Sponsorship Kit
Saturday, January 12, 2019 Washington, DC
In its 5th year, B.O.S.S. Brunch is excited to bring together professional influencers and women business owners to share, discuss and learn from one another in beautiful Washington, District of Columbia. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you to create more powerful women entrepreneurs. For too long women business owners and women of corporate America have been segregated in separate spaces. B.O.S.S. Brunch bridges that gap and provides lessons, tools and resources from experts across all spectrums and industries. From exciting Keynote Speakers, a Powerhouse Panel of industry Experts, to impactful Mastermind Sessions that connect attendees with the Experts, attendees will: • • • •
Receive real life examples on how to accelerate their action plans. Learn how to execute and get desired results. Feel empowered to generate business ideas and strategies. Connect with a new network of like-minded women.
As a sponsor of women-owned businesses, you understand the importance of providing experiences such as this, as women-owned business are steadily growing and women professionals are considered to be emerging leaders in their professional fields. With your support, these women will know that they are not alone on their journey and that you believe in #WomensWealth and their success.
Tarra Jackson, known as Madam Money, is a Business and Financial Expert, International Motivational Speaker and Best Selling Author. Tarra is also a Business and Financial Contributor of major media outlets, such as Al Jazeera Media Network, Upscale Magazine and the Rickey Smiley Morning Show. Tarra provides strategic business and financial coaching, as well as business management services through her private consulting agency, Prosperity Now Financial Management Services. Tarra is also the founder and CEO of DUALpreneur.com, an international consulting company that provides support services to full-time and part-time employees who are also entrepreneurs. Tarra’s annual B.O.S.S. (Business Owner Success Strategies) Brunch attracts women of influence and is the premiere business experience for women entrepreneurs and professionals. Tarra inspires more than 40,000+ followers across major social media outlets. As a successful business owner and financial institution executive for more than 20 years, Tarra is focused on using her experience, expertise and resources to assist high-level executives and entrepreneurs manifest and execute their vision. As an authority on entrepreneurship, social media marketing, brand activation and personal finance, Tarra has had the opportunity to produce numerous mega events and raised thousands of dollars in sponsorships that support women’s initiatives by collaborating with major brands, such as Sallie Mae and New York Life. Tarra is the author of the best selling book “Financial Fornication,” and has been featured in numerous publications, including Black Enterprise, Essence Magazine, Parenting Magazine and Experian.com. Tarra has had the pleasure of working with Cornell University, Spelman College, Georgia State University, Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Company, Home Depot, SC Thrive, Peach State LSAMP, and many other organizations. Tarra has also been recognized by Who’s Who in Black Atlanta. As a single mother and accomplished business influencer, Tarra understands the challenges women face and is committed to helping women find solutions to realize their success.
Women Entrepreneurs
Each year B.O.S.S. Brunch a5racts more than 100 women entrepreneurs and professionals to Washington, DC for an acAon packed day of learning how to build their business and increase their profits.
BOSS Influencer & Leadership Awards
The work of a real BOSS does not go unnoAced. In 2019, we will present the first BOSS Influencer & BOSS Leadership Awards. During the presentaAon of the BOSS Award, we will take Ame to say “Thank You” to two Women Entrepreneurs and Influencers who, through courage and tenacity, built enterprises within their industry.
Educate, Develop & Connect
B.O.S.S. Brunch develops women entrepreneurs and professionals by giving them the tools they need in order to achieve their goals for success in business and life, while connecAng them with industry experts, products, services and like-minded women.
Saturday, January 12, 2019 Washington, DC
InternaAonal MoAvaAonal Speaker will start the day with a InspiraAonal Speech that will excite the a5endee for a day or learning and connecAng.
B.O.S.S. Lessons include:
Vendor Spotlight
Vendors share informaAon about their products and services that they will be offering at their exhibit tables.
All You Can Eat B.O.S.S. Brunch
Media, MarkeAng, AdverAsing: The BIG Difference MarkeAng & Branding Basics A5racAng The Media
A5endees will enjoy an all you can eat delicious display of breakfast and lunch assortments.
B.O.S.S. Powerhouse Panel
Throughout the day, a5endees will have opportuniAes to network with other women business owners and professionals as well as connect with industry experts and exhibitors.
Media, MarkeAng & Branding Experts share their stories as well as best pracAces when developing a Brand, MarkeAng products and services, as well as A5racAng more Media exposure.
The B.O.S.S. Influencer Awards
The first “Jean Kathryn Allen Wilson” B.O.S.S. Influencer Award and “Stephanie Rojean Jackson” B.O.S.S. Leadership Award will be presented to two influencers who have inspired and supported other women business owners and have made a significant impact in their industry.
Networking And Connec(ng
VIP B.O.S.S. Mastermind Session
Private group coaching and mastermind session (aaer the B.O.S.S. Brunch) with Madam Money (Tarra Jackson) and select industry guests to answer parAcipants quesAons, provide strategies and share resources and experAse.
