THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 3 , N u m b e r 9 1
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Rutgers head football coach Kyle Flood announced additions to his offensive staff Monday, when he officially filled vacancies left by members of Greg Schiano’s regime.
NJ Senate passes bill on gay marriage BY LISA BERKMAN STAFF WRITER
Grant Junno, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, left, and Residence Life Coordinator Marques Johnson perform a swing routine to “Mr. Zoot Suit” Monday night in “Dancing with the Deans” at the College Avenue Gym. Johnson and Junno placed first in the contest.
Deans dance off in charity competition BY RICHARD CONTE CORRESPONDENT
Administrators and students took their dance skills to the stage together Monday at the College Avenue Gym, raising money for students who have insufficient funds to purchase nutritious food. Eighteen couples of deans and students competed in four categories of dance — waltz, tango, swing and salsa. From those 18 couples, four — one from each category — were chosen to compete in the final competition by a panel of judges including Barry V. Qualls, vice president of Undergraduate Education; Lea Stewart, the dean of Livingston campus; Carla Yanni, the assistant vice president for Undergraduate Academic Affairs; Randy James, an associ-
ate professor in the Mason Gross School of the Arts; and Sandra Rocio Castro, the senior program administrator of the Center for Latino Arts and Culture. Marques Johnson, a Residence Life coordinator, and Grant Junno, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, won the overall dancing award performing their swing routine. The event raised nearly $1,600, all of which was donated to an emergency assistance fund, said Diane Bonanno, the executive director of Rutgers Recreation. The fund will be used to help students who have difficulty purchasing food. Kathleen Decker, the program coordinator for Rutgers Against Hunger, said the occasion was impressive because those involved used an original idea to accomplish the program’s goals.
“It was a unique and different creative way to raise awareness for [the problem] students [have],” Decker said. “Dancing with the Deans” worked as a fundraiser for underprivileged students while also bridging a gap between the students and the deans that oversee them, Bonanno said. “The first purpose is to raise funds for students who are having difficulties purchasing food,” Bonanno said of the event. “[The] second is to get to schedule and collaborate on some large events with faculty and students.” The event was not intended for students who simply run out of money at the end of a given week. Rather, it aimed to help students who cannot afford to go to school, keep a roof over their head or buy food,
VALENTINE’S DAY Find out how your campus deans spend their Valentine’s Day.
OPINIONS Don’t disappoint your date. We compiled a short list of Valentine’s Day do’s and don’ts.
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Students stuff bears for their sweethearts Monday at the Busch Campus Center International Lounge in an event sponsored by Off-Campus Student Association.
TRENTON — The New Jersey Senate passed the bill on same-sex marriage, 24 to 16, Monday in the State House, marking another step toward legalizing gay marriage in the state. New Jersey could join Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont as an equal marriage state. The bill moves on Thursday to the Assembly. An Eagleton Institute study conducted from Feb. 9-11 polled 914 New Jersey adults and found that 54 percent of Garden State voters favored legalizing gay marriage. Even with a majority of N.J. voters supporting the legalization of gay marriage, Gov. Chris Christie plans to veto the bill when it reaches him on Tuesday and call for a November referendum. Despite the governor’s veto plan, Senate President Stephen Sweeney encouraged members of the legislature to gather enough votes for an override, which occurs after a two-thirds vote from both the Assembly and the Senate. He said legislatures oppose the bill to gain future campaign support from those who are against gay marriage. “Isn’t it more important that we did something that truly changed peoples’ lives for the better?” Sweeny said. “I’m talking about real true change about how we treat each other as human beings.” The 2006 Supreme Court case Lewis v. Harris granted homosexual couples equal protection. But Sen. Barbara Buono, D-18, said it is time to step it up a notch and legalize gay marriage. “Liberty and justice were established not just for heterosexual men and women, but for all,” Buono said. “We cannot expect to move forward as a nation if we leave our brothers and sisters behind.” Carrie Diona, a Barnegat resident, said she hopes the law will pass so she can finally marry her soul mate. “A civil union is not the same. It doesn’t work and it’s not equality,” she said. “I should have the same rights as another person to get married.” Buono said she believes a civil union is not enough, because the notion of separate but equal is embedded within it. She said a man and a woman could meet at the State House and get a piece of paper that says their married, gaining all of the benefits that come with marriage. “But two people — whether they’ve known each for two years or their whole life — if they want the same thing, but they’re the same gender, they have the burden to prove their commitment to one another,” Buono said. Sen. Gerald Cardinale, R-39, was the only one to speak against the bill at the forum. He said the bill could destroy traditional marriage, which dates back thousands of years, and possibly open the door for incest. “This bill opens Pandora’s box,” Cardinale said. “The unintended consequences could be more than we can imagine or manage.” Moshe Bressler, head of Garden State Parents for Moral Values, said the legislature is destroying the moral culture in the public sphere. “Gay marriage is not a right, it’s a civil wrong,” he said. “They have a right to privacy, they can do what they want, but to tell me
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1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N . J . 0 8 9 0 1
144th EDITORIAL BOARD JOVELLE TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ANASTASIA MILLICKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS NOAH WHITTENBURG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY ZOË SZATHMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT CHASE BRUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY YASHMIN PATEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY GIANCARLO CHAUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE LAUREN VARGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA ENRICO CABREDO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY JOSH BAKAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS JOEY GREGORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS RYAN SURUJNATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT LISA CAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Kristin Baresich, Mandy Frantz, Rachel White CORRESPONDENTS — Lisa Berkman, Rich Conte, Bradly Derechailo, Vinnie Mancuso, Matthew Matilsky, Arjun Subramaniam SENIOR STAFF WRITERS — Mar y Diduch, Reena Diamante, Steven Miller, Aleksi Tzatzev SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Ramon Dompor, Keith Freeman STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Conor Alwell, Jennifer Kong, Nelson Morales, Alex Van Driesen
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PA G E 3
Student organization spreads love globally through cards BY YASHMIN PATEL UNIVERSITY EDITOR
GlobeMed at Rutgers University is spreading love throughout campus today as a part of a three-day “Spread the Love” campaign initiative to aid Cambodians who are affected by HIV or AIDS. The organization aims to raise $4,000 to fund a project called “HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Women Entertainment Workers” in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The program will create a suppor t system for entertainment women, or prostitutes af fected by HIV or AIDS, said Selena SuhailSindhu, chapter co-founder and co-president. “It will teach them about healthy sex practices, so they can stay healthy and provide them with oppor tunities and link them with health care providers who will be willing to give them care,” said SuhailSindhu, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. The project will branch from a grassroots organization called Cooperation for Social Services and Development, which provides health care opportunities for communities that have HIV or AIDS, and face social stigma from the surrounding neighborhoods, Suhail-Sindhu said. GlobeMed at Rutgers University has already raised about $2,000 toward the project, said Rebecca Hong, chapter co-president. Through the “Spread the Love” campaign, the organization
Members of GlobeMed at Rutgers University sell Valentine’s Day cards and candy to raise funds as part of their three-day “Spread the Love” campaign. Proceeds will be donated to aid women in Cambodia. will sell handmade Valentine’s Day cards and goodie bags filled with candy throughout the campus, Suhail-Sindhu said. The campaign has raised about $500. “Since it’s Valentine’s Day we wanted to spread love globally,” Suhail-Sindhu said. “You’ll be spreading the love not only to the person you’re giving the card to, but also to these women that we’re working with because all of our donations are going to them.” Funds raised through GlobeMed at Rutgers University will go toward paying the wages of two peer facilitators that will run the “HIV/AIDS Prevention
Among Women Entertainment Workers,” said Hong, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. The two facilitators will each be paid $60 a month while the remaining money from the funds will allocate other expenses, such as transportation fees for the women participating in the program, Hong said. Enter tainment women af fected by HIV or AIDS will not only find an educational background on sex, but also receive emotional suppor t, Suhail-Sindhu said. “This project that we’re funding for is also going to serve as a psychological support system for
these women,” Suhail-Sindhu said. “We want to create a support system where these women can find strength from each other and become empowered to stay mentally healthy.” Suhail-Sindhu said she worked with Cooperation for Social Services and Development to create the project to help women who are being discriminated against and not receiving treatment because of their occupation. “I chose CSSD [in Cambodia] because they worked with women, and I’m ver y interested in women’s empowerment and women’s rights,” Suhail-Sindhu said.
