin said. “Rutgers was one of the first schools I visited. I chose RU mainly because of the team. As soon as I met them I felt instantly connected, as if I was a par t of something bigger.” Rolin faced the task of assimilating to changes in nearly every facet of her life upon arriving at
“As soon as I met [my teammates] I felt instantly connected, as if I was part of something bigger.” CHELSEA ROLIN Freshman
Rutgers. She had to adjust to life as a college freshman, the culture shock of an entirely new country and the difficulty of joining a team past the midpoint of its season. “Initially, I was extremely worried about joining the team in the middle of the season,” Rolin said. “The team had already grown and bonded together, and I was scared that I wouldn’t fit in or be welcomed. But as soon as I got here, the girls made me feel comfortable
and like I was already a part of the team which made the transition that much easier.” She adapted seamlessly thanks to the support of her teammates, and the only shock has been the one that she delivers in the pool. Rolin made an instant impact for the Knights, grabbing two victories in her very first meet with the club earlier this month against Maryland. “I was so ner vous prior to the meet,” Rolin said. “I was scared I would let my team down or that I wouldn’t live up to ever yone’s expectations. I just wanted to make them proud.” Rolin not only lived up to her team’s expectations, she exceeded them. She took first in the 400-meter freestyle, finishing in 4:27.35 and won the 800meter freestyle by 14 seconds with a time of 9:02.26. “Chelsea has been a nice addition to the program,” said head coach Phil Spiniello. “She has a great work ethic, and we look for ward to her contribution to the program over the next four years.” In addition to looking forward to next month’s Big East Championships in Louisville, Ky., she also has her sights set on qualifying for this year’s NCAA Championships and the Canadian Olympic team in 2012.
Sophomore wing Dane Miller recorded his third double-double of the year on Saturday with 17 points and 10 rebounds against Seton Hall.
JOBS: Cincy ranks sixth in rebounding with Gates, Thomas continued from back “[Cronin] has added a lot of depth and talent,” Rice said. “He has places to turn to on his bench. He has six, seven players that he can turn to if one of his starting five is not playing well. One thing I take is he’s done a tremendous job restocking the talent at Cincinnati.” The Bearcats combined to win just 24 games through Cronin’s first two seasons, but Cincinnati (17-3, 4-3) now boasts one of the most physical frontcour ts in the Big East. Bearcat for wards Yancy Gates and Ibrahima Thomas aid Cincinnati in registering the conference’s sixth-best rebounding margin a year removed from a backcour t-oriented of fense. Former point guard and program flag-bearer Deonta Vaughn graduated, while enigmatic wing Lance Stephenson, the 2009-10 Big East Rookie of the Year, opted for the NBA after just one year with Cincinnati. “We just want to play our basketball, control what we can control — how we play defense, how we r un our of fense — and take each game,” senior guard Mike Coburn said. “We’re not really worried about their style of play or what they do. We’re going to do what we do and tr y to execute.” Rutgers (12-7, 3-4) dropped a pair of contests a year ago to the Bearcats, who ended the Knights’ season in a 69-68 win in the first round of the Big East Tournament at Madison Square Garden. Referees called a shooting foul with 1.8 seconds left on sophomore wing Dane Miller, which sent Stephenson to the free throw line and ended up being the final points scored in the Knights’ season. Miller denies the foul taking place, but has since moved on from the incident and comes into the matchup of f of a 17-point, 10-rebound performance against Seton Hall. “I really don’t think about it, actually,” said Miller, the 2009-10
rookie runner-up to Stephenson. “After the game, I went out there and saw my mom and forgot about it, truthfully. I really don’t think about games last year.” The Knights similarly rebounded from a 1-4 star t to Big East play with two consecutive victories, highlighted by a 66-60 decision over Seton Hall on Saturday in Newark. It took the Knights until Feb. 14 to earn three conference victories last season, but Rutgers cannot af ford to lose its sense of urgency against Cincinnati, Coburn said. “I just let them know, ‘Stay hungry,’” said Coburn of the younger Knights. “We’ve got three [Big East] wins so far. We’ve got a big road game at Cincy. Try to be focused for the next upcoming game and take it one game at a time. Don’t be satisfied.” Rutgers’ biggest obstacle — both literally and figuratively — in extending its conference win streak is Gates, who anchors the Bearcats to the Big East’s best scoring defense. Gates’ three-point play with eight seconds to play propelled Cincinnati to a 53-51 victory over St. John’s on Saturday in New York. Gates and Thomas combine to average 12.8 rebounds per game to lead the Bearcats while averaging a combined 47 minutes per contest. “Both guys are 6-10. Yancy Gates is probably 6-10, 240 [pounds],” Miller said. “He’s a pitbull, so we have to box him out — double team and box him out. We have to box out everybody, not just those two. This is the Big East. Ever ybody wants to be aggressive.” Like Cronin, a central part of Rice’s plan to get Rutgers into the upper half of the Big East deals with defense, particularly that of the 6-foot-7 Miller. Maybe in another four years, a first-year head coach will look at Rice’s blueprint with the Knights as a template. “If you want to win you have to defend in the Big East,” Rice said. “People who usually do have the best field goal percentage defense [and] have the best defensive stats. We manipulated not just Dane, but all of their thinking about, ‘If you don’t defend, you don’t win.’”
