THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 8 6
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Today: Partly Cloudy
High: 36 • Low: 22
Coming off a major upset, the Rutgers men’s basketball team hosts Seton Hall on Saturday night in the rival’s second matchup of the year.
Parked cars stall New Brunswick snow cleanup BY ANASTASIA MILLICKER STAFF WRITER
Cars parked along both sides of New Brunswick roads make it difficult for the city to properly clear streets after snowfall. City spokesman Bill Bray says this can be a potential safety hazard.
Administrator shares code revision plans with RUSA BY MAXWELL BARNA CORRESPONDENT
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Patrick Love met with Rutgers University Student Assembly last night at its bi-weekly meeting to inform the assembly about his plans to co-chair a committee with Director of the Office of Student Conduct Anne Newman. The committee’s initial mission was to revise the standing Student Code of Conduct, but after reviewing the document and receiving student feedback on the code, it decided to re-write it completely, Love said. “I want to see us, as a community, create an appropriate code of conduct,” he said. “It’s about [the] University Code of Conduct, including students.” The overall goal of the committee is to provide support to students who find
themselves on the wrong side of a Code of Conduct hearing, as well as to rewrite the current wording to make it more understandable to the average student, Love said. Love said the current code is too legalistic and focuses too much on the disciplinar y measures associated with conduct violations. He also wants to eliminate the role of attorneys in the process. “A student conduct system is not parallel to the civic judicial system,” he said. “We want to create a process that informs and protects students and allows students to feel they are dealing with a fair and open process. The fact is that can happen without lawyers.” RUSA President Yousef Saleh feels the committee will be an asset to University students.
Snow may be melting away in New Br unswick, but the impact recent storms left on city streets and local businesses is not going anywhere soon. The city’s snow removal went smoothly, but cars parked on both sides of the road often blocked the plow trucks’ access, said city spokesman Bill Bray. While having a car parked on the street may be convenient for some, it is a potential safety hazard, Bray said. “We live in a city with two major medical centers,” he said. “We need to keep the streets clear for emergency vehicles.” Generally, city sanitation workers plow main routes first and secondary
streets at least once after the storm, Bray said. “What undermines this is that residents throw snow — whether it be from their cars or their driveways — into the street, and we remind people not to do that,” he said. Residents face fines of up to $115 if they fail to remove snow in front of their homes within 12 hours of daylight after a storm, Bray said. While neighbors still often help each other shovel after a storm, Bray said there was a time when students would mobilize to help those in the city. “About 10 or 12 years ago, Rutgers students would help the elderly shovel and dig out their sidewalks,” he said.
Guests at the Phi Sig DM Sweetheart Dessert Night craft valentines for the Dance Marathon Embrace the Kids Foundation last night at the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority house. Desserts and chocolate fondue were served for a $5 entry fee.
City ends art wall project due to graffiti BY BRETT SIEGEL CONTRIBUTING WRITER
New Brunswick decided to terminate the Raritan River Art Walk Wall after five years of existence. The walk connects to Deiner Park and features large-scale murals by pre-approved local artists.
The city of New Brunswick announced earlier this month the discontinuance of the Raritan River Art Walk Wall. Since its inception in 2006, the project provided New Brunswick residents with the opportunity to create and enjoy art on a retaining wall on a public path next to the Raritan River, said Bill Bray, city spokesman. “We wanted to increase use and public awareness of the pass, as well as brighten New Brunswick’s appearance,” he said. “We hoped it would reduce graffiti in other areas of the city by providing people with a legal format to express their art.” Albus Cavus, a non-profit public art organization, partnered with the city on the program, according to the Albus Cavus website. Their goal was to turn a path that was almost unknown to and
INDEX METRO Big Brothers Big Sisters opens a chapter in Middlesex County.
OPINIONS Despite rumors to the contrary, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak did not step down from office.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
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WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of Rutgers Meteorology Club SATURDAY HIGH 41 LOW 23
TODAY Partly Cloudy, with a high of 36° TONIGHT Partly Cloudy, with a low of 22°
1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1
142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Keith Freeman, Anthony Hernandez, Rashmee Kumar, Vinnie Mancuso, Ankita Panda, Jillian Pason, Olivia Prentzel CORRESPONDENTS — Maxwell Barna, Reena Diamante, Josh Glatt, Andrea Goyman, Sam Hellman, Amy Rowe, Joey Schulhoff SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard, Jeffrey Lazaro STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano
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PA G E 3
Professor considers pros, cons of urbanization BY ROBERT ADASHEV CONTRIBUTING WRITER
University of California Berkeley professor Ananya Roy spoke at Alexander Library on the College Avenue campus last night about the challenges facing Third World countries as urbanization spurs economic growth. “I want people to think about why cities matter, not just as sprawling settlements, but as places of politics and social life,” said Roy, a professor in the Depar tment of City and Regional Planning. Roy began her lecture talking about urbanization in India. “In India, the turn of the century has been marked by a violent expansion on the frontier of urbanization,” she said. “A making of the so called ‘Indian world-class city’ through the smashing of the homes and livelihood of the urban poor.” Urbanization in this context is the commoditization of communal land, Roy said. “While urban pover ty is criminalized, elite informality is authorized and even practiced by the state,” Roy said. “In India the laws are unclear, making it easier for wealthy developers to do what they please.” Across New Delhi, billboards depict the tallest building in the world — the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Roy said. These billboards are meant to inspire residents to the possibilities of urbanization. But she said the billboards are subject to their own contradictions. “The Burj Khalifa has in fact opened as the world’s tallest building,” Roy said. “That project and all downtown Dubai put the city state $100 billion in debt.” Roy went on to describe the upsides of urbanization using the prosperous Chinese province of Shenzhen as an example. Shenzhen is a special economic zone in China, she said. This designation gives the city
flexibility in its business practices unlike the rest of China as it went from 20,000 people in 1979 to 14 million in 2010, Roy said. “Photographs in black and white of Shenzhen’s workers appeared on the pages of Time magazine as heroes of the global economy,” Roy said. Citizens of mainland China hope for permits to work in the city so they can make more money, she said. Roy calls this desire to work in the city the “Factor y Dream.” The world’s largest electronics manufacturer, Foxconn, has its largest factory in Shenzhen, Roy said. This factory came under investigation after a series of worker suicides. “The deaths have been seen as a symbol of Chinese workers unwilling to make unending sacrifices for the economic Chinese miracle,” Roy said. The lecture wrapped up with a look at how militarized borders have become inhabitable places and forums for artistic dissent. “I thought it was interesting how she connected the new urban world in relation to a new political force and how those two things can be combined and how they’re interconnected,” said Rebecca Davoudian, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. The lecture is part of a series titled “Rutgers and Space of Democracy/Democracy of Space Network,” a joint initiative between the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and the School of Arts and Sciences, as well as interested faculty across the New Brunswick campus, according to the University’s website. Roy dedicated the lecture to the protesters in Cairo, and said their occupation of Tahrir Square is an example of how occupying urban space is a rebellion against authoritarian forces. “She goes against the dominant academic forces,” said Diana Won, an Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy senior. “She questions the structure of how we think even.”
UNIVERSITY CONSIDERS TURNING POPULAR MINOR INTO NEW MAJOR Because of the rising popularity of the new Human Resource Management minor at the University, it may develop into a major run by the School of Ar ts and Sciences and the School of Management and Labor Studies. The minor first became available in the spring of 2009 and tripled its enrollment for a total of 827 students, according to a University Media Relations press release. The program also expanded its course offerings from three to 11 courses. “The need for really smar t, savvy, strategically focused H.R. people is probably greater now than it ever has been,” said Dave Ferio, director of the Department of Human Resource Management’s graduate program in the release. “There is a growing consensus that there are financial gains to be had by managing your workforce better.” The department hopes to offer a BA program in Human Resource Management in the fall, pending approval from the Board of Governors. —Amy Rowe
Three guest speakers with public relations backgrounds give students advice on landing their dream jobs. They spoke at the first series of the “Career Development Month” on the College Avenue campus.
