Vol1 no2 2 (2)

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Species Dynamics and Potential Disturbances in El Nour Natural Forest Reserve, Sudan El Mamoun H. Osman*1 and El Zein A. Idris2 1

College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies-Department of Forestry, University of Bahri. Khartoum- Sudan E mail: elmamounosman@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: +249911347139


College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies-Department of Forestry, University of Bahri. Khartoum- Sudan E mail: elzeinadam@yahoo.com Telephone: +249911270310 (Received October 20, 2012; Accepted October 31, 2012)

ď€ Abstract— Sudanese natural forests have become an easy alternative source of income to the majority of rural population, especially in the Blue Nile state, where the presence of such forests and better transportation facilities provide good encouragement. The main reasons contributing to the severe impact on the natural forests are partly due to the general economic instability in the country which could partly be related to poor returns from agricultural activities and to fluctuating weather conditions. Accordingly, and in their attempts to seek for alternative source of income, people have added to their traditional demands of house hold forest products an additional demand of charcoal mass production. Such new demand put additional impacts on these types of forests and drastically disturbs their natural dynamics. This paper aims to assess the diversity and dynamics of tree species in these natural forests and investigate the possible disturbing factors influencing forest regeneration, recovery and dynamics. The study was conducted in El Nour natural Forest reserve of the Blue Nile state, Sudan. The specific objectives were to quantify the changes in species composition and structure, assess the potential causal factors so as to maintain sustainable forest productivity. Our results have indicated that the dynamic and succession of the forest species are positively favour less than 40 % of the total species native to the forest, while the majority are struggling to survive the next few years before complete disappearance from the forest. Acacia seyal followed by Balanites aegyptiaca in the northern part of the forest, and Combretum hartmannianum in the middle of the forest were found to be the pioneer species although are heavily cut for production of firewood and charcoal. The major forces driving the disturbance of the mother trees in the forest were found to be illicit felling, while those influencing natural regeneration were overgrazing and the lengthy dry season before the next rains. Weak forest management system and lack of official wills to acknowledge and support the needed fundamental reforms were found to play their role. Moreover, the concerned local communities lack economic and other incentives to play an active role in the *Correponding author

conservation or sustainable utilisation of the forest due to lack of or insecure user rights and privileges. Index Terms— Natural Forests, Disturbance, Sustainable management





natural forest which is theoretically defined as that which has never been affected by human activity of any

kind does not exist in Sudan nowadays and may be in any other country worldwide. According to [1], even the largest and most remote wilderness areas are not immune to current worldwide effects of industrial civilization such as global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, and long-distance transport of pollutants. As such reference [1] redefined natural forest as a forest that has evolved and reproduced itself naturally from organisms previously established, and that has not been significantly altered by human activity. The term 'disturbance' refers to events that relatively quickly change forest structure so that space and resources are released and the micro-climate is altered. In natural forests, variability in disturbance dynamics profoundly affects diversity by producing a variety of habitat types to which the native species have evolved and adapted [2] and [3].

JOURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(2), 10-20 ISSN: 2166 11 Landscape dynamics are influenced by ecological and

of forest succession and economics of human-caused

socioeconomic forces that impact land ownership, use, and

disturbances [4].

management. Environmental factors and market forces, along with policy influences, interact to affect the likelihood of disturbances that may alter forest cover [4].

Forests are

subjected to both naturally occurring disturbances (wildfires, winds, insect and disease epidemics, landslides, ice storms, floods and droughts) and anthropogenic disturbances (pollution, deforestation, prevention of wildfires, global warming, alteration of natural hydro-periods (flooding), application of herbicides, introduction of exotic species, litter raking,


irrigation) [5].





The biggest challenge facing forest

management today is the development of strategies to adopt sustainable forest management practices in which the overall capacity of forests to provide goods and services is not diminished. Natural forests are being shaped under the influence of two broad sets of forces: human needs and environmental features and processes. Neither one of these forces stays but they are in constant state of change. These changes could sometimes have positive effects and sometimes have negative detrimental impacts, the latter being the chief causes of concern as they directly affect the forests and variously affect human wellbeing and welfare. What is most important, however, is that, with few exceptions, it is human and not nature’s agency which brings about these changes and which is responsible for their magnitude and severity. human impacts are responsible for most of the world’s secondary forests [6].