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he NFL named former Rutgers cornerback Devin McCour ty to the NFL’s All-Pro second team. The New England Patriots selected McCourty in the first round of last year’s NFL draft. McCourty finished first and third on the defense with seven interceptions and 82 tackles, respectively. The accolade is one of many for McCourty during his rookie season, as he will also play in the Pro Bowl Sunday and is under consideration for the Defensive Rookie of the Year award. He is the second Scarlet Knight named to an All-Pro team this year, as former running back Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens was named to the first team.
Derek Jeter ever switches positions, general manager Brian Cashman thinks he would be best suited for center field. Jeter signed a three-year, $51 million deal, which holds an option for a fourth year with New York. The Yankees captain, 36, won his fifth Gold Glove award in 2010, but there have been talks in the organization about moving him from shortstop due to his decline in range. For now at least, Cashman and the organization are staying with Jeter, as the GM said yesterday, “Jeter is our shortstop, period.”
BEFORE MIKE NAPOLI got to put on a Toronto Blue Jays uniform, the catcher was traded to the Texas Rangers for relief pitcher Frank Francisco and cash. Napoli was also traded Friday from the Los Angeles Angels. The Angels received Vernon Wells and cash for Napoli and Juan Rivera. Napoli hit at least 20 home runs in each of the last three seasons, but he has not put together more than 96 games at catcher in a season due to injuries and positional changes.
NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS wide receiver Wes Welker says he regrets the digs he took at New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan’s foot-fetish scandal prior to the Patriots playoff matchup with New York. Welker was benched for the team’s first of fensive possession as punishment for his remarks, although he did field the Patriot’s first punt of the game. “At the end of the day, it’s about football. That’s what it’s supposed to be about,” Welker said.
Islanders suspended goalie Evgeni Nabokov after he failed to report to the team after being claimed off waivers. The Islanders snagged Nabokov just two days after he signed a one-year contract with the Detroit Red Wings. “I don’t see how I could help the Islanders or what I could do for them,” Nabokov said. “It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. And I hope they understand that.”
Sophomore Dan Rinaldi owns a 17-5 record in his first year wrestling at 184 pounds. The Lodi, N.J., native won each of his past five matches and will be tested this weekend against Navy’s Luke Rebertus, who is ranked No. 11 in the nation in the 184-pound weight class.
RU’s individual rankings remain unchanged BY A.J. JANKOWSKI ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
The Rutgers wrestling team took a monumental leap in the program’s goals last Friday by defeating No. 3 Virginia WRESTLING Tech. The win marked the first time the Scarlet Knights took down a top-five team and showcased the program’s growth in front of nearly 3,000 spectators. So now what? “What’s next for us is I’d like to finish the rest of the year off strong,” said head coach Scott Goodale, whose Knights moved to No. 9 in yesterday’s coaches’ poll. “We still have a couple of big challenges ahead of us, and I’d like to finish it off strong. At the same time, I want to make sure we are healthy and rested.” For Goodale and Co., it is easy to stay satisfied with the win over the Hokies and coast through
their five remaining duals, but that is not the way they are approaching the end of the season. In fact to some, Virginia Tech is already a distant memor y. “It’s mostly out of my mind,” said sophomore Joe Langel. “Sometimes I’ll look back on it because you can’t help it. We put a lot of work into getting that win and the atmosphere, but you have to get past it. You can’t dwell on it. It’s just one match. Know what you did right, know what you did wrong and learn from it.” It was Langel who got the Louis Brown Athletic Center jumping on Friday when he kicked off the match by upsetting No. 13 Jarrod Garnett of Virginia Tech with an 8-7 decision. The win, coupled with another victory over Rider the following day, bumped Langel’s record to 15-6. However, it did not vault Langel into the InterMat top 20 for 125-pounders. “I’m not really thinking about
[rankings],” Langel said. “That’s not going to really matter until the end of the season. Right now, I’m just worrying about wrestling, staying healthy and winning.” Despite Langel’s upset win, junior Trevor Melde’s upset over No. 13 Chris Diaz and sophomore Dan Rinaldi’s five-match winning streak, no new Knight wrestler is represented in the rankings. Rutgers still has five ranked wrestlers, and Goodale believes there should be more. “I don’t know how Danny Rinaldi is not ranked,” he said. “He has one bad match, and he’s not ranked.” Rinaldi carries a 17-5 record with him after going 2-0 on the weekend, including a 10-1 major decision against Rider’s James Brundage. “I try not to pay too much attention to it,” Rinaldi said of his omission from the rankings. “It’s not something that I can control. I’m just going to control what I can and take it one match at a time.”
