Presents Findings at Online Symposium Tarleton State University senior biology major Shady Kuster recently presented her research findings at an online symposium. She was one of 13 students nationwide to participate in the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the Institute of Bioinformatics, University of Georgia.
Shady’s research focuses on detecting recombination events between betacoronaviruses, including SARSCoV-2. Recombination is where two related viruses co-infect a host cell and interchange segments of their genomes, resulting in a new viral strain. Because of COVID-19, student participants did not travel to the Georgia campus. Instead, they worked remotely with their mentors. Shady plans to graduate in December 2020. During the fall semester, she will continue her genetics research in the laboratory of Dr. Russell Pfau.
PROFESSOR AND STUDENT RECOGNIZED AT INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE DR. POORYA HAJYALIKHANI, AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN THE TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, AND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT BRADY HUDSON recently earned the Best Presentation Award at the 2020 International Conference on Wood Structure and Wood Framing. The award was given for the duo’s paper, “Bracing Location for Hip and Valley.” Dr. Hajyalikhani has a PhD in structural/ construction engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington plus seven years’ experience in design and project management for civil and structural projects. Brady is an honor student in the construction science and mgmt program.The conference was for researchers, practitioners and educators to present the most recent innovations and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in wood structure and framing. The ICWSWF was originally planned for Helsinki, Finland. However, due to the pandemic, it was conducted virtually.
Newsletter Fall 2020-2021 |