Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 1 0 1
Today: Partly Sunny
High: 41 • Low: 33
The Rutgers wrestling team heads to Lewisburg, Pa., this weekend to take part in the EIWA Championships, which features defending champion Cornell.
1 8 6 9
Artist uses U. database to paint science BY CAMILLIA SHANKS CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Scripps Research Institute associate professor and molecular biologist David Goodsell is introducing the world to a new method of understanding science through art. Goodsell, a self-proclaimed scientist-artist, uses paintbrushes and watercolors to explain how the molecules of our bodies work, a new approach to the usually formulized and methodic subject. He uses paint to create visual representations of cells, atoms and protein matter, in hopes of taking the edge off of the word science, he said. “I try to make science exciting and comprehensible with my pictures,” Goodsell said. “I use them to help explain how molecules are important to our health and welfare.” Goodsell finds most of his structures from the University Protein Data Bank (PDB) Research Collaboratory Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB), which holds more than 70,000 different structures. “It is integral in the study of health and disease helping scientists and researchers to better understand our lives on a molecular level,” said Christine Zardecki of Education and Outreach for the data bank. Zardecki said Goodsell’s work helps people understand bodily structures and their functions. “Through David’s artwork, we are able to see the actual structures and make people think about how they work in our bodies,” she said. Goodsell creates paintings to accompany his scientific column, “Molecule of the Month,” which runs on the PDB homepage. The art provides a detailed explanation of how the structures work. “The PDB provides a wide array of structures provided by scientists from all over the world, so it’s my job to just go in and make it seem a little less daunting,” Goodsell said. Goodsell’s artwork has been featured in magazines, newspapers and exhibits in the United States
N.J. citizens gather in solidarity Saturday on the New Jersey State House steps in Trenton to promote the Wisconsin union worker protests. A recently published Eagleton Institute of Politics poll reports that state voters generally support the movement.
Poll reports NJ backs Wisconsin protests BY AMY ROWE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
An Eagleton Institute of Politics poll released Tuesday indicates that New Jersey voters support public worker protests in Wisconsin despite generally supporting pension and health-benefit cuts in state. The poll shows that 65 percent of voters say Wisconsin workers have a right to protest against benefits cuts and collective bargaining, where Gov. Scott Walker has proposed to cut public worker pay and benefits and eliminate collective bargaining rights. Poll Director David Redlawsk said voters are not looking for public employee unions to be destroyed. “New Jerseyans are more supportive of labor,” said Redlawsk, a University political science professor. “We aren’t completely surprised to see it in
Wisconsin. It suggests that challenging labor in the state can effectively only go so far.” Redlawsk said collective bargaining rights are not likely to be eliminated in New Jersey because it is not on Gov. Chris Christie’s agenda. “New Jerseyans would react quite badly to eliminating unions,” he said. “Christie is not supportive of taking unions apart in New Jersey.” Voters in New Jersey do believe that public workers pay and benefits are too high, Redlawsk said. “A majority believe they are too high,” he said. “The governor and senate leader’s plan provides the possibility of cuts and they support it. But it’s not the same as destroying unions reason for being, which is collective bargaining.” Some students stand in support of the public worker protests in Wisconsin.
Students can enroll this summer in a course that focuses on Broadway culture.
OPINIONS Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., defeated IBM’s Watson in a round of “Jeopardy!” See if this gets him a laurel or dart.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 PENDULUM . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 9 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12
Government helps states prevent education cuts
SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
“I stand with the American workers backing the protest,” said John Aspray, an organizer with the Rutgers Student Union. “The moves in Wisconsin are draconian. The drive of American business is to unionize, which is an excuse to pay people less. We should be working for workers rights.” Nicole Buffington, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, said the cuts to health benefits, pensions and collective-bargaining rights in Wisconsin have consequences that can affect the nation. “If this legislation passes, then it is more likely for other Republican governors to enact similar legislation in their respective states,” she said. “In essence these legislators are basically placing the financial burden of the countr y on unions.”
Hamza Pérez, a Puerto Rican American rapper, makes an appearance last night at a film screening about his conversion to Islam after he stopped dealing drugs. The event was held in the Graduate Student Lounge on the College Avenue campus.
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan worked with all 50 governors to outline a strategy to help reduce cuts in public education about to be enacted by numerous districts, he said yesterday in a phone press conference. The U.S. Department of Education met with the governors this past weekend to discuss reforms in public education employment and layoff policies along with recommendations in how to redistribute funds. “While we always seek the greatest return on investment for children and taxpayers, we believe states and districts are in the best position to tailor the use of federal funds to meet the individual needs of students,” Duncan said. An outline to increase productivity and a document to highlight
existing flexibility in policy for moving funding from one program to another were sent out yesterday to all the governors. Fifty percent of funding from some programs can be reallocated to support others that states might find more necessary without having to apply for waivers, he said. “For example, a state could reallocate funds from its drug-free school grant to improve teacher effectiveness or fund an after school program,” Duncan said. Some suggestions from the conference were meant to minimize the negative impact recessions can cause on students, especially the guidelines to form budget decisions in making cuts by laying off teachers, he said. Duncan said districts should not let go of young teachers just because they do not have seniority, nor
MARCH 4, 2011
WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of Rutgers Meteorology Club SATURDAY HIGH 56 LOW 42
TODAY Partly Sunny, with a high of 41° TONIGHT Mostly Cloudy, with a low of 33°
1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1
143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA JEFFREY LAZARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ROSANNA VOLIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Josh Bakan, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Vinnie Mancuso CORRESPONDENTS — Josh Glatt, Andrea Goyma, Sam Hellman, A.J. Jankowski, Anastasia Millicker SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Ramon Dompor, Andrew Howard, Jovelle Abbey Tamayo STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano
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CORRECTIONS In yesterday’s University story “Performance honors Paul Robeson,” it was incorrectly stated that Paul Robeson was the first African-American student at the University. James Dickson Carr was the first African-American student.
MARCH 4, 2011
PA G E 3
Group battles global poverty through uncommon ways BY KRISTINE CHOI STAFF WRITER
Giving What We Can founder Toby Ord and University philosophy professor Larry Temkin discussed ways to inform the public about the facts surrounding global poverty and what individuals can do Wednesday night at the Cook Campus Center. The speech, titled “Global Poverty: Why We Should Care and What We Should Do About It,” was hosted by the University’s chapter of Giving What We Can. “Giving What You Can is an organization that is dedicated to fighting extreme poverty in the developing world,” said Nick Beckstead, a Department of Philosophy graduate student. “We use unconventional methods — we’re not a political organization, we don’t send people abroad to volunteer.” Since its establishment in November of 2009 with an initial 20 members, the society grew to reach more than 100 members, said Ord, a philosopher at Oxford University. “It may not sound like a lot, but together we’ve pledged over $30 million for the world’s most effective charities — and it’s going to make a huge difference,” Beckstead said. Temkin addressed some of the most common issues facing the movement.