Suhail-Sindhu said the University’s GlobeMed is in contact with the program in Cambodia through the Internet to see the progress that is being made. “We communicate weekly via Skype to check in with each other on the logistics of the projects are going on the ground there and how we’re meeting our fundraising goals at Rutgers,” Suhail-Sindhu said. Alexa Juarez, a grassroots onsite workshop coordinator of the University’s chapter of GlobeMed, said she wanted to reach out to the women. “I don’t judge them for the life they’re living. I just want to educate them and teach them that there could be another alternative way in terms of health aspects,” said Juarez, a School of Arts junior. GlobeMed’s national office selected the University’s chapter to pair up with a grassroots organization in Thailand, Vietnam or Cambodia, SuhailSindhu said. GlobeMed is made up of University students that partner with grassroots organizations around the world in which 46 University chapters across America take part in, according to GlobeMed at Rutgers University will have its final sale for the “Spread the Love” campaign today at the Rutgers Student Center from 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. The group will also be at the Livingston Student Center from 10 a.m. to 12:45p.m.
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DEANS: Dance couples compete in four categories continued from front even if they are employed, Bonanno said. Robert Gatdula, a School of Engineering senior and Decker’s dancing partner, said the event was fun and a great event to expose people to dancing and charities. “Dancing with the Deans” allowed faculty members and students to switch roles, with students from various dancing clubs becoming the instructors by teaching the deans to do the dance routines, Bonanno said. Jacquelyn Litt, a Douglass Residential College dean, said the occasion was a great communitybuilding event with a good cause. The deans took the dance-off seriously, with many practicing up to two weeks prior to Monday night. “It was a lot of fun to support the cause,” she said. “I’ve always
wanted to do the Charleston, and it was a fun to do with the students.” Gabriela Figueredo, a School of Arts and Sciences junior and Litt’s dancing partner for the night, said she practiced eight hours with Litt before the show. “It’s a really cool idea and I like that it’s helping students,” Figueredo said. “It was great to see students and deans working for other students.” Litt said she learned the steps quickly, even though she did not have a background in dancing. Matt Matsuda, the dean of the School of Arts and Sciences Honors Program, said the event was successful because it was able to get people from different groups involved for a common cause. “This was a great idea for a program to get dancers, administration, deans and recreation to help students,” he said. “[It’s a] great example of something everyone can take part in.” Matsuda, who practiced for two weeks, said he thinks events
Deans Tim Grimm and Eve Sachs waltz their way through the College Avenue Gym to “When Winter Comes” Monday during “Dancing with the Deans.” like this one are very important year student, said he enjoyed Jentora White, an Ernest Mario considering the tough economic the event because it reminded School of Pharmacy graduate stusituation people are in. The hope him of the ABC show it was dent, said the occasion helped highis that the money earned can help modeled after. light how people from different cirstudents through the years. “It’s a cool event — like cles could cooperate efficiently. Daniel Costa, a Mason ‘Dancing with the Stars’ but on a “It was showcasing students Gross School of the Arts first- college campus,” he said. working with faculty,” she said.
Deans perform a salsa rountine to “Vailo La Pena” and “Otra Oportunidad” Monday during “Dancing with the Deans,” sponsored by Project Civility and the University’s swing club, ballroom dance club and salsa club. Mark Schuster, senior dean of students, conceived the idea behind the event to raise funds to assist students.
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POLICE ARREST FOUR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FOR POSSESSION OF DRUGS, PARAPHERNALIA New Br unswick police ar rested four University students Saturday on drug charges after they were aler ted of an armed robber y at 134 Guilden St., according to a ar ticle. Of ficers responded to a repor t of an armed robber y in progress around 7:40 p.m involving two men with handguns wearing dark clothing and ski masks, according to the ar ticle. Upon arriving at the scene, they found no robbers but did find a large quantity of narcotics in plain sight, according to the ar ticle. A search warrant was executed at the home and police found 1.5 pounds of marijuana, OxyContin pills and hallucinogenic mushrooms, materials for drug distribution and $6,000 in cash. Residents have not been cooperative in the search, so police are unsure if anything was taken during the robber y. Sgt. Mark Pappas of the New Br unswick Police Depar tment
BILL: Eagleton Institute poll finds voters favor referendum continued from front how I should view marriage, that’s a front to religion.” Thomas McGrath Jr., an Episcopalian from Gloucester City, said religion and tolerance are not mutually exclusive. “The more you study the Bible, if a professional guides you through these interpretations, I think you’ll see that we’re on the right side,” McGrath said. Buono said the bill does not pose a threat to marriage between two heterosexuals. “Giving gay and lesbian couples the right to marry will not change the quality of my relationship with my husband, Martin,” she said. “I would not love him less.” Christie proposed a referendum on gay marriage in January, so New Jersey residents could decide for themselves whether it should be legal. Fifty-three percent of state voters support Christie’s decision to vote on the legality of gay marriage. But 40 percent support Newark Mayor Cor y Booker’s position that gay marriage is a civil rights issue that should not be decided by voters. A majority of those who support gay marriage want a referendum on the issue, according to an Eagleton poll. Democratic legislatures made gay marriage a top priority, but fewer than 25 percent of voters say gay marriage is one of the most important issues facing New Jersey. “It may be that given several polls showing majority support among voters, supporters of same-sex marriage think it would win in November,” said Eagleton Poll Director David Redlawsk in an Eagleton press release. “But in the face of a likely intensive campaign from opponents, this could be wishful thinking.” Sen. Loretta Weinberg, D-37, who sponsored the bill, said the issue of gay marriage should not be decided by a referendum because representatives of Congress are meant to decide upon such legislation. “New Jersey has never adopted equal protection and rights to people through initiative and referendum,” Weinberg said. “The last time it was tried in 1915, voters rejected a woman’s right to vote on a 2-to-1 margin. Women didn’t get the vote until the ratification of the amendment achieved through congressional action.”
told the robber y appears to be an isolated incident. Pappas said Brian Battaglia, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior; his brother Nicholas Battaglia, a School of Engineering senior; Alexander Grant, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior; Mitchell Tomasek, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior; and Phillip Lamoreaux, 23, were arrested. Each is charged with possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms with the intent to distribute, possession of OxyContin pills with the intent to distribute and the possession of drug paraphernalia, according to the ar ticle. Pappas told, all five males were taken to the Middlesex County Adult Cor rection Center in Nor th Brunswick where they are being held on $10,000 bail.
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Erin Vogel, an assistant professor in the Depar tment of Anthropology, will lecture on the behavioral, morphological physiological adaptation to fruit scarcity in wild orangutans at 4 p.m. at the Marine Sciences Building. The Ecology and Evolution Graduate Program is sponsoring the seminar. Students can attend “Choosing Your Major or Career Using Your Personality Type” to decide their major with a different approach. The interactive seminar, hosted by Career Ser vices, will give students the opportunity to match their personality types with a major using the Myers-Briggs personality style. The seminar will run from 2:45 to 4:15 p.m. in Room 411 of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.
The Rutgers University Programming Association will host “RUPA Karaoke Night” at the RutgersZone in the Livingston Student Center. Students can choose from a variety of songs to sing in front of friends from 8 to 11 p.m. while complimentary appetizers are served. The Rutgers Film Co-op and New Jersey Media Arts Center along with the University’s cinema studies program will sponsor screenings of the winning films and digital videos of the 2012 United States Super 8 Film and Digital Video Festival in Voorhees Hall at 7 p.m. on the College Avenue Campus. Tickets are $9 for students and seniors and $10 for the general public.
