The Daily Targum 2011-03-07

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Today: Partly Cloudy


High: 48 • Low: 26

Sophomore 165-pounder Scott Winston took home the Rutgers wrestling team’s first individual title at the EIWA Championships in 10 years on Sunday as the Knights finished third in the field.



University professor Jean Wilson Day, who died 40 years ago from today, used pollution to make her lessons relevant to students.

“Jersey Shore” star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi will visit the University on March 31 as par t of a Rutgers University Programming Association sponsored comedy show. The event, coordinated by RUPA’s Comedy and Movies committee, will follow a similar format to Bravo’s “Inside the Actors Studio,” said Greg Kassee, the committee’s vice president. “The focus is purely comedic entertainment,” said Kassee, a Livingston College senior. “It’s similar to last semester’s homecoming comedy show with Craig Robinson and Donald Glover or the comedy night that featured Ben Bailey.” Comedian Adam Ace will play host at the show and inter view

Polizzi about her life and time filming “Jersey Shore,” Kassee said. “Of course, given that this is a comedian inter viewing Polizzi, laughs are to be expected,” he said. Ace, who is not a par t of “Jersey Shore,” is one of the few comedians to appear with Polizzi for these types of shows, Kassee said. RUPA scheduled Polizzi’s appearance at the University because she appeals to a large number of the campus, Kassee said. “Comedy in particular can garner ver y divided opinions,” he said. “But ‘Jersey Shore’ received some of the highest ratings of any cable television show ever. The show undeniably has an audience here at Rutgers.”

Polizzi signed a contract with RUPA that keeps her asking price private, Kassee said. Some students agree that Polizzi’s appearance will appeal to the University’s student body. “I couldn’t care less about ‘Jersey Shore,’ but I could definitely see her making a strong impression on the community here at Rutgers,” said Peter Wer tz, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore. “I know many people personally who are fans of her ridiculous antics.” School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore Omer Saleh agreed about her reception at the University. “It’s kind of cool, she’s a pretty prominent figure in pop culture today,” he said. “She’s a pretty big


U. community raises scholarship fund to honor late professor BY CHRIS ZAWISTOWSKI AND MIKE DAVIS STAFF WRITERS

When the news of then University chemistr y professor Jean Wilson Day’s murder broke 40 years ago from today, University alumnus Jim Savage said he could not believe it. Savage, who now leads the fundraising effort for a scholarship fund in her memory, said the woman in the New York Times photograph looked more hollow than happy, her face empty and eyes fixed on something in the distance. “That’s not the Jean Day I know,” he said. “The Jean Day I know was always smiling.” As a student of Day, Savage said the professor who taught him in 1970 had tremendous positive energy. She was accessible and






Reality show star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi is scheduled to make an appearance at the University at the end of the month to talk to students about her life as well as the “Jersey Shore.”


Alumna earns national title for social service

UNIVERSITY Rapper Hamza Perez presents his new film “New Muslim Cool.”


METRO Johnson and Johnson will grant $1 million to help build the Unity Square neighborhood’s infrastructure.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . 6 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK



“Having a disability will certainly discourage some from fulfilling their lifetime dream, however, for Determined to raise awareness me, I refused to let my disability disof disability issues, disability advo- able me, define me or defeat me,” cate and University alumshe said. na Jacqueline Jackson will For the past six years, be the first New Jersey Jackson has worked on a recipient of the National project known as the Social Worker of the Year, Accessibility Tour, she said. this April in Washington, Jackson challenges D.C., from the National public officials and comAssociation for Social munity leaders to take a Workers (NASW). walk in her shoes, or her Jackson, although conwheelchair, to illustrate fined to a wheelchair due the obstacles people with JACQUELINE to multiple sclerosis, sardisabilities face every day, JACKSON coidosis and fibromyalgia, she said. said she never allowed To help recognize her disabilities to get in the way of President Barack Obama’s her career and passion to make Americans with Disabilities Act areas more accessible for people with disabilities. SEE SERVICE ON PAGE 5 CONTRIBUTING WRITER


School of Arts and Sciences first-year student Alvin Artha, left, along with School of Engineering senior Shandon Campbell play Thursday night at “Step Into the Spotlight” preliminaries in the Busch Campus Center.


MARCH 7, 2011



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TODAY Partly Cloudy, with a high of 48° TONIGHT Clear, with a low of 26°


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143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA JEFFREY LAZARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ROSANNA VOLIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Josh Bakan, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Vinnie Mancuso CORRESPONDENTS — Josh Glatt, Andrea Goyma, Sam Hellman, A.J. Jankowski, Anastasia Millicker SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Ramon Dompor, Andrew Howard, Jovelle Abbey Tamayo STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano

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PRODUCTIONS M ICHAEL P OLNASEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P RODUCTIONS D IRECTOR E D H ANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C REATIVE S ERVICES M ANAGER GARRET BELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NIGHT PRODUCTIONS MANAGER PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Rocky Catanese, Alyssa Jacob, Felicia Lurie, Corey Perez, Molly Prentzel


MARCH 7, 2011


PA G E 3

Rapper expresses spiritual revival, Islam through film BY ANDREA GOYMA CORRESPONDENT

Puerto Rican-American rap artist Hamza Pérez was present for the screening of his most recent collaboration with Emmy award-winning filmmaker Jennifer Maytorena Taylor, “New Muslim Cool” Thursday night in the Graduate Student Lounge on the College Avenue campus. “This film is about someone who’s ignorant and who discovers they’re ignorant by studying the character of the Prophet

Muhammad and seeing how far away I am from these beautiful characteristics and how low I am to how he really behaves,” Pérez said. Since its 2009 premier in PBS’ “Point of View”, the film received several accolades including the Freedom Award from the 2009 Aljazeera International Documentary Festival and was screened at the 2009 San Francisco International Film Festival, said Carlos Fernandez, director of the Center for Latino Arts and Culture at the University.


Puerto Rican-American rapper Hamza Pérez talks about his film, “New Muslim Cool,” which explores Islam doctrine and his own faith.

“[Pérez’s] experience of conversion and the work he’s done has really created bridges among people, from his family to the broader community,” said Robyn Rodriguez, associate professor of Sociology at the University. “There’s something impor tant about that because I think we live in a context where there continues to be some irrational fears about Islam.” Pérez said he was already under FBI sur veillance before he moved to Pittsburgh, Pa., where the film takes place, because he worked at a youth center in Massachusetts where many gang members were becoming Muslim at the same time he was converting. “We all had a community in Massachusetts, it must have been more than 55 people who became Muslim and then we all moved here to Pittsburgh to create a Muslim community,” he said. Pérez, who previously lived a life as a drug dealer, converted to Islam because he was influenced by someone who, through trial and error, only found the happiness he sought though Islam. “I felt it was my responsibility to go to the same communities that I helped destroy and go and change them,” he said. “So I

began to do volunteer work in those same communities.” Pérez said since filming, his priorities have changed from music to his family and religious outreach. “I feel religious outreach can happen, not just [through] music,” he said. “I don’t have the statistics of how many people join a religion because of music … but religious outreach has to do with your character and how you behave as a person.” Pérez credits his mother with his spirituality and his inspiration to stay faithful. “I was telling [my mom] that the word for ‘sun’ in Arabic is feminine and ‘moon’ is masculine and how the light of the moon comes from the light of the sun that gives it,” he said. “So whenever you see a good man, some woman is shining a light on him.” As a Puerto Rican-American, he said his heritage does not conflict with Islam faith. “Puerto Ricans tend to have two characteristics — spiritual and revolutionar y, which seeks out the poor and goes against oppression,” he said. “When you put these two characteristics of someone who fights for the poor and is spiritual, you get the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad.” Prior to filming, Pérez had