“There’s a strong tendency for people to think about what ideal they value most and then to address every moral issue in terms of that ideal,” he said. Temkin feels as though having a narrow-minded view of morality is a mistake. “The truth about morality is complex, and there isn’t just one thing that matters morally,” he said. “There are many things that matter regarding most moral issues.” Rather than corresponding to a single ideology such as utilitarianism, libertarianism or egalitarianism, Temkin said one should put more thought and care into all of the relevant factors, Temkin said. “The human enterprise of trying to figure out how to live properly and in harmony with ourselves, others and the larger world requires that we take a broad perspective,” he said. He also suggested that taking a moralistic approach to donating, especially toward children, will encourage Americans to donate more often. “Americans like to think of themselves as the most generous people on the face of the earth,” Temkin said. “Whether or not that’s so, it’s interesting to look at how Americans spend their money.” Temkin shared statistics on how Americans decided to spend their dollars using the data taken from the 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States.
“It is true that in 2007, Americans gave a total of $306 billion to philanthropic causes,” he said. “But the vast majority of that went to religious institutions, alma maters and so on. Only a small fraction of it — $13.3 billion went to international aid.” Although $13.3 billion appears to be a large number, Temkin said it seems clear that Americans have the ability to do more when compared to the amount spent on luxuries that same year. Individual Americans spent $74 billion on toys and sports equipment, $323 billion on tobacco products and $457 billion on alcohol in 2007, he said. They also spent $300 to $600 billion on soft drinks and snack foods, $841 billion on recreation and $2.7 trillion on dining out. Temkin said Americans can do a lot better in the fight to end global poverty. “If Americans cut their consumption of junk food, restaurant food, tobacco and alcohol by 25 percent and spent that money on international aid, this would increase the relief funds by more than 70 times to over $950 billion,” Temkin said. He said allocating the money toward international aid would benefit the United States. “This would not only be much better for the starving masses of the world, it would be much better for the people in the United States in purely self-interested terms, as they would then be living much better, healthier lifestyles,” he said.
Giving What We Can founder Toby Ord speaks about how people need to spend more time taking initiatives to make a difference.
College students are also encouraged to make monetary donations by donating money saved from making simple lifestyle changes, Temkin said. “Each of us could do vastly more than what we currently do to help the world’s children and we could do so without making a dent in our affluent lifestyle. That we don’t is a serious moral failing,” Temkin said. The Rutgers chapter of Giving What We Can also allowed students to take the first steps in becoming part of the organization by pledging 1 percent of their income. “We spend a lot of time idolizing our heroes, but we don’t
spend that much time thinking, ‘Well I guess I could do that if I really wanted to — maybe I should do that,’” Ord said. Gabriella Aron, a member of Central New Jersey Coalition for Peace and Justice, thought it was interesting to hear the perspective of professors from Oxford and the University. “Hearing what they had to say about what University students can do in their ever yday life and how they can help was really great,” he said. “A lot of kids at the University think they can’t help because they’re just helpless undergrads, but they really can.”
SCIENCE: High school
students utilize Goodsell’s art continued from front and overseas like Cambridge, where he attended a conference about the collaboration of art with science. For future endeavors, Goodsell is in the midst of extending his art directly into the educational aspect of science. “David’s art has been presented to high school students and used to help them create 3-D structures based on what they see,” Zardecki said. “It really aids in the process of studying, solving and understanding the molecules.” Before combining his two passions of science and art, Goodsell studied cr ystallography in graduate school, in which computer-generated images of cells and molecules played a major role in his understanding.
MARCH 4, 2011 Goodsell also cited his grandfather as an early influence who introduced him to painting at a very young age, when he mostly painted landscapes and scenery. “After grad school, I decided to turn my hobby into my profes-
“My focus is on the most important structures, the ones most relevant to our health.” DAVID GOODSELL Scripps Research Institute Associate Professor
sion, and it’s been like that ever since,” Goodsell said. “It’s fun and it keeps me sane.” Although Goodsell has received positive feedback about his interesting take on science,
some do not have much faith that the images will change the difficulty level of science. University science education expert and chemistry professor Luke Burke has a slightly different take on including art in the scientific sphere. “Science is more then just structures and what’s under the microscope,” Burke said. He agrees that the usage of paintings may ease people into science, but he does not feel any illustration can por tray the real basis of science, which is numbers. But Goodsell’s ultimate goal is not to take ever y structure from the PDB and create a painting. He said he wants to take a more lighthearted and visually stimulating approach to a strict discipline. “My focus is on the most impor tant structures, the ones most relevant to our health,” he said.
Academic Dermatology Felix Urman M.D., FAAD Board Certified Dermatology Assistant Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Acne, Rashes, STDs, Moles Evening and Sunday Hours Available We are committed to Outstanding Care in a timely fashion. JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO / SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
University students Amanda Padro, left, Angelina Plaza and Janina Pescinski enact a scene of Cinderella with her evil stepsisters in the Livingston Theatre Company’s production of “Into the Woods.”
STATES: New governors tackle hard economic recession continued from front should they lay off higher paid teachers in order to reduce deficits in the budget. “There is a right way to make cuts and a wrong way to make cuts,” he said. When asked about Last In, First Out (LIFO) policies many districts and teacher unions have in place, Duncan said the documents provide solutions that do not resemble such policies. LIFO is a policy enacted by at least fourteen states in which the only basis in choosing individuals to lay off is by seniority, he said. “Layoffs will be based on a number of factors,” Duncan said. “We have to provide maximum flexibility.” The inexperience of many governors in office who have to balance the budget in a recession was the reason for convening, Duncan said. “We have 29 new governors,” he said. “They’re coming into tough situations.” Teacher union representatives were willing to put more teachers’ salar y income back into pension funds and take other measures to cooperate with districts and states despite national media coverage, Duncan said. In his meeting with Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., protests broke out calling the governor antiunion and Wisconsin teacher union representatives were selfwilling to make concessions in the hard economy, he said. “There are many ways to reduce costs but we need to minimize the negative impact on students,” Duncan said. Camilo Gonzalez, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said
he did not think LIFO policies were very prudent, as seniority did not reflect actual capability in teaching. “Basing it on seniority is wrong,” he said. “If they hired you for a job then clearly you were qualified for it to begin with.” Gonzalez said he thinks different times call for different levels of expertise. “Newer teachers are probably more adapted to new skills needed to deal with students in the current generation,” he said. Ross Baker, a professor in the University’s Department of Political Science, said he believes the current Department of Education policy is an overreach that began with the previous administration. “Ever since the Bush administration, the federal government has been more involved in education and state policies,” he said. Baker also disagreed with the LIFO policies many states have and believes those states should get rid of them. “[LIFO] is extremely rigid and leaves no consideration for the quality of teachers,” he said. “It’s a policy created for administrative ease.” Baker said the recent attack on teachers and their unions by conservative governors throughout the nation was wrong and also a bad policy. “Public school teachers have been demonized,” he said. “I think the move to make teachers look like drug pushers, make them look like they’re bad for society, is not good public policy.” Baker believes the focus of the anger and of policy choices should be directed elsewhere. “Public school teachers cannot be targets of contempt and scorn because of union troubles,” he said.