Speakers give pointers on scoring careers BY NICHOLAS BORNER CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The University chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) began “Career Development Month,” a series of Professional Development workshops, on Wednesday night in Campbell Hall on the College Avenue campus. Three guest speakers with public relations experience kicked of f the month with a discussion on the impor tance of internship experience as an undergraduate student. “We look at internships like the minor leagues for going pro, like baseball teams,” said Ken Hunter, vice president of account ser vices at R&J Public Relations, a firm in Bridgewater, N.J. “Internships give us a chance to tr y you out, as well as giving you a chance to tr y us out.” Tim Schramm, a senior vice president at Coyne PR, located in Parsippany, N.J., said inter nships can lend insight into a career that cannot be gained from an inter view. “Internships are impor tant to have whether you plan on working for the company you interned for or not,” he said. “They can help you, the inter n, see if it’s a place you really want to work at, which is something you’ll never know from an inter view.” The guests provided advice for inter views and résumé presentations as well.
“We’re always looking for detail-oriented people and misspellings in your résumé reflect carelessness,” said Joi Troutman, a client executive for human resources at Burson-Marsteller, a global public relations firm. “If you misspell something in your résumé, how do we know you will be able to sell to our clients?” Schramm also agreed little things count when going on an inter view and that self presentation plays an impor tant role. “Don’t show up an hour late,” Schramm said. “Show interest in the field and drop in something that shows you have some knowledge about the company in conversation.” He said speaking with a company’s cur rent inter ns could be helpful. “It’s better to [speak to them] before you get there to find out what they’re saying,” he said. “A big par t of the internship process is finding out what you don’t want to do.” Troutman said potential interns should show interest in a company on inter views and know its mission statement. “There’s nothing worse than a candidate coming in and saying they were looking online and saw an open position,” Troutman said. “It doesn’t show you’re interested in working for the company … If you work for that company, that will be the mission you’re going to live by.”
The speakers also gave advice on following up and keeping in touch after the inter view. “Shoot an e-mail once in a while or send a card, especially around the holiday,” Hunter said. Troutman said taking this step makes a candidate stand out. “A card will dif ferentiate yourself,” said Troutman. “It’s you personally responding back, and it’s much more personable than an e-mail.” With the rise of social networking, some of the guests have seen major changes in the internship process. “We might tur n down a potential inter n due to the content on their Facebook page,” Hunter said. “Be careful before you tr y to get an inter nship or even an entr y-level job, and clean up your page. Just beware.” Each guest discussed the trend within their companies of hiring past inter ns for entr y-level jobs. “The V.P. of media relations at R&J started out as an intern,” Hunter said. “We really look to promote people from within at our company — a quarter of our staff began as interns.” He also said having internship experience is important because of competition in the job market. “Inter nship experience often overshadows a per fect [grade point average],” Hunter said. “Studying doesn’t show that you know how to apply that knowledge to a job as well as an internship.”
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CARS: Students help locals clear sidewalks in past years continued from front The city designates certain routes as snow routes and marks them as such, Bray said. Cars parked on the emergency route may be towed, he said. Police may first try to contact a vehicle’s owners but if they cannot be reached, the car will be towed. The snow forced many, like School of Arts and Sciences junior
GRAFFITI: Unapproved artists draw over others’ work continued from front unused by city residents into an art galler y that would raise awareness about the path. “Artists would have to provide the city’s Community Art Council with a drawing or description of what they wanted to do,” Bray said. “If the council accepted the application, the artist would be allotted a space along the wall to create some form of art.” The Art Walk Wall would feature murals and large-scale works of contemporar y visual artists, upcoming artists, students and school-aged children in an outdoor setting, according to the website. Once the artist had completed their work, they, along with the city, would need to help maintain the path and area surrounding their artwork, according to the guidelines on the website. The project initially had a good start but eventually artists unapproved by the New Brunswick Community Art Council began drawing over and around other artists’ works, Bray said. It also did not seem to stop vandalism, as there was increased littering and approved artists did not keep up with maintenance. An additional goal of the Art Walk Wall project was to build communities within the city, he said. Class trips and after-school programs could give students a personal connection to their city and add local flavor.
Janietta Jusu, to think twice about where to park their cars. “They just started finishing plowing out spots, and the fight for spots is a nightmare,” Jusu said. “I have been parking in a parking garage when I haven’t found a spot, but most of them were filled with ice or snow.” Jusu said driving around the city is also a nuisance. “Driving from Busch to Douglass, especially by the Public Safety Building, has not been pleasant at all. The potholes are huge and dangerous,” she said.
“Unfortunately, the problems increased along the path and the program had to be discontinued,” he said. Though some restrictions were made on offensive material, the artists were mostly able to do as they pleased with the wall, including appropriate nudity, according to the website. “It is sad that with so much leeway, artists who did really creative work were overtaken by a bad element,” Bray said. The New Brunswick Community Art Council is no longer accepting applications, and it is completely illegal for anyone to put anything on the wall, he said. There are regular patrols through the park and path in order to prevent any more vandalism from occurring. Some University students felt ambivalent about the project closing, seeing both the positive aspects of free expression and rudeness of ruining another individual’s artwork. “It is sad to say, but I am not surprised,” said Nicole Lessner, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior. “People can be pretty disrespectful, even over something as pleasant as this project.” Michelle Kong, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, expressed disappointment with the failed attempt. “I think it was a wonderful idea to let artists express their creativity publicly. It is a shame that people took advantage of this opportunity,” she said. “Now instead of beautiful artwork, there are blank walls.”
U NIVERSITY The recent storms and subsequent lack of parking also inconvenienced some local business owners. Bob Albert, owner of the Court Tavern on Church Street, felt the snow removal process and road conditions were a problem for many throughout surrounding areas. “New Brunswick seemed a little overwhelmed, but Edison and Nor th Brunswick also shared in the problems,” he said. “I bike from my home in North Brunswick to work and around 3 a.m. I saw trucks by
T H E DA I LY TA R G U M the courthouse dumping snow into larger trucks. There’s simply no place to put the snow.” Albert said all businesses around New Brunswick took a hit from the recent storms, which is unusual. “Crowds of people used to come out in the snowstorm, because they knew, ‘hey it’s a snow day, you might as well enjoy it’ feeling but recently that’s not the case,” he said. “It’s not like the 1980s or 1990s, [when] there would be a different mentality where people stay in when it snows.”
The total cost of clean-up is unknown, Bray said. Because the city works on a calendaryear budget, which runs from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, there is no set amount of money put aside for snow removal. “That budget is not released for another few weeks but during that time we adapt a temporary budget,” Bray said. “The total budget is not determined yet until we see what we spent the prior year.” The New Brunswick Department of Public Works could not be reached for comment.
Associate Vice President for the Office of Student Affairs Patrick Love announces plans last night to co-chair a committee with Director of the Office of Student Conduct Anne Newman to rewrite the code of conduct.
CODE: Committee analyzes University students’ privacy rights continued from front “I think RUSA should have representatives on that committee,” he said. “But it is my firm belief that when the revision for the Student Code of Conduct is completed, it will be more student-friendly and would administer more restorative justice than hard-lined criminal justice.” But School of Arts and Sciences Senator Bhavin Patel said he is skeptical of the year-old committee considering this was the first time he heard about it. “Love wasn’t aware of whether the students who were supposed to be on this committee were already appointed or yet to be appointed. And if they’ve already been appointed, then it baffles me why [RUSA] wasn’t made aware of the vote,” he said. Daniel Herbert, chair of the RUSA Student Privacy Committee, delivered the Spring 2011 report, outlining students’ privacy rights. The job of the committee is to help dispel what Herber t called the “culture of myth” — the dissemination of hearsay commonly represented as fact
that tends to develop in the University community. “What we do is we sift through documentation,” he said. “If you’ve ever seen the online privacy codes and the Student Code of Conduct, it’s all fairly ridiculous. We talk with faculty and staff who are knowledgeable about specific topics.” The report is new to the assembly and RUSA Vice President Matthew Cordiero said it is necessary to the student body, especially in light of the Tyler Clementi tragedy that occurred earlier this academic year. “We really do need to look into student privacy,” he said. “[The questions about] what is student space, what should the students expect to get out of this space and what are students’ rights should be outlined clearly.” Other topics discussed at the meeting included an initiative to allow special motorcycle permit parking on campus that would come at no extra cost to the University, as well as an initiative to educate students and faculty about saving money on textbooks. RUSA Representative and School of Ar ts and Sciences Senator Joel Salvino, who prepared the presentation, said students who ride motorcycles would pay an extra fee for
motorcycle parking, which would free up crucial space in the already over-cramped parking lots. “It doesn’t make sense to have such a small vehicle take up one large space, when there’s extra space on the edges of every parking lot on campus,” he said. “The vote tonight gave me a concrete structure to take to [Department of Transportation Director] Jack Molenaar.” In his presentation, School of Engineering Council Representative Ross Kleiman said the two main problems when it comes to textbooks, other than being expensive, is that new students do not know their options. In addition, professors either do not know their options as well or do not exercise them, said Kleiman, a School of Engineering junior. Methods like collective bargaining or scanning work and posting it online for free are still not utilized as well as they should be, even though they are becoming more noticeable on campus, he said. “My goal for professors is to have them attend a conference this year comprised of students and publishing companies to help explore their options,” Kleiman said.