an agreement with Taylor that he would not be involved in the editing of the film due to fear of altering the stor y. “If you watch the beginning of the film, I’m saying and doing things that are ignorant and what makes me change is studying the character of the Prophet Muhammad,” he said. “There’s some stuf f I wish wasn’t in there.” Pérez, who considers himself a private person, had a difficult time being filmed because he was not comfortable with seeing himself on camera but feels his stor y can be used as outreach and inspiration to the spiritually poor. “If I can check my intentions and keep my intentions good then I think [the film] can be good for outreach and for people to correct me when they see something wrong in my character,” he said. School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Catherine Torres thought the film was a good opportunity to learn more about Islamic culture. “Through the film you learn how to educate yourself about the Muslim culture and I think everyone should take a [Middle Eastern Studies] class because there’s a lot of negative Islamic stereotypes and that’s not true — not every Muslim is an extremist,” Torres said.


MARCH 7, 2011






Following Gov. Chris Christie’s budget increase two weeks ago, many N.J. schools are relieved they can preserve class trips and rehire old teachers. The increase, which is 2.9 percent on average, will affect all state schools that were affected by last year’s budget cuts. Schools in Gloucestor, Edison plan to bring back an old tradition — a trip to Washington D.C, according to an article. Edison Township schools also plan to bring back middle school sports for students. Before the governor’s proposed increase can be official, it must first be approved by the state legislature by July 1. Superintendent Paul Spaventa is pleased with Christie’s proposal because he can keep his district’s after programs and activities. “It gives them something to do after school, it keeps them busy and under a watchful eye,” he said in the article. Edison schools can bring back about 27 of the 165 staff and faculty they had to lay off in the past when the school district’s funding dropped by $18 million, according to the article. “When you get almost nothing, then you get something on top of nothing, that makes the thing easier,” Superintendent of Chatham School District Jim O’Neill said in the article.

One of six student bands performs Saturday night as part of the Rutgers Interfraternity Council’s “Battle of the Bands” to vie for a chance to play in April’s Dance Marathon. Held at the College Avenue Gym, all proceeds went to the campus-wide charity event.

SNOOKI: Event to close

fake tan. But I need my Snooki fix, so I find myself glued to the TV every Thursday at 10 p.m.” with questions and answers Cao said while she’s excited for Polizzi coming here, others continued from front might not be. television celebrity so the “I wouldn’t mind if she came,” fact that she’s coming here she said. “But I can see why othis nice.” ers would. Haters gonna hate.” But Saleh said he would Kassee said his committee’s choose a dif fergoal is to provide ent speaker to an array of events “I need my Snooki with the hope of come to the University fix, so I find myself appealing to all before choosing University stuglued to the TV Polizzi. dents at least “There’s probonce. every Thursday ably 1,000 other The show will people I would close with a quesat 10 p.m.” rather have comtion and answer SANDY CAO ing here,” he session with the School of Arts and Sciences said. “Some kind audience, but stuSophomore of motivational dents should not speaker would be expect a meet and good, or Mike greet or book ‘The Situation.’” signing, he said. Sandy Cao, a School of Arts “Our campus is large and and Sciences sophomore, is diverse,” Kassee said. “We do our looking for ward to Polizzi combest to offer something for everying to the University. one. Bringing Snooki to campus “I like Snooki for the same is no different than any past or reason people watch ‘Maury,’” future RUPA events; we are proshe said. “She’s an absolute train viding an event for an audience wreck of hairspray, eyeliner and within our student body.”

FUND: Department holds annual lecture in Day’s memory continued from front unassuming, bold and opinionated with the kind of suppor t for her students he never forgot. “What is going on here?” Savage asked himself, two months shy of graduating with the University class of 1971. “This woman, who was so positive and so inspiring with so much to offer — she’s dead?” “I felt numb for a long time,” said Joseph Most, who helped Day teach chemistr y to non-science majors. “She had a contagious spark to her. When you were in her presence, she was just a lot of fun.” Most, who heard the news of the murder over the car radio, said he was simply shocked. Like Savage, he could not believe such an unthinkable act of violence could be committed against such a sweet and warm person. Savage said Most was not alone, as there was a somber feeling on campus while students, colleagues, friends and family tried to cope with the tremendous loss. “By her absence, so many were af fected,” said Mar y Ellen Warholic, Day’s sister. “The light went out and it was tough. One minute there was this beautiful human being — who was so generous, so loving, so caring and so giving — and the next minute it was all gone.” But on the anniversar y of her murder, Savage is still working to keep her memor y alive through the Dr. Jean Wilson Day Memorial Scholarship Fund — a scholarship initiative from the Class of 1971 — to honor the professor who had such a large impact on so many lives. “I think it’s amazing that he has the dedication and drive to put together this scholarship,” said Ellen Day, Day’s daughter. “It says a lot about how inspiring my mother was.” In addition to the scholarship, the University chemistry department presents an annual lecture in Day’s honor.

— Ankita Panda

The talk is par t of a larger celebration of undergraduate achievement, where chemistr y students are noted and awarded for their yearlong success in the classroom, said Professor John Krenos, the talk’s host from 2000 to 2009, via e-mail. “It was my privilege to introduce the Jean Day speaker and present the awards to our deser ving undergraduates,” Krenos said. Savage said Day, an environmental activist years ahead of her time, used the growing challenges of pollution to give her students a real-world perspective. “She was a dedicated and innovative professor,” said Most, a professor of chemistr y at Bloomfield College. “She wanted

“You may not have heard of her, but you will.” JIM SAVAGE University Alumnus

to connect with her students.” In a Journal of Chemistr y Education article from 1970, Day discussed oxidation-reduction in terms of polluted water and photochemistry through atmospheric smog. She taught the proper ties of aluminum through testing how long a beer can lasts, Most said. “Environmental chemistr y was new for the department,” he said. “Jean wanted her students to see relevance in their lives.” Savage said Day was always ready to help struggling students. She welcomed questions during her lectures and always stayed after class for them, solving and re-solving problems on the board until the students understood. “She always made it her business to be available, to answer your questions and answer them in such a way that you understood,” Savage said. “She would find a way to connect with you.” Warholic said Day pushed her students to make a difference in whatever they pursued, understanding that not all of them saw futures in chemistry.

Day found chemistry in high school and followed a tough path to the University. She was born during a polio epidemic and suffered from a handicap that required several surgeries, daily exercises and back and leg braces during her childhood, Warholic said. Growing up during the Great Depression, Day’s family struggled to make ends meet after their father left and their mother lost her job. Breaking into the field of chemistry was not much easier since men dominated the field and — with its long history as an all-men’s college — Day was one of few female professors at the University. But none of this bothered Day, who overcame all of life’s obstacles with good nature, a wonderful sense of humor and a smile, Savage said. “I think her strength came from getting over the problems in her life,” he said. “She was confident, but not cocky, and tried to instill that confidence in her students.” Through her, Savage got the kind of motivation that has stuck with him since her death. Savage was selling meal tickets at Brower Commons when he learned of Day’s death, and began a collection for the University’s Transitional Year Program, a program that helped high school students from under-privileged school districts prepare for a college education. Day was a strong supporter of the program and Savage worked to raise money for it in her honor. Savage does not remember how much he raised but said he was moved by student donations and gave the money to the program’s administrators in Voorhees Mall, who were surprised by the contribution. But it was not the last time Savage collected money in memory of his favorite professor. Savage said he hopes to raise enough funds to make the Day Memorial Scholarship a major award at the University — one he will keep alive and vibrant ever y year. “The spirit of Jean Day is going to be woven into this, and people are really going to take pride in it,” Savage said. “You may not have heard of her, but you will.”