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MARCH 4, 2011
“There are other ways to fund higher education and other voices split on union support methods of taxation that are not acknowledged, like Michigan’s increase of corpocontinued from front rate taxes.” But not all students are in Buffington said the financial suppor t of the protestors crisis in New Jersey is a top conin Wisconsin. cern of voters, and they will be “I think that unions, espeinclined to do whatever they can cially of public workers, are to fix it. making up the majority of the “Christie’s plan is to make expenses in our states,” said cuts to the public sector,” he Andrew Yuskaitis, a School of said. “If his budget proposals Ar ts and Sciences sophomore. pass in June, we can see huge “It’s quite simply cuts in the pubtoo much.” lic sector, espe“I think that Yuskaitis was not cially in educasurprised there was tion. This will unions ... are so much support for force many making up the protests on workers to behalf of New retire and will the majority of Jersey voters. decrease the “New Jersey is quality of pubthe expenses in heavily democratic lic ser vices in our states.” and unions such as state.” police and teachRedlawsk ANDREW YUSKAITIS ers are par ticularly said if the bill is School of Arts and Sciences power ful,” he said. passed, worksophomore “It would be ers will lose expected that they their benefits, suppor t unions.” and the ability to bargain for Aspray, a School of Arts and them and agrees with Sciences senior majoring in Buffington that it will strengthplanning and public policy, said en efforts in other states with there were better ways to hanconser vative governments. dle the budget crisis. “It wouldn’t get very far in “Up until the ’90s, there was New Jersey’s current legislathe millionaires tax,” he said. ture,” he said. “It’s a reasonable way to go for He also thinks the bill will the lowest rates of taxation of not pass until the democratic the highest income bracket.” leaders who fled Wisconsin He also said the budget crisis come back. is only a crisis in that it must be “It depends on whether they balanced somehow. come back,” he said. “If they “The solutions are not cutcome back, it will pass, assuming ting ser vices or firing people none of the Republicans change or destroying unions,” he said. their minds.
Experience using Microsoft Office. Detailed training will be provided.
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What do you think of F T1 6 , 2D0 1 1 T the University's new recycling kiosks "The Dream Machines?” E B RUA RY
“In Norway, we have a system where you pay extra for each bottle and then when you use it, you hand it back to the store and you get that money back. So I’m happy that there’s some system that’s being established in New Jersey.”
“I guess it’s good that we’re trying to be aware of recycling stuff. I feel like it’s elementary school, when we used to play for pogs.”
FRED SISTO SAS SOPHOMORE “I think it’s a great idea. I think they should promote more of this. You’re giving back to the environment, and it’s something really simple.”
The number of Dream Machines PepsiCo has donated to the University
The percentage by which the University increased its recycling in tons this year through the use of a single-stream receptacle in Rutgers Stadium on Busch campus
The number of times the University has won the RecycleMania Gorilla Prize, a recognition for colleges and universities that collect the highest amount of recyclables
“I think it’s definitely a good thing. My house unfortunately doesn’t [recycle], and I think that we should start doing it.”
PHILLIP LI SAS SOPHOMORE “The Dream Machine eats my soul as I sit 45 feet away from it, as it drills its [sounds] into my head repeatedly.”
“It’s a good way to promote recycling on campus.”
I think they’re ineffective —26% It’s an innovative way to go green —17%
I haven’t used them yet — 53%
I haven’t used them yet
I think they’re ineffective
It’s an innovative way to go green
I can’t wait to get points
I can’t wait to get points — 4%
Do you think news stations should be allowed to film in residence hall bathrooms? Cast your votes online and view the video Pendulum at
MARCH 4, 2011
The Rutgers U n i v e r s i t y Pr ogramming Association will host a movie night and dessert with Academy Award-winning film, “Black Swan.” The movie starts at 7 p.m. in the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus. For more information, please visit
Rutgers University Pr ogramming Association, Rutgers Hillel and the Rutgers University Muslim Student Association are bringing “Stand Up for Peace” to the University. Comedians Dean Obeidallah and Scott Blakeman will per form their act in Trayes Hall in the Douglass Campus Center from 8 to 11 p.m. The event is free, but the groups are for small donations, which will go to Rutgers Dance Marathon to support the Embrace Kids Foundation. Award-winning photographer Rosalie Winard will present photos from her book “Wild Birds in the American Wetlands” and her personal archives in a talk titled, “A Spectacle of Wings.” The exhibition will be at 2 p.m. at the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli on the College Avenue campus. Winard’s photographs have been published in Audubon, ArtForum, Time and The New York Times. Her work is also in the collections of the Library of Congress, the New York Historical Society and others.