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EWB discusses ways to improve water conditions overseas BY ANDREA GOYMA CORRESPONDENT
The University chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) discussed plans to host events that will encourage awareness and raise funds for two overseas water sustainability projects at its first general meeting. EWB is under way to implement water system projects this year in Kenya and Guatemala, said Madhuri Tir umandas, the chapter’s development chair. But their plans are contingent on their ability to raise money to fund the trips. The chapter has three events planned for this semester — a golf outing, benefit banquet and walk for water — and they will be used to raise awareness for the organization, said Tirumandas, a School of Engineering senior. “Hopefully we’ll be able to raise a lot of money from that which will go toward funding our projects,” Tirumandas said.
Guatemala project leader Monal Agrawal said the Guatemala project is a water supply task for the Nueva Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan community of about 4,000 people who only receive water every half hour every other day. The community used to have a pump water supply system, but it has failed for the past five to six years, he said. “They wanted us to go there and help them out,” said Agrawal, a School of Engineering junior. “We’ve been there three times to assess the system and the location, and we are raising funds to implement [the design] in the summer.” Agrawal said the Guatemala travel team would return in March for partial implementation. EWB is also working toward building a new water system in Kolunje, Kenya, said R yan Kretch, a committee member for the Kenya project. Initially the Kenya project was thought to af fect 18,000 people but a recent census revealed the population is
actually upwards of 40,000 people, said Kretch, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore. “It’s a really large-scale project,” he said. The committee chose a few travel members for the Kenya trip, and the team returned to Kenya in January to finish the assessment stage, which involved water testing and surveying water wells, he said. Kretch said by next Januar y, they hope to implement their designs. “There’s still fundraising involved [in the project] and making sure we have the funds for it because otherwise it’s not possible,” he said. “But our main focus is making sure we can create a sustainable water source for the community so they can work with it on their own once we’re done.” While there has typically been one assessment trip to the project country in the past, EWB is making an effort to go on more assessment trips to better feel for what the community needs, said EWB President Namrata Kulkarni.
“When we come back from [assessment trips] we analyze their situation and figure out what their needs are and tr y to find out dif ferent alternatives, then we pick a really great solution,” said Kulkar ni, a School of Engineering senior. The members also elected School of Engineering firstyear student Serena Muller, who is involved in the Kenya project and was involved in last semester’s “Ecologies in the Balance?” event, as the new spring 2011 representative for EWB at the Engineering Governing Council meetings. “I’m really happy, I know [Mueller] was really involved last semester so I know she’s going to be great and I’m really looking for ward to working with her,” Kulkarni said. In addition to Mueller’s responsibilities of making EWB’s accomplishments known to the council, council Treasurer Casey Moure said she must be able to stand out and push the organization’s agenda forward.
“You really need a lot of energy and a lot of passion for what you do [as a representative],” said Moure, a School of Engineering senior. “There are 26 other societies [in the council] so you really have to get out there in the front and make it known that it’s an awesome organization that is doing a lot of good work.” The former EWB representative Nirav Patel said he enjoyed representing a humanitarian society like the EWB. “Representing at [the council] is really great and telling the school about what our society does, not just for Rutgers but for the world, is really cool,” said Patel, a School of Engineering junior. School of Engineering junior Victoria Gennaro said being a member of EWB helps to break her routine of math and science classes. “EWB really gives you that oppor tunity to go abroad, apply what you’ve learned and then work side by side with people who do this professionally as a career,” Gennaro said.
Group studies brain protein in hopes of tackling diseases BY KRISTINE CHOI CONTRIBUTING WRITER
A group of researchers in the University’s Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience spent the past 10 and a half years studying a protein involved in the construction of dendrites that could potentially help those with brain disorders. PSD-95, an essential protein found in the brain, stabilizes newly formed dendrites, a neuron’s branch-like projections that receive impulses from other neurons. The protein will help dendrites strengthen their connections to other parts of the brain. “It’s a really crucial protein,” said Bonnie Firestein, lead researcher and professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience. “We know that if you don’t have enough, your learning and memory get messed up.” Firestein and her colleagues discovered that while having too little PSD-95 is harmful, having too much of it can also be bad. “Nobody really looked at what happens if you have too much [PSD-95],” she said. “Now we
know if you have too much you’re going to mess up your nerve cells.” Firestein and her colleagues also studied the impact of another protein called cypin, which regulates how much PSD-95 is in the cell. “If you inhibit the activity of cypin, you’ll have more PSD-95,” she said. “If you activate it, you’ll have less.” Part of the research involves finding compounds that regulate the activity of cypin, Firestein said. “Our work on trying to regulate how much PSD-95 in the cell could be relevant to people with autism and other disorders,” Firestein said. The protein could create more dendrites within the brains of people with disorders like autism, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease, which could improve their situations, Firestein said. “If you want to rebuild neurons, or regrow them, you need to put the dendrites in the right order,” she said. “So there’s a direct link between a protein we study and a disease.” Since the research is still in the initial phase, its application to disorders will not occur until
later, said Eric Sweet, fellow researcher and a University graduate fellow. “We’re not looking at a specific disease,” Sweet said. “We’re looking at a basic science.” The research focuses on cells internally rather than externally, Sweet said. “[We need] to ask, ‘How does the cell actually grow?’” he said. “Because if we can figure that out, we might be able to make the cell grow on its own.” As part of the research, the team obser ved the interaction of PSD-95 with the cell’s cytoskeleton by over expressing PSD-95, Sweet said. “What you end up with is what looks like a sick oak tree,” he said. “Not as many branches — it doesn’t look as nice.” The appearance and structure is important because it affects how the connections are made within the brain, Sweet said. “Shape is very tied to function in neurons so when you change the shape, you’re going to change how it functions,” he said. “For the brain, that involves making connections.”
Like an oak tree, the state of the branches can be a representation of how healthy the cell is, Sweet said. “If you don’t have as many branches, you can’t make as many connections,” he said. “So PSD-95 is changing that.” The more there is discovered about the relationship between dendrites and the protein, the better it will be for neuron formation to be understood, Sweet said. This means they will help them grow normally in places where they have been injured or are not growing normally. “I think it’s ver y exciting,” he said. “And I think there’s a lot more to be done.” The research brought together researchers from all different backgrounds, including graduate students, post-doctoral students and even undergraduate students, Firestein said. “I like to run my lab with a team atmosphere,” she said. “We tr y to have fun while we’re doing science. You should have fun while you’re doing science because I think you’re more
creative if you’re not so stressed out about [it].” Firestein encourages those interested in scientific research to star t early. “I think it’s really impor tant to stress that you can do really great research as an undergraduate,” she said. Sean Lo, a senior in the School of Arts and Sciences, got involved with research when he was a first-year at the University. “A common misconception here is that all you do as a researcher is play pet and it’s boring and stuf f like that,” Lo said. “But if you really dive into the science and read and actually get involved with it, it’s like, mind-blowing.” Lo said he enjoys reading about science and then actually being able to per form the experiments. “It’s a lot of fun,” he said. “What I find most interesting is being on the cutting edge of science and lear ning science that’s just coming out — stuf f that’s not in textbooks.”
