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Comparative Study On The Efficiency Of Some Selected Sampling Designs In Assessing Miombo Woodland EL MAMOUN H. OSMAN (1) and EL ZEIN A. IDRIS (2) (1)

College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies-Department of Forestry, University of Bahri. Khartoum- Sudan E mail: elmamounosman@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: +249911347139


College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies-Department of Forestry, University of Bahri. Khartoum- Sudan E mail: elzeinadam@yahoo.com Telephone: +249911270310 (Received: July 10, 2012; Accepted: August 29, 2012)

Abstract—The study was carried out in the eastern part of Morogoro district (Tanzania) in typical Miombo woodland forests located at about 45 km to the east of Morogoro town. The forest was located on a rough terrain of hilly ground (about 300 m above sea level). The basic 3P (single stage) and two formats of the Point-3P (two-stage) sampling designs were compared to circular fixed area plot (400 m2, 800 m2 and 1200 m2) designs for estimating millable wood volume from 60 plots of a 13-hectare Miombo woodland. Estimates of precision, accuracy and time consumption (cost) in the field sampling phase were obtained. The basic-3P sampling design proved to be the most precise (0.94% standard error), accurate (0.35 MSE) and efficient one (RE = 61.9) as compared to the 400 m2 fixed area plot method which was the least desirable sampling design (Standard error = 8.9%, MSE = 27, and RE = 1), but expected to be very expensive if large forest areas are considered. No significant differences were found between the estimated precisions of the two Point-3P designs, however the first design is relatively more accurate as well as more expensive compared to the second design. They were found to rank second in terms of precision with comparable results to those of the 1200 m2 fixed-area plot design and third in terms of accuracy after the Basic-3P and 1200 m2 plot designs. In terms of time consumption (cost), The Basic-3P was found to be the cheapest. The results of the experiment also showed that the general trend of the sampling cost is to use 100 % measurement (no sampling) for woodland areas less than 5 ha., Basic-3P for areas between 5 and 10 ha., and Point-3P for areas larger than 10 ha. Index Terms— Accuracy, Cost, Miombo woodland, 3P, Point sampling.



HE precision and cost of sampling estimates are not only dependent on the sampling method used, but also on the kind of forest, the spatial distribution of the trees and their mode of growth. In tropical or Savannah woodlands, the situation is however very complicated especially when

* corresponding author El mamoun H. Osman

millable wood volume is to be estimated. These woodlands are usually characterized by:     

Large number of tree species out of which only few can be utilized for saw timber. Very wide range of tree ages (from 1 up to 100 years or more), hence, great variation in the diameter class distribution is expected. Irregular spatial distribution of tree species arid millable logs. Multiple stems with many twisting and bending branches, hence, only short logs can be extracted. The branches constitute an important source of the wood volume. Crowns carry about 50 % of the total wood volume of the tree [1]

Based on these features, it is usually very difficult to obtain precise and reliable volume estimates in Miombo woodlands without incurring very high costs. Study Area This study was carried out in the eastern part of Morogoro district (Tanzania) in one of the natural forests located at about 45 km to the east of Morogoro town (approximately 37° 55/ E, 6° 45/ S). The forest was located on a rough terrain of hilly ground (about 300 m above sea level).

The study site is open natural woodland, locally known as Miombo. The word Miombo is derived from Muyombo a name the Nyamwezi people around Tabora (Tanzania) have given to Brachystegia boehmii a tree species common to this woodland type [2]. However the name Miombo is widely used to describe the savanna woodlands of Southern Africa that are dominated by trees of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae of the Leguminosae, mainly of the genera Brachystegia, Julbernardia and Isoberlinia.