The Humanist Chaplaincy at Rutgers University will host an event titled, “Can Science Determine What is Right and Wrong?” from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Student Activities Center lounge on the College Avenue campus. Gary Brill, an instructor in the Department of Psychology, will lead a discussion on author Sam Harris’ new book “The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values.” For more information, e-mail
As part of the Scarlet Series: The Student Professional Development Workshop Series, Rutgers Student Life will hold a session to address the fear of public speaking and give advice on how to address nerves. The workshop will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. in Room 120A of the Busch Campus Center. Participants must register for the workshop at www.sur FMQ7. This is just one of the eight-par t series that aims to develop personalized leadership skills so students can gain a competitive edge. Join the Rutgers U n i v e r s i t y Pr ogramming Association in the Livingston Student Center lobby from 1 to 4 p.m. for “Totes for Hope.” Participants will get a chance to decorate tote bags and give donations for the Orphan Foundation of America. For more information, visit
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
MARCH 4, 2011
PA G E 9
Week in review: laurels and darts
n these hard economic times, at least one group seems to be making out OK — the corporations. According to a report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), corporations are currently paying taxes at what CBPP Director Chuck Marr calls “historical lows as a share of the economy.” It’s about time that Americans finally stand up to corporations and make them contribute to the countr y instead of robbing it blind. Honestly, can anyone possibly find it acceptable that many corporations are paying tax rates in the single digits, given that the rest of the population keeps taking kick after kick in the wallet? For essentially swindling the United States, we give these corporations darts. Any business run by reasonable adults should know better — then again, who’s to say that anyone in charge of these companies is a reasonable adult? *
With spring break shining on the horizon, most if not all University students are looking for ward to a week away from classes. At the same time, most if not all of these students are not looking for ward to the precious free time they are going to have to spend doing homework while on break. What’s the point of a break if you have to spend large chunks of it doing schoolwork, anyway? Well, Cornell University is attempting to address this problem through a proposed ban on “last-minute” homework assignments over break periods. We give the Cornell faculty a laurel for looking to give their students some semblance of a break, something most colleges are not ver y good at. Hopefully Cornell’s administration will pass this ban and other colleges, the University included, will follow its lead. *
Why can’t public workers catch a break these days? It seems like ever y member of the GOP decided that public unions are the enemy and need to be taken down. The most recent state to deal a blow to the power of its public unions is Ohio, which passed a bill on Wednesday that reduces the bargaining rights of public workers and outright bans striking by public workers. Sometimes it just seems like the GOP does not want a single citizen to have a secure, well-paying job. For seriously injuring public unions, the state of Ohio receives a dart. When both the private sector and the public sector are refusing to give employees good jobs, where are people supposed to turn? *
Watson, the IBM supercomputer, successfully routed both Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, two of the best competitors “Jeopardy!” has ever seen, but he finally met his match on Monday: New Jersey’s ver y own Rep. Rush Holt. We cannot deny we feel rather proud to say that one of our statesmen was the one to finally trounce the seemingly unbeatable machine. Of course, it isn’t exactly a surprise — after all, Holt is a nuclear physicist. For demonstrating that humans still have the upper hand on their computer counterparts, and for giving citizens of New Jersey something to brag about that isn’t “Jersey Shore” related, we give Holt a laurel. We also give him credit for being a legitimately intelligent politician — something that’s been relatively hard to come by these days. *
Ever yone has a cell phone these days and ever y cell phone comes with a camera. On the one hand, the proliferation of cell phone cameras is a good thing, as it allows people to always have a camera handy to capture moments they’d like to hold on to. On the other hand, now that ever yone has a camera, the dif ference between private spaces and public spaces is becoming rather blurr y. That’s why Immaculata University’s decision to of fer a class on cell phone photography, dealing with both technical and ethical aspects, is such a good idea. We give the school a laurel for deciding to of fer this class. If ever yone is going to carr y cameras ever ywhere they go, they may as well know how and when to use them.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “I know we have a really great philosophy department, having professors joining from across the country is great. It might be a little troublesome to put that many philosophers in one room together.” Jorge Casalins, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, on the “Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy” STORY IN SUMMER SESSION
Learn skill of saying ‘no’ T
date — and then perhaps a he other day I third, and then what? I placed myself in an might end up dating some(entirely avoidone because I was too cowable) unfortunate position. ardly to tell him I did not I went on a date with COURTNEY SHAW think we were right for someone who I ended up each other. That’s a bit deciding was not quite extreme, but it is possible. Ultimately, it only right for me. But when, at the end of the night, he makes sense to tell him how I feel and face the asked me out to dinner for the next week, I froze. possibility of upsetting him. It seems obvious, I Instead of facing confrontation head on with a know. That stretching of the truth, the “maybe,” decisive “No,” I decided it would be polite to tell opens the door for a whole host of other him we should play it by ear. That way, I reaproblems. A flat out “no” would have been the soned, I would spare us both from an uncomfortsimplest solution. able situation. I would be letting him down easy. I take my own example to show that learning He would surely take the hint. how to say no to others is an underrated life Of course the reality is that I was being a skill. It may often seem more polite to put of f huge coward. Saying “no” in that situation would expressing how you truly feel, but there is a have been harder on me than on him — I would ver y fine line between obser ving the convenbe forced to deal with the responsibility of potentions of politeness and turning tially hurting someone. Not sayinto a habitual liar. Yes, it is great ing no would — in the long run — to be a polite person, but not at make both of our lives more “Saying ‘no’ expense of compromising uncomfortable. I was leaving him when you mean ‘no’ the your thoughts and beliefs for the in limbo, thinking things were all right between us, when I knew does not make you sake of being “agreeable.” The trick is learning how to express that wasn’t the case. rude — it makes yourself tastefully. Yes, it would I did two ver y wrong things in have been rude to say “no” when this interaction. First, I gave in to you honest. ” of fered a ser ving of that meata fear of confrontation, and secloaf, but that has more to do with ond, I confused being polite with the social setting of the situation being agreeable. It can be a tricky than with the refusal itself. I may have been distinction to make because the two oftentimes absolved had I said “maybe” in a large social sitgo hand in hand. You wouldn’t refuse a homeuation — it would have been embarrassing to cooked meal from, say, your significant other’s both of us had I said “no” in such a case — but Mom — no matter how little it suited your taste. as we were alone, I have no good excuse. The Unless you were deathly allergic to whatever proper course of action would have been to she made, the proper thing to do would be to carefully, kindly let him know that I didn’t want smile and act as though it were delicious. Here, to go to dinner. the polite action is the one that avoids conIn most circumstances, it is the way in which frontation. Sure, you can tell her later that you you express yourself that makes what you have hate meatloaf, but refusing to eat at dinner to say rude or polite. If you say exactly what you would just be rude. mean, staying true to your thoughts and intenThe trouble arises when we take that kind of tions, you should be able to avoid a sticky situapoliteness as a model for how to respond in any tion like mine. Just remember that saying “no” situation where we have to do something we when you mean “no” does not make you rude — would prefer not to do. In my case, avoiding a it makes you honest. possibly messy confrontation did not make me a more polite person. If I continued to be agreeCour tney Shaw is a School of Ar ts and able in an attempt to never insult or hurt this Sciences junior majoring in English and history. person, I would have ended up out on another