93% of A5endees are minority women business owners
65% have become regular consumers with past sponsors & exhibitors & have subscribed to their lists
71% of our design collateral perform well on social media
Our average likes increase per week during pre and post communicaAons
Why Become A Sponsor?
Past Speakers + Sponsors
Who You Can Reach
Cheryl Wood, InternaAonal MoAvaAonal Speaker – BOSS Keynote Shawn Thomas, Ask A Millionaire – BOSS Keynote Che Sales Cardiologist – BOSS Keynote Trevor O5s, BlackCEO – BOSS Keynote Michael McFadden, Mornings w/ Michael & Friends Radio Show – BOSS Speaker Diane Brown, Prince George’s Community FCU – BOSS Panelist & Sponsor Melanie Gamble, Remax Supreme – BOSS Sponsor EssenAal Concepts – BOSS MarkeAng Sponsor Brian Joubert, L & B Tax Services – BOSS Sponsor Edeline Dryden, Women Entrepreneurs Rock – BOSS Sponsor New York Life – BOSS Exhibitor & Sponsor
The B.O.S.S. Brunch Experience give access to over 100 emerging women influencers and entrepreneurs from a variety of industries including: Consumer Products, MarkeAng, Media, Health & Wellness, Fashion, Financial Services, Leadership and more.
How Your Organiza(on Benefits:
• Have the exclusive opportunity to market your products and services to this target audience. • Capture Data for your organizaAon through our database. • Share your company’s commitment supporAng women-owned businesses.
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TITLE SPONSOR $5,000 “In Partnership with …” on all B.O.S.S. Brunch PromoAonal Materials, Website, Social Media & Program Primary Visible Signage / Banner at Brunch Primary Logo placement on Website, PromoAonal Photos and Program “VIP Table Sponsored by...” signage at 2 VIP Tables 10 Min Speaking Opportunity Vendor Table PromoAonal Material in BOSS Bags 10 MenAons during Brunch 3 Follow Up Emails w/ MenAon & backlinks Reserved VIP Table for 9 Guests
ü “VIP Table Sponsored by …” signage at 2 VIP Table ü Visible Signage / Banner at Brunch ü “VIP Mastermind Dinner Sponsored by …” at Mastermind Dinner ü Logo on Website, PromoAonal Photos and Program ü Vendor Table & MarkeAng Material in BOSS Bags ü 5 MenAons during Brunch ü 1 Follow Up Email w/ MenAon & backlink ü 10 Min Speaking Opportunity at Dinner ü VIP SeaAng for up to 5 Guests at Brunch & Mastermind Dinner
ü “Powerhouse Panel Sponsored by …” on PromoAonal Materials ü Signage / Banner at event ü Logo on Website, PromoAonal Photos and Program ü 3 MenAons during Panel Session ü Vendor Table ü PromoAonal Material in BOSS Bags ü VIP SeaAng for 2 Guests at Brunch
SPONSOR A B.O.S.S. AWARD - $500 (2) Show your support of a B.O.S.S. Influencer and a B.O.S.S. Leader by sponsoring a B.O.S.S. Award. For the first Ame in 2019, B.O.S.S. Brunch is excited to recognize these two amazing ladies who support women business owners and are influenAal in women entrepreneurs & professionals’ businesses and lives. Each Award will be Presented by the Sponsor during the B.O.S.S. Brunch. We hope you will join us a sponsor. Together, we will make this the best B.O.S.S. Brunch for women business owners & influencers yet!
Exhibitors Will Receive:
Tote-Bags Beauty Products Media Partners PrinAng Partners Pens
What You’ll Receive:
Acknowledgement on Stage VIP SeaAng at B.O.S.S. Brunch (8) B.O.S.S. Brunch Passes RecogniAon On Website & At Event
6X3 Table with 2 Chairs Item/Coupon in VIP BOSS Bags (1) B.O.S.S. Access Pass (2) Discount Assistant Pass Acknowledgement on Stage Logo On Website & Program Acknowledgement At Event * Exhibitor Fee - $179 + $8 processing fee
Dr. Avis Jones-Deweever PoliAcal Contributor, Author InternaAonal Speaker
Loren Henderson ExecuAve Producer of The Rickey Smiley Morning Show Cheryl Wood InternaAonal MoAvaAonal Speaker, Author
Pam Perry Publisher of “SPEAKERS” Magazine, PR & Branding Expert
Trevor OLs InternaAonal Speaker, MarkeAng & Branding Expert
Candice Adkins Speaker, Talent Booker & Producer at WHUR
PREVIOUS B.O.S.S. KEYNOTES DR. LETITIA WRIGHT Wright Place TV Show Crowdfunding Expert & MoAvaAonal Speaker
Sales Cardiologist Sales Expert & InternaAonal Speaker
Ask A MillionaireTM Millionaire Entrepreneur, Investor & Speaker
LET’S CONNECT Tarra Jackson +1 (404) 852-6295 info@madammoney.com RelaAonship Manager for B.O.S.S. Brunch Media Inquiries Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd +1 (240) 320-3045 va@madammoney.com