Ecologists have long recognized that disturbances and recovery processes overlap in both spatial and temporal dimensions [6] and [7]. Accordingly it might not be possible to identify clearly the nature of vegetation response to particular disturbance regimes, even if we have access to paleoecological data and historical information on land use and disturbance events [8]. It therefore very important that studies of forest dynamics must be interpreted in the context of historical patterns of human impacts as well as natural disturbance events. The relationship between land use and forest succession is complex; the type and intensity of land use, soil fertility, and the surrounding landscape matrix all strongly influence the nature and rate of successional processes [6]. Tree and other plant species in any natural forest are considered to have being evolved and adapted to the local microclimate morphological,








specialized adaptive

characters and mechanisms. These may include special root systems, deciduous habits, reduced leaf size, waxy or hairy leaf and seed dormancy. Many dry forest species are adapted to fire and heavy browsing. Under normal conditions with regular rainfall pattern and less disturbance, most types of trees and other plants are widespread. With an increasingly irregular rainfall pattern and severe disturbance, the weaker trees and plants will gradually disappear, and plants that are able to withstand this harsh condition take over. On the other

Studies of forest dynamics and changes in species

hand, the disturbance of the fauna in the natural forest can

composition and structure types can be viewed from three

also bring about changes in forest tree species and

different angles: The first considers forest succession and

composition. The dispersal of fauna is likely to be

natural disturbances, with emphasis on natural forces. The

substantially altered by human occupation and extensive

second focuses on the predetermined changes based on the

periods of land use. Seed predators may be more common in

management plans which based primarily on expected

altered habitats. Wind-dispersed species may dominate

financial returns from timber management; while the third

numerically over animal-dispersed species in abandoned

one concentrates on empirical studies that combine elements

clearings, particularly in dry forest zones [8].

JOURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(2), 10-20 ISSN: 2166 12 In practical terms, any abnormal activity or environmental

return from agricultural activities as a result of instability in

condition, such as drought, over-cutting, over-grazing, or

the weather conditions.

severe fire burning which causes the elimination of one

absence of proper forest management strategies and effective

species or group of species from a forest, will in due course

control measures, local people in the rural areas are openly

promote the establishment of new group of species. Such

utilizing this zero-input sector (nature gift) as easy

change in plant cover composition may have negative impacts

alternative. Traditionally, the coexistence of man and forests

in terms of economic values if they are not suitable for fodder

was in harmony as long as the demand is restricted to the

or have no timber use. However, ecologically the change

satisfaction of the local house hold of fuel wood, fruits or

could be significant in that, once established, they can

building materials. At present, natural forests are seen by

improve soil structure and stability by the binding action of

most people as business sector that does not need any

their roots, and add to the soil's organic content, so assisting

qualification and free from any investment cost (except the

the return of the disappearing plants on return of favourable

axe) or risks. As a result, the traditional demand of the local


people around these forests has shifted from house hold needs

In general, disturbances, whether natural or not play major

to mass production of charcoal and building poles, a situation

role in determining the structure and functioning of

that drastically disturbed the natural dynamics of these

ecosystems [9], directly altering resource availability [10],

natural forests.

In these conditions, and in the

providing opportunities for recruitment of new species [11], influencing the relative competitive status of individuals [12].

The domestic uses of the forest by the local inhabitants around El Nour forest include firewood, charcoal, building

The structure of a forest stand can provide a useful indicator

poles, medicine/spiritual purposes, human food, and other

of human impact, because measures such as forest basal area

uses such as oil and fibrous material sources. However, the

and stem density have documented responses to disturbances

use of charcoal as domestic source of energy for the villagers


Mean basal area in a stand may decrease as a

is very limited; instead they utilize the product for cash

consequence of increasing disturbance pressure, whereas stem

generation to support their income. This fact is the major

density of smaller trees may increase after disturbance [14].

conflict area between the villagers and the forest authorities.