5 J OURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(1), : 4-10 These woodlands are characterized by one or at most two storeys of primary vegetation with a light but mainly continuous canopy of hardwood tree species. Miombo woodlands grow on low altitudes, up to 1000 m above sea level, and with rainfall ranging between 600 mm and 1000 mm per year. The total number of species found in this type of wood land varies across the area depending on the microclimate. According to reference [1], approximately 175 tree species are found in Miombo woodlands, while reference [3] noted a total of 133 arborescent species in 31 families

Out of the total standing wood volume, only 7% is commercially valuable as timber [4], e.g. Pterocarpus angolensis, Julbernadia globiflora, and Brachystegia spiciforniis. However, according to reference [3] about 69% of species had a variety of other uses The other dominant tree species in the study area include Dalbergia melanoxylon, Tamarindus indica, Acacia nigrescens. Most of the trees grow to a maximum height of about 35 meters, and an upper diameter class of about 80 cm. The trees are mostly characterized by forked stems with many twisting and bending branches, hence it is rare to find long logs of millable timber. However, of the total volume of between 80 and 120 m3/ha to 5 cm top diameter, only at most 15 % is economically utilizable as sawlog material [1]. Another important characteristic of these woodlands is that more than 50% of the total wood volume is contained in the branches rather than the main stem. Due to these reasons and the high variability in the spatial distribution of species and sawlogs, it would be very difficult to obtain precise estimates of the millable wood volume without incurring very high costs. Fixed-area plot sampling has been widely used in forestry since the 19th Century. The method requires observations to be made on a number of sample plots taken as representative of the parent population. The magnitude of the sampling error is largely dependent on the frequency and spatial distribution of the tree size classes. This disadvantage can, to some degree, be reduced buy utilizing concentric plots of different sizes with smaller plots being used for sampling smaller trees and the larger ones for larger trees. In 1948, Bitterlich tried to overcome this difficulty by inventing the Relascope, through which sample trees are selected with probability proportional to their basal areas. Through this method, estimates of the per hectare basal area can be obtained by simply counting the number of trees whose diameter fully cover the horizontal angle projected by the relascope and multiplying it by a constant factor. This constant factor is known as Basal Area Factor (BAF) which is a function of the projected angle. Despite of the simplicity of the method, some bias is expected to occur in the final estimates due to poor visibility, treatment of borderline trees and counting errors.

Reference [5] introduced a new sampling method in which trees are selected for measurement with a probability proportional to some predicted tree value (e.g. dbh, basal area, height, volume, etc.). The method, basically known as sampling with Probability Proportional to Prediction (3P, 3-P, PPP or Three-Pee), requires visiting every individual tree in the forest for ocular estimate of the variable of interest. The predicted value is then compared to an integer randomly drawn from a population of specially-designed random numbers. For a tree to qualify as a 3P sample, its predicted value must be equal to or greater than the matched randomly drawn number. The selected trees are then precisely measured for their true values and used later to adjust the ocular estimates. In general, sampling with varying probability of selection of sampling units are believed to be more efficient than simple random sampling as traditionally practiced through fixed area plot sampling [6]. Numerous studies have been made to evaluate the potentials of the 3P method in comparison to the conventional sampling designs (e.g. [7], [8], [9] and [10]). Almost all of them agreed on its high accuracy and precision although no exact precision estimator is available. However, the method is expected to be very expensive in terms of time consumption as every individual member of the population must be visited for ocular prediction. In an attempt to reduce such high sampling cost, reference [11] extended the system to two-stage 3P sampling design. In the first stage the normal Point-sampling technique is applied, while in the second stage 3P rules are applied. If in the second stage tree height is sampled, the sampled trees are selected with probability proportional to D2H. The involvement of the first stage sampling in this process is mainly to reduce the number of trees visited during the 3P sampling phase in the second stage. Thus, Point-3P method is expected to be cheaper than Basic-3P design. Basically, the 3P sampling designs are associated with a number of computer programs ([11], [12], [13], and [14]) which were introduced to facilitate more accurate and rapid computation of results. These programs and the way they are presented have made the system very complicated and difficult to be applied in most developing countries due to the unavailability and/or high cost of these programs. As a result, no enough empirical studies have been made in the field to evaluate the performance of the 3P designs in these countries. The available literature is mainly based on the American and European conditions and mostly on mature plantation forests approaching their final felling stage. The main aim of this study was to assess the actual field efficiency of the technique in sampling the millable timber volume in the natural African wood land such as Miombo. The specific objectives were to evaluate the method as a single-stage (Basic-3P) and as a two-stage (Point-3P) design and compare them to the traditional fixed-area plot method.