The Student Volunteer Council will conduct its “MLK Day of Ser vice” from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., starting the day at the Rutgers Student Center multipurpose room on the College Avenue campus to choose their volunteer site. To register, visit The Rutgers Theater Company will hold its last performance of “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Levin Theater on Douglass campus. The play, a Shakespearean comedy about wisecracking, reluctant lovers Benedick and Beatrice, starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 for students, $20 for University alumni, employees and seniors, and $25 for the general public.
Rutgers Study Abroad will host a “Summer Study Abroad Fair” at the Red Lion Café on the College Avenue campus from 6 to 9 p.m. to introduce students to the 100+ study abroad oppor tunities offered through the University. For more information, visit SHADES and SCREAM Theater peer educators will teach students how to respond ef fectively to racist, sexist or homophobic behaviors in “STAND UP. STOP HATE. REPOR T BIAS: Bystander Inter vention Workshop for Student Leaders.” The event takes place at 9 a.m. at the Busch Campus Center multipurpose room. For more information, contact Mar y Conroy at or (848) 445-4088.
Patricia Strach, an associate professor in the Departments of Political Science and Public Administration and Policy at SUNY Albany, will give a talk on “Selling Health: Consumer Marketing, Political Participation and the Breast Cancer Campaign in the United States” in the first-floor conference room at 112 Paterson St. in downtown New Brunswick. The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. The Center for Teaching Advancement & Assessment Research will host a workshop teaching students how to incorporate media with PowerPoint presentations. Students will learn how to integrate audio and video in presentations on the PC. Different audio and video format compatible with PowerPoint and available Web resources for downloading free content will also be covered. The free workshop will run from 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. in room 172A of Davidson Hall on Busch campus.
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PA G E 7
Venezuelan presidential candidate criticizes media in campaign THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan presidential candidate Henrique Capriles on Monday called for “balanced elections” and criticized the use of government money and slanted coverage in state media as President Hugo Chavez seeks re-election. Capriles is expected to face a tough race against Chavez, who even after 13 years in office remains a hero to many of his supporters and maintains a visceral connection to a significant segment of the poor in Venezuela. Chavez also will likely use a bonanza of public spending as he seeks re-election in the Oct. 7 presidential election. Capriles complained that government-run television coverage is tilted against him. “Let’s have some balanced elections,” Capriles said at a news conference a day after handily winning the opposition’s firstever presidential primary. The 39-year-old candidate, who is governor of Miranda state, also strongly criticized Chavez’s economic policies. He condemned the government’s expropriations of hundreds of businesses, apartment buildings and farms over the past decade. “All the expropriations have been a failure,” Capriles said. “The companies that have been seized by the state must be reviewed one by one.” He said some of those businesses could be privatized if he defeats Chavez. Capriles warned that newly stiffened price controls won’t work and predicted many items
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will become scarce. He said deodorant could start to vanish from stores, laughing as he said that Venezuelans might need to start to live with body odor. Capriles touted the turnout of about 3 million ballots cast out of 18 million registered voters as a major achievement. “Venezuela woke up with a new political reality,” Capriles said. Vice President Elias Jaua said that it was positive for the opposition to have recognized the authority of the National Electoral Council. Some Chavez opponents have questioned its independence in the past. “We hope that this same recognition exists Oct. 7 when Hugo Chavez wins the elections,” Jaua said on state television. He said the opposition should respect the electoral council as an impartial arbiter, as well as the role the military will play in maintaining security during the vote. Chavez has said no one can question the fairness of the country’s electoral system, and that his government’s spending is aimed at promoting the country’s development and addressing the needs of Venezuelans. About 16 percent of registered voters cast ballots in the primary, far surpassing the opposition’s goal of 10 percent to 12 percent. Venezuelan pollster Luis Vicente Leon called the turnout historic, both for the opposition and for the country. He said previous primaries by Chavez’s party have not drawn so many voters. Venezuela has grown heavily polarized, with most either admiring or despising Chavez. About
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one-fourth of voters are in neither political camp, though, and in that group about 10 to 15 percent are likely to cast ballots, Leon said. Many of the swing voters are young people who have grown up during Chavez’s presidency, Leon said. In order to compete, Capriles will likely need to win over voters who leaned pro-Chavez in the past, who have grown disillusioned with the government and do not strongly identify with either side. Adam Isacson, an analyst at the Washington Office on Latin America, said the opposition seems to be on solid footing. “They have a charismatic, credible candidate who — since he has spent most of his adult life in Chavez’s Venezuela — doesn’t carry the baggage of the corrupt governments that came before Hugo Chavez,” Isacson said. “And the opposition no doubt benefits from a bout of ‘Chavez fatigue’ in Venezuela: even many voters who think fondly of Hugo Chavez may feel that 14 years is enough, and his cancer has made many start to envision a post-Chavez Venezuela for the first time in a while.” Chavez’s approval ratings have topped 50 percent in recent polls, and his struggle with cancer doesn’t appear to have hurt his popularity. The 57-year-old president says he’s cancer-free after undergoing surger y and chemotherapy last year, and has been energetic in his hours-long television appearances, apparently trying to show he can still keep up with a younger challenger. Steve Ellner, a political science professor at Johns Hopkins
Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, above, and his opponent Henrique Capriles use state media throughout the campaign, but Capriles insists there is an slanted coverage — favoring his opponent.
University in Baltimore, said he thinks one significant hurdle facing Capriles is to try to “challenge Chavez’s claim to being the president of the non-privileged as well as the defender of Venezuelan nationalism.” “Capriles needs to come up with a set of concrete measures that are innovative and reach out to the popular classes,” Ellner said. Capriles is a moderate who describes his views as center-left.
He said he expects personal attacks from Chavez to increase, and suggested that he, too, might become more confrontational in response. So far, Capriles has largely avoided direct or personal barbs. “If they want me to get into the ring, I’ll get into the ring,” Capriles said. Capriles said he would welcome a televised debate. Chavez didn’t immediately respond to that challenge.
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Israel officials suspect Iran for bomb attacks THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW DELHI — Israel blamed Iran on Monday for bomb attacks on its diplomats’ cars in India and Georgia, heightening concerns that the Jewish state was moving closer to striking its archenemy. Iran denied responsibility for the attacks that appeared to mirror the recent killings of Iranian nuclear scientists that Tehran blamed on Israel. The blast in New Delhi set a car ablaze and injured four people, including an Israeli Embassy driver and a diplomat’s wife; the device in Georgia was discovered and safely defused. “Iran is behind these attacks and it is the largest terror exporter in the world,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told lawmakers from his Likud Party. The violence added further tension to one of the globe’s most contentious standoffs. Iran has been accused of developing a nuclear weapons program that Israel says threatens the existence of the Jewish state. Tehran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only. Comments by Israeli officials in recent weeks have raised fears Israel might be preparing to strike Iranian nuclear facilities. While Israel says it hopes that international sanctions can curb Iran’s nuclear program, leaders pointedly note that “all options are on the table” and have warned that as Iran moves closer to weapons capability, time is running out for action. Fearing an Israeli attack could set off a conflict across the region and send oil prices skyrocketing, the United States and other Western countries have been pressing Israel to give sanctions more time. Israeli military analyst Reuven Pedatzur said Monday’s action was unlikely to have any bearing
on whether Israel attacks Iran, calling it an “isolated incident” with rather low impact. The attackers in India and Georgia appeared to have used “sticky bombs” attached to cars by magnets, similar to weapons used against Iran’s nuclear officials. Netanyahu said Israel had thwarted attacks in recent months in Azerbaijan and Thailand and unspecified other countries. “In all those cases, the elements behind these attacks were Iran and its protégé, Hezbollah,” Netanyahu said, referring to Iran’s Lebanese proxy. He vowed to “act with a strong hand against international terror.” Israeli media reported that the government blamed Iran based on prior intelligence and that security officials feared this could be the start of a wave of attacks against Israeli targets overseas. Iranian officials rejected Netanyahu’s accusation. “This accusation is within the Zionist regime’s psychological war against Iran,” the official IRNA news agency quoted Foreign Ministr y spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast as saying. “The Zionist regime, due to repeated crimes against humanity, is the main party accused of terrorist activities,” he said, according to IRNA. The New Delhi attack took place just after 3 p.m. a few hundred yards (meters) from the prime minister’s residence as the diplomat’s wife headed to the American Embassy School to pick up her children, said Delhi Police Commissioner B.K. Gupta. When the minivan approached a crossing, she noticed a motorcyclist ride up and stick something on it that appeared to be a magnetic device, he said. The car drove a short distance, there was a loud sound and then an explosion, and the car caught fire, he said.