Other structural indicators, such as the number of cut trees or

In countries where humans are an integral part of the natural

coppiced individuals can also indicate degree of disturbance

environment, the inclusion of utilitarian species conservation

[15]. Forest fragmentation on the other hand, is considered to

in land-use planning and priority setting schemes could


provide multiple benefits, and can be utilized as indicators of








fragmentation leads to reduction of total amount of forest

both ecological and socioeconomic change [13].

areas, isolation of smaller patches and habitat loss [16]. The main aims of this paper were to assess the diversity and The impacts of human on the Sudanese natural forests as an

dynamics of tree species in El Nour Natural Forest Reserve

alternative source of income are increasing especially in the

and investigate the possible disturbing factors influencing

Blue Nile state where both the presence of such forests and

forest regeneration, recovery and dynamics. The specific

transportation facilities to big markets are the major boosters.

objectives were to quantify the changes in species

The main reasons contributing to the severe impact on the

composition and structure, assess the potential and actual

natural forests are partly due to the general economic and/or

conflicts between the overall concern for the forest on the one

political instability in the country and partly due to the poor

hand and efforts to support people’s livelihood and alleviate

JOURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(2), 10-20 ISSN: 2166 13 poverty of individual households, rural communities and

rainfall ranging from 300-800 mm/annum and a mean

forest authorities on the other.

maximum temperature ranging between 32 C0 to 40 C0 and mean minimum temperature between 17 C0 to 26 C0 with



20% to 80% relative humidity.

The study was carried out in El Nour Natural Forest Reserve,

The forest is surrounded by a number of villages and nomadic

Blue Nile State, 6 km southeast of Eldamazine Town, and

camps and generally falls within the route of the daily trips of

about 3 km east of El Rosaries town. The total area of the

animal movement to and from water sources provided by the

forest is about 4492 hectare distributed into 33 compartments

Blue Nile River. People living around the forest are either

The forest lies between longitudes 11o 48/

small scale farmers and/or nomads investing in animal

19// N and 11o 53/ 30// N and latitudes 34o 28/ 47// E and 34o

production. The main animal herds found in the area include

32/ 35// E (Fig. 1). The total area of the forest is about 4492.1

goats, sheep, cattle and camels.

of unequal sizes.

ha having more than 55 tree species dominated by Acacia seyal, Sterculia setigera, Balanites aegyptiaca, Anogeissus

The field phase data collection was carried out using

leocarpus, Combretum hartmannianum and Terminalia

systematic sampling procedure with circular sample plots of


35.69 m radius at 10% sampling intensity.

Landsat TM

satellite scene of the forest was used as a base map for the delineation of the sampling lines and distribution of the systematic sample plots. The forest was divided into a total of 45 sampling lines 200 m apart.

The position of each

sampling line was identified in the field using GPS technology.

The first sample in each line was selected

randomly within the first 100 m distance from the forest boundary, and the centres of the subsequent sample plots were determined 200 m apart to the end of the line using GPS. The GPS technology was used for the purpose of reducing the total sampling cost as this phase constitutes the major cost of the whole process [17]. Within each sample plot, all the mature trees were measured for their dbh, and the largest 4 trees within any sample plot Fig. 1. El Nour Natural Forest reserve

were measured for their total height.

In addition, all the

seedlings and saplings within each sample plot were counted The topography of the Forest is generally flat with some miner depressions in the central and northern part of the forest. The forest soil is generally dark cracky-clay soil dominating the northern and north-western parts of the forest, with some alluvial patches around water recourses, sandyloam in the south-eastern parts of the forest. The climate of the forest is typically that of savannah region with an average

and recorded by species.

Mean diameter at breast height

(dbh), mean height per sample plot, basal area and volume were calculated for individual compartments, species and the whole forests for mature trees with diameter > 7 cm. Relative frequency, abundance, number of individuals and total basal area were calculated for mature trees, saplings and seedlings for all species. The socio-economic results conducted by [18]

JOURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(2), 10-20 ISSN: 2166 14 in his research about the management problems of the same

timber or non-timber values known to the local communities

forest were used to support the field measurement outcomes.

as to be targeted by the expected disturbance agents. Table 1 Group I species (SS)

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this study, the analysis adopted species density, basal area, number of individuals within diameter classes, diameterheight relationships as main variables for the evaluation. The main parameters used in the analysis include relative frequency (RF) relative abundance (RA), number of individuals (N) and basal areas (BA) as major indicators of species disturbance and dynamics. The study assumes that since all species are native species

Species Acacia mellifera Acacia senegal Acacia seyal (var.) seyal Acacia seyal (var.) fistula Balanites aegyptiaca Combretum aculeatum Combretum hartmannianum Combretum micranthum Dichrostachys cinerea Ziziphus spina christi

and naturally occurring in this forest, disturbances caused by

Table 2 Group II species (RS)

environmental factors should generally affect most if not all of the species.