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CALENDAR Group opens mentoring program in Middlesex FEBRUARY
The State Theatre will host Stomp, an eight-member percussion troupe that uses unconventional household items to make music, with one per formance on Friday at 8 p.m. and two performances on Saturday at 3 and 8 p.m. Tickets range from $32 to $67.Thomas Sweets chocolate store will also host a chocolate tasting session an hour prior to the per formance. For more information please visit
Student-mentoring program Big Brothers Big Sisters of Monmouth & Middlesex Counties (BBBSMMC) expanded to Middlesex County a month ago in an effort to provide disadvantaged youth the opportunity to work with older college students. A branch of the national organization opened on Jan. 1 to match students and children ages six to 14 with trained volunteers, said William Salcedo, the BBBSMMC executive director. BBBSMMC will offer three types of mentoring programs — community, site and school, Salcedo said. The community-based program matches a child, or a “Little,” with a trained adult, or a “Big,” over the age of 21, Salcedo said. The Big spends four to six hours per month with the child for a minimum of one year doing free to low-cost activities in the community, such as bowling or going to the beach or librar y. School-based programs provide children the opportunity to receive one-on-one tutoring sessions with teachers at a school setting, while Littles in the sitebased program are matched with business leaders or university of ficials to learn more about corporate America or the American education system, Salcedo said.
Elijah’s Promise Culinar y School presents A Valentine’s Day Dinner Fundraiser from 4 to 7 p.m. at 211 Livingston Ave. Tickets costs $20 for adults and $5 for children under 13 years old. Meals are themed around “A Romantic Tasting Menu from Around the World” with sampling stations around the building. Contact Chef Pearl Thompson at to reser ve your spot. All payments may be made at the door.
The Philharmonic of Poland will visit the State Theatre at 3 p.m. with tickets ranging from $32 to $72. The Philharmonic will feature Boguslaw Dawidow, music director and conductor, and Evgeni Mikhailov, piano soloist who will per form pieces by R. Strauss, Don Juan, Op. 20; F. Liszt, Mazeppa Symphonic Poem No. 6; and F.Chopin, Piano Concerto No.1, Op.11. For more information please visit
Stress Factory will host Valentine’s Day with Tina Giorgi and Buddy Fitzpatrick, which will include a special dinner, chocolates and a comedy show. Tickets will be $40 and will be available at the box office or at
Middlesex County PBA #152 Good and Welfare Fund and the 200 Club of Middlesex County present A Night of Comedy featuring Vinnie Brand. The event will benefit the family of Of ficer Mar tin Cuddy at 6 p.m, who died last month at the Stress Factor y. Tickets cost $40 and will include dinner and a show. For more information, visit stressfactor
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“The programs have been successful. Ninety-eight percent of the kids in our programs graduate to the next grade level,” he said. Meanwhile, 96 percent avoid incarceration or any kind of police detention and about 90 percent foster better relationships with guardians, friends or family they live with, Salcedo said. The organization also employs case managers who speak with the child, the guardian, and the child’s volunteer once a month to see how the child is developing, he said. “When you pick up a child on the weekends, you’ll get a sense from the case manager … that [the child] might be struggling in a certain subject, so [the volunteer] might want to tutor [the child more] on the weekends,” Salcedo said. These programs are a great way for students to forge relationships with people they would other wise never meet, said Marybeth Bull, the director of development for BBBSMMC. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for both the children in the area and the students to benefit from a friendship where they’re both impacting one another’s lives,” Bull said. Matches are based on what the children and their parents are looking for in a volunteer, such as race, age, religion, similar interests and the distance the Bigs live from their Littles,
which is usually a 10 to 20 minute drive, said Beth Krieger, the BBBSMMC Community Based Match specialist. There are more than 25 volunteers waiting to be matched with students in Middlesex County, she said. Volunteers can be inter viewed and trained at either the satellite of fice in Milltown, N.J., or the main office in Eatontown, N.J. “I think [volunteering] gives a great perspective of what children are going through in schools and at young ages now,” Krieger said. “I think by being a student, it allows that child to get an idea of what it takes to be a college student, what it takes to get into college, what it takes to stay in college.” Volunteers go through a twohour training session in which they discuss the appropriate behavior of being a role model and the dif ference between being a friend and a parent, Krieger said. The program administers a screen to ensure all volunteers and students are fairly matched together, Salcedo said. “Our program is the only evidence-based model in Monmouth and Middlesex counties,” he said. “We do pre-screenings and pre-searches of the child and then we do yearly sur veys to make sure the child is progressing at a healthy rate.”
Salcedo said he is interested in tapping into the University population in order to help ser ve as many kids in the county as possible. Bigs from universities in Monmouth County often help their Littles with transitioning into college, he said. For example, some Asbur y Park High School students are mentored at Monmouth University twice a month to introduce them to college life. “[The Bigs] can give something back even though they’re young and just starting out,” Bull said. Previous volunteers say they often get as much or more out of the experience as the children they mentor, she said. “Giving back to the community, and in par ticular, impacting a child’s life is just something that I think anyone, and in par ticular, the students at Rutgers could really benefit from,” Bull said. Bull said the reason why college students are attractive volunteers is because children probably see them as young, cool and successful. “Cer tainly the Rutgers students would be the ones that are the positive role models for kids that are at risk in the community, that really need somebody to point them in the right direction and hopefully get them on the right path,” she said.
City sees rise in Hispanic population BY ANDREW SMITH STAFF WRITER
Reflecting statewide immigration trends, 2010 census data shows that New Brunswick’s Hispanic population is growing closer to representing a majority of the city’s inhabitants. James W. Hughes, dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, explained how the Hispanic population affects the city. “The influence of Hispanic culture is already heavily intact in the school system,” Hughes said. “The whole educational apparatus obviously knows it has a new constituency.” Curriculum and language problems accompany the influx of immigrant students, but Hughes said the city is adapting to the new population.
Hughes said the political inclinations of a large Hispanic community would eventually bear on both municipal and county level government. “New Brunswick is at the leading edge of [foreign-born residents],” he said. “As long as we keep having immigrants from abroad coming into the United States, New Brunswick will par ticipate as a destination.” As in past census years, citizens submitted standardized forms to the U.S. Census Bureau, which collects, compiles and releases the information to the public and appropriate government organizations, according to the bureau’s website. The data, available on the website, shows an overall trend of population growth in the city over the last decade, with an
increase in the number of Hispanic residents. New Brunswick’s total population, now at 55,266, increased by more than 5,000 residents from 50,172, according to information on the bureau’s website. The city’s 27,553 Hispanic residents now represent 49.9 percent of population, an increase from 19,567 or 39 percent in 2000. There are many reasons for overall growth as well as the increased Hispanic population, said Anastasia Mann, director of the Project on Immigration and Democracy at the Eagleton Institute of Politics. Because the spillover from New York is a main point of entr y for immigrants to New Jersey, North Jersey is popular for people from other countries, she said.
“However, these counties and cities to the north of us have pretty much reached their capacity with respect to jobs and housing,” she said. “The fact that people are filling in around New Brunswick suggests that this is where the opportunities are.” Mann suggested that there is a correlation between high levels of immigration to an area and the region’s economic health. Citing the availability of both high-skilled jobs in areas like pharmaceutical industry as well as unskilled labor, she said New Brunswick affords opportunities to all socioeconomic classes. Whether or not the predictions that are packaged with this census data come to fruition, both Mann and Hughes expressed the notion that one thing is for sure — the growth is only going to continue.
SOUTH BRUNSWICK RECEIVES GRANT TO COMPLETE BIKE PATH South Br unswick’s Freedom Trail bikeway will receive a $260,000 grant for repairs on the 10-mile bike trail running from Kingston to Dayton, according to a article. Renovations are anticipated to be completed by the Fall 2012 and will include the addition signage and asphalt, as well as shrub removal. “These grants will support a variety of safety and quality-of-life projects at the local level without burdening local proper ty taxpayers,” said Transpor tation Commissioner James Simpson said in the article.
“The level of competition demonstrates how valuable these grants are to local officials who make difficult spending decisions each year.” The Transportation Department will provide 75 percent of the grant amount once the township is awarded a contract and the remaining 25 percent upon the project’s completion, according to the article. This grant is one of the $7.6 million grants that are geared toward using bikes as a safe form of transportation by promoting bikeways and safe streets.
