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COSM Summer Research Showcase

COSM FIRST ANNUAL Summer Research Showcase

The first annual College of Science and Mathematics Summer Research Showcase was held on August 11, 2022 to highlight the hard work of our faculty and students on research conducted primarily during the summer term. It provided an opportunity for College and University colleagues to celebrate our research efforts as well as providing students an opportunity to build and hone their communication skills.

COSM student’s present posters to faculty, fellow students, and alumni who attended the event.

The 46 incoming Tarleton students participating in the 2022 STEM Basecamp program also joined the festivities to learn about research opportunities available to them during their studies at Tarleton.

The Summer Research Showcase included two sessions – a 1-hour oral presentation session with six oral presentations and a poster session with 29 presenters. In addition, there was a welcome back reception held after the showcase to kick-off the start of the 2022-2023 academic year. The festivities were held in the 1st floor of the Science Building.

Congratulations to all of the presenters for a job well done!!

The presentation winners are:Oral Presentation Winners:

Graduate: Adriana Perrucci Title: Parasites of freshwater mussels of Texas; Faculty mentor: Dr. Kristin Herrmann

Undergraduate: Alyssa Kohler Title: Efficacy of a Plant- Derived Polymeric Drug Delivery System Used to Deliver Antibiotics to Produce Cytotoxic Effects on Bacteria; Faculty Adviser: Dr. Rajani Srinivasan

Poster Presentation Winners:

Graduate: Kelly Carroll Title: Comparing the microbiomes of a native and invasive Texas grass to determine potential biocontrol methods Faculty mentor: Drs. Janice Speshock and Jeff Brady

Undergraduate: Derek Martin Title: Planet Hunting in Open Cluster; Faculty mentor: Dr. Shaukat Goderya.

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