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
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Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
MARCH 4, 2011
Today's Birthday (03/04/11). This is it, the moment you've been waiting for. This year you'll discover your own power to manifest. This is also a year of business transition. Enjoy your precious, finite moments. Regardless of circumstances, you can have happiness. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Find a quiet Today is a 9 — Work is on your place to work for the greatest mind today. You have the productivity. You may have a ten- capacity for great business dency to focus on your limitatransactions. Remember to be tions today. Don't worry. They're fair and balanced. Simplify, for not as real as they seem. best results. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Imagine the projToday is a 7 — You're on fire. If ect already completed. Gather up you had the opportunity, you your courage, take a deep breath could paint the Sistine Chapel and charge forward. You're afraid today. That's the kind of artistic of the unknown. It's only human. productivity you're capable of. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 9 — There's a sense Today is a 7 — Go ahead, of urgency. Thinking outside the rearrange the furniture if you box is useful, especially when it have to. Just make sure that you comes to your career goals. Be plan ahead where everything courageous, and just go for it. goes. Plot the perfect backdrop Cancer (June 22-July 22) — for new beginnings. Today is a 7 — Someone else's Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — emergency can be your windfall Today is a 7 — Pay attention to (and help them out in the your dreams (daydreams count). process). Take that trip you were Write everything down. It's planning. It may open up amazimportant, even if seemingly ing new possibilities. senseless. It will come together Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — logically later. Today is a 7 — Act quickly, but Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — don't spend recklessly. Embrace Today is an 8 — Resist temptaquestions: who, what, when, tion. Money is on your mind where and why. What if the today. Being stubborn could damanswers, rather than concrete, age a friendship. Consider bringare relative to the questioner? ing some balance to the equation. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — Caring for others Today is an 8 — Life is good. gives concrete results and satisEnjoy every single minute faction. All you need is love today. You never know when it's today, for your neighbor, yourgoing to end. Take creative self and for simple things like risks, but don't gamble with clean water. money or love. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
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MARCH 4, 2011
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MARCH 4, 2011
Champs offer shot at redemption for RU BY ADHAAR SHARMA
man Rachel Leeke and junior Courtney Sample, while the 4x800-meter team consists of After a disappointing perform- freshman Ashley Deckert and ance at the Big East sophomores Victoria Championships, the qualifying ath- Pontecorvo, Stephanie Krausser letes from the Rutgers women’s and Lindsay Bertulis. track team look to improve at the Because no member of the Easter n distance squad or jumps qualified WOMEN’S TRACK College for their event, it is up to the Athletic sprinters and Clickett to gain RUTGERS AT points for Rutgers. ECAC CHAMPIONSHIPS The NCAA Championships TOMORROW follow the ECACS the next week, but Robinson admits the Conference Championships this indoor season is likely to wrap weekend at the Reggie Lewis Track up at the ECACs. and Athletic Center in Boston. “It’s a far reach that anyone on The ECACs demand the team will qualify for a faster qualifying time the NCAA considering than the Big East how much lower the Championships. qualifying scores are The meet includes than these two meets,” teams from other conRobinson said. ferences such as the The timing of the ACC’s Duke and the Big NCAAs might actually Ten’s Penn State, but work out in the favor of more teams do not autothe Knights for the matically equate to ECAC Championships. JAMES stiffer competition. “Because of nationROBINSON “The ECAC is a als some top athletes mixed bag,” said head coach might not choose to compete James Robinson. “There are a lot resulting in some watered down more teams, but the Big East cal- events,” said Robinson. iber is just the same if not better.” After the NCAAs, the women Athletes that qualified for the get only a week-long break ECACs include freshman Tylia before they begin their Gillon, juniors Brittni Rodriguez outdoor season. and Zainab Bisiolu as well as sen“That is the difference ior captain Natalie Clickett. between track and other sports Rodriguez and Gillon qualified — you don’t get a break in with times of 7.62 and 7.64 sec- between the seasons,” Robinson onds in the 60-meter dash and said. “The whole team has been Bisiolu will compete in the 400 training together with the qualimeter after her qualifying time of fied athletes in preparation for the 57.02 seconds at the Big East outdoor season.” Championships. The Knights begin their outClickett will par ticipate in door season on March 17, when the shot put and looks to they participate in the Bulls bounce back from last week’s Invitational in Tampa, Fla. 10th-place finish. “The outdoor season will be The 4x400-meter and the completely different after the dis4x800-meter relay teams qualified appointing Big East performfor their performances, as well. ance,” Robinson said. “All the athThe 4x400-meter team letes are determined to come out includes Gillon, Bisiolu, fresh- and do better.” CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Junior guard Nikki Speed saw limited action in the Knights’ past three games as she continues to recover from an ankle injury she sustained early in the season.
BYE: Speed reacts to new role since foot injury in January continued from back an advantage in terms of rest, it works against them in terms of momentum, Speed said. “They know what to expect,” she said. “Their freshmen and newcomers have seen it. They had their first game. They got their jitters out of the way. We have to find a way of getting our freshmen and our newcomers comfortable and confident without having seen it.” In last year’s Big East Tournament, Speed played the role of 24-hour hero for a squad scrapping and clawing for an NCAA Tournament bid. Playing Georgetown, the No. 14 team in the country and No. 3 in the conference, Speed hit the two shots that won the game and put Rutgers into the NCAA Tournament.
Speed sent the tight game into double overtime with a 3-pointer and hit another in the 49th minute of action to clinch a victory. But since that time, basketball became a hardship for the junior guard from Pasadena, Calif. Speed went down with a foot injury two months ago, and after missing 11 contests she averages just 12.5 minutes per game as a backup guard. “It gets depressing, but it’s also good to be back,” Speed said. “I’ve never been out for this long, so getting back involved is tough. I missed the first game against UConn this year, so I’m really aiming to get that first win and get a chance to play them this season.” Rutgers enters the Big East Tournament with as much momentum as any conference team other than No. 1 Connecticut. Winning four in a row and two against ranked opponents represents the
second-longest winning streak in the conference behind the Huskies. “The thing that I’m looking for is to see if the kids can define themselves,” said head coach C. Vivian Stringer. “I do feel that we’re not at an advantage [with the double-bye]. I think that we would be better if we had played another game.” Three different teams have the ability to tip off against Rutgers at noon on the third day in Hartford, Conn. No. 12-seed Pittsburgh and No. 13-seed South Florida play today, with the winner facing No. 5 Marquette tomorrow. Rutgers narrowly defeated both the Panthers and the Bulls at home this season and trumped the Golden Eagles on the road while they were the No. 21 team in the country. A win in the quarterfinals against any of the three teams likely means a semifinal clash with Connecticut for the Knights.
