Tarot Card Reader What are tarot cards and where are originated from?? No one has perfect answer for it. But Dr. Himani j concludes after her long researches on tarot cards that it was discovered in India and has clues in Shiva Purana and Panch tantra. There are total 78 no. of cards in deck of tarot and every card has its own meaning. Now day it is use by tarot card readers for prediction. Tarot is not fortune-telling .Tarot word is derived from an Italian word “Tarrochi� means cards.
There are so many astrologer use different deck of tarot cards to tell about reflection of present energy and also if anyone have some problem in their present life then how can they get out of it. Tarot card prediction is not an easy job but it can learn by doing various tarot courses available in all over India.
Now question how to use these cards‌??
The most importantly need to create a relaxing and silent environment as concentration is must for Tarot card reading. It is very important to set your mind peaceful. Then shuffle cards properly, it can be shuffled by either you or questioner. Now questioner need to think the question that they want to ask and choose three cards from the shuffle decks. There are so many kinds of spreads but am going to explain about three cards spreads. Three Cards select randomly and place it left to right, and first card represents past, second your present and third and last your future.
Important Things to keep in mind while Tarot card reading
Tarot is not fortune-telling.
Tells reflection of present energy in a given area or circumstance. Tarot readers never let anyone else use their cards In some tarot divination circles, buying your own deck is considered bad luck A 78 card deck of Tarot cards suitable for divination. Books on Tarot card interpretations.