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FUN WAY TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER? The New Horizons Day and Adventure Camps are hiring for the 2012 summer. Camp dates 6/25 –8/3, counselors must attend all weeks and 2 weeks of training. Applications are due Monday 2/20: customer-files/Employment_App.pdf Email completed applications to Tara Francis at All applicants subject to background check, must have First Aid, CPR/AED for the professional rescuer. For more info call Tara Francis 732-445-4874 or Meghan Higgins 848-445-5403.
“It was a loud explosion. We realized it’s not a firecracker, but an explosion, and rushed toward the car,” said Ravi Singh, owner of a nearby gas station. The blast left the vehicle charred and appeared to blow out its rear door. “The blast was so powerful, the car behind got damaged as well,” said Monu, a high school student who uses only one name. The Israeli Defense Ministry said the woman, Tal YehoshuaKoren, the wife of a Defense Ministry official based in New Delhi, suffered moderate shrapnel wounds and was treated at a hospital by Israeli doctors. Her driver, Manoj Sharma, 42, and two people in a nearby car had minor injuries, Gupta said. Israeli diplomats in India have been on constant aler t since Pakistan-based militants rampaged across the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008, targeting luxur y hotels, a train station and the Chabad Jewish community center. India’s foreign minister, S.M. Krishna, said India would cooperate closely with Israel in the investigation and promised to bring the assailants to justice. “I have just spoken to the Israeli foreign minister,” he said. “I assured him that the law of the land will take its course.” Authorities in the former Soviet republic of Georgia said an explosive device was planted on the car of a driver for the Israeli Embassy in the capital of Tbilisi. Shota Utiashvili, spokesman for the Georgian Interior Ministry, said the driver noticed a package on his car’s undercarriage and called police, who found and defused a grenade. U.S. Secretar y of State Hillar y Rodham Clinton condemned the attacks.
“The United States places a high priority on the safety and security of diplomatic personnel around the world and we stand ready to assist with any investigation of these cowardly actions,” she said. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the incidents underscore U.S. concerns about the recent targeting of Israeli interests overseas. He added that Washington does not yet have information on who is responsible for the attack but stands ready to help the investigations. Iranian lawmaker Javad Jahangirzadeh was quoted by the semiofficial Mehr news agency as saying the Israeli charges were meant to provoke the world against Iran and to undermine upcoming nuclear talks between Tehran and the world powers. Another lawmaker, Avaz Heidarpour, was quoted by Mehr as saying Netanyahu’s allegations were an attempt by Israel to justify future operations against Iran. “It’s very likely that the Zionist regime is paving the way to carry out an assassination abroad or hit inside Iran. So, they are making preparations for that,” Mehr quoted him as saying. Hezbollah and Iran have deep grievances against Israel. Hezbollah battled Israel in a month-long war in 2006. On Sunday, the Lebanese guerrilla group marked the anniversary of the 2008 assassination of one of its commanders, Imad Mughniyeh, in a bombing widely believed to have been carried out by Israel. Iran has been widely suspected of looking for payback for the covert plots against its nuclear program it has blamed on Israel’s spy agency Mossad and Western allies. “There have been all kinds of mysterious things happening in Iran, and it could be an Iranian
counterattack,” said Mike Herzog, a retired Israeli general and former top aide to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. “It’s no secret that Iran uses Hezbollah globally, and Hezbollah has the capacity to carry out attacks around the globe.” Iran and Hezbollah also could be trying to divert attention away from ally Syria’s crackdown on protesters. Were Iran found to be behind the New Delhi attack, it would be a stunning action against one of its more reliable allies. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has resisted U.S. and European Union pressure to curtail trade with Iran over the nuclear issue. Energystarved India relies heavily on Iranian oil imports, and the two countries are working to find creative ways for India to circumvent banking restrictions to pay for the oil by using rupees and investing in Iranian infrastructure projects. Israel has urged the international community to consider all means, including military action, to stop Tehran. A director of Iran’s main uranium enrichment site was killed last month in a blast from a magnetic bomb placed on his car, at least the fifth member of Iran’s scientific community killed in apparent targeted attacks in two years. In a signal Iran could retaliate, Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, the spokesman for Iran’s Joint Armed Forces Staff, was quoted by the semiofficial news agency ISNA last month as saying that Tehran was “reviewing the punishment” of “behind-the-scene elements” involved in the assassination. “Iran’s response will be a tormenting one for supporters of state terrorism,” he said. “The enemies of the Iranian nation, especially the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime, or Israel, have to be held responsible for their activities.”
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Physical education is not a luxury B
ecause health issues in young children, like obesity, are serious concerns in communities nation-wide, it seems physical education would be more important than ever for public schools. But for some school districts, like Redwood City School District in California, budget cuts and losses in state funding have rendered physical education programs an unaffordable luxury. Schools have shed their regular physical education programs for younger students in order to circumvent these cuts, opting instead to have parentteacher organizations or classroom teachers provide the state-required minimum of 200 minutes of physical activity for every 10 school days. To us, this is unacceptable. Physical education should not fall by the wayside because of cuts in state funding, nor should the responsibility to provide this education fall on the shoulders of classroom teachers or on money donated by parents throughout the community. Physical education should be as much a part of a public school’s regular curriculum as math or science. This is especially true for younger children. At Clifford School in Redwood City School District, a physical education teacher is provided for middle school students, but for younger students, the school relies on a private company called Rhythm and Moves, which costs $71,000 a year. It’s crucial that young children get an adequate amount of physical activity early on in childhood and if anything, they should receive first priority in this sense. Parents should not have to pay an added cost so that their kids get enough physical activity at a public school. Additionally, leaving the responsibility to classroom teachers, who may not be as passionate about the subject, could predictably result in a lowered quality of this type of education. We cannot expect young children to get in enough physical activity at home, and it’s for this reason that physical education programs have been normalized in the core curriculum of public school systems across the country. New Jersey, for example, mandates at least 150 minutes of health, safety and physical education per week in all grades. Physical education must be among the highest of priorities for communities and states’ agendas alike. As previously noted, obesity in young children is a serious problem, especially in recent times. Physical education in public schools is essential if we are to keep kids healthy and active.
Editorial misleads readers on Plan B Letter ERIN HEIDT-FORSYTHE lthough your venerable newspaper ran an informative article on the front page of Monday’s paper — “Obama includes coverage for contraceptives as part of Affordable Care Act” — it’s a bit curious as to why there is a disconnect from the truth in the editorial of the same issue of The Daily Targum, “Plan B should not become Plan A.” The problems with this editorial are two-fold. One, it presents incorrect information about what Plan B is and what it does. Two, it misrepresents why women might need — and eventually use — Plan B. Beyond the obvious shock value of Shippensburg University providing Plan B in vending machines, there seems to be a greater point in this op-ed piece: Women are using Plan B — what the Targum calls “the abortion pill” — without considering the health effects, which the piece decline to state (except that they are “dangerous”). You also indicate that women need “resources” to make the decision about unprotected sex. This is an upsetting and damaging misrepresentation of what Plan B can and cannot do, and why people may take Plan B. Plan B is not Mifeprex (also known as RU-486). It is not the “abortion pill.” Plan B cannot induce
abortions. If you are already pregnant, Plan B will not work to end the pregnancy. Plan B, while effective in decreasing the likelihood of pregnancy after unprotected sex, is not as effective as other regularly used contraceptive methods, like the pill. Extensive medical research has shown that Plan B is safe for women, with side effects ranging from mild to moderate reactions, like one would get from a birth-control pill. Interestingly, aspirin, which is abundantly available without pharmacist consult, is highly lethal when consumed in large doses. Most importantly, Plan B prevents unintended pregnancy. This editorial’s assumption that college women are glibly using Plan B is even more ridiculous than your claims that it is an “abortion pill.” Studies have conclusively shown that just like using an umbrella will not increase the likelihood of rain falling, having Plan B will not cause more sexually irresponsible behavior, nor does it impact regular contraceptive use. Couching your concern for women of the University in deliberate falsehoods about their sexual needs and lives does little for the women and men who deal with unintended pregnancy.