6 J OURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(1), : 4-10 II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Site selection An area of 13 hectares was selected from typical Miombo woodland and stratified into three subpopulations (Table I) based on the number of stems and branches per unit area. The objective of the stratification was to reduce the population variability and to quantify the effect of density so that a clear picture of the actual contribution of the individual sampling

designs could be detected. No consideration was given to individual tree species because: a forest of any species or combination of species would serve the declared objective; there was no full information about the timber quality of all species found in the woodland; a total inventory of all species together would be cheaper than considering them separately. The minimum log size considered was 2 m length and 20 cm mid-diameter. Logs with visual defects were rejected. Huber's formula was used in the computation of log volume.

Table I Description of the study sites


Area (ha.) Trees/ha. BA/ha. Age Millable Wood vol.

Subpopulation 1 5 (200 m x 250 m) 78 5.4 m2 Intermediate Stem wood constituted More than 50 %

Subpopulation 2 5 (200 m x 250 m) 57 4.0 m2 Young Stem wood constituted More than 75 %

Sample size and distribution For an estimate with 10 % error at 95 % probability level, the pilot survey had indicated that point sampling requires the least number of sampling units (55 points) if compared to those of the fixed-area plots. Based on these preliminary results, the proportional allocation of units was 20, 19 and 16 points for the three subpopulations respectively (according to the variability of the individual subpopulations). Because of the nature of the first two subpopulations, additional 2 units were added to those of the first one and 3 units to those of the second one. This was mainly to safeguard the desired level of precision from being affected by the random distribution of sampling units. In total, 22 units were taken in subpopulation 1, 22 units in subpopulation 2 and 16 units in subpopulation 3, and considered as a base for comparing the sampling designs. Measurement of the variables Using the grid system, a total of 60 fixed-area plot centres (n = 60) were randomly selected from the map and, with the aid of measuring tape, hand compass and ranging rods, the centres were demarcated on the ground. The allocation of the "n" plots among the strata (ni) was done proportional to the size and variability of the stratum. From each plot centre, concentric plots of 400 m2, 800 m2 and 1200 m2 were delineated at breast height. All millable logs within each plot size were measured for their mid-diameter (over bark) and lengths. For the Basic 3P method, the expected number of samples (ne) was computed for an allowable error of 2% at 95% probability level. Accordingly, a list of random integers was prepared from a table of random numbers. In the field, all

Subpopulation 3 3 (150 m x 250 m) 73 6.0 m2 Old Branch wood constituted More than 50 %

trees in the population were visited and the 3P sampling rule as described by references ([5], [15], [16], and [17]) was applied for the estimate of the mid-diameter of the millable-logs, while their actual lengths were measured using measuring stuff. The same plot centres used for the fixed-area plot design were also used as centres for Point-3P sampling designs. 360o sweeps were taken in the first stage to select point-sample trees using Spiegel Relaskop of BAF-1. Only trees with millable logs were considered as first stage sample. All borderline trees were checked to avoid bias. In the second stage of the Point-3P design, two different methods were tested. In the first method, individual millable logs were considered as sampling units, while in the second method, the sum of observations on all "in" logs within a point was considered as sampling unit. For each design, a separate list of random integers was prepared. For both designs, the 3P sampling rules ([6], [11], [18] and [19]) were applied to estimate the log lengths. For a fair comparison of all methods used, a 100% measurement of the population was carried out as a reference. The total time consumed by the individual sampling designs was adopted to estimate the average total cost. Using a stopwatch, the following components of the measurement time were recorded and considered as appropriate for the purpose of comparing sampling costs: i) ii)


Time spent in the delineation of each fixed-area plot boundary for each of the three plot sizes. Time spent in measuring the mid-diameter and the lengths of all the millable logs within each fixed-area plot for each of the three plot sizes. Time spent in making ocular estimates of all millable log lengths, and time spent in the actual measurement of the selected samples in each sampling point (independent records were kept for each of the two designs of the Point-3P).