THREAT: Knights draw
es, which Rice turns to from the one through four positions. “That’s been us all year,” said Mitchell, who at 6-foot-7 regularly draws opponents’ guards off pickand-rolls. “I’ve been guarding all those guards all year. It’s just kind of another day for me. I’ve been [switching] since our first game and I do it every day in practice.” Mitchell contributed 18 points in 30 minutes in Rutgers’ win over DePaul on Wednesday, ridding himself of a 4-for-19 effort in the Knights’ two previous losses. Mitchell’s renewed offensive effort is imperative if the Knights intend to keep up with the everpresent Brooks, who is second in the Big East with 36.3 minutes per contest. Brooks hoisted up 535 total shots this season, while Mitchell leads the Knights with 334 takes in 29 games. “You’ve got to contain him,” Mitchell said. “We definitely can’t give them an advantage of getting penetration and kicking because that’s what they like to do. We have to do a great job of making them shoot over us. And if they make contested shots, we’ll tip our hats to them.” Regardless of how they perform against the Friars, the Knights know they will be either the No. 12 or 13 seed in the Big East Tournament and draw in-state rival Seton Hall in the opening round.
from first game against Brooks continued from back
Sophomore wing Dane Miller routinely draws Big East opponents’ No. 1 scorer and faces Providence’s Marshon Brooks on the defensive end tomorrow at the Dunkin Donuts Center.
game — largely due to Brooks’ increasing production — but give up the most points in the league at 75 per contest. Providence’s scoring disparities led to six losses in the Big East by double digits, but also consecutive upsets of Louisville and Villanova in Providence, R.I. The Knights (14-15, 5-12) defeated the Friars, 85-72, at the Louis Brown Athletic Center in January for their first Big East win despite 29 points on 8-for-18 shooting from Brooks. “I thought we did a good job [against Brooks] because we won,” said head coach Mike Rice. “I thought they shot a low percentage, especially in the half court. I think a lot of their shots came off our mistakes — us turning the ball over and giving them fast-break opportunities.” Sophomore wing Dane Miller inevitably will take the task of defending Brooks in the half court, much like he did against the Big East’s top two or three guards throughout the conference slate. But the Knights’ frontcourt will also draw the assignment of containing the high-volume shooter off screens and defensive switch-
MARCH 4, 2011
Senior Day serves as head coach’s final meet
wo members of the Rutgers women’s basketball team found their names yesterday on the Big East 2010-11 AllConference honors list. Junior guard Khadijah Rushdan and sophomore center Monique Oliver both earned spots on the All-Big East Second Team, as both had breakout seasons in new roles for the Scarlet Knights. Rushdan, a Wilmington, Del., native, entered the season with the most experience in the Knights’ backcourt and finished the year averaging 12.3 points per game. The junior also went on to finish third in the conference in assists with an average of 5.3 per contest. In the post, Oliver established her presence early on in the season and finished second in the Big East with 2.2 blockers per game. The sophomore center also averaged a career-high 11.3 points per game, good for third on the team.
Panthers signed four-time Pro Bowl tight end Jeremy Shockey this week to a oneyear deal. The former Super Bowl champion was released last week by the New Orleans Saints. The tight end battled nagging injuries throughout his tenure with the Saints but still managed 41 catches for 408 yards and three touchdowns in 13 games in his last season in New Orleans.
for a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) looming, the NFL and Players Association agreed on a 24hour extension on the expiration of the old CBA. If the two sides fail to reach an agreement by the deadline, the league could be looking at the first professional football work stoppage since 1987. The two sides have mere days to settle a dispute that involves $9 billion in revenue.
LaceDarius Dunn was cleared by a grand jur y yesterday, effectively ending the assault case against him. Baylor’s career leading scorer, Dunn was accused in September of breaking his girlfriend’s jaw. The grand jury declined to indict Dunn after the presentation of additional evidence. His girlfriend, who is also the mother of his young child, also asked for charges to be dropped beforehand. The point guard had to miss the first three games of the season due to the investigation.
Freshman standout Luisa Leal-Restrepo was named EAGL Gymnast of the Week after her school record 39.375 all-around performance in the Knights’ last meet. The honor marked the second time this season Leal-Restrepo earned the award.
The Rutgers gymnastics team will compete not only against four other teams on Saturday, but also its emoGYMNASTICS tions. T h e TRI-MEET AT Scarlet RUTGERS Knights TOMORROW, 1 P.M. h o s t Cornell, Southern Connecticut State, West Chester and Yale in their final home meet of the season and for members of the senior class, the final home meet of their careers. Additionally, head coach Chrystal Chollet-Norton, a veteran of 25 seasons at Rutgers, is retiring at the end of the season. For both the senior class and its coach, it will be the last time they
get the chance to compete in the building they call home. Following an emotion-filled celebration at the end of the alumni meet last Saturday, Chollet-Norton recognizes she will need to make an effort to keep her emotions in check for her final meet at the Livingston Recreation Center. “It is going to be an emotional day, but we will tr y our best to keep it together and compete to the best of our ability,” Chollet-Norton said. “We need to keep building up momentum heading into EAGLS so we have to keep focused.” But the Knights will not attempt to ignore the significance of Chollet-Norton’s final home meet. Rather, they will strive for the best scores to send her of f in Piscataway on a high note.
“Chrystal is such a great person and we love her so much. She has given us so much,” said freshman Luisa Leal-Restrepo, who set a school record all-around performance. “We need to do it for her and we want her to leave on the best meet of her life.” For her senior athletes, it will be one last opportunities to compete in the building that they refer to before each home meet as “our house.” Senior Leigh Heinbaugh acknowledges that it will be an emotional experience, but she isn’t worried it will affect her performance. “I’ll just focus on what I’m doing and cheer on the other girls,” Heinbaugh said. “It’s a great way to keep calm during a meet. I want to go out there and set my career-best. It’s just me and the beam, so I just have to remember I’ve it done it a million times.”
Fellow senior Kiah Banfield shares her teammate’s mindset and acknowledges that even though the meet will hold increased significance, it is most important to compete at the level she knows she can. “It’s important we don’t hold anything back because it’s the last time to enjoy the sport that we love,” Banfield said. After achieving their season high score of 194.150, the Knights placed themselves in a stronger position in the regional qualifying score rankings. With the season quickly nearing its conclusion, the need for another score in the 193-194 range is higher than ever. “If we can do another 194 in the next few meets we will be in a good position,” Chollet-Norton said. “We also want to be able to surprise some people at EAGLS.”