Erin Heidt-Forsythe is a University Ph.D candidate in the Department of Political Science.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “Isn’t it more important that we did something that truly changed peoples’ lives for the better?” Stephen Sweeney, N.J. Senate president, on passing same-sex marriage legislation STORY ON FRONT
Greece and the good life
the public sector to flouror years Greece ish. They could have held lived what it individuals responsible assumed to be the for their actions. They good life, where socialism didn’t, and now the future prevailed and big governof Greece hangs in the ment thrived. Legislators balance, and dozens of in Athens laid the framework for modern-day proAARON MARCUS other European nations follow in their footsteps. gressivism, creating in It doesn’t have to be this their minds a society that way in the United States either, but if Obama’s was fair and equal. It consisted of the opportunihope to radically transform the United States ty for free education at all levels, including all into Europe is successful, it will undoubtedly the government-determined resources — like happen here as well. textbooks — necessar y for a proper education. Although all levels of government currently It had generous salaries for the nation’s public spend too much, the problem has little to do workforce, extensive vacations and substantial with defense spending, which encompasses less retirement packages available at the age of 55. If than 25 percent of the U.S. federal budget. you got sick, the government paid for almost European defense budgets are at your entire bill, even if it meant dismal levels compared to that of waiting a few extra days on a gov“What do people the United States, yet they still ernment waitlist. And on Feb. 12, do when services drown in debt. Entitlement spendand into the morning of Feb. 13, ing has ruined Europe and is on Athens burned at the hands of its that have been the verge of ruining America. The people. Worst of all, it never had to be this way. championed as ‘basic enactment of Obamacare will see United States entitlement spendThis was supposed to be the rights’ by government ing rise dramatically. Foolish leftGreek good life — where ists and “occupiers” say eat the wealthy earners and private busigo bankrupt?” rich to help the poor, but they nesses paid higher tax rates so don’t realize that when the rich that the rest of the countr y and are devoured, the poor will only the public sector could thrive be left to eat each other. The workforce continand live generously. Greece was living proof ues to shrink as people opt for retirement or that the progressivism envisioned by President school instead of production, yet leftists chamBarack Obama and Democrats across the counpion this as recover y. tr y could work — only it failed miserably. Now We have only two options coming into this year’s patients wait weeks for medication and health election cycle. Do we repeat the mistake of 2008 ser vices, as the bureaucrats running Greece’s and send Obama — whose already radical agenda bankrupt health care system watch citizens die. was timid compared to what he would do without The public workers with some of the greatest worrying about re-election — back to the White benefits and wages in the world wait to see if House? Or do we fight for our future the way govtoday is the last day they receive a paycheck. ernment cannot and tell the Democrats and their Retirees, who paid into a system that was supleftist allies that we don’t want to end up like posed to take care of them, now tremble that in Europe. America doesn’t need to be like Greece, old age they will be kicked to the curb. And stubut in order for that to happen we need to change dents who once championed the free education our president and the United States Senate. I their nation delivered fear that their last day of believe America’s best days are ahead, but if we classes is around the corner. allow our government to continue spending and What do people do when ser vices that have taxing us into oblivion while denying private citibeen championed as “basic rights” by governzens the right to push America forward, those days ment go bankrupt? They riot of course. The may never come. “bir thplace of democracy” is over whelmed by hundreds of thousands of violent protestors Aaron Marcus is a School of Arts and Sciences with one selfish theme in mind: “the governsenior majoring in political science with a minor in ment owes me something.” It didn’t have to be history. His column, “Marcus My Words,” runs on this way in Greece, because the government alternate Tuesdays. could have allowed the private sector instead of
‘Marcus’ My Words
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum editorial board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
Special: Valentine’s Day Do’s and Don’ts alentine’s Day is a day to express one’s love for another. But for many, the day can bring with it both excitement and frustration. Do I buy her flowers? Do I ask him to dinner at Brower Commons? For all those who are unsure of what constitutes acceptable – and unacceptable – behavior on Valentine’s Day, we’ve complied a short list of do’s and don’ts for you to follow. But don’t hold us to them.
• Do buy flowers and chocolate. These are quintessential Valentine’s Day gifts. • Do eat chocolate-covered strawberries. They’re delicious. • Do get away from campus for a change. Take your significant other out to dinner at a nice restaurant downtown. • Do express your love to family members – sometimes they’re forgotten on this day.
• Don’t stalk your secret crush. Talk about creepy. • Don’t think meal-swiping your girl at Livingston Dining Commons constitutes as a Valentine’s Day dinner out. • Don’t go overboard with gifts. Modesty is the best policy. • Don’t buy him anything if you don’t know he’s interested. Again, borderline stalker.
• Do put Marvin Gaye on to set the mood. Because, well, it’s Marvin Gaye.
• Don’t post any “forever alone” memes to your social media page. We all know you’re lonely, but everyone on your news feed doesn’t need to.
• Do wear a condom. Protection is good.
• Don’t drink and cry. It’s dangerous.
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ONLINE COMMENTARY “Oh well, hypocrisy is at the heart of politics, and politics masquerading as religion even more so. This country is an invigorating mixture of all the diversity that life has to offer, drawing its strength from that diversity.”
User “stanchaz” in response to the Feb. 13 column, “Obama includes coverage for contraceptives as part of Affordable Care Act”
“The 24-hour diner is not just the quintessential N.J. eating establishment, but the quintessential American one. It is the place where blue collar intellectuals and self-styled youthful philosophers can hold court over strong coffee and fried food. The greasy spoon is a testament to the American democratic tradition, to our Enlightenment fore-bearers and the value we place on the ideals of community and dialogue. And free Wi-Fi, you say? I’m in.” User “John Connelly” in response to the Feb. 13 column, “Return of the 24-hour diner”
We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to leave comments that do not positively contribute to an intellectual discussion of the articles and opinions pieces published. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.
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Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
F E B RUA RY 1 4 , 2 0 1 2
Today's Birthday (02/14/12). Your circle of friends keeps expanding, from your heart outward. This year it advances your dreams. Being polite is a virtue to practice; "please" and "thank you" go a long way. Sometimes a respectful protest is in order, too. Share and celebrate love. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is a 7 -- A productive morning leaves space for a romantic evening; make what you will of it. You can have whatever you're willing to stand for: Love is worth it. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Expand your mind and heart with an adventure, perhaps a rendezvous at a secret spot, followed by a puzzle to untangle or an art project to enjoy. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Complete tasks earlier in the day. You're a powerhouse. Later, reward yourself with relaxation and delicious food. Remember that pampering works best when it goes both ways. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -Today is an 8 -- You're busy and getting busier at work, and that could interfere with your love life. Communication is key. Travel could be slow. Research holds crucial clues. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Don't overspend on luxuries. Who needs them when you've got love? Celebrate with dear ones, and be flexible about how it looks. Your true love holds you to your highest. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- You're just on fire. New pathways are revealed. Plan to indulge the places where your heart is. Your confidence is quite attractive.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- There could be a clash between love and money. It's not a good time to get extravagant. Don't push yourself too hard. You have super study power. Share kindness. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Your capacity to listen makes you more alluring. Stay in contact with loved ones. You're getting more powerful, so you might as well raise the stakes. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Today is an 8 -- It all works out (if you're willing to do the work). You're in top gear, and improving, but remember that Valentine's Day is not all about you. Share. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Today is a 7 -- Plan a special day together with a loved one. It doesn't need to be expensive. Go ahead and give your word. It's okay to be quiet, too. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Today is an 8 -- A boost of energy helps you complete projects, but it could also wear you out by the end of the day. Make time for being social later. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is a 7 -- Step into the emotional limelight. "Respectful" and "willing to be of ser vice" get you the farthest. If the recipe falters, add a dash of "love."