7 J OURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(1), : 4-10 iv)





Time spent in the selection of point sample trees in each point, and time spent in checking border line trees (common for the two designs of the Point-3P method). Time spent in the location and demarcation of plot centres (common for all the three sizes of the fixed-area plot sampling and the two designs of the Point-3P method). Time spent in making ocular estimates of midpoint diameters of all the millable logs within each subpopulation, and time spent in the actual measurements of mid-point diameters of the selected sample logs (basic 3P sampling). Time spent in measuring the lengths of all the millable logs within each subpopulation (basic 3P sampling). Time spent in measuring the mid-point diameters and the lengths of all millable logs within each subpopulation (100 %measurement).

Where: yi = measured value xi = estimated value n = size of 3P samples N = total number of millable logs V(Y) = approximated adjusted variance estimate Point-3P Volume / ha = [∑ xi / m] [∑ (yi / xi) / n]


E % = 100 √ [(S x point /



+ (S x ratio / ∑ ((yi / xi) / n))]

Where: E % = percentage error 


= Mean estimate from point sampling S x point = standard error from point sampling point

S x ratio = standard error of the ratio (yi / xi) For each method, the accuracy of estimate was computed using the Mean Square Error (MSE) which is given by: 

The appropriate components of the sampling cost for each sampling method were then added and averaged to estimate per hectare sampling cost. In all the sampling methods tested, the following components were considered as inappropriate for comparison and were then excluded from the study: i)

ii) iii)

Time spent on tasks that would not have been done had only one sampling method been used, e.g. time spent in marking all the millable logs so as to maintain the same total volume which is to be sampled. Rest periods (depend largely on the crew rather than the sampling method). Time spent on the analysis of data (it would depend very much on the tools employed and the working speed of the individuals involved).

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The following sampling estimators were used to compute the results of the experiment: Fixed-Area Plot Y = ∑ [(Ni / ni) (∑ yi)] V(Y) = (1/N2) (∑ (Ni Si2 / ni) (N – n)


Where: Y = Total population timber volume yi = timber volume in subpopulation i V(Y) = the estimated variance of Y Si2 = variance in the subpopulation i N = total number of samples in the population Ni = total number of samples in subpopulation i ni = sample size in subpopulation i n = total sample size for the whole population. Basic-3P Y = (∑ (xi / n)) (∑ (yi / xi)) (2) V(Y) = [∑ xi / n (n – 1)] [{∑ (yi / xi) 2} – (∑ (yi / xi)) 2 /n]

MSE = V + B2 (4) Where: V = variance B = bias Results were obtained in terms of both total population values and per hectare estimate using the appropriate weights according to the individual subpopulation areas (Tables II, III and IV). TABLE II Estimated over bark Millable Wood Volume (m3)

Sampling Design Fixed-area plots (400 m2) Fixed-area plots (800 m2) Fixed-area plots (1200 m2) Point-3P1 Point-3P2 Basic-3P 100% measurement





Sx %




















60 60 60 -

17.58 18.00 13.58 14.16

6.50 6.56 1.37 -

0.84 0.85 0.13 -

4.77 4.71 0.94 -

36.97 36.44 10.08 -

Table II presents the estimates of the mean millable wood 

volume ( x ) and the associated sampling standard deviation (S), standard error (S x ) and coefficients of variations (CV). The results confirm the generally accepted idea of precision improvement with the increase of plot size. Despite the small differences between the millable wood volume estimates, sampling precision from fixed-area plot method is generally lower than those from Point-3P designs. With the fact that the sampling error of the Point-3P is actually an accumulated error of the two stages, it seems that "Point" samples alone could be better than fixed-area plot samples. Sampling precision of the Point-3P is primarily controlled by the precision of the point samples, which in this study constituted about 97 % of the