More than 40 recreation classes star t today including water exercise, SCUBA, Chinese cooking, Feng Shui, hiking, Latin dance, climbing, archer y, mountain biking, CPR/AED, canoeing, kayaking and backpacking. For details and to register online, visit For questions, e-mail or call (732)-932-8204.

The Humanist Chaplaincy at Rutgers University will host an event titled, “Can Science Determine What is Right and Wrong?” from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Student Activities Center lounge on the College Avenue campus. Gary Brill, an instructor in the Department of Psychology, will lead a discussion on author Sam Harris’ new book “The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values.” For more information, e-mail


As part of the Scarlet Series: The Student Professional Development Workshop Series, Rutgers Student Life will hold a session to address the fear of public speaking and give advice on how to address nerves. The workshop will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. in Room 120A of the Busch Campus Center. Participants must register for the workshop at www.sur FMQ7. This is just one of the eight-par t series that aims to develop personalized leadership skills so students can gain a competitive edge. The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Repor ting in America will be hosting “An Evening With Jerusalem PostDefense Analyst Yaakov Katz” at 8 p.m. at Rutgers Hillel on 93 College Ave. Katz is a defense analyst for The Jerusalem Post. He has covered settlements, the Gaza disengagement and the Second Lebanon War. He is an expert on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the possible nuclear threat from Iran. Talk will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Food will be served. For more information, e-mail Noah Glyn at

School got you in a knot? Unwind with celebrity yoga instructor, Yogi Charu at “Pure Yoga!” a free event sponsored by the Bhakti Club at Rutgers University from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. at the Rutgers Student Center Multipurpose Room on the College Avenue campus. Born in the Caribbean and trained in the Himalayas, Charu brings a refreshing new style to yoga and travels the globe sharing his mystic adventures. Everyone, from beginners to seasoned experts, is welcome. For more information and to RSVP, visit


To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to

SERVICE: Jackson earns degree in 2005 at University continued from front (ADA) and initiative for change, Jackson, along with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society New Jersey Metro Chapter, continue to conduct accessibility tours throughout the state. “The goal of the Accessibility Tours is to break down physical barriers that hinder people with disabilities from gaining access into public and private places and to urge society to make their places accessible to fulfill the promise of the ADA law,” Jackson said. After being awarded the 2010 NASW Social Worker of the Year, Jackson became active with the organization. She currently holds the position of unit chair for the Middlesex/Unit in New Jersey and the chairperson for

the Disability Special Interest Group (SIG). “Whenever they have special projects and need an extra hand, I just show up and assist whenever I can,” Jackson said. Her work and contributions to her field did not go unnoticed among her colleagues. “Jackie is a stellar exemplar y of a quintessential role model,” said Mar y Jean Weston, assistant executive director of NASW’s New Jersey Chapter. “Her advocacy work in the area of disabilities and educating social and community and gover nment of ficials really stood out.” V. DuWayne Battle, the University director of the baccalaureate social work program and Jackson’s former professor, said Jackson maintained a pleasing disposition and positive outlook on life “She has proven to be one of the most remarkable human

MARCH 7, 2011 beings and citizens of the state of New Jersey, making significant contributions to family and community alike,” Battle said. Jackson said earning her master’s degree in social work at the University in 2005 was only a stepping-stone to a lifelong career in supporting other. During her time at the University, Jackson was an advocate for students with disabilities and helped ensure the students received the necessar y accommodations for an easier time and way of transportation, Battle said. Jackson continued her activism for people with disabilities when she advocated and lobbied in Trenton on Capitol Hill for issues concerning the disability community’s health and employment, Battle said. Coming from a large caring family, Jackson said helping others was innate and something she truly enjoyed.


With the support of her family, friends, church and organizations, Jackson said she is far from ending her social advocacy career and only plans to expand it. “All of these wonderful support systems always encouraged me to do more and always tell me how much I inspire them,” she said. “They are proud of my accomplishments and this truly motivates me to continue the work that I am doing.” Jackson said having disabilities made her a stronger person and taught her to use her voice for the unheard and for those who go unseen. She hopes to inspire and empower others, especially those with disabilities, to never give up on their dreams because a disability does not make a person. “I have adopted a motto that a disease is only temporary — disease,” Jackson said. “I have shaped my life around this motto and have risen above my disability.”



PA G E 6

MARCH 7, 2011

Unity Square to receive $1 million for revitalization BY LAURA TRANSUE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Residents and community organizers in New Brunswick’s Unity Square neighborhood will receive a $1 million grant from Johnson & Johnson to support and expand The Unity Square Partnership, a cooperative between Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen and the Sacred Heart Church. The funds, provided by the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit Program, which establishes partnerships between businesses and community organizers, will help expand the medical services at St. John’s Clinic, job training and placement programs as well as scholarship programs, said Lorena Gaibor, director of the Unity Square program. Entrepreneurial programs of Elijah’s Promise soup kitchen, ESL literacy education and youth education and recreational

services will also benefit from the grant, Gaibor said. “We are starting a new Soup to Jobs program at Elijah’s Promise that will employ residents to hopefully create products from our community gardens,” she said. “We want to help our residents to learn a range of skills and for them to take those skills to find new work.” Gaibor, who received her master’s degree in social work from the University, said the program organizers also hope to start a youth financial education program to support the career development of the neighborhood’s youth. “Many parents as well as youth do not have bank accounts, so we are really starting with the basics,” she said. “We will provide them with small funds to start off and encourage them to set goals, like saving for college.” The 37 square block neighborhood, within Commercial and

Livingston Avenues and Sanford and Welton Streets, has an estimated population of 10,000 people, of which 24 percent live below the Federal Poverty Level, she said. Once a predominately black neighborhood, the majority of Unity Square residents are Hispanic, many Mexican immigrants with young families. The Unity Square Revitalization project began in 2004, founded by Nancy Finn from Catholic Charities, Father Joe Kerrigan, pastor of the Sacred Heart Church and local residents, Gaibor said. “The community came together to do something about the problems in the neighborhood,” she said. “Residents decided they wanted to focus on reducing crime, job development, affordable housing, affordable health care and youth recreation services.” Coming to the end of a fiveyear grant from Wachovia, the neighborhood par tnership

investigated the tax credit program and approached Johnson & Johnson, Gaibor said. Bonnie Petrauskas, the director of Corporate Contributions & Community Relations at Johnson & Johnson, said the pharmaceutical company is happy to grant $1 million to the Unity Square neighborhood, with hopes that this act will bring about change. “We’re proud to support our partners as they make a difference in the well-being of residents in the communities where our people live and work,” said Petrauskas via email correspondence. In addition to working with Johnson & Johnson, the Unity Square Par tnership plans to involve many community partners in their projects, Gaibor said. Many of their programs developed in partnership with The Intersect Fund, the Rutgers Cooperative Extension,

New Labor Training and Education Institute and Middlesex County College. The community will host a celebration on Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m. in the New Brunswick historic firehouse on Remsen Avenue, the future home of the Unity Square Partnership Community Center and Administrative offices, said LaNella HooperWilliams, president of Hooper Williams Communications. “This will really be a celebration, attended by Mayor James Cahill and [Department of Community Affairs commissioner Lori] Grifa,” Hooper-Williams said. Gaibor and Petrauskas will also attend the event along with many Unity Square residents. “This is really a grassroots organization,” Gaibor said. “The residents are very involved. They have a sense of ownership in these programs. This partnership is theirs.”