“This grant really helps us tremendously to complete the easterly side of the path,” said township public affairs coordinator Ron Schmalz said in the article. “The township’s very happy, because in these economic times it’s very hard to secure these funds.” Town officials are also seeking additional funding for a pedestrian bridge that would connect two portions of the bike trail where they meet at Route 1 which is estimated to cost around $5 million in 2009. —-Anastasia Millicker
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Week in review: laurels and darts
espite the fact that more than a few people — including CIA Director Leon Panetta — were passing around word on Thursday that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak would be stepping down, this unfortunately did not end up being the case. Mubarak addressed the Egyptian people and stated he would be giving some power to Vice President Omar Suleiman, but he would not be resigning. Mubarak does not seem to be willing to give in to the demands of his people, and that is a serious problem. This was his chance to do what he knows must be done, and he failed to take the opportunity, further proving how truly lacking he is in leadership skills. For failing his people yet again — and not being able to take the most obvious of hints, apparently — Mubarak receives a dart. At this rate, will the Egyptian people ever get what they want? *
Following the failure of Mubarak to step down as he was expected to, the Egyptian people did not miss a beat in getting right back down to business. Richard Engel of NBC News reported that the protesters, outraged at Mubarak’s refusal to relinquish power, began mounting a march to the presidential palace. These protests have been absolutely inspiring. Seeing a people come together in such large numbers and make such bold demands of their government makes a cynical American believe that change is possible — no matter how revolutionary that change is. It has been weeks since these protests began, and the Egyptian people have not given up for a moment. For being so dedicated and passionate, and for setting an example that people around the world can learn from, the Egyptian people receive a laurel. Here’s to hoping they hang in there long enough to see the changes they so desire actually come to fruition. *
“Us Weekly” is not exactly anyone’s definition of great journalism, but that does not mean they should not be held responsible when they start trying to pass parody as factual journalism. Apparently, whoever is in charge of checking sources is not quite doing their job at “Us Weekly,” because the publication’s website recently featured fake Sarah Palin quotes, lifted from a satirical article, and claimed that they were true. The supposed quotes all concerned particularly nasty statements Palin made about pop singer Christina Aguilera’s performance of the national anthem at the Super Bowl. The only problem is, Palin never said any of these things. Frankly, that is irresponsible, and a situation such as this reaffirms what everybody already knew — that “Us Weekly” should never be taken seriously. For proving that it is nothing more than a gossip magazine, and a poor one at that, “Us Weekly” receives a dart. *
The ideal college professor cares not only for his or her students’ academic well-being, but also for the quality of those students’ lives in general. The Puerto Rican Association of University Professors is obviously full of these sorts of ideal instructors, as they have decided to stage a 24-hour strike in an effort to support students who have been protesting a new $800 fee imposed by the University of Puerto Rico. Here is an excellent example of students and professors working together for social change. The professors in this scenario are putting the students before the institution they work for, and that is exactly how it should be. For caring about their students, and actually acting upon that care, the Puerto Rican Association of University Professors receives a laurel. *
The Mississippi Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans wants to honor a highly contentious figure via a series of state-issued specialty license plates — Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest. It is not Forrest’s military role that makes many people extremely wary of honoring him. Rather, it is the fact that Forrest served as a Grand Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan. There is no excuse for honoring a man who led a group as deplorable as the KKK. No amount of valor in battle can make up for shameless hate mongering. Derrick Johnson, president of the Mississippi chapter of the NAACP said it best: When alerted to the Sons of Confederate Veterans’ desire, his immediate response was, “Seriously? Wow.” Honestly, there’s nothing more to say about this — other than hand the Mississippi Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans a dart for an egregious error in judgment.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “We try to have fun while we’re doing science. You should have fun while you’re doing science because I think you’re more creative if you’re not so stressed out about [it].” Bonnie Firestein, a professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, on her research STORY IN UNIVERSITY
Emphasize ideals, not rituals Stoop O Musings
No. It really n Sunday evening, shouldn’t matter. I partook in the The fact that most people truly American do not know what a “rampart” experience of watching the is, I will overlook — though I Super Bowl. Apparently, can assure you that it is not most of the world did as the part with which one rams. well. Even though What I will not overlook, numbers are still disputed, PATRICK DANNER however, is that most viewers it is reckoned that Super at home — if they even had the TV on during the Bowl XLV brought in more viewers than the anthem — were probably talking through the entirety rendition of “Thriller” on “Glee” that followed it or of the performance. For most, watching the national Michael Jackson’s funeral, which effectively gave anthem play out on TV was lumped in with the the producers of “Glee” the rights to create said pre-game commentary, TV personality Bill O’Reilly abomination. But I don’t care to comment on the interviewing himself with President Barack Obama in game itself or the musical failure that followed. the room, and sportscaster Joe Buck’s pointless What I care to muse on is the incredible TV commentary — as minutiae to ignore. From our moment that occurred just before kick-of f. And, couches, brews in hand, we honored the flag as little God bless her, I refer to Christina Aguilera’s as, if not less than, those raucous commercial breaks. remix of the “The Star-Spangled Banner” — or, The second — and possibly more major fact — as I af fectionately call it, “One of Four is that to a vast majority of Americans, these Verses Grade School Bothered to Teach Us.” words, the standing and removing of the hat, have As I watched Aguilera scream-sing the become rote ritual. Our minds have come to anthem, I spent some time thinking of better merely trigger a pattern of things I could be doing. Furniture sounds and melodies — if we needed dusting. There were “The fact know the words, we rarely know month-old leftovers in the fridge I what they mean. Granted, the could stare at. But instead, I stood that most people more perceptive will pick up on near the door and listened, yearning phrases like “land of the free” for Christina and I to get back to a do not know what and “rocket’s red glare.” The point where I was 11 years old again, a ‘rampart’ is, even more perceptive will quote first realizing what she seductively these in Memorial Day presenimplied when she informed me that I will overlook.” tations as seventh graders. True I “gotta rub her the right way.” patriots can even glean that the But at that moment, miraculously, whole thing is about some battle, centuries ago, my brain snapped from this trance in an with old wooden ships. George Washington was almost-behavioral manner. I could not put my probably there, but who knows? He is one of finger on it, but for some reason the cognitive three presidents most Americans can name. reflexes that charted word after word of the And yet, despite the jocular tone, I do not view this anthem hit a glitch. as that dire of a situation. In fact, I would say we should Then a friend of mine — a much more patriotic not be ashamed, brushing the patriotic blunder under friend — muttered sullenly, “She f——- up.” the rug like a stained green dress. True, yes, it is a And indeed she did. Upon further review, little silly. True, yes, the misplaced line completely I found that where Francis Scott Key had ruins the integrity of Key’s poem. True, yes, as the penned, “O’er the ramparts we watched, were so singer of the anthem, you should do the ritual some gallantly streaming,” Aguilera instead sang, justice and make sure you nail all the right words. But “What so proudly we watched at the words can only be so immutable, and the ritual itself twilight’s last gleaming.” She re-sang a can only carry so much weight. bastardization of the second line. During the anthem, there was a moment that How dare she?! Right? More people watching exemplifies the point. Shor tly after, Aguilera her than the O.J. Simpson trial and she dare not royally screwed the proverbial pooch, the remind us of the gallant ramparts? She butchered grossly huge screen at Cowboys Stadium cut to a the song! The poem! The defense of For t video of American troops in Afghanistan viewing McHenr y! She had already so poetically informed the game. The crowd, rightfully so, applauded the us that we hailed dawn’s early light at twilight. troops loudly enough to drown the anthem out. And then she did it again! Pure poetic failure! An abomination in the name of patriotism! These are SEE DANNER ON PAGE 9 certainly the things that matter, right? Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
DANNER continued from page 8 These are the things that are impor tant. Not a song, centuries old, that speaks of images we no longer relate to. Not the ritual of standing before a flag, treating it like a stars-and-stripes deity, but showing some semblance of respect for common people doing a job that, honestly, I could never dream of doing. It is understanding that we all — though it takes college depar tments to come to some semblance of an idea of what it is — share strange common ideals classified broadly and often bizarrely as “American.” And despite my often isolationist and misanthropic opinions, I tr uly believe this and find something quite telling in the image of American soldiers taking immediate precedence over the biggest Super Bowl mishap since Janet Jackson’s boob. Patrick Danner is a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior majoring in English with a minor in Italian studies. His column, “Stoop Musings,” runs on alternate Fridays.