8 J OURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(1), : 4-10 combined error. The selection of proper relascope type and appropriate BAF would therefore be of primary concern if higher precision is to be achieved. The comparable results from the Point-3P designs and the 1200 m2 fixed area plots suggests the suitability of large plot sizes in sampling Miombo woodlands if the cost is not a limiting factor. Comparison of the fixed-area plot method and Point-3P as one group and the Basic-3P as another group reveals the greater gap in the precision level between the two groups. This is firstly due to the fact that the Basic-3P was designed for an allowable error of 2 %, while for the other group the design was based on 10 % allowable error. Secondly, the precision of Basic-3P is taken as the precision of the ratio measured to predicted values (yi / xi), i.e. the precision of the Basic-3P is largely controlled by the sampler, while that of the plot method is controlled by the population variability. On the other hand, the precision of Point-3P is controlled by both the sampler and the population characteristic. However, in this

study the CV of the ratio "yi / xi" was 10.08 % for the Basic3P, and 10.18 % and 3.44 % for the second stage of the two Point-3P designs respectively. These values if compared to those presented in the literature (15 – 30 %) are quite acceptable. The main contributing factor to the sampling error in Miombo wood land could be related to the spatial distribution of the millable logs. This factor is assumed to affect the precision of the plot method, while partially responsible for that of the Point-3P designs but not the Basic3P design as all the population is measured. On the other hand, the difference in precision between the two Point-3P designs, although not significant, is in accordance with the sampling theory since averages tend to be less variable than individual observations. On the other hand, the less significant difference between the precision of the two estimates could also be attributed to the fact that, both of them shared the first stage sample.

Table III Estimated precisions and accuracies of the sampling designs

Sampling Design



Bias (B2)


MSE 0.5

B/ S x

95 % CL

Fixed-area plots (400 m2) Fixed-area plots (800 m2) Fixed-area plots (1200 m2) Point-3P1 Point-3P2 Basic-3P 100 % measurement

2.9 1.3 0.67 0.71 0.72 0.02 -

24.10 10.11 3.72 11.70 14.75 0.34 -

26.96 11.39 4.40 12.40 15.47 0.35 -

5.19 3.37 2.10 3.52 3.93 0.59 -

2.91 2.81 2.35 4.07 4.52 4.46 -

15.69 – 22.45 15.13 – 19.65 14.45 – 17.73 15.90 – 19.20 16.30 – 19.07 13.32 – 13.84 -

2 

Table III shows the accuracy of estimates as expressed in terms of Mean Square Error (MSE), bias (B) and the 95% confidence limit (CL) for the mean estimate. The fixed-area plot samples were also the least accurate, while the Basic-3P was the most accurate one. The high accuracy showed by the Basic-3P could be related to the fact that every unit in the population was accurately measured for its length and predicted for its mid-diameter. The two designs of Point-3P were the second least accurate after the 400 m2 plot design. This low accuracy could be attributed to the bias introduced

from the second stage ocular estimates of log lengths. To confirm this effect, a comparison was made between the basal area estimates from point samples in the first stage and that obtained from 100 % measurement. The results showed no significant difference between the two. However, the difference in magnitude of bias between plot and Point-3P designs is obvious since trees selected by point sampling might not be the same trees selected by plot method even with the same plot centre.

Table IV Estimated total field-phase sampling costs

Sampling Design

Estimated logs

Measured logs

Total Time (min)

Average time/ha. (min)

Fixed-area plots (400 m2) Fixed-area plots (800 m2) Fixed-area plots (1200 m2) Point-3P1 Point-3P2 Basic-3P

0 0 0 356 356 809

210 391 539 86 140 115

588.04 767.77 896.67 523.48 504.22 609.0

45.23 59.06 68.97 40.27 38.79 46.85

Table IV presents the field-phase sampling costs expressed in terms of total time (minute) spent during measurement tasks. According to the results, the two designs of Point-3P method were the cheapest and ate the same time they satisfied the

allowable error limit of 10 %. As is clear in Table II, there is a need to further increase the sample size of the Fixed-area plots so as to reduce sampling error to the desired-level of 10 %. This would definitely increase their sampling cost. The Basic-