RUN: Fusco deals with lack
But from sophomore Mario Mason at 149 pounds all the way of experience at 133 pounds up to senior D.J. Russo at heavyweight, the EIWA Tournament offers many Knights a chance to continued from back redeem themselves and prove and five bids for the rest of they belong on the podium. the weights. “We are going to have guys The move couples with the fact that get low seeds that have no that Fusco does not have a full business being low seeds,” Russo year’s body of work at 133 pounds said. “I think we are going to look to fall back on in order to grab one pretty good when they redeem of the precious wildcard bids. themselves and fix whatever misAt last year’s EIWA takes they made, myself included. Tournament, Billy I don’t mean ‘they’ Ashnault did not — I mean ‘we.’” receive an autoRusso rounded “We are going to matic bid at 133 out the year falling have guys that get to two EIWA counpounds, but his solid individual terparts in low seeds that record earned him Lehigh’s Zach Rey have no business a trip to the nationand American’s al tournament. Ryan Flores. The being low seeds. ” Fusco does not three will likely finhave that luxur y ish at the top of the DJ RUSSO and needs to place pack this weekend Senior Heavyweight in the top three. and again when “He’s going to they converge at have to put together a good tourthe Wells Fargo Center for the nament,” Goodale said. “Who NCAA Tournament. knows? This time of the year Rey and Flores might be seedthere are so many upsets and the ed higher, just as Cornell and guys who believe they can win will Lehigh may be favored to take end up winning.” the top-two spots this weekend at And Fusco certainly believes the EIWA Tournament. he can win. But when push comes to “I think I can get an automatic shove, anything can happen. bid,” the Belleville, N.J., native Things do not always follow the said. “I think I can win. I think I projected scheme and any team can make it to the finals and if can triumph in that recipe not, then definitely top three.” for chaos. While Fusco knows he has an “Anybody at this time of the uphill climb, several Knights face year can win,” Goodale said. a similar challenge as a tough end “Anybody can put themselves in of the regular season dropped a position to win. And when that them from the top of happens, a lot of things might not the rankings. go according to plan.”
Sophomore 133-pounder Matt Fusco, bottom, looks to earn an automatic NCAA Tournament bid with a strong weekend.
MARCH 4, 2011
Sophomore ace leads Knights into Atlanta BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
There are certain responsibilities that come with being the No. 1 pitcher in the starting rotation. One of BASEBALL those tasks is RUTGERS AT making GEORGIA TECH sure to TODAY, 4 P.M. swing y o u r team’s momentum in the right direction, which oftentimes says a lot about the course of a series. For sophomore righthander Tyler Gebler, anointed as the Rutgers baseball team’s ace in the preseason by head coach Fred Hill, holding up to his part of the bargain has been no problem through his first two career starts. “It’s always important for your No. 1 guy to come out and pitch well,” Hill said. “Hopefully we can get a game like we did last weekend but that’s really the exception this time of year. “Most guys aren’t going to give you a complete game their first, second or third time out. It takes time to get adjusted to playing regular games and so forth, but he’s ahead of schedule right now.” Though Gebler allowed five walks in his inaugural start in a Rutgers uniform on opening day, the Toms River, N.J., native surrendered just two hits and did not give up an earned run. The Scarlet Knights (4-2) went on to lose that game in extra innings but followed up with a vic-
tory in extra innings the very next night. The following week, Hill’s new No. 1 tossed a complete game gem in just his second start, allowing eight hits and two earned runs while propelling the Knights to an 8-2 victor y over Michigan. Two games later Rutgers eyed a three-game sweep of the Wolverines and Gebler a spot on the Big East Weekly Honor Roll.
“I’m not going out there throwing perfect pitches — I’m trying to get people out. ” TYLER GEBLER Sophomore Pitcher
“You expect to get something if you pitch good, but it’s probably more of a team award,” Gebler said of the honor. “I gave up eight hits and only had five strikeouts. That’s a lot of defense behind me making plays, so if I’m down in the strike zone [and] they’re making the plays, I guess we’re going to win some games.” Hill hopes his ace can make it three effective starts in a row this weekend, when the Knights take on No. 23 Georgia Tech today at 4 p.m. in Atlanta. Most on the team still remember last year’s trip to visit the Yellow Jackets, a series in which the Knights were
outscored, 33-9. Much of the damage came in Game 2’s 19-5 thrashing, but the bitter memory of the trip as a whole remains. “You’ve got to look at us going down there last year,” Gebler said of last season’s sweep, which dropped the Knights to 1-9. “I know they’re a different team this year … but they’re still a great team. They kind of kicked our butt last year. We’ve got to take it one inning at a time making sure that we’re making plays.” Something last year’s edition of the Knights did not do early on in the season was put up r uns, but after a 22-r un series sweep of the Wolverines, Rutgers showed this year is a different stor y. The top three hitters in Hill’s lineup average .300 or better, as sophomore shortstop Steve Nyisztor and senior right fielder Michael Lang are tied for the team lead with a .333 average. But even with the scoring output, the burden will likely fall on the up-and-coming Rutgers star and the rest of the pitching staf f when Game 1 kicks of f today at Russ Chandler Stadium. “You always want to pitch well,” Gebler said. “But I feel like even if I go out there and have a rough start, we have a bullpen that can come in and clean it up a little bit and extend innings. I’m not going out there throwing perfect pitches — I’m tr ying to get people out.”
Sophomore righthander Tyler Gebler assumed the No. 1 spot in the starting rotation in the preseason under head coach Fred Hill.
Rutgers takes on St. Joe’s with unbeaten mark on line BY VINNIE MANCUSO STAFF WRITER
Redshirt freshman attackman Scott Klimchak helped the Knights to a 3-0 start to the season with six goals in the team’s first three contests. A win Saturday would mark the best start since 2004.
