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SNIPPETS FROM THE School of Engineering
From the Desk of Dr. Denise Martinez
The School of Engineering is on track to become the College of Engineering in summer 2022.
The School of Engineering is home to nearly 1,000 students and 13 programs, with more high-demand programs under development.
The School of Engineering hosted a Job Fair in January, 2022 in the Engineering Building. The event brought in over 40 industries to recruit students and network with faculty.
Several students are preparing for poster presentations and/or journal publications with their faculty mentors, including Dr. Ruaa Al Mezrakchi, Dr. Sotirios Diamantas, and Dr. Nourouddin Sharifi.
The School of Engineering welcomed 5 new faculty this year: Mr. Chris Wetsel and Dr. Ahmed Al Ramthan in Construction Science and Management, Dr. Emadeldin Elgamal in Computer Science, and Dr. Zabi Abolghassem and Ms. Hyedi Viehmann, in the Department of Mechanical, Environmental and Civil Engineering.
Seven SoE faculty are participating in a reduced load research initiative: Drs. Petroff and Gray in the Engineering Technology department; Drs. Venkataraman, Wang, and Lee in the MECE department; and Drs. Diamantas and Abu Ghazaleh in the CSEE department.
The multi-disciplinary Tarleton Aeronautical and Rocketry TAR team was reestablished under Dr. Ruaa Al Mezrakchi from Mechanical Engineering. The team was selected by NASA to participate in the NASA-USLI (Undergraduate Student Launch Initiative) competition among 44 universities across the US. NASA-USLI is a research-based, competitive, experiential exploration activity. It strives to provide relevant, cost-effective research and development of High-Powered Rocketry Propulsion Systems. In addition to designing, building and launching a rocket, the students are providing several STEM outreach sessions in multiple K-12 schools.