9 J OURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(1), : 4-10 3P design was generally cheaper than fixed-area plots. Such unexpected result could be related to the total area of population being sampled, which in this study was too small to accommodate the sampling intensity of plot method. In larger forest areas having the same population variability, the Basic3P is expected to be more expensive than plot method. However, the high cost of the Basic-3P method should always be judged along with its high precision and accuracy. The slight difference in sampling cost between the two designs of the Point-3P could be attributed to the small area of the forest and is expected to increase with forest area. This is because it would be easier to measure a given number of logs while they are in a single plot centre rather than to measure the same number in different plot centres. It has also been noticed that the second design of the Point-3P method is slightly more flexible and provides longer resting periods for the crew members. As during estimating millable wood the length of each sample log must be measured, Point-3P is expected to be cheaper than either point or plot sampling methods with the same level of precision. Interpolation of the results has indicated that for a 10 % allowable error using Point-3P and the three tested plot sizes of Fixed area method, and 2 % error using Basic-3P method, it would be cheaper if 100 % measurement is carried out in areas less than 5 hectares; Basic3P in areas between 5 and 10 hectares and Point-3P in areas larger than 10 hectares. However, in situation where there is a necessity to visit the whole population for estimating a parameter, e.g. timber sale, Basic 3P method become the only positive alternative to 100 % measurement. The interpolation of the study results shows that Basic 3P would save up to 88 % of the total execution cost of 100 % measurement. This confirms the saving of 154 % obtained by reference [20] in similar comparison. The basic 3P approach is also expected to be quite efficient in sampling large forest areas but with sparse population of trees [21] compared to the other conventional inventory techniques. Reference [22] has also tested the method in a survey of needle lichens growing on the bark of old and coarse oak trees and concluded that the method is promising and resulted in considerable improvement in the efficiency of sampling.

composition especially in terms of total volume distribution between the main stem and the branches. Such situation is typically found in Acacia nilotica plantations in central and eastern Sudan where the contribution of the branches in producing millable logs is greater compared to that of the main stem. In such conditions, the application of conventional sampling methods such as fixed-area plots is expected to yield an underestimate of wood volume.




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IV. CONCLUSIONS Based on the total size of the population selected for the study, the sampling intensity and the prevailing conditions at the time of measurement, the following points could be concluded. Small size Fixed-area plots are relatively more expensive and less precise in sampling millable wood volume in Miombo woodlands. The Basic-3P method is very precise and accurate but too expensive to suite such type of woodland, especially if the area considered is very large and/or the product has low economic value. Point-3P method seems to be quite efficient and could give reasonable accuracy if an appropriate BAF is elected. From cost point of view, Point-3P is cheaper than either Fixed-area plot or Basic-3P designs. The study, therefore recommends its application in Miombo woodlands and similar types of forests or in those having similar

[10] Bonnor, G. N. 1972. A test of 3P sampling in forest inventory. Forest Science, 18: 198 -202. [11] Grosenbaugh, L. R. 1971. STX 1-11-71 for dendrometry of multistage. 3P samples. USDA Forest Service Publication FS-277. pp. 63 [12]

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[21] Ringvall, A.; Kruys, N. 2005. Sampling of sparse species with probability proportional to prediction. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 104: 131-146.


[17] Iles K (2003). A Sampler of Inventory Topics. Kim Iles & Associates Ltd, Nanaimoa, British Columbia. [18] Wiant, H. V. 1976. Elementary 3P sampling. West Virginia University Agricultural and Forestry Experimental Station. Bulletin 650 T. pp. 31.

[22] Ringvall, A. (2007). New methods for sampling sparse populations. In: Mcroberts, R., E., Reams, G. A., Van Deusen, P. C., McWilliams, W. H.. proceedings of the seventh annual forest inventory and analysis symposium, October 3-6, 2005, Portland, ME. Gen. Tech. Rep. Wo-77. Washington, DC:U.S.

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