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Demand cage-free eggs in U. dining halls Letter RUTGERS UNITED FOR THE WELFARE OF ANIMALS
uthor Michael Pollan came to the University advocating a diet of “conscientious omnivor y,” or picking those foods obtained in the most humane way possible and making them healthy for us. The student body at the University has a chance to make this happen by supporting the sole use of cage-free eggs in dining halls on campus. Rutgers United for the Welfare of Animals (RUWA) would like to have the University serve only cage-free liquid and shelled eggs in the dining halls. In a school like ours, which has the third-largest student dining operation in the country, it can be difficult to realize where our food is coming from and understand that we have a say in choosing what products are served to us in the dining halls. In reality, by making use of services such as the suggestion napkin boards in the dining halls, we can influence what University Dining Services does with our democratic voice.
Many people do not know that other universities in the state hens that are kept in batter y have made the change to 100 cages lay most of the eggs that percent cage-free eggs. The are ser ved in the University Richard Stockton College of dining halls. These hens, New Jersey, Drew University according to The Humane and Princeton University are Society of the United States, some that have made the usually do not get more space switch, and we hope that the than the size of a piece of University will soon follow suit. notebook paper to move. A common criticism of Sometimes, their wings are stuck the cage-free eggs switch is that between the cages, causing them it costs more per egg and more painful injury that per pound of liqis left ignored. uid egg. Associate “We must ... They are unable Director of to perch, walk or minimize suffering Dining Ser vices even lift their Joe Charette has to the hens wings their entire approximated lives. So what that switching to that produce does a cage-free cage-free shelled system entail? eggs would only our eggs.” In a cage-free cost students with system, hens are meal plans an not confined to battery cages, extra $2-3 per year — although, but instead live in large this figure only includes the warehouses with separate areas cost of shelled egg, not liquid to perch and lay their eggs. egg. We are in the process of Although the sheer number of finding out how much it will cost hens in these warehouses can be to switch to ser ving 100 percent overwhelming, hens are given cage-free liquid eggs as well. more chances to move and Another criticism is that switchengage in natural behaviors. ing to cage-free eggs is not a A cage-free egg supplier is good enough solution, and we already approved by Dining should tr y to get eggs from a Ser vices, so now students must local supplier that is certified act to show Dining Ser vices humane, but this would cost they want this change. Many exponentially more and would
be ver y difficult for such a large dining operation. Although RUWA would suppor t this change, it seems unlikely in the near future without the help of the student body. We must enact the change we can and minimize suffering to the hens that produce our eggs. To show Dining Services that we want this change we should use the napkin boards to urge them to only buy and serve cage-free liquid and shelled eggs. Dining Services also maintains that they do have cage-free eggs on demand, so next time you are in the omelet line, ask for more humane, cagefree eggs to be used to show a demand for the product. RUWA is also going to have tables in front of the dining halls where you can ask questions about cage-free eggs and sign a petition asking to have a Rutgers University Student Assembly referendum on the issue, giving all voting students the chance to express whether they would like this change. Let’s make this happen! Rutgers United for the Welfare of Animals works to promote animal rights on campus.
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Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
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Today's Birthday (02/11/11). The year ahead promises to be full of activity and challenges. Use every opportunity to learn and grow your skill set. You're more powerful than you think. Be alert, and keep your eyes, ears and the rest of your senses on the goal. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Don't be too Today is a 6 — Today's emotions harsh on yourself today. If you are positive, with great rewards have difficulty concentrating, for the seeds you planted earlier. distance yourself from the Don't kick back yet. Keep plantproblem and try again later. ing for future harvest. Things shift. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — You get bored Today is an 8 — Strive for finaneasily today. Think about trying cial harmony. Living well doesn't something new, letting go of have to mean large expenses. old habits and generating new Find balance between work and possibilities. What could the play. True wealth may lie in time future hold? spent with love. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Gemini (May 21-June 21) — — Today is a 6 — Don't be too Today is a 7 — You may feel critharsh on yourself or on your ical of yourself today, but you're friends. They're really tr ying really doing a great job with the to help you, by pointing out tools you have. And it's only getyour blind spots. It amplifies ting better. Ease up. your vision. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — You "can't get no Today is a 6 — Try not to break satisfaction" today. Stop being so anything. Take special care of critical, and give yourself permis- your health today. Slow down if sion to daydream. It's okay if you you need to. Feed your soul. want to be by yourself. Watch a good film or take time Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — for music. Today is a 7 — Work is imporAquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — tant for you today, but it might Today is a 6 — Plug a drain on get uncomfortable, especially if your resources. A glitch in comyou listen to the critics in your munication sets you back. Just head. Acknowledge all you've make sure to clean it up, for accomplished. List successes. workability. Reinvent the goal. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6 — Today, you fit the Today is a 6 — You can take picture of the absent-minded "no" for an answer. It doesn't professor. It's not all bad. You mean the next one won't be can actually access talents that "yes." After a long day, you're are normally kept hidden, like ready to relax, and "no" could your own genius. actually be freeing. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
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Junior point guard Khadijah Rushdan recorded a triple-double in the Knights’ win on Tuesday against visiting Pittsburgh.
TRIP: Pair of Irish guards combine for 28 points a game continued from back team with 15 points per contest, followed by sophomore guard Skylar Diggins with 13.6 points per game. But the duo does have its flaws. Combined, Novosel and Diggins account for nearly six of the team’s total average of 18 turnovers per game, which should play nicely into the hands of Stringer and her defensive gameplan. On the other side of the court, junior guard Khadijah Rushdan will go a long way in determining the Knights’ offensive successes. It seems the Wilmington, Del., native, who assumed the point guard role in the absence of junior Nikki Speed, is now in a comfort zone in orchestrating the offense. And it is not just the points the veteran has put up in the past two wins, it is the way she is keeping her teammates involved. Fresh off a triple-double performance against Pitt — the first by a Rutgers player since Tasha Pointer did it 10 years ago — Rushdan continues to put the ball in a position for the Knights to score, earning her 19 assists in the past two contests.
“With Nikki out and me being at the point, I definitely feel it’s important to get my teammates involved,” Rushdan said. “That’s what point guards are called to do.” With the toughest road test of the season for the Knights on tap Saturday afternoon, the team must stick to its game-bygame mentality. But for the Irish, it might be easier said than done. Following Saturday’s contest, Notre Dame treks to Storrs, Conn., the following weekend to take on No. 2 Connecticut –– a team that has not lost a Big East game since 2007. But the Irish made protecting their home court a habit over the years, and while an upset might be ripe for the picking, the game’s outcome will have more to do with Rutgers’ approach rather than that of the Irish. “Notre Dame is a big test for us right now,” said junior forward April Sykes, the team’s leading scorer. “If we’ve won there before at a young age and now we’re more mature and getting into the growth stage of our season, we can take it one game at a time. “We’re going to do the best we can and learn as much about them, but most importantly, we’re just going to have to know ourselves walking into their domain.”
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Duals offer final source of preparation before Champs BY LIZ SWERN CONTRIBUTING WRITER
With the Big East Championships in Akron, Ohio, only a week away, the Rutgers men’s MEN’S TRACK & FIELD t r a c k a n d RUTGERS AT f i e l d VIRGINIA DUALS, t e a m TOMORROW continues to work hard until its trip to the Buckeye State. The Scarlet Knights will split up this weekend, as part of the team will travel to the New Balance Track and Field Center to compete at the Virginia Duals, while the rest of the team will stay behind for training.
SHOT: Mitchell takes on leadership role in second year continued from back Knights’ roster appeared drastically different from the one pieced together to end the 200910 campaign. “I love the fight and resolve and how this team kept improving,” said Rice, whose victory over ’Nova was the first for Rutgers against a ranked opponent in over a year. “But in the Big East, sometimes no one knows it because you keep on getting the L’s. Finally to break through … is special. The seniors … won’t let us quit, won’t let us stop improving in practice. It means a lot to have them in a game like that.” Mitchell’s smooth lefty stroke af forded the former Florida transfer a 46 percent clip from the field this season and a 76 percent average from the free-throw line. So when the senior approached the charity strip with just 0.8 seconds remaining against ’Nova and the game tied at 76, senior point guard James Beatty knew the contest was a done deal. “When [Mitchell] knocked down the three, it’s a tie ballgame so you don’t have to make the free throw to send it into over time,” said Beatty, who erased a tough first half against the Wildcats en route to 15 points. “I knew he was going to make the free throw because there was no pressure. I was 100 percent confident that he was going to make it.”