Happy Hour
Stone Soup
Get Fuzzy
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F E B RUA RY 1 4 , 2 0 1 2
GAMES: Rutgers offense
ormer Rutgers women’s basketball All-American Cappie Pondexter was named one of 21 finalists for the 2012 U.S. Olympic Women’s Basketball Team. Pondexter is one of nine players selected who won Olympic gold medals at previous games. She was part of the gold-medal-winning group in 2008 in Beijing. The six-year WNBA veteran was named one of the top 15 players in league history. Pondexter is a four-time WNBA All-Star and won two WNBA Championships with the Phoenix Mercury. In her career as a Scarlet Knight, Pondexter was a unanimous selection for 2006 Big East player of the year. She scored 2,211 points and became the first player in Rutgers histor y to record 1,000 points, 500 rebounds and 400 assists.
women’s soccer midfielder Danae Risoli will appear on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Tuesday for her work with the Reading Initiative. Risoli was a four-year letter winner for the Scarlet Knights from 2002-2005. She anchored the midfield with Olympian and All-American Carli Lloyd. Risoli notched five goals and five assists for 15 points in her 69 games. Risoli is a first-grade teacher at Pine Grove Elementar y School in Somerset, N.J. She assigns reading to her students every day and rewards them at the end of each month for 100 percent completion. She will explain the program on ABC between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M.
Conference USA and the Mountain West plan to combine both leagues in order to create a new conference, according to CBS Sports. The new conference will consist of 18-24 members and start in the 2013-2014 academic year. It will feature a conference championship football game as well as conference semifinals. The institutions are dissolving and forming their own league for legal reasons, according to CBS Sports. Each school will join in all sports except for Hawaii, which will be the sole footballonly member.
Syracuse remained Nos. 1 and 2, respectively, in the Associated Press Top 25 men’s basketball poll. The Wildcats received 63 first-place votes from the 65member panel Monday, while the Orange got the others. Missouri moved up one spot to No. 3. Kansas and Duke round out the top five.
Starting pitcher Abbey Houston opened her junior campaign with a win Saturday against Mississippi Valley State.
The shortstop managed an RBI in three of the four games, both matchups against struggles against tough teams including ranked opponents. “We’re definitely better hitters continued from back than what we displayed this Louisiana-Lafayette pushed weekend,” Lindley said. “There across 15 runs on Day 1, courtesy were some ups and downs. The biggest plus for Rutgers of four RBI each from senior Christi Orgeron and junior was the first collegiate experience for Landrith as well as Brianna Cherry. Ashley Alden, On the other side, sopho- freshmen Jackie Bates and more pitcher Allie Chandler Howard. Chenault and freshman Regardless of the Jordan Wallace limited numbers, it was the Knights to only impor tant for them one run. to get out there and “After the first game play in live games, where we got blown Lindley said. out, you could tell “It was the first ever yone was really time out for our upset and we weren’t freshmen so it was ALYSSA expecting that,” good for them to see Lindley said. “[Coach LANDRITH the live pitching and Nelson] just told us to get back to work. That was a what we’re up against,” she said. “A lot of them were thinkgood learning experience.” Although the offense returns ing pitchers were going to blow many of its main contributors the ball by them and they were from last year, it struggled to find ahead of the ball.” With Louisiana in the a consistent presence against rear view mirror, the Knights ranked foes. The closest thing the set their sights on this Knights had to a constant pres- weekend and the Texas Tournament in ence on of fense was junior State San Marcos. Ashley Bragg.
RETURNS: Brock plans for seamless change on offense continued from back “I haven’t been around a lot of coaches that have been able to bring out the best in their players the way Dave Brock has as a motivator,” Flood said. “It certainly was an extra benefit to me that he worked with Frank in this system. That certainly made it easier, but that was not the main reason.” Brock said he will be aggressive in implementing his offense during spring practices, and he expects a smooth transition, mostly because there is not any transition at all. “We’re going to run a system that’s been run,” the Moorestown, N.J., native said. The biggest challenge will likely be adjusting to an entirely new offensive staff. Rob Spence, who ser ved as of fensive coordinator at Clemson, Toledo, Louisiana Tech, Syracuse and most recently Bethune-Cookman, will coach quarterbacks. “With the situation we’re in with two guys in our program who have won really big games for us, two guys who have performed at a Division-I level, I needed to bring someone here who could get those quarterbacks to the next level,” Flood said. “I feel like Coach Spence is that guy.” East Orange, N.J., native Ben Sirmans will coach running backs after spending the previous five seasons in the same capacity at Boston College. Eight-year NFL veteran Darnell Dinkins, who was an assistant tight ends coach last year with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, will coach the tight ends. He won a Super Bowl ring in 2009 with the New Orleans Saints
and played alongside tight ends Kellen Winslow and Jeremy Shockey during his career. “He’s somebody that played that position,” Flood said, “and I didn’t know until I interviewed him, but made that transition from the quarterback position, just like D.C. [Jefferson] did.” Spence recruited Flood to play at Iona and Brock coached alongside him for five years at Hofstra, but he is also plenty familiar with of fensive line coach Damian Wroblewski. They have similar résumés — both coached at Hofstra and joined Rutgers via Delaware — but only worked together at summer camps in Piscataway. “He’s the best in the countr y,” Flood said. “I believe that with all my heart, and that will show itself as we go for ward in this program. We have some talented linemen in this program, and he will get the best out of them.” Each member of the offensive staff has ties to the region. Brock and Sirmans are New Jersey natives familiar with local high schools from recruiting at Boston College. Spence is a New York native with 23 years of coaching experience, mostly in the area. And Wroblewski recr uited the region and Mar yland for Hofstra and Delaware. Dinkins has no recruiting experience, but the Pittsburgh native could fill the void left in Pennsylvania recr uiting by Cignetti and Brian Angelichio. “You bring people here who are at the highest level of their profession in terms of how they coach football and their knowledge, and I think you bring people here who are excellent recruiters,” Flood said. “I was fortunate enough to bring just about ever ybody on the staff here with built-in relationships in the area already.”
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Redshirt freshman forward Kadeem Jack shoots from the free throw line Wednesday against Seton Hall. Jack could be in line to start this week against No. 23 Notre Dame, Mike Rice said.
FLAIR: Jack returns from injury earlier than expected continued from back Nearly every aspect of Jack’s stat line — 15 minutes, 4 points, three rebounds, two steals and a block — marked a career high. He blocked two shots Jan. 14 against West Virginia. “That’s what I liked to do at high school and when I came to the college level — I like getting blocks,” Jack said. “I like disrupting a whole team’s offense way better than scoring. I think that’s what wins games.” Jack also had his most significant offensive contribution. The former four-star recruit shot 2-for-3 for the field for 4 points — more than the high of 3 he scored in
a blowout loss to West Virginia and a win against Pittsburgh. The lengthy wing player has yet to show explosion — he hit a pair of jumpers against the Hall, neither particularly pretty — but Rice says Jack is on his way. The 19-year-old broke a bone in his foot a little more than four months ago. The timeline for his return was three to four months. It took Jack less than three. “Kadeem’s a hungry kid and he works hard,” said sophomore guard Mike Poole. “Kids that work hard and stay hungry and humble, good stuff always happens for them.” But Jack still feels the effects of his injury. He enrolled for the second semester last year, opting to leave South Kent Prep (Conn.) after graduating from Rice High School (N.Y.)
to get a head start on his collegiate career. He redshirted while practicing and working out with the team. But he never experienced the physicality of the Big East schedule. He returned this year to play thenNo. 10 Florida and then start the conference slate. “The biggest part is physical,” Jack said. “Coming back from injury, my legs aren’t really into it. A lot of guys can knock me off balance easily. It’s mostly the physicality [I need to adjust to].” But after weeks of looking out of sorts on offense, Jack is starting to find a comfort zone. Coaches see it every day in practice, and Jack shows it in games with his salute. “Things are starting to become second-nature,” he said. “Now I just have to react to stuff, rather than always thinking.”