The Lodi, N.J., native has a golden opportunity this weekend to make a push for the rankings when the Knights travel to face Virginia and Navy. The Midshipmen boast the No. 11 wrestler in the nation, Luke Rebertus, in Rinaldi’s 184pound weight class. Although the two have never wrestled before, the ranking does not skew Rinaldi’s expectations. “I’m looking for a win,” he said. “I’m just going to tr y and wrestle my match, and if I’m able to do that, then I’ll be fine.” Gaining national respect from an individual standpoint is the next step that Goodale wants to see his wrestlers take. “That’s what we stress. If you want respect, here is your opportunity to get it,” Goodale said. “We’ve got it already from a team standpoint, but if you want individual respect around the country, these are the matches you’ve got to win.
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Rushdan boasts experience from UConn upset BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT
There is no other way around it, the Rutgers women’s basketball team is taking on arguably the greatest women’s basketball team ever WOMEN’S BASKETBALL assembled tonight when they play CONNECTICUT AT No. 2 Connecticut RUTGERS, in Piscataway. TONIGHT, 7:30 P.M. Behind the talk of UConn’s unprecedented 90-game winning streak and all the records the Huskies set along the way, lays a blip on the radar when Rutgers once came out on top. Good thing one member of the Scarlet Knights roster still holds the memor y of that victor y. “Just to never give up. You’ve got to fight,” said junior guard Khadijah Rushdan on what she learned from beating Connecticut, 73-71, in 2008. “The mindset of this team and playing for [head coach C.Vivian Stringer] is always a fighting mentality, always playing hard. “Regardless of what may happen during the game, we have to always remember that.” While memories of the Knights’ victor y over head coach Geno Auriema’s thenundefeated Connecticut team may faintly exist, Rushdan still brings more to the table than any other member of the Rutgers roster. With a win tonight, the Wilmington, Del., native could become one of the few players in the countr y to own two wins against UConn (19-1, 7-0). The junior class of for wards Chelsey Lee and April Sykes and guard Nikki Speed all came to the Banks a season after the win and lack the winning experience Rushdan has. Since that time, the Knights (12-6, 5-0) have dropped five-straight to their conference rivals — a stretch in which the Huskies have not lost to any other conference opponent.
Junior guard Khadijah Rushdan is the only member of the Scarlet Knights’ squad that claims a victory over Connecticut in her career. The Wilmington, Del., native is second on the team in scoring and averages 13.3 points per game over the past three contests.
Cronin, Rice faced similar building jobs
CAMPOLATTANO DECOMMITS FROM FOOTBALL, CONSIDERS COLLEGE WRESTLING Andrew Campolattano was the first commitment for the Rutgers football team’s 2011 recruiting class, but he reneged on that FOOTBALL commitment about a week before signing day. The Bound Brook linebacker decided against a college football career to wrestle, according to Gannett New Jersey. The 215-pounder owns a 150-1 career record and won three state championships at 189 pounds. He could become the state’s second fourtime wrestling champion. Campolattano would consider wrestling at Rutgers, according to the report. The Scarlet Knights rank ninth in the nation in the latest coaches’ poll. “I’m really opening it up to any of the colleges who are interested,” Campolattano told Gannett New Jersey. “It’s both sports, but right now football is a very slim possibility. I’m looking for whatever school is right for me.” — Steven Miller
Head coach Mike Rice is tasked with rebuilding a Rutgers program that lost six players from last year’s team — a similar challege to that which Cincinnati head coach Mick Cronin faced.
When the Rutgers men’s basketball team enters Fifth Third Arena to take on Cincinnati tonight, Bearcats head coach Mick MEN’S BASKETBALL Cronin will see a Scarlet Knights RUTGERS AT program eerily CINCINNATI, similar to the one TONIGHT, 9 P.M. he took over in March 2006. Saddled with an exhausted roster and transferred players, Cronin took over the Bearcats after the school ousted longtime head coach Bob Huggins when he failed to graduate student-athletes and suf fered numerous program violations. But Rutgers head coach Mike Rice sees a blueprint four years later in how Cronin implemented wholesale changes at Cincinnati.