COUNTY TO SETTLE RACIAL HARASSMENT CLAIMS WITH $75K Middlesex County agreed to pay $75,000 Friday to settle a racial harassment suit brought on by Barbara Deloatch, an African-American woman who claimed to be verbally attacked by her co-worker. Deloatch, who has worked as a clerk for the sheriff’s department since 2001, said her co-worker repeatedly insulted

her race, making derogatory comments that grew increasingly more offensive each time, according to an article. “[Deloatch’s co-worker] said she hates black children and they should be kicked,” said Deloatch’s attorney Mark Mulick, in the article. In addition to this co-worker’s remarks, Deloatch said she heard a

sergeant say “black people should be slaves” and an investigator at the depar tment use a racial epithet more than 20 times in her presence. As a response to these comments, Deloatch repeatedly complained to the department heads, but said they did not carry out a departmental investigation, according to court papers in the article.

Instead, they retaliated against the woman, including insubordination charges and denying her a promotion or transfer. Deloatch’s case represents the third time in three years that Middlesex County has had to settle harassment lawsuits against the sheriff’s department. — Ankita Panda

Experience using Microsoft Office. Detailed training will be provided.

Flexible around class schedule during the school year.



PA G E 8

MARCH 7, 2011


Consider drawbacks of technology


n first look, Google’s self-driving car seems like one of the coolest technological advancements ever. It is a car that can steer, stop and start without any sort of human being behind the wheel. It is a triumph of human inventiveness and we should feel proud of it. But there are some serious drawbacks to the development of a self-driving car. Computers do not have the same instincts or reflexes as human beings, and there is something to be said for the element of humanity present in any given situation. Perhaps we are just Luddites, but we’d rather see humans continue driving than hand over the roads to armies of self-driving vehicles. The implications of advancements in technology are always doubleedged swords. While making human life easier, these advances also make human beings lazier. When computers do things for us, we are no longer forced to learn how to do things ourselves. Consequentially, our minds and bodies start to rot. Where does that leave human beings? Not in a very good place, that’s for sure. For example, think about all the people who rely on GPS devices instead of their own knowledge of the roads. Often, these people will use GPS devices even when they know very well where they need to go and how to get there — they merely want to take the brainless route. Also, the prospect of a self-driving car could encourage reckless behavior in transit. For example, in the future, these self-driving cars become available for public use. Now imagine a man who owns one of these cars gets very drunk one night and decides it’s fine for him to get behind the wheel, because he’s not actually driving. Then, on the ride home, the car malfunctions. You can probably guess what happens next. There are also some very unsettling military implications of self-driving cars. These things could be deployed in combat. The more the human element is removed from warfare, the more brutal warfare becomes. Technological advances should aim to minimize suffering, not maximize the potential for untold destruction. Can you really call something “progress” if it could potentially cause immense pain? Hardly. It is clear that people have to be careful when choosing convenience over doing it for themselves. Sure, self-driving cars might be easier, but think about the repercussions. Progress often makes us lazy. It makes us forget how to operate independently of technology. Most importantly, technological advancements often remove the human being from consideration. In a world built and run by people, that’s a dangerous move to make.

Idolizing ‘Snooki’ hinders culture T

he Rutgers University Programming Association is bringing the one and only Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi to the University on March 31, and the event is sure to draw a sizable chunk of the University’s population out to the Livingston Student Center. Our original reaction to the announcement that RUPA was shelling out for Polizzi — although, they won’t say exactly how much they are paying her for this appearance — was to be upset. The fact of the matter is that RUPA’s job is to bring enjoyable events to the student population, and Polizzi’s presence is already exciting people. What’s depressing in this situation is not RUPA’s choice to book Polizzi – it is the fact that so many people are so eager to see her. The fact that Polizzi is such a big name at the University and in America in general says a lot about contemporary culture. The people we choose to idolize say a lot about who we are, and the fact that Polizzi is a major figure in the world does not bode well for us. We are not trying to be alarmists here, nor do we believe that America is currently in a “cultural dark age” or anything of that sort. Instead, what we are trying to point out is the fact that enjoying Polizzi’s antics because she is as engrossing as a train wreck is not enough of an excuse. Car accidents can only hold people’s attention for so long before they start to feel remorse for the people involved and regret for their perverse – albeit natural – interest in the accident. Why hasn’t the regret or remorse over Polizzi kicked in yet, and how long does the world have to wait before it does? It isn’t that there is no hope for society. Rather, it is just that culture is currently in a rut. There are still people out there who are agitating for smarter, more fulfilling lifestyles. Of course, in order for the University – and America – to lift itself out of this aforementioned rut, people need to start heeding these calls and picking themselves up. No one is going to do it for us, and the longer Polizzi enjoys the spotlight, the worse we look. All in all, this event is a win for RUPA, but a loss for society. Perhaps we are just out of touch with culture, but we firmly believe that there are better options out there in terms of whom we make our cultural heroes. Think about it: Here we are, students of the University, paying thousands of dollars to get a good education in order to be successful, and we are supporting someone like Polizzi, a woman who shot to stardom because of her seemingly incredible lack of intelligence or decorum.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “There’s probably 1,000 other people I would rather have coming here. Some kind of motivational speaker would be good, or Mike ‘The Situation.’” Omer Saleh, a School of Arts and Sciences Sophomore, on Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi coming to the University STORY ON FRONT


