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Ornithology – Summer 2023: First Summer Course to be Held at TBFS
Dr. Sudman will be hosting the first ever Tarleton course at the field station during Tarleton’s first 4-week summer session. Eight students will join Dr. Sudman for two weeks of intensive field work documenting the avian diversity at Timberlake, learning about the breeding ecology of birds, and generating a baseline dataset related to nest-site preferences for some of the more common birds found in central Texas. The second two weeks of the summer session will entail online lectures and data analysis, culminating in a written report related to their field studies. Now that we have bunkhouses, we hope to expand field-based course offerings and establish TBFS as not only an integral part of our organismal biology programs, but also offer courses in related areas such as environmental sciences, GIS, geology, range science, science education ……like in the movie Field of Dreams – build it and they will come!