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Rutgers continues home success in meet victory BY VINNIE MANCUSO
dominated the competition in three of four events of the day. The Tabernacle, N.J., native took first on the vault with a career-high-tying score of 9.800, and broke her career highs with wins in both balance beam (9.850) and uneven bars (9.900). “I have just really started competing like I have been practicing, and I put a lot of effort in at the gym,” Gunzelman said. “I’m really happy that it is starting to show. I could not be more proud.” A costly fall in the floor exercise, which took place in the final rotation of the day, kept Gunzelman from breaking the one score left, her all-around score. “I was definitely disappointed after floor. I think I got way ahead of myself,” Gunzelman said. “I knew that if I hit that floor routine I would have beaten my allaround high, and you really cannot think like that. I just have to keep looking forward.” Despite her performance on floor, Levine knows his top performer for the last three meets will
For the Rutgers gymnastics team, the advantage of playing at home this season has been a luxury. The GYMNASTICS Scarlet RUTGERS 192.375 Knights bested FIRST PLACE b o t h Cortland and Brown to take first place at the Livingston Recreation Center on Saturday and improve their record to 6-5 and give firstyear head coach Louis Levine a 51 record at home. “It is always great to win. What we are stressing now is to keep improving,” Levine said. “As long as we keep improving week to week, I’m happy. We have a great team here. We just need to continue making those improvements.” Sophomore Alexis Gunzelman took the all-around title for the third meet in a row with an overall score of 38.750. Gunzelman
persevere and continued to break her own records. “She got a little bit ahead of herself there on floor,” Levine said of Gunzelman. “She did great in those first three events. I think she had a little bit in her mind how good she was doing at the end there and went a little too hard. She’ll be there. She is going to keep pushing and breaking records week in and week out. She works so hard in the gym and it carries over into the meets.” Gunzelman was not the only Knight with a successful weekend. Sophomore Alyssa Straub placed second to Gunzelman in the all-around with a score 38.225. Straub earned a thirdplace finish on the uneven bars with a score of 9.675. Junior Jenna Zito tied her career-best score on balance beam with 9.775 and earned a second-place finish in the floor exercise. Freshman Anastasia Halbig competed in the vault for the first time in her career, setting a mark
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Sophomore Alexis Gunzelman competes on the beam Saturday, when she tied her career high with a score of 9.850. of 9.525. Her classmate, Sara Skammer, set a new personal best on vault with a score of 9.725. But like the individual performance of Gunzelman, the entire team faltered on its last competition of the day — the floor exercise. The Knights came in third place on floor, scoring a 48.000 overall.
“We star ted out really strong. We hit really good vaults, [a] season high on bars. We just struggled a little bit at the end,” Levine said. “We just need to work on starting off strong like we did and carr ying it through all the way to the end of the meet. There were still some really positive things.”
Big East preparation remains team’s goal BY BEN CAIN CONTRIBUTING WRITER
A large portion of the Rutgers men’s track and field team sat out the Lafayette Rider Winter Games at MEN’S TRACK t h e Armory Center in the Bronx to prepare for this weekend’s Big East Indoor Championships. Seniors Kevin Brown and Tyrone Putman, sophomore Corey Caidenhead and sophomore jumper Corey Crawford were among those resting up. But senior Michael Baird made his return from an Achilles injur y that forced him to miss more than a month of competition. The Rockaway, N.J., native competed in the 60-meter hurdles, the shot put and the long jump. “It’s really good that he was able to get out there and compete,” said senior Aaron Younger. “It’s a good sign that he’ll be ready come Saturday to compete in the multi-event.” Junior James Plummer, the defending conference champion in the discus throw, also competed Saturday in what was mainly a tune-up for him. Plummer finished third in the discus throw, registering a distance of 16.37 meters. “I think he’s been looking really good lately,” Younger said. “I think that he’ll have a big weekend in the throws.” It was also a good weekend for freshman Chris DeFabio, who finished ninth in the mile with a mark of 4:18.74, good enough to qualify him for the conference championships alongside his teammate, sophomore Curtis Richburg. Younger took the week off and did not compete in the event to allow himself more training time for the Big East Championships and rest a calf injur y this season that limited him to only two races. But he insisted the calf injury would not be an issue this weekend.
“I’m pretty much back,” Younger said. “It feels really good. It feels great to finally get out there and compete. I feel ver y confident going into the weekend.” A two-time defending conference champion in the 500-meter dash and a member of the Scarlet Knights’ deep sprinting corps, Younger knows how important a role he plays in the team’s success. “The past few years the sprinters have really been the backbone,” he said. “The rest of the guys on the team, they look for the sprint group to do well.” Senior Steven Werner is another important member of the sprint group who sat out the event to gear up for the conference championships. He finished four th in the 200-meter dash last year and was a part of the Knights’ winning 4x400-meter relay team that also featured Younger, Brown and Caidenhead. Werner made his goals for the weekend clear. “For 200- and 400- [meters], I want to be top three at least,” he said. “In the relay, we definitely want to defend our title and be Big East champions again. Anything less than that would kind of be a letdown.” Redshirt junior Adam Bergo sat out the event Saturday because of an injur y. His sprained ankle limited him to a no-height in the high jump from Feb. 3 to 4 at the Notre Dame Meyo Invitational. Bergo, who won the high jump in his first two seasons, wants to capture his third Big East title indoors. He hopes to improve his distance in the triple jump, an event he has never finished better than seventh in at the indoor conference championships. Bergo has the best triple jump distance in the Big East this season at 15.26 meters, ahead of Putman, who recorded 15.22 meters.
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While shutouts have been commonplace for the Rutgers tennis team, the Scarlet Knights ended TENNIS up on RUTGERS 0 t h e wrong PRINCETON 7 side of o n e Sunday against Princeton. The Tigers posted a 7-0 score that handed the Knights their first loss of the spring season. They also served as Rutgers’ first ranked opponent this year. Princeton entered Sunday’s match ranked 51st after it defeated No. 41 Maryland the day before. Head coach Ben Bucca initially believes the ranked foe affected the team. “We started off very slow and were very nervous,” Bucca said. “As a result of our nerves, we played ver y tentative tennis, which we didn’t do in our last three matches.” Rutgers’ lone match victory came in doubles competition. Sophomore Stefania Balasa paired with freshman Noor Judeh to defeat Joan Cannon and Katherine Flanigan in the second doubles position, 8-6. The win was not enough to capture a doubles-play victory for the Knights. Senior Jen Holzberg and sophomore Vanessa Petrini dropped their match, 8-1, while senior Morgan Ivey and freshman Lindsay Balsamo lost, 8-4. Doubles play has been the team’s strength this season, but it did not help the Knights gain their fourth victory of the season at Jadwin Gymnasium. “We were very tentative in doubles from the start,” Holzberg said. “Everyone competed very hard, but we just didn’t get the right results.” Holzberg led off for Rutgers in singles play but could not get the team going. The co-captain dropped straight sets to Princeton’s Hilary Bartlett, 6-4, 63. Petrini followed in second singles with a 6-2, 7-5 loss. Balasa took Katie Goepel to the last game in fourth singles but could not come away with a win. The sophomore fell, 6-4, 7-6. Ivey, Judeh and Balsamo also suf fered losses in their singles matches. “The seniors really wanted to beat them this year,” Bucca said. “That made our nerves interfere with our play, and that’s something we need to work on.” The results from the match did not mirror the Knights’ results Friday against Quinnipiac. Rutgers swept the Bobcats, 7-0, and did not drop a set in singles play. Bucca knows his team still has to work before its next match Friday against Army. “We need to really focus on playing very aggressive and explosive tennis right from the beginning,” Bucca said. “We have to play our best tennis right from the beginning, and we are going to make a conscious effort at that this week before Army.” Army is currently in the midst of a six-game winning streak and faces Rutgers with a 6-1 overall record.