GOP endangers women’s rights


age of the American budget here has been a in comparison to bloated great deal of attenand ineffective spending tion placed on proelsewhere. U.S. funding for posed budget cuts by the the P-8 Poseidon aircraft Republican-majority House program alone encompassof Representatives and es $2.9 billion during a time Republican governors when the United States is nationwide —more specifiBILAL AHMED not in military tensions with cally, attention has been any state that has a sizable focused on the fact that submarine fleet — most notably in the case that the many women’s health programs have been targetIslamic Republic of Iran has only 13. This should ed. This comes at a time when the American Left come as no surprise from a political party that has is struggling to maintain its progress in fields proposed slashing foreign aid as a major solution to such as labor unions and reproductive rights in the multi-trillion dollar deficit when the entire forthe face of conservative opponents who are using eign aid budget is only $32.9 billion — including budget cuts as an excuse to attack much of the food assistance programs which are actually recyprogress the United States has made. It is quite cled through the American economy. disheartening to see American women slowly losThis assault on female reproductive liberties does ing liberties that should be guaranteed to them as not occur without context. The recent efforts by Gov. fundamental rights, and I am almost certain that Scott Walker, R-Wis., to eliminate collective bargainour grandchildren will question our sanity for not ing rights directly affect public treating them as such. employees such as nurses and teachThe economic recession has “It is quite ers who are disproportionately been used to justify a reprehensible The South Dakota legislabill proposed by Rep. Mike Pence, Rdisheartening to see women. ture has considered a bill, which Ind., which, with the support of 10 would justify homicide in the case of House Democrats, passed with the American women harm to a fetus, effectively objective of eliminating federal fundslowly losing liberties imminent considering the legalization of muring for the organization Planned dering abortion providers. The Parenthood. I consider it asinine to that should be Republican Party has eliminated $1 treat Planned Parenthood as a synguaranteed to them.” billion from the budget of organizaonym for ending pregnancy termination National Head Start Association, tion, particularly since federal stipuleading to nearly 157,000 children lations prevent federal funding from who may go without preschool education. New being directly used to provide abortions. Critics Jersey Republicans are pursuing the stripping of point out that federal dollars are sometimes applied funding to after-school program New Jersey After 3, to bureaucratic costs associated with abortions. I directly threatening working-class mothers who simbelieve, however, that the notion of “tainted money” ply cannot provide care for their children until their is logically unsound and should apply less to reproworking hours are complete. These efforts are coorductive care and more to Afghanistan, where milidinated attempts by conservative white males who tary assistance paid by American taxpayers is smugare attempting to recreate the divide between public gled for use against the North Atlantic Treaty and private spheres which once governed a woman’s Organization forces by Islamist fighters. place in society, as stripping women of their ability to Additionally, Planned Parenthood has an excellent police their own bodies and control their childcare reputation as a provider of basic reproductive health steadily drives them toward homemaker status and care, birth control, cancer screenings and sexually dependency on male wages. Females are unable to transmitted disease prevention to millions of control their fertility, which slashes their already American women. inhibited abilities to compete with men in order to Pence’s bill effectively seeks to terminate an graduate from universities, compete for jobs and American woman’s right to healthy reproductive work in stressful environments. organs. There is almost no benefit to this move, considering that federal funding to organizations such SEE AHMED ON PAGE 9 as Planned Parenthood comprises a small percent-

Gods Go Begging

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



MARCH 7, 2011


End attendance Academic Dermatology policies for classes

Felix Urman M.D., FAAD Board Certified Dermatology



efore the enactment of hunting laws, the Maasai tribe of Kenya and northern Tanzania sent boys as young as 12-years-old out into the wilderness to slaughter a lion with only a spear in hand and a thundering heartbeat. It was a right of passage. Now look at college students, most between the ages of 18 and 24, still being monitored under juvenile class attendance policies. I was naïve in believing that college was a place where the emergence of adulthood dissolved pesky paternalism. This realization gives me the uneasy feeling that college is less about education and more about playing by the rules. But if the rules are inefficient and burdensome, then they must be reformed. An attendance policy does not take into account students who possess the ability to learn independently. Why should a student be coerced into listening to a professor simply repeat the words that are already in a textbook? Everyone at the University is literate. If you are a student that feels that you need to go to class in order to better comprehend the material or if you have questions to ask, then by all means, go. But this collective force to attend class must end. I am not saying that people who have the ability to teach themselves are superior in any way to those who prefer classroom interaction — but self-learners are being unfairly punished by attendance policies.

AHMED continued from page 8 The United States has achieved a great deal in the field of women’s rights. But the rallying call of “fiscal responsibility” is increasingly being used to push an agenda of social conser vatism, which is unfairly treating women’s health as an arena rather than a responsibility. This ideology adopts undeniable racial attitudes when Hispanic women are discussed, coupling sexism with growing xenophobia of a less homogenous America — particularly in the case of Arizona Republicans

In one particular class of mine, I sat in the back and read the dictionary, circling my favorite words and discovering new ones. I was only there in the first place to put my signature on a sheet of paper. I was not trying to be disrespectful, but time is extremely valuable. Why should I let this time slip away paying attention to a lecture I feel I’m getting nothing informative out of when I could engage in a productive activity? This is not a rallying cry to slack off on schoolwork. If you sign up for a class, you accept the work assigned to you. But what some professors do not realize is that forcing students to show up to class may in fact hinder their ability to do the best work they can. Some professors’ teaching methods are not compatible with some students’ learning methods and once again, time is extremely valuable. I hope this letter does not alienate the professors who teach with passion and make lectures relevant to the assigned schoolwork and exams. These are the classes that I make every effort to show up to, regardless of attendance policy. Let the students who feel their thirst for wisdom is not being quenched sufficiently enough in the classroom pave their own road to success. And let those who skip class because they are too lazy or hung over succumb to the fate of their own hedonism. I would have liked to make this letter slightly longer, but I’m late for class. Eric Kern is a School of Arts and Sciences junior. attempting to nullify birthright citizenship by proposing the issuing of different birth certificates when mothers are not U.S. citizens. Americans must ensure that female reproductive rights are not treated as lavish privileges but as state responsibilities and respond to assertions other wise with condemnations of utter cruelty to half the population. Bilal Ahmed is a School of Arts and Sciences junior majoring in Middle Eastern Studies with minors in political science and African, Middle Eastern and South Asian languages and literature. His column, “Gods Go Begging,” runs on alternate Mondays.

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PA G E 1 0


Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

MARCH 7, 2011


Today's Birthday (03/07/11). This year you discover new ways of finding satisfaction in the littlest things. Access your three-yearold mind of wonder and amazement. Look at life through new eyes. Appreciate the good in others. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is an 8 — You're in Today is a 7 — It's much nicer charge today, even if you don't to warm yourself by cuddling up know it. It may feel like a typiwith a loved one and reading a cal Monday, but you can give it good book. Catch some sunrays Friday-style celebration. You're when you can. that powerful. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 7 — An apple a day Today is a 7 — Without chalkeeps the doctor away (if you lenges, life would get pretty borhave good aim). Bad puns are ing. Cat Stevens said, "If you good today. Laugh out loud for want to sing out, sing out. If you best medicine. Share a comedy want to be free, be free. There with someone fun. are a million ways to be." Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 7 — Figure out how Today is a 7 — Lean on your to bring play into work or work friends through difficult times. into play. You'll be rewarded. Make sure that the support is It's okay to question. That's mutual. If one pulls too hard, both more valuable than whatever fall. You can stand for each other. answers develop. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — It's okay to hide Today is a 7 — It's a great day to in your work. If you lack confifind your true home. Perhaps dence, remind yourself of a you've been there all along and brave thing that you've done. haven't noticed. Discover your Can't think of one? Ask someroots to piece together your one else. Then listen. ancestral haunts. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — It's time to hit Today is a 7 — Catch up on ethe narrow trails and discover mail and mail communication. If new worlds, even if rocky. you can, visit a friend. A face-toRemember to keep it in the face conversation will clear new right gear, with legs flexed to ideas and create opportunities. absorb the shock, and just go. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — Just because Today is a 6 — Don't spend time money comes easy today, don't in dark thoughts. Be kind to overspend on toys. Save up for yourself. Focus on what you real- later. Don't forget to stop and ly want for others (and yourself). acknowledge yourself and othOh, the possibilities! ers. This grows the team. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.