“Most of us are training through the weekend and next week to get ready for Big East’s,” said senior sprinter Aaron Younger. Many from the team, including Younger, already qualified for the championship meet. For others, the weekend meet is the last chance to qualify. Sophomore pole vaulter Chris Wyckof f, who already qualified, chose not to take the weekend off from competing. “I’m jumping this weekend,” Wyckoff said. “I’d like to clear 16 feet 3 inches this Saturday at the Armor y.” Wyckoff cleared 15 feet 9 inches last weekend at Penn State’s Sykes and Sabock Challenge Cup to win the pole vault. He is tied for fifth in the Big East in the event.
But as the team’s voice of reason, Mitchell knows Wednesday’s thrilling win is all for naught if the Knights (1311, 4-8) do not show up to play against Seton Hall (10-14, 4-8), which visits the RAC tomorrow to cap of f its intrastate rivalr y. “I hope this gets the guys hungr y for more success,” Mitchell said. “After [Wednesday], it’s preparation for Seton Hall, another in-state rival at home. We just have to enjoy the night the safe way, but it’s right back to work. We’re not satisfied. It’s on to Seton Hall.” Mitchell tallied 14 points on 5-for-8 shooting in the Knights’ 66-60 victor y over the Hall on Jan. 22, sinking the Pirates to just 2-6 in the Big East. But Seton Hall rebounded with a thrashing of now-No. 12 Syracuse in its next contest and lost by just two to No. 10 Connecticut in its last outing. All signs point toward another packed house for the pair of New Jersey schools at the RAC, where Mitchell and Rice suddenly have created the stuff of folklore in less than three combined seasons in Piscataway. “We’re going to attack our weaknesses and have an edit on [the Villanova win] and prepare for our in-state rival, Seton Hall,” Rice said. “It doesn’t stop. We have a goal and I want to get there. And not many people probably would have believed ... where we set our goals. Again, these seniors will not stop. It’s a great game for them.”
Younger qualified for Big East in two events already in the 500-meter and 400-meter
COREY CAIDENHEAD dash, and will abstain from competing this weekend. He ranks first in both events in the conference. The Franklinville, N.J., native is also a member of the
Knights’ 4x400-meter relay team, which ranks four th at 3:15.58 in the Big East to date. Another member of the relay, freshman Corey Caidenhead, is also sitting out from this weekend’s meet in New York City to continue training. Caidenhead qualified for the 500-meter dash with Younger and ranks eighth currently in the conference. Aside from the 500 meter, Caidenhead surprised himself last weekend at Penn State by qualifying for the championship meet in the 800-meter r un. It was his first chance ever at r unning the event indoors. “I always tr y to place in the top five in whatever coach [Mike Mulqueen] puts me in,”
Caidenhead said. “It’ll be a huge help to the team and bring us closer to winning the Big East Championships.” Off the track, jumpers Devin Jones and Kevin Bostick are also taking a break this weekend from competition. “We’re resting up,” Bostick said. “We have to make sure we’re healthy as possible for Big East and our legs are fresh to compete.” The two jumpers qualified for the championship meet next weekend, with Jones and Bostick ranked first and fourth in the triple jump, respectively. Jones’ personal best of 50 feet 5.25 inches in the event is less than two inches from the school record.
Senior point guard James Beatty fed Mitchell off of a screen for the Knights’ game-winning shot against the Wildcats. Beatty rebounded from a tough first half for 15 points in the contest.
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Rutgers uses consecutive sweeps as motivation BY MATT CANVISSER CONTRIBUTING WRITER
he Harlem Globetrotters know an impressive shot when they see one and decided to honor Rutgers senior forward Jonathan Mitchell’s four-point play over Villanova with a “Trotter Tribute.” Mitchell drained a threepointer with less than a second left against the No. 9 Wildcats and then calmly stepped to the foul line and made his free throw for the win. The shot and ensuing win caused the crowd at the Louis Brown Athletic Center to storm the court. To commemorate the “Trotter Tribute,” any fan who presents a ticket stub from the Feb. 9 Villanova game at the IZOD Center box office will receive 50 percent of f tickets for the Globetrotter’s Feb. 21 appearance at the IZOD Center.
achievement of their senior captain Amy Zhang that drew praise this week. Zhang earned the 2010-11 American Eagle Outfitters Big East Institutional Female Scholar-Athlete Award on Wednesday for tennis. Zhang, a computer science major, will receive a $2,000 scholarship along with the award. On the court though, Zhang and Co. look to extend the shutout streak against Fairleigh Dickinson in their first match in New Jersey since an opening day loss at Princeton. The match will be played at the Atlantic Club in Manasquan, N.J., after the Busch Tennis
Bobcats found themselves low on players for practice they went to Bobcats owner and Hall of Famer Michael Jordan for help. The 48-year-old former champion and MVP par ticipated on Thursday in a full cour t scrimmage. Jordan was said to be more than able to compete with the current players but did require ice packs to be strapped to his knees after the scrimmage. “He can still shoot the basketball unbelievable and he can move well. But at his age, he couldn’t do it for a long period of time,” said head coach Paul Silas. “But short period of time, he can get it done, yeah.”
The Rutgers tennis team attempts to keep its two-match win streak alive this weekend while TENNIS facing t h e FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON dauntAT RUTGERS ing task TODAY, 1 P.M. of competing in back-to-back days. The Scarlet Knights host in-state opponent Fairleigh Dickinson in their first home match of the season today before heading to New York on Saturday to square off with Columbia.
The Knights (2-1) are coming off a weekend when they defeated both Lehigh and Army, 7-0, on the road. A win against Lehigh came as no surprise, but the Army shutout revealed a lot about the caliber of the team. “We’ve always had ver y tightly contested matches against Army,” said head coach Ben Bucca. “Lately we’ve seemed to have a little bit of an edge over them, but to go up to [West Point, N.Y.,] and come up with a shutout win shows our great strength and spirit.” While the Knights certainly deser ve accolades for their play of late, it was the academic
a new collective bargaining agreement for the NFL were ended prematurely this week when the NFL Players Association proposed a plan where they would receive an average 50 percent of all revenue generated by the league. The meeting on Wednesday was scheduled to be seven hours long, but NFL owners walked away from the table when the deal was proposed. No further meetings have been scheduled. The current collective bargaining agreement ends at midnight on March 3.
Ray Allen over took Reggie Miller for the all-time three-point record last night against the Lakers. Allen now stands one three-pointer ahead of Miller. Allen, who prides himself on the amount of practice and preparation he puts into his jump shot, remarked that he is, “wrought with anxiety about being ready, about getting [his] shots in.” Miller was in attendance as a TNT commentator to see Allen claim the record.
Senior Amy Zhang earned the 2010-11 American Eagle Outfitters Big East Institutional Female Scholarship Athlete Award on Wednesday and leads the team at No. 1 singles.
Bubble collapsed last month due to winter weather. “Having to travel has cut into our practice time, but I think it makes us better equipped to deal with adversity,” said junior Morgan Ivey. “Showing a strong record without having a home court definitely attests to our determination to succeed.” The team practiced at the Atlantic Club for the first time yesterday in an effort to familiarize themselves with their temporar y home. The Knights will be without their usual home-court advantage as the 30 minute pilgrimage to Manasquan is expected to be too much for many Rutgers fans. It would be a mistake for the Knights to take FDU lightly or look past them with a match against Columbia looming on the horizon, according to Ivey. “In the past, we’ve had a strong record against them, but ever y year is different,” Ivey said. “They can be a tricky team to play, so we need to stay focused in ever y match.” The Knights seek revenge on the Ivy League after falling to Princeton earlier this season and Saturday’s match against Columbia is expected to be closely contested. Columbia (30) enters with an unblemished record and owns a shutout victor y over Fairleigh Dickinson. Rutgers is hoping a victor y over a team of Columbia’s caliber will vault them into the national spotlight. “This is a great opportunity for us,” Ivey said. “If we play like we have been, then we can show that we deser ve to be ranked.”