Accordingly, the disturbances caused by

environmental agents were not considered in depth in this study and only the anthropogenic disturbances, especially those influenced by human activities, are considered. The overall results of the sampling ended with a total of


Species Acacia Polyacantha Adansonia digitata Anogeissus leocarpus Lannea fruticosa Terminalia laxiflora Ziziphus abyssinica


16154 individual trees belong to 39 tree species divided into Table 3 Group III species (WS)

four major groups depending on the availability of the normal growth stages, namely mature trees (dbh>7cm), saplings (dbh<7cm) and seedlings (height < 1m): Group I (Table 1) include strong species (SS) that dominate the forest and represented by their natural age groups that include mature trees, saplings and seedlings.

Group II (Table 2) include

relatively strong (RS) species that presents in mature and sapling tree forms without seedlings. Group III (Table 3) include weaker species (WS) which are only found as mature trees with no saplings or seedlings. Group IV (Table 4) include species found only in seedling forms with no sapling or mature trees included in the sample, but known to exist in the forest; this group is designated as rare or new species (RN). The tree species Sterculia setigera was omitted from the analysis because it includes very large trees with very high basal areas in addition to the fact that the tree has no

Species Bosica senegalensis Combretum glutinozum Dalbergia melanoxylon Entada africana Lonchocarpus laxiflorus Maerua crassifolia Scelerocarya birrea Stereospermum kunthianum Strychnos innocua Terminalia brownii Xeromphis nilotica


Mature trees: Table 5 presents the relative frequency, relative abundance and the total number of individuals collected in the sample for mature, saplings, and seedlings of species identified in the study. The results reveal the dominance of group I species in


the forest as it represents over 80%, 99%, and 99% RA values for the mature, saplings and seedlings respectively of all the sampled species. Species in this group are considered to be strong enough to withstand the prevailing disturbances in the forest. Except the three Combretum spp. (CA, CH, and CM) all the other species in this group are thorny trees, a characteristic well suited to dry environments of limited amount of rain fall and prolong hot season.


important characteristic of this group is that almost all its species are considered to be the major utilitarian species in the region used for firewood and charcoal production (AY,

Table 4 Group IV species (NR)

Species Grewia tanix Rus valgaris Pterocarpus lucens Lannea migritana Ficus sycomorus Diospyrus mespiliformis Delarium micropum Cordia senegalensis Cassia arerch Acacia nubica Entada africana Maerua crassifolia

AF), fodder for animals (AM, AS, BE, ZP), building poles (CA, CH, CM, DS) and medicine (AS, CH, ZS). Table 5 Attributes of Group I species

Mature trees RF RA N AM 0.1 0.0 7 AS 6.6 3.6 582 AY 23.1 41.7 339 AF 4.1 2.1 6735 BE 13.7 7.1 1150 CA 0.1 0.0 2 CH 16.0 19.6 3166 CM 5.6 6.9 1111 DS 0.3 0.2 26 ZS 0.6 0.2 29 Total 70.2 81.4 13147 Others 29.8 18.6 3007 overall 100 100 16154


Saplings RF RA N 0.25 0.11 15 20 17.7 2336 36.5 46.7 6160 7.61 4.37 576 17.9 6.76 891 0.38 0.17 22 2.54 1.23 162 0.13 0.03 4 6.72 18.4 2425 6.6 4.18 551 98.7 99.7 13142 1.3 0.3 46 100 100 13188

Seedlings RF RA N 0.6 0.9 45 9.5 5.7 290 47.1 56.8 2900 2.2 1.0 51 23.2 13.6 693 0.6 0.1 7 0.8 0.5 24 0.3 0.1 4 8.1 14.5 741 5.3 6.3 320 97.8 99.5 5075 2.2 0.5 28 100 100 5103

Table 6

Ranking of Group I mature trees attributes Species RF RA N BA AM 9 9 9 9 AS 4 5 5 5 AY 1 1 1 2 AF 6 6 6 6 BE 3 3 3 3 CA 10 10 10 10 CH 2 2 2 1 CM 5 4 4 4 DS 8 8 8 8 ZS 7 7 7 7


JOURNAL OF FOREST PRODUCTS & INDUSTRIES, 2012, 1(2), 10-20 ISSN: 2166 16 Table 6 ranks the mature trees of this group according to

AY occupied the first position, followed by CH and BE, CM

their RF, RA, N and BA.

and AS respectively.