When the Rutgers men’s lacrosse team rolls into Philadelphia to face St. Joe’s tomorMEN’S LACROSSE row, it has a RUTGERS AT chance ST. JOES to capTOMORROW, 1 P.M. ture the team’s best start since the 2004 season, when it started off 4-0. But that fact will not be on any of the players’ minds and head coach Jim Stagnitta will not allow it. “The last couple of years in par ticular we’ve been ver y close to being the team we want to be,” Stagnitta said. “We have to stay consistent now, and the best way to stay consistent is to focus and make sure we’re not getting beyond ourselves.” Staying on par with the first three games’ accomplishments will be no easy feat, as the Scarlet Knights (3-0) already racked up a pair of dominant victories at home against Wagner and Manhattan, combined with a strong road win at Mar ylandBaltimore County. But the Knights — dead set on getting redemption from a disappointing 6-8 season — are aware they are on to something special that Rutgers lacrosse has not witnessed in recent memor y. “[Saturday] is a good chance for us to start off 4-0,” said redshirt freshman Scott Klimchak, who tallied six goals to aid the Knights to their unblemished
record. “We definitely have a chance.” But the Hawks (0-2) will not make it easy for Rutgers. Although St. Joe’s comes off two straight losses to Lehigh and Br yant, Stagnitta is a veteran coach and knows never to look past a team on its home turf. “I know they’ve always been a slick team, a skilled team,” Stagnitta said. “We’re not going to be underestimating them.” The squad knows it cannot control what the Hawks bring to the table — only its preparedness to face them. The Knights pride themselves on their preparation during the week prior to stepping onto the actual game field. “It’s important for us to stay focused on what we actually can control, and the only thing right now is how we practice and prepare for the next opponent,” Stagnitta said. “The main thing we tr y to do is focus on each drill, each practice — start ever y day fast and finish strong. We want practice to be harder than the game.” And so far the formula equated to three straight victories for the Knights. A repeat per formance tomorrow would bring Rutgers one step closer to rejuvenating a program with a recent histor y of stagnancy. “It’s all a matter of staying the course at this point. We’re focused right now and we know what we have to do to keep it going,” Stagnitta said. “Stay in the moment, stay in the day and improve on ever ything we do.
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MARCH 4, 2011
Rutgers faces tough slate in Tourney BY A.J. JANKOWSKI CORRESPONDENT
When the Rutgers wrestling team heads to Lewisburg, Pa., this weekend for the EIWA Tournament, the outlook will be different than in years’ past. WRESTLING No. 1 Cornell plans to bring home its EIWA TOURNAMENT fifth consecutive SATURDAY conference title, but a handful of programs are in position to dethrone the Big Red. And that includes the Scarlet Knights. “If we wrestle to where we are projected to be at, we will be right in the thick of it,” said head coach Scott Goodale. “It’s going to be hard to catch somebody like Cornell … but if you get some help along the way, you never know.” The Knights certainly look to improve upon last year’s sixth-place performance, and to do that, the entire lineup top to bottom will have to wrestle to the best of its ability and then some. One grappler who gets to show what he is made of is Matt Fusco. The sophomore spent the majority of the year splitting time with classmate Joe Langel at 125 pounds, but moved up to 133 two weeks ago to face Frank Cagnina of Lehigh. Fusco knocked off Cagnina and Goodale rewarded him with the opportunity to represent Rutgers in the 133-pound bracket in the EIWA Tournament. “It’s really exciting. I feel a lot better up at 133,” Fusco said. “I don’t have to cut weight and I’ve got a lot more energy. I feel a lot stronger.” The path for Fusco to reach the NCAA Tournament in Philadelphia in two weeks is not an easy one. The NCAA allotted three automatic qualifying bids to the EIWA for the 133-pound weight class, compared to four
Junior guard Khadijah Rushdan, who earned a spot on the All-Big East Second Team yesterday, leads the youthful Knights backcourt into its opening round Big East Tournament matchup Sunday at the XL Center in Hardford, Conn.
Knights plan for double-bye in Conn. BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
The Rutgers women’s basketball team has mixed emotions about receiving the No. 4 seed in the Big East Tournament. The Scarlet WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Knights are BIG EAST TOURNAMENT happy about SUNDAY, NOON their four-game win streak that jumped them four spots in the standings but see the corresponding dou-
ble-bye in the 16-team tournament as a major disadvantage. “I’d rather be playing [today] or [tomorrow],” junior guard Nikki Speed said. “It isn’t an advantage at all. It kind of hurts us because we have to do well in this one to make sure we play [in the NCAA tournament]. The double-bye doesn’t help us at all.” With 18 wins to their name, the Knights (18-11, 11-5) see the double-bye as two missed opportunities to add wins to their March Madness résumé. Instead of having a chance at wins No. 19 and 20 against lower-seeded teams, a shot at a 20th
Friars’ Brooks poses threat in season finale
LUMPKINS OUT OF LINEUP Senior for ward Rober t Lumpkins will not travel with the Rutgers men’s basketball team MEN’S BASKETBALL when it travels today to Providence, R.I., to take on Providence, said head coach Mike Rice. The move to not bring Lumpkins with the Scarlet Knights on the road was “a coach’s decision,” Rice said. Lumpkins took a personal leave of absence from the Knights earlier this season during a two-game stretch against North Carolina and Villanova before returning for Rutgers’ Big East home opener against Marquette. The 6-foot-7 forward averaged 3.7 points in 11.9 minutes per game as the Knights’ second frontcourt player off the bench under Rice. Lumpkins joined the Knights prior to the season as a graduate transfer from New Mexico State, where he played in only eight games last season. Rice did not know whether Lumpkins would return to the team in time for Tuesday’s opening round game against Seton Hall at the Big East Tournament. — Staff report
win would likely come against No. 1 Connecticut Monday night on the school’s home turf. “If we would have played that first game or that second game on Saturday, it would have given us possibly another win,” said junior guard Khadijah Rushdan. “I also think it’s good for our team, with the amount of people we have and injuries we have, to be able to rest and not have to play back-to-back.” With their first game Sunday afternoon, the Knights will face a team with at least one game under their belt in the tournament. While this is
Senior forward Jonathan Mitchell may find himself on the opposite end of defensive switches tomorrow in Providence in order to contain the Friars’ Marshon Brooks.
The Rutgers men’s basketball team had less than 20 hours to bask in its last-minute triumph on Wednesday at DePaul before preparing for its season MEN’S BASKETBALL finale at Providence. Such is life in the RUTGERS AT Big East PROVIDENCE Conference, where SATURDAY, 7 P.M. the Scarlet Knights broke a four-game losing streak against the Blue Demons only to face the league’s leading scorer, wing Marshon Brooks, on Providence’s Senior Day. “I just had a Senior Day — I know the emotions that come with that,” said senior forward Jonathan Mitchell. “We just have to do a great job of hushing the crowd early, taking them out of the game and taking Marshon out of his rhythm.” All eyes at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center will be on Brooks, a rangy senior who leads the Big East in scoring with 24.7 points per game. The Friars (14-16, 3-14) own the conference’s second-best scoring mark per