Happy Hour





Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


MARCH 7, 2011

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



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Sign Up for the IAFLOFCI (OFFICIAL) Jumble Facebook fan club

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

ANMRNE Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer: Saturday’s Yesterday’s



Solution Puzzle #34 3/4/11

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(Answers (Answerstomorrow) Monday) Jumbles: TONIC DRAWN GLITCH NEPHEW BLINK STAFF ABRUPT FLINCH Beaver’s dam wastheir thismoney when ithere was— Answer: The Alaskans like to keep blown away — GONE WITH THE WIND IN FAIR BANKS



PA G E 1 2

MARCH 7, 2011

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MARCH 7, 2011


TITLE: Rutgers earns best


Senior 174-pounder Alex Caruso earned a third-place finish yesterday at the EIWA Championships after former Lehigh teammate Austin Meys withdrew from their match with a medical forfeit.

around it was Mason who got the last laugh. In the quarterfinals, Mason finish at Champs since 1951 defeated Napoli, 4-3, on a last minute takedown and in the continued from back third-place bout, Mason won in “I didn’t score a takedown similar fashion, 3-2, over Sanjaa. this whole tournament,” Winston “It’s the peaks and valleys of said. “If I was going to win, I had the season,” Goodale said. “If to be good on top.” you can level it in this sport and In the end, Winston’s title get your mind right, you’ll be highlights a third-place finish fine. Mario lost to Sanjaa and for the Scarlet Knights. The Napoli in the span of a week. third-place ranking is the highAnd he comes back to beat est since 1951 and comes them both to take third in a ahead of programs such as great weight class.” Penn and American that had Winston, Car uso, Rinaldi, more wrestlers in the finals. Mason, Cocozzo and Russo all Rutgers may earned automatic have only had one bids to the NCAA “It was huge finalist, but the Tour nament in rest of the squad weeks in for our confidence two carried its weight Philadelphia by with five thirdfinishing in the and really set place finishes. allotted number us ahead of “We had a of spots in their great quarterfinal r e s p e c t i v e some really round,” said senweight classes. good teams.” ior Alex Caruso, For wrestlers who finished like sophomore ALEX CARUSO third in the 174Joe Langel and Senior 174-pounder pound bracket. “It junior Trevor was huge for Melde, the path is momentum. It not as easy as they was huge for our confidence and await the wildcard selection really set us ahead of some realprocess to see if they return to ly good teams.” the national tournament. Caruso also sought revenge “I don’t know what’s going against his Lehigh counterto happen with Trevor and par t, as the battle for third pitLangel,” Goodale said. “Melde, ted him against Austin Meys, unfor tunately, put it in the but Meys withdrew with a hands of a committee. We medical for feit. might just take six to the “I was definitely looking fornational tour nament, which ward to that match,” Caruso is fine.” said. “But I was pretty dinged The EIWA Tour nament up and I know he was dinged might have also spelled the up. So tomorrow morning I’m end of the season for Mike sure I’ll think it was more benWagner. The freshman made a eficial that I didn’t wrestle remarkable run to the semifithat match.” nals on Saturday, but two lossSophomores Mario Mason es yesterday left him outside of and Dan Rinaldi, along with senthe top five receiving automatiors Dar yl Cocozzo and DJ ic bids at 197 pounds. Russo all finished third in their “Wagner probably won’t respective weight classes. [get a wildcard],” Goodale For Mason to claim third, he said. “Oh man, that kid wreshad to revisit a handful of regular tled so hard all weekend. He season demons in American’s deser ves to go to the national Ganbayar Sanjaa and Lehigh’s tour nament. He’s what our Joe Napoli. team is all about and he’s Both defeated Mason in the going to continue to be what regular season, but this time we’re all about.”

FINALE: Shot fakes send

mental breakdowns,” Rice said. “If you want to lose, go Providence to line in bunches ahead and do those types of things — allow splits and foul jump shooters.” continued from back The loss dropped Rutgers to shot despite stable defense on a 4-6 in conference games decidnight in which he set the Big ed by 10 points or less and was East’s single-season scoring mark. the third — following defeats to But the Knights’ second-half then-No. 2 Pittsburgh and St. collapse occurred on shot fakes John’s — that occurred in the from the Friars’ backcourt, a final moments. ploy the team defended soundly “This one hurts,” Mitchell during the first 20 said. “We were minutes but could in control pretty “We got in not retain over the much the whole final stretch. game and gave our own way “We didn’t stay it up like that at a lot and I just down on shot fakes,” the end. We got said Biruta, who finin our own way think we got ished with a careera lot [Saturday high 21 points and night], and I away from what added six rebounds. just think we got us here.” “They made their went away from foul shots. We what got us JONATHAN MITCHELL shouldn’t have here. We aren’t Senior Forward fouled them while doing the they were shooting.” things we used Freshman guard Austin Carroll to do and it showed.” converted on a layup attempt on a The Knights lost despite feed from senior point guard shooting 65 percent from the James Beatty to give the Knights a field in the second half and 60-47 lead with less than 12 minoutscoring the Friars, 44-20, in utes to go in Providence. the paint. But Council responded with a “There were so many losing lay-in of his own moments later, plays, and our guys didn’t seem and the Knights intensity was a to be affected by it,” Rice said. question mark throughout the “They were shooting the ball well second half, Rice said. and they were scoring. It was a “[From] our first, second fun night for them. So that’s the play [it was] mental mistakes, way losers play.”


Head coach Mike Rice’s team had a chance to finish the regular season at .500 with a win over Providence Saturday, but now enters the Big East Tournament tomorrow as a No. 13 seed.



MARCH 7, 2011


RU wins battle for possession at SJU BY VINNIE MANCUSO STAFF WRITER

Four straight games, four straight victories. That is something the Rutgers men’s lacrosse t e a m MEN’S LACROSSE has not 11 seen in RUTGERS o r e 1 m ST. JOE’S than six years. But with their 11-1 victor y on Saturday over St. Joseph’s at Finnesey Field in Philadelphia, the Scarlet Knights may have proven once and for all that they are not the same team of recent memor y. “This is a good win for us, especially seeing as how St. Joe’s came to our place last year, and we pretty much got embar rassed by them [two years ago],” senior midfielder Chris Mattes said. “It was good to get a win and a pretty significant win at that.” Mattes’ per formance in the middle of the field proved to be the catalyst to the Knights’ (40) dominant per formance. In a game where possession of the ball was key, Mattes won 13 out of 14 face-of fs to give Rutgers possession throughout the majority of the matchup. “Faceoff-wise, I think I was timing the whistle up well and getting some ground balls, getting us possession,” Mattes said. “That’s really the reason we held the ball for so long, which made all the difference.” Rutgers drew first blood in the contest when junior Mike Diehl found the back of the net after 10 minutes of play. No more than a minute later the Knights stretched their lead to 3-0 on goals from freshman Jack Matthews and sophomore Duncan Clancy. Clancy ended the day leading the

Knights with five points on two goals and three assists. St. Joe’s attackman Scott Cullinan netted the one and only goal for the Hawks with just three seconds left in the first quarter, but the Knights were not af fected by it. Scoring efforts from redshirt freshman Scott Klimchak, junior Kevin Hover and senior Kor y Kelly doubled Rutgers’ score to 6-1 heading into the half. Clancy and Kelly both went on to find the back of the cage for the second time during the second half of regulation. Joining them with scoring efforts were three more members of the offense, including freshman Nick DePaolera’s second career goal, allowing Rutgers to cruise to the 11-1 victory. But as explosive as Rutgers’ offense looked on paper, for the first time all year it suffered from inconsistency. The Knights’ 11 goals pale in comparison to the 45 total shots on goal taken by the offense in the contest. “We should have hit the cage a whole lot more,” Mattes said. “Overall, I think we could have beaten them about 25-1.” Head coach Jim Stagnitta was also well aware of the offense’s shooting woes but was still impressed with his team’s ability to battle through them. “We didn’t shoot the ball as well as I would’ve liked, but we executed well and we executed hard,” he said. “I can’t say how impressed I am when the kids come out and play with so much intensity, and whenever they did make mistakes they made up for them immediately.” And Stagnitta has good reason to be impressed because with the Knights’ impressive start so far, his team may bring back a quality of lacrosse that was not seen on the Banks in years.