Sophomore diver Nicole Scott takes the platform during a fall practice at the RU Aquatic Center. Scott finished sixth in the 1 meter Friday at the Big East Diving Championships and took ninth place with her 246.70 consolation score. Rutgers captured third place.
Divers take third at Championships BY BRADLY DERECHAILO CORRESPONDENT
The Rutgers diving team took to the waters of the Big East Championships in Pittsburgh with one SWIMMING & DIVING goal in mind — provide as much momentum as it could when the swimmers enter the pool. The Scarlet Knights did more than that when they arrived home with a third-place finish. The result puts the swimmers in a great position when they enter this weekend’s swimming portion of the finals. Diving coach Fred Woodruff received exactly what he wanted from his team in both 1- and 3meter diving events. “They dove great,” Woodruff said. “The best part was when we got to a final, they dove better, which is where you score your points. It was really exciting to see them move up.” Louisville left the championships as first-place team finishers. The Cardinals were consistent off the boards and placed a total of five divers in the finals.
Notre Dame beat out Rutgers for overall. But it was her performsecond in the field of eight teams. ance in the 3-meter dive the folSophomore Nicole Scott lowing day that set up Rutgers’ placed sixth in the 1-meter dive third-place finish. final on Day 1 of the champiThe rookie qualified for the onships with a score of 251.80. 3-meter final and scored a Her mark beat out junior team- 211.85 mark. Her final dive gave mate Katie Kearney, who narrow- her eighth place and secured ly missed qualifying the Knights’ for the final round. strong finish. “The best part Her 246.70 consola“She did tion score was good great this weekwas when we got for ninth place overend,” Woodruf f all in the field. to a final, they dove said of Honey. Connecticut jun“The fact that better, which ior Danielle Cecco she made the won the event with final was cool, is where you score a 1-meter, finalswhich helped us your points.” best mark of 287.10. a lot.” “Obviously, you Scott finFRED WOODRUFF hope for the best ished one spot Diving Coach case scenario, shy of qualifying which would have for the 3-meter been placing a few final with her more girls in finals,” Woodruff ninth-place consolation mark of said. “But we did very well and 230.66. While the result was the they dove well.” Toronto native’s second top-10 Freshman Nicole Honey also finish of the weekend, the sophturned in a good effort for the omore had trouble diving in Knights in the 1-meter dive after a the event. 227.60 in the preliminary round. The waters of the Trees Pool Her consolation score of proved to difficult to compete in, 237.65 was good for 11th place Woodruff said.
“We faltered a little bit on 3 meter because we were having problems seeing the water in that pool,” Woodr uf f said. “[Scott] was having problems finding the water well, which really had adverse effects on some dives.” Notre Dame junior Jenny Chiang completed the 3-meter final with a first-place score of 320.90. Cecco continued her strong weekend with a secondplace showing in the event. The championships also featured platform diving, although it did not count toward the final score. The event will count toward scoring next season. Rutgers placed three divers in the top-10 platform finishers, including Scott. Sophomore Valentina Gordon edged out Honey for the fifthplace spot, while Scott finished third in the dive. The momentum the Knights divers provided for the swimmers is essential for head swimming and diving coach Phil Spiniello and the rest of the team’s success. The swimmers begin competition Wednesday.
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EARLY RETURNS Flood introduces offensive coaching staff, builds new core with extensive ties to New Jersey, tri-state area
Redshirt freshman forward Kadeem Jack shoots over Seton Hall’s Herb Pope.
Jack displays defensive flair for Rice, RU BY STEVEN MILLER SENIOR STAFF WRITER
Kadeem Jack’s coaches and teammates see it every day in practice, and the redshirt freshman forward put it on display Wednesday MEN’S BASKETBALL against Seton Hall for the first time. After more than a year with the Rutgers men’s basketball team, almost three months of rehab and 12 games, Jack finally was comfortable enough to play 15 minutes and make an impact in a 59-54 loss to the Pirates. He looked lost offensively after his Dec. 29 debut. But last week he made a pair of baskets and saluted as he made his way back down the court. “Every day I’m seeing more and more of the Kadeem Jack that I recruited,” said head coach Mike Rice. “The more he gives in practice, the more practice time he gets under his belt, the better he gets, the more comfortable and the more minutes he’s going to get. He’s nowhere close to being back to where he was, but I like his improvement.” Rice said Monday he could see himself starting Jack on Wednesday at No. 23 Notre Dame. Rice continues to re-evaluate his frontcourt rotation in the wake of five losses in six games. But even as Jack struggled to adjust to the college game, Rice played Jack for his defense. Only his wingspan dwarfs his 6-foot-9 frame, and against Seton Hall he used that length to disrupt Pirates center Herb Pope.
Rutgers head football coach Kyle Flood speaks at his introductory press conference Jan. 31, when he said he planned to keep the Knights coaching staff intact. Several assistants left for various destinations, but Flood announced his hirings Monday.
Kyle Flood promised at his introductory press conference that the Rutgers football team’s offensive, defensive and special teams philosophy would FOOTBALL remain the same. Then he lost nearly every member of his coaching staff to the NFL. The first-year head coach introduced his new staff yesterday, bringing in Boston
College interim offensive coordinator Dave Brock to run the Scarlet Knights offense. He promoted special teams coordinator Robb Smith to run the defense, and defensive line coach Phil Galiano took over Smith’s special teams duties. He promoted Jeremy Cole from within to head strength and conditioning coach. “I think we’ve been able to bring experience here,” Flood said on a conference call, “but more important than that, it’s experience in the system that we run.”
Brock said many aspects of his offense will be the same as the one Rutgers ran last season under former offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti, who left to coach quarterbacks for the St. Louis Rams. Brock coached wide receivers — and New York Giant Hakeem Nicks — under Cignetti at North Carolina before he left to work with Green Bay Packer Jordy Nelson as the offensive coordinator at Kansas State.
Knights split first four games, endure pitching woes BY JOEY GREGORY ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
Before the Rutgers softball team’s season-opening tournament in Lafayette, La., head coach Jay Nelson was not sure how the Scarlet Knights SOFTBALL would fare against RUTGERS 1 southern schools. No. 23 LouisianaTULSA 12 Lafayette, No. 24 Tulsa and Mississippi Valley State practiced outside all winter, while the Knights had only one outdoor practice. Because of the disparity, the Knights could have gone undefeated,
winless or somewhere in between, Nelson said. His best guess was somewhere in between, and he was correct. Rain on Friday shortened the tournament to four games — two Saturday and two the following day. The days were mirror images of each other. Both included a win against Mississippi Valley State and a lopsided loss at the hands of a ranked opponent. Senior Brittney Lindley blames opening day jitters, especially for the four freshmen, for the Knights’ underachieving per formances against tougher competition.
“It was the first tournament. Everyone was really excited,” she said. “You have some nerves in there, so I feel like now we have that out of our system.” Still, because Rutgers did not necessarily expect losses because of its ranked opponents. It planned on both ranked matchups being more competitive than they turned out to be. “We try to go into every game, no matter who it is, playing the same way,” Lindley said. “We were actually really disappointed.” Rutgers’ (2-2) biggest question mark, pitching, got off to a hot start in the opening 7-2 win. Junior Abbey Houston had a successful first outing, pitching all seven innings and allowing only two hits and three strikeouts.
But in the second game, freshman Alyssa Landrith’s baptism by fire, Louisiana-Lafayette took full advantage of the first-time starter. The Ragin’ Cajuns tagged Landrith for 14 earned runs on 10 hits while holding the Knights to only one run on two hits. Neither pitcher found much more success against Tulsa, which cruised to a 12-1 victor y against the Knights. The duo combined with senior Noelle Sisco to allow 12 runs on 17 hits. But that was only the second-largest margin of defeat for Rutgers.