RU gears up for relaxed meet in NY BY JOSH GLATT CORRESPONDENT
Before entering the most difficult stretch of its schedule, the Rutgers gymnastics team pays a visit Saturday to SUNY Cortland in a triGYMNASTICS m e e t against RUTGERS AT the host SUNY CORTLAND school TOMORROW, 2 P.M. a n d Ursinus. Fresh off a win at Yale, the Scarlet Knights hope to continue their momentum for the final stretch of the season. Head coach Chr ystal Chollet-Nor ton is happy with how her team per formed at Yale, but acknowledges there is still much work to be done. As a less accomplished opponent, SUNY Cortland is a low-pressure meet that could allow the Knights to get into top form for the tougher meets of the year, according to their head coach. “We had great vaults even if the scores didn’t show it and we only had one fall on beam,” Chollet-Norton said. “We struggled a little bit on bars, but it was still a good meet.” Even though she was happy with her team’s overall performance, Chollet-Norton realized that her team needed to improve in order for it to reach the next level. Recently, the Knights managed to per form well in only three of four events. “We really need to be able to hit four for four,” Chollet-Norton
Sophomore Danielle D’Elia ranks third on the Scarlet Knights in the floor exercise with an average score of 9.754. said. “We have six meets to do that.” The Knights had a rough outing on the beam in Piscataway on Feb. 4, as the squad registered several falls in the home tri-meet. At Yale, Rutgers only had one fall — a
stark improvement. CholletNor ton largely credits her team’s attitude for the turnaround. “We did shor ter warm-ups and we gave them the day off, but I think they were just very upset with themselves,” Chollet-
Nor ton said. “Knowing they didn’t per form the way they know they can bothered them.” The key to performing well in any event is often initial success, Chollet-Norton said. When the first athlete falls, it can often create a snowball effect throughout the lineup. “The team can get on a roll when the first girl gets it,” Chollet-Norton said. While she recognizes the value of starting strong in any given event, Chollet-Norton is aware that falls are inevitable. Consequently, the head coach prepares her athletes for the possibility of starting an event with a fall. “Each person can control their destiny,” Chollet-Norton said. “Just because the first person falls doesn’t mean the event is lost.” The greatest strength of the team all season has been floor exercises and Feb. 6 against Yale was no dif ferent. The Knights earned the top five scores overall in floor exercises, and Chollet-Norton is becoming increasingly aware of just how much talent she has for floor. “Our floor at Yale was just outstanding,” Chollet-Nor ton said. “I can’t say that one girl is really better than the other at this point.” Despite being fully focused on SUNY Cortland, Chollet-Norton recognizes the long-term implications of every competition. “We really need to star t breaking 192 with regularity,” Chollet-Norton said. “We have a really tough schedule coming up and we have to be ready.”
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Knights’ ‘D’ set for tough trip to Notre Dame BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT
The Rutgers women’s basketball team has shown the ability to win at the Louis Brown Athletic Center this season, boasting a 10-1 record in 11 contests WOMEN’S BASKETBALL played on the Banks. But playing away RUTGERS AT from Piscataway is NOTRE DAME where issues arise, SUNDAY, 2 P.M. and with a threegame road trip approaching for the Scarlet Knights, an excursion that includes two top-15 teams does not get any easier. The Knights (14-9, 7-3) make their first pit stop on Saturday in South Bend, Ind., where they take on No. 8 Notre Dame. “It gives us a chance to be together,” said head coach C. Vivian Stringer of the road trip. “To tell you the truth, I’ve been a little disoriented. We’re kind of spent and trying to conserve as much energy as we have and now we’re trying to go to those five days, so we’ll try to conserve as much energy as we can.” After winning back-to-back conference games following a three-game skid, the Knights visit the Fighting Irish (21-4, 10-1) hoping to continue a trend of recent success –– suffocating defensive play. Rutgers’ 2-3 zone, combined with Stringer’s patented 55-press, held each of the Knights’ last two opponents under 33 percent shooting from the field. Add 33 points off of 35 turnovers by the opposition in the same stretch, and the Knights’ defense –— like many past Rutgers teams –– is suddenly something to fear. “It’s good that we’ve gone to the zone because it doesn’t expose us,” Stringer said of her defense, which held 11 of 22 opponents under 30 percent shooting this season from the field. “The new zone that we’re working on has really given us a lot more confidence.” But if either of these teams should exude confidence, it is Notre Dame, which enters the contest with a 13-2 home record on the season. The Irish backcourt anchors the offense, as junior guard Natalie Novosel leads the
Senior forward Jonathan Mitchell put together his defining moments as a Knight in the team’s last-second 77-76 victory at the Louis Brown Athletic Center on Wedneday, validating his transfer two years ago from Florida.
Mitchell comes full circle after clutch shot BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
Senior forward Jonathan Mitchell triumphantly thumped his chest on top of the scorer’s table following the Rutgers men’s basketball team’s draMEN’S BASKETBALL matic upset victory of No. 9 Villanova on SETON HALL AT Wednesday at the RUTGERS Louis Brown TOMORROW, 7 P.M. Athletic Center. Surrounded by droves of fans who stormed the court after the final buzzer, Mitchell finally began to piece together the ending of a career that spanned nearly 1,000 miles. “This is one of the reasons why I wanted to come to the Big East,” said Mitchell, who
transferred to Piscataway after two seasons at Florida. “I wanted to be close to home. This is the reason I wanted to transfer: to be a part of something like this, to have a defined role on a team and help build something.” Mitchell entered last season with the Scarlet Knights saddled behind since-departed teammates Mike Rosario and Gregory Echenique in terms of offensive looks under former head coach Fred Hill Jr. Whether it was because of a new system or the Knights’ established scoring hierarchy, the 6-foot-8 Mitchell lacked the assertiveness to become a consistent offensive threat. But on the heels of a miraculous four-point play to give the RAC yet another win over a top-10 opponent in its history, Mitchell is now far and away Rutgers’ most feared scorer.
“Me being a senior leader, it’s time to step up,” said Mitchell, who now owns five 20point outbursts in Rutgers’ past seven games. “We’ve got a few games left. We’re just patrolling each other and getting each other better ever y day. It starts with practice because our practices have been better. I think guys have been stepping up, speaking up more and holding each other accountable. It all started there.” The future byproduct of the Knights’ stunning victory over the Wildcats may not be realized over the next few months, but Rutgers immediately earned the validation of its continued hard work, said head coach Mike Rice. And it all started with Mitchell, who took on a more vocal role in September, when the
McCourty returns to Rutgers surprised by rookie year BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
Standing beside his former teammate, Mike Teel simply stared in awe. “Just hearing him list his accomplishments, it’s stunning,” said the former Rutgers quarterback. FOOTBALL Since NFL commissioner Roger Goodell called Devin McCourty’s name at Radio City Music Hall last April, the former Rutgers football standout saw his career skyrocket. McCourty quickly earned a starting job with the New England Patriots at cornerback and the accomplishments piled up from there. McCourty intercepted his first career pass on Oct. 24 against Philip Rivers and finished the season with seven overall en route to a Pro Bowl nod, top-five finish in NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year voting and second-team All-Pro honors. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t [exceed my own expectations],” McCourty said. After his interception against Rivers, McCourty followed up with picks against Brett Favre and Peyton Manning along with two Thanksgiving interceptions in Detroit. “I have all of the interception balls [at home] that I had,” McCourty said. “When I look back and realize that I got an interception on Brett Favre or Peyton Manning or Phillip Rivers — when you actually sit back and think about that — it’s crazy.
“I remember being at the Pro Bowl and Philip Rivers came up to me and said, ‘You just kept on sinking and sinking.’ And I’m like, ‘Wow, I’m having a conversation with Philip Rivers about an interception I had on him.’ It was just an incredible feeling to be able to pick off some of the guys that I grew up watching.” McCourty finished his inaugural season with 82 tackles, 17 pass deflections, a sack and seven interceptions — one more than he had his entire career with Rutgers. McCourty, alongside former teammates Teel, Tiquan Underwood and Davon Smart, had front-row seats to the men’s basketball team’s ‘miracle of two minutes’ against Villanova on Wednesday and met with the media at halftime to discuss his first year away from Rutgers. “I think one advantage I had was the way we operate here [at Rutgers],” McCourty said. “I was able to just learn their system and not have to worry about adjusting to how [the Patriots] operate because I could just fit in well. The way coach [Greg] Schiano runs things, it’s like being in the NFL, so I just fit right in there and picked things up.” McCourty is back at Rutgers for the first time since representing the Patriots in the Pro Bowl. He plans to spend the offseason working out in Piscataway alongside many former teammates, he said.
Former Rutgers cornerback Devin McCourty (32) recorded two interceptions in the New England Patriots’ Thanksgiving day win over the host Detroit Lions.