Senior midfielder Chris Mattes won 13 of his 14 face-offs against host St. Joe’s Saturday in the Knights’ 11-1 victory, exorcising demons from Rutgers’ loss two years ago in Philadelphia.

BERTH: Sykes scores 16 in second half as RU prevails continued from back


Sophomore center Monique Oliver contributed 18 points and seven rebounds against Marquette, sending the Knights into a semifinal date tonight at 6 p.m. with Connecticut.

One of the main reasons Marquette fell shor t was the resurgence of junior for ward April Sykes after halftime. A 16-point explosion after a quiet first period allowed the Knights to jump back out to a double-digit lead midway through the second half and was enough to hold of f a Golden Eagles comeback. The Knights’ (19-11) leading scorer now owns 22 double-figure performances this season, continuing to show up when her team needs her most. “Coach Stringer’s not the type of coach to praise you when you’re not doing the best, and I love her for that,” Sykes said. “I hate it at times, but in the second half she got in my chest and … just told me I was forcing it a lot. Usually when I force things I don’t look good. In the second half she just told me to relax.” Stringer also challenged her post combination of junior for ward Chelsey Lee and sophomore center Monique Oliver to crash the boards more in the second half, something the pair str uggled to do in the opening stanza. The two answered the call, and much like the first meeting

between the two teams, played big for the Knights down low. “I only had one rebound in the beginning,” said Oliver, who finished the game 18 points and seven boards. “Chelsey had like three, so we knew we had to step it up on the rebounding end.” For the greater par t of the season, the Knights earned a reputation of getting of f to slow star ts in conference play. Rutgers snapped out of that lull yesterday and came out firing to kick of f regulation. Early offense by sophomore guard Erica Wheeler and key finds in the post to Oliver built the Knights a double-digit lead early on in the period, as Wheeler started the game 4-for-5 from the field and finished with 14 points. After being tabbed as the No. 7 team in the conference in the preseason, Stringer’s squad now finds itself facing a rematch against the country’s top team and tournament host tonight at the XL Center. The Hall of Fame coach is well aware that another 16-turnover showing will not be so kind to the Knights against a team that has not lost a Big East game in more than three years. “I hope our ‘A’ game comes overnight,” Stringer said. “We’re going to need it [tonight]. We’re capable of playing better and we better be able to play better against UConn.”



MARCH 7, 2011


Win results in rematch with Connecticut BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT

HARTFORD, Conn. — With a second win over ranked Marquette this season, the KNIGHT Rutgers NOTEBOOK women’s basketball team (19-11, 11-5) advanced to the

semifinals tonight with the daunting task of facing Connecticut, which stands in the way of its first Big East Championship game since 2007. The top-ranked Huskies (30-1, 16-0) beat Georgetown immediately following the Scarlet Knights’ win and have not lost a conference game since 2008, when the Knights took them down at the Louis Brown Athletic Center.


Junior point guard Khadijah Rushdan, left, contributed 10 boards yesterday to go along with eight assists against Marquette.

“What does it take? I don’t know,” said Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer. “I’ll figure that out now. That we were the last team to beat UConn doesn’t really mean a lot other then we have to bring our ‘A’ game all the time physically and mentally with all we do. I have to be on my ‘A’ game, as well, because Geno [Auriemma] is an outstanding coach.” The last time the two squared off, the Knights kept the game close for the first half at the RAC before the Huskies turned it on and prevailed, 63-44. “They’re the No. 1 team in the countr y for a reason,” said junior for ward April Sykes, who scored 18 points yesterday on 5for-11 shooting. “They do a lot of great things, but we can’t focus on anyone but ourselves.” For the Huskies, two-time National Player of the Year Maya Moore put up her worst of fensive numbers of the season but they still cleanly took down the Hoyas, 59-43. Moore scored just six points but center Stefanie Dolson picked up the slack with a career-high 24 points. “They’re a physical team who likes to slow it down,” Moore said of tonight’s contest against the Knights. “I think at times when we play them at their place, we struggled with our offense getting in a good rhythm. That will probably be something we have to focus on and make sure we establish a tempo.”

Junior guard Khadijah Rushdan was inef fective in the scoring categor y yesterday, scoring just five points and shooting 22 percent. But she did fill up the stat sheet and play a key role in her 38 minutes of action. Rushdan led Rutgers with 10 of the team’s 42 rebounds, eight of its 13 assists and three of its nine steals. By taking down Marquette yesterday, the Knights are up to five consecutive Big East wins — the best for the program since the 2008-09 season, when it had streaks of both seven and five straight. The win likely boosts Rutgers from a projected No. 10 seed in the NCAA Tournament to somewhere between a sixseed and nine-seed depending on tonight’s per formance against UConn.



standout Heather Zurich made the trip to Hartford yesterday to support some of her former teammates in action. Zurich, who sat directly behind the team’s bench, was a key cog in the Knights’ Big East Championship in the 2006-07 season and subsequent run to the NCAA championship game. The latest bracketology projections on ESPN have the Knights as a No. 8 seed playing in Cincinnati for the first two rounds and Dayton, Ohio for the Sweet 16.

Final play design calls for Coburn to drive BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Rutgers men’s basketball team’s final play of regulation against Providence on Saturday was designed to be a dribble KNIGHT handof f NOTEBOOK from senior point guard James Beatty to classmate Mike Coburn. Off a ball screen from senior for ward Jonathan Mitchell, Coburn had two options: either pass the ball to Mitchell on a pop or drive to the basket. Coburn chose the latter and found himself fouled with 1.8 seconds remaining against the Friars at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center and the Scarlet Knights trailing, 75-73. “Who else is going to go off the bounce? You tell me who else is going to go off the bounce,” head coach Mike Rice said. “I trusted Michael to go off the bounce and create something. They did a good job of blanking out on JMitch. I’ll take two free throws by a senior to tie the ballgame.” The 6-foot guard strolled to the line, where he converted on his first free throw attempt after the shot hit the front of the rim and bounced in. But the second attempt was not as fortuitous and the Knights left the arena with their 13th loss in Big East play. “It hurts. We got in our own way [Saturday night],” Mitchell said. “We were in control the whole game but gave it away toward the end.”



Gilvydas Biruta controlled the interior offensively for the Knights,

who scored 44 points as a team in the paint against the Friars. Biruta added to his highlight reel in the second half when he was on the receiving end of an alley-oop pass from Coburn that put Rutgers up by 11. “Playing with energy with my teammates leading me down the floor,” Biruta said of the causes of his effectiveness. “Sharing the basketball, playing together as a team.” But despite Biruta’s production, Rice pointed toward Providence’s lack of defensive execution as the root of the freshman’s results.

“I wouldn’t say he was a bright spot,” Rice said. “How many times did he miss an open layup inside? He scored layups. He was wideopen. You finish through contact.” The Friars rank second-to-last in the conference in scoring defense, allowing an average of 75 points per game.




Providence, combined with Seton Hall’s victory on Saturday over Marquette, ensured the Knights would be the No. 13 seed when the intrastate rivals meet tomorrow in the opening round of the Big East Tournament.

