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Have you renewed your 2023–2024 TCBA membership yet? The new bar year started on July 1, and we're looking forward to a fresh start and seeing you at one of our upcoming events! If you have not received your renewal offer email or invoice, please reach out to laurensc@tarrantbar.org.
Now is the perfect time to get involved with the TCBA by joining one of our substantive law sections or committees as these groups are gearing up for the new TCBA bar year. As a section or committee member, you will be able to take advantage of the website’s eCommunity feature, which will allow you to view clients with needs, and we have had happy clients return to our attorney members with other cases (no referral fee for those returns).
The Lawyer Referral & Information Service is a part of the TCBA and helps support the Bar financially, as well as giving another community service arm for the TCBA. We provide a trusted source for people with legal problems to be referred to an attorney in good standing with the State Bar.
If you are interested in getting more information on the LRIS, please contact Carolina Ibarra at 817.338.4092 or carolina@tarrantbar.org. g
By Lauren St. Clair, Membership Director
upcoming meetings, CLE opportunities, and group announcements. To join a section, simply log in to your MyTCBA portal and update your subscription. If you are interested in joining a committee, you can update your subscriptions via your MyTCBA portal or fill out the committee volunteer form on our website at www. tarrantbar.org/CommitteeVolunteerForm.
If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding your TCBA membership renewal, please don’t hesitate to contact me at laurensc@tarrantbar.org, and I would be happy to help. Thank you for your continued support of the Tarrant County Bar Association! g