It is clear that all the species

maintain almost a constant position in all the attributes with

Fig. 2. Distribution of species in the forest

Fig. 3. Relative abundance (RA) of Acacia seyal (AY) Fig. 2 shows an increase in the number of species of trees

while others like CH, AL, LF and TB are only found at the

when moving from compartment 1 to 33.

central and south eastern parts of the forest with varying

This trend, if

interpreted in consideration to Fig. 1, reveals an increase in

degrees of RA as shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.


this attributes towards the south and south east parts of the

distribution trend shown by the species AY in Fig. 3 could be

forest which could possibly be due to soil factors or could be

attributed mainly to the type of soil, as the species generally

due to absence of major disturbing factors.

favours cracky clay type of soil which dominating the

On the other hand tree species are found in almost all

northern parts of the forest. The same reasoning could also be

compartments of the forest but with different degrees of

valid for the other examples shown in Figures 4 and 5 where

relative abundance such as AY, AF, AS and BE (Fig. 3),

the soil in the areas of their abundance is mainly sandy loam.


Fig. 4. Relative abundance (RA) of Combretum micranthum (CM)

Fig. 5. Relative abundance (RA) of Combretum hartmannianum (CH) Natural regeneration Table 7 ranks the saplings of Group 1 species according to

between the number of mature trees and saplings (R2 = 0.88),

their RF, RA, N excluding BA as is not applicable for young

between mature trees and seedlings (R2 = 0.90) and between

trees. Except for DS, almost all saplings maintain the same

saplings and seedlings (R2 = 0.97).

ranking positions for different attributes. Saplings of AY, AF, BE and ZS are found all over the forests in all compartments, while those of CH are found only at the central and Sothern parts of the forest and those of DC in the north-western areas with different degrees of RA. On the other hand, saplings of CA are found in only three compartments and that of AM in only two compartments. The ranking of the seedlings shown in Table 8 has similar trend to that of sampling especially for the attributes RA and N. Only the seedlings of AY and CM species maintain the same position of their saplings, while the rest occupied different positions. However, there is positive correlation

Table 7 Ranking of Group I saplings attributes


RF 9 2 1 4 3 8 7 10 5 6

RA 9 3 1 5 4 8 7 10 2 6

N 9 3 1 5 4 8 7 10 2 6


Socioeconomic factors:

Table 8 Ranking of Group I seedlings attributes


RF 8 3 1 6 2 9 7 10 4 5

RA 7 5 1 6 3 9 8 10 2 4

N 7 5 1 6 3 9 8 10 2 4

According to reference [18], agriculture is a source of income for 57%, livestock production for 28% and other jobs 15% of the total population of people living around El Nour forest. However, almost all people in the area have herds of animals the type and number of which depend on the major occupation and tribal traditions of the individuals. Villagers normally own more goats with few cows for milk, while nomads own more cows or camels with sheep but few goats. Irrespective of whether the investment is in crop or animal production, these people are usually practicing small scale

As far as young growth of groups II and III species is

business just enough to satisfy their daily household needs.

concerned, the results show that the mature trees belong to

The normal practice in the prevailing economic crises in the

these two groups are found only in compartments 27 to 33.

country and the fluctuating weather conditions is to look for

For group II species, the total number of saplings identified in

alternative source of income to cover the other expenses such

the sample was very small and confined to limited number of

as school fees for the children, health insurance and other

compartment not exceeding three at maximum.

basic needs.

The indicated compartments (27- 33) are the same

Unfortunately, natural forests in the area have become the

compartment characterised by high percentage of species

easiest and only alternative to generate additional income for

(Fig, 2) and good type of soil. Thus the complete absence of

the villagers either legally through permits from the forest

seedlings and limited amount of poor saplings in these two

authorities, or illegally through illicit felling. Historically, El

groups could be attributed to something else rather than soil

Nour forest provides a lot of goods and services for the local

or environmental factors. The presence of mature trees and

people in the area that include: firewood, building poles,

absence of regeneration of the same species in the same area

traditional medicines, fruits, oil seeds, and fodder for

has a relation of some kind to the anthropogenic factors. One


possible clarification is that the closeness of these groups of compartments to the forestry camp as well as to El Nour

The provision of these goods and services in themselves does

village, where the continuous presence of forest guards

not create any conflict as long as the level of utilization is for

prevents illicit felling of trees, helps in the preservation of the

the local consumption. The area of conflict and disturbance

mother trees. On the other hand, these same compartments

to the forest is the mass production of charcoal which

are liable to heavy grazing, especially of goats, from the

technically requires fresh wood rather than dead decayed one.

household herds owned by neighboring villagers, which

The consequence of such practice, which is carried out

expected to have severe damage on young growth rather than

illegally, has resulted in the creation of a lot of gaps in the

on mature trees. The opposite scenario would also be true for

forest in abnormal diameter height relationships and diameter

compartment falling far away from the forestry camp, where

classes distribution and (Fig. 6).

the negative impact fall upon mature trees.