The Knights and Pirates were scheduled to face of f regardless of the teams’ weekend outcomes, but the decisions were significant merely because of seeding concerns. Rutgers now finds itself with a one-game season from here on out, Mitchell said. “This is it. Right now we have one game left in our season,” Mitchell said. “We have to have that one-and-done mentality and go out with no regrets.” The winner of the RutgersSeton Hall match-up earns a date in the second round with No. 5 seed St. John’s.


utgers men’s basketball for ward Gilvydas Biruta was named to the Big East Conference Men’s Basketball All-Rookie team for the 2010-11 season. The tr ue freshman from Lithuania ranks first in the Big East in rebounding, field goal percentage and free throw percentage among true freshmen. In all 30 games of the regular season, Biruta started 29 and ranks second on the team in scoring, rebounding, field goal percentage and free throw percentage. The for ward tallied two double-doubles and holds the team-high number of dunks at 18. Biruta ended the Scarlet Knights’ final regular season game in a loss to Providence with a team and career-high 21 points, shooting 9-for-13 from the field. Biruta is the 12th member of the Knights named to the BigEast All Rookie team since the team joined the conference in 1995. The list of former members includes current Rutgers wing Dane Miller.




failed last of fseason in their attempts to land Chris Bosh, Lebron James and Dwyane Wade. But they of ficially have their revenge by completing a regular season sweep of the Miami Heat yesterday with an 87-86 win and handing the Heat their four th straight loss. The win moves the Bulls past Miami into second place in the Eastern Conference. MVP candidate Derrick Rose posted 27 points in the matchup, topping James’ and Wade’s 26 and 20 point performances, respectively. James failed to convert on a possible game-winner, missing a contested shot with six seconds left.



receiver Plaxico Burress is set to be released from prison in June, about three months earlier than his original sentencing following a gun charge in 2009. The early release is because of good behavior. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell confirmed that Burress can be reinstated and would be eligible to sign with a new team upon his release. The former Super Bowl winner completed a work assignment and anger management program while in prison.



Senior guard Mike Coburn took a feed from classmate James Beatty with eight seconds left against Providence Saturday and earned a trip to the free throw line with the Knights down two.




Iowa State football team were dismissed from the team indefinitely on Friday after being arrested. Defensive end Jacob Lattimer faces charges of assault on a peace officer and tight end Ricky Howard faces charges of operating while intoxicated. The two juniors were held in a Story County Jail overnight and released the next day. Lattimer played in all 12 games last season for the Cyclones.



PA G E 1 6

MARCH 7, 2011

Winston captures first EIWA title at 165 pounds BY A.J. JANKOWSKI CORRESPONDENT

LEWISBURG, Pa. — It may not have been against the opponent he planned for, but Scott Winston is not complaining. The sophomore became the first EIWA Champion for WRESTLING Rutgers wrestling RUTGERS AT in 10 years yesterday on the campus EIWA CHAMPIONSHIPS of Bucknell by THIRD PLACE d e f e a t i n g Columbia’s Eren Civan, 3-2, in overtime. Winston did not have to face No. 1 seed Brandon Hatchett of Lehigh, an opponent he wanted another shot from two weeks ago, when Hatchett defeated Winston, 7-2. “I really wanted another crack at [Hatchett],” Winston said. “He got me good at home in front of a lot of people, so it was embarrassing. But things played

out a different way and I’m sure the NCAA Tournament is not going to play out the way it’s supposed to.” The final matchup was a rematch of a Nov. 27 bout that saw Winston win by a 10-2 major decision. The going was not as easy this time around, as Civan’s defensive strategy led to ver y few oppor tunities for Winston to put points on the board. “[Civan] had a very good gameplan,” said head coach Scott Goodale. “He kept it close and never really took any shots so [Winston] was never really in danger.” In fact, the match was a microcosm of the whole weekend for the Jackson, N.J., native. Winston won his first match against American’s Patrick Graham by a 21 score in overtime and then punched his ticket to the finals via a 7-4 decision over Cornell’s Justin Kerber.



Sophomore 165-pounder Scott Winston earned the Knights’ their first individual EIWA champion in 10 years yesterday, when he defeated Columbia’s Eren Civan in the finals.

RU squanders double-digit lead in finale BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

Eagles’ deficit to just six, but all head coach Terri Mitchell could do in the closing minutes was foul and hope for Knights misses. As Marquette (23-8) was over the foul limit, Rutgers went to the line for two shots three different times in the final 40 seconds, going 5-for-6 in that span to put the game out of reach. “I thought we definitely had it in us and it didn’t happen,” Mitchell said. “I always know that we can get defensive stops. I mean it happened at the end, but it was a little too late then. We put on the pressure, and probably in retrospect we needed to press a lot sooner.”

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Honored before the game on Senior Night in the season finale at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence guard MEN’S BASKETBALL Marshon Brooks RUTGERS 74 simply would not accept anything PROVIDENCE 75 less than a storybook ending to his senior campaign. The Big East’s leading scorer took a feed from the top of the key with 11 seconds left on Saturday against the Rutgers men’s basketball team and promptly banked in a runner despite solid positioning from sophomore wing Dane Miller. The score gave the Friars a 75-73 lead and eventually a 75-74 victory after senior guard Mike Coburn missed the back end of two foul shots with one second remaining. “I was in the lane when [Brooks] shot it,” said senior for ward Jonathan Mitchell, who shot 50 percent from the field in the loss. “I didn’t think it was going to go in. But obviously he used the window and anytime you use the window you give yourself a chance.” Brooks scored 28 points and shot 4-for-9 from 3point range while playing all 40 minutes under head coach Keno Davis. But the Friars (15-16, 4-14) did the most damage at the free-throw line, where they shot 17-for-21 for the game in slashing a 13-point Rutgers (14-16, 5-13) lead in the second half. Brooks and backcourt mate Vincent Council shot a combined 14-for-15 from the charity stripe, aiding Providence in its successful comeback attempt with less than 12 minutes to go. “We started making losing plays,” said head coach Mike Rice, whose team had a chance to get back to .500 to close the year. “Losing teams make losing plays, whether it’s not closing out, not taking care of the ball or not executing. We found ways to make losing plays, so we’re losers.” Freshman for ward Gilvydas Bir uta had an oppor tunity to regain the lead for the Knights after a Providence 3-pointer tied the contest at 73 with a minute left, but the ball ef fectively lodged itself in the rim. The possession arrow signaled Friars basketball, and Brooks went on to sink another




Junior forward April Sykes scored 16 second-half points against Marquette yesterday in the quarterfinals of the Big East Tournament at the XL Center, giving the Starkville, Miss., native 22 double-figure efforts this season.

Knights earn semifinal berth with victory BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

HARTFORD, Conn. –– Entering the Big East Tournament on a double-bye is not something head coach C. Vivian Stringer embraced. But despite the WOMEN’S BASKETBALL wait, the Rutgers RUTGERS 68 women’s basketball team’s youth and a MARQUETTE 62 rematch with No. 23 Marquette, the Scarlet Knights showed that earning the No. 4 seed in the Big East Tournament was no fluke. The proof lays in the Knights’ 68-62 victory against the Golden Eagles, earning the

team a spot in the tournament semifinals and a date with No. 1 Connecticut. “I was fearful that we would have a problem because we hadn’t played,” Stringer said. “It certainly helps to get things flowing. Thank goodness that we’ve got that game under our belt … I have a feeling that someone like UConn is going to get our attention.” After being down by as many as 13 points with four minutes remaining in regulation, Marquette turned to its full-court press in the closing moments hoping to trim the deficit. A 3-pointer by Tatiyiana McMorris with less than a minute to go cut the Golden

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