Figure. 6. Frequency of diameter class distribution The second source of disturbance to the forest is overgrazing

and other incentives to play an active role in the conservation

especially by browsing animals such as goats as they have

or sustainable utilisation of this natural forest mainly due to

very severe impact on the seedlings and saplings. Our results

lack of or insecure user rights and privileges. According to

have indicated that about 66% of the tree species in the forest

Sudan Forest Act (2002), People have the right of collecting

lack natural regeneration. However, this problem could also

dead wood, passing through the forest in the absence of other

be related partly to the long dry period from November to

alternatives and for collecting drinking water. The privileges

March which directly affects the survival rate of the young

are many such as collection of fruits, seeds, animal grazing,

regeneration in the forest. Group I type of species seem to be

building poles, etc. but under special restrictions and through

well adapted to the problem of overgrazing, drought and

official permits. The role of forest authorities is completely

occasional fires as most of them are Acacias characterized by

not clear in granting and regulating these rights and

tiny leaves, thorns, hard bark and have coppicing capability.

privileges, instead they normally play a police role which

The others such as Balanites aegyptiaca and Ziziphus spina-

could lead to serious consequences like what is going now.

christi have very hard seeds capable of withstanding those harsh conditions. In fact this characteristic and the fact that


the fruits of these two species are very palatable for goats, has

Based on the results obtained on the basis of the sample size

become an advantage resulted in wide spread of their

used, the study has concluded that although the forest is

seedlings and saplings all over the forest.

characterized by the presence of more than fifty tree species, it lacks natural balance between different age classes. The

The main causes of conflicts in this forest is not just due to illicit tree felling or overgrazing but due to weak forest management and lack sufficient official wills to acknowledge and support the needs of the local people and to reform the mutual relationships to enable them to play their positive role. The results of [18] has indicated that individual households and local communities around El Nour forest lack economic

majority of species are only found in mature stages lacking both seedling and sapling stages, while others demonstrated a kind of imbalance in their diameter-class distribution. The presence of large forest gaps was found to encourage the growth of weeds and shrubs which attract grazing animals and/or aggravate fire damage that expected to have negatively


the forest were found to be illicit tree felling and overgrazing

[5] Eliana, K. B., Henry, L. G. and Mary, L. D. (2001). Plant Succession and Disturbances in the Urban Forest. University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation research series FOR93.

caused by domestic animals especially by goats. However,


effect on young regeneration. The major disturbing factors in

this same agent is found to be very important in the spread of other species in the forest. Acacia species, especially seyal, fistula, and senegal, Balanites aegyptiaca, Ziziphus spina-

Chazdon, R. L. (2008). Chance and Determinism in Tropical Forest Succession. In Carson, W. P., and Schnitzer, S. A. Editors, Tropical forest community ecology. Wiley-lackwell Pp 384-405.

[7] Baker, P. J Sarayudh, B., Oliver, C. D. and Ashton, P. S. (2005). Disturbance history and historical stand dynamics of a seasonal tropical forest in western Thailand. Ecological Monographs, 75(3), 2005, pp. 317–343.

christi and Combretum species were found to be the most strongest species that adapted to withstand the prevailing conditions and expected to dominate the forest in the near feature. The extent of disturbance and the distance from the village and the forest guard headquarter is positively correlated in case of illicit felling was and negatively correlated of overgrazing. The combined effect of poor forest management, weak observance of the rule of law, the incentive to play active role in forest resources conservation, and the inability of local people to gain recognition of and defend their use rights creates a climate for conflict. As a consequence the efficiency and effectiveness of existing means and organisational structures aimed at management of natural forests are still considered to be low. REFERENCES [1] Rouvinen, S. & Kouki, J. (2008.) The natural northern European boreal forests: unifying the concepts, terminologies, and their application. Silva Fennica